RIGHT-click the link, NOT the normal left-click mouse button; and then click "Save Target As..." (Internet Explorer); or "Save Link As..." (Mozilla FireFox).
This will insure that you download the file to a permanent location.
You will either be prompted to specify which folder you want the file to be saved in, or the file will automatically and immediately begin downloading into your browser's default folder location; a predetermined location determined by the browser's "Downloads'" settings.
With FireFox, the original default location for downloads is your "Desktop". To change FireFox's existing downloads options and preferences, Click "Tools" > "Options...": then the "Main" tab. See here the "Downloads" section.
The default location for Internet Explorer, I believe, is in your "My Documents" folder, or possibly one of the folders in the My Documents folder. I do not know off-hand where .zip files might be automatically saved within the "My Documents" folder.
The .ZIP extension on the end of this file name is because I compressed all of the multiple files and folders of this web site into a single file to make it easy for you to download them all.
If you are using the Windows XP operating system, you have a built-in file compression/ decompression program, also known as an "Archive" utility.
With Windows XP, to open this ".zip" file after you download it, click on it, and the built-in utility will extract the files and folders; as I recall.
Since I am using a Windows 98 system, I personally use the archiving program called WinRAR.
If you need a file compression/ decompression program, try this WinRAR program which works on Windows 98se and Windows XP based operating systems for sure. In fact I prefer using this version of WinRAR on the Windows XP machines I administer.
I have been using this version of WinRAR 'as-is' for three years on each Windows 98 and XP machine.
WinRAR version 3.41 2004 - "wrar341.exe" 1.1 megabytes
- Internet Explorer: RIGHT-Click the file name link above, NOT the normal left-click mouse button; and LEFT-Click "Save Target As..." .
- FireFox: RIGHT-Click the file name link above, NOT the normal left-click mouse button; and LEFT-Click "Save Link As..." .
You will either be prompted to specify which folder you want the file to be saved in; or the file will immediately begin downloading into a default folder location automatically according to your browser's downloads save-to location setting.
With "Internet Explorer 7", which is the latest Microsoft browser version for Windows XP, I think your "desktop" is the default location where downloads are saved.
With "Internet Explorer 6", which is the best Microsoft browser available for Windows 98, I would chech the "desktop"; and if not there, try one of the folders inside the "My Documents" folder.
To install WinRar, click the "wrar341.exe" file. Then click "Install", "OK", "Done".
Close the little folder window that opens with the 3 short cut icons: "Console RAR manual", "WinRAR help", and "WinRAR".
Now that the installation of WinRAR is finished, find the zip file you want to decompress.
RIGHT-click the .zip file, and click the option "Extract Here", and the files and folders will be extracted into the same folder that the .zip file resides in.
Or, RIGHT-click the .zip file, and click the option "Extract Files", and you will be able to choose a different folder location for extracting the compressed files and folders.
...here is the link which downloads the file I have prepared containing the entirety of the website; but without the audio and text files.
http://www.rarecloud.com/0/dl/html/taisha_abelar-carlos_castaneda-florinda_donner-armando_torres-17_books-html-version_2007.10.05.zip 9.9 megabytes (2007.10.05)
After the download is complete, when you Un-Zip the file, that will create the main folder "abelar_castaneda_donner_torres-2007.xx.xx-start_at_index.html".
Open this new folder, and click the file "index.html" to start at the Home Page for the 17 books and Interviews Archive.
The Toltec Home Page will open up in whatever browser is currently acting as your default browser.