AFFECTION PASSES - Redondo Beach 1998
1. Hands at the knees the breath is drawn in as the hands move up the body to the chest. Breath out as the hands move out to the back on either side. The arms swing out hands down in a wing posture with minimal crouching forward. Breathing in the hands return to the front and the left positions on top as the arms at ninty degrees hold in front of the body at chest level. Each hand is either above or below the other arms elbow. The arms are and inch or two or three away from one another. Pause. Breath out as arms move back out to sides in wing posture. Breath in as arms come back to front this time with right arm above left. Do this back and forth as many times as desired.
2. Hands at knees. Breathing in hands reach waist vital centers. Breathing out upper body crouches as arms go back into wing posture hands down. Breathing in hands come back past vital centers to front in "offering" posture. (hands palm up in front of body) Do this back and forth as desired.
3. Hands at knees. Breath in as hands move up body to shoulders. Breath out as hands shoot out up over head into infinity. Breath in as hands come back down to shoulders to "slap" on shoulders if possible. The hands fall back down onto shoulders giving a bit of weight to impact. Do this back and forth as desired.