It is suggested to wear a belt or a sash
around the area of the lower disc when performing this magical pass to keep
the practitioner's attention onto this area.
Also, when this pass was taught,
it was being done in sets of four: once for each direction. Start in any of
the four directions (north, east, south, west or even in between), and turn
90 degrees after each time you finish the form, so end up doing them in the
four directions.
This long form has four magical passes from the second video in it, or parts of it.
1. Slide the hands slowly down along the front of the legs, exhaling. Rest the palms of the hands on the backs of the feet, and inhale deeply. Now exhale slowly smearing the energy up the legs, softly rubbing the ankles, the calves, the knees, the backs of the legs, the buttocks and the lower belly.
2. In horse stance, quickly tap the floor gently in front and to the left with the left tip of the foot once; immediately tap the same spot twice with the left heel, then execute a slight jump on the spot by first planting the left, then the right foot on the ground. All of this is done in a single fluid motion (tap--tap-tap---tadap; meaning: toes tap, 2xheel tap, jump with interval between both touchdowns of the feet - tadap). Repeat with right foot, repeat again with left foot. End in horse stance.
3. Kick outward sideways with the ouside of the foot, and - without putting the foot down - immediately scoop energy up the inner side of the other leg. First left, then right.
4. Lift left knee, toes pointing down, and
push the knee across the body to the right. Mirror.
Then perform 'stepping over a barrier of energy', left, then right.
5. Perform 'pulling energy from above the
head' (second video): slide hands from the lower disc up the front of the torso
and overhead inhaling. Keep your attention on the lower disc throughout this
pass. Exhale pulling the hands down to shoulder levels, hands fisted at the
second knuckles except for the index fingers which are extended upward. The
palms are flat and tight, pointing forward. The hands remain in this position.
Inhale extending the left arm foreward, like you are tensing a bow; look at
the tip of the index finger. Exhale pulling the hand back near the shoulder.
Inhale rotating the palms towards the neck.
Exhale shooting the left hand up overhead. Inhale pulling the hand down. Let
the pull come from the lower disc. Mirror.
Now extend all fingers of the hands, and exhale shooting the left hand up. Bend
the fingers at the second knuckles as if grabbing a handle, then inhale pulling
down. Mirror.
Hold the breath as you mash the energy by kneading both hands together, then
exhale, applying the energy to the body in three double outward strokes: first
on the lungs, then on the belly, then on the pelvis area.
6. Perform 'rallying energy' (second video): bring both hands near the left hip, swing them to the right of the head where they clasp together forcefully (left hand on top), exhale as you bring both hands down in a big slashing movement near the left hip, make a big counterclockwise circle with both hands clasped, ending up in front of the solar plexus, inhale bringing both hands against the right side of the body, exhale pushing/punching both hands forward at the level of the solar plexus.
7. Inhale on the spot, and exhale opening both hands graciously, stoop and bring the arms around to the back so that the backs of the hands rest on the kidneys, palms facing the ceiling. Inhale there deeply.
8. Exhale bringing the hands to the front
with the palms up, and perform 'a structure made out of energy' (second video):
stoop forward a bit, place the hands, palms down, to the left and right and
in front of the lower disc. Inhale standing straight up, pulling the hands close
to the ribcage with the palms up. Exhale and stoop as the hands shoot forward,
palms up. Forcefully, raise the hands to the level of the head, and, again,
forcefully, turn the hands palms down. Up there, the hands cross, and shoot
out laterally in a straight line. Then they are brought down again to the level
of the pelvis, they cross again to shoot out laterally.
Gaze intently ahead.
This pass creates an opening for the energy body to come.
9. In horse stance, perform only the second
part of 'pulling and wrapping the internal fibres of energy' (second video):
You need a bit of balance as you lift the left leg in front of you, with the
lower leg and foot pointing to the right. Make a fist above the left leg. Make
a horizontal inward circle around the left knee, continue seemlessly with an
outward circle around the left ankle, and end with another inward circle around
the knee. Mirror for the other leg.
Press both fists together with the knuckles interlocked, and push them both
into the lower abdomen as you inhale. Exhale, opening the hands as you stand
10. Turn towards the right by pivoting the feet. The right foot should be in front now.
11. Tap the floor gently three times with the tip of the right foot. Hop so that the right foot comes behind the left. In this hop the right foot touches the floor first before the left. Now tap three times with the left foot.
12. Step foreward with the right foot turning to the left by pivoting 90 degrees on the left foot. It is as if you are hooking something with your right foot. You should see where you will hook your foot before executing this movement. The right foot stays close to the floor and you end up facing the original position.
13. Lift the left knee to the right across the body (toes pointing down) and proceed to plant the left foot down beyond the right. Now you are facing the direction of 11 again.
14. Take a huge ouward swinging step with the right leg, again pivoting on the left foot, end up with legs wide apart facing the original direction.
15. Again execute this movement, now turning 180degrees, facing the back of the original direction. Immediately make a small and fast ouward circle with the right hand at face level in a vertical plane, palm facing the front, followed immediately by a larger and somewhat slower outward circle of the left hand. Repeat these circles.
16. Now grab your prey with both hands in claws near the floor to the right of the right foot. The 'prey' is about 20 cm wide. Without pivoting the right foot, plant the left foot on the prey in between the hands, pull the hands up straightening the back, then throw the prey back down.
17. Turn to the right by pivoting the feet. The left foot is in front.
18. Take a small foreward step with the right foot. Slam the right hand palm down from overhead while kicking straight upward with the left extended leg. Hand and leg nearly meet. Return hand and leg to initial positing. Now grab a bar of energy to the right of the head with both hands, and stab it down to the left of the left thigh.
19. Take a small foreward step with the left foot. Slam the left hand palm down from overhead while kicking laterally upward with the right extended leg. Hand and leg nearly meet. This movement is somewhat more diagonal than the previous one. The foot comes down parallel to the other foot.
20. Punch backward with the right elbow, while the left palm faces the right fist.
21. Step foreward with the left leg, pivoting on the right foot; you are now facing the original direction again, deliver a backhand blow with the left hand at shoulder level toward the left, punch a corckscrew punch with the right fist towards the left across the body, and pull the right fist back forcefully, holding it up, right of the head, upper arm horizontally extended to the right, lower arm upward, palm of the fist facing forward.
22. Finish the movement by bringing the hands down.