1. Opening: linking with the earth

Perform "Dusting The Link With Intent" on the left and right. The arms gracefully unfold as in "Opening Oneself To Intent"(from video 3), inhaling. Lean forward as the fingertips point to the ground between the legs and whisper, "Intent!" so as to intend your contacting the being of the Earth.

Place the palms flat on the ground between the thighs, fingers spread. Gaze at the center between the hands, into the earth and turn the hands and torso gently a few degrees to the left,then right, then center. Brush the hands lightly up the body.

Open up the arms and chest as you inhale, exhale as the arms sweep out to the front and back in. Repeat twice, but on the third return, the arms go out to the front with the forearms and back of the palms together. Inhale as the arms sweep around and again point to the front, but with palms up and forearms parallel. Exhale as the elbows are brought to rest on the body. (This is a general affection pass that can be practiced separately).

Cross the wrists, left on top, and rotate the hands as they become fists. Inhale as the fists pull apart to shoulder width, and exhale as you apply the energy to the vital centers with a downward sliding motion (this, and the previous move are womb passes from Carol Tiggs). The hands continue down and up in an arc back over the shoulders with palms pointing to the sky, as you look up at the sky.


2. Flying above the surface

Place the right palm on the floor behind you and turn to the right onto your hands and knees. Exhale as you rock gently forward on your hands feeling the slight pressure created in you wrists, then inhale as the hands slide down the sides and back like wings, --the hands are flipped backwards, and the body is leaned forward as you gaze at the earth, miles below...
Lean to the left as you exhale, letting your eyes take in everything, then stare past your wingtip into infinity.
Inhale as you re-center and gaze at the earth below, then mirror to the right while exhaling again.
Return to center, inhaling, the hands come to the palms-up, in-front-of-the-body position.


3. Staring at the sky

As you sit back on your heels, straight up, the palms again arc up to the shoulders with palms to the sky as you exhale; you inhale in awe through your open mouth, gazing overhead at the sky, the stars, ...Infinity.
The torso slowly turns left, then right as you continue to gaze overhead.
As the torso re-centers, return to hands and knees position.


4. Caressing the earth

Rock slightly left, then right (wiggle) - again, feel the pressure in your wrists, alternatingly this time.

The right leg extends backwards, as the body lies down, left knee raised to the left side, head facing left.

a) Make three circles with the left palm and foot on the earth (inward).
b) Rub the left wrist and foot gently up and down, three times.
c) Close the right eye, and make three scooping motions on the earth with the left hand and foot.

Turn to the right and mirror a), b), and c), except that the right eye is also the closed one on this side.

Still lying prone, turn to face the front.

Make three large swimming motions on the earth, using the arms and legs. (Actually, you are trying to hug the earth, but she's too big for you to put your arms around, so you make these swimming motions)

Lift the lower legs and chest from the ground, arms out to the sides, hands hanging loosely.
Rock the left side up and "hover" above the surface of the earth for a few seconds, then the right.

Lie flat on the earth head facing left as the back of the hands lay beside the hips. Inhale deeply, then exhale as you sink into the earth. Turn to face right and mirror.

The right arm is extended overhead, and the body turns over on its back towards the left as the left hand, palm facing out, crosses in front of the eyes. The eyes follow the back of the hand.


5. Turning the wheel of time

The hands brush up the body to stretch overhead as you inhale, toes pointing down. The arms circle down and out to the sides as you exhale and repeat. On the third pass, the hands pause at the shoulders and grab energy there before extending overhead flipping it up left, right, left, right alternating, while the toes point down, left, right, left, right. Doing this you should be looking at your hands even though you can't see them as they're above your head now (this part is also an affection pass that can be done separately).

After the third time, lift your knees and bring your hands in an arc to your belly, palms almost touching the belly, then make a big outward circle with both hands by going up and out and back down. You put your arms out to the sides and you smash this circle twice with two lateral blows from the hands. Cross the wrists, turn them, make fists as you grab and pull apart with an inhalation while you simultaneously spread the legs. Apply energy to the left vital center while extending the left leg; mirror right. This is very much like another womb pass from Carol Tiggs.

The arms arch up and out (exhaling) and the palms face out as the wrists cross and spread apart to shoulder width, inhaling - as if your hands were two curtains opening. Exhale as the right hand traces its half of the wheel of time, then the left. Gaze and inhale as the fingertips, palms up, point to infinity (offer the breath). Grab the wheel of time and turn it slightly clockwise (90 degrees), then open the arms and chest to receive a new view.




1. Brush the link and contact the earth.

2. Womb affection pass

3. Look up to the sky

4. hands and knees; lean forward

5. Flying above the earth (looking down, left, down, right, down, up - and gaze to the sky)

6. turn around and wiggle on hands and knees (left-right alternatingly)

7. Caress the earth left: 3 circles, 3 rubs, 3 grabs (close r eye); mirror right

8. 3 large swimming motions

9. Hover on the surface

10. Sink into the earth

11. Roll over (look at back of left hand)

12. Hands sliding up

13. 2nd womb pass

14. Draw and turn the wheel of time!


Enjoy and perfect!
PS. Even male practitioners should do the womb passes anyway.