THE FIVE POINT CONNECTION- Hannover 16/11/2001
This Magical Pass was shown at the November 2001 Hannover seminar. It intends to connect five special points or areas of energy on the human body that help bypass personal history. They are:
1 - The area near the outside ankle
2 - The area just below the knee on the outside of the leg
3 - The area around the inner ankle
4 - The area of the navel
5 - The lower back of the head at the base of the skull.
The Five Point Connection
1 - Start in horse stance, feet parallel. Lift the right arm, elbow bent 90¡, and wave the hand like you wave good-bye; in-out three times. Now step behind with the left leg, and place the left foot so that it forms a right angle with the right foot. Wave again 3 times this time with the left arm.
2 - Now pivot both feet on the heels 90¡ to the left, so that you're facing the back. Wave again three times with the left arm.
3 - Gracefully lower the left arm and place it to rest on the upper left leg, palm up, exhaling. Inhale while bringing the right arm overhead in a big arc to come to rest onto the left palm. With both palms together, exhale as you slide down the leg to softly stroke the first point up and down. Inhale as you bring the hands up to the navel. Both wrists briefly rest on the navel.
4 - Now wave again three times with the right hand, pivot on the heels 90¡ to the right, and wave again three times with the right hand.
5 - Now mirror step 3: Rest the right hand on the right leg, palm up, in a big arc, bring the left palm to rest on the right, then slide down the outside of the leg and rub the 1st point softly. Inhale as you bring the hands, palms together, to the navel, then, to the back of the head. Here, only the tips of the fingers of both hands are together, and the knuckles of the thumbs softly rub the two protuberances at the base of the skull, exhaling.
6 - Inhale, bring both hands, palms together, wrists touching the navel.
7 - Exhale, going down to the 2nd point on the left knee. Inhale, bringing the hands to the navel, then exhale rubbing the back of the head. Inhale bringing the hands back to the navel, exhale going to the 2nd point on the right knee this time. Inhale on the navel, exhale back of the head, inhale navel.
8 - Repeat sequence for the 3rd point (the inner ankle): slide toward the left inner ankle, navel, head, navel, right inner ankle, navel, and step forward with the left leg so that both feet are parallel again, bring the hands up and exhale sliding them down, as if along a wall.