1. Perform the Life Saver: knees locked, turn the upper torso from left to right, letting the arms flap.
2. Pull up energy from the knees, overhead; lower arms...
3. Place the right thumb on the protuberance of the skull behind the ear, spread the other fingers evenly across the skull around the ear, left arm extended straight, left foot forward.The left palm faces to the left. Inhale rotating the torso to the left gazing at the horizon across the hand, return exhaling making a wind-like sound, lowering the left arm. Turn 90 degrees to the right, make a half-moon of energy with the right foot (to the front and back) and repeat the breathing. Repeat in all four directions.
4. Mirror #3 with the left hand around the left ear.
5. Put both hands around the ears; balance the upper torso to the left inhaling, center exhgaling, and mirror.
6. Inhale crouching, turning the torso so the left elbow points up. Return 'reverse camera' and mirror.
7. Now put the palms flat on the ears, pointing the elbows to the front. Squat and inhale gliding left then right foot foreward and stand up. Repeat once more. Now you are at the edge of a cliff; reverse the movements going back, exhaling.
8. Put the fingers around the ears again as
before, elbows well to the sides, vibrate the head with the fingers, and slowly
ÔopenÕ the ears into infinity.
Gaze with the ears.