1 Turn on the body
2 Hands go up the front of the body from the knees till above the head and the lungs are filled to the brim by a deep inhalation.
3 Deep exhalation as the hands go down to the sides and the last bit of air is exhaled.
4 The hands go to the vital centres, palms face each other. The left foot takes a step forward and the right hand goes up along the body till above the head, to the right side of the head, with a deep inhalation. The thumb is being locked and only the index finger is stretched, the other fingers are tucked in on the palm; the eyes follow the index finger from now on.
5 The index finger makes a lateral arc a bit to the back with an exhalation; the back of the hand ends on the adrenals.
6 The head turns back to the front with an inhalation whiles the eyes scan the horizon, exhale; the right foot makes a step forward while the left fist is directed forward at shoulder height, inhale.
7 The eyes attach now to the fist tops and follow the fist in a horizontal arc to the left which ends and the adrenals as well, with a deep exhalation.
8 The eyes scan the horizon again turning to the front (inhale) and putting the feet parallel.. The body bends at he midsection and with a deep exhalation the arms are forced up on the back.
9 A deep inhalation is taken and then the right hand (index still in the same position) makes an arc which ends on the left vital centre. The left fist does the same and ends on the right vital centre. The exhalation ends here.
10 The body comes up, a left step is taken and with a deep inhalation the hands go up along the body till above the head. An exhalation is started while the hands go down, the right foot makes a step forward as the inhalation starts.
11 The left leg takes a step forward while the hands start a large inward circle in front of the body, an inhalation is taken at the same time. To that end the hands start at the solar plexus, palms down, separated by about five centimetres, the fingers point forward or inward, but they were spread. The circle ends with the palms parallel again in front of the body.
12 The right foot takes a step forward and an outward circle is made with an exhalation in the same way as in the previous move.
13 The left foot takes a step forward while both hands begin an arc forward starting under the armpits, going up and forward, ending on the side of the chest with an inhalation.
14 The right foot comes parallel and an exhalation is made while the hands go down the body.
Now, mirror the torso movements for steps
4 to 14, and step backwards this time, also starting with the left foot!
Here you have it written out for you:
15 The left foot takes a step backward while the left hand goes up till above the head, with an inhalation. The thumb is being locked and only the index finger is stretched, the other fingers are tucked in on the palm.
16 The index finger makes a lateral arc a bit to the back with an exhalation; the back of the hand ends on the adrenals. The eyes attach to the index and the head follows the arc as far as possible.
17 The head turns back to the front with an inhalation whiles the eyes scan the horizon. Exhale. The right foot takes a step backward and the right fist is pointed straight forward at the height of the shoulders, inhale. The eyes attach to the knuckles of the fist.
18 A horizontal backward arc is made with an exhalation, ending on the adrenals. The feet are put parallel.
19 The body bends over at the midsection with an inhalation; an exhalation starts while the arms are forced up on the back. An inhalation is taken.
20 The left hand makes an arc and ends on the right vital centre. The right arm does the same. The exhalation ends there.
21 The body comes up and with a deep inhalation the hands go up along the body till above the head. At the same time the left foot takes a backward step. An exhalation is started while the hands go down and the right foot takes a backward step.
22 The left foot is taking a step backward while the hands start a large inward circle in front of the body, an inhalation is taken at the same time.
23 The right foot takes a step backward and an outward circle is made with and exhalation.
24 An forward circle with both hands is made with an inhalation, starting at the armpits, going up and forward, coming back to the body and ending at the side of the rib cage. The left foot has made a backward step at the same time. The right foot comes parallel and an exhalation is made while the arms go down the body.