Start in Horse Position. one hand strikes palm out straight in front, the other hand strikes down flat in front. Place one hand in front, face level, palm out, and the other in front, hip level, palm down. The top hand turns over, and slaps down to the symmetric postion that the other hand was just in. More force is generated if the hand is turned over as part of the slap. At the same time, the lower hand also rotates, swings around, back, and slaps into the symmetric position the other hand was just in. Both hands move at the same time. As you do it, accelerate. The elbows stay bent on the hit. The intent is to wake up and alert the energy body.
One hand is held out in front, at waist level, palm up, as if you are holding a ball. The other hand swings around in a big arc and slaps down at the "ball", striking it. the point of strike is at an angle, about 45 degrees, a foot above the open hand. The hands then reverse position; the hand that just slapped, drops to flat palm up, while the other swings around and strikes. keep going for a while, with steady acceleration.
Stand in Horse Position. One arm forehead level, palm out, fingers clawed. The other arm held low, waist level, fingers clawed, palm up/out. rotate the arms around into the opposite position. the hand moving near the top is "ripping" energy (like in the "Ball of Energy" move) and the arm moving low is "stirring" energy (like stirring chocolate). keep going for awhile.