Aka the Crustacean. These passes require the use of two seven-inch sticks of wood.

1. The hands begin at the sides, then the arms go into the claw position: knuckles facing near V-spot, elbows up and back at shoulder level. The sticks make 5 clicks at V-spot level; the sticks are pointed forward at arm's width (like an air traffic controller), then make 5 more clicks. The arms are in the claw position. The elbows, starting with the right, tilt up and down 5 times, as you make a "crab hiss" between clenched teeth; the arms return to claw position.

2. Take one "crab step" forward with the right by swinging the whole body around toward the center as you step, then a left crab step. Take one step/kick with the right foot by kicking towards the ground ahead but rebounding lightly before setting down the foot, then one left step/kick. Turn 90 degrees to the left.

3. Make 5 clicks, and 5 elbow tilts. Make another right-left step/kick in the new direction. Pivot 180 degrees right, pivot 180 degrees left, make 5 clicks, 5 elbow tilts. Take three crab steps backward right-left-right (leaving you at a 45 degree angle). Take two large scoop steps to the left by bringing the inside of the left foot up the inside of the right calf before stepping, then sliding the right foot over. The stick in the right hand is swung up to the right as if carrying a torch; pivot 180 degrees right and the left stick swings up. Along the same line you've been traveling, take a step with the right foot as the right stick stabs straight ahead from the right hip, then the left foot and stick. Turn to the left and strike with the right elbow in the direction you've been traveling, then pivot 180 degrees right and strike with the left elbow. Make 5 clicks, then make three crab hops to the right to face 90 degrees left of the original direction (same as end of 2.).

4. Make a scoop step to the right, then back to the left. Make 5 clicks, then three more crab hops right 180 degrees to face the rear. Strike with the right elbow as you make a scoop step right, repeat, then the stick in the right hand comes over to the left shoulder, back to the right side, left shoulder, up to the right torch position. Pivot right as the left stick simultaneously makes the first of the four mirroring stick movements.

5. Make 5 clicks, then take a large crab step with the left foot so that the head is now looking in the original direction of step 1.; that is, the body is in the same position as after the left crab step in step 1. The right foot makes two sliding steps in the original direction of step 1 by stepping out, the left foot brought up behind it--on each step the stick held horizontally in the right hand strikes in the direction of travel to head level at arm's length. The body turns to face the direction of travel as the left foot steps forward along the same line (the original direction!) and the left stick stabs forward from the hip, then the right steps forward along the same line as the right stick stabs up in an arc from the right hip to stick pointing up at arm's length at shoulder level.

6. Step back with the right foot to reset the feet. Make 5 clicks, 5 elbows, arms go to claw position, then are stretched straight ahead from the V-spot. Take 5 crab hops straight back. Make 5 clicks, 5 elbows, arms go to claw position, the arms are stretched forward, then make 5 crab hops to the right for a complete 360 degree circle. Make 5 final clicks, with emphasis on the last.


This pass actually has no ending - it starts all over again at the end.