Stand in basic Tensegrity stance. Make sure the lower disk is active, buttocks tense, knees bent and firmly locked.
1. Both hands come up and bend 90 degrees
at elbows; palms face up; wiggle fingertips as if tickling (actually you're
gathering all your crap: your self-importance, your frustrations, obsessions
and self-pity, as well as basic ideas about (the solidity of) the self: 'I am
such and so...' that sort of thing).
Then stop the wiggle and flick fingers outwards getting rid of excess energy
(x5). Repeat with the palms facing down.
2. Palms face up again. This time crunch fingers into a fist and then open fingers forcefully, releasing the tension. Repeat many times; feel the muscles of the forearms burn. Again flick fingers outwards to get rid of excess energy(x5). Repeat with palms facing down.
3. Left arm straight up, above the shoulders, fingers in fist position facing floor, right arm straight down, by the hip, fingers in fist position facing floor. Keeping both arms straight alternate them going up and down (x10). -While doing this pass be aware of the area around the belly button working- then TENSE the whole body (from toes to fingers, belly and back) and hold the tension to a slow count of 10.. Then RELAX, exhale and let whole body go, bend over and let the head hang loose, arms hang. Slowly come up and repeat but start with the right arm up this time (though this is optional).
4. Go into the basic tensegrity stance; both hands come up together with fingers open, backs of palms touching then they separate and breathing in you scoop in everything in the horizon in front of you and to the sides. From there the hands become fists as they come to your sides, facing upwards and resting at the sides of the body by the ribs. Elbows are bent 90 degrees and the wrists are held tight next to the body. Shoulders are down away from the ears. Hold the breath and TENSE the whole body to a count of 10.... Then RELAX everything, exhale and let go, bend over and let the head hangs lose, arms hang.
5. Shake left leg, shake right leg, shake left hand, let the tremor spread throughout the left side, then right hand joins in, and the vibration spreads to the rest of the body till all of you is shaking, with the arms in the air. Then fling the arms down as if you were throwing something off.
6. Perform the 'Zorro Pass': Grab energy at the right shoulder with the left hand, turn the upper torso to the left so that the left fist is near the left vital center, then turn the torso to the right to deliver a blow to the right of the right vital center, while lifting the right knee up and as far to the left as possible. Mirror.
7. Turn the body ON and make five scissor hops. Repeat as many times as desired.
8. Jog in place for a count of 5 bringing the knees high up to the chest, toes pointing down. Freeze on the fifth time with the left knee up near the chest. Mirror. Repeat as many times as you desire.
9. Do a few large leaps laterally into the air to the left. (Both feet come off the ground, knees almost touch the chest if you can!). Do some more leaps to the right. Repeat as much as you like to any count that you like.
10. Hand grab excess energy from both vital centers and then shake it off with a flick of the hands towards the ground (x3).
11. The body straightens up. Stand still and let the wave of silence envelop you.
12. The left hand comes up and gently taps the right side under the ribcage 5 times (This beckons the intent of inner silence). Then the hand returns to the left side.
13. The final two passes are from the Heat
series. They are done in succession.
No 33) "Moving Energy with the breath from the top of the head to the vital
centers': slide the hands up the knees up the torso to above the head inhaling.
Bend all fingers at the second knuckle except the index finger which is pointing
up. Hold the breath and bring the hands to the level of the shoulders, push
the hands forward exhaling, inhale pulling them back in, then exhale making
a large forward circle with both hands simultaneously, then push them both down
along the sides of the body.
No 37) "The Lateral Breath": Simultaneously,
each hand makes a large inward circle, you end with the wrists crossed in front
of the chest, then push both hands forcefully to the to the sides. This is one
fluent inhalation. Now exhale pushing both hands forcefully together till their
wrists are crossed. Inhale looking between the hands and exhale applying the
energy to the vital centers.