These passes belong to the Nagual Elias.
He was a 'dreamer' and capable of going to other universes and bringing back
strange objects. Carlos Castaneda used to say that the Nagual Elias used to
go for 'trips to the junkyard of Infinity'. These eight passes are called 'Tracing
the map of the Body' and were performed by the Nagual Elias before dreaming.
They awaken centres in the feet, ankles, shins, knees, all the way up to the
The area on the left leg between
the toes and knee is like a tentacle capable of perceiving energy directly.
During this exercise the stretching is accompagnied by slowly breathing in (and out) to a count of 15.
First Pass
Press the midpoint below the ball of the foot.
b) Press at the base of each toe. Also separate one toe from another.
c) Pull the web between toes.
Second Pass
Sitting up on the mat, move your buttocks out of the way so that you are sitting
up straight in a balanced position. Legs are straight.
b) Tense the legs, stretch and open the toes like a fan. Breathe and sense.
c) Tap lightly on the toes, shin and knees up and down the leg.
d) Repeat the stretching and tapping three times.
Third Pass
a) Legs straight, point the feet
up and down alternatingly left/right.
b) Right foot on the floor. Stretch the left leg, pointing the toes down, then
up. 3x.
c) Grab the left leg at the ankles and let your torso relax forwards, pointing
the toes down, exhaling, slowly.
d) Stretch again inhaling slowly with toes pointing up.
e) Tap on energy centers all the way from the ankles to the knees.
Repeat the process three times for each leg.
-You may wish to get up and use the left leg as a tentacle to 'see' energy at this point.
Fourth Pass
a) Sit up soles facing. Press and
massage the tendons from the ankles to the knees - relaxing any stiff areas.
b) Tap on the centres from the ankles to the knees.
c) Grab all the energy from these centres (inhaling) and bring it to the vital
centers, left first, then right.
Fifth Pass
This is called Moving with the Motion of the Sea of Awareness.
a) Sit up soles facing. Gently place hands around the ankles so that fingers
are pressing on the front tendons. Elbows against the knees..
b) Inhale, curling the body inward, pressing the tendons.
c) Exhale, stretching the back, chin up, tail out Release pressure on the ankles.
Both the in and exhalation are accompanied by a 'to and fro' rocking of the
body as it moves in time with the ebb and flow of the 'Ocean of Awareness'.
Sixth Pass
a) Lie down and dip the toes in the Sea of Awareness.
b) Flick the energy upwards, higher and higher, like riding a bicycle backwards,
lifting the legs higher and higher.
c) Then grab energy from the ankles, shins, knees and thighs and rub it on both
vital centers (feet stay relaxed in a vertical position at this point).
d) Tap on front and back of the entire leg starting from the heels.
e) Put the soles on the Earth. Do the sweeping breath a few times.
Use this position to recapitulate.
Seventh Pass
a) Tuck the left leg under the buttocks
so far that you could grab the ankles from the other side. The right leg is
straight as you lie on your back.
b) Stretch breathing.
c) Make a hugging motion to bring energy to the mid-section. Dig the fingers
deep into the area below the navel. Inhale slowly, and exhale still pressing.
d) Fingers spread around the ribs, inhale pulling the chest open, exhale pushing
the chest together.
e) Tap the centres on the thigh of the right leg.
f) Grab energy from the right thigh with the right hand into a fist.
g) The right leg frees itself , makes a big circle over and across the body
and comes to rest on the floor over the other leg.
h) The fisted hand rubs the energy on the right vital centres. Mirror for the
other leg.
Eighth Pass
a) Legs straight. Slide the right foot, sole on the floor, to the groin.
b) Push the left leg vertically up , using the hands on the pelvis for support.
c) Stretch the leg with the toes pointing to the zentih.
d) Momentarily relax the leg by bending the knee.
e) Then stretch again with the toes pointing to the eyes.
f) Tap the front and back of the vertical leg from heel to the buttocks.
g) Keep the left leg straight and lower it, move it out sideways and up across
the body, while the right leg relaxes; put the left leg down on the floor across
the other leg. Keep both shoulders in contact with the ground so that you are
stretching the whole waist area. Breath deeply and evenly to a count of 15 as
you stretch.
h) With the left hand trace the map by tapping on the back of the thigh and
buttocks area in an oval direction.
for the other leg.