Tracking energy is a capacity all of us posses and can develop.

1. Teasing the web.

2. A ball of energy

3. Left hand shivering explores fingers up to the right for energy; right hand to the left; left hand to the right again; right about halfway to the left, abruptly grab energy out to the right, on bringing it in left foot kicks lateral gate style, rub energy on right side vital centers.

4. Strike to right with backs of wrists, left, right, with right foot pivoted - heels of hands strike left, right - clawed hands strike left, right.

5. Body turns 90 degrees to right, explore with left hand shivering up and to the right while stepping forward with right foot, right hand up and to the left while left foot steps forward, left hand again with right foot stepping forward, and suddenly both hands up to the left grab energy, in a single flowing motion bring it downward to the right, pivot 180 degrees on right foot as left hand (fisted) passes under right armpit, right hand (fisted) passes over head, as waist twists to left right comes down to the left side, left strikes out and somewhat behind the torso, attention is to the left. Repeat the arms motion with a step to the left, but softly.

6. Moving forward, again exploring for energy, explore with left hand shivering up and to the right while stepping forward with right foot, right hand up and to the left while left foot steps forward, left hand again with right foot stepping forward, and suddenly both hands up to the left grab energy, bring it down sharply to the right and pause there momentarily; pivot on right foot 180 degrees as right (fisted) hand comes up, left is palm up and open, sharply bring fist down as it opens and left up with palm still up and open to break the energy. Both hand above head, shimmering, showering the energy down over the left side.

7. Four steps backward, right left right left so that right foot remains in front. Some people seem to sweep with the hands as they do this and some do more of a piercing motion to the front as they retreat.

8. Big step with the right foot moving foward, left foot, pivot on left 90 degrees and right kicks to side, come down in wide stance, pivot on right foot backward 180 degrees. Kick at ankle height with right foot, put hands in solar plexus, then open with forearms now out to the sides and vertical, bring left knee up to chest height (more or less), come down on left foot and simultaneously strike downward with the elbows, bringing them together. Right foot comes up parallel with left, fists out in double roundhouse and meet neatly in front, the gaze is intent and extends beyond them.

9. Pivot on left foot, to the left 90 degrees, as right forearm strikes - not the elbow only, the whole forearm. Reach up to the right, pull a wall of energy down to the left (pivot the left foot), and while holding the left hand flat, out and down to the left, punch with the right beneath it into the energy, then scoop some of it and pull it, resisting with the left hand.Put that good stuff on the right vital center.

10. Turn 90 degrees to the left in tensi stance, sweep both arms to the chest. Spin the hands around each other, then as we take a left step and a right step, push forward emphatically, not abruptly, with the open hands, especially the heels of the hands. Spin the hands again, step left and push hard, step right and push hard, roundhouse kick with left foot and right fist in roundhouse punch, roundhouse with right foot and left fist, push hard once more at about shoulder level straight in front, scoop energy from low in front, pivot 180 degrees and make a shield of the energy in front of you with both hands, palms inward, fingers nearly touching.

11. Semicrouching, leaning to the right somewhat, exploring sideways four times, fingers shimmering:sort of a low, modified cat stance.Right foot and hand cross left foot and hand, left over right, right over left, left over right. Left foot finishes in front. Pivot the feet 90° to the left. Left fist strikes forward from waist level, striking at shoulder level, as right foot simultaneously comes forward with a hop of the entire body. Right fist strikes as left foot comes forward. Left again, right again (total of 4 strikes and 4 simultaneous hops).

12. Turn 90 degrees to left, shove hard with blade of right hand twice at about shoulder level, sweep energy in with both outstretched arms, to solar plexus area, while inhaling. Ahhhh.