TRACKING ENERGY - Mexico City 06-09-2002

Tracking energy is a capacity all of us posses and can develop. In this long form we track and move energy with the eyes.

1 The hands explore the space in front of the body, starting with the left hand, and the eyes follow and scan the horizon; about fifteen to twenty times. The body leans forward and the feet are firmly planted in the ground during these movements. Deep inhalations are taken all the time.

2 The body turns to the right and the left foot gives a kick, the body turns back into the original direction and starts to grind energy with the heels to the right, three times.

3 The body turns 90 % to the right (inhale/exhale in coming down) and takes three gliding steps (like skaters) L,R,L.

4 The body pivots on the right foot and turns 180 % to the right (inhale/exhale).

5 The eyes turn left and take energy from high up left (inhale) to the base of the left foot; the body takes a hop to the left when the energy comes down (exhale).

6 The body takes four gliding steps forward: R,L,R,L. The eyes go up left again and take now energy (inhale) and transport it to the right side while the body makes a hop to the right (exhale).

7 The body takes a 180 % turn to the right again, inhaling and exhaling.

8 A deep breath is taken while the body comes up; an exhalation is made while the left foot takes a step forward, immediately followed by the right foot, exhaling.

9 Again the body comes up and another deep inhalation is taken. The left foot takes a gliding step, the right foot does the same; then the left foot gives a short kick to the right, the right foot does the same.

10 The body turns 90 % to the left and the eyes scan the left side. The body makes now a movement to the left in four steps; the right crosses the left, the left takes a step left, the right crosses again and the left takes another step to the left.

11 The body turns to the left pivoting on the heels and the left is now forward. Four jumps are now made, left hand/right foot, right hand/left foot, and these two movements are repeated.

12 Now the body turns 90 % left and both arms make an inward arc collecting the energy, starting at the sides , going from the sides to the back, up to the front of the body (inhale) and down to the midsection (exhale). Another breath is taken while the arms go up to the height of the head and an exhalation follows while the arms go down..