These passes engage what sorcerers call
'the lower disc', a bright disc of energy that emanates from the lower abdomen.
This disc is our energetic link with the world and the energy body. All movements
in this pass must come from that disc; the lower abdomen, the midpoint of the
body if you will.
The hands are kept flat, fingers extended
and held firmly together, the thumbs tightly locked against the hand.
Stand in basic Tensegrity position: knees bent, pelvis tucked in slightly and
the feet parallel a shoulder width apart.
1. Slide or stab the left hand down from the left breast to a point in front of the right upper leg. The palm faces the body. Mirror with the right hand.
2. Making a circle, turn the left hand out and down to the left, making a twisting, scooping motion as it comes up in front of the face, its palm facing the left. The motion ends with the hand in front of the eyes in the middle. Mirror.
3. Coming from behind the left ear, the left hand arcs upward and slaps down, palm down, with the arm extended, straight out in front at shoulder level. Mirror.
4. The left hand stabs in the middle in front of the body with the fingers pointing forward, twisting the arm so that when the motion ends, the palm faces the left side. Mirror.
5. The left hand shoots out straight in front with its palm up, fingers pointing forward. Mirror.
Repeat this sequence for a while, gradually accelerating or keeping a steady rhythm. Remember to engage the muscles of the abdomen.