These passes engage what sorcerers call
'the lower disc', a bright disc or wheel of energy that emanates from the lower
abdomen. This disc is our energetic link with the world and the energy body.
All movements in this pass must come from that disc; the lower abdomen, the
midpoint of the body if you will.
Stand in basic Tensegrity position: knees bent, pelvis tucked in slightly and
the feet parallel a shoulder width apart.
The hands are kept in a 'bird's beak'
througout the movement: the thumb is extended and all other fingertips touch
the tip of the thumb.
1. Hold the left 'beak' near the left shoulder, the beak pointing to the right. Extend the arm straight ahead. Mirror with the other hand.
2. Hold the left beak near the left hip, pointing backwards. Bring the arm up in an arc to a horizontal position an arm's length in front of the V-spot (the point where the clavicles meet the sternum at the base of the neck), the beak pointing down. Mirror.
3. Bring the left beak down to that same spot in front of the V-spot from overhead, the beak pointing up. Mirror.
4. Hold the left beak pointing at and near the right shoulder.Extend the arm straight out to the spot in front of the V-spot. Mirror.
5. Hold the left beak near the left shoulder, pointing down. Extend the arm in a 45 degree angle down. Mirror.
Repeat this sequence for a while, gradually accelerating or keeping a steady rhythm. Remember to engage the muscles of the abdomen.