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Cinderella Tales SurLaLune's SurLaLune Fairy Tales Main Page
Variants Cinderella Tales 1 Aberg, G. A., Nylandska Folksagor. Helsingfors, 1887. P. 321, No. 251. (From Finland.) 2 Aberg, G. A., Nylandska Folksagor. Helsingfors, 1887. P. 322, No. 252. (From Virby in Kyrnstätt, Finland.) "FLICKORNA,
SOM FORO TILL KUNGENS GARD" 3 Andrews, J. B., Contes Ligures. Paris, 1892. No. 1. Pp. 3-7. (From Mentone.) 4 Archaeological Review, vol. iii (March-July 1889.), pp. 24-27. 5 Archivio, ii, pp. 31-34. Novelle popolari Sarde. Story No. III. Contributed by Sig. Giovanni Pipere di Nuoro. "SA BITELLA
DE SOS CORROS D'ORO" 6 Archivio, ii, pp. 185-7. Novelle popolari Sarde. Story No. V. "SA CONTANSCIA
DE CHIGNERA" 7 Archivio, ii, pp. 54-58. (A Cinderella Story from Camerino, by Caterina Pigorini-Beri.) 8 Armenische Bibliothek, herausgegeben von Abgar Jannissiany. Leipzig, 1887. 1V, pp. 1-10. 9 Arnason, Jon, Folk-Tales of Iceland, collected by. Leipzig, 1862-64. Translation by W. Howard Carpenter; published in Folk-lore Record, iii, 237-241. 10 Arnason, Jon, Icelandic Legends. Translated by Geo. J. Powell and Eirikr Magnusson (2nd series). London, 1866, pp. 235-250. "THE STORY OF MJADVEIG, DAUGHTER OF MANI." Asbjornsen og Moe, Norske Folke-eventyr. No. 19. "KARI TRAESTAK." 11 Asbjornsen, P. Chr., Nor, Billedbog for den Norske Ungdom. Christiania, 1837. 12 Asbjornsen, P. Chr., og Jorgen Moe, Norske Folke-eventyr. 2nd edition. Christiania, 1852. P. 416. (From Bygland, Norway.) 13 Asbjornsen, P. Chr., og Jorgen Moe, Norske Folke-eventyr. 2nd edition. Christiania, 1852 p. 416. (From Hardanger, Norway.) 14 Asbjornsen, P. Chr., og Jorgen Moe, Norske Folke-eventyr. 2nd edition. Christiania, 1852, p. 420. (From Hardanger.) 15 Asbjornsen, P. Chr., og Jorgen Moe, Norske Folke-eventyr. 2nd edition. Christiania, 1852, p. 420. (From Fjeldberg.) "LINDEDRONNINGEN"
16 Athanas'ev, Russian Folk-Tales. Part VI, pp. 152-154. No. 30. "CHERNUSHKA"
D'Aulnoy, Madame, Contes des Fees.
1698. "FINETTE CENDRON." 17 Das Ausland, Jahrgang 1832. "Märchen und Kinderspiele in Griechenland", von Dr. Zuccarini. No. 58, p. 230. 18 Basile, Pentamerone, Aus dem Neapolitanischen ubertragen von Felix Liebrecht. Breslau, 1846. 1st Day, 6th Tale, vol. i, pp. 78-89. 19 Bechstein, Ludwig, Deutsches Märchenbuch. Leipzig, 1846. Pp. 242-44. 20 Bernoni, Dom. Giuseppe, Fiabe popolari Veneziane. Venezia, 1873. Story No. VIII, pp. 36-44. 21 Biblioteca de las tradiciones populares Espanolas, t. i, p. 114 22 Bondeson, August, Svenska Folk-Sagor. Stockholm, 1882. P. 91. No. XXIII. (From Varmland, in Sweden.) 23 Busk, R. H., Folk-lore of Rome. London, 1874. Pp. 26-29. 24 Busk, R. H., Folk-lore of Rome. London, 1874. Pp. 31-37. 25 Calcutta Review, li (1870), p. 121. 26 Campbell, J. F., Popular Tales of the West Highlands. Edinburgh, 1860-62, No. XLIII. Vol. ii, 286 ff. "THE SHARP(HORNED) GREY SHEEP." HYLTEN-CAVALLIUS, Svenka Folksagor. "DEN LILLA GOLDSKON." 27 Celtic Magazine, vol. xiii, pp. 454-465. 28 Comparetti, Domenico, Novelline popolari Italiane. Roma, Torino, Firenze, 1875. No. XXIII, pp. 95-100. Crane, Italian Popular Tales. London,
1885. No. IX, Pp. 42-47 "CINDERELLA" 29 Curtin, J., Myths and Folk-lore of Ireland. London, 1890. Pp. 78-92. 30 Dasent, Popular Tales from the Norse (3rd ed). Edinburgh, 1888. Pp. 357-374. 31 Denton, Serbian Folk-lore. London, 1874. Pp. 59-66. "PAPALLUGA, OR THE GOLDEN SLIPPER." 32 Dobsinsky, Prostonarodnie Slovenske povesti. Turcansky Szent Marton, 1880. Part VIII. Pp. 65-84. 33 Dolen, Eit Vikublad. 1870. No. 111. "MANDOTTERE
I GRISEHUSI." 34 Finamore, Gennaro, Tradizioni popolari Abbruzzesi. Lanciano, 1882. No. 11. Pp. 8-12. 35 Folk-lore Journal, ii, 72-74. (From Old Meldrurn, Aberdeenshire.) Geldart, E. M., Folk-lore of Modern
Greece. 1884., pp. 27-30. "LITTLE SADDLESLUT." 36 Glinski, A. J., Bajarz Polski (2nd ed). Wilna, 1862. Vol. iii, pp. 135-49. 37 Grimm, Household Tales. Translated by Margaret Hunt. London, 1884. No. XXI. Vol. i, pp. 93-100. 38 Gronborg, O. L., Optegnelser pa Vendelbomal. Kobenhavn, 1884. P. 96. No. VI. "STIFDATTEREN" 39 Grundtvig, S., Unpublished Collection. (From East Jutland.) "LUDSE
LURVEHAETTE." 40 Grundtvig, S., Unpublished Collection. (From East Jutland.) "DEN HVIDE
HUND", EL "PUT I GRYDE" 41 Grundtvig, S., Unpublished Collection. (From East Jutland.) "DEN LILLE
HANDSKE" 42 Grundtvig, S., Unpublished Collection. (From West Jutland.) 43 Grundtvig, S., Unpublished Collection. (From West Jutland.) "GULDSKOEN" 44 Grundtvig, S., Unpublished Collection. (From Zealand.) "METTE
TRAEHAETTE" 45 Grundtvig, S., Unpublished Collection. (From Zealand.) "DEN LILLE
RODE KALV" 46 Grundtvig, S., Unpublished Collection. (From Zealand.) "HASSELBRODER" 47 Grundtvig, S., Unpublished Collection. (From N. Sleswick.) "METTE
SKINDKJOLE" 48 Grundtvig, S., Unpublished Collection. (From Zealand.) "HANEN
OG HONEN DER GIK TIL THINGS" 49 Von der Hagen, Friedrich Heinrich, Erzählungen und Märchen. Prenzlau, 1825. Vol. ii, PP 339-43 50 Von Hahn, Griechische und Albanesische Märchen. Leipzig, 1864. Story No. II. Vol. i, p. 70. 51 Imbriani, La Novellaja Fiorentina, republished with La Novellaja Milanese. Livorno, 1877. No. XI, pp. 151-157. 52 Ive, Dr. Antonio, Saggi di Dialetto Rovignesi. Trieste, 1888. Pp. 54-58. "EL PUMO
DE UORO E LA CONCACIENARA" 53 Jahrbuch für romanische und englishe Literatar. Leipzig, 1870. Vol. xi, pp. 354-57. "Cyprische Märchen," translated by Liebrecht from 3rd vol. of Knpriaka by Athanasios Sakellarios (=Legrand, Emile, Recueil de Contes populaires Grecs. Paris, 1881. Pp. 95- 100, "Cendrillon"). 54 Karajich, Vuk, Serbian Folk-Tales (translated into German by Wilhelmine Karajich). Berlin, 1854. No. XXXII. 55 Khudyakov, Velikorusskiya Skazki. Moscow, 1860. Part I, p. 51. No. XV. (Taken down at Kasan.) "ZAMARASSHKA" 56 Kletke, H., Märchensaal. Berlin, 1845. Vol. i, pp. 149-63. 57 Kolberg, O., Lud. Kieleckie. Cracow, 1885-1886. Vol. ii, pp. 239-241. "THE MYSTERIOUS LADY OF THE FIR-TREE." 58 Kolberg, O., Lud. Radomskie. Cracow, 1887-1888. Vol. ii, pp. 172-175. (Taken down near to Opatów, at Grocholice.) "THE PRINCESS WITH THE PIGSKIN CLOAK." 59 Kristensen, E. T., Danske Folkeaeventyr. Viborg, 1888. No. VIII, p. 57. "DEN LILLE
GULDSKO" 60 Kristensen, E. T., Efterslaet lil Skattegraveren. 1890. P. 144, No. 107. (From the Danish Island of Falster.) "GULDSKOEN"
61 Kristensen, E. T., Jyske Folkeminder. Köbenhavn, 1881. vol. v, p. 45. Story No. V. "DEN LILLE
GULDSKO" 62 Kristensen, E. T., Jyske Folkeminder. Aeventyr fra Jylland. Köbenhavn, 1881. No. VI, pp. 51-57. "ASKENBASKEN,
DER BLEV DRONNING" 63 Kristensen, E. T., Unpublished Collection. (Narrated by Inger Katrine Pedersdatter, on Hestbaek Mark, Jutland.) 64 Kristensen, E. T., Unpublished Collection. (Narrated by Mette Tailors, Sundby, Jutland.) "PISH-I-ASKE" 65 Kristensen, E. T., Unpublished Collection. (Narrated by Mr. Knudsen, Teacher, Heldum, Jutland.) "GULDSKOEN"
66 Kristensen, E. T., Unpublished Collection. (Narrated by Birthe Marie Nielsdatter, Jutland.) 67 Kristensen, E. T., Unpublished Collection. (Narrated by Maria Vind, Hornum, Jutland.) 68 Landes, A., Contes et Legendes Annamites. Saigon, 1886. No. XXII. (See Cosquin op. cit., ii, 359.) 69 Landes, A., Contes Tjames. Saigon, 1887. No. X, pp. 79-93. Legrand, Emile, Recueil de Contes populaires Grecs. Paris, 1881. (From Cyprus; by Athanasios Sakellarios.) Pp. 95-100. "CENDRILLON" 70 Leskien und Brugman, Litauische Volkslieder
und Märchen, aus dem preussischen und dem russischen Litauen.
Strassburg, 1882. Pp. 447-450. No. XXV. (From Moravia; "VON DEM MADCHEN DAS EINE HEXE ZUR STIEFMUTTER HATTE." 71 Luzel, Contes populaires de Basse-Bretagne. Paris, 1887. Vol. iii, pp. 134-166. 72 Maspona y Labros, La Rondallayre. Quentos populars Catalans. Barcelona, 1872. Part I, pp. 91-94. No. XX. "LA VENTAFOCHS"
73 Maurer, Konrad, Isländische Volkssagen der Gegenwart. Leipzig, 1860. Pp. 281-82. 74 Meier, Ernst, Deutsche Volksmärchen aus Schwaben. Stuttgart, 1852. No. IV. pp. 16-20. 75 Meier, Ernst, Deutsche Volksmärchen aus Schwaben. Stuttgart, 1852. No. XLIII. Pp. 154-58. Mijatovics, Csedomille, Serbian Folklore.
London, 1874. Pp. 59-66. "PAPALLUGA; or, THE GOLDEN SLIPPER." 76 Mila y Fontanals, Observaciones sobre la poesia popular. p. 181. (See Wolf, in Proben portugiesischer und catalanischer Volksromancen. Wien, 1856.) 77 Moe, Moltke, Unpublished Collection. Christiania. (From Ostre Moland, near Arendal.) 78 Moe, Moltke, Unpublished Collection. Christiania. (From Bo, Thelemarken.) "KAELLDOTTERA"
79 Moe, Moltke, Unpublished Collection. Christiania.
(From Bo, Thelemarken.) 80 Moe, Moltke, Unpublished Collection. Christiania.
(From Bo, Thelemarken.) 81 Moe, Moltke, Unpublished Collection. Christiania. (From Setesdalen.) "KADDEDOTTERI" 82 Moe, Moltke, Unpublished Collection. Christiania. (Fragment written down by Jörgen Moe.) "LITA KJERSTI"
83 Moe, Moltke, Unpublished Collection. Christiania. (From Bö, in Thelemarken, South Norway.) 84 Moe, Moltke, Unpublished Collection. Christiania. (From Bö, in Thelemarken, South Norway.) 85 Moe, Moltke, Unpublished Collection. Christiania.
(From Bö, in Thelemarken, South Norway.) 86 Moe, Moltke, Unpublished Collection. Christiania.
(From Bö, in Thelemarken, South Norway.) 87 Moe, Moltke, Unpublished Collection. Christiania. (From Bö or Hitterdal, in Thelemarken.) "SJUKDOTTERA"
88 Nemcova, B., Slovenske pohádky a poveste. Prague, 1857. Pp. 511-522. No. XLVIII. 89 Pedroso, Consiglieri, Portuguese Folk-Tales. London, 1882. No. XVIII, pp. 75-79. 90 Pedroso, Consiglieri, Portuguese Folk-Tales. London, 1882. Tale No. XXIV, pp. 97-100. 91 Perrault, Contes du Temps passé. 1697. Pio, Neoellhnika Paramnthia, Contes populaires Grecs, publiés d'après les manuscrits du Dr. J. G. de Hahn, et annotés par Jean Pio. Copenhague, 1879. No. II, Pp. 6-9. "SAMARAKONTSONLON" 92 Pitre, Fiabe, Novelle e Racconti popolari
Siciliani. Palermo, 1875. vol. i. Story 93 Revue Celtique, t. iii. (reprinted in Folk-Lore, Sept. 1890). 94 Rozprawy i Sprawozdania, etc. (Dissertations et comptes-rendus des seances de la faculté de philologie de l'Académie des Sciences [de Cracovie], 14 vols., 1874-1892). Vol. ix, pp. 194-97. (From Wadowice, near Cracow.) 95 Salmelainen, Eero. Tales and Fables of the Finns. Part I. Helsingfors, 1871. No. VIII, i, pp. 59-67. Also Shreck , Finnische Marchen, p. 63. 96 Salmelainen, Eero. Tales and Fables of the Finns. Part I. Helsingfors, 1871. No. VII, ii, pp. 68-73. 97 Salmelainen, Eero. Tales and Fables of the Finns. Part I. Helsingfors, 1871. No. VII, iii, pp. 73-77. 98 Samlaren VIII (1887). Pp. 178-179.
(Fragment found in Codex E. 8 Upsala, of a Swedish version by Olaus Laurentii
Calmariensis, 1612. Contributed to the Magazine by H. Schreck, Emmy, Finnische Märchen, ubersetzt von. Weimar, 1877. P. 63. Story No. IX. "DIE WUNDERBARE BIRKE." (See No. 95.) 99 Sebillot, Paul, Contes populaires de la Haute-Bretagne. Paris, 1880. No. III, pp. 15-22. 100 Skattegraveren, ix. p. 213. No. 580. (Jutland.) "DEN LILLE
SKO" 101 La Société de Litterature Finnoise. MS. Collections. By Kaarle Krohn. No. 6014. (From Suojärvi, in Carelia. Narrated in 1884 by a middle-aged woman.) 102 La Société de Litterature Finnoise. MS. Collections. By Kaarle Krohn. No. 6371. (From Himola, in Olonetz. Narrated in 1884 by a woman aged fifty.) 103 La Société de Litterature Finnoise. MS. Collections. By J. V. Murman. No. VI. (From Sodankylä, in Ostrobothnia, 1854.) "THE BEGGAR'S DAUGHTER HOUSED FREE." 104 La Société de Litterature Finnoise. MS. Collections. By A. Reinholm. No. II, 39. (From Antrea, in Carelia, 1848.) "THE TWO YOUNG LADIES AND CINDERELLA." 105 La Société de Litterature Finnoise. MS. Collections. By P. A. Paldani. No. I, 46. (From West Finland, 1852.) 106 La Société de Litterature Finnoise. MS. Collections. By J. Mustakallio. No. XCIX. (From Sotkamo, in Ostrobothnia.) 107 La Société de Litterature Finnoise. MS. Collections. By E. N. Setälä. No. R. 10. (From Ruovesi, in West Finland.) 108 La Société de Litterature Finnoise. MS. Collections. By Kaarle Krohn. No. O. 364. (From Hyrynsalmi, in Ostrobothnia. 1882.) 109 La Société de Litterature Finnoise. MS. Collections. By Fr. Rapola. No. 43. (From Sääksmäki, in Tavastlandia.) 110 Soegard, P. M., I Fjeldbygderne. Christania, 1868. Pp. 17-22. 111 Stier, G., Ungarische Sagan and Mächen. Berlin, 1850. No.V, pp. 34-45. (Also Magyar Folk-tales, Jones and Kropf, F.-L. Soc., 1889, pp. 144-149.) 112 Thorpe, Benjamin, Yule-Tide Stories. pp. 112-126. (From the Swedish.) 113 Thorpe, Benjamin, Yule-Tide Stories.
pp. 126-133. (Variants of the foregoing.) 114 Thorpe, Benjamin, Yule-Tide Stories. (From Gottland.) 115 Thorpe, Benjamin, Yule-Tide Stories. (From South Smaland.) 116 Thorpe, Benjamin, Yule-Tide Stories. (From South Smaland.) 117 Thorpe, Benjamin, Yule-Tide Stories. (From South Smaland.) "FROKEN
SKINN-PELS ROR I ASKAN" 118 Thorpe, Benjamin, Yule-Tide Stories. (From Upland.) "KRAKNABBA
PELSEN" 119 Thorpe, Benjamin, Yule-Tide Stories. (From Upland.) 120 Turiault, Etude sur le langage Creole de la Martinique. p. 219. 121 Tvedt, J., Hornbäk, Hjemmet og Skolen, Ugeblad for Born og Ungdom, 1873. No. XXXII, p. 273. (Said to have been communicated by narrator's grandfather; apparently retold from Asbjörnsen's tale in Nor. No. I.--Moltke Moe.) 122 Visentini, Isaia, Fiabe Mantovane. Torino, Roma, 1879.. No. XLV, pp. 202-205. 123 Volkesunde. Antwerp, 1889. ii, 203. "VAN DEN
KONING EN VAN JENNE ZIJN ZOET LIEFKEN" 124 Vuletic-Vukasovic, Vid, (Unpublished Story from Spalatro, Dalmatia, contributed by). 125 Waldau, A., Bohmisches Märchenbuch. Prague, 1860. Pp. 638-655. Wang, J. Storm, Ti Norske Eventyr. Throndhjem, 1868. "GULDHANSKA" [A second-hand translation of "Finette
Cendron".] Wolf, F. Proben Portugiesicher and Catalanischer Volksromancen, Wien, 1856. P. 43. "ASCHENPUTTEL." (See Milá y Fontanals No.
76.) 126 Wojcicki, K. W., Polish Fairy Tales. Warsaw, 1850. Vol. ii, p. 52. "THE OAK-TREE AND THE SHEEPSKIN." 127 Wratislaw, A. H., Sixty Folk-Tales [Southern Slavonians: Bulgarian Stories]. London, 1880. Story No. XXXVII, pp. 181-86. 128 Zingerle, Ignaz und Josef, (Tirols) Kinder- und Hausmärchen. Innsbruck, 1852. Story No. XXIII, pp. 130-39. 129 Zbior wiadomosci do antropologji Krajowej. (Collection de matériaux pour l'anthropologie nationale), 15 vols. Cracow, 1877-92. Vol. xii, pp. 45-48. (From Nowogrodek, Government of Minsk.) 130 Zbior wiadomosci do antropologji Krajowej. (Collection de matériaux pour l'anthropologie nationale), 15 vols. Cracow, 1877-92. vol. v, pp. 230-32. No. XXXV. "Conte des montagnards polonais des Beskides (Gallicie)." (From Skawa in Myslenice near Cracow.) 307 Indian Antiquary. Bombay, 1891. Vol. xx, pp. 142-47. "Folk-lore in Salsette," by Geo. Fr. D'Penha. 310 Pineau, Leon, Les Contes populaires du Poitou. Paris, 1891. No. V. Pp. 117-22. Cox, Marian Roalfe. Cinderella: Three Hundred and Forty-five Variants of Cinderella, Catskin, and Cap O' Rushes, abstracted and tabulated. London: David Nutt for the Folklore Society, 1893. While the original text of this book is out of copyright, the special formatting and compilation available on SurLaLune Fairy Tales is copyrighted. Be aware that while the original content has been honored, page numbering, footnote numbering, redesigned charts, links, and other aspects are unique to this site's version of the text. Use at your own risk. For private and fair use educational purposes only. |
Anne Heiner, SurLaLune Fairy Tales |
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