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Returning to life after having the Dead Man dig around in the muck in the cellars of my mind was less painful than getting whomped unconscious by a silver elf’s spell but it did leave me feeling just as lousy emotionally. It left me wanting nothing more than to go back to bed, where I could curl up in a ball and suck my thumb.

That kind of invasion doesn’t happen often. And never happens without my permission. But each time it does I swear I’ll never let it happen again, no matter how desperate the crisis. But when the time comes I always go ahead, trusting him and knowing I’ll get through it. And maybe it’s even good for me in the long run. That dark, unhappy memories always seem to settle a little deeper and a little more comfortably, like a bucket full of gravel when you shake and beat it.

I took some cleansing breaths. Some of that martial arts stuff of Morley’s really does work if you let yourself believe in it. I found a place removed from my center by just a few miles. “Did we learn anything that makes it worth all my misery?”

I believe we did. Though it is indeed a small thing at first glimpse.

He didn’t go on. He wanted me to ask him to show off his brilliance. I wasn’t feeling patient enough to get involved in the usual games. “And that was?”

The Bic Gonlit in our alleyway was not wearing the signature boots. You had mentioned missing seeing them earlier but at that time I overlooked the chance that you had not seen them because they were not there. At that time there was no reason to look beyond the obvious. Also, the Gonlit you met out back was several inches taller than this specimen, even without the leather lifts.

“So where does that leave us?”

Essentially still lost but now forearmed with the knowledge that the opposition might appear to us in the guise of someone we know. But not in the form of a perfect replica.

Grumble. “Don’t tell me it’s shapeshifters again.”

I promise. There are no shapeshifters here. There does seem to be some remarkable illusory sorcery, however.

“You said there wasn’t any sorcery in the alley.”

I did. I do not believe there was. It is a conundrum, is it not?

“Great. So good old Bic is innocent of everything more sinister than trying to score the bounty on Singe. Stipulating that, I want to know how come Kip knew the name and thought Gonlit was after his strange friends. And I’d like to know how that elf got to know Bic well enough to masquerade as him without Bic knowing there was anything going on.”

All excellent questions, Garrett. You are learning to think. Unfortunately, Mr. Gonlit does not have any of the answers. We will have to flush those out somewhere else. Inasmuch as we have no hope of uncovering a direct trail to the boy I suspect a visit to the mother has some chance of being productive.

“You think she might know . . . ? I see. Anything she can give us could be a thread to pull or a pointer to a path that might lead to somebody who does have an idea where to look for the boy.”

Indeed. Which is why I suggest the mother. She may even have an idea where to find the mysterious Noodiss and his associate.

A possibility that, no doubt, must’ve occurred to the people already in that hunt.

“I get the feeling these others are real amateurs.” How much less gentle would have been the hunt had the Outfit been seeking the missing elves?

True. Miss Pular should remain here. It is a certainty that Reliance has people watching the house.

“Relway, too, probably.”

Just so.

“Then maybe I shouldn’t go out there, either.” A career in the home-based beer-tasting industry sounded good at the moment.

You are too concerned about your reputation. I will ensure that any spies remain ignorant of your departure.

Once again, a hint that he had greater abilities than those to which he admitted. Though this was a trick he had used before, several times. I’ve never been sure how it works. It might blind everyone in the neighborhood to my movements.

Which would be handy if I had to raise some cash real fast.

I had been considering a career change. Why not become an invisible pickpocket?

The air seemed to crackle. Like the sharp whispering of river ice just starting to break up. My partner didn’t approve of my thoughts. Not even with those being entirely in jest.

When this day was done I was going to get away from all these people. Maybe I’d get me off to one of the taverns where old Marines gather to slough off the dust of lesser mortals. Or possibly somewhere where I might glimpse a shapely ankle.

Garrett, there will be no diversions, neither of the heart nor of the mind nor of the flesh, if you do not get out and try to find some threads that I can unravel while you are reviving your reputation as a rogue, a rake, and a wastrel.

He did have a point.

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