Clive Cussler and Dirk Pitt Revealed [011-4Clive Cussler and Dirk Pitt Revealed [011-4.7] By: Clive Cussler with Craig Dirgo Synopsis: "A NEW CLIVE CUSSLER NOVEL IS LIKE A VISIT FROM YOUR BEST FRIEND." -TOM CLANCY DIRK PITT: He is the consummate man of action who lives by the momentand for the moment . . . without regret. A graduate of the Air Force Academy, son of a UnitedStates senator, and special projects director for the U.S. NationalUnderwater and Marine Agency (NUMA), he is cool, courageous, andresourceful-a man of complete honor at all times and of absoluteruthlessness whenever necessary. With a taste for fast cars, beautifulwomen, and tequila on the rocks with lime, he lives as passionately ashe works. Pitt answers to no one but Admiral James Sandecker, the wilycommander of NUMA, and trusts no one but the shrewd, street-smart AlGiordino, a friend since childhood and his partner in underseaadventure for twenty years. CLIVE CUSSLER: He is a No. 1 New York Times bestselling author whosebooks have been translated into forty languages. With his NUMA crew ofvolunteers, Cussler has discovered more than sixty lost ships ofhistoric significance, including the long-lost Confederate submarine-Hunley. Like Pitt, Cussler collects classic automobiles. Hiscollection features eighty-two examples of custom coachwork and is oneof the finest to be found anywhere. Cussler divides his time betweenthe deserts of Arizona and the mountains of Colorado. Dirk Pitt Adventures by Clive Cussler Flood Tide Shock Wave Inca Gold Sahara Dragon Treasure Cyclops Deep SiX Pacific VorteX Night Probe vixen 03 Raise the Titanic Iceberg Mediterranean Caper Nonfiction by Clive Cussler and Craig Dirgo Clive Cussler and Dirk Pitt Revealed The Sea Hunters Available from POCKET BOOKS For orders other than by individual consumers, Pocket Books grants adiscount on the purchase of 10 or more copies of single titles forspecial markets or premium use. For further details, please write to theVice-President of Special Markets, Pocket Books, 1633 Broadway, NewYork, NY 10019-6785, 8th Floor. For information on how individual consumers can place orders, pleasewrite to Mail Order Department, Simon & Schuster Inc 200 Old TappanRoad, Old Tappan, NJ 07675. CLIVE CUSSLER & CRAIG DIRGO POCKET BOOKS New York London Toronto Sydney Tokyo Singapore The sale of this book without its cover is unauthorized. If youpurchased this book without a cover, you should be aware that it wasreported to the publisher as "unsold and destroyed." Neither theauthor nor the publisher has received payment for the sale of this"stripped book." An Original Publication of POCKET BOOKS POCKET BOOKS, a division of Simon & Schuster Inc. 1230 Avenue of theAmericas, New York, NY 10020 Copyright C 1998 by Clive Cussler All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book orportions thereof in any form whatsoever. For information address Pocket Books, 1230 Avenue of the Americas, NewYork, NY 10020 ISBN: 0-671-02622-4 First Pocket Books printing November 1998 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 DIRK PITT is a registered trademark of Clive Cussler. POCKET and colophon are registered trademarks of Simon & Schuster Inc. Front cover illustration by Rick Lovell Printed in the U.S.A. Contents Foreword by Arnold Stem vii Introduction The Reunion 1 An Interview with Clive Cussler 20 The Clive Cussler Car Collection 78 Advanced Pitt Trivia 84 The Dedications 87 Brief Synopses of the Dirk Pitt Novels 91 Pacific Vortex 91 The Mediterranean Caper 93 Iceberg 95 Raise the Titanic! 97 Vixen 03 100 Night Probe! 102 Deep Six 104 Cyclops 106 Treasure 108 Dragon 111 Sahara 113 Inca Gold 115 Shock Wave 117 Flood Tide 119 Nonfiction 122 The Sea Hunters 122 A Concordance of Dirk Pitt Novels 125 The Continuing Characters 125 The World of NUMA 133 Pacific Vortex 137 The Mediterranean Caper 147 Iceberg 156 Raise the Titanic! 166 Vixen 03 188 Night Probe! 213 Deep Six 242 Cyclops 271 Treasure 308 Dragon 345 Sahara 382 Inca Gold 417 Shock Wave 451 Flood Tide 485 Answers to Advanced Pitt Trivia 515 Prologue to Atlantis Found 517 vi Foreword "Nobody does it better than Clive Cussler, nobody. Quote by Stephen Coontz for Cyclops Though I knew that authors rarelyresemble their protagonists, I could not help but wonder if CliveCussler would look like Dirk Pitt when I met him. He didn't exactly. Unlike the hero of his books, Cussler had hair and beard of a pewtergray. He stood tall, but the years had added a few inches to hiswaist. The bluegreen eyes were bright, and he moved with the quicknessof a much younger man. His face bore the weathered wear of someone whospent half a lifetime in the great outdoors and gave him the look of anexplorer who had just returned from the jungles of the Congo or the icymountains of Antarctica. It didn't take much imagination to picturehim thirty years ago when he might easily have passed for Dirk Pitt'selder brother. Hailed as the grand master of adventure novels, Cussler is about asdown-home as you can get. Although he writes in an incredible officethat he built in a Taos chapel style to match his adobe home, hedresses like the neighborhood handyman. He answers all his fan mail byhand, addressing fans by their first names as if they were old friends,often inserting a page from the original draft of his latest book as asouvenir. He's never hired a secretary, and his wife has never had apart-time housekeeper. "She cleans the house before the cleaning ladycomes," he explains. It all goes with the Cussler image of an author who was once describedas following the beat of a drummer who was playing in a field on theother side of town. He does things few authors ever attempt. He oncebought one of his books back from the publisher. He injects himself into his own stories as did Alfred Hitchcock in hismovies, except that Cussler utters dialogue to his hero, who neverrecognizes him. And he writes wild, far-fetched adventure tales withthe same cast of characters. A feat few writers attempt in this dayand age. He and his agent, Peter Lampack, have negotiated book deals withpublishers that have been copied by the trade as models of ingenuity. And, unlike all too many writers who peak after one or two books,Cussler incredibly seems to improve. Strangely, he never uses anoutline or writes more than one draft of a novel, and yet hiscomplicated plots have hit the best-seller lists in both fiction andnonfiction no fewer than fourteen times. Relying on his many years of experience as a creative director inadvertising, he personally directed the design and layout of thejackets of his books, insisting on the same illustration for thehardcover as for the paperback for the sake of continuity. Instead ofthe pretentious black-and-white studio portraits that portray mostauthors on their book jackets, Cussler figured that since the frontillustration was in four colors, the author photo on the back might aswell be printed in color, thereby adding very little to the cost of thepublisher in the print run. He has his own photographer shoot the photoof himself with the Dirk Pitt classic car featured in the book and hashis illustrator set the type and do the overlay before sending it to thepublisher's production department. When asked why the photos focus on the car while he stands in thebackground, Cussler responded, "I'm sure the reader finds an exoticautomobile of more interest than me." What also sets Cussler apart is that he has a genuine fondness for DirkPitt. Both Conan Doyle and Ian Fleming hated their protagonists andtried to kill them off but were later forced to resurrect them after anoutcry by their reading public. "He's a likable guy," Cussler says of Pitt. "I doubt whether he'll dieso long as I'm alive. Even then, I'm certain my agent and publisherwill find some other writer to pick up the flag and carry on after I goto the great beyond. As an adventure hero, Pitt is as timeless as theycome. Stories about lost treasure, like a bouquet of flowers to apretty girl, never go out of style." Cussler has been called America's Jules Verne, but, unlike the famedFrench novelist of Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea, he doesn't sitand write day in and day out. As soon as he sends in the manuscript ofa Dirk Pitt adventure to his publisher, he heads for the water andsearches for a lost shipwreck. And when he isn't on the rolling deck ofa survey boat with his search crew, he collects, restores and maintainsa warehouse filled with more than eighty classic cars. Several of the models and makes he owns are driven in his novels by DirkPitt. He also collects paintings by Southwest artists for his adobehome, while his office is filled with maritime paintings and models ofshipwrecks he and his crew have discovered. It can be said that Cussler is a man for all seasons. He is certainly in a class by himself apart from most writers I haveinterviewed. He is genuinely an interesting guy, down-to-earth,approachable, with a Rodney Dangerfield self-deprecating humor. Amodest man, he mounts his many achievement awards and certificates onthe walls of his office bathroom. Unlike more vain people who display asea of photographs of themselves standing with famous celebrities, thereare only two photos of Cussler to be found in his home or office. One shows him standing in a Star fleet command uniform in the controlroom of the Enterprise amid the Star Trek crew. The other has him withfeet braced on the mast of a sinking boat while he clubs the shark fromJaws with an empty rifle. Both were accomplished with digital imagery. All goes with the personality. Cussler loves to tell funny storiesabout himself as the butt of comedy in strange situations only he couldencounter. Unlike many successful people, he has been happily married to the samewoman for forty-three years. He and his lovely wife, Barbara, matchtogether like a pair of old, comfortable shoes. When confronted withthe complimentary titles bestowed upon him by book reviewers and hisarmy of fans, Cussler looks through the blue-green eyes that twinkle,smiles, and says, "That's nothing. When Barbara is mad, she calls meOld Crap." x FOREWORD A cheap man? Hardly. He and Barbara supportseveral charities and school endowments. And, of course, there is hiscommitment to preserve America's maritime heritage through his nonprofitfoundation, the National Underwater and Marine Agency (NUMA). He also gives of himself. In talks with agents and editors aboutauthors over lunch in New York, few are mentioned with the respect ofClive Cussler. Authors whose first books he has endorsed with quotesare in great number. Tom Clancy and Stephen Coontz are among those whoreceived endorsements from Cussler for their first published works. Clive Cussler writes to his readers. He has written books that areenjoyed by children as young as nine years of age and seniors in theirnineties, and by men and women in every walk of life. He is read bypresidents, prime ministers, members of the armed forces, housewives,teachers, business executives, construction workers, firefighters,police and even convicted criminals. He is considered the most popularadventure writer of our time because his books and characters come aliveand he gives readers their money's worth. The only mystery I can find behind such an intriguing man is that no onehas stepped forward to write a biography of him. Tom Clancy said it best when he wrote, "A new Clive Cussler novel is likea visit from an old friend." Arnold Stem Introduction With more than 90 million copies of his books in print,Clive Cussler has earned his moniker "The Grand Master of Adventure." He has also been called America's Jules Verne. His works are translatedinto forty different languages, and the exploits of his primarycharacter, Dirk Pitt, are read throughout the world. In 1996, Cussler branched out into nonfiction, co-writing with CraigDirgo The Sea Hunters, a volume about the exploits of his nonprofitfoundation National Underwater and Marine Agency. To the amazement ofcritics and the publishing community alike, the book reached number fiveon the New York Times hardcover best-sellers list. The introduction ofthe paperback edition of The Sea Hunters gave Cussler his first numberone best-seller. He followed up in 1997 with the return of Dirk Pitt inthe hardcover novel Flood Tide, which opened on the New York Timeshardcover fiction list at number three, moving to number one thefollowing week, a first for a Dirk Pitt novel. What, then, does the future hold for the author who has often said, "Ienvisioned writing a small paperback series; when I started I thoughtthat if I could make ten thousand dollars a year I would be a happyman." In this, the companion book to Cussler's works, we will examine thephenomenal success he has achieved and look at the evolution of the DirkPitt novels. Delving into Clive Cussler's life, we will see how life imitates art andthe close ties that are present between Pitt and Cussler. No work aboutClive Cussler would be complete without a section devoted to his famouscar collection or a concordance listing the characters in Pitt'sadventures. Join me now as we dig deep into the world of Clive Cussler. Craig Dirgo xiv The Reunion The evening air was brisk, an overture for the approaching cold ofwinter, when a yellow and green cab stopped at a security gate on thesouth end of Washington's National Airport. The guard studied the passthat was extended by a hand from the rear window, then handed it backand spoke in an official tone. "Stay on the road. You're in a restricted area." The driver swung onto the narrow service road that ran parallel with theeast-west taxi strip on the southern border of the airport. "You surethis is the right way?" he asked, seeing nothing but an empty field. "I'm certain," answered the gray-haired man in the backseat. "I've beenhere before." "May I ask what you're looking for?" The man in the backseat ignored the question. "Pull up at that polewith the red light on the top. I'll get out there." "But there's no sign of life." "Can you return for me in about forty minutes?" "You want to stand out here in the middle of nowhere on a cold night forforty minutes?" asked the uncomprehending driver. "I enjoy solitude." The cabbie shrugged his shoulders. "OK. I'll take a break for a cup ofcoffee and come back for you in forty minutes." The man passed the driver a fifty-dollar bill and stepped from the cab. He stood in the middle of the road beside the pole until the redtaillights of the cab faded in the distance. Then he stared at, aghostly building that seemed to materialize out of the night, itssilhouette becoming defined against the lights of the nation's capitalacross the Potomac River. Slowly, the building became physical andrecognizable as an old aircraft hangar with a rounded roof. At firstglance it appeared deserted. The surrounding land was covered withweeds, and the corrugated sides of the building wore a heavy coat ofrust. The windows were boarded over, and the huge doors that oncerolled open to admit aircraft for maintenance were welded closed. The man standing in the road was not alone, and the hangar was notabandoned. At least two dozen cars were neatly parked in rows among theweeds. As he watched, a Lincoln Town Car pulled up to the frontentrance door of the hangar, and an elegantly dressed woman exited thecar, her door held open by a valet parking attendant. As the man approached, he could hear the sound of voices mingled withlaughter and the music of a Dixieland jazz band blaring out "Waiting forthe Robert E. Lee." Before he made his way to the entrance, the man with the mane of gray hair and matching beard paused for amoment, listening to the wave of conversation from inside. Finally, hestepped through the doorway and handed his overcoat to a girl who gavehim his receipt. A doorman, dressed suavely in a tuxedo, came forward. "May I have your invitation, Sir?" The gray-haired man looked at him and said with quiet authority, "I donot require one." The doorman's face went blank for a moment, and then, as if realizinghis mistake, he said, "My apologies, Sir. Please enjoy the party." Then the intruder passed into a scene that he had envisioned in his minda hundred times and that could only be described in a novel. Row upon row of beautifully restored classic cars were positioned acrossa vast white epoxy-sealed floor. Their gleaming mirror like paint seemed to fluoresce under the brilliantoverhead lights mounted on the girders in the rounded roof. A Germanjet from World War II and an old 1930s Ford Trimotor passenger aircraftstood parked in the far corner of the hangar. Next to them sat an early-twentieth-century railroad Pullman car andwhat looked like a small sailboat put together by either a small childor a drunk. The man smiled as he examined a bathtub with an outboardmotor that sat on a small platform. Hanging from the girders and along the walls were antique metal signsadvertising gasoline brands, car manufacturers, and soft drinks, many ofthem no longer in existence. In another corner of the cavernous hangar an ornate iron circularstaircase wound up to an apartment above the main floor where the hostlived. The intruder did not make his way up the stairs. Not just yet. There was no curiosity. He already knew every square inch of theapartment in his mind. Tables arranged in the aisles between the cars were already filled withpeople conversing as' they drank California estate reserve wine orFrench champagne and dined on the gourmet delicacies from several buffettables stationed in a circle around an enormous ice sculpture of aMississippi steamboat that rose from a sea of blue ice with a mistswirling around its paddle wheels. The buffet table featured polishedsilver chafing dishes and iced platters kept filled with seafood ofevery variety by a small army of waiters and chefs. The body of the man hovering around the serving lines was nothing lessthan colossal. He did not look happy. He was dabbing sweat from hisbrow and neck as he admonished the maitre d' of Le Curcel, the Nfichefinthree-star restaurant he had hired to cater the party. "These oysters you sent over are the size of peanuts. They simply won'tdo." "I shall have them replaced within minutes," the maitre d' promisedbefore rushing away. "You are St. Julien Perlmutter." It was a statement, not a question,from the gray-haired man. "Yes, I am. May I be of service to you, sir?" "Not really, but I've always been envious of your lifestyle. Agourmand, a true connoisseur of the finer things, the nation's leadingmaritime history expert. It can safely be said that you're not a commonman." Perlmutter patted his ample stomach. "There are,however, a few disadvantages to loving good food and drink." "Speaking of food and drink, may I express my compliments on arrangingsuch an elaborate party? The food and wine selection and table settings are beyond compare." Perlmutter's face lit up. "I accept your gracious compliment, Mr. ..." But the stranger did not answer. He had already turned and beganwandering amid the party guests. Unnoticed and unrecognized, he made his way to the bar and waited inline behind a pair of lovely ladies who ordered two glasses of VeuveClicquot Ponsardin Brut champagne. One was tall, very tall, with blondhair that was almost yellow. She stared from a strong face with highcheekbones and through deep blue eyes. The other woman was smaller,with radiant red hair and gray eyes. She had an exotic quality abouther. "I beg your pardon," he said, looking at the redhead, "but you must beSummer Moran." He shifted his head slightly. "And you are MaeveFletcher." Both women instinctively looked at each other and then at the stranger. "Do we know you?" Maeve inquired. "Not in a physical sense, no." "But you recognize us," said Summer. "I guess you could say that I'm familiar with your existence." Maeve stared at him and smiled thinly. "Then you must know that Summerand I are dead." "Yes, I'm quite aware of that. You both died in the Pacific Ocean," hesaid slowly. "Ms. Moran in an underwater earthquake and Ms. Fletcherfrom theeruption of twin volcanoes. I regret things couldn't have worked outdifferently." "Could events have been altered for a happier ending?" asked Summer. "They might have." Maeve stared over her champagne glass at him. "This is eerie." Summer gave the man a calculating look. "Do you think Maeve and I mightever be resurrected?" "I rarely speculate on future events," answered the man. "But I'd haveto say the prospects are dim." "Then it's not likely we'll ever meet again." "No, I'm afraid not." He stood aside as the ladies excused themselves. He watched them movewith a feline poise as they made their way through the crowded hangarand thought it was a great pity that he was seeing them for the lasttime. He stared at Summer and began to have second thoughts. The bartender broke his reverie. "Your pleasure, sir?" "What brand of tequila are you pouring?" "Patron and Porfido." "Your host has excellent taste," said the stranger. "However, I would like a double Don Julio anejo on the rocks with limeand a salted run." The bartender looked at him thoughtfully. "Don Julio is Mr. Pitt'spersonal favorite. It's also his private stock. Very little of it isexported from Mexico." "He won't mind. You might say he drinks it because of me." The bartender shrugged and poured the tequila from a bottle hiddenbeneath the bar. The intruder thanked him and stepped to a nearby tablewhere several attractive women were seated engaged in girl talk. "I guess we should consider ourselves lucky," said Eva Rojas, a pretty,vibrant woman with red-gold hair. "Unlike Summer and Maeve, we survived to the end of our adventures." Jessie LeBaron, refined and lithe-bodied in her mid fifties, patted herlips with a napkin. "True, but except for Heidi Milligan and LorenSmith, the rest of us never reappeared." The exquisite Julia Lee, her Chinese features soft and delicate,recalled, "After Dirk and I returned from Mazatlan, Mexico, we both wentback to our respective jobs, and I never saw him again." "At least you enjoyed an exotic and romantic interlude with him," saidStacy Fox, brushing aside the blond strands of hair from her face. "Inmy case, he didn't even say good-bye." Hah Kamil, a lovely woman with classic Egyptian features, laughed. "Isn't this where somebody says it is better to have loved and lost DirkPitt than never to have loved him at all?" Lily Sharp, striking and svelte, and the captivating Dana Seagram satquietly, not speaking, their minds far away, Lily remembering when sheand Pitt found the treasures from the Alexandria Library in Texas, Danawhen she worked with him raising the Titanic. "It wouldn't be practical for Pitt to have married any of you," said thegray-haired man, breaking into the conversation. "Why do you say that?" asked Julia Lee as the women all turned andstared openly at the stranger. "Can you picture Al Giordino coming to your front door and asking ifPitt can come out and play? I'm afraid the scenario would not beacceptable." Then he smiled and abruptly walked away. "Who was that?" Dana Seagram asked no one in particular. "Beats me," replied Lily Sharp. "Nobody I've ever met before." The party crasher strolled over to a dark metallic blue 1936Pierce-Arrow sedan that was attached to a matching trailer. A group ofmen sat next to the trailer. The stranger peered inside at the linoleumfloor, the antique stove and icebox. He appeared to be studying thetrailer's interior but was in fact listening to the table conversationwith more than a passing interest. A tall, distinguished-looking man who spoke with a German accent pointedacross the table to a muscular bull of a man with a clean-shaven head."Foss Gly here was surely the worst of us all," said Bruno von Till. A wealthy-looking Chinese man shook his head in disagreement. "My votegoes to Min Koryo Bougainville. For a woman, she made the rest of usvillains look like milksops." Min Koryo, though frail and ancient, still had eyes that burned withevil. "Thank you, Qin Shang. But it cost me a horrible death. If yourecall, I was sent hurtling down the elevator shaft of the World TradeCenter from the hundredth floor." Arthur Dorsett, as ugly as any man created, grinned through yellowteeth. "Consider yourself lucky. After Pitt crushed my throat, he leftme to be consumed by molten lava." Foss Gly spread his huge hands expansively. "After beating me with abaseball bat, he jammed his finger in my eye socket clear through to mybrain." Tupac Amaru, the Peruvian terrorist, scoffed. "At 8 least he didn'tshoot off your genitals before killing you in total darkness deep in anunderwater cave." Yves Massarde, immaculately dressed in a white dinner jacket with ayellow rose in the lapel, stared vacantly into the bubbles rising in hischampagne glass and wondered aloud, "How could Pitt be even more brutaland vicious than the worst crew of villains ever created?" The gray-haired stranger leaned between Gly and Qin Shang and said, "Itwas easy." Before any of the men could say a word, he quickly resumed his coursethrough the partygoers, moving toward the far wall where an old railroadPullman car sat on a short section of track leading to nowhere. The gold lettering on the steel sides read MANHATAN LIMITED The lightsinside had been wired into the main junction box, and the opulentinterior was as brightly lit as when the car rolled over the tracksbetween New York and Quebec. Mannequins were artfully arranged in whatwas once called the parlor. At one table two men sat as if dining whilea porter in a white uniform stood and served. A distinguished, impeccably dressed man in his seventies sat in aVictorian velvet chair. Next to him on the couch was an attractivewoman half his age with ash-blond hair. She wore the uniform of a navalofficer, and despite the fact that she was sitting down, it was easy toimagine her standing at a height of six feet. "I'm sitting in the very same chair where Pitt bounced a bullet off myhead," said the elderly man with a British inflection. "Does he still call you Brian Shaw?" asked Heidi Milligan. "Yes, but I'm certain he saw right through me." "He never stopped suspecting you of being James Bond," said Heidi. The older man reached over, took Heidi's hand, and kissed it. "Thatwill forever be our little secret." The gray-haired intruder smiled to himself, then slipped away beforebeing noticed. Inside the old Ford Trimotor airplane, seated in an antique wickerbasket chair, a man dressed in Levi's with long blond hair tied in aponytail peered into the monitor of a laptop computer. "Surfing the Internet while a party's in high gear?" said the intruder."That's antisocial." Hiram Yaeger looked up at the stranger standing in the fuselageentrance. One of the overhead lights was above and to the rear of hisvisitor, and he squinted while attempting to recognize the face of theman who spoke. The stranger was tall, nearly six feet, three inches,with a slight paunch brought about by age. His hair had grayed over theyears, as had the beard covering only his chin. His skin was tannedfrom the sun. He was probably in his middle sixties, Yaeger estimated, but he lookedyounger. The stranger wore a faint grin on his lips, but it was hiseyes that gripped Yaeger's attention. They were a mysterious bluegreenwith a light that twinkled from deep inside. The face was that of a manwho might have been a ship's captain in a past life, or a prospector,maybe even an explorer. "Dirk asked me to look up data on a lost ship", Yaeger finallyexplained. "I could wait until working hours, but I'm not much of aparty animal, so I thought I'd get a head start on the project." "What ship?" the gray-haired man asked. "The Waratah. "Ah, yes, the passenger ship that vanished with nearly three hundredpeople off the west coast of South Africa in 1909." Yaeger was impressed. "You know your ships." "The Waratah was found by a NUMA South African team several years ago,"stated the intruder matter-of-factly. "No NUMA team headed by Dirk Pitt found the Waratah that I'm aware of,"said Yaeger. "Not Pitt's NUMA," said the intruder slowly. "My NUMA." "Right," Yaeger said sarcastically. He refocused his attention on themonitor, intending to read the information on the mystery ship as he haddocumented it. But when he twisted around to correct the stranger, the man haddisappeared. Yaeger stood and glanced around outside the aircraft, but his visitorwas nowhere to be found. "Nuttier than a fruitcake," he muttered underhis breath. "Next he'll claim he found the Confederate submarine Hunley." Thestranger climbed the circular staircase to the apartment that rose farabove the hangar floor. He entered and made his way unerringly throughthe unique nautical furnishings into the kitchen. A small man whopeered from owlish eyes through horn-rim glasses was hunched over alarge glass dish he was filling with homemade saisa spooned from amixing bowl. A short man with curly black hair who was built like abeer keg stood over a stove, pan-frying a hamburger. The intruder nodded at the well-done hamburger and said, "Does St.Julien know about this blasphemy?" "My friend and I prefer something a little more gluttonous than thosefancy tidbits from St. Julien's highfalutin chef," said Albert Giordinowithout turning from the stove. Ruth Gunn offered a bag of tortilla chips and held out the bowl of salsato the stranger. "Help yourself." Between bites, his eyes watering from the abundance of chili peppers,the stranger said, "You two have known Dirk a long time." "He and I go back to grammar school," said Albert Giordino, flipping thehamburger between two buns loaded with salsa. "Al, Dirk and I were the first employees Admiral Sandecker hired when hebecame director of NUMA," Gunn said as he swished beer around in hismouth to reduce the heat. "We've been as close as bricks ever since." "You've experienced many arduous adventures together." "Tell me." Giordino grinned. "I've got the bruises and broken bones toprove it." "You have enormous respect for him, don't you?" "Dirk has carried us through some hairy times," said Gunn. "He neverfails to deliver. He's a man who can be trusted by men and womenalike." "I'd follow him to hell," said Giordino. "Come to think of it, Ialready have." "Your warm friendship is to be admired," said the gray-haired man. Giordino stared into the stranger's eyes. "Don't I know you fromsomewhere?" "Actually, you and I met twice." "When and where?" "No matter." The stranger waved a hand airily. "Iwanted to stop up here and find you, Mr. Giordino, because I understandyou fancy a fine cigar now and then." "That I do." Reaching into his breast pocket, the stranger produced a pair of largecigars and handed them to Giordino. Then, with a curt nod, he exitedthe kitchen and moved down the stairs. Giordino studied the cigars, and his eyes widened as his mouth droppedopen. "My God!" he muttered. "What is it?" asked Gunn. "You look like you've just seen the VirginMary." "The cigars," Giordino said vaguely. "They bear the same label asAdmiral Sandecker's private stock. How the hell did he get them?" He rushed to the window and peered down onto the floor below. He justcaught a glimpse of the gray-haired stranger as he reached the bottom ofthe staircase and melted into the crowd below. A short, bantam-sized man with a flaming Van Dyke beard stood staring ata 1948 blue Talbot-Lago coupe with elegant bodywork by the French coachbuilder Saoutchik." He seemed lost in thought. "Fabulous party," said the gray-haired man. As if his mind were coming out of a fog, Admiral James Sandecker, thefeisty chief director of the National Underwater and Marine Agency,slowly turned. "I'm sorry. What did you say?" "A fabulous party." "Yes, indeed." "A reunion of sorts, I understand." Sandecker nodded. "You could call it a twenty-year celebration of NUMAand the people who built it." "You and Dirk have enjoyed a long and illustrious career." "We've seen our share of disasters and tragedies." "But you've achieved some remarkable accomplishments." "Yes, I must admit the trail has had its enjoyable moments." "I wish you many more successful achievements in the future." "I'm not sure I can keep up with the young people any longer," Sandeckersighed. "You will. You're in better physical condition than most men your age." "I'm not getting any younger." "Neither am I," said the stranger. "Neither am I." "Forgive me," said Sandecker, studying the stranger for the first time. "But I can't seem to recall your name or where we met." "We've never met," the gray-haired man said as he motioned to the bar. "I'm going to freshen my drink. Can I bring you back something?" The admiral held up a half-full glass of tomato juice. "I'm fine, thank you." He watched as the stranger cut through thethrong to the bar. How odd, he thought. The guy acted as if we had been pals for years, but for the life of me,he doesn't look the least bit familiar. "Another touch of Don Julio anejo?" asked the bartender, remembering. "Yes, if you please," replied the uninvited guest. He glanced to his side as Senator George Pitt stepped up to the bar. Dirk's father, the senior senator from California, and the gray-hairedman were about the same age and could have almost passed as brothers. "Enjoying the party?" asked Senator Pitt with a cordial smile. "Especially the people. I feel as though I'm among old friends." "Have you had a chance to sample the food? The quail patae and ostrichtartare are excellent." "I understand you're going to run for your seat in the Senate again,Senator." George Pitt looked surprised. "That's news to me. I haven't made up my mind yet." "You will," said the stranger. "You sound as if you know me better than I know myself." The man smiled. "I've known you for a very long time, as it turns out. I guess you could say we were both there when Dirk was created." "My memory is slipping," said the senator, at a loss. "Were you my wife's obstetrician?" "No, nothing like that." The stranger finished off his drink and setthe glass on the bar. "I wish you the best of luck on having yourprograms passed by Congress." "Please forgive me, sir, but I can't seem to recall your name." "In your position you meet too many people to remember them all," Thestranger paused to glance at his watch. "Nice talking to you, Senator,but I'm afraid I must move on." There were two more guests the gray-haired man wished to meet. He foundone of them sitting in the rear seat of a 1932 Stutz DV-32 town car. Ofall the ladies, Congresswoman Loren Smith was the gray-haired man'sfavorite. He reveled in her incredible violet eyes and long cinnamonhair tastefully styled in a Grecian coiffure. Loren was exquisitelyproportioned with broad shoulders and long legs. She possessed an airof breezy sophistication, yet one could sense a tom boyish daring behindher eyes. The uninvited guest leaned in the open door. "Good evening, Loren. You look pensive." She tilted her head, unconcerned that an apparent stranger had used herfirst name and not referred to her as Congresswoman. She flashed adisarming smile and stared at him. She recognized me, he thought. She actually recognized me. "How is Mr. Periwinkle?" she asked. "My burro? Last I saw him, he was running wild with a small herd in theMojave Desert. I imagine he's a father several times by now." "You sold the Box Car Cafe?" "It retreated under the desert sands." "This is the last place I expected to meet you again," she said, tryingto read whatever was hidden in his eyes. "I felt I had to be here, so I crashed the party." "You didn't receive an invitation?" "I must have been overlooked." He turned and scanned the crowd silentlyfor a few moments before turning his attention back to Loren. "Have you seen Pitt?" "I talked to him about twenty minutes ago. He must be mingling with theother guests." "Perhaps I'll catch him on the way out." "You're leaving so soon? The party is just beginning to getinteresting." He hated to tear himself away from those violet eyes. "I must go. Good to have seen you again, Loren." "Give my regards to Mr. Periwinkle." "If I see him, I shall." She reached out and touched his arm. "Odd, but it feels as if I'veknown you most of my life." He shook his head and smiled. "No, it is I who have known you. Thiswill be my only chance to tell you that you have been the girl of mydreams." He left her in the Stutz alone with her memories and an expression ofnostalgia on her face as he merged with the guests and headed toward thedoor. When he stopped to retrieve his overcoat, he paused and looked aroundthe floor of the hangar once more, at the wondrous cars, the fascinatingpeople, and wished he could stay longer. There were so many others inthe hangar he had known over the past thirty years, whom he didn't havetime to talk with. But he realized the illusion was fleeting and timewas short. He was about to step out when Dirk Pitt walked in from outside. "I thought I had missed you," said the stranger. "One of my guests noticed one of his tires was flat when he arrived, soI changed it for him." "Saint Dirk to the rescue." "That's me," Pitt said jovially, "the salvation of lost animals andlittle old ladies who need to cross streets." "You wouldn't be Dirk Pitt if you didn't betray a hint of compassion nowand then." Pitt looked at the older man steadily. "Why is it that when we meet I'mnever supposed to remember who you are?" "Because I plan it that way. It wouldn't do for us to become bosombuddies like you and Giordino. Better I make an occasional appearanceto set you back on course before quietly exiting stage right." "I'm not sure I appreciate all you put me through. I have more scars, physical and mental, than I care to count." "Adventure takes its toll on heroes and villains," said the gray-hairedman philosophically. "That's easy for you to say. I hope I fare better in the nextadventure." "One only knows where the plot will take us." "Will there be a next time? I hear talk of you retiring." "The thought has crossed my mind. I'm finding it more difficult to becreative as the years pass." "A lot of people are counting on us," Pitt said sincerely. The gray-haired man's face had a sad look to it. it was almost as if hehated to leave. "Good-bye, Dirk Pitt. Until we meet again." "Good-bye, Clive Cussler. Stay healthy, and never age." Cussler laughed. "That's certainly something you'll never have to worryabout. When we started out together, we were the same age. And nowlook at us." They shook hands. Then Cussler closed his eyes. When he opened them again, he found himself standing on the empty roadbeneath the solitary light pole. The hangar, the people, the cars were all gone, vanished as though theyhad never existed. Within five minutes the cabbie returned and picked him up. Pulling thedoor closed, Cussler settled back into the seat as his mind traveledback over the years to 1965, when he first sat down at a typewriter. He and his friends from the hangar had traveled every corner of theearth and weathered every adventure conceivable. The torment, actionand joy they had experienced were legendary. The people they had alltouched numbered in the millions. Perhaps it was time for a break, hethought. Maybe retirement was not such a bad idea after all. "Where to?" asked the driver. "The airport terminal. United Airlines. It's time for me to go home." Shifting the cab into drive, the cabbie pulled onto the main roadleading to the security gate. The harvest moon had risen, and asCussler turned and looked back, he recreated the illusion of Pitt'shangar in his mind. No, he couldn't retire. Already the plot for thenext Pitt adventure was forming in his mind. An Interview with Clive Cussler CRAIG DIRGO: Let's talk about your early life for a moment. CLIVE CUSSLER: I was born in Aurora, Illinois, on July 15, 1931, at 2:00A.M a habit I kept later in life when closing bars. I was the onlychild of Eric and Amy Cussler. My mother liked the name Clive, since itcame from a well-known British movie actor of the time, Clive Brook. Mymiddle name was Eric after my father. I'd like to think they never hadanother child because they thought it was highly unlikely they'd dobetter, but the truth of the matter was that many families had only onechild in those days simply because they couldn't afford to raise more. It was the depths of the Depression, and Dad was only making eighteendollars a week. He workedout a deal with the baby doctor, paying him fifty cents a week againstthe twenty-five-dollar fee for my delivery. After one payment, thekindly old doctor told Dad to forget it, saying facetiously that hewould make it up on a rich widow patient from Chicago. Thus, I onlycost fifty cents to come into the world. CRAIG DIRGO: Tell us about your parents. CLIVE CUSSLER: My mother, the former Amy Hunnewell, was a beautifuldark-haired lady whose ancestors came to America from England in 1650and settled in Boston. She was born in 1901 in St. Joseph, Missouri. Her father worked for the railroad and later retired to run a fishinglodge and a saloon in Minnesota, wisely selling the latter just twoweeks before Prohibition was voted in. Mom was vivacious and humorousand always teasing Dad and me. She also had a creative side that wasnever fully nurtured but was passed along to her son. She often told ofgoing to a carnival when she was sixteen with her bevy of girlfriendsand paying twenty-five cents to a Gypsy lady to tell their fortunes. Theobvious question among young girls was: Who will I marry? The Gypsyfortune-teller told Mom she would have a famous daughter. A near misson that one. As for her husband, the Gypsy said he was tall, dark andin the Army, wearing a gray uniform. Mom and her friends laughed at the revelation. America had just entered World War I, and they all knew that theAmerican doughboys, as soldiers were called then, wore khaki uniforms. Little did Mom know that her future tall and dark husband was born andraised in Germany and was serving in the Kaiser's army on the WesternFront. And, oh yes, the Germans wore gray uniforms. My dad, Eric Cussler, had a tough life when he was young. His fatherwas abusive and didn't want his young son under his feet, so he shippedhim off to military academy when he was only eleven years old. When Dadturned sixteen, he served in an infantry brigade as a sergeant, fightingin the trenches on the Western Front. After a leave home, he waspromoted to lieutenant and ordered to a hell hole called Verdun. On the march back to the front, British aircraft strafed his column, andhe was hit by a bullet in the knee. In the hospital, he developedgangrene and came within an inch of dying. He owed his life to acaptured British surgeon who took a personal interest in Dad due to hisyoung age. Because his knee was irreparably damaged and Dad would always walk witha stiff leg, the British surgeon ingeniously operated and slightly bentthe frozen knee so that Dad's limp would not be nearly as pronounced asChester's in Gunsmoke. Dad recovered and after the war worked in a bankbefore attending Heidelberg University, where he received a degree inaccountancy. While working in the bank, he made a small but tidy nestegg on the European stock market. CRAIG DIRGO: How did he come to America? CLIVE CUSSLER: One of his two sisters had come to America and married. He decided to leave Germany and come across, too. He was almost deniedentry into the country when an immigration official considered Dad apotential welfare case because of the injured leg. After a six-day stayat Ellis Island, where he conned his way into the country by claiming tobe a piano player, a job where the injured leg would have no effect, hetook a train to hissister's farm in Illinois, where he worked in the fields while helearned English. The following. year, he moved to Chicago during theRoaring Twenties and experienced exciting times, driving a StutzBearcat, making gin in a bathtub, seeing Al Capone on the courthousesteps, finding gangsters' bullet riddled bodies in the street andfinally meeting my mother. CRAIG DIRGO: Wasn't your mother in Minnesota? CLYVE CUSSLER: Mom was living in Minneapolis, and while visiting afriend in Chicago, they decided to go dancing. Dad and Mom alwaysclaimed they were introduced by mutual friends. It wasn't until theywere in their seventies that the truth came out. It seems they actuallymet when Dad asked her to dance at the Trianon Ballroom to the music ofTed "Is Everybody Happy" Lewis. So it could be said that Dad picked Momup. This was in 1929. They were married on June 10, 1930, and had me alittle over a year later. As usual, my timing was bad, and I arrived on the same day Dad was laidoff his job along with a hundred other workers at Durabilt Steel, acompany that made steel cabinets. He moved my mother and me toMinneapolis, where we lived with her parents. My grandfather was making good money working as an engineer on therailroad. Dad finally found a job as a traveling auditor for a companycalled Jewel Tea that sold coffee and related supplies door-to-door. We moved around the country, living in Terre Haute, Indiana; Louisville,Kentucky; and then back to Minneapolis, where I started in kindergarten. CRAIG DIRGO: What happened next? CLIVE CUSSLER: During the winter of 1937, I came down with pneumonia andnearly passed on to the great beyond. Those were the days beforeantibiotics, and I lived in an oxygen tent for six days before finallyshowing signs of improvement. As I began feeling better, the hospitalmoved an old derelict into the bed next to mine. The police had foundhim half frozen in an alley. Old Charlie was a neat guy. He taught mecard games and told stories no six-year-old should have heard in thedays before TV and R-rated movies. One morning, when the nurse cameinto the room to check on me, I nodded over at Old Charlie and asked whyhe had turned blue. She gasped, whipped the curtain around Charlie'sbed, and within minutes he was whisked out of the room covered by asheet. When Dad found out an old drunk had died in the bed next to hislittle sonny boy, he damn near tore the hospital down to its foundation.Boy, was he mad! Against doctor's orders, he and Mom carried me to their little apartmentso I could enjoy Christmas at home. They had sacrificed their smallsavings to buy me a Lionel electric train complete with a tunnel, a fortwith wooden soldiers and a little switchman who came out of a tiny houseto swing his lantern when the train went past. About this time, Dad was offered a promotion within the company thatcalled for a transfer to Chicago. At the same time, there was also anopening in the Los Angeles office if he remained at his present salarylevel. It was the dead of winter in Minnesota, the snow was piled eightfeet high around our apartment and his sickly son looked like deathwarmed over. He never thought twice. Within the week, we were allin our 1937 black Ford Victoria and headed for sunny SouthernCalifornia. Dad drove straight south to Texas to get out of the snowand cold as quickly as possible and caught old Highway 66 west into theGolden State. CRAIG DIRGO: Where did you live in California? CLIVE CUSSLER: We settled in a small suburban community outside LosAngeles, called Alhambra, where I lived for the next twenty-three years.My inaugural in the first grade was an introduction into the differencesbetween east and west. All my classmates were healthy, tannedCalifornians, while I was this pale, sickly kid with ribs poking throughhis chest who looked like an anemic ghost. I recall they laughed at mebecause I wore short pants when no self-respecting California kid wouldever be caught dead in short pants. I survived and still treasure happy memories from my eight years atFremont Elementary School in Alhambra. The principal was a tough oldbird, rather attractive as I think back now, and well respected. Hername was Mary Mullin. Those were the days when teachers took no crapfrom their pupils. A number of fathers, including my own, wrote lettersto Miss Mullin, stating that if their boys were naughty, she had theirexpress permission to paddle their asses, which she did on numerousoccasions. I only felt her wrath twice, as I recall. Amazingly, at my fortieth high school reunion, nearly twenty kids out ofmy old Fremont grammar school class attended. Friendships were made that are still cherished. CRAIG DIRGO: What did you do for fun as a child? CLIVE CUSSLER: I was very fortunate in growing up in a neighborhoodwhere there were six boys of the same age who caused mischief and wereall punished by razor straps, belts or switches but were veryindustrious and creative. From the age of eight until we all enteredhigh school, we built tree houses and eight-room (granted, they weresmall) clubhouses, dug caves and covered them with boards and sod, anddeveloped entire miniature cities out of mud. In the open fields behind our homes, before the Southern Californiahousing boom in the postwar years, we struggled to move bales of hayfrom a local rancher's harvest and constructed a huge fort, where weplayed French Foreign Legion fighting off the raiding Tuaregs of theSahara Desert. We also built a twenty-foot boat in the middle of avacant lot and pretended we were pirates raiding the Spanish Main. I joined the Boy Scouts at age twelve and was a member of the CobraPatrol of Alhambra Troop Six. My scoutmaster was a wonderful man I'venever forgotten. His name was Guy Smalley, and along with my dad, theyinspired me to make Eagle Scout by the time I reached fourteen. Thecamping trips, the hikes, those Thursday night meetings in a logstructure built from telephone poles donated by the phone company,they're still with me. Few boys had a finer childhood. CRAIG DIRGO: What was your first job? CLIVE CUSSLER: When I was old enough, my father insisted I learn workethics. My job, if I was to be offered food and clothing, was to mowand trim the lawn every Saturday. We lived on a corner lot, and ifyou've ever lived on a corner lot, you know how much yard there is tomaintain. The trimming was the part I hated. There must have been fivemiles of sidewalks and flower beds to edge. Even to this day, I'd rather runup a steep slope in my bare feet on pea gravel than trim a yard. I alsohad to wax Mom's linoleum floors. Remember those? And dry the dishesevery evening. All for twenty-five cents a week. When I became a teenager, Dad raised me to a dollar a week. I wasn'timpressed. With the canny mind of a fourteen-year-old, I began doingsuch a rotten job of taking care of the yard, Dad finally threw up hishands in exasperation and hired a gardener. Through high school, I worked every chance I got. Getting up at 4:00A.M. to deliver the Los Angeles Times seven days a week for twentydollars. Selling magazine subscriptions door-to-door. Loading trucks at alaundry. Boxing groceries in a supermarket. Working a dirty jobgrinding the burrs off the impellers that went inside water pumps. Isaved every nickel and dime for that glorious day when I could afford togo out and buy my own car. CRAIG DIRGO: What about high school? CLIVE CUSSLER: Except for the extracurricular activities at AlhambraHigh, I found school to be a colossal drag. Frankly, I hated it. During algebra and civics classes, I stared out the window, blocking outthe teacher's lecture while I fired a cannon with John Paul Jones on theBonhomme Richard in his epic battle with the British frigate. Miraculously, I managed to survive four years without an F and, I mightadd, an A or a B. My report cards, much to the frustration of myself-disciplined and highly intelligent German father, were filled withC's and D's and the usual notation: "Clive seems bright, but he doesn'tapply himself." When fans and interviewers ask me what teacher inspired me to expand myhorizons and enter a writing career, they always seem saddened to learnI never had a teacher who saw any potential in a boy who seemed lost inNever-never Land. All they saw was a disinterested student who wouldprobably end out his days working as a farm laborer. I've alwaysthought that education is geared more to students who show a flair ofscholarship than those who have an untapped well of creativity. CRAIG DIRGO: So school was not your favorite activity. CLIVE CUSSLER: Hardly. The early forties were the heyday of Californiahot rods. When my buddies and I weren't making clowns of ourselvestrying to impress girls, we were body-surfing on the beach and laboringover our rods. Buying a car meant more to me than sports. Despitebeing a competent football pass receiver and baseball hitter, I optedfor working until I had enough money to buy a 1936Ford four-door sedan. Never half as fast as I hoped and prone tothrowing rods and breaking axles, it was nonetheless a pretty car indark green metallic paint with the louvers of the hood filled in, moonripple disk hubcaps, lowered in the back and touched off with teardropfender skirts. I poured my heart and a thousand dollars into that car. After I went into the Air Force, Dad sold it for sixty-nine dollars. My friends and I had a lively time in high school. A few actually had girlfriends, but mostly our love was directed towardour cars. I once bought a big black 1925 Auburn limousine with vanitymirrors and flower vases in the backseat for the grand sum of twenty-twodollars. It was right after the war in1945, and most of the American public, having coaxed the family car tokeep running in spite of the gas shortage for nearly five years, wanteda new car. The used-car market fell through the floor, and old classicscould be purchased for next to nothing. For the football games, my motley crew and I would dress up likegangsters, complete with overcoats and old fedora hats pulled down overour eyes, and smoke cigars. My poor parents had once suffered for threeyears in a vain attempt to make me play the violin, and I took the casedown from a shelf in the garage and carried it under one arm as thegangsters supposedly did when concealing their submachine guns. Pulling up to the football stadium in the big black limousine, our gangwould rumble through the aisles and up the steps to our seats. Thesecurity guards never did catch on to the fact that I smuggled beer andwine into the stands inside the Violin case. CRAIG DIRGO: But you ended up graduating. CLIVE CUSSLER: Barely. I had so many demerits that to graduate on -thestage with the rest of my class, the Alhambra High class of '49, I hadto work as a gardener on the school grounds after class for two hours aday. I next enrolled at Pasadena City College. It was a junior collegein those days. For no good reason that I can think of, I applied myselfand began receiving B's and a couple of A's. My dad almost went intocardiac arrest and demanded to know why I was impersonating his son. During the summer of 1950, an old school pal, Felix Duprey, and I tookoff in Felix's 1939 Ford convertible and toured the country, coveringthirty-six states in three months. We slept in freight carsin Boise and Houston, in a bandstand in Vermont, in the bushes directlybeneath the Capitol building in Washington, D.C and under the frontporch of a school in Kingsland, Georgia, where the local sheriffarrested us for trespassing. He followed our car into town, where hemade us sit in a barbershop because the barber happened to be thejustice of the peace. There was the threat of thirty days on the Georgia chain gang until Ilaunched into a speech about the ill treatment two red-blooded Americanboys received in Kingsland, Georgia, while traveling the great UnitedStates. Unintiniidated and dubious, but maybe a tiny bit confused, thesheriff and the justice of the peace ordered us to remain in the barbershop while they went over to the post office to see if there were anywanted posters out on us. Once they were gone, Felix and I looked ateach other, ran to the car and beat it over the Florida border onlythree miles away. CRAIG DIRGO: So after the trip, did you go back to Pasadena CityCollege? CLIVE CUSSLER: When we returned to Alhambra, we were stunned to find allour friends enlisting in the armed services. We'd paid no attention tothe news during the trip and were only vaguely aware of the conflict inKorea. Times were different then, and few boys hesitated to serve theircountry. Felix and I tried to sign up for flight training in the Navyand Air Force, but because so many college students had enlisted whilewe were driving the country, flight school had a nine-month backlog. Sowe signed up with the Air Force and went off to basic training atLackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas. On the train ride from Los Angeles,along with sixty other recruits, we all became drunk on cheap bourbonthat had to be smuggled on board, because we were all under age, andproceeded to sing "Good Night Irene" while breaking out the windows inthe club car. When the train reached El Paso, a squad of militarypolice boarded the train for the rest of the trip to prevent anotherincident. After basic training, I was sent to aircraft and engine school to becomea mechanic. The sergeant who interviewed me for a job classificationignored MY pleas for the motor pool. "All you do is change sparkplugs," he said, waving his hands airily. "What you want is aircraftand engine school." The Air Force had this irrational concept that if Iloved rebuilding old automobiles, I would simply adore maintaining C-97Boeing Strato cruisers in the Military Air Transport Service. The bigdifference was that my old Ford flathead V-8 had only eight spark plugs.The twenty-eight-cylinder Pratt-WUtney 4,360 cubic-inch engines thatpowered the C-97 each had a total of fifty-six spark plugs that requiredchanging all too frequently. After graduating from mechanic school, Iasked to be shipped to Europe in the forlorn hope I could visit myrelatives in Germany. Naturally, the Air Force sent me in the oppositedirection-Hickham Field, Hawaii, to be precise. Like school, the Air Force and I never really hit it off. If I found anangle to get off work, I used it. My medical records read like anEncyclopedia Britannica. I once found a large medical book dating backto 1895 in the back of an antique store. I bought it and began studyingthe entries. I remember one doctor asking me what my symptoms were. I told him, "Sir, I see purple spots before my eyes, I have hot flashes,the back of my neck has gone numb and I can't seem to bend my fingers." He looked at me strangely for several moments, then he gasped. "My God,son, it sounds like you have Borneo Jungle Incepus. I want you in thehospital." Very astute, that doctor. His diagnosis was right on the money. I wasimpressed he was aware of a disease considered rare even in 1895. After three days of blood tests and warnings to stop harassing thenurses, I was declared fit and sent back to the flight line. Thatantique medical book was the best investment I ever made. The final six months of my overseas tour passed slowly but pleasantly. I made many fine friends who remain in touch today. Dave Anderson, asculptor from Tulsa, Oklahoma; Charlie Davis, a pilot from Chicago; and,of course, Al Giordano, a rugged, sarcastic little stonemason fromVineland, New Jersey, who became the inspiration for Albert Giordino,Dirk Pitt's close pal in all the NUMA adventures. Al is now retired and living in Stuart, Florida. After roll call, Dave, Al and I, along with Don Mercier, who has sincepassed away, would jump in our cars, drive around the island of Oahu toa secluded cove and go skin diving. We soon became as tanned as thePolynesians and as agile as the fish we speared. Diving was wonderfulin those days. The beaches and coves were deserted, and we had the reefs and theturquoise waters to ourselves. It was then I enhanced my alreadyestablished love for the sea. To supplement my meager one hundred and thirty dollars a month as a bucksergeant, I used to buy old cars from the new-car dealers, fix them upand sell them to the troops arriving for service in the islands. Notrelishing Air Force life, I bought an airplane with three other fellows,a 1939 Luscombe, and rented an apartment at Waikiki Beach. A 1940 Packard limousine was my transportation to and from the baseuntil I bought and restored a 1939 Fiat Topolino with a little 500ccengine. I sold that car when I returned home and always regretted it. On a return vacation to Hawaii several years later, I found that the carhad been converted to a dragster that won several trophies on the localdrag strip. CRAIG DIRGO: It was about this time you met your wife, correct? CLIVE CUSSLER: I met my wife-to-be, Barbara Knight, shortly before Ileft overseas in October of 1951. She and I were introduced by a mutual friend, Carolyn Johnston, on ablind date when we attended a football game." They arrived to pick me upat my parents' house, and I sauntered out wearing a leather flightjacket, a white scarf flowing over my shoulders, Levi's, and smoking acigar. I thought I looked rather dashing, but Barbara took me for somekind of barbarian member of a motorcycle club. She sat as far away fromme as she could and spoke only about ten words the whole evening. To me, she looked rather dowdy, and I thought she was the mostintroverted girl I had ever met. Later that evening, when I walked herto the front door of her grandmother's house where she was living, forsome indescribable reason I became carried away andasked for a date the following night. I admit I was desperate. To thisday, she can't imagine why her brain refused to function and sheaccepted. Saturday night, resplendent in my uniform, I showed up at her doorstepat the appointed time. Barbara opened the door and stood like a radiant vision dressed for anelegant night on the town. We stared at each other for a full minute,unable to believe we were the same two people who had met the nightbefore. What a difference clothes make. I took her to Hollywood, where we swept into all the jazz jointsfeaturing such greats as Nappy Lamar, Stan Getz, Red Nichols and CharlieParker. Barbara was only eighteen, and I was twenty, and the legal drinking agewas twenty-one in those days. But perhaps because I looked older in uniform and Barbara was sodazzlingly attractive, we were never asked for our ID. We had amarvelous time, stayed relatively sober, and I still got her to hergrandmother's house at a reasonable hour. After I was sent overseas, we corresponded for the next two years, untilI managed a flight back to the States, courtesy of the Air Force, for atwo week leave. Incredibly, I arrived on her birthday, and we went outto celebrate. The days flew, and I recall a fabulous two weeks togetherbefore I returned to the islands. On the flight back, I made my mind upto marry her and began laying the foundation for courtship. I madeEbenezer Scrooge look like a spendthrift while I saved my meager AirForce pay supplemented by my used-car sales. I sold my share in theLuscombe, gave UP MY apartment at Waikiki Beach and moved back into thebarracks to accumulate a nest egg. A year later, I flew back to Camp Stoneman near San Francisco to receivemy discharge. A civilian again after three years, nine months andsixteen days, I caught an American Airlines midnight flight from SanFrancisco to Burbank. A couple of fellow passengers took up aconversation with me, asking about my time in the Air Force and what Iwas going to do when I got home. I recognized the taller of the two asRichard Tregaskis, who wrote Guadalcanal Diary. 'the other was LowellThomas. Little did I know I would meet him again in New York thirtyyears later and receive an honor from the Explorers Club in his name. At the airport, I found an early-morning bus that dropped me off sixblocks from home. I was burdened with so much baggage, I had to drag myduffel bag and diving equipment over the sidewalk the entire trip,arriving at my front door to be greeted by my parents at 5:30 in themorning. Three hours later, with a cashier's check totaling myhard-earned wages over the past three years clutched in my grubby hand,-1 bought an XK 120 modified Jaguar roadster at a foreign automobiledealership, receiving a nice discount because Dad audited their books. CRAIG DIRGO: So you returned, bought a new car and went to claimBarbara. CLIVE CUSSLER: That was the plan. So I drove over to Barbara's houseand was shocked to find her going with a sailor stationed on a ship inLong Beach. I guess while I was overseas, it was a case of out ofsight, out of mind. It never occurred to me that my goal of marriagewas not mutual. And yet, my best-laid plans and sacrifice paid off. Theswabbie took one look at dashing, debonair Cussler in his brand-newJaguar, and he took off for his ship, never to be seen again. Who canblame him? His competition was simply too stiff and uncompromising. After a four-month courtship, I took Barbara out to dinner, then dancingat the Palladium in Hollywood, to the music of Sonny Burke's big band,then drove to Mullholland Drive, where I proposed. They just don't come any more romantic than me. Barbara, unable to resist my best-laid plans, could only say yes. CRAIG DIRGO: Do you think it was the Jaguar that swayed her? CLIVE CUSSLER: Probably. Possessing a mind rigid with practicality, Ipromptly sold the Jaguar and with the hard-earned cash purchased a NashRambler station wagon, a beautiful cherry-wood Magnavox TV with a recordplayer, living-room sofa and chairs, dining-room tables and chairs, anew refrigerator and a washer/dryer. My dad gave us a stove, and I tookmy old bedroom set. So when we moved into a little duplex on HeilmanBoulevard in Alhambra, every stick of furniture was paid for. Barbara never forgave me. She always claimed she would have cookeddinner on a Coleman stove, eaten on the floor and furnished the placewith blankets and wooden crates if I had kept the Jaguar. Barbara must have seen something in me my teachers never did, and shehad to have nerves of steel. I know she could have reached much higher. At the time we were marriedin the Chapel of Roses in Pasadena in 1955, I was making $240 a monthpumping gas in a Union station on Sixth and Mateostreets in Los Angeles. You might say it was a case of coming fromnothing and bringing it with me. Fortunately, Barbara and I matched together like a pair of old socks. After a honeymoon in Ensenada, Mexico, we set up housekeeping as if we'dbeen doing it for years. Barbara worked in the personnel department ofthe Southern California Gas Company, while I filled gas tanks for theUnion Oil Company. I didn't finish college because I still hated schooland had no idea of what I wanted to be when and if I ever grew up. Six months later, a longtime friend and neighbor, Dick Klein, whomarried Carolyn Johnston, the lady who introduced Barbara to me, and Ibecame partners and leased a Mobile Oil station on Ramona Boulevard andGarvey Avenue in Alhambra. No more than seventy-five feet separated usfrom the fence bordering the San Bernardino Freeway. Between us, Dickand I had less than a year's experience, and I've always suspected theonly reason the company allowed us to operate the newly built stationwas that no other dealer wanted a location that was difficult for heavytraffic to reach. Dick and I, however, saw potential, since it was thelast stop for gas before entering the freeway, and it was also in aneighborhood where we grew up and knew many of the residents. The three and a half years I pumped gas was an interesting milestonetoward a writing career. So much happened, I could easily write a bookon our experiences. We were held up, burglarized, shortchanged,cheated, fleeced and vandalized. A drunken driver missed the turn andcrashed into the station, luckily missing everyone who was workingthat day. You can bet our insurance adjuster became tired of seeing ourfaces on a continual basis. We fought constantly with the company over promotions they tried to cramdown our throats, much like fast-food chains do today with theirfranchisees. We put in ungodly fifteen-hour days. As time went on and we couldafford to hire help, this dropped to ten hours a day. We gave aid to more accident victims than I care to remember. A younggirl, who walked her dog past the station every afternoon, used to stopand talk. One afternoon, I looked out from my office and saw her lyingin the street after she was struck by a car. Dick and I took care ofthe dog and made her comfortable until the ambulance arrived. Shesurvived. We rushed to perform first aid for a young boy who was struckon his bicycle. He survived, too. And then there were the injured and dead we helped pull from the mangledwreckage of cars on the freeway. Whenever we saw traffic back up oneither the east or west lane, one of us jumped on our three-wheelHarley-Davidson motorcycle and took off with a tool box toward theaccident, knowing we might have to dismantle doors to remove thevictims. We nearly always arrived before the police and ambulance andhelped ready the injured for the hospital. I believe that in the threeand a half years we had the station, Dick and I testified in eighteentraffic investigations. Mobile Oil estimated our station, despite having only two pumps, shouldsell twenty-six thousand gallons of gas a month. Company estimates wereuniversally inflated to urge their dealers to unparalleled heights. Inever agreed with the psychology behindit. Few stations came close to the estimates. Dick and I, however,were promoters. We called ourselves Clive & Dick's Petrol Emporium,bought an old 1926 Chevrolet truck and painted it in company colors,actually using it to the embarrassment of stalled customers when wepushed them into the station with it. We picked up and delivered carsfor service with our Harley that the company painted with our name andphone number. Dick talked a nearby tire company into wrapping a hundredused tires which we stacked around the station to make customers thinkwe were a big tire dealer and could offer them discount prices. Wedreamed up promotions for free brake adjustments and lube jobs just tosell brake jobs and oil. During gas wars, we painted a big sign withlowered prices-I believe we once got down to 27.9 cents a gallon-andpropped it on the old truck next to the freeway. Within a few months, Clive & Dick's Petrol Emporium was pumping fortythousand gallons a month. We were taking home eight hundred dollars amonth and -thought we had arrived in fat city. Dick bought a new house and a Ford station wagon. I bought a triplex and played landlord. You talk about cheap. I was a partner in a gas station. I drove aVolkswagen, and I walked to work. My gas tab averaged four dollars amonth. CRAIG DIRGO: So things were good. CLIVE CUSSLER: For a while. My daughter Teri was born, and I began tothink about the future. Because of our success, Dick and I had hopedeither to buy or lease a fleet of service stations and build an empire. But the company stepped in and said no. "You're doing fine with yourone little moneymaker." With nowhere to go, least of all up, we toldMobile Oil officials to stick it in their ears and sold out. In keepingwith my grandfather, who peddled his saloon in the nick of time, we soldour gas station six months before they closed off Garvey Boulevard tobuild the Long Beach Freeway. The gallonage at the station soonplummeted from forty thousand a month to eleven thousand. Nothing exists of Clive & Dick's Petrol Emporium. An apartment now sitson the corner we once occupied. CRAIG DIRGO: What then? CLIVE CUSSLER: I drifted for a while, selling the EncyclopediaBritannica, Lincoln-Mercury automobiles and a newspaper cartoon serviceto retail merchants. It didn't take a message inscribed with fire on stone tablets to tell meI couldn't sell a glass of water to a dehydrated prospector in theMojave Desert. If I wasn't the worst salesman in Los Angeles, I was nomore than two steps away. Then I got lucky. I overstated my qualifications and was hired asadvertising manager for a plush supermarket at the entrance to LidoIsland in Newport Beach, California, called Richard's Lido Market. I've never seen another food store with a comparable style and degree ofsophistication. The dream child of a peppery little guy, Dick Richard,the store was quite large for its time, with high ceilings painted adark blue-green. A maze of spotlights provided the illumination, givingthe floor the atmosphere of a nightclub. Richard's concept was to provide the finest-quality groceries possible,and he achieved his goal. No other chain store could come close tomatching the superiority of the produce, meats and deli products. If itwas imported or gourmet, Richard's stocked it. There was simply noindependent food store in the nation like it. Richard's spent largesums of money for advertising and in store promotions that were uniquefor their time. On my first day on the job, I was required to lay out a full-page ad forthe week's food specials. I had never laid out an ad in my life. Canny guy that I am, I talked to the man who had formerly held my jobbut who had now been promoted to store manager. I told him that sincehe had a distinctive manner of laying out the previous ads, I thought ita good idea if he laid out the next one so I could get a feel for hisstyle. He took the bait and showed me the tricks of the trade. Iquickly got the hang of it and was off and running. Advertising and I were meant for each other. It was all there. Adevious mind combined with an industrious talent for innuendo, duplicityand hokum. I had found my niche in life. Within six months, I was winning awardsfor creative advertising from the Orange County Advertising Club and theLadies Home Journal-National Supermarket competition. I even talked thelocal newspaper into giving me free space to write a homemaker page.Naturally, the recipes all tied in with the market specials for the weekon the adjoining page. We even did a column called Sally's Salmagundi,which meant medley or mixture. Barbara, Teri and I moved from our triplex in Alhambra and rented alittle apartment on the beach in Newport. I'd go body-surfing in themorning before bicycling to my office at the supermarket. In the evening, we'd walk along Balboa Island to the Crab cooker Cafefor a bowl of chowder. Eighteen months later, we bought a little tracthome in a subdivision called Mesa Verde in Costa Mesa, where my son,Dirk, and second daughter, Dana, were born. I slaved in the yard, building an Oriental pond, a mound with adistorted pine tree, a unique divider between mound and pond, a redwoodfence and poured concrete with gravel surface for steps leading to thefront door and my backyard patio. I planted trees and an Orientalgarden in the front and flower beds in the backyard that curved aroundthe lawn. I constructed a Polynesian playhouse for the kids that wasperched on sawed-off telephone poles. The roof and sides were sheathedin bamboo matting with a sandbox under the floor. Yes, I missed mycalling as a landscape designer. CRAic, DIRGO: But you found a calling in advertising. CLIVE CUSSLER: I enjoyed it. I decided to leave Richard's, and alongwith a talented young artist, Leo Bestgen, I formed a small advertisingagency. We decorated the office with antiques and a huge conferencetable we bought for ten cents on the dollar from Railway Express becauseit was slightly damaged by the shipping company. We opened our doorsand struggled for several months before paying the rent. To enhance ourincome-Barbara was home with Teri and son Dirk, who had arrived in1961-I worked evenings in a liquor store in Laguna Beach. Times were tough, but as a family we still managed to have fun. Irestored a 1952 Jaguar Mark VII sedan that was owned by a Hollywoodscreenwriter and loaned to the director for the movie Will Success SpoilRock Hunter? It was driven by Jayne Mansfield and Tony Randall. I also restored an at 42 tractive speedboat whose owner had become drunkon his palatial yacht one night and took the smaller speedboat to shore.He collided with several moored yachts and ran aground before thespeedboat sank. He said I could have it for free. So I bought a usedtrailer, and with the help of friends, grunted and strained and pulledthe boat off the beach and hauled it home. I sanded and repainted thehull red, white and blue and repaired the damage. I took out theinefficient little inboard engine and replaced it with ahundred-horsepower outboard motor. On weekends, we'd speed aroundNewport Harbor, find a secluded beach on an undeveloped island, park theboat and picnic while the kids swam. Eventually, I sold the outboard and bought an old twenty-six-footdouble-ender navy whale boat that had been converted into a fishing boatby a Swedish carpenter who built a deck and a cabin on her. I spentmany evenings and weekends remodeling her into a character boat. We all had great times cruising around the bay amid yachts costingmillions of dollars. Since the outboard had been named First Attempt,naturally the whale boat became the Second Attempt. We entertained manyfriends and business associates on that little boat. I learned mylesson about the old adage of a boat being a hole in the water you pourmoney into. Except for a little eight-foot Sabot sailboat that camelater, she was the last craft I ever owned. After three years, the advertising agency of Bestgen & Cussler prosperedto the point where I could stop working in the liquor store and we couldmake a livable wage. Leo had a great artistic talent andpreferred doing illustrations over laying out mundane ads. After manydiscussions, we decided to sell our accounts and furniture and close thedoors, Leo to go into design and illustration and me to become acopywriter at a big-time advertising agency. Everybody thought we werecrazy when success was just around the corner. But it was a case of twoyoung men who were not as interested in money as they were in doing whatthey wanted to do. Leo became a successful and respected illustrator whose work can be seenin national magazines, and I went to work during the next several yearsat three national advertising agencies on Wilshire and Sunsetboulevards, gradually working up to creative director. This was in thesixties, the truly creative years for advertising. I was fortunate towork with a number of creative people on accounts such as Budweiserbeer, Ajax detergent, Royal Crown cola and Bank of America, to name afew. Eventually, I produced radio and television commercials. I still enjoyed writing and creating original concepts and transferringthem into visual images that sold a product and made everybody happy. It wasn't as much fun as being a slayer of kings and ravager of women,but along with occasional fulfillment, there were incredible pressuresfrom deadlines and campaigns that didn't measure up to the clients'expectations. For every four successes, there was one failure thatcould result in the loss of an account. The awards for outstanding television and radio advertisements that Iwon seemed flattering at the time but soon began to pale. Years later,when I earned a living writing books, I put them in a big box and leftthem for the trash man. They were part of a past I seldom cared todwell on. CRAIG DIRGO: So advertising was growing old? CLIVE CUSSLER: It was. We still lived in Costa Mesa, and it was onthose long rides on the crowded freeways between the office and homethat I created My best ad campaigns. But by now, the old enthusiasm wasfading, and I began to think about other ways to make a living. Unknowingly to both of us, Barbara presented the key. She would go through cycles, staying home with the kids when they wereyoung, then going back to work, then becoming bored with her job andstaying home again. Finally, she found an interesting job workingnights for the local police department as a clerk, dispatcher and matronfor female prisoners. The schedule worked out very well for the family. She was with the kids during the day, and I took over when I returned inthe evening. After fixing the family dinner and putting Teri, Dirk and,by now, Dana, who arrived in 1964, to bed, I faced many an evening withno one to talk to. I was never the type to take my work burdens homewith me, so out of solitude I decided to write a book. But what book? I didn't have the great American novel burning inside meor an Aunt Fanny to chronicle who came across the prairie in a coveredwagon. After mulling the idea over in my mind for a few nights, I thought itwould be fun to produce a little paperback series. No highfalutinschemes to write a best-seller entered my mind. Thanks to my marketing experience, I began researching and analyzing allthe series heroes, beginning with Edgar Allan Poe's Inspector Dumas.Next came Conan Doyle and Sherlock Holmes and all the other ensuingfiction detectives and spies. Bulldog Drummond, Sam Spade, Phillip Marlowe, Mike Hammer, Matt Helm, JamesBond, I studied them all. When creating advertising, I had always looked at the competition andwondered what I could conceive that was totally different. I thought itfoolish to compete on the same terms with already-famous authors andtheir established protagonists. Bond was becoming incredibly popularthrough the movies, and I knew I couldn't match Ian Fleming's style andprose. So I was determined not to write about a detective, secret agent orundercover investigator or deal in murder mysteries. My hero'sadventures would be based on and under water. And thus, the basicconcept for Dirk Pitt the marine engineer with the National Underwaterand Marine Agency (NUMA) was born. CRAIG DIRGO: So, unlike a lot of writers, you started writing with adefinite plan in mind. CLIVE CUSSLER: Correct. The days of Doc Savage and Alan Quartermainwere long past, yet I found it interesting that almost no authors werewriting pure, old-fashioned adventure. It seemed a lost genre. After taking a refresher course in English, I launched the first bookthat introduced Pitt and most all of the characters who appeared in thefollowing thirteen novels. The first book was named Pacific Vortex. When I speak at writers' classes, I usually tell the students they cansave many, many hours of wasted time by studying and copying the writingstyle of successful authors who write in the same genre. Ernest Hemingway often told how his early style borrowed heavily fromTolstoy and Dostoyevsky. Thomas Wolfe, when he was in the merchant marine, purchased a used copyof James Joyce's Ulysses, which came close to being the size of theManhattan phone book. When sailing from port to port, Wolfe laboriouslycopied the entire book by hand. Months later, when he had at lastfinished, he took the three-foot-high stack of paper and threw it offthe stern into the wake of the ship. When his stunned shipmates askedwhy, after so much labor, he had simply cast it away, Wolfe saidshrewdly, "Because now I know how to write a book." Me? I leaned heavily on Alistair McLean on my first two books. I wasflattered when critics of my early work said I wrote like him. By mythird book, though, I began to drift into my own convoluted style with amyriad of subplots. Iceberg was always a sentimental favorite of minebecause it begins in Iceland and ends up at the Pirates of the Caribbeanin Disneyland. After completing Pacific Vortex, I was about to launch a second bookwhen I was offered an excellent position it a large advertising agencyas a creative director on the Prudential Insurance account. This was a lucrative opportunity that paid extremely well, but my wife,shrewd judge of me that she is, circled an ad in the help-wanted columnof a local newspaper. The ad was for a clerk in a dive shop that paidfour hundred dollars a month. She said, "You want to write sea stories, why don't you take this jobinstead." Odd person that I am, I wasted little time in deciding to decline the$2,500-a-month ad job, which was dam good money in 1968, and walked intothe Aquatic Center dive shop in Newport Beach toapply as a behind-the-counter salesman. The owners, Ron Merker, OmarWood and Don Spencer, looked at me as if I had stepped from a UFO. Theobvious question was, "Don't you think you're overqualified?" Maybe I was, but they were astute enough to see a sincerity behind myapplication and hired me to work in their Santa Ana store. Although Ihad dived since my years in Hawaii, I was never certified. MerkeT soon took care of that chore, and before long Spencer had meacting as dive master on diving expeditions to Santa Catalina. I hadmany fun experiences with those three fine men that are related in thebook The Sea Hunters. After a few weeks, they put me in charge of the store while Spencer wasworking other duties. I'd carry my portable typewriter with me when Iopened the doors in the morning and write at a card table behind thecounter when business was slow, usually in the afternoons. A littleover a year later, I finished Mediterranean Caper, bid a fond farewellto the dive shop and returned to the unscrupulous world of advertising. Having received nothing but rejection letters on Pacific Vortex, most ofthem printed forms, and with the manuscript of my second book in hand, Ifigured that now was as good a time as any to find an agent. I've told the following story more times than Judy Garland sang "Overthe Rainbow," but here goes. Working in TV production in Hollywood, I knew a number of people attheatrical casting agencies but no literary agents. Gathering the namesof twenty-five literary agents in New York from the casting people, Iset about contacting them one byone. Having an idea about the competition and how many manuscriptsagents and editors receive in a week-anywhere from thirty to sixty-Iwisely concluded that I had to beat the odds somehow. I bought a thousand sheets of blank stationery and a thousand envelopesand had the art director of the ad agency where I was working design alogo and specify the type. Then I went to a printer and had him printthe stationery and envelopes so that they read "The Charles WinthropAgency." For an address, I used my parents' since they lived in aritzier neighborhood than mine. Next, I wrote to the first name on thelist, which happened to be Peter Lampack, who was with the WilliamMorris Agency in Manhattan. The letter read: "Dear Peter: As you know, I primarily handle motionpicture and television screenplays; however, I've run across a pair ofbook-length manuscripts which I think have a great deal of potential. I would pursue them, but I am retiring soon. Would you like to take a look at them?" Signed Charlie Winthrop. I mailed off the letter to Lampack and waited for whatever responsewithout a great deal of optimism. A week later my dad called. "You have a letter from New York." Peter replied, "Dear Charlie, on your say-so, I'll take a look at themanuscripts. Send them to my office." Thinking so far so good, I sent off Pacific Vortex and The MediterraneanCaper and pushed the event to the back of my mind while I worked on acampaign to introduce a new El Toro lawn mower. Two weeks later,another letter arrived from Lampack: "Dear Charlie: Read the manuscripts. The first one is only fair, butthe second one looks good. Where can I sign Cussler to a contract?" I almost went into cardiac arrest. I couldn't believe it was that easy.I fired off a final letter from Charlie Winthrop telling Peter Lampackwhere he could reach Clive Cussler. Peter sent a letter introducinghimself along with a contract I promptly signed and returned. I threwaway the envelopes and wrote the next book, Iceberg, on the back ofCharlie Winthrop's stationary. CRAIG DIRGO: So you had an agent now. CLIVE CUSSLER: It may not have appeared so, but this was a major turningpoint in my life. Peter taking me on as a client was enough of aninspiration for me to leave advertising and consider life as a writer. Sure, no book was published and no money coming in, but still it wasworth a shot. Fed up with Southern California smog and traffic andwanting to change our lifestyle, which now that I look back on it wasthe only sane thing to do, I sold the boat thank God I sold the boat andactually broke even-then sold the house, bought a new car, a big 1969Mercury Monterey four-door sedan, and a tent trailer. After the housecleared escrow, we stored the furniture and took off for places unknownin the summer of 1970. Teri, Dirk and our youngest daughter, Dana, all in elementary school,were happy to go. It wasn't as traumatic for them to pack up and takeoff as it might have been if they were attending high school. The whole family looked upon our escape as a big adventure. It struckme that it was almost impossible to starve in the United States. Theidea was tofind a nice little resort area off the beaten path, where Barbara mightfind a part-time job and I could drive a school bus between hours spentover a typewriter writing the next Dirk Pitt epic. Naturally, all ourfriends and relatives thought we were crazy to leave California in thosedays. As it turned out, we were the vanguard of a mass exodus over thenext twenty-eight years. After a remarkably enjoyable summer, we finally settled in Estes Park,Colorado, a lovely little community at the entrance to Rocky MountainNational Park. We leased an attractive alpine house with spectacularviews and took up residence. The kids entered their new schools,Barbara took up housekeeping and I began writing Iceberg. The entire family enjoyed an idyllic life for almost a year and a half. I finished the book but had yet to be published. Peter Lampack triedvery hard to sell my books to editors but met with no success. At one point, his bosses called him into a conference and urged him todump Clive Cussler because it was obvious- I was going nowhere. ButPeter hung in, bless his heart. He refused to give up on me and keptpushing the manuscripts to editors. He now had two books to promote,The Mediterranean Caper and Iceberg, Pacific Vortex having beencondemned to a shelf in my closet. CRAIG DIRGO: What happened next? CLIVE CUSSLER: By now, I had put a healthy dent in my savings and themoney from the sale of our house in California. I concluded I had tofind a job to tide us over until I could finish another book or Peterfound me a publisher with an advance of royalties. I put on my bestsuit, typed my resume,put together a portfolio of my work in Los Angeles and knocked on thedoors of Denver advertising agencies, having no concept of how bucolicthey were. Three agencies had openings for a copywriter, and I wastedno time in applying. The vice president of the first agency looked over my resume andportfolio and shook his head. "You're overqualified," he said. "A former creative director from majorLos Angeles agencies taking a twenty-thousand-dollar-a-year pay cut towork as a copywriter in Denver. It hardly makes sense." "It does to me," said I, competing for the congeniality trophy. "Youmust admit you're getting a bargain." "Perhaps, but the last thing we need around here is you hotshots comingin from the east and west coasts and telling us how to run ourbusiness." "I assure you that is not my intention. I simply have a wife and threekids to support." "Sorry, Mr. Cussler. It won't work out." Incredibly, the next agency director who interviewed me had seeminglymemorized the last interviewer's remarks. It was like listening to arecording. He actually said, "You must remember, the last thing we needis for you hotshots from the big cities coming in here and telling ushow it's done." I was sorely tempted to drive to the city limits and make sure the signsaid "Welcome to Denver" and not "Pumpkin Corners." I made an appointment with the last agency for the following Mondaymorning. Over the weekend, I took my oldest suit, wadded it up andthrew it in a corner of the bedroom. Then I revised my resumebackward, putting only a few of my newspaper ads in the portfolio, andleft the demo tapes of my television commercials in a drawer. And, ohyes, I didn't shave for two days. Properly subdued, I drove to Denverand walked into an agency called Hull/Mefford. I noticed that only onefour-year-old local advertising award plaque hung in the lobby. Jack Hull, an intense and congenial man, went through the paces. Hebought my pathetic story of escaping those know-it-all hotshots on theWest Coast to move to a friendly climate. He offered ten thousanddollars a year to start, but I jacked him up to twelve. Fortunately,when he called my prior agencies in Los Angeles to verify my employment,all he asked the personnel managers was, "Did a Clive Cussler workthere?" They said yes, and he was satisfied I was genuine. I reported for work the next day and was given an old desk badly in needof varnish next to the restrooms, with an old Royal typewriter and nophone. My creative talents were not exactly taxed. My assignment was- to writeads for a real estate client, cartoon captions for a trucking companyseries and ads congratulating insurance agents for selling their quotasin premiums. None suspected I was once a big executive who wrote andproduced national advertising, and I never said a word. Everyone in the office thought I was a real hustler because I was typingfrom dawn to dusk as if my life depended on it. What they didn't knowwas that I usually knocked out my workload by ten o'clock and spent therest of the day writing my next book. I was driving between Estes Park and Denver, a run of sixty-five miles. The locals thought I wasshort on gray matter, but after the freeway driving of Los Angeles, Irather enjoyed the scenic trip between city and mountains. The drivesoon became old, however, and I moved the family to the suburbancommunity of Arvada just outside Denver, where I bought a tract home ona municipal golf course. Again becoming a slave to the yard, I laid inrailroad ties for steps, built a wooden sun deck with stairs and anotherfence and redwood planters. Then the day came when the president of our largest million-dollaraccount, a savings and loan company, notified the head of the agencythat if his advertising did not become more creative, he was going tolook at other agencies. Pandemonium reigned. I was ignored untilsomeone in desperation said, "What about that guy over by the bathrooms? Maybe he can come up with something." I was called into the conference room and asked, "We know it isn't muchtime, but do you think you can create an advertising campaign our clientmight consider by Friday?" This being Wednesday, I stared around the table, smiled my bestMachiavellian smile and said modestly, "I'll try." I actually had a campaign pretty well sketched out, I worked around thefact that all savings and loans gave the same interest and premiums tocustomers. But the one thing people prized was their name. So Icreated a campaign where the tellers and managers went out of their wayto call the customers by name, to read them off the passbooks andmemorize as many as possible. The primary idea was to make the savingsand loan office a warm and friendly place to do business. I did a storyboardon a little, mean, old, nasty lady who was avoided like the plague whenshe walked down the street. Mothers snatched their kids from in front of her, shades were pulledwhen she passed by and men crossed the street to avoid her. Then, whenshe comes into the savings and loan, she's treated royally and called byname. Simple, but when properly produced, it proved quite effective. On Friday, I made my dazzling pitch, the client bought the campaign andI was off and running. With a budget below three thousand dollars a spot, I concentrated on thetalent and chintzed on the production. I coaxed Margaret Hamilton, sobeloved as the Wicked Witch in The Wizard of Oz, to play the mean littleold lady. She was a marvelous, talented woman, kind and approachable toeveryone, regaling the production crew with stories about the making ofWizard. During the camera scenes, when she turned and faced the cameraafter having a pert little teller call her by name, Margaret's taut,prune face lit up like a Christmas tree. Then I had the famous actor ofthe forties and fifties, Richard Carlson, do the voice over. "Just whenyou thought you hadn't a friend in the world, isn't it nice to knowsomebody cares enough to remember your name?" Then came the savings andloan logo before the fade-out. I produced a series of commercials featuring the great character actorsCharlie Dell, who was on Evening Shade; Mike Mazurki, who playedgangsters in the classic movie mysteries; Joey Ross from Sergeant Bilkoand Car Fifty-four, Where Are You' " and little Judith Lowery, who wasMother Dexter on the Rhoda show. And last but not least, TedKnight, who played Ted Baxter on The Mary Tyler Moore Show. Characteractors, to my way of thinking, are the finest people in the moviebusiness. They're incredibly cooperative and uncomplaining. They live normal lives and never have a bad word to say about anybody. While I was producing the television commercials, I was creating a radiocampaign for a company called Deep Rock Water. I dreamed up an old guywho lived in Deep Rock's well by the name of Drink worthy, who spokewith a Maine Down easterner accent through the versatile voice of JohnnyHarding, a Denver radio personality. Deep Rock was still running thoseads twenty-five years later. Very quickly, the awards began to roll in for both accounts. SeveralCleos and International Broadcast Awards all came to the agency, alongwith first places at both the Venice and Chicago film festivals. Hull/Mefford was on a roll. They merged with another agency run by twoladies, Mary Wolfe and Jan Weir, added staff throughout the office andbegan welcoming new clients who walked through the door now that we hadgained a creative reputation. I was raised to seventeen thousand dollars a year, made vice presidentof the creative department and given a company car, which was all verywell and good but left me little time to write books. My littlecreative gang, the art directors George Yaeger and Errol Beauchamp,along with Ashley O'Neal, our Southern accountant, always had lunchacross 17th Street in downtown Denver at an old hangout called Shanners.A terrific waitress named Brenda never failed to have our private boothreserved. I always ordered a tuna sandwich, heavy on the mayo, withan extra pickle and a Bombay gin martini. I really lived high. Theonly downside was I had no time for Dirk Pitt. Then my ad world came crashing down. I was offered a promotion to executive vice president but turned it downbecause I preferred to remain in the creative end. So the agency headshired an account supervisor from a New York agency. I doubt whether hecould explain it, I know I can't, but when we shook hands as we wereintroduced, it was instant dislike. To this day, I can't put my fingeron it. He was a corporate infighter, and I wasn't. It took him only threemonths to get the ear of the bosses. I was called in one day and toldmy two-hour martini lunches were not acceptable and to clean out mydesk. Dumb old me, I thought as long as I did my job and won awards andpleased the clients, my job was secure. I looked up at God and askedhim, "God, let me keep my job." And God looked down at me and said,"Why?" I swore then and there I would never work for anybody ever againuntil my dying gasp." CRAIG DIRGO: So you're out of work again. CLIVE CUSSLER: That was about the size of it. Actually, the sacking wasa blessing in disguise. I went home, returned my antennae and wroteRaise the Titanic! in one corner of my unfinished basement, and therest, as they say, is history. Peter's persistence finally paid off. He found a publisher willing topublish Dirk Pitt for the first time. A little third-level paperbackpublisher called Pyramid printed about fifty thousand copies, soldthirty-two thousand and paid me the munificent sumof five thousand dollars for The Mediterranean Caper. The book soldretail for seventy-five cents. One Saturday morning, as I was going to the lumber yard for somematerial to finish the basement, the mailman handed me the mail. Isorted through it and found a letter from the Mystery Writers ofAmerica. I opened the envelope and found a printed form letter. Thinking it was an invitation to join the club, I merely glanced at it,then froze and read it more carefully. It was notification that TheMediterranean Caper had been nominated as one of the five best paperbackmysteries of 1973. My peers, no matter how deluded, thought I couldwrite. I didn't win, nor have I ever been nominated again. But I've always owed the MW of A for that shot in the arm when the skieswere gray. Less than a year later, Dodd Mead bought Iceberg for five thousanddollars. I was coming up in the world. They printed five thousandhardcovers and sold thirty-two hundred. To collectors, a pristine bookand jacket can now pull as high as a thousand dollars. Even an old copyof The Mediterranean Caper by Pyramid can bring three hundred dollars,providing you can find one. I finished Raise the Titanic!and sent it off to Peter, who read it, approved and relayed it to myeditor at Dodd Mead. A rejection came back within ten days. Oh, the shame of it all. Rejected by my own editor and publisher. Itwas me against the world, and the world was winning. Peter sent therenounced manuscript to Putnam, but the editor there wanted a massiverewrite, and I refused to do it. Out of the blue, Viking Press boughtit, asked for very few changes and paid me seventy-five hundred dollars. Then strange forces went to work. An editor from Macmillan in London was visiting an editor friend atViking and heard about the story. Since, as he put it, the Titanic was a British ship, he asked for a copyof the manuscript to read on the plane back to England. He liked it andwanted to buy it. Luckily, Peter had sold Iceberg to Nick Austin atSphere, a small publishing house in London, for, I believe, about fourhundred dollars. Since Sphere had the first option, they put in a bidfor Raise the Titanic! that was promptly topped by Macmillan. When thebidding war was over, Sphere owned the book, paying twenty-two thousanddollars, which was rather a healthy sum for Britain in those days. A week before, I had pulled off one of my craftier moves. Somehow I gotthe gut feeling that things were failing my way. I called Peter andasked him if I might get the rights back to The Mediterranean Caper. Hereplied it shouldn't be a problem since it was out of print. He was right. Pyramid signed over the rights without a protest. Atthat time, Jonathan Dodd at Dodd Mead notified Peter that PlayboyPublications had offered four thousand dollars for the paperback rightsto Iceberg. Peter commented that since it was the only game in town, Imight as well play. Again, something tugged at my mind. I instructedPeter, "Tell Jonathan that I'll pay him five thousand dollars for theexclusive rights to Iceberg." Peter thought I was crazy. "Authors donot buy back rights," he admonished me. "It just isn't done in thepublishing business. Besides, it's a dumb play. You split the fourthousand dollars with Dodd Mead, so it would be stupid to offer themthree thousand dollars up and above the offered price from Playboy." Following my instincts and with a mania to own what's mine, I commanded,"Offer Jonathan the five thousand dollars." Two hours later, Peter called back. "It's a mystery to me why, butJonathan okayed the deal." "How can he miss?" I replied. "He's making an extra three thousanddollars." Talk about guts. Barbara and I had all of four hundred dollars in thebank. We might have tried to borrow from our folks, but I rightlyassumed they would think I was crazy, too. So I took out a loan on ouraging 1969 Mercury, and Barbara managed to borrow the rest through hercredit union at Memorex, where she worked as a secretary. In myenthusiasm, I whisked off a check to Dodd Mead before my deposits hadcleared the bank, and the check bounced in New York just as the momentumbegan building on Raise the Titanic! Jonathan Dodd, being the truegentleman he is, honored the deal when the check finally cleared. The British interest in Raise the Titanic! then boomeranged back toAmerica, with Peter officiating over an auction among the Americanpaperback publishers. Never having experienced a book auction before, Iwas in the dark until Peter explained the procedure. A floor price isset, and the publishers bid up from that amount, the high bid being thewinner. CRAIG DIRGO: Were you confident this would finally allow you to writefull-time? CLIVE CUSSLER: When Barbara walked out of the house on the morning ofthe auction to drive to her office, I said jokingly, and I swear to GodI truly was being facetious, "When the bidding gets to two hundred fiftythousand, you can quit." At 10:00 A.M. Rocky Mountain Standard Time, I called her at work andtold her to quit. Barbara walked right in and gave her boss two weeks'notice. "the bidding ultimately went to eight hundred forty thousand dollars,with Bantam Books as the winning bidder. Friends and acquaintancesoften came up to me and said, "Congratulations on your overnightsuccess." My reply was, "Yeah, eleven years," the time that had elapsed since Ifirst sat down at that old portable Smith Corona typewriter at a desk inmy son's bedroom in that little tract house in Costa Mesa, California. Later, when the dust from the auction had settled, the management atBantam was stunned to learn that Raise the Titanic! was the third bookin a series. Fearful that I would sell The Mediterranean Caper and Iceberg to anotherpublisher and thereby cut into their sales of Raise the Titanic! theypaid me forty thousand dollars apiece for both books, with the expresspurpose of simply keeping them off the market. Fortunately, an editor took them home over the weekend and read them. On Monday, having become a believer in Dirk Pitt, he sold the editorialcommittee on publishing them both. The Mediterranean Caper and Icebergsince have gone on to sell many millions of copies around the world. My first and only review from the New York Times was a classic. Thereviewer wrote, "If good books received roses and bad books skunks,Cussler would get four skunks." With depth of understanding. This hadto be a reviewer who took almost sensual pleasure from his craft. Icalled Peter and grumbled. "They didn't have to be that nasty." And Peter came back with the classic reply. "Listen," he saidseriously, "when we start getting good literary reviews, we're in bigtrouble." He was right, of course. The highly touted literary books seldom sellbig-time. My own observation of the self-congratulatory establishmentwriters is that although they create worldly-wise prose, most of themcan't plot worth a grunt. My favorite sinister review came out of the Christian Science Monitor. It took up nearly two-thirds of a page and was very tongue-in-cheek. The reviewer criticized and nitpicked every page of Inca Gold. When I reached the end of the review, I broke up in fits of laughter. It seems it had been written and sent to the Monitor by thesuperintendent of sewers for the city of Muncie, Indiana. I've savedthat one for posterity. CRAIG DIRGO: So it would seem at this point you had it made. CLIVE CUSSLER: Things were better, that's for sure. When the first royalty check came in, Barbara, the kids and I celebratedby buying a new refrigerator and a used Fiat sports car. Then I went back to my corner of the basement and started Vixen 03, butnot before Barbara and I flew to New York to meet my new editor andpublisher. Our arrival in the Big Apple was timely. Peter had justconcluded negotiations to sell Raise the Titanic! to Lord Lew Grade andMartin Stagger of Marble Arch Productions to be made into a motionpicture. To celebrate, Peter and his lovely wife, Diane, and Barbara and I wentout to dinner at a restaurant called Sign of the Dove. While waitingfor dessert, I turned to Barbara and said, "I think the time has come." Peter and I had now been together for six years, and he had persistedthrough all the rejections, believing in me, until we finally achieved abreakthrough. He has always possessed a ton of integrity, and I hadbeen reluctant to tell him about Charlie Winthrop for fear he might dropme. But now I was his biggest client and knew he would think twicebefore making such a decision. I confessed my scam to get him to readmy manuscripts with great trepidation. When I finished, Peter looked blank for a moment and then laughedhimself under the table. When he recovered, he said, "Oh my God. I always thought CharlieWinthrop was some guy I met when I was drunk at a cocktail party." Peter and I have been together now for twenty nine years. We have thesecond-longest-running agent-author relationship behind thethirty-one-year association of Henry Morrison and Robert Ludlum. He is my dearest friend, and since he left William Morris to launch hisown agency almost twenty years ago, our, only contract has been ahandshake. Ninety percent of what I have achieved through Dirk Pitt and his pals Iowe to Peter Lampack. He is an honest but tough negotiator who iswidely respected throughout the publishing field. The following year, I finished Vixen 03 and mailed it off to Peter inNew York. Tom Ginsberg, whose family had run Viking Press for severaldecades, also bought the new book and paid a generous advance, perhapsbelieving I might become a popular author. Unfortunately, Tom soldViking to Penguin, a foreign publisher that overturned the oldmanagement. Two young hotshots (there's that word again) were put in control and commenced to change the entire face of VikingPress. They alienated everyone in sight. Established authors fled thehouse, including Judith Guest and Saul Bellow. The new corporate chiefsfelt that since Vixen 03 had been purchased by the previous management,it wasn't their personal property. They sent me out on a book tour withlittle or no advertising under less budget than Willie Loman had sellingneckties out of cheap hotel rooms. Ebenezer Scrooge spent money like alottery winner next to these guys. They put me on night flights so theairline would feed me. They booked me in cheap hotels. The entire tourwas chaos and confusion. The smart thing after this kind of treatment was to flee the publishinghouse for another. But how? They had dibs on my next book. A manifestation of Cussler's law is thateverybody in their life has accomplished something that will paydividends eventually. It turns out I had knocked out a silly manuscripton the Denver advertising follies right after Raise the Titanic! as acatharsis to being fired. It must have taken all of sixty days to write the farce before I threwit in a closet. The tale was called I Went to Denver but It Was Closed.Off it went to Peter, who submitted it to Viking's editors. The rejection was incredibly prompt, and, having satisfied our optionagreement, we were free to take the next Dirk Pitt book to anotherpublisher. In this case, it was Bantam, which wanted to get into thehardcover market. They bought Night Probe! which I always consider asone of my better plots. CRAIG DIRGO: So you landed at Bantam. CLIVE CUSSLER: Luckily, it worked out OK. One day, as I talked to mynew editor about minor changes in the manuscript, he asked where NightProbe!came in sequence in relation to the earlier books. I casually mentionedPacific Vortex as being the first book to introduce the characters, butit was never published. He sounded stunned. "What?" he gasped. "There's another Dirk Pitt manuscript out there? How sooncan you get it to me?" By now, since all the books were high on the bestseller list, all thepublishers saw were dollar signs. I called Peter and told him Bantamwanted to have a look at Pacific Vortex. "Not on your life," he cameback. "Publish that rag, and you're ruined." Curious after not having looked at the manuscript in almost fifteenyears, I took it off the closet shelf where it was living under I Wentto Denver but It Was Closed, blew off the dust and began reading. The Story was pretty good. It was just that my early style of writingleft much to be desired. I spent about three months rewriting it, thensent it to Peter with instructions to pass it along to Bantam. Peterwasn't a happy camper, but to make me happy, he gave it to my editor,who received it enthusiastically. Months later, when Pacific Vortex was ready to be distributed, Petersaid he was going on vacation to Jamaica because he didn't want to bearound when the book bombed. I have to give Bantam credit, they did aterrific job on the book jacket, designing a double cover with acircular die cut on the outer one that opened to reveal a diver inside. A week after the book hit the stands and the shelves, I sent Peter atelegram at his hotel in Jamaica. It read, "Screw YOU, Pacific VOrtexjust went number two on the New York Times paperback list." Not long afterward, I had lunch with the president of Bantam. Irevealed that I was happy at last to have all my paperback books underone house and that I'd have taken less money to be there. He looked atme in shock, dropped his fork and muttered, "Well, I'll have you knowthat I was willing to pay more." One-upmanship lives. This little conversation came back to haunt me when I turned in my nextbook, Deep Six. After entering contract negotiations, Peter was stunnedwhen the head of Bantam offered less money for the new book than theyhad paid for Night Probe! which was their first hardcover to make the bestseller list and madethem a considerable sum of money. Peter told them in no uncertain termstheir train had jumped the track. Then they came back with the sameroyalty payment as before. I knew deep down inside that this ridiculouspetty haggling was due to the lunch. CRAIG DIRGO: So it was time to switch publishers again? CLIVE CUSSLER: It was time. Peter and I decided to throw the book onthe open market. Michael Korda of Simon & Schuster offered a muchhigher amount than Bantam, and I changed publishing houses. CRAIG DIRGO: Let's talk about the layout of your books and your habit offeaturing your cars. CLIVE CUSSLER: I've always had fun with the author photos on the books. On Iceberg, I was pushed by a deadline, and since I was into diving butliving in Colorado, I put on an old wet suit and talked a friend intoshooting a black-and-white photo of me from the waist up surrounded bywater. What no 66 body knew was that I was standing in a pond in themiddle of a golf course. On the jacket of Raise the Titanic! I wore anIrish knit sweater that was about two sizes too large and was taken upin the back by seven or eight clothespins. It wasn't until Deep Six that I began displaying the cars depicted inthe books as driven by Dirk Pitt, when in fact they were owned by me. I thought, and still do, that readers would rather see the car while Istood in the background than some enhanced photo of my ugly mug takenwhen I was ten years younger. When they were doing the cover design forDragon, it occurred to me that since they were printing four colors onthe front of the jacket, it would cost them hardly any more to print theback photo in color because it would be on the same print run. Youlearn these things in advertising. To make certain the photo is first-rate quality, I've always had Denverphotographer Paul Peregrine shoot the photo, while Errol Beauchamp, whoowns a commercial art studio, does the overlays and has the type setthat reads, "Clive Cussler with Dirk Pitt's ... year and make of car." All the photos on all the jackets were shot on a lawn across the streetfrom my warehouse. On two occasions, we were lucky because it snowedthe night before, allowing the colors of the cars really to burst forth.I damn near got frostbite standing beside the cars for three hoursbecause I couldn't walk around and make footprints. As far as I know,I'm one of the few authors who oversee the print and layout of theirbook jackets. CRAIG DIRGO: Let's talk about your cars. CLIVE CUSSLER: I'm often asked if Pitt and I own thesame cars. In most cases, yes. In the earlier books, he drove aMaybach-Zeppelin and an AC Cobra, which I do not own. He also has aFord Trimotor aircraft and a Messerschmidt 262 jet fighter that I lack. Unlike Pitt, I own no airplanes. I tried to buy an old Ford Trimotorone time, but the elderly fellow who owned the aircraft wanted twomillion dollars for it, and I barely had enough to buy the landingwheels. Nor do I own an old aircraft hangar to store my car collection like DirkPitt. My cars are stored in a warehouse near Denver. They aremaintained by Keith Lowden and Ron Posey, who operate a restorationbusiness on one end of the building. The cars are taken out and drivenoccasionally, then stored with all gas and batteries removed. Beginning with Deep Six, I loaned Pitt the blue Talbot-Lago. I blewthis car up in the book and was amazed at the five letters I receivedasking if I really demolished the car. I assured the readers byanswering that the car was alive and well and living in a warehouse inColorado. I've been a car nut since I was eight and saw my first town car, a bodystyle where the chauffeur used to sit in the open while the passengerwas enclosed. The first car in my collection is a 1946 Ford Deluxe that my wifespotted for sale in the front yard of a farm during a Sunday drive. "Oh, look," she said, "there's a '46 club coupe like I had in highschool." I turned around and bought it, and my son, Dirk, and I restored it inthe street in front of our little house in Arvada, Colorado. I recallusing spray cans to primer the body. When I could afford it, I began collecting foreignclassics and American town cars. The classics, however, have become sohorribly expensive to restore because parts are all but extinct. Afterpaying sixteen hundred dollars for a twelve-cylinder Packard eneratorand another eight hundred dollars just to restore it, I beganconcentrating on the late-1950s convertibles. Those few short yearsbecame an era of huge cars with 300-horsepower engines and tons ofchrome, an era we'll never see again. They used to say that when youbought one of those big chrome barges, you received your own zip code. My day-to-day cars are a 1995 Jeep Cherokee in Colorado and a 1959Austin-Healey in Arizona. CRAIG DIRGO: So the car collection is one of your hobbies, and findingshipwrecks is the other? CLIVE CUSSLER: My interest in shipwrecks is another story that iscovered in The Sea Hunters, in which I tell the story of meeting an oldwharf rat in a waterfront saloon who told me, "If it ain't fun, it ain'tworth doing." My sentiments exactly, especially since my philosophy ofLIFE falls somewhere to the right of whoopee. CRAIG DIRGO: Let's get back to the books for a moment. CLIVE CUSSLER: I try very hard to make my books fun and different fromthose of other authors by introducing the elements of old cars,shipwrecks and, yes, even an old derelict like me. I wrote myself intoa brief scene in Dragon where Pitt and I meet at a classic car concourseWhen we are introduced to each other, I couldn't resist inserting a lineof dialogue when I look at him and say, "The name is familiar, but Ijust can't place the face." I wrote the interlude as a bit of fun,truly believing my editor,Michael Korda, was going to demand it be removed. When he left it in, I was surprised and asked him about it. He said, "Imust admit I found it unconventional, but knowing you as anunconventional guy, I thought, oh well, it's pure Cussler. , One timewas all I intended, but after receiving three hundred letters saying itwas great fun, I became a regular member of the cast. Pitt and I neverdo recall meeting in the previous stories. We both have lousy memories. CRAIG DIRGO: What do you like to read? CLIVE CUSSLER: I remember meeting James Michener when he was in Coloradowriting Centenniat The fellow who set up the luncheon, Mike Windsor, whoknew Michener during the war, asked him jokingly, "Have you read anygood books lately, Jim?" Michener smiled. "Actually, I don't read." Then he explained by sayingthat he had little time to read fiction, as most of his waking hourswere spent either in writing or research. Most writers have been there,done that. When you're in the middle of writing a book, it's almostimpossible to read another's tale of fiction. Authors are plagued bypeople who always ask if you've read so-and-so and seem puzzled when yousay no. They can't understand why we have no time for recreationalreading. The only fiction books I try to read in the evening rather than watch TVare review copies sent from agents and editors and written by new,first-time authors. I always try to give a newcomer a helping hand,even though I seriously doubt an endorsement from me would buy them acup of coffee. I did have the honor of writing an endorsement for Tom Clancy's firsteffort, The Hunt for Red October, and Stephen Coontz's Flight of theIntruder. Clancy called not long after his book hit the top of the best-seller listand asked what I thought of his idea to keep using Jack Ryan as acontinuing protagonist in his next novels. All I could tell him withany accuracy was that Dirk Pitt hadn't hurt me, and go for it. When it comes to writing, it's fun to be different and do things otherauthors wouldn't think of doing. Overseeing the book jackets, appearing in story lines, using plots thathaven't been used before, shying away from the old hackneyed story linesusing the nasty Russian KGB and Arab terrorists, old Nazi criminals, CIAconspiracies and military espionage. It's definitely more fun to beoriginal. I do admit to writing a vague formula. My first two books were basic potboilers, what I call formula A. This iswhere the readers walk beside the protagonist from chapter one to theend. In Iceberg, I began to drift into convoluted plots or what I callformula B. Now I have subplots going on that Pitt and Giordino are neveraware of, even at the end. Raise the Titanic! was really the Just inthe series where I had several plots going on at the same time. The trick is always to thread the needle at the end. I'm often amused by calls I receive from friends and relatives at allhours who are reading my latest book. The conversation usually goes,"You son of a bitch, I'm halfway through such-and-such a book, andthere's no way you're going to pull this off." Often it's not easy, but I never cheat the reader in the end. Myreaders mean everything to me. When writing, I frequently ask myself,"What would theylike to see at this point?" It's not easy getting inside the head ofthe public. I learned that in advertising. But you do develop a rapport after a time and know what it takes todeliver a fast-paced story that keeps the book in the hands of thereader at all hours. That's why I've always considered myself an entertainer more than awriter. Many writers try to cram their stories down their readers'throats. Others try to get their stories across on philosophy, on theenvironment or anarchy in the streets of Copenhagen. I feel my job is to entertain the readers in such a manner that whenthey reach The End, they feel they got their money's worth. No message,no inspirational passages, no political ideology, just old-fashionedenjoyment. A Pitt book begins with a basic "what if' concept. For example, what if they raise the Titanic? Why? There is something of extreme interest on the wreck. Who could affordthe enormous salvage cost? The government. Why would the governmentspend the enormous amount of money required? They might to perfect a defense system. And so it goes. I like to create a historical prologue, sometimes even using two, suchas in Sahara. Then lead the reader through a myriad of plots thatusually involve four different sections that take place in differentlocations and using separate events. The trick is to wind them like acable toward what I call a successful conclusion. It soundscomplicated, but surprisingly the scenario unreels inside my head. Inever do an outline, never write more than one draft. For a guy whosewife sends him to the store for a loaf of bread and returns with a jarof pickles,it is truly amazing how I can juggle a multitude of characters andevents in my head. The hard part is visualizing ships exploding andsinking into the depths, volcanoes erupting and tidal waves sweepingover the South American jungle, and then translating the fantasy intothose little black letters on white paper Dirk Pitt has changed throughthe years. He's mellowed quite a bit. When we first started outtogether, we were both thirty-six. Now he's hovering near forty, andI'm sixty-seven. I tell you, it ain't fair. Fans and mediainterviewers often inquire if I'm Pitt. I originally made him my weightand height when I was younger. Six foot three and a hundred andeighty-five pounds. His eyes are greener than mine, and he certainlyattracts more ladies than I ever did. But then, he hasn't been in lovewith the same sweetheart for forty-three years, either. We've had othersimilarities. When I quit smoking years ago, Pitt quit smoking. When I went from drinking Cutty Sark scotch to Bombay Gin, so did he. When I developed a. taste for tequila, he followed right along. Isuppose there's more of me in Pitt than he cares to admit. He is named after my son, who came first. Just before Dirk was born, mywife and I fought like pit bulls over a name. She wanted Scott orGlenn, and I wanted Dirk or Kurt. As it turned out, Dirk was born latein the evening. In the morning, I was stepping out of the elevator witha vase of flowers as the nurse was walking past. She stopped uponrecognizing me, held up an official-looking piece of paper and said,"Oh, Mr. Cussler, I was just going into your wife's room to fill out thebirth certificate." I quickly grabbed the nurse by the arm, hustled her into the nearestoffice and filled in the birth certificate before my poor wife had achance. Good girl that she is, she let it slide, much to the delight ofmy son and my fans. I can't imagine Glenn Pitt. It sounds like a bottle of cheap scotch. CRAIG DIRGO: What about Pitt-any marriage plans? CLIVE CUSSLER: Will Pitt ever marry? Probably not. I find it hard toimagine Giordino coming to Pitt's house and asking his wife if Dirk cancome out and play. He's come close a couple of times. Two of the womenhe was in love with died in the last chapter. He asked Congresswoman Smith, but she turned him down. Pitt does nothave great luck with women. Loren Smith, by the way, came about in an unusual fashion. I wascasting for an important female character in Vixen 03. I had no problemcreating someone with style and elegance. Someone lovely with a quickmind and wit. My hang-up was her occupation. Pitt's women are neverharsh, stupid bimbos. They've all made it in the world and carry their own weight. A few dayspreviously, I had won an award from the Colorado Authors League forIceberg and now received a letter with the heading, "From the desk ofCongresswoman Patricia Schroeder." She wrote: "Dear Olive,congratulations on winning the best book award from the Colorado AuthorsLeague." All my life, I've been cursed by people unfamiliar with the name Clive,who think the C is an 0. Schroeder apparently thought I was a woman and sent her congratulatorynote. It had to be female bonding, because I didn't live in herdistrict. But atleast I had the occupation for Loren Smith, congresswoman from adistrict on Colorado's western slope. CRAIG DIRGO: When are they going to make another Dirk Pitt movie? CLIVE CUSSLER: People often wonder why I've never sold another book toHollywood. My response is, "Not after the way they botched up Raise theTitanic!" The screen writing was simply awful, the direction wasamateurish and even the editing was pathetic. Only John Barry's musicalscore and the special effects were first-rate. I'm not looking for ablockbuster motion picture, but I am hoping for a production of quality,more of a classic than a run of-the-mill car chase with special-effectsexplosions every five minutes. I recall seeing Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark a yearafter Raise the Titanic! came out in the theaters. I almost cried. The manner in which Spielberg produced a fast-paced, nail-bitingadventure was how I had envisioned the Pitt movie I never got. . Peter and I have had many, many offers, but the producers in Hollywoodare more interested in the art of the deal than the art of creating amovie with scope and depth. We've turned down many millions of dollarsbecause I refuse to cheat my readers with another sloppy production. Idon't need the money that badly. I wish to have scnpt and castingapproval, but from what I hear from the studio bosses, that'snonnegotiable. A number of actors have approached Peter about making adeal, but most of them are not my image of Dirk Pitt, or they are toowell known. If a big box-office star plays Dirk Pitt,you don't see Pitt, only the star. That's why I prefer an actor who isnot well known who can become Pitt, much like Sean Connery became JamesBond. None of the producers and studios gets it. They think any author wouldsell his soul to have his book made into a movie. Once was enough forme. Actors see a chance to increase their fans; producers look only at themoney angle. I've yet to be contacted by a director who has read thebooks, enjoyed them and asked to sit down with me and discuss how amovie on Pitt should be made. Not a likely event, considering the egosin Tinsel town, but who's to say? Someday someone will come along andsell me. But until then, I'll keep writing about Dirk Pitt, Al Giordinoand the NUMA gang and be happy in my ignorance. CRAIG DIRGO: Tell us about what your life is like now. CLIVE CUSSLER: Teri raised a family and gave us two terrificgrandchildren. Dirk received his master's degree and works as afinancial analyst in Phoenix. Dana moved to Los Angeles, where she works in the movies. Years ago,the family began spending time in Arizona when Barbara, Dirk and I beganattending the classic car auctions promoted by Barrett/Jackson and theKruse brothers. After Dirk entered Arizona State University at Tempe,we bought a condo in Scottsdale to enjoy the warmer climate during theColorado winters. Always wanting a Southwestern adobe home, I lookedfor two years before I finally found one that reached out and grabbedme. It was slightly run-down, so we remodeled and landscaped the yard,and I built an office off to one side of the house, where I have mylibrary, the ship models by Fred Tourneau and marine paintings byRichard DeRosset of the ships NUMA has discovered over the years. This has become my domain. I furnished the house in Southwesternfurniture and Mexican folk art. When people visit, I'm often asked whodid the interior decorating. They seem genuinely surprised when I sayit was me. They can't believe that a fiction writer has taste or thatmy wife didn't have a strong hand in it. Barbara did, however, get her day in court. For her domain, she built abeautiful log house in Telluride surrounded by aspens with an incredibleview of the San Juan Mountains. Here I had no say except for structuralconversations with the contractor. The home is entirely hers from the bottom floor to the top of thechimneys, comfortable, warm and cozy. We have the best of both worlds,spending summers in Colorado and winters in Arizona. Which brings me to one of the most frequent questions I'm asked: How cansomeone who writes sea stories live in the mountains and the desert? Theanswer is that-I get my fix by working on the water searching forshipwrecks at least one month out of the year. CRAIG DiRGo: One last question. What's the best comment you've everreceived on the books? CLIVE CUSSLER: In the words of a lady journalist who did a review ofInca Gold, "Loren Smith is the woman we all want to be, and Dirk Pitt isthe man we all want." The bottom line is that readers of all ages and both genders enjoy Pittbecause there is a little of him in all of us. The Clive Cussler Car Collection 1. 1918 Cadillac touring with dualwindshields and V-8 engine. Body by Harley Earle. Once owned by FloZiegfeld and Billie Burke. 2. 1921 Rolls-Royce Silver Ghost touring with Vdash and windshield.Body by Park Ward. 3. 1925 Isotta-Fraschini. Open torpedo body by Sala. 4. 1925 Minerva town car landaulet. Body by Hibbard & Darrin. 5. 1925 Locomobile Sport/tourer. 6. 1926 Hispano-Suiza cabriolet. Body by Iteren d'Ferres. Driven byCussler in a race against Pitt in Dragon. 7. 1929 Duesenberg convertible sedan. Body by Murphy. Featured inFlood Tide. 8. 1930 Cord town car. Body by Brunn. Featured in Treasure. 9. 1930 Lincoln V-8 Brunn town car. 10. 1931 Chrysler Imperial limousine. 11. 1931 Marmon V-16 town car. Body by LeBaron. 12. 1932 Stutz DV32 town car. Rebodied to LeBaron design. Featured inDragon. 13. 1933 Pierce-Arrow V-12 LeBaron town car. 14. 1933 Lincoln DB V-12 Judkins Berline. 15. 1933 Cadillac V-12 town car landaulet. Body by Fleetwood. 16. 1936 Lincoln V-12 town car. Body by Brunn. 17. 1936 Avions Voisin C-28 sedan. Featured in Sahara. 18. 1936 Packard V-12 town car. Body by Brunn. 19. 1936 Pierce-Arrow V-12 Berline. Featured in Inca Gold. 20. 1936 Pierce-Arrow Travelodge trailer. Featured in Inca Gold. 21. 1936 Ford Convertible Hot Rod. 22. 1937 Rolls-Royce Phantom III town car (sedanca deville). Body byBarker. 23. 1937 Cord 812 Supercharged Berline. 24. 1938 Packard V-12 town car. Converted from a seven-passengerlimousine by Earle C. Anthony. 25. 1938 Bugatti 59 C coupe. Body by Gangloff. 26. 1938 Harley-Davidson motorcycle with sidecar. 27. 1939 Mercedes-Benz 540K salon. Body by Freestone & Webb. 28. 1939 Rolls-Royce Wraith sedan. Body by Gurney-Nutting. 29. 1940 Cadillac V-16 town car limousine. Body by Derham. 30. 1946 Ford Club Coupe. First car in the collection. 31. 1947 Delahaye cabriolet. Body by Henri Chapron. 32. 1948 Talbot-Lago Grand Sport coupe. Body by Saoutchik. Featuredin Deep Six. 33. 1948 Talbot-Lago sedan. Body by Ghia. 34. 1948 Tatra 87 with air-cooled V-8 engine. 35. 1948 Packard Custom Eight convertible. 36. 1951 Daimler Lady Docker DE-31 convertible.Body by Hooper. Featured in Cyclops. 37. 1951 Delahaye sport coupe. Carboneaux design. 38. 1951 Hudson Hornet convertible. 39. 1951 Kaiser Golden Dragon sedan. 40. 1952 Allard J2X roadster. Featured in Shock Wave. 41. 1952 Meteor sport convertible. 42. 1953 Studebaker Regal Starliner hardtop coupe. 43. 1953 Packard Caribbean convertible. 44. 1953 Buick Skylark convertible. 45. 1955 Studebaker speedster. 46. 1955 Rolls-Royce Silver Dawn sedan. Body by Hooper. 47. 1955 Packard Caribbean convertible. 48. 1956 DeSoto Adventurer hardtop. 49. 1956 Mercury Monterey station wagon. 50. 1956 Packard Caribbean hardtop. 51. 1956 Lincoln Continental Mark 11 hardtop. 52. 1958 Chrysler Imperial convertible. 53. 1956 Ford Fairlane Sunliner convertible. 69. 1958 Chrysler 300convertible. 54. 1956 Oldsmobile Ninety Ei-lit Starfire convertible. 55. 1959Austin-Healey roadster. 56. 1957 Ford Skyline retractable. 71. 1959 Lincoln Continental MarkIV convertible. 57. 1957 Mercury Turnpike Cruiser convertible. 58. 1959 PontiacBonneville tripower convertible. 59. 1957 Pontiac Safari station wagon. 73. 1959 Edsel Corsairconvertible. 60. 1957 Chrysler 300C hardtop. 74. 1959 Buick Electra 225convertible. 61. 1957 Austin-Healey 1000/6. 75. 1960 Pontiac Bonneville tripowerconvertible. 62. 1957 Cadillac Eldorado Brougham. 76. 1960 Chrysler 30OF hardtop. 63. 1957 Cadillac Eldorado Biarritz convertible. 64. 1960 ChryslerCrown Imperial convertible. 65. 1957 Studebaker Golden Hawk. 78. 1960 Cadillac Eldorado Biarritzconvertible. 66. 1957 Dodge Custom Royal Lancer D-500 convertible. 79. 1960Oldsmobile Starfire Ninety Eight convertible. 67. 1963 Studebaker Supercharged Avanti. 68. 1958 Plymouth Fury hardtop. 69. 1965 Chevrolet Corvette roadster. 70. 1958 Buick Limited convertible. 71. 1958 Buick Roadmaster convertible. 72. 1958 Pontiac Bonneville convertible. 73. 1958 Oldsmobile Ninety Eight convertible. 82 83 Advanced Pitt Trivia For the se questions, you will need access to the complete set of DirkPitt novels. The answers are in the back of this book, directly afterthe concordance. 1. When talking to Sunnner in Pacific Vortex after she uses the wordgangster, Pitt mentions a famous organized crime figure. What name doeshe mention? 2. Before Pitt's date with Teri von Till in The Mediterranean Caper, hesplashes aftershave on his cheeks.What brand of aftershave does he use? 3. In The Mediterranean Caper, Pitt doesn't wear his Dora watch. Whatkind of watch is he wearing? 4. In Iceberg, Sam Cashman works on the blackLorelei jet that attacks Pitt. What is his Air Force serial number? 5. The band on the Titanic played an Irving Berlin song that ismentioned. What is the name of the song? 6. In Night Probe! Beasley has a secretary who helps him search at theSanctuary Building for records pertaining to the North American treaty.What is the secretary's name? 7. In Deep Six, Yaeger drinks a specific kind of tea.What kind is it? 8. In Cyclops, Hagen eats from a picnic basket as he trails Hudson, whohas just met the president. At what famous store did he buy the picnicbasket? 9. What song is Pitt singing when he leads the Cuban children to amakeshift hospital after the explosion in Cyclops? 10. In Treasure, name the condominium complex and unit number whereRothberg is staying in Breckenridge. 11. What is the inscription on the coin found by Sharp in Treasure? 12. The U.S. intelligence services operate a ryokan used as a safehouse in Dragon. What does Showalter call the safe house? 13. In Dragon, Cussler makes a mistake and gives Pitt's mother adifferent first name from usual. What is the incorrect name? 14. In Sahara, Yerli calls Massarde after Karnel ths 85closes a UNICRAT-F team will try to rescue Pitt, Giordino and Gunn.What is the name of the hotel he calls from? 15. In Sahara, it's mentioned that Pembroke-Smyth owns an expensiveluxury car. What brand of car is it? 16. In Inca Gold, at the concourse in Washington, D.C Giordino iswearing a T-shirt. What does the inscription on the T-shirt read? 17. In Shock Wave, Giordino is wearing a dive watch.What brand is it? 18. In Shock Wave, it is mentioned that Shannon Kelsey bought a carwith her grandfather's inheritance. What kind of car did she buy? 19. In Flood Tide, Sandecker mentions his cigars are hand-rolled by afamily he is close friends with. What city is the family from? 20. In Flood Tide, as the S.S. United States makes its way upriver, thedistance from the Head of Passes to New Orleans is listed. What is thedistance Cussler lists? The Dedications Pacific Vortex: No dedication as such but a foreword byClive explaining the development of Pitt and the story behindpublication of the first Pitt book. The Mediterranean Caper.- "To Amy and Eric, long may they wave," Amy andEric are the first names of Clive's parents. Iceberg.- "This one is for Barbara, whose enduring patience somehow seesme through." Barbara is Clive's wife. Raise the Titanic! "With gratitude to my wife, Barbara, ErrolBeauchamp, Janet and Randy Richter, and Dick Clark." Clive's wife andfriends. Vixen 03: "To the Alhambra High School Class of '49, who finally held areunion." Clive's high school class. Night Probe! "In gratitude to Jerry Brown, Teresa Burkett, CharlieDavis, Derek and Susan Goodwin, Clyde Jones, Don Mercier, ValeriePallai-Petty, Bill Shea and Ed Wardell, who kept me on track." Some ofClive's friends and acquaintances. Deep Six: "To Tubby's Bar & Grill in Alhambra, Rand's Roundup onWilshire Boulevard, The Black Knight in Costa Mesa, and Shanners' Bar inDenver. GONE BUT NOT FORGOTTEN." These are places Clive frequented. Cyclops: "To the eight hundred American men who were lost with theLeopoldville Christmas Eve 1944 near Cherbourg, France. Forgotten bymany, remembered by few." For an account of the tragedy of theLeopoldville, check your history books or read the chapter in The SeaHunters. Treasure: "In memory of Robert Esbenson. No man had a truer friend." Bob Esbenson was Clive's partner in his classic car business who diedsuddenly from a heart attack in 1987. Dragon: "To the men and women of our nation's intelligence services,whose dedication and loyalty are seldom recognized. And whose effortshave saved American citizens more tragedies than can be imagined." Clive felt it was time to give credit to unsung heroes. Sahara: "In deep appreciation to Hal Stuber, Ph.D. (environmentalchemist), of James P. Walsh & Associates, Boulder, Colorado, for sortingout the hazardouswaste and keeping me within acceptable limits." Clive wanted to thankthe scientist who gave him advice on the threat of pollutants. Inca Gold: "In memory of Dr. Harold Edgerton, Bob Hesse, ErickSchonstedt and Peter Throckmorton, loved and respected by everyone whoselives they touched." These are people Clive had worked with in the pastlocating historic shipwrecks with NUMA. Shock Wave. "With deep appreciation to Dr. Nicholas Nicholas, Dr.Jeffrey Taffet & Robert Fleming." People who have assisted Clive overthe years. Ptood Tide.- Acknowledgment, not a dedication. "The author wishes toexpress his gratitude to the men and women of the Immigration andNaturalization Service for generously providing data and statistics onillegal immigration. Thanks also to the Army Corps of Engineers fortheir help in describing the capricious natures of the Mississippi andAtchafalaya Rivers. And to the dozens of people who kindly offeredideas and suggestions on obstacles for Dirk and Al to overcome." The Sea Hunters: Acknowledgment. "The authors are indebted to JoaquinSaunders, author of The Night before Christmas; Ray Rodgers, author ofSurvivors of the Leopoldville Disaster; and those men of the 66thPanther Division who survived the terrible tragedy off Cherbourg,France, on the evening of December 24, 1944, for their stories of horrorand heroism. It is truly an event that should not be swept away in themist of time." Dedication: "To the men and women who havesupported the National Underwater and Marine Agency from its inception. Through the tough times and the fun times, their loyalty has remainedsolid and enduring. This is merely a partial record of their remarkableachievements. Without their efforts, over sixty shipwrecks ofhistorical significance might still lie on the bottom of the sea,ignored and forgotten for all time. Some ships are gone, dredged out ofexistence or buried under modern construction. Some are still intact.Now that the way has been shown, we leave it to future generations torecover the knowledge and artifacts that remain of our maritime history.And to my wife, Barbara, for her enduring patience, and my children,Teri, Dirk and Dana, who grew up with a father who never grew up." Brief Synopses of the Dirk Pitt NovelsPacific Vorte XPacific Vortex truly should be considered the first Pitt novel. Thoughit was published in the time span between Night Probe! and Deep Six, itwas the first Pitt novel Clive wrote. As one of the two manuscriptsoriginally sent to Peter Lampack when Clive was seeking an agent, itlanguished on a shelf in Clive's closet until he casually mentioned itto his publisher, which at that time was Bantam Books. Upon learning that there was an unpublished Pitt novel, it was decidedto introduce the book in a paperback-only edition. Clive dusted off themanuscript and did a quick rewrite. The name of the villain Delphi Eawas changed somewhere along the line to Delphi Moran, something Clivewas still unaware of when it was mentioned to him last year. Because it lacks the complex plotting and detailed writing of the laterPitt efforts, Clive wrote a disclaimer of sorts as the foreword,explaining that the novel was not up to his usual standards. An interesting side note to Pacific Vortex is that Peter Lampack,Clive's agent, was adamantly opposed to the novel being published. Telling Clive that the novel would be his ruin, he scheduled a vacationin Jamaica to coincide with the introduction. When the novel almostimmediately reached number two on the New York Times paperbackbest-seller list, Clive called Western Union and sent an I-told-you-sotelegram to Lampack in Jamaica. The plot of Pacific Vortex is straightforward enough. The United States Navy submarine Starbuck is lost in the Pacific Oceannorth of Hawaii, and though an exhaustive search is mounted, no trace ofthe wreckage is located. Pitt is sunning on a beach on Oahu. Noticing a bright yellow capsule inthe water, he swims out into the ocean and brings it ashore. Inside hefinds pages from the log book of the Starbuck, which he then takes tothe U.S. Navy base at Pearl Harbor. He hands the capsule and itscontents to Admiral Leigh Hunt. As we examine the Pitt novels, we will see the name of Leigh Hunter (orin this case, Hunt) frequently. In real life, Leigh Hunt is a closefriend of Clive's. The mischief the two have created together couldfill an entire book of its own. The story progresses as Pitt and the Navy attempt to locate the missingships and the cause of their disappearance. We learn there is anunderwater lair built by a mad scientist. This leads to a climacticscene where the underground city is attacked. Interestinglyenough, while saving Pitt, Giordino jams his finger down the barrel of agun, and it is blown off. The book is also interesting because it introduces Pitt's one true love,Summer, who is killed in the collapse of the underground city. She is mentioned in later books as an explanation of why Pitt can neveragain love one woman. In addition, it casts the future direction of theseries-as Pitt drives an exotic car and much of the action is under ornear water. Pacific Vortex, while lacking the more complex plot and deeper characterdevelopment of the future Pitt novels, is nonetheless an enjoyable read.For the time it was written, the middle 1960s, it has held up reasonablywell. It introduces Pitt, Giordino, and Sandecker and mentions Gunn, aswell as starting to explore the Pitt formula that will later make Clivefamous. The Mediterranean CaperThe Mediterranean Caper was the first Pitt novel to be published, thoughit was written second, after Pacific Vortex. It was published in 1973by Pyramid Books and the firm of Sphere Books in London, where it wastitled Mayday! Reintroduced by Sphere and simultaneously by BantamBooks in 1977 after the success of Raise the Titanic! the novel is nowpublished by the Pocket Books division of Simon & Schuster. TheMediterranean Caper is interesting from a business standpoint. Afterthe book went out of print the first time, Clive made an unusual movefor a writer. Hoping he would have a long and successful career, Clivehad Peter call the publisher and asked for the rights back to the novel.The publisher agreed because The Mediterranean Caper was then out ofprint. The novel, the first of Clive's to be published, was nominated for aMystery Writers of America award as one of the five best novels of 1973. The Mediterranean Caper truly starts to show the writing style for whichClive would later become famous. Unlike later books, in which theprologue is in the past, the book starts the tradition of narration atthe beginning, rather than dialogue, to allow the reader to settle intothe scene being played out. The novel starts with an attack on Brady Field, a United States AirForce base in Greece, by a World War I fighter plane. NUMA isimmediately featured, and by the first chapter, the reader has beenintroduced to both Pitt and Giordino. Pitt's past is explained. Hisphysical appearance and Giordino's are described. Even Sandecker andhis position with NUMA are explored. Clive's tradition of describingplanes, cars and other mechanical devices in detail is used to goodeffect. The novel is the story of a former Nazi who uses an underwater cavernfor smuggling. Pitt, with the help of U.S. and Greek customs officials,solves the mystery and apprehends the villains. Pitt, of course, has alove interest, Teri von Till, who we first believe is the villain'sdaughter but later find out is in fact on the payroll of the Greekcustoms inspector. The original purpose for NUMA and Pitt to be on anexpedition in Greece was to locate an ancient prehistoric fish calledthe Teaser. At the end of the story, one is located and later captured. The epilogue is used to tie together the loose ends of the story as wellas introduce the tradition of Pitt ending up with a prize for hisefforts. In this case, he receives the Maybach-Zeppelin town car thatHeibert owned. All in all, The Mediterranean Caper lays a firm groundwork for thenovels that follow. The interplay between Pitt and Giordino is evident,as is the detailed description of planes, automobiles and other modes oftransportation for which Clive is famous. If the novel can be faulted,it would be for the tendency to make too many leaps of plot. Instead ofallowing the reader to attempt to discover the direction throughwell-littered clues, this is instead explained by Pitt in the form ofdialogue. Still, the novel has held up well, with references to thetime it was written few, so it has not become dated. If anything, The Mediterranean Caper should be read by Cussler fans ifonly to understand better the journey the Pitt books have made over theyears. Originally published1975 and in 1977 by Bantam Books, Inc keberg became Clive's firsthardcover published. First editions of the hardcover are quite rare,and collectors of Cussler memorabilia find the supply of books limitedand the price high. The book enjoyed modest sales success, sellingthirty-two hundred of the five thousand printed in hardcover, althoughreprints have kept it in print to this day. Iceberg begins with a neat hook: the first paragraph in the prologue isactually what the copilot of a plane is reading, a book within a book. From there, we progress to a Coast Guard patrol plane spotting aniceberg with a ship embedded inside. They mark the iceberg with dye,then fly away toward their base. AsIcebergby Dodd Mead & Company inthey leave, a pair of men climb from inside the iceberg and call someoneon a portable radio. Chapter One finds Pitt piloting a helicopter toward a Coast Guard shipand landing on her deck. As is Clive's custom, he mentions his previousbook by having the commander of the ship, when introduced to Pitt, say,"By any chance the same Pitt who broke up that underwater smugglingbusiness in Greece last year?" 'the plot features a missing billionaire mining engineer and genius whowas involved in negotiations with the United States government. Theengineer has built a device that can detect underwater mineral deposits. The theme of underwater mining is also common in future Pitt novels. Pitt pilots a helicopter and an old plane, a Ford Trimotor, which helater buys and places in his aircraft hangar/home. In addition, Pitt'sdiving skills are on display as he dives on a mysterious jet that hadattacked the helicopter he was flying. The villains in this tale are a group of industrialists who form a planto take over South America. Clive begins to expand on his writing skillin Iceberg. Well written descriptive scenes include a trip to arestaurant named Snorri's and a showdown with the villains in anIcelandic mansion. Rather interestingly, Pitt is beaten severely in thebook, something that would probably not occur nowadays. A fantastic climax to the book is a scene in which Pitt foils theattempted murder of the presidents of French Guiana and the DominicanRepublic at Disneyland. Here the writing truly jumps off the page. Iceberg is unique for another reason: Clive has the genius engineerundergo a sex-change operation. He later uses this idea in Vixen 03,where a shadowy spywe are led to believe to be a man is found to be a woman. The plotting of Iceberg truly begins Cussler's habit of convoluted storylines and high-stakes action. He uses the Cussler "what if" formula togood effect. keberg sets the stage for the next Cussler novel, Raise the Titanic! in that it introduces the idea of a mineral important to nationaldefense, in this case zirconium. It is rather unique among the Pittnovels for a very important fact: at no time does Al Giordino make anappearance. In addition, Cussler has Pitt pose as gay, something rather odd. Idoubt that nowadays Clive would have written that into the book. The novel continues the development of the Pitt novels. It is moredetailed with more richly written scenes than the previous effort, andPitt's personality and motivations are explored more deeply. Aninteresting side note: nowadays, if Clive makes even a mmor technicalerror, he receives numerous letters setting him straight. In Iceberg,at least as it was originally published, -Kristjan and his sister Kirstiwere described as identical twins-of course, that is impossible forsiblings of different sexes. Clive told me he never received a singleletter pointing out the error. Raise the TitaWc! This is Clive's breakout book, where the formula he created for Pittfinally comes together seamlessly. For starters, he uses a preludebased in the past for the first time. The continuing characters are nowfully developed. The Cussler "what if" scenario is utilized with greatresults. And the writing is fast-paced and action-packed. Clive even uses a brilliant surprise ending. The book made him amillionaire, and rightly so. It has stood the test of time and reads as well today as back in 1976when it was first published by the Viking Press in hardcover and laterby Bantam in paperback. The book was serialized in the Los AngelesTimes as a cartoon strip, and Raise the Titanic! was the only Pittnovel to be made into a movie. The prelude, Clive's first set in the past, describes a man on the edgeof madness who is awakened aboard a ship by an undefined noise. Through clues, the astute reader realizes the man is aboard the Titanicand the ship is sinking. At gunpoint, the man forces one of the ship'sjunior officers, named Bigalow, to show him below decks. There, the manlocks himself in a vault to die with the ship. Bigalow survives. As the novel progresses, we learn that a top-secret defense projectcalled the Sicilian Project requires a mineral named byzanium, thoughtto have been mined out of existence. The only traces that might stillexist are located on a Russian island. A NUMA oceanographic expeditionis used to provide the cover for a mineralogist to search the island. Pitt makes his appearance early and with excellent dramatic effect. Asis the case in later works, he appears larger than life as he saves themineralogist and carries him to safety. It is learned that the island mine had contained byzanium but was fullymined, and a search is on to find out what happened to the mineral. Then we learn that the byzanium was placed aboard the Titanic, and anintricate and expensive plan is hatched to raise the ship. The novel features a subplot about a deterioratingmarriage along with a cast of Russian secret agents intent first onlearning what the Sicilian Project is about and later attempting to stopthe project by infiltrating the Titanic, then attempting either to takecontrol of the ship or sink the vessel so the United States cannotrecover the byzanium. Pitt is lacking a true love interest in the story, though Clive alludesto his skill in seducing the opposite sex. It's the ending that trulycaptures Clive's style in convoluted plotting. After all the work toraise the Titanic, the millions of dollars that were spent and the livesof numerous people, we learn that the vault that should contain thebyzanium is empty. After hearing this, Pitt remembers what Bigalow had told him about thenight the Titanic sank and about his confrontation with the madman whotook him hostage. He returns to England, searches a grave in the townof Southey and finds the byzanium. At the end of the novel, Bigalow isburied at sea and the Sicilian Project is tested and proves successful. An interesting sidelight to Raise the Titanic! is that in the originalmanuscript, the president of the United States is single, and he has anaffair with Dana Seagram, the NUMA archaeologist whose marriage isdeteriorating. Clive was on a talk show shortly after the book cameout, and a caller asked why the president and Seagram never consummatedtheir relationship when it appeared that was about to happen. Clivetold the caller, "They did, it's on page . . . " and reached for a copyof the book. After examining the novel, he found the scene had beenedited out. Clive never really found out why the scene was cut, butit's interesting to note that Jackie Onassis was at the time an editorat the same publisher. Maybe Bantam thought the scene would offend her. Vixen 03 For Vixen 03, Clive kept the plot closer to home. The novel begins atan airfield less than thirty miles from where he was living, and a largeportion of the story is based in Colorado. Even though Clive had scoredbig on Raise the Titanic! he remained in his tract home in Arvada,Colorado, and wrote Vixen 03 in his unfinished basement. Originally published in hardcover in 1978 by Viking Press, it wasViking's second and last Cussler book. The paperback was published byBantam in 1979. The book is not as complex as later efforts, but,strangely enough, the writing has a certain undefined texture. Thedescriptive passages are smoothly written, and Pitt displays a humilitythat is not often in evidence. Vixen 03 also introduces Pitt's loveinterest Loren Smith for the first time. The story begins with a United States Air Force jet leaving BuckleyField, Colorado, with a top-secret overweight bomb load. After the jetsuffers engine failure high above the Rocky Mountains, the pilot makes alanding in what he thinks is an open area but we later learn is a frozenlake that is unable to support the weight of the plane. Pitt is introduced in the first chapter and, in a rare circumstance, isactually taking a vacation at a cabin that had been owned by LorenSmith's deceased father. Pitt finds aircraft landing gear and an oxygenbottle in Smith's garage. Intrigued, he visits the neighbors, who arenamed Lee and Maxine Rafferty. The story unfolds with Pitt trying to determine where the landing gearcame from. Once the serial number is traced, we learn it came from anAir Force' jet on a top-secret mission. At the same time in Africa, a former Royal Navy captain named Fawkes isrecruited to lead a suicide mission to discredit the African FreedomFighters. Clive moves between times and countries with an ease that would becomemore common in his future works, and the various subplots are welldeveloped and easy to follow. In Vixen 03, Clive shows the seedier sideof Washington, D.C with the introduction of. a corrupt politician whoattempts to blackmail Pitt and Smith. The theme of governmental corruption is one Clive will continue to usein future novels. Now the hunt is on to find out that the plane's cargo was a poisonousgas called QD. Pitt traces the flight authorization to a retired Navyadmiral, and Heidi Milligan, who appears in a future novel, isintroduced. A confrontation with the Raffertys results in a shoot-out. BothRaffertys are killed, but not before Pitt is told where the warheadsremoved from the jet were sold. A plan is put into motion to locate thewarheads. Once again, Cussler writes a story featuring high stakes. He utilizes biological weapons as a threat long before it becamecommonplace. The climax is pure Cussler. The battleship Iowa steams upriver toWashington, D.C with Fawkes at the helm, determined to deliver hisdeadly cargo and discredit the African Freedom Fighters he believesmurdered his family. The man-as-a-woman, or, more accurately here, woman-as-a-man, theme usedin Iceberg shows up here as well. A shadowy spy we are led to believeis a man is found out after she is killed to be a woman. In the next-to-the-last section, Pitt travels to Africa and buriesFawkes. He then explains that he knows that Operation Wild Rose was anattempt to topplethe current government of South Africa so that the defense ministercould take over. De Vaal, the defense minister, is then killed. Thenovel ends with Rongelo Island, the last location in the world with anyQD, being struck by a nuclear bomb that eradicates the last trace of thedeadly poison. Night Probe! Following the publication of Vixen 03, Clive started writing NightProbe! Unlike his normal schedule of publishing a new Pitt book everytwo years, Night Probe! didn't show up until 1981, three years afterVixen 03 went on sale. Part of the time lag was due to a switch inpublishers. Clive had been having trouble with Viking for some time. The book tour for Vixen 03 was a farce, the promotion and marketing ofthe book almost nonexistent. Clive desperately wanted to change publishers, but book contractsspecify that the current publisher has an option on the next bookcreated by the author. This practice is still widespread in the publishing business. Forpublishers, it protects them if a writer's works suddenly become hot. For writers, it locks them into a first right of refusal on their nextwork. To fulfill his obligation, Clive submitted a book on advertising he hadwritten, I Went to Denver but It Was Closed. It was promptly rejected. Cussler was now free to change publishers. Clive is rather unique as awriter. Each of his books has outsold the one before. In addition,each has easily paid back the advance and made his publishers money. This is less frequent than one might believe. Look at theadvances paid to people like Dan Quayle. Did they really sell enoughcopies of their books to justify the millions paid in advance money? Landing at Bantam, a paperback house that wanted to branch out inhardcover, Night Probe! was published in hardcover in 1981, followed ayear later by the paperback edition. For his new publisher, Clivedelivered what he and others consider his best plot. As the book begins in the past, we learn that copies of a treaty betweenthe United States and Great Britain have been lost almost simultaneouslyin a pair of freak accidents. One copy is lost when a ship sinks, onewhen a train plunges into a river. The book is timely. The United States is in the midst of an energycrisis, as it was in 1981, and Canada controls most of the hydroelectricpower feeding the Eastern Seaboard. We learn that the treaty concernsGreat Britain, in the midst of a financial crisis just before World WarI, selling Canada to the United States. Beautifully sub plotted with a group of Canadian separatists, a Britishsecret agent modeled after James Bond and a mystery train that appearslike a wraith in the night, the novel moves with a smooth style. It isaction-adventure at its best. Heidi Milligan, who was first introducedin VLlren 03, is a Pitt love interest who falls for Brian Shaw, theBritish secret agent. Giordino has a large part, and Sandecker, Gunnand most of the other continuing characters appear. The primaryvillain, Foss Gly, who appears in a later Pitt novel, is described indetail. There are plenty of underwater scenes for the diehard Pitt fan. And thetools NUMA uses to locate shipwrecks are beautifully detailed andexplained. Pittpursues his hobby of collecting old cars by attending an auction. The book has a definite time line. The treaty must be recovered by Pittbefore the British get their hands on it, and the president of theUnited States is facing national insolvency. In the end, Pitt recoversthe treaty and delivers it to the president just in time. The presidentthen announces the formation of the United States of Canada. The novel ends with Pitt delivering Milligan to Shaw, who is suspectedof being James Bond. Deep SixClive followed the success of Night Probe! with Deep Six. It was hisfirst effort for his new publisher Simon & Schuster and built upon hismultiple-subplot formula which he would use with increasing frequency inthe years ahead. Published in hardcover in 1984 and followed the nextyear by the paperback edition published by Pocket Books, a division ofSimon & Schuster, the book works on various levels. In addition, itbegins the Cussler tradition of having maps and artwork inside the book.Deep Six definitely should be read by the Dirk Pitt fan if only for onereason: it features one of the single best Dirk Pitt scenes everwritten. When one of the villains of the novel, Lee Tong, makes his escape in atowboat pushing a barge, Pitt gives chase in the Mississippipaddle-wheel steamer Stonewall Jackson. The scene is brilliantlywritten. A few years ago, Clive was asked how he developed the idea. He claimedthat, as is often the case, hehadn't planned the scene. He usually has the germ of the plot-usuallythe beginning and often the end but just begins writing the body of thebook and unfolding the story in his head as he progresses. TheStonewall Jackson scene was different, however. Stuck without aclimactic event near the end of the book, he was lying in bed one nightwhen the scene unfolded in his mind in 3-D Technicolor. He raced to thecomputer and got the scene on paper before it faded. Be glad he did. The novel begins once again in the past, 1966 to be exact, when a meekbank teller named Arta Casilighio robs the bank where she is employed,then escapes on the cargo ship San Marino. It seems she has gotten awaywith the crime until she realizes that her evening drink has beendrugged. Through a haze, she watches as the crew of the San Marino arebound and tossed overboard. Moments later, Arta joins them at thebottom of the ocean. In Chapter One, the Coast Guard vessel Catawaba comes across a driftingcrab boat in the Gulf of Alaska. When a boarding party, including adoctor, is sent aboard the crabber, they find the crew dead. Two of theboarding party quickly succumb, while the doctor radios back to theCatawaba that he, too, is being affected by whatever is on board. Heorders the crabber quarantined, then, with his dying breaths, explainsthe symptoms he is feeling. Next, we learn that the president will be taking a cruise on thepresidential yacht Eagle with a congressional leader, the speaker of theHouse and the vice president. Later that night, the Eagle and allaboard disappear, setting the conflict into motion. An evil Asian shipping magnate, Min Bougainville, has formed a plan withthe Russians to kidnap the president and implant a mind-controlmicrochip in his brain. In researching the ship containing the nervegas, Pitt traces it back to Bougainville. Clive introduces the father of the bank teller as a private detective,Sal Casio, who seems written straight out of a Mickey Spillane novel. Loren Smith appears once again, and the interplay between Pitt andGiordino is further developed. The element of time is again used to great effect, as is the idea ofcorrupt politicians. Pitt must rescue the vice president and have himsworn into office before the corrupt speaker of the House, Alan Moran,can be sworn in as president. The book ends with Casio and Pitt visiting the Bougainville Maritimeoffices. They confront Min Bougainville, who activates a laser thatcuts Casio and kills him. Pitt rolls Min in her wheelchair to anelevator and pushes her down the shaft. CyclopsCyclops was Clive's second effort for Simon & Schuster, which he remainswith to this day. Published in hardcover in 1986 and paperback byPocket Books in December of the same year, Cyclops spent fourteen weekson the New York Times best-seller list. Here, the tradition Clive started in Deep SLx is continued: theinsertion of excellent artwork and maps designed to help the readerfollow the plot. Clive also begins this novel in the past-a traditionhe began with Raise the Titanic!-with the sinking of a United StatesNavy collier Cyclops. The reader is then taken to the present day in Florida, where a richindustrialist, Raymond LeBaron, takes off in a blimp, never to return. Very early on, the conflict is locked in place. The president isgolfing when he learns that a group of scientists have built anddeveloped a moon colony. Pitt appears on vacation in Florida and isinvolved in a sailboard race when the missing blimp reappears. A missing treasure is introduced, a theme Clive will continue to use infuture novels, and a race is on to find the people who had been on theblimp when it took off from Florida. The Russians enter the pictureearly. They develop information about the moon colony and decide tosend a manned space flight to the moon with the intent of engaging in awar to claim the moon for themselves. And an interesting subplotconcerning Cuba is developed. The trio of plot lines-the moon colony, the missing blimp and possibletreasure, the Cuba angle-weave together as the novel progresses. As inRaise the Titanic! Clive has an older lady who helps Pitt understandthe past. In Raise the Titanic! it was the widow of Joshua HaysBrewster; in Cyclops, she's the widow of Hans Kronberg, the formerpartner of Raymond LeBaron, who sheds light on the missing treasure,named LaDorada. Cussler places Pitt in a variety of interesting scenes. In one, he shows his scorn for pomp and circumstance by arrivingunannounced at an exclusive party. This allows one of Pitt's cars to beshowcased, as well as showing that Pitt, while nice most of the time,does not suffer fools gladly. For love interests, we have Jessie LeBaron, the wife of the missingindustrialist, whom Pitt beds in a drain 107 age pipe in Cuba, anunusual twist here, as Jessie is in her fifties and a good fifteen yearsolder than Pitt. Foss Gly-the villain of Night Probe!-returns as a torturer. This,however, is his last visit. Pitt kills him with a thumb to the eye andinto the brain. Cyclops marks the second time Hiram Yaeger appears, thefirst having been a brief appearance in Deep Six that proved successful.The tight time line again is used with the Russian cosmonauts due on themoon as well as the plot to explode a series of ship-hidden bombs inHavana Harbor. Pitt acquires one of his strangest prizes in his collection in Cyclops,a cast-iron bathtub with an outboard motor aboard with which he escapesfrom Cuba. When the battle on the moon is played out, another conflict is created. The Russians attempt to divert to Cuba the space shuttle that iscarrying the moon colonists back to earth. 'They are narrowly foiled intheir efforts. Pitt, back on Cuban soil, attempts to warn Fidel Castro of the plot toexplode Havana in an attempt to discredit the United States. He movesthe ships carrying the explosives a distance from Havana before theyexplode, but it appears Pitt is lost for good. He appears, of course,battered but alive. At the end of the novel, Pitt solves the puzzle ofthe location of the La Dorada treasure and salvages the statues andtreasure for display in a museum. TreasurePublished in hardcover by Simon & Schuster in 1987 and in paperback thefollowing year by Pocket Books, 108 Treasure is the first Pitt novel to crack the five-hundred page barrier. From Treasure to the present day, no Pitt book has run shorter in lengththan five hundred pages. It also begins a now-defunct Cussler traditionof giving measurements in metric. Clive finally quit the tradition inShock Wave, much to the delight of his U.S. readers. Once again, we have a missing treasure-in this case, the trove ofinformation contained in the Alexandria Library. But, unlike inCyclops, here the treasure is the main plot in the story. The prelude is a Cussler tour-deforce, imaginative, written with adetail most writers can never achieve, yet extremely interesting. Weare immediately treated to a dose of archaeology as well as a subplotabout a scheme to kill the secretary-general of the United Nations, HanKamil, a character who will reappear in future novels. The Russians are not featured in the book. Instead, for villains wehave an almost mythical messiah who wants to return Mexico to the timeof the Aztecs and is named Topiltzin. Across the ocean in Egypt, hisequally powerful counterpart, named Yazid, wants to develop afundamentalist Islamic state. We learn as the novel progresses that thepair are actually brothers and part of an international crime family. For love interests, Pitt beds both Hah Kamil and Lily Sharp, anarchaeologist. For classic cars and chase scenes, Clive writes anexcellent chapter featuring his L-29 Cord and a chase that culminates ona Colorado ski slope. The interplay between Pitt and Giordino is usedto great effect. Their sarcastic banter in the face of grave danger isused throughout the novel. Pitt's father, Senator George Pitt of California,109 spends a fair amount of time in the story. While he appeared inprevious works, Treasure marks Senator Pitt's longest appearance beforeor since. As the story unfolds, a summit of nations is convened inUruguay, and a plot to hijack the cruise ship the world leaders areaboard is developed. At the same time, Yaeger is hard at work attempting to find the locationwhere the Alexandria Library was hidden. The president feels that ifthe library holds ancient maps of mineral and oil deposits, it might beused to locate a massive oil deposit in Israel-thus solving a multitudeof the region's problems. Once Pitt solves the riddle of what happened to the cruise ship full ofpoliticians, named the Lady Flamborough, a U.S. operation is launched torecover the ship and free the hostages. Once the hostages are freed,Pitt sets off for Texas, where NUMA now believes the Alexandria Libraryis buried. Before the Alexandria Library can be excavated, however, the Mexicanmessiah, Topiltzin, launches a wave of his Mexican followers across theRio Grande into Texas. His goal is to steal the library and profit fromthe information. With Yazid slain by the disgruntled terrorist he had hired to killKamil, all that is left is for Topiltzin to meet his end. He is blownto bits when one of the hills near the location of the AlexandriaLibrary is exploded as a decoy. In the final chapter, the president visits the site in Texas where theAlexandria Library is being excavated and catalogued. Pitt is alreadytalking of a future adventure, the search for the golden city of ElDorado. Dragon In 1990, Simon & Schuster published the hardcover edition of thetenth Dirk Pitt adventure-Dragon. This was followed in 1991 with the paperback edition, once againpublished by Pocket Books. It featured the rich illustrations that werebecoming a Cussler trademark. In this story, a United States Air Forcecargo plane has a dangerous cargo aboard. The prelude features theflight of a plane called Dennings' Demons as it attempts to deliver apayload over Japan. Dragon then concentrates on a Japanese cargo ship that explodes intopieces, a submersible containing a beautiful underwater photographer welater learn is a U.S. intelligence agent named Stacy Fox. When the submersible is damaged by the cargo ship explosion, Pittrescues the crew, then is forced to order the evacuation of Soggy Acres,a secret underwater installation that was built for mining which issuffering from underwater earthquakes. In the Philippines, a treasurecave from ' World War II thought to contain Yamashita's Gold isexcavated, only to reveal the Japanese have returned and removed thetreasure. At the same time, Pitt is inside a deep-sea mining vehicle named BigJohiL After being buried in the shocks from the earthquakes, he escapesand drives Big John toward a high point in the ocean and is rescued byGiordino in a submersible. The reader is now introduced to the villain, Hideki Suma. Suma hasdevised a plan to place atomic bombs smuggled inside Japanese carsthroughout the world in an effort to achieve worldwide domination. Loren Smith returns, along with a senator from New Mexico named MikeDiaz. Both favor sanctions against Japanese investment in the UnitedStates as well as embargoes on imported Japanese products, and Sumalater kidnaps both. For Pitt love interests, we have both Fox andSmith. A task force is created to find and neutralize the car bombs. Pittattends a classic car race, where he races his creator, Clive Cussler. Clive wrote the scene as much as a farce as anything, believing that theeditors would ask him to remove it. When they didn't and Clive foundout the readers enjoyed seeing the author inside the novel, the scenewhere Pitt meets Cussler has become a staple of the series. At therace, Smith is kidnapped. A subplot evolves when a farmer in Germany locates an underground Naziaircraft hangar. Pitt travels to Germany and dives on the undergroundaircraft hangar and finds the planes and a trove of artwork stolen bythe Nazis. One of the paintings shows the island where Edo City, Suma's nucleardetonation center, is located. A plot is hatched to attack theinstallation, free Diaz and Smith and neutralize Suma's control center. Next, Clive writes a scene reminiscent of The Most Dangerous Game, theclassic story of a hunter whose prey is humans. Ingeniously, Pitt foilsthe hunter. With the freed hostages and a kidnapped Suma, he makes hisway to a U.S. Navy ship. When the attack on Edo City is unsuccessful,Pitt volunteers for a suicide mission. Dropped from the air in adeep-sea mining vehicle, he takes the warhead from the wreck ofDennings' Demons, carries it to a fault line that runs to Edo City, rigsit to detonate, then tries to escape. 'the book ends with an obituary for Dirk Pitt anda tearful lunch with the two women in the book who had shared his love,Stacy Fox and Loren Smith. The final scene has Pitt in the deep-seamining vehicle reappearing on the shores of a remote island in the SouthPacific. SaharaOnce again, Clive makes the stakes high with a tale set in Africa. InSahara, published in 1992 in hardcover and July 1993 in paperback byPocket Books, the menace is an environmental catastrophe that could wipeout all life in the ocean and perhaps even on land. Clive begins the novel in the past. Near the end of the Civil War, aConfederate ironclad named the Texas leaves Richmond carrying part ofthe Confederate treasury and the kidnapped Union president, AbrahamLincoln. Next, we have a pioneer female aviator, Kitty Mannock, whocrashes her plane in Africa. Her disappearance remains one ofaviation's great mysteries. Traveling to the current time, a tourist safari in Africa is attacked byvillagers who we later learn have been exposed to chemicals in theirwater that make them mad. The entire group of tourists is killed andcannabalized. Pitt's love interest, Eva Rojas, is a scientist with theWorld Health Organization who is searching for the source of toxicpoison in Africa. Pitt rescues her from an attempted rape and murder bykilling the attackers. Sandecker then assigns Pitt, Giordino and Gunn to find the source of thepoisons. To aid them in theirtask, they are given the use of a high-tech boat named the Calliope andsent up the Niger River. We learn that the villains of the novel, Yves Massarde, a Frenchindustrialist, and Zateb Kazim, an evil general and the true head of thecountry of Mali, are partners in a hazardous-waste treatment facility inthe Sahara Desert. On the Calliope, Gunn escapes with the water samplesto the airport in Mali, while Pitt and Giordino rig the Calliope toexplode and swim to Massarde's houseboat, where they are captured. Next, the UN World Health Organization scientists assigned to locate thepoisons are captured and taken to a gold mine named Tebezza. AtTebezza, the gold is mined by convicts and slaves. Pitt and Giordinoescape from Massarde's houseboat by stealing a helicopter, then ditchingthe helicopter in the Niger River near a town named Bourem. There they steal Kazim's classic car and take off into the desert. Clive makes his appearance as a prospector named "The Kid," who issearching for the Texas, which he believes is hidden somewhere in thedesert. After that, Pitt and Giordmo make their way to Massarde'shazardous-waste facility, named Fort Foureau, where they are captured. After Maswde questions them, they are banished to Tebezza. They escapeTebezza, vowing to return and save the others, and set off across thedesert on foot. Near death from dehydration, they stumble upon thewreckage of Mannock's plane and fashion a land yacht they ride untilthey are rescued by a truck driver who gives them a ride to the nearesttown. Returning with a special UN force, Pitt liberates Tebezza. LeavingTebezza, Pitt and Giordino make their way to Fort Foureau and an oldFrench ForeignLegion outpost. There they fight off Massarde's security forces untilGiordino returns with a U.S. Special Forces team. Kazim is killed inthe fight. After Fort Fourcau is secured, Massarde is staked out in thedesert sun and in a fit of thirst consumes poisonous water. He later dies a horrible death. In the end, Pitt returns and leads acrash team to Mannock's plane. Then, along with Giordino andPerhnutter, Pitt locates the Texas. The novel ends with an explanationthat the assassination of Lincoln was a hoax. Pitt travels toCalifornia to locate Eva Rojas and take her away for a romantic trip toMexico. Inca GoldAnother effort for Simon & Schuster, Inca Gold was introduced inhardcover in 1994 and paperback in March 1995. Starting with Dragon,the back book jackets of the hardcovers feature full-page four-colorphotographs of Clive with one of Pitt's cars. In the case of Inca Gold,the photograph is of Pitt's 1936 Pierce-Arrow with a matching Travelodge travel trailer. Clive is still using the metric system of measurement, with mostmeasurements converted to English in the novel. The plot is different from most Pitt novels. Instead of an event thatmight affect the world, or Russian vs. American mtngue, we have a tale of artifact smuggling. Starting with an Inca vessel burying a treasure in 1578 in anundisclosed location, Clive follows with a pirate chapter featuring SirFrancis Drake and a tsunami wave that carries a ship far inland. Next, a university archaeological team is trapped in a limestonesinkhole. Pitt and Giordino appear to launch a rescue effort. Theysucceed in the rescue, but when the archaeologists, including ShannonKelsey, one of Pitt's love interests, and Giordino are taken prisonersby rebels, Pitt is left to claw his way out. Free from the sinkhole, Pitt finds the rotor blade of his helicoptershattered and sets off tracking the rebels and their prisoners on foot. After being taken to a stone fortress in the mountain by one of thevillains, Tupac Amaru, the hostages are rescued by Pitt and escape in ahelicopter owned by the rebels. Making its way out to sea with the ideaof landing on a NUMA research ship offshore, Pitt's helicopter isattacked by a Peruvian military chopper which they fend off. St. Julien Perlmutter has a large role in Inca Gold. He helps Pitt in his search to find Drake's vessel, as well as advisinghim on artifact smuggling. The primary villains of the tale, the Zolar family, are introduced andtheir profiteering from stolen historical artifacts explored. HiramYaeger is featured, using the NUMA computer center to steer Pitt andGiordino to locating the Conception, the ship carried away in the tidalwave. Using a helicopter-mounted magnetometer, Pitt is successful in findingthe Conception and locating a box that contains the Drake Quipu, aseries of ancient Inca records recorded on knotted ropes. Yaeger, usinghis computer, deciphers the Drake Quipu and discovers that the losttreasure of Huascar is probably buried in northern Mexico. The chase ison to locate the treasure before the Zolars. As a cover for searching for the location of Huas 116 car's treasure,Pitt and Loren Smith, Pitt's other love interest in the book, set off ona cross-country auto tour aboard Pitt's Pierce-Arrow. They stumble uponthe Box Car Cafe, owned by a former prospector named Cussler. As usual,Pitt forgets the name when he tries to recall it. Pitt and Giordino are pitted against the Zolars as they search forHuascar's treasure. They travel an underground river in a smallHovercraft to rescue Gunn and Smith. A tribe of Indians seeking thereturn of their ceremonial artifacts help Pitt dispatch the Zolars' men.In the end, the treasure is saved, and the river becomes a major benefitto the people living in the desert. Inca Gold is a slight departure from the normal Cussler style. Insteadof the dead-run pace of most of the Pitt novels, Inca Gold delves intohistory, and more of the book than usual is written as narrative. Shock WaveShock Wave was' published in hardcover by Simon & Schuster in 1996, withthe Pocket Book paperback edition following in December of the sameyear. After the break in tension in Inca Gold, Clive returns with atale of high stakes, with an evil mining family intent on destroying sealife and maybe the Hawaiian Islands. Shock Wave begins with a ship of convicts lost in a storm. After fiercefighting and the need to abandon the ship on a small raft, few of theconvicts and crew survive. The few who do set up a colony on a remoteisland they later find is littered with diamonds, forming the basis of avast fortune. In the current day, a group of tourists is visiting an island offAntarctica when a mysterious plague hits that kills land and sea animalsand several of the tourists. Pitt's love interest, Maeve Fletcher, isone of the tourists' guides. Pitt arrives on the island by helicopterand helps the tourists to safety. He then saves their cruise ship fromcrashing into a rocky shoreline. The evil Dorsett family is introduced-Deirdre and her rotten, evilsister Boudicca, led by their father, Arthur Dorsett. The only goodperson in the family is Maeve Fletcher, who uses her great-great-greatgrandmother's last name. Perlmutter plays an important role, explainingthe history of the Dorsett clan to Pitt. Pitt, in an effort to trace the cause of marine-life deaths, travels towestern Canada to inspect one of Dorsett's mines. He is introduced to amining engineer named Cussler, who explains how sound waves are beingused to mine diamonds. Cussler explains that the waves travel throughwater and converge on different locations, wreaking havoc. We now knowthe cause of the worldwide devastation. Pitt, Giordino and Maeve hatch a plan to rescue her twin boys, who havebeen kidnapped by her father. Unfortunately, they are captured in New Zealand and taken aboard theDorsett yacht, from which they are set adrift in a small, inflatableboat to die in the ocean. Luckily, they find the wreck of a sailboat on an island, fashion alarger wind-powered craft and make their way toward civilization. We learn that the acoustic waves created by Dorsett's operation willconverge on Hawaii and wipe it off the map if they are not stopped. Meanwhile, Arthur Dorsett is out to corner the market in coloredstones. He plans to flood the market with diamonds to drive the pricedown to almost nothing, making colored stones more valuable. A plan is developed to reflect Dorsett's acoustic waves. A giantparabolic dish will be lowered in the ocean from the deck of the HowardHughes-designed ship Glomar Explorer. Still at sea in their fabricatedcraft, Pitt, Giordino and Fletcher finally reach Gladiator Island, homeof the Dorsett clan. The plan to divert the acoustic waves is successful, but the reflectionsends the sound beam directly at Gladiator island. Sandecker warnsPitt, but he doesn't have time to escape. When the wave hits, thevolcanoes erupt in a firestorm of ash and lava. Pitt kills Arthur andDeirdre Dorsett, while Giordino eliminates Boudicca. In a plot twistClive has used before, we learn Boudicca is actually a man dressed andliving as a woman. Giordino escapes by helicopter with Maeve's twin sons, but with no moreroom on the helicopter, Pitt and Maeve are forced to flee in the Dorsettyacht. During a shower Of lava and ash, Pitt manages to steer the yacht intothe ocean, but not before Maeve dies in his arms. Loren Smith shows upat Pitt's apartment after he is rescued, but Dirk asks her just to leavehim alone. Flood TideThe fourteenth Dirk Pitt novel was published in hardcover in 1997 bySimon & Schuster and one can safely assume in paperback by Pocket Booksin 1998. Flood Tide follows Cussler tradition and begins in the past. A Chinese cargo ship loaded with priceless artwork sails into an intensestorm that sinks her. Only two people survive, and they wash up on anunknown shore. We next meet an Immigration and Naturalization officer, Julia Lee, whoserves as Pitt's love interest. Lee is aboard a Chinese cargo ship loaded with illegal immigrantsseeking a new life in the United States. Sentenced to die, she is sent to a lake in Washington State, where thosetoo sick to become slaves are killed. Pitt arrives on a vacation in Washington, attempting to recuperate fromthe thrashing he suffered in Shock Wave. Curious about strange affairson the lake, he investigates the home of a rich industrialist named QinShang. Videotaping the bottom of the lake, he finds it littered withdead bodies and determines that Shang's lake retreat is nothing morethan a human smuggling operation. Rescuing a group of immigrants who are sentenced to die in the lake, hehelps them escape in an old Cris-Craft boat while being pursued byShang's security guards. We learn that Shang's operation is the frontfor a Chinese-government-approved plan to reduce population. And welearn that the S.S. United States, a powerful cruise ship retired in theearly 1960s, is being refitted in a shipyard near Hong Kong. Inaddition, Shang has built a huge cargo port named Sungari in a bayou inLouisiana. Pitt and Giordino are ordered to search the S.S. United States, and they enlist the help of a covert corporation mannedby ex-intelligence operatives. After examining the cruise ship, theyare attacked by a Chinese destroyer and manage to sink the aggressor. Pitt returns home, and upon entering his aircraft hangar/home, he isattacked by assassins hired by Shang. He manages to kill the attackers.Later, with Lee as his escort, he attends a party hosted by Shang inMaryland. After visiting Perlmutter, Pitt and Lee are again chased byassassins, and he escapes in his 1929 Duesenberg. Next, Pitt decides to investigate Sungari with Giordino. We learn thatthe S.S. United States will be traveling up the Mississippi River, whereit will be moored at New Orleans to be used as a floating casino. NUMA now decides that Sungari is part of Shang's plan to divert theMississippi River into the Atchafalaya River by blowing a bridge atopthe Mississippi's levee and channeling the water into a canal he hasbuilt. Shang's plan is to have the S.S. United States bury her hullcrossways in the river to form a dam. The S.S. United States is attacked by National Guard forces lining theriver but continues upstream. Pitt and Giordino land on the ship fromhang gliders. The explosives ignite and start the flood, but Pittmanages to take control of the S.S. United States and drives the shipinto the levee to plug the opening. Pitt next decides to locate the Chinese cargo ship that was lost at thestart of the novel. Perlmutter determines the ship sank in LakeMichigan. Finding the survivors from the wreck, Pitt pinpoints the areaand then mounts a salvage operation and removes the priceless artwork.Pitt has asked Perlmutter to leak a report to Shang that the wreck hasbeen found. When Shang finds out, he races to Lake Michigan with thehopes of recovering the already-salvaged treasures himself. In a fight on the ocean bottom, Pitt kills Shang. At the end, thetreasure is displayed in a museum. NonfictionThe Sea HunterSIn 1996, Clive branched out in nonfiction with The Sea Hunters. Published by Simon & Schuster in hardcover and followed in 1997 by aPocket Books paperback, the book was an unexpected success. It reachednumber five on the New York Times best-seller list in hardcover, and theintroduction of the paperback saw the book rise to number one on theTimes list, giving Clive his first time at the top slot. Co-written with Craig Dirgo, the book details the exploits of Clive'snonprofit foundation NUMA, which is named after the organization in thePitt novels. When the idea for a book about shipwrecks was presented to Simon &Schuster, the publisher was less than enthralled. Peter Lampack,Clive's agent, distinctly remembers one editor glancing out the windowduring the presentation as if he was distracted-and totallydisinterested. Knowing that most historical books are about as interesting to read asthe back of a cereal box, the authors set out to create a book withaccurate historical facts that read like a novel. The history of theships and their battles remained true to the facts but was enhanced withdialogue. The actual search for the vessel was written by Clive infirst person to give the reader an insight into the process that goes onwhen a NUMA search is launched. An excellent introduction gives the reader insight into Clive and hishistory as well as the formation of NUMA and its role in historic marinesearch and discovery. The book features nine of the searches NUMA has undertaken. Beginningwith the steamship Lexington, which burned and sank in Long IslandSound, the events surrounding the disaster are explored and theaftermath chronicled. The Republic of Texas Navy ship Zavala is featured next, followed by achapter about the U.S.S. Cumberland and the Confederate raider C.S.S. Florida. The fourth section details the strange life of the C.S.S. Arkansas, a Confederate ironclad whose career was short but exciting. Featured next is the U.S.S. Carondelet, a Union ironclad built for thewar to control western rivers. Section Six chronicles the interesting tale of the C.S.S. Hunley, thefirst submarine to sink a ship in battle. The chapter proved popularwith readers, many of whom were unaware that submarines had even beenused in the Civil War. In a change of pace, Section Seven is about a disaster and a search thattake place on land. "The Lost Locomotive of Kiowa Creek" is about atrain thatplunged into a river in a flood, and the search to find the truth aboutwhat happened to the locomotive took more turns than a mountain road. For Section Eight, the book travels to Europe and chronicles wrecks fromWorld War I in an expedition that NUMA launched in 1984. Section Nineis the tale of an event from World War II largely ignored by history.The tragedy of the sinking of the Leopoldville and the subsequent rescueefforts could be a book in itself. Featuring a middle section of photographs and richly drawn maps alongwith a listing of ships NUMA has located over the years, The Sea Huntersgives the Cussler fan both insight into the man behind Dirk Pitt and arich appreciation for the old adage that sometimes truth is strangerthan fiction. A Concordance of Dirk Piift NovelsThe Continuing CharactersCussler, Clive. Author-adventurer who frequently turns up in the Pittadventures. A big man with graying hair, a white beard and blue-greeneyes. Races Pitt at the Richmond old car races in Dragon. In Sahara,he's a prospector searching for a Confederate shipwreck in the SaharaDesert. He stands the same height as Pitt but is more heavy than thin. In Inca Gold, he's the owner of the Box Car Cafe and described as a tallman in his early sixties, with gray hair and a white beard; he boughtthe cafe when he gave up prospecting. In Shock Wave, he's the mineengineer and chief foreman at the Dorsett mine on Kunghit Island whohelps explain the inner workings of the mine to Pitt. In Shock Wave, he's the successful owner of fishing boats who loans Pittand Giordino a houseboat. Giordino, Albert Cassius. Attended elementary school with Dirk Pitt andhas known him since kindergarten. Attended high school with Pitt and played tackle on the high schoolfootball team. Attended the United States Air Force Academy. Attendedflight school with Dirk Pitt. Served two tours in Vietnam. Still holdsthe rank of captain in the Air Force. Joined NUMA along with Pitt atthe request of Admiral James Sandecker. Lives in a recently purchased condominium in Alexandria, Virginia, wherenone of the furniture or decor matches. Five feet four inches inheight, weight one hundred seventy-five pounds. Of Italian ancestry, hehas dark curly hair, a nose that hints at his Roman heritage and dark,swarthy skin on a round face. Has a barrel chest and muscular build.Usually has a Faganlike grin on his face. His eyes are a twinklingwalnut color. He is missing the little finger on his right hand afterhe jammed it in the barrel of a gun that was fired by Delphi Moran. Hehas been shot more times than an Arizona highway sign. His body showsthe effects of numerous abrasions, contusions and broken bones.Assistant special projects director of the National Underwater andMarine Agency. His hobby is stealing Admiral Sandecker's custom-madecigars. Gunn, Ruth. Childhood nickname: "Beaver Eyes." A graduate of the U.S.Naval Academy, first in his class. Formerly held the rank of commander in the United States Navy. JoinedNUMA at the same time as Pitt and Giordino. Former titles includedirector of logistics for the National Underwater and Marine Agency andoverseer of NUMA's oceanographic projects. Was skipper of the NUMAresearch vessel First Attempt in The Mediterranean Caper. In Raise theTitanic! he wascaptain of the submersible Sappho 1. Current title is deputy director ofthe National Underwater and Marine Agency. Nominated for Nobel PeacePrize for his work in Sahara but did not win. Has a thinning hairlineand wears thick horn-rimmed glasses. Has a Roman nose. Short and thinwith narrow shoulders and matching hips. Wears a Timer watch. Second in command of NUMA under Sandecker. Hunt, Leigh. Clive's friend in real life but turns up frequently inPitt adventures in a variety of disguises. In Treasure, he's a reporter with the BBC. In Sahara, he's the chiefpilot of the Texas. In Inca Gold, he's an engineer searching for oilwho locates a vast underwater river in a cave in the Castle DomeMountains. In Shock Wave, he's a colonel at Walter Reed Medical Center who performsthe autopsies on people killed by the acoustic waves. In Flood Tide,he's the captain of the Princess Dou WanKamil, Han. Secretary-general of the United Nations. Described as a tall, attractive woman with a smooth brown face andcompelling coal-black eyes. Has a long-stemmed neck, delicate featuresand haunting looks. In Treasure, she is age forty-two and has a tawnyComplexion and long jet-black hair that falls down to her shoulders. Stands five feet eleven inches tall in heels. Never married. Herfather was a filmmaker, her mother a teacher. A gourmet cook with aPh.D. in Egyptian antiquities, she landed one of the few jobs open toMuslim women, as a researcher with the Ministry of Culture. Worked herway up to director of antiquities and later head of the Department ofInformation. She caught the eye of then-PresidentMubarek, who asked her to serve on the Egyptian delegation to the UnitedNations General Assembly. Five years later, Kamil was vice chairman when Javier Perez de Cuellarstepped down. Because the men ahead of her in line refused the job, shewas appointed to serve as secretary-general in the tenuous hope shemight mend the widening cracks in the organization. Mercier, Allan. U.S. national security advisor. A plump, baldingcharacter with a Falstaff face that masks a shrewd analytical mind. Wears ever-rumpled bargain-priced suits with white linen handkerchiefssloppily stuffed in the breast pocket. Wears Ben Franklin spectacles. Milligan, Lieutenant Commander Heidi. U.S. Navy lieutenant commanderassigned to the Norfolk Navy Yard. Has eleven years to go beforeretirement as of Vixen 03. Attended Wellesley College. No children, asshe had a hysterectomy. Had affairs with Admiral Bass, with Pitt andwith Shaw in Night Probe! Described as almost as tall as Pitt when sheis wearing riding boots. Looks to be in her early thirties, and herskin shows no sign of a summer tan. In Night Probe! she is said to have graduated fourteenth in her class at Annapolis. Described as having a svelte body measuring six feet from manicuredtoenails to the roots of her naturally ash-blond hair. Has Castilianbrown eyes, the right eye having an imperfection at the bottom of theiris, a small pie-shaped splash of gray. Working on a doctorate at Princeton University. Oates, Douglas. U.S. secretary of state. Has neatly trimmedslate-colored hair and brown eyes. Perhnutter, St. JuHen. Close family friend of the Pitt family. Has afifty-million-dollar inheritance. Lives on a Street in the Georgetownsection of Washington, D.C. One of the world's foremost authorities onshipwrecks and owner of one of the world's finest maritime libraries- Agourmand and bon vivant who has a four thousand-bottle wine cellar. Weighs over four hundred pounds but is remarkably solid for a huge man. Has gray hair and gray beard, a crimson face with tulip nose andsky-blue eyes. His car is a chauffeur-driven 1955 Rolls-Royce SilverDawn with coachwork by Hooper & Company. The automobile is paintedsilver and green and features a straight-six engine with overheadvalves. Pitt, Dirk Eric. Born at Hoag Hospital, Newport Beach, California, toSenator George and Barbara (Nash) Pitt. According to his family tree,his paternal ancestors were Gypsies who migrated from Spain to Englandin the seventeenth century. Great-grandfather was a steam locomotiveengineer on the Santa Fe Railroad. Has all uncle who is one of SanFrancisco's leading bon vivants. Another uncle on his mother's side isPercy Nash, one of the scientists who worked on the Manhattan Project. Pitt's grandfather acquired a small fortune developing SouthernCalifornia real estate. On his death, he left his grandson aconsiderable inheritance. After paying the estate tax, Pitt chose toinvest the money in classic cars and aircraft rather than stocks andbonds. Lives at 266 Airport Place, Washington, D.C. 20001, on thegrounds of Washington International Airport. Best friend is AlGiordino, whom Pitt met when the two got into a fistfight in elementaryschool. Was quarterback on hishigh school football team. Graduated thirty-fifth in his class at theU.S. Air Force Academy. While at the Air Force Academy, he was on thefootball team and fencing squad. Attended flight school with AlGiordino. Served ten years' active duty in the Air Force, attaining the rank ofmajor and in the year 2000 promoted to lieutenant colonel. Served twotours in the last years of the Vietnam War. Awarded DistinguishedFlying Cross with two clusters, a Silver Heart and a Purple Heart. Received a commendation for shooting down U.S. Navy Admiral JamesSandecker's plane over the Sea of China to prevent him from landing atan enemy-occupied airfield. Awarded Hero of the Revolution award byFidel Castro. Formerly surface security officer for the NationalUnderwater and Marine Agency, he is currently the special projectsdirector. Height six feet three inches, weight one hundred eighty-fivepounds. Has black hair tending to be a bit wavy, with no indication ofgray. Eyebrows dark and bushy. Straight, narrow nose, lips firm withthe corners turned up in a slight but fixed grin. Skin darkened byyear-round exposure to the sun. Has opaline green eyes that are setwide with a clear glimpse of the white around the iris. Far frommovie-star handsome, he has a craggy face that the opposite sex findsstrangely attractive. Body covered with various scars and injuries. Walks with a loose grace that is impossible for most men. Wore an Omegawatch early on but now is known for wearing an orange-face Dora divewatch. Quit smoking years ago. Changed from Cutty Sark to Bombay Gin to SauzaCommemorativo tequila over the years but also enjoys a glass of finewine and an occasional beer. Main exercise is scuba diving. Hisfavorite pastime is restoring and showing antique andclassic cars. Astrological sign: Cancer. Chinese sign: born in theYear of the Rat. Pitt, George. Served in World War II, then worked his way through lawschool selling cars. Dirk Pitt's father and senior senator fromCalifornia. Elected to the Senate the same year as the president inDeep SLx. Head of the Naval Appropriations Committee. Heads up the SenateCommittee for Oil Exploration on Government Lands. Heads the SenateForeign Relations Committee. Known as the Socrates of the Senate. InVixen 03, he tells Daggat he plans to retire next year but changes hismind. Married to the former Barbara Nash, who was named Susan inDragon. Lives in a colonial home on Massachusetts Avenue in Washington,D.C. Owns a ski chalet in Breckenridge, Colorado. Known for wearingexpensive suits with a California golden poppy in the lapel. Pochinsky, Zerri. Secretary to Dirk Pitt. A lively type, with acontagious smile and hazel eyes. Thirty years old at the time of NightProbe! she has never married. Full-bodied with long, fawn-colored hair that falls below her shoulders.Pitt has considered having an affair with her, but he doesn't believe inmessing around with his staff. Sandecker, Admiral James. Graduated U.S. Naval Academy Class of 1939. Made flag rank in the Navy before age fifty. Once served on the U.S.S.Iowa. Last command was the Navy guided-missile cruiser Tucson. In Night Probe! he is listed as age sixty-one. Lives in a condominiumat the Watergate in Washington, D.C six miles from the NUMAheadquarters. Height is afew inches over five feet. Has a thick head of red hair that showslittle indication of white. Has a precisely trimmed red Van Dyke beard.Has cold, authoritative blue eyes. Sleeps only four hours a night. Longdivorced, he has a daughter and three grandchildren who five in HongKong. A vegetarian and health nut, he jogs and lifts weights. Takesnumerous vitamins including garlic pills every day. Smokes ten custom made cigars a day. Likes to dine at the Army and NavyClub. Also a member of the John Paul Jones Club. Has an old Navydouble-ender whale boat he cruises on Sundays on the Potomac River forrelaxation. After retiring from the Navy, he was made the chiefdirector of the National Underwater and Marine Agency by then-PresidentFord. When he began at NUMA, it was an insignificant eighty-personagency. He built NUMA into a massive organization of five thousand scientistsand employees with an annual budget that exceeds four hundred milliondollars. Smith, Loren. Congresswoman from Colorado's Seventh Distnct, thedistrict west of the Continental Divide. Her family has ranched thewestern slope of Colorado since the 1870s. Educated at the Universityof Colorado. Height is five feet eight inches. Age at the time of DeepSLx is thirty-seven. She has cinnamon-colored hair cut long to frameher prominent cheekbones. Violet-colored eyes. Never married. Chest measurement is 34-B. At the time of Inca Gold, she is a five-tenncongresswoman. Lives in a townhouse in Alexandria, Virginia. Owns a cat named Ichabod. Dates Dirk Pitt, whom she met at a lawn partygiven by the secretary of the envirorunent ten years ago 132 Wolff, Julie. Admiral Sandecker's personal secretary in the laterbooks. Yaeger, MrauL Nicknamed Pinocchio because he always sticks his nose inwhere it doesn't belong via his computer. Decorated three-tour Vietnamveteran who served with the U.S. Navy SEALS. Lured from California'sSilicon Valley by Sandecker to head NUMA's vast computer network thatincludes a catalog of all known shipwrecks worldwide. Works on thetenth floor of NUMA Headquarters. Formerly lived on a farm inSharpsburg, Maryland; he now resides in a fashionable residentialsection of Maryland. Has a wife who is an artist and two pretty, smartteenage daughters who attend private school. Had a 1989 Ford Taurusstation wagon but now drives a non production BMW. Traditionally wearsLevi's and a Levi's jacket along with scruffy cowboy boots. Has grayinglong blond hair he wears tied back in a ponytail that frames a boyishface. Has a scraggly beard he sometimes braids. Wears granny glasses. The World of NUMAAndrews Air Force Base. Air Force base near Washington, D.C. CentralIntefflgence Agency. U.S. intelligence agency located in Langley,Virginia, on a 219-acre site. The headquarters building is a sprawlinggray marble and concrete structure. A statue of Nathan Hale standsoutside the entrance. Dulles Airport. Commercial airport in Washington, D.C. EnvironmentalProtection Agency. The EPA is the U.S. governmental agency that handlesissues related to the environment. Federal Bureau of Investigation. The FBI is an anticrime force thatoperates under the umbrella of the Department of Justice. Theheadquarters of the FBI are at Pennsylvania Avenue and Tenth Street inWashington, D.C. G.R.U. Acronym standing for Glavnoye RazvedyvatelnoyeUpraviemye. Chief intelligence directorate of the Soviet general staff.Best described as the Soviet military intelligence agency. EWERPOL. An international police agency. KGB. Soviet intelligence agency, also known as the Committee for StateSecurity National Security Agency. U.S. intelligence agency that oftenworks with NUMA. Based at Fort Meade, Maryland, the NSA speciakes incipher development and cracking as well as electronic eavesdropping andsatellite communications and detection. Operates under the Departmentof Defense. National Security Council. Advisors to the president of the UnitedStates. NUMA Headquartem A thirty-story tubular structure sheeted in greenreflective glass that sits on an EastWashington hill above the Potomac River. Admiral Sandecker's office ison the top floor and features an immense desk made from the refinishedhatch cover salvaged from a Confederate blockade runner that was sunk inAlbemarle Sound. On his desk is a humidor from which Giordino allegedlysteals cigars. The office is equipped with a holographic televisioncamera so Sandecker can view the people he is talking to in 3-Dsplendor. The twelfth floor is an immense equipment-laden area coveringfifteen thousand square feet manned by forty-five engineers andtechnicians who monitor the six NUMA satellites circling the globe. The tenth floor has the glass-enclosed computer center run by HiramYaeger. The fourth floor has the NUMA boardroom featuring athree-meter-long conference table built from a section of a wooden hullsalvaged from a schooner that sank to the bottom of Lake Erie, alongwith thick turquoise carpeting and a fireplace with a Victorianmantelpiece. The walls are paneled in satiny teak, and there arepaintings of U.S. naval actions in ornate frames. The fourth floor alsohas Pitt's and Giordino's offices. The lobby is an atrium surrounded bywaterfalls and aquariums filled with exotic sea life. A huge globe rises from the center of the sea-green marble floor,contoured with the geological furrows and ridges of every sea, largelake and river on earth. The building has an underground parking garage. Pitt's home. The address of Pitt's aircraft hangar/home is 266 AirportPlace, Washington, D.C. 20001. The hangar is on a little-used runway atWashington International Airport and was built in 1936. Formerlyhousing an air carrier that was absorbed by American Airlines, thebuilding was scheduled for demolition in 1980. Pitt bought thebuilding, restored the inside, then had it placed on the NationalRegister of Historic Landmarks. From outside, the hangar appearsdeserted-weeds surround the building, and the corrugated walls areweathered and devoid of paint. The appearance is merely a ruse. The hangar has the latest in security measures, including an alarmsystem Pitt deactivates by the use of a small transmitter carried in hispocket. Outside, remote cameras film guests arriving and alert Pitt toany danger. The hangar floor is polished concrete and houses Pitt'stransportation collection. Nearly fifty cars cover the ten thousandsquare feet, including a Hispano-Suiza, a MercedesBenz 540 a Marmon towncar, a beautiful blue TalbotLago, a Cord L-29, a Pierce-Arrow town carwith matchmg Travelodge travel trailer, a stunning turquoise-green Stutztown car, along with a pair of RoUs-Royces, a big Daimler convertible, aBugatti, an Isotta-Fraschini, a Delahaye, an AC Cobra, aMaybach-Zeppelin town car, a Renault Open-Drive Landaulette, a Jensenfour door convertible, an Avions-Voisin, an Allard J2X and the first carin Pitt's collection, a 1946 Ford Club Coupe. Pitt often drives his1984 Jeep Grand Wagoneer that features a 500-horsepower Rodeck enginetaken from a wrecked dragster. Other artifacts include a Ford TrimotorTin Goose airplane, a Messerschmitt 262 Swallow, a Pullman Railroad carThe Manhattan Limited, an old cast-iron bathtub with an outboard motorattached and a weird-looking inflatable raft with sails and a carvedHaida Indian totem pole. At the far end of the garage is an ornatewrought-iron spiral staircase and a cargo elevator. The door at the topleads to a living room-study filled with shelvesstacked with books about the sea along with glass encased models ofships Pitt discovered while working with NUMA. A trophy case holdsfootball and fencing trophies. Copper diver's helmets, mariner'scompasses and wooden helm pieces share space with ships' bells and oldnails and bottles from shipwrecks Pitt has excavated. A door to oneside of the study leads into a large bedroom decorated like a sailingship's captain's cabin, complete with a huge wheel as a backboard forthe bed. The opposite end of the living room opens into a kitchen anddining room. Politburo. The primary decision makers for the Soviet Communist Party. SEALS. Elite U.S. Navy Special Forces group. The acronym stands forSea, Air and Land. Secret Service. Division of the U.S. Treasury Department. Handles anticounterfeiting, presidential protection and other duties. United States Customs Service. Works to stop smuggling of illegalgoods. Washington National Airport. Location of Pitt's aircraft hangar/home. Pacific VortexAC Cobra. The car Pitt drives in Pacific Vortex. Built in England,they featured Ford 289-cubic-inch and 427-cubic-inch engines. Andrei Vyborg. A Russian spy ship posing as an oceanographic vessel. Follows the 101st Salvage Fleet when they attempt to locate theStarbuck. Blue fin. U.S. Navy ship. Disappeared but was eventually located nearseamount. Boland, Lieutenant Commander Paul. Tall and blond. Resembles John F. Kennedy. Wounded by the men who board the Martha Ann. Bounty. The ship made famous in Mutiny on the Bounty. The ship waslater burned at Pitcairn Island. Mentioned in prologue. Butcher, Lieutenant Robert The marine leader of the fierce attack onthe radio transmitter located on Maui. The transmitter was thought tobe lightly guarded, but Pisces Metal Company had sold it to theRussians. Carter, Lieutenant. Crewman on the submarine Starbuck. Mentioned inDupree's log recovered by Pitt. Cat T Located off Cuba, site where NUMA detected a mysterious underwaterobject. (See. Kurile Trench.) Chrysler, Dr. Elmer. Chief of research for Tripler Hospital. A shortlittle man with a completely shaven head. Has brown eyes behindhorned-rimmed glasses. Cinana, Captain Orly. The officer in charge of Admiral Hunter's salvagefleet. Heavyset. Killed by intruderswhile in bed with Adrian Hunter. Was secretly cooperating with DelphiMoran. Colt .44. Pistol used when Delphi attempts to fire at Pitt. Giordinojams his little finger into the barrel. When Delphi fires, it backfires and blows the side of his face off. Crowhaven, Lieutenant Commander Samuel. An engineering officer on asubmarine, he is drafted to lead the divers on the rescue effort. Described as blond with Scandinavian features. He brings the Starbuckto the surface. Danzig, Corporal. Spad leader attacking the radio transmitter. Denver, Commander Burdefte. Described as short, almost gnome like. Aide to Admiral Hunter. DG-10. The poison that was in the syringe Pitt took from Summer -Moran.Extremely difficult to detect, it makes a body have the appearance of aheart seizure. Dodge truck, gray. The vehicle that was carrying the man who fired atPitt after he left the museum. The man was later impaled on a spike ona telephone pole. Douglas C-54. The four-engine plane flown by Pitt and Giordino to theseamount to launch the rescue effort. Dupree, Commander Fred Commanding officer of the U.S. nuclear submarineStarbuck. He has served twenty years at sea, fourteen of those insubmarines. His classmates at Annapolis nicknamed him "The Data Bank." Explorer. Listed as the first ship lost in the Pacific Vortex. TheExplorer was under charter to the Pisces Metal Company when Lavella andRoblemann disappeared. F-4. A U.S. Navy submarine that sank in sixty fathoms off the entranceof Pearl Harbor. In 1915, it was successfully raised. Farris, Seaman First Class. Crewman on the submarine Starbuck,mentioned in Dupree's log that was recovered by Pitt. Later discoveredstill alive on board the Starbuck. FHX. A new long-range helicopter that Pitt is certified to fly. NUMAloans the helicopter and Pitt to the 101st Salvage Fleet. Fujuna, Henry. A fourth-generation Japanese-Hawaiian fisherman. Hisfishing boat is cut in half by the Martha Ann as it returns to baseguided by control computers. Fullerton Fracture Zone. The area where the Pacific Vortex is located. Harper, Lieutenant. The engine-room officer on the Martha Ann. Weighsover two hundred fifty pounds. Hunter, Adrian. Daughter of Admiral Hunter. Has long black hair. Herskin is the tone of polished bronze. A tramp, she is the only womanPitt cannot satisfy. Hunter, Admiral Leigh. Admiral in charge of the 101st Salvage Fleet. Tall and wizened. His hair is bushy and white. Has a cadaverous face. Hyperion missiles. Nuclear missiles carried on board the Starbuck. lolani Palace. The only royal palace on American soil. Was the building that housed the Hawaii 5-0 offices. Mentioned by George Papaaloa. Ishiyo Maru. Japanese oil tanker of 8,106 tons. Reported missing inthe Pacific Vortex September 14, 1964. The second sunken vessel spottedby the Martha Ann. Kaena Point, Hawaii The point in the Kauai Channel off Oahu. The spotwhere Pitt was sunning when he spotted the yellow communicationscapsule. Kamehameha. Also known as Kamehameha the Great. King of -Hawaii. Pitt is helping George Papaaloa from the museum try to locate his grave. Kanoli. A mythical island to the north of Hawaii. Described as abarren island with few coconuts or palm trees. Also lacks streams ofcold clear water. Settlers tamed the land over several generations,then proclaimed themselves gods. The natives of Kanoh then raidedKauai, Oahu, Hawaii and other islands in the Hawaiian chain. Kurile Trench. The area off Japan where NUMA scientists detected avessel moving underwater at veryhigh speed and a great depth. Estimates placed the object moving onehundred ten miles an hour at nineteen thousand feet deep. LaveRa. A physicist who specialized in hydrology. Lillie Marlene. A mysterious ship that was discovered adrift in thePacific Vortex. A former British torpedo boat converted to luxuryyacht. Owned by Herbert Verhusson, a nationally recognized filmproducer. On July 13, 1968, it radioed a distress call to the CoastGuard saying that it was being attacked by men who came out of the mist. March, Lieutenant. The Martha Ann's navigation officer. He served fouryears in nuclear submarines and is an accomplished Scuba diver. Was murdered on the Starbuck. Martha Ann. The 101st Salvage Fleet's top search and salvage vessel. The ship is modern but designed to look very old. It has thesuperstructure of an older ship-a square boxlike shape to thesuperstructure and an old-fashioned vertical smokestack. Painted blackwith the usual red waterline; the paint used is a special compound thatappears to be rusted. On the stem is painted "Martha Ann-SEATTLE." Itsails with a small crew as the ship is completely computerized andcontrolled automatically. Mauser. Model 712 Schnell Fueur Pistole serial number 47405. Fifty-round clip. Has the ability to fire single shot or automatic. Pitt's choice of protection when he goes for a drive in the AC Cobra. Metford, Seaman. Crewman on the submarine Starbuck, mentioned inDupree's log that was recovered by Pitt. Moana Valley Lookout. A scenic lookout near the scene of the accidentwith the gray Dodge truck. Monitor. The ship that launches a Hyperion missile at the seamount inthe Pacific Vortex. Named after the famous Civil War ironclad. Moran, Delphi. Described as six feet eight inches tall. Has blazing golden eyes. His face is long and gaunt and framed by aheavy layer of unkempt silver hair. Moran, Dr. Frederick. Father of Delphi and grandfather of Summer. Called "The Oracle of Psychic Unity." Described as a giant with yelloweyes. Was one of the United States' great classical anthropologists. Moran, Summer. The most exotic woman Pitt has ever seen. She possesseseyes so gray, they defy reality, and her hair falls in an enchantingcascade of red, presenting a vibrant contrast against the green Orientalsheath dress that adheres to her curvaceous body. Granddaughter of Frederick Moran, daughter of Delphi Moran. New Century. A ship salvaged by the 101st Salvage Fleet off Libya. Oceanic Star. A Liberian freighter of 5,135 tons carrying a cargo ofrubber and farm machinery. Was reported missing in the Pacific VortexJune 14, 1949. The first sunken vessel that the Martha Ann spotted. Pants, Avery Anson. Singer of "The Great Bikini Ripoff," number twelveon the charts. A song played by Aloha Willie on radio station POPO. Papaaloa, George. Museum curator at the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum ofPolynesian Ethnology and Natural History. Described as tall with whitehair. Has a wide brown face, jutting chin, large lips and misty browneyes. Pisces Metal Company. The company that was chartering the Explorer whenLavella and Roblemann disappeared in the Pacific Vortex. Also thecompany that owned the radio-transmitting facility on a remote corner ofMaui that was used to disrupt radio distress calls. Pisces Parent Corporation. Parent company of Pisces Metal Company. Plumeria. A plant that grows in Hawaii with a beautiful fragrance. Pitt also notices it is the scent that aummer wears. Riley, Lieutenant. The officer Paul Boland orders to issue the crew ofthe Martha Ann sidearms after the fog begins to cover the ship. Roblemann. A renowned surgeon who was experimenting with a mechanicalgill system so humans would be able to absorb oxygen from water. Romando Region. A region in the Pacific southeast of Japan where shipsdisappear. Could be compared to the Bermuda Triangle. San GabrieL The first ship to appear in response to the Lillie Marlene'sMayday call. After sending a boarding party to the Lillie Marlene, theyfind the crew dead and their bodies turned green, their faces meltedaway. When the San Gabriel attempts to tow the Lillie Marlene, the shipexplodes with a huge blast and sinks. Scopoinmine. Also referred to as truth serum. The liquid that was inthe syringe Summer tried to inject into Pitt. Scorpiom U.S. Navy ship. Mysteriously disappeared but was eventuallylocated. Selco-Ramsey 8300. The computer system that runs the Martha Ann. Selma Snoop. A small, blue, watertight, battery operated,direction-device. It helps navigate the Douglas C-54 to the seamountfor the rescue. South wind A ship salvaged in the Black Sea by the 101st Salvage Fleet. Sphyma levini. Latin name for the hammerhead shark. Stanley, Lieutenant The Detection Room officer on the Martha AnrL Killedby the boarding party from the seamount. Starbuck. U.S. nuclear submarine. Built in San Francisco, the vesselfeatures a computer-designed pressure hull. Capable of cruising at onehundred twenty-five knots at two thousand feet below the surface. Total crew of sixty-three. Tan Maru A ship salvaged off China by the 101st Salvage Fleet. Thresher. U.S. Navy submarine. Mysteriously disappeared but waseventually located. Tripler Military Hospital. The location where Pitt lands the FHXhelicopter with the survivors of the attack on the Martha Ann. Described as a great concrete edifice perched on a hill overlooking thesouth coast of Oahu. Verhusson, Herbert. Nationally recognized film producer and owner ofthe Lillie Marlene, a ship discovered adrift in the Pacific Vortex. Vortex, Pacific. An area off Hawaii similar to the Bermuda Trianglewhere ships disappear with regularity. Thirty-eight ships are reported missing in the area. Described as a circular area north of the Hawaiian Islands. Waikiki Beach, Hawafl. The beach Pitt and Summer Moran walk on whenthey first meet. Also where Summer attacks Pitt. Pitt prevails andtakes Summer hostage, holding her in his hotel room. She escapesthrough the window. WiHie, Aloha. Late-night disc jockey on radio stationPOPO. Relays the riddle to Admiral Hunter that comes over hisfrequency. Yeager, Seaman G. Admiral Hunter's aide. Thinks Pitt is crazy after heshows up at the admiral's office dressed only in a bathing suit. York, Dr. Raymond. Head of the Marine Geology Department for the EtonSchool of Oceanography. Described as big, over six feet tall and wide in the shoulders. Hasperfectly spaced teeth and large hands. The Mediterranean CaperAdmiral DeFosse. French ironclad ship sunk in 1872 near Thasos. Albatros D-3. German-made World War I bi-wing airplane. Asingle-seater with a rigid spoked-wheel landing gear, a wooden propellerand fabric-covered wings. Powered by a single in-line engine. Painted bright yellow with blackMaltese crosses on the wings and fuselage. In the German Imperial AirService from 1916 to 1918. ABen Dive Bright. An aluminum-cased dive light waterproof to anine-hundred-foot depth. Pitt and Giordino use it to illuminate thelabyrinth so they can investigate. Alopeda areata. A skin disease that causes complete baldness. The realBruno von Till suffered from this disease. Athena. The donkey Pitt rode to town after escaping the labyrinth. Brady Air Force Base. The U.S. Air Force base in Greece where much ofThe Mediterranean Caper takes place. Brown's Nautical ac. The book of charts Pitt locates in the chart roomof the Queen Artemisia. c-133 cargomaster. The U.S. Air Force cargo planes stationed at BradyField. Clara G. British collier sunk in 1856 near Thasos. Clisenti automatic pistol The weapon carried by Colonel Zeno. Coelacanth. A fish thought to be extinct over seventy million yearsuntil one was found off the coast of East Africa. Confident, ILNLS. British ship famous for keel-hulling one of its crewafter he was caught stealing a cup of brandy from the captain's cabin. Diana Gaa An old tramp steamer that Gunn remembers Pitt using to locatethe mysterious seamount in pacific Vortex. Interesting, because if youread Pacific Vortex, that is not the name of the ship Pitt is aboard. Daphne. British gunboat sunk off Thasos. Darius, Captain. Member of the Greek Gendarmerie and Colonel Zeno'spartner. Described as two inches taller than Pitt and looking like achiseled stone colosSUS. Pitt estimates he must weigh at least 260pounds. His face is miss proportioned and strikingly repulsive. He actually is working for Bruno von Till and shoots Pitt in the thighin the underwater cave. Executed by Colonel Zeno. Dragonet fish. A vivid blue and yellow scaleless fish spotted by thedivers as they swim toward the underwater cave. Ea, Delphi. Mentioned briefly on page 186. We seem to have caughtClive on this one. When Pacific Vortex was finally published, he hadchanged the name to Delphi Moran. F-105 Starfire jet. The U.S. Air Force jets stationed at Brady Field. (The actual Air Force name for the F-105 was Thunderchief-its nickname"THUD.") First Attempt. N UMA search vessel that was being used for theexpedition to find a Teaser. Described as one hundred fifty-two feet inlength and displacing eight hundred twenty tons. Has eight crew membersand fourteen scientists on board. French Sureti. The French elite police who are assisting in crackingthe heroin-smuggling ring. Ganges River. 'the polluted river in India that Colonel Lewis says hewill settle for a drink from. Pitt offers him a Fix beer instead. Greek National Tourist Organization. The organization that operates thetour of the ruin of the theater where Pitt ends up when he escapes fromthe labyrinth. Hawk of Macedonia. Nickname for German flying ace Lieutenant KurtHeibert. Assigned to Jagdstaffel 91, he attained thirty-two victoriesbefore attacking a weather balloon and being downed. He was reportedlost in the Aegean Sea July 15, 1918. Hersong, Gustaf. The lanky six-foot-tall marine botanist on the FirstAttempt. Dives with Pitt on the underwater cave below Bruno von Till'shouse. Hypsarion. The mountain that is the highest point on the island ofThasos. Japanese 1-boat. Japanese submarine that Bruno von Till uses as thelaunching platform for the Albatros. Hidden inside the underwater cave, the submarine had been sunk by anAmerican destroyer off Iwo Jima in 1945, then raised by Minerva Lines in1951. Knight, Dr. Ken. Described as young, blond and well tanned, he has along, sparse yellow beard. A brilliant marine geophysicist. Lewis, James. Air Force colonel and commanding officer at Brady Field. Liminas, Greece. A small village six miles north, up the road fromBrady Field. Limpet mine. The type of underwater mine that Giordino wants to attachto the huH of the Queen Artemisia. Macrocystis pyrifera. A brown algae of the Phaeophyta family. The kelpis native to the Pacific coast of the United States. Spotted by GustafHersong in the underwater cave. He claims that it is fake, a plasticreplica. Mauser. The vest-pocket .25-caliber handgun that Giordino brandishes atInspector Zacynthus when he is planning to jail Pitt and Giordino. The gun belongs to Teri von Till, and Giordino discovered it taped toher leg. Maybach-Zeppelin. The 1936 German automobile that Bruno von Till sentto pick up Pitt to bring him to dinner at his home. A town car bodystyle with a divider between the passenger and the chauffeur. Thecoachwork is painted a deep multicolored silver, and the fenders andrunning boards are painted black. The tires sport a distinctivediamond-shaped pattern. Pitt ends up with the automobile. Mayday. The original name for the book The Mediterranean Caper,published in England as such. Also an internationally recognizeddistress call. Mediterranean Tenth Fleet. The U.S. Navy battle group that Pittrecommends operate the submarine recovered from the underwater cave. Minerva Lines. Bruno von Till's shipping company. His ships are described as decrepit rust buckets and feature a bigyellow M painted on the smoke funnels. Mini-Cooper. Tiny British automobile that Teri von Till drives. HerMini-Cooper is a British racing green model with an open top. Shepurchased the car in London and drove it to Greece from Le Havre,France. Moody, Airman second Class. The air policeman at the front gate themorning Pitt awakens early and decides to go for a swim in the ocean. Panaghia, Greece. The town near Brady Field. PBY Ca A twin Pratt and Whitney-engined flying boat. The call numbersfor the PBY in the book are PBY-086. Pit of Hades. A vast underground labyrinth with a hundred differentpassages and only two openings, an entrance and a hidden exit which is aclosely guarded secret. Portuguese Man-of-War. Jellyfish with long purplish tentacles that thedivers spot when they are swimming toward the underwater cave. Primacord. It looks like string or rope and can be made in anythickness. It reacts like a burning fuse, only more rapidly. Pittfeels it was used to sever the cables on the First Attempt. Queen Artemisia. The Minerva Lines freighter that is carrying heroin tothe United States. Pitt sCUBAs out to the ship and searches it, findingno one. Queen Jocasta. The Minerva Lines freighter that will deliver the herointo the United States. The Queen Artemisia is a decoy. Remick, Sophia. The artist who painted an amateurish painting thathangs in the captain's cabin of the Queen Artemisia. The inscription onthe painting reads: "To the captain of my heart from his loving wife." Scyla Italian brig sunk in 1876 near Thasos. Sea of Tethys. A great sea that millions of years in the past coveredTibet, India and Central Europe. All that remains of the Sea of Tethystoday is the Black, Caspian and Mediterranean seas. Spencer, Lee. The red-bearded marine biologist on the First Attempt. Dives with Pitt on the underwater cave below Bruno von Till's house. Star gazer. A bottom-dwelling fish with stony eyes and grotesquefringed lips spotted by the divers as they swim toward the underwatercave. Teaser. Fish thought to be extinct over two hundred million years untilone is spotted by Pitt at the end of the book. Gunn believes it mightbe one of the first mammals. It might have tiny scales and a smoothporpoise like skin or perhaps even a kind of furry hide like a sea lion. Thasos Strait. The body of water between the island of Thasos and theMacedonian mainland. Thasos, Greece. An island in the northern part of the Aegean Sea. Thomas, Stan. The short runty ship's engineer on the First Attempt. Dives with Pitt into the underwater cave below Bruno von Till's house. U-19. German submarine sunk in 1918 off Thasos. A model of the U-19 isin Bruno von Till's study. Von Stroh-elm, Erich. Shaven-skulled German actor mentioned on page245. Von TM Bruno. Described as being heavyset with a round, typicallyGerman face featuring shaved head, shifty eyes and no neck. Claims heflew with the Hawk of Macedonia, Kurt Heibert, but is actually hisbrother, Admiral Erich Heibert, commander of Nazi Germany'stransportation fleet. Wanted for war crimes. The actual Bruno von Tillwas murdered in England by Erich Heibert. Von Till, Teri. Around thirty years old. Her figure is described as abeguiling mixture of grace and firmness. Dark brown eyes and shoulder-length black hair. She has a smallpockmark beside her right temple. Was married to a motorcar salesmanwho raced cars and was killed in the crash of his supercharged MG. Before Pitt has his way with her on the beach, she claims she wascelibate for almost nine years. Half Greek and half German. Born inGreece but raised in England. Alleged niece to Bruno von Till but actually a substitute. Real nameAmy. Whaleboat. The First Attempt's shore boat was described as twenty-sixfeet in length and with double ends. It was powered by a singlefour-cylinder Buda engine. Willie. Bruno von Till's driver and assistant. Biondhaired. Wearssilver-rimmed spectacles. Wears jackboots with hobnails. Pitt puncheshim in the nose, breaking it, for spying on him and Teri making love onthe beach. Is killed when the weather balloon rigged with explosivesblows the Albatros from the sky. Woodson, Omar. The expedition photographer on the First Attempt. Dives with Pitt on the underwater cave below Bruno von Till's house. Zacynthus, inspector Hercules, Federal Bureau of Narcotics' Friends callhim Zac. An American described as a tall, thin man with large, sadeyes. Has uncommonly even teeth and smokes a pipe. Has neatly styledhair. Zeno, Colonel Polyclitus AnaxRmander. The Greek Gendarmerie inspectorwho poses as a Greek National Tourist Organization tour guide and takesPitt and Giordino into custody after they search Bruno von Till's study.Described as having a broad, white-toothed smile beneath his greatmustache. IcebergAndursson, Golfur. Chief gillie, or river warden, for the Rarfur River.Described as having a stern face with sea-blue eyes. Gray hair flowingaround a broad forehead like a helmet on a warrior in a Flemishpainting. An old man, age somewhere beyond seventy years, wearing aworn turtleneck sweater. He rescues Pitt, who has collapsed from thelong walk from the staged helicopter crash. Andursson takes him in aLand Rover to his home and allows him to use his radio transmitter. Pitt radios Admiral Sandecker, who sends help by plane. Arnarson, Sergeant. Policeman who patrols the village where Pitt istaken after the helicopter crash. Is murdered and his identity assumedby phony policeman. Described as having been five foot nine and one hundred seventy pounds. When Dr. Jonsson confirms his size, Pitt notes he is probably dead andone of the phony policemen is wearing his uniform. B-92. USAF reconnaissance bomber that flies at twelve hundred miles anhour. The plane Pitt takes from Iceland to Disneyland. Boyle, Jack. Australian coal tycoon. Member of Hermit Limited. Brady. Texan and white-jacketed steward on the Catawaba. Cashman, Sergeant Sam. Does freelance hydraulic work on the blackLorelei executive jet that attacks Pitt and Hunnewell. When Pittrecovers the landing gear of the crashed jet, it has the initials S.C onthe part, and the initials lead him to Cashman. He is assigned toEighty-seventh Air Transport Squadron. A former crop duster inOklahoma, he is also the pilot of the Ford Trimotor that flies therescue team to the staged helicopter crash. Castile, Pablo. President of the Dominican Republic who is targeted tobe assassinated by Hermit Limited killers inside the Pirates of theCaribbean ride at Disneyland. Plot is foiled by Pitt and NavalIntelligence. Catawaba. A Coast Guard supercutter. Commanded by Lieutenant CommanderLee Koski. The control room is described as science-fiction spacemovie. From floor to ceiling, the four steel bulkheads stand buriedbehind a mechanical avalanche of computers, television monitors andinstrumented consoles. Endless rows of technically labeled switches andknobs, garnished by enough colored lights to fill a casino marquee inLas Vegas. Has air-search radar, surface-search radar scanners, the latestLoran-type navigational equipment of medium, high and ultra-highfrequencies, not to mention computerized navigation plotting. Manned byseventeen officers and one hundred sixty enlisted men. The ship costbetween twelve and thirteen million and was built at the North gateshipyards in Wilmington, Delaware. Chloral hydrate. Substance Pitt suspects was slipped to the passengersand crew of the Lax to knock themout prior to the fire. This explains why the crew was still at dutystations. De Croix, Joan. President of French Guiana who is targeted to beassassinated by Hermit Limited killers inside the Pirates of theCaribbean ride at Disneyland. Plot is foiled by Pitt and Naval Intelligence. Devonshire, Clarence. Master inspector at Lorelei Aircraft Limited. Disneyland. Amusement park in Anaheim, California. The location Hermit Limited chooses to assassinate the heads of FrenchGuiana and the Dominican Republic. Plot is foiled inside the Pirates ofthe Caribbean ride by Pitt and Naval Intelligence. Dover, Lieutenant Amos. The Catawaba's executive officer. Described aslooking like a big bear; his voice seemed to growl from somewhere deepwithin his stomach. Dupuy, Roger. French millionaire. Member of Hermit Limited. Ford Trimotor. 'the famed Tin Goose. Powered by three 200-horsepowerengines, with one directly in front of the cockpit and one on each wing.Described as having a corrugated aluminum skin. Fyrie, Kirsti. Kristjan Fyrie's twin sister. Fyrie, Kristjan. Described as a genius, adventurer, scientist, legend,the tenth-richest man in the world before age twenty-five. A kind andgentle person untouched by his fame and wealth. Wears a beautifullyhand-crafted ring inlaid with eight different semiprecious stones nativeto Iceland, each carved in the likeness of an ancient Nordic god. Ateighteen, when a seaman on a Greek freighter, he jumped on the coast ofMozambique. He caught the diamond fever and began diving in the watersoffshore as all the ground leases were tied up. After five months of diving, he found diamonds and with the help of theblack natives formed a company to mine them commercially. Within twoyears of the find, he was worth forty million dollars. After that, hemined manganese off Vancouver Island and brought in an oil field inPeru. His parents died in a fire when he was very young. Only knownrelative is a twin sister. After sex change, assumes Kirsti Fyrie'sidentity. Grimsi The vessel Pitt, Tidi Royal and Admiral Sandecker borrow to lookfor the black jet that attacked Pitt and Hunnewejl. Owned by OskarRodheim, the old forty-foot fishing boat is not what it appears. It ispowered by twin 420-horsepower Sterling gas engines and has atop-of-the-line Fleming six-ten fathometer. Described as having a square wheelhouse, perched just five feet from thestern. A very old boat-as old as the antique compass mounted beside herhelm. Her mahogany deck planks are worn smooth, but she still is strongand true. Hadley, Seaman First Class Buzz. Coast Guard radar operator who noticesthe iceberg on radar and notifies Lieutenant Neth and Ensign Rapp. Hermit Lindted. An evil consortium led by Oskar Rodheim that secretlymerges the great mining companies from the northern border of Guatemalato the tip of Chile. Howard, Dorothy. An attractive red-haired British actress present atthe poetry reading at Oskar Rodheim's mansion. Hull, Captain Ben. Described as a great bull of a man, tan-faced, withlong blond sideburns. Head of the rescue crew on the Ford Trimotor thatpicks up Pitt at Golfur Andursson's house and then flies to the stagedhelicopter crash to aid the survivors. Hummek Hans Von. Small, rotund, lively, with a bald head. Germanmillionaire. Member of Hermit Limited. Hunnewefl, Dr. Bill. Ph.D. in oceanography. Employed by NUMA and apassenger on the helicopter Pitt lands on the Catawaba. Tours theburned-out hulk of the Lax with Pitt and is flying in helicopter fromthe Catawaba to Iceland when the helicopter is attacked by a blackBritish-made executive jet. After Pitt downs the jet by smashing itwith the helicopter's rotor blade, Pitt and Hunnewell crash in theocean. Hunnewell is badly shot in the left arm but dies on the beach in Icelandfrom a bad heart. A member of Hermit Limited, the consortium arrangedby Oskar Rodheim to take over Central and South America. Jonsson, Dr. Treats Pitt after helicopter crash and pronounces cause ofdeath for Hunnewell. Kelly, F. James Thin, distinguished, with silver hair and beard. American billionaire. Member of Hermit Limited. Kelly, Sam. Older brother of F. James Kelly. Described as around-shouldered heavy character in his middle seventies, with blue,knifing eyes deep set in a wizened face. Dies of an apparent heartattack at the staged helicopter crash. Kippell Don The chief of the Naval Intelligence Agency. Described asshort and almost as broad as a chair. Bald and with gray eyes. Heshows up at Admiral Sandecker's office with orders signed by thesecretary of defense for Pitt's reassignment. Pitt is ordered to assistNaval Intelligence by spotting the Hermit Limited killers at Disneyland. KosK Lieutenant Commander Lee. Forty-one years old. Has served inCoast Guard eighteen years. Described as very short with blue eyes andshaggy wheat-colored hair. Conlmander of the Catawaba, the CoastGuard's newest supercutter. Lax Yacht owned by Kristjan Fyrie that is discovered inside the icebergby Pitt and Hunnewell. Supposedly had fifteen people on board includingeight engineers from FYrie Mining Limited. When it was last sighted bya Standard Oil tanker before Pitt finds it in the iceberg, its locationwas six hundred miles off Cape Farewell, Greenland. Dam Chief of park security for Disneyland. Described as a big, taR, pipe-smoking man whose eyesstare out at Pitt from behind fashionable rimless glasses. Lillie, Jerome P. IV. Naval Intelligence Agency officer who poses as acab driver when he meets Pitt. Part of the Lillie beer family of St.Louis, Missouri. Is also one of the people rescued from the stagedhelicopter crash. Lorelei Mark VM-Bl6O8. The black executive jet that attacks thehelicopter Pitt and Hunnewell are flying. Built by Lorelei Aircraft Limited in Great Britain and powered by twinturbine engines. Mahani, lban. Iranian millionaire. Member of Hermit Limited. Marks, Sir Eric. British millionaire. Member of Hermit Limited. Matajic, Dr. Len. Works for NUMA studying currents below ten thousandfeet. Has a camp on an ice floe in Baffin Bay with partner JackO'Riley. Disappears after he recognizes the Lax under a different name. Mundsson, Bjarni. Boy who finds Pitt and Hunnewell on the beach afterthe helicopter crash and goes for help. Son of Thorsteinn Mundsson,farmer. Mundsson, Thorsteinn. Farmer and father of the boy who found Pitt onthe beach when he was injured in the helicopter crash. Nagel, Colonel. The Air Force commanding officer atKeflavik Air Base, Iceland, and commanding officer of Sam Cashman. Neth, Lieutenant Sam. Pilot of the huge four-engined Coast Guard patrolplane in the prologue. He is reading a paperback when told that aniceberg has been spotted. Newporter Inn. Location in Newport Beach, California, where Pitt waswith a gorgeous sex-mad redhead a week before he flew out to theCatawaba. Also where he tells the cab driver he wants to go in the lastsentence of the book. Novgorod A Russian trawler crammed with the latest and mostsophisticated electronic detection gear Soviet science has yet devised. It also allegedly contains the codes and data for their entire WesternHemisphere surveillance program. Supposedly crewed by thirty-five menand women, it is said to have remained off Greenland for three months. The story is a lie Pitt fabricates to explain to the captain of theCatawaba why he needs to land on his ship. O'Riley, JadL NUMA employee. Studying current flows below ten thousandfeet with Dr. Len Matajic on an ice floe in Baffin Bay. Disappearsafter being told by Matajic that he recognized the ship they went on asthe Lax. Rapp, Ensign James. Copilot of the Coast Guard patrol plane in theprologue. Rodbeim, Oskar. Described as a tall, snowy-haired,distinguished-looking figure, fairly young, late thirties, with his facestrong and lined by years of ocean gales and salt air. His eyes are acool ice-blue above a strong, narrow nose and a mouth that looksgoodnaturedly warm. Owner of Rodheim Industries, a fishing company thatuses boats painted blue and flying a red flag with an albatross. Early in Iceberg, he is engaged to Kirsti Fyrie and they are planning tomerge their companies. Pitt warns that the combination of the twocompanies will give them control of the North Atlantic. NavalIntelligence file 078-34. Alias Max Rolland, alias Hugo von Klausen,alias Chatford Marazan. Real name Carzo Butera. Born in Brooklyn, NewYork, July 15, 1940. Royal Tidi. Admiral Sandecker's personal secretary. Can type one hundred twenty words a minute for eight hours without ayawn. Described as long-bodied with smiling brown eyes and fawn-coloredhair. When Pitt wakes up after being wounded and brought to Reykjavik,she is wearing a red wool dress that clings to her precision-shapedhourglass figure. Described as five foot seven, one hundred thirty-fivepounds, thirty-six inches around the hips, an astonishing twenty-threeinches around the waist and the bust a probable thirty-six C-cup. Allin all, a figure that belongs on the center spread of Playboy. Sloan, Lieutenant Jonis. Chief ice observer aboard the four-enginedCoast Guard patrol plane that spots the iceberg. Tosses a gallon jar ofred dye on the iceberg. The stain is later chipped off, leading to the identification. Snorrils Restaurant. Located in Reykjavik, Iceland, it is where Pittfirst meets Kirsti Fyrie. Described as having a buffet table with overtwo hundred different native dishes. Pitt counts over twenty differentsalmon dishes and nearly fifteen of cod. Pitt raves about the raw curedshark meat. Surtsey. Icelandic for submarine. The new name of the Lax. Svendborg, Gustav. Radio operator of the burned-out hulk Pitt findsinside the iceberg. His chair was literally burned out from under him,and his corpse is described as a scorched form curled up in a fetusposition, the knees drawn up to the chin and the arms pulled tightlyagainst the sides. Tamareztov. Russian KGB agent opposed to Hermit Limited. Described asa short, stocky man with thinning hair, brown eyes and a limping gait. Rescued from fake helicopter crash. Pitt fulfills the promise he madeto him by-returning and rescuing him as well as bringing him a bottle ofvodka. Thorp, Chief Ordered by Koski to have his men ready to secure Pitt'shelicopter the minute it touches down on the Catawaba. Ulysses Q-55. Helicopter Pitt flies and lands on the Catawaba. Described as a craft capable of nearly two hundred fifty miles an hour. Ybarra, Jesus. Doctor at the San de Sol Hospital in Veracruz, Mexico. He is the doctor who performs a 165 sex change on Kristjan Fyrie. Member of Hermit Limited. Zirconium. Purified zirconium is vital in the construction of nuclearreactors because it absorbs little or no radiation. Atomic numberforty. Substance Fyrie allegedly found in vast quantities and was onhis way to the United States to negotiate with defense contractors aboutwhen the Lax disappeared. Raise the Titanic! Alhambra. U.S. Navy vessel present at the Titanic recovery site. Amanda. The hurricane that hits the Titanic after she is raised. Registers force fifteen on the Beaufort scale. Known as the "Great Blow of 1988," the hurricane cut a swath acrossthree thousand miles of ocean in three and a half days before slamminginto the Avalon Peninsula of Newfoundland. Estimates of damage ran ashigh as two hundred fifty million dollars. The death toll from thestorm ran from 300 to 325 people. Antonov, Georgi. Soviet general secretary. Smokes a pipe. Archangel, Soviet Union. Location where the ship containing Joshua HaysBrewster was bound when he wrecks on Novaya Zemyla. Awaiting rescue, heexplores the island and finds byzanium. Saving one sample, he turns therest over to his employer, Societe des Mines de Lorraine. Bailey, Dr. Cornelius. Doctor who performs the autopsy on Henry Munk. Described as an elephant of a man, broad-shouldered, with a thrustingsquare-jawed face. Sandy-colored hair falls down to his collar. Hisbeard is cut in a Van Dyke. Balboa Bay Club. Club in Newport Beach where Pitt first meets GeneSeagram. Banque de Lausanne. Bank in Switzerland where Marganin claims Prevlovis stashing money. The account number is AZF 7609. The name on theaccount is V.Volper, an anagram of Prevlov. Barshov, Peter. Professor from the Leningrad Institute of Geology whobriefs Prevlov about the mine on Novaya Zemlya. Described as havingleathery hands and graying hair and smoking a meerschaum pipe. Bascom, Chief. U.S. Navy chief on the Samuel R.Morse. Described as having the face of a canvas-weary prizefighter andthe body of a beer keg. Nicknamed "Bad Bascom." Beaufort Sea Expedition. Prior NUMA expedition that Sandecker refers towhen explaining how he selected the crew for the Lorelei Current DriftExpedition. Bednaya Mountain, U.S.S.R. Mountain with the byzanium mine on NovayaIsland. Beecher's Island U.S. Navy aircraft carrier dispatched to the Titanicsite. Beesley, Alexander. The scientist who discovered byzanium in 1902. Bigalow, John L. Commodore, K.B.E R.D R.N.R. Was a young deck officer on the ill-fated voyage of the Titanic. Lastsurviving crew member of the Titanic. Described as having deep blue eyes. "The few strands of hair on hishead were pure white, as was his beard, and his face showed the ruddy,weathered look of a seafaring man." Presents Pitt with the flag fromthe Titanic he had snatched as she was sinking. Pitt later hoists thepennant when the ship is raised. Dies after Titanic is raised and isburied at sea. Bloeser, EmesL Former owner of the Little Angel Mine. Boleslavski, lssak. Great Russian chess master mentioned by Prevlov toMarganin as they try to determine what the Sicilian Project is. Boleslavski favored a chess strategy named the Sicilian Defense. Bomberger. A new vessel constructed especially for deep-water salvage. Boosey-Hawkes. The company that manufactured the comet found on theocean floor by the Sappho I and later identified as coming from theTitanic. The company is described as a very reputable and very fineBritish firm. The comet was made in either October or November 1911. The comet is a presentation model and is engraved, "Presented to GrahamFarley in sincere appreciation for distinguished performance in theentertainment of our passengers by the grateful management of the WhiteStar Line." Borodino Restaurant. The restaurant in Moscow where Marganin is to meetthe Fat Man to find out more about the Sicilian Project. He receives anenvelope with information in the men's room of the restaurant. Brewster, Joshua Hays. Respected five-foot-two-inch tall miningengineer who led the Coloradans. Born to William Buck Brewster andHettie Masters in Sidney, Nebraska, on April 4 or 5, 1878. Uncle ofHarry Young. Graduated School of Mines, Golden, Colorado. Mined in theKlondike and Russia before returning to Leadville, Colorado, to managethe Sour Rock and Buffalo mines which were owned by French financiers.Went mad and sealed himself in the cargo hold of the Titanic. Brown, "The Unsinkable Molly." Famous passenger on the Titanic. 'Wifeof a Colorado silver baron. Was rescued and lived in Colorado until herdeath. Burdick, John. Majority leader of the U.S. Senate. Described as atall, thin man with a bush of black hair that seldom saw a comb. Buski. Russian marine guard aboard the Titanic during Hurricane Amanda.Described as a short man with a coarse toughness. The finest marksmanin his regiment. He speaks a smattering of English. Shot by U.S. NavySEALs during Hurricane Amanda. Butera, Lieutenant Commander Scotty. U.S. Navy lieutenant commander incommand of the tugboat Samuel R. WalLace. Described as nearly six feetsix inches tall, his chin buried in a magnificent black beard. Byzanium. The mineral that is believed hidden in the hold of theTitanic. The radioactivity of byzanium is so extreme that it hasdisappeared in all but trace amounts. The Meta Section needs abouteight ounces to fuel the Sicilian Project. Capricorn. The support tender used on the Titanic project that pumpscompressed air into the hull. Cargo Hold No. 1, G Deck. Area of the Titanic where Joshua HaysBrewster sealed himself as she sank. Chavez, Tom. Engineer on the Deep Fathom. Collins, Marshall. Chief Kremlin security advisor to the director ofthe CIA. Coloradans. Used by Koplin to describe the hard-rock miners who removedthe byzanium from Novaya Zemlya. The Coloradans were said to beComishmen, Irishmen, Germans and Swedes. Their names were Joshua HaysBrewster, Denver; Alvin Coulter, Fairplay; Thomas Price, Leadville;Charles P. Whidney, Cripple Creek; Vernon S. Hall, Denver; JohnCaldwell, Central City; Walter Schmidt, Aspen; Warner E.O'Deming, Denver; Jason C. Hobart, Boulder. Colt revolver. Serial number 204 783. The weapon Gene Seagram plans touse for his suicide on a park bench in East Potomac Park. Curly. Bald-headed radio operator on the Capricorn. Current sensor. The instrument aboard the Sappho I that measures thespeed and direction of the Lorelei current. D'Orsini, Claude. Fashion designer who created the dresses worn by bothDana Seagram and Ashley Fleming to a party in Chapter Six. Deck A Stateroom 33. Stateroom where Joshua Hays Brewster tossed andturned just before the Titanic sank. Deep Fathont. A submersible that belongs to the Uranus Oil Company. It is used on the Titanic project to install pressure-release valves. Director of Defense Archives. Head of the division in the Department ofDefense that locates the files pertaining to Secret Army Plan371-990-R85, which pertains to the mining of byzanium. Donner, Mel One of the chief evaluators for the Meta Section. Described as short and almost as broad as he is tall. He haswheat-colored hair and melancholy eyes, and his face always seems to besweating. Doctorate in physics from the University of SouthernCalifornia. Donovan, JacL A structural engineer from Ocean Tech. He is described asa young blond fellow. He is aboard the Sappho II when Munk is murdered. Doppleman Crane. Type of crane used to pull the door from the vaultwhere the byzanium is supposedly stored. Dragonfish, U.S.S. U.S. Navy submarine that threatens to retaliateagainst the Mikhail Kurkov if she fires a Stoski missile at Titanic. Drummer, Ben. NUMA marine engineer on the Sappho I expedition. Described as a lanky Southerner with a deep Alabama drawl. Aboard theSappho II when Munk is murdered. Was actually born in Halifax, NovaScotia, and is the Russian agent code-named Gold. His twin brother, SamMerker, is the Russian agent code-named Silver. Dugan, Owen. Assistant to Dr. Murray Silverstein. Farley, Graham. Musician on the Titanic who owned the comet that wasfound by the Sappho I and later restored by John Vogel. Farley was solocornetist prior to the Titanic for a period of three years on theOceanic. Farquar, Joel. The weatherman on the Capricorn. Farquar is on loanfrom the Federal Meteorological Services Administration. Described as astudious little red-faced man with utterly no sense of humor and notrace of friendly warmth. Fergus, Lieutenant. Leader of the U.S. Navy SEALs who recaptureTitanic. The SEALs under Fergus's command board the Titanic from anuclear submarine fifty feet below the surface by exiting the vessel'storpedo tubes. First Attempt. NUMA research vessel described in The MediterraneanCaper. Firth of Oyde. Navy submarine base in the British Isles where FirstAuempt docks after mission. Fleming, Ashley. Described as Washington, D.C."s, most elegant andsophisticated divorcee. the president's companion at the party in theEast Room of the White House in Chapter Six. Wearing same exact dressas Dana Seagram. Godhawn. Norwegian fishing trawler that tows the First Auempt andKoplin to within two hundred miles of Novaya Zemlya so he can test fortraces of byzanium. GohL Code name of one of the two Russian operatives at the T recoverysite. Pitt discloses during Hurricane Amanda that Gold is actually BenDrununeT. Gravimeter. The instrument aboard the Sappho I that records gravityreadings. Guggenheim, Benjamin. Millionaire passenger on Titanic. Stood calmlywith his secretary, dressed in his finest evening clothes, as the shipsank so he could meet death as a gentleman. Guthrie and Sons Foundry. Foundry in Pueblo, Colorado, thatmanufactures the ore cars used by the Coloradans on Novaya Zemlya. Hobart, Adeline. Widow of Jake Hobart. Resides at 261-B called Aragon,Laguna Hills, California. Described as stout, white-haired with blueeyes and . a warm, gentle look. Married Jake Hobart at age sixteen. After Seagram calls the president of the United States, who speaks toher, she discloses she saw her former husband after the Little AngelMine disaster. She also shows Seagram postcards Jake sent from France. Hobart, Jake. Coloradan discovered by Sid Koplin in a bunk inside themine on Novaya Zemlya. Preserved by the cold, his corpse has red hairand a red beard. The inscription above his bed reads: "Here rests Jake Hobart. Born1874. A damn good man who froze in a storm, February 10, 1912." TheArmy Records Bureau discloses his full name is Jason Cleveland Hobart,born January 23, 1874, in Vinton, Iowa. Enlisted in the U.S. Army Maythe Philippines. Promoted to sergeant and suffered serious woundsfighting the Philippine insurrectionists. Twice decorated formeritorious conduct under fire. Hobart left the Army in October 1901.His widow stills draws an army pension of fifty dollars and forty centsa month. His cause of death in the pension records is listed as service related,and the form awarding his widow his pension is signed by Henry L.Stimson, secretary of war under President Taft. Described by his widow,Adeline, as large, over six feet tall and barrel-chested. A blaster 174or explosives expert, he was considered one of the best in his field. HuH, Peter. Reporter with the New York Times. Jensen and Thor Metal Fabricators. Company that Thor Forge andIronworks became after merger. Located in Denver, Colorado. Jensen, Carl Jr. Runs Jensen and Thor Metal Fabricators. Described asyoung, no more than twenty-eight, and wears his hair long. Hisgrandfather bought the outstanding stock of Thor Forge and Ironworks in1942 and changed the name to Jensen and Thor Metal Fabricators. Microfilm records he shows Mel Donner disclose the drilling equipmentused on Novaya Zemlya was paid for by the United States government. Jones, Peter. Black police officer who saves Gene Seagram from suicideby telling him the Titanic has been raised. Described as having sixchildren and a ninety year-old frame house with a thirty-year mortgage. Juneau U.S. Navy nuclear-powered guided-missile cruiser that ispatrolling near the Titanic recovery effort. Kama Security Post. Security post on Novaya Island. Keil, Joe. Engineer on the Deep Fathom. KeW Commander. Hands message to Admiral Kemper from Sandecker. Kelly, Ensign. Ensign in the cable house of the tugboat Wallace whoalerts Butera to a problem with the tow cable. Kemper, Joseph. Admiral who is the U.S. Navy chief of staff. Large,with a well-fed stomach and lazy blue eyes set in a round, jovial face. Komondor. The type of dog used by the Russian guards on Novaya Island. Stands thirty inches at the shoulders and is covered by a heavy coat ofmatted white hair. Dog is shot by Pitt when he rescues Koplin. Kopel Sid. Mineralogist rescued by Pitt on Novaya Island. Shot byRussians in left side, also suffers a hairline crack in his skull. Taken to Walter Reed Medical Center for treatment. Laguna Star. The name of a tramp freighter of rather dubious registrythat the Russian submarine uses to issue a call of distress from onehundred miles to the north of the Titanic to divert the Juneau. Little Angel Mine. Mine near Central City, Colorado, where a fakecave-in was instituted. After the ploy the Coloradans were assumed tobe dead and could continue on to Novaya Zemlya to mine the byzanium. Lorelei Current Drift Expedition. NUMA expedition with a deep-seasubmersible Sappho L The Lorelei current is born off the western tip ofAfrica, follows the mid-Atlantic ridge north, then curves easterlybetween Baffin Island and Greenland, then dies in the Labrador Sea. The original plan called for the Sapphoto descend in the water five hundred miles northwest of the coast ofDakar, then cruise in the current until ascending in the sea of Labradorfifty days later. Lukas, Leon. U.S. Navy lieutenant. Salvage technician aboard theSappho II when Munk is murdered. Lusky, Herb. Mineralogist with the Meta Section. After finding that the vault in the Titanic is devoid of byzanium, he isbashed on the head by an insane Gene Seagram. He receives twentystitches and a nasty concussion. M-24. Type of automatic weapon used by Navy SEALs to recapture Titanic. Magmatic Paragenesis. Term used by Koplin to describe to Mel Donner howNovaya Zemlya is now devoid of minerals. Magnetometer. The instrument aboard the Sappho I that measures theocean bottom's magnetic field including any deviations caused bylocalized mineral deposits. MWmney, BuR. Foreman of the Satan Mine in Central City, Colorado, whotries to rescue the miners allegedly trapped in the Little Angel Mine. Venent PaveL Underling to Andre Prevlov. Described as tall andauthoritative. U.S. deep cover intelligence agent His real name isHarry Koskose and he was born in Newark, New Jersey. The real Margamn was the son of tailors fto Komso molsk-na-Amure. One of the few survivors when a Russian Kashin-class missile destroyersank in the Indian Ocean, he was rescued but later died. Koskoski'sface is surgically altered to resemble Marganin, and he assumes hisidentity. Raised in rank to commander and promoted to chief of theForeign Intelligence Analysis Division after Prevlov defects. McPatrick, Major. Major in the Army Records Bureau. Telephones GeneSeagram with the information about the Coloradans. Merker, Sam. NUMA systems expert on Sappho I expedition. Described ascosmopolitan and as citified as a Wall Street broker. Later serves asengineer on the Deep Fathom. Was actually born in Halifax, Nova Scotia.Twin brother of Ben Drummer. Russian agent code-named Silver. Meta Section. A govermnent-funded think-tank that operates in totalsecrecy. The goal of the Meta Section is to leapfrog current technologyby twenty or thirty years. The program is housed in a nondescript oldcinderblock budding beside the Wastungton Navy Yard. The building is disguised with a sign that reads "Smith Van & StorageCompany." The organization is not listed in any journal of federaloffices. Not even the CIA, FBI or even the NSA has any records theyexist. Mikkail Kurkov. Soviet oceanographic research vessel. Mile-Hi Chewing Tobacco. Koplin discovers about fifty empty wrappers ofthis product inside the mine at Novaya Zemyla. Modoc. Described as the finest deep-water salvage vessel the UnitedStates Navy possesses. Admiral Kemper agrees to loan the vessel toSandecker while they are fishing on the Rappahannock River. Moe's Pawnshop. Pawnshop where Dr. Silverstein purchases two cornets todrop in twelve thousand feet of water off Cape Hatteras, North Carolina,to simulate them being dropped from the Titanic. Monterey Park. U.S. Navy ship at the Titanic recovery site. Mooney, Arthur. Captain of one of the New York Harbor fireboats. Described as "A big, mischief-eyed Irishman born in the city, and aseagoing fire-eater for nineteen years." Mooney orders his crew to hitthe sirens and water hoses to welcome the Titanic in style. All the other ships follow Mooney's lead. Munk, Henry. NtfMA instrument-component specialist on the Sappho Iexpedition. Described as a quiet and droopy-eyed wit who clearly wisheshe were anywhere but on the Sappho L At the start of the Titanicrecovery effort, he is murdered while aboard the Sappho II. Myers-Lentz Company. Producers of the electrolyte chemical that will bepumped into the sediment sealing the Titanic's hull to the ocean floor. Nicholson, Warren. The director of the CIA. Novaya Island, U.S.S.R. Island due north of Zemlya Island. Novayacontains the old mine where the byzanium was originally extracted. Parotkin, Ivan. Captain of the Mikhail Kurkov. Described as a slenderman of medium height with a distinguished face who almost never smiles. In his late fifties; his receding hairline shows no trace of gray. Patman or Palmore, ColoneL Army officer who arrives at Adeline Hobart'shouse in Boulder, Colorado, after Jake Hobart dies and swears her tosecrecy. In return for her silence, he presents her with a check forten thousand dollars. Pelholme Aircraft Company. The company that runs the preliminary testsof the Sappho I prior to the Lorelei Expedition. Phillips, John G. Radio operator on the Titanic. Phillips sent thefirst SOS in history. PffimoU mark. The load-line mark on a ship's bull. Polevoi, Vladimir. Chief of the Foreign Secrets Department of the KGB. Pratt, Uentenant. U.S. Navy lieutenant who picked up the Coloradansfrom Novaya Zemyla after they double crossed the French and stolebyzanium. His vessel is attacked by a ship flying no flag off Norway. Pratt fights off the aggressor, then steers his ship to Aberdeen,Scotland. Prescott, Dr. Ryan. Chief of the NUMA Hurricane Center in Tampa,Florida. He warns the Titanic recovery crew of the approachinghurricane. Prevlov, Captain Andre. Russian intelligence officer employed by theSoviet Navy's Department of Foreign Intelligence. Described as awell-proportioned, handsome man sporting a layered hairstyle and amodishly trimmed mustache and intense gray eyes. Drives an orangeLancia and lives in an apartment above the Moscow River decorated likePeter the Great's summer home. His father is the number twelve man inthe Communist Party. Drinks Bombay gin. Smokes Winston cigarettes. Wears Omega watch. Project, Sicilian. The code name of the project that Will use byzaniumto create a missile defense shield over the United States. The projectpurchased forty-six pieces of land to house the missile defense systemunder the uise of the Department of Energy Studies. The majority of the sites are along the U.S.-Canadian border followed bythe Atlantic seaboard. Eight sites are along the Pacific Coast, andfour are along the Mexico border and the Gulf of Mexico. The sites aredesigned to resemble small relay power stations. Renault Town Car. A giant brass-trimmed town car that was noticed byBigalow blocked to the deck of the Titanic. Pitt later ends up with thecar. Roanoke. Ship whose keel was laid in 1728. She went -onto the rocksoff Nova Scotia in 1743. Model of the vessel is in one of thethird-floor bedrooms in the White House and was built by the president'sfather. Under the ruse of identifying the model, the president secretly meetswith Dana Seagram to ask her to try to mend things with her husband,Gene. Rocky Mountain News. Denver newspaper dated November 17, 1911,discovered inside the mine on Novaya Zemlya by Koplin. The newspaper isstill in print today. Rogovski, Dr. Chief Russian scientist aboard the Mikhail Kurkov. Ross, Sandra. Great-granddaughter of Commodore Bigalow. A flightattendant with Bristol Airlines, she is described as having absorbingviolet eyes framed by neatly brushed red hair. At the end of the book,Pitt tells Sandecker he will be visiting Ross if Sandecker needs to findhim. Samuel R. Wallace. One of the U.S. Navy tugboats assigned to tow theTitanic to New York City. A deepsea rescue tugboat two hundred fiftyfeet in length with 5,000-horsepower diesel powerplants. The vesselsare capable of hauling twenty thousand tons of dead weight for twothousand miles without refueling. Sappho L NUMA's newest and largest deep-sea research submersible. Described as appearing to look like a giant cigar on an ice skate. Built to house a seven-man crew and two tons of research equipment andinstruments. The hull is made of titanium painted red, and the vesselcan descend to 24,000 feet below the surface. Sappho II. Newer and more advanced version of the SaPpho L It is usedon the Titanic project to seal the smaller openings such as the airvents and portholes. Sea Slug. U.S. Navy deep-sea submersible. Designed and constructed fordeep-water salvage, she is operated from the deck of the Modoc. Described as twenty feet long and tubular in shape with rounded ends. Painted bright yellow, it features four large portholes on its bow. Mounted along its top, like small radar domes, are two high-intensitylights. Seagram, Dana. Wife of Gene Seagram and NUMA marine archaeologist. Works for Admiral Sandecker. Described as having blond hair and coffee-brown eyes. Ph.D. in Marine archaeology. Ph.D. in archaeology. Thirty-one years old. Seagram, Gene. One of the chief evaluators for the Meta Section. Described as a tall, lanky man, with a quiet voice and a courteousmanner. Except for a large flattened nose, he' could pass for AbrahamLincoln. Ph.D. in physics. Home is in Chevy Chase, Maryland. Nearly commits suicide on park bench but is stopped by police officerwho explains that the Titanic has been raised. When the vault aboardthe Titanic turns out to be devoid of byzanium, his mind snaps, and hebashes Lusky in the head with a rock, then begins smashing the remainsof Joshua Hays Brewster against the walls of the vault. Diagnosed assuffering from manic-depressive psychosis. Section R. Soviet Naval Intelligence Photograph analysis department. Sheldon, Marie. NUMA marine geologist. When Dana Seagram leaves herhusband, Gene, she moves into Sheldon's Georgetown house. Described asa small, thin, vital woman with vivid blue eyes, a pert bobbed nose anda mass of bleached blond hair shaped in a shag style. Has a square-cutchin. Sicilian Project. Code name of the U.S. project to build a missiledefense system using byzanium. Designed around a variant of the maserprinciple. Pushing a sound wave of a certain frequency through a mediumcontaining excited atoms stimulates the sound to an extremely high stateof emission. Described as similar to a laser beam. While a laser beamemits a narrow beam of light energy, the beam from the Sicilian Projectwould emit a broad fanlike field of sound energy. Any enemy missilelaunched against the United States would come into contact with thisinvisible barrier and be smashed to bits long before it entered thetarget area. Silver. Code name of one of the two Russian operatives at the Titanicrecovery site, who turns out to be Merker. Silverstein, Dr. Murray. Professor at the Alexandria College ofOceanography who builds a small-scale model of the Titanic andsixnulates the sinking. Slovak, Boris. Admiral and director of Soviet Naval Intelligence. Prevlov is Sloyuk's aide. Smith, Edward J. Captain of the Titanic on her ill fated voyage. Smyth, Malcolm R. Fictitious author and archaeologist. Pitt uses thefake identity to check into the Pierre Hotel. Societi des Mines de Lorraine. The group of French financiers who hiredthe Coloradans to fake the Little Angel Mine disaster and mine thebyzanium on Novaya Zemlya. Southey, England. A town in England with the grave containing thebyzanium. Spencer, Rick. NUMA equipment engineer on the Sappho I expedition. Described as a short blond haired Californian who whistles constantlythrough clenched teeth. Stannford, Dr. Amos. Inventor of the substance Wetsteel, which is usedto seal the Titanic's hull so she can be raised. Stoner weapon. Type of weapon used by one of the Navy SEALs thatrecapture Titanic. Described as a wicked-looking affair with twobarrels. Shoots a cloud of tiny needlelike flachettes. Stoski. Twenty-six-foot-long Russian surface-to-surface missile thatCaptain Parotkin of the Mikhail Kurkov intends to fire at the Titanic. S-T-SV-D sensor. The sensor aboard the Sappho I that measures outsidesalinity, temperature, sound velocity and depth pressure on a magnetictape. Stugis, Lieutenant. Helicopter pilot that lands on Titanic. Describedas a short, thin man with sad, drooping, bedroom eyes. Uses a cigaretteholder when smoking. Sub-bottom profiler. Instrument aboard the Sappho I that acousticallydetermines the depth of the top sediments and provides indications ofthe underlying structure of the sea floor. Teignmouth, Devonshire, England. Described as a small, picturesqueresort town on the southeast coast of England with a population of12,260. It is where Pitt goes to interview the dying Commodore JohnBigalow. Thomas J. Morse- One of the U.S. Navy tugboats assigned to tow theTitanic to New York City. A deepsea rescue tugboat two hundred fiftyfeet in length with 5,000-horsepower diesel powerplants. The vesselsare capable of hauling twenty thousand tons of deadweight for twothousand miles without refueling. Thor Forge and Ironworks. Denver, Colorado, manufacturer of thedrilling equipment used by the Coloradans on Novaya Zemlya. Tilevitch, Vastly. Marshal of the Soviet Union and chief director ofSoviet security. Tin Goose. Antique Ford Trimotor airplane that Pitt buys in Keflavic,Ireland, and pilots back to his hangar at Washington's National Airport. Titanic, R.M.S. Infimous White Star line vessel that departedSouthampton, England, April 10, 1912, and sqnk April 15, 1912, with aloss of over fifteen hundred lives. Struck iceberg and sank in NorthAtlantic. Last reported position 41.46'N-50.14'W. The vessel was 882feet in length with a black hull encircled with a gold band and wasbuilt at the Belfast, Ireland, shipyard of Harland and Wolff. The yardwas later leveled by German bombers during World War II. Built from46,328 tons of steel. The vessel held 2,200 passengers and hadlifeboats for only 1,180. Troy, H.M.S. British cruiser that carries the remains of CommodoreBigalow for his burial at sea. Uphill, Lieutenant George. U.S. Navy lieutenant in command of thetugboat Thomas J. Morse. Described as a plump, ruddy-faced man whosports an immense Bismarck mustache. Vampire squid. Squid Pitt and Giordino view through the porthole of theSea Slug when they first reach the bottom near the Titanic. Described as a strange blueblack animal that looks like a cross betweena squid and an octopus. Has eight tentacles linked together like thewebbed foot of a duck. Two globular eyes form nearly a third of itsbody. Vogel, John. Chief curator of the Washington Museum's Hall of Music. He restores the cornet found on the ocean floor by the Sappho I. Vogeldiscovers the cornet is a presentation model and was aboard the Titanicwhen she sank. Described as six feet five inches tall with a kindlyface and puffs of unbrushed whitehair edging a bald head. Brown Santa Claus eyes and a warm smile. Smokes a pipe. Walter Reed Medical Center. U.S. naval hospital where Koplin is takenafter being rescued by Pitt. Woodson, Omar. NUMA photographer on the Sappho L Rarely smiles. Iscommander of Sappho II during the first phase of the Titanic recoveryeffort. Later, while aboard the Titanic during Hurricane Amanda, he isstabbed in the heart and killed by a Russian marine. Young, Harry. Described as a skinny, little man. Seventy-eight years old, he has an alert, eager face. A walking encyclopedia on western mining history. Nephew of Harry Young. Explains to Donner that the Little Angel Minedisaster was a hoax. Vixen 03 African Army of Revolution. Guerrilla army of African blacks headed bySomala that is fighting for independence from white rule. Alabama. U.S. Navy battleship now preserved as a memorial. Alsatian. Breed of dog used by the South African Defense Forces. Anchorage House. Fifteen-room country inn owned and operated by WalterBass. The inn is completewith antique plumbing and four-poster beds. The grounds are coveredwith pines and late-blooming wildflowers, and the inn has a duck pondout the back door. The dining room is designed in the style of aneighteenth-century country tavern, with old flintlock rifles, pewterdrinking cups and weathered farm implements hanging on the walls andrafters. Argon laser. Large-frame laser developed by the Stransky InstrumentCompany and used by Dr. Weir to attempt to cut through the parachutecord holding the QD shell to the skids of the NUMA Minerva helicopter. Features eighteen watts concentrated in a narrow beam that releases twokilowatts of energy. AlrizOna. U.S. Navy battleship sunk at the battle of Pearl Harbor andstill kept on the Navy's rolls as a commissioned ship. Arsenal Six. Bunker at Phalanx Arms where QD warheads were stored. Bass, Admiral Walter. U.S. Navy admiral who orders Vixen 03 to take offin spite of the weather. Described as a whiz kid who made his firststar at the age of thirty-eight. Appeared to be headed for the navalchief of staff but made a mistake that resulted in being assigned to aminor boondocks fleet base in the Indian Ocean. Retired from the Navyin October 1959. Was a surface officer during thirty-year Navy careerwho specialized in heavy ordnance. Admiral Sandecker served under Bassin World War II. Bass operates the Anchorage House, a fifteen-roomcountry inn located just south of Lexington, Virginia. Suffers massive 189 heart attack when he notices that eight of theshells containing QD are missing from Vixen 03. Treated at FitzsimmonsArmy Hospital in Denver but later slips into a coma and dies at BethesdaNaval Hospital. Bethesda Naval Hospital. Military hospital near Washington, D.C whereAdmiral Bass dies from effects of heart attack. Black Angus One. Fawkes radio call sign aboard the Iowa. Black Angus Two. Radio call sign for the spotter for the Iowa. BlackAngus Two is located in a street sweeper cruising Washington, D.C.Boeing C-97 Strato-cruiser. The type of transport plane used on FlightVixen 03. Air-frame number 75403. The heavy transport cargo plane has four Pratt and Whitney enginesdriving four blades on each propeller and can carry aseventy-thousand-pound load. Described as having a two-deck fuselageand the configuration of a double-bellied whale. British Imperial War Museum. The museum where one of the QD warheadsaccidentally was sent. Buckley Field, Colorado. Naval air station outside Denver, Colorado,where Flight Vixen 03 departs. The runway is eleven thousand feet inlength. Buckner, Paul. Described as a longtime pal of Pitt's. Buckner is an agent with the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Burgdoirf, General Ernest. Chief of staff U.S. Air Force safety. Burns, Master Sergeant Joe. U.S. Air Force master Sergeant and flightengineer on Flight Vixen 03. Described as having a BusterKeaton-deadpan face. Camp, A.A.R. Camp located on what formerly was a small university forthe Portuguese when they ruled Mozambique. Located on Lake Malawi. Attacked by South African Defense Forces led by Zeegier. The attackcauses the loss of 2,310 A.A.R soldiers with only four of Zeegier'stroops wounded. Carnady, Louis. A U.S. congressman described as a tall, sad-lookingdude with spaniel eyes. Once double dated with Loren Smith, FeliciaCollins and Hiram Lusana. Carnady was defeated in the last elections. Catlin M-200. Aquamarine-colored executive jet owned by NUMA thatGiordino pilots to Colorado to meet Pitt. Designed to land and take Offin impossible places with cargo loads twice its own weight. Type ofplane Pitt pilots out to sea with Giordino, Weir and the StranskyInstrument laser to cut the parachute cord holding the QD shell to theskids of the Minerva NUMA helicopter. ChenagO. Commissioned in June 1862 in New York. 'the vessel was a Union ironclad that foundered in heavy seas and sankon her way to her first assignment, blockading Savannah Harbor. Herentire crew Of fOrtY-two men is entombed in her hull which is ninetyfeet below the surface of the water. NUMA is 191 attempting to raiseher. Designed with two circular gun turrets containing Dahigrensmooth-bore cannon that weigh several tons each. CK-88. Type of Chinese automatic rifle carried by an observer spottedby Marcus Somala watching the Fawkes ranch. Standard issue for soldiersin the A.A.R. Collins, Felicia. Described as having short Afro hair and puffy lips. Her skin is the color of cocoa, and she has conical breasts with full,dark nipples. A singer actor with three gold records, two Emmys and anOscar for her role as a black suffragist in the film Road of Poppies. She is thirty-two years old. High school classmate of Loren Smith. Copperhead missiles. Type of missile that can be fired from F-120 jets. Missile Higgins recommends for an attack on the Iowa. Cottonwood Inn. Restaurant where Steiger and Pitt eat lunch afterSteiger meets with the president of the United States. Daggat, Frederick. One of New Jersey's three black congressmen. ADemocrat. Has an affair with Felicia Collins. Attempts to blackmailLoren Smith and Pitt but is rebuffed. De Vaal, Pieter. Minister of South African Defense Forces. SpeaksAfrikaans. Described as having wavy gray hair. Person behind OperationWild Rose. Ordered the murder of Patrick Fawkes family. De Vaal alsoleaked the information about Operation WildRose to U.S. intelligence assets, hoping to embarrass Prime MinisterKoertsmann's party and later seize power himself. After his treacherousintentions are revealed by Pitt, he is killed by Machita. Devine, Phil- Maintenance chief for United Airlines at Stapleton Field. Friend of Harvey Dolan. Said to be a "walking encyclopedia onaircraft." Described as a W. C. Fields type of character-heavy throughthe middle with a slow, whining voice. Smokes unfiltered cigarettes. Solves the mystery of what type of plane the landing gear Pitt finds inLoren Smith's father's garage came from. Dolin, Halley. Principal maintenance inspector for the Air CarrierDistrict of the Federal Aviation Administration. Works at StapletonAirport, Denver, Colorado. DoMnger vanab ' le Rk tm" Airlift method favored by FOISOM to raise theChenago. Donegal Brian. Helmsman on the Molly Bnde, An hish immigrant who istall with shaggy hair. Doomsday Olr@m. One of the names for QD, or "Quick Death," the gascarried in the canisters aboard Vixen 03. Dugan. Works at the shipyard converting the Iowa. Duinbo. Nickname Of the twin-rotor, turbine-engined, heavy-lifthelicopter that eases Vixen 03 to shore after it is raised. Emma. Code name of a shadowy operative. Sells Operation Wild Roseplans to Machita for two million dollars. Machita attempts todouble-cross Emma and kill him but is foiled. The plans turn out to beoperating procedures for military garbage removal. Sneaks aboard the Iowa with plans to kill Fawkes. Fawkes instead beats Emma's head to a pulp against the metal deck of theIowa. After Emma is dead, Fawkes discovers that she is, in fact, awoman. F-120. U.S. Air Force jet code-named "Specter." The fighters can bearmed with Copperhead or Satan penetration missiles. F-140. U.S. Air Force fighter jet nicknamed "Spook." Steiger pilots the F-140 to Sheppard Air Force Base in Wichita Falls,Texas, to retrieve the QD shells at the VFW post in Dayton City,Oklahoma. Fawkes, Jenny. Daughter of Patrick Sr. and Myma Fawkes. Nineteenyears old, she is described as big boned and large-breasted with afreckled face. Fawkes, Myrna. Wife of Patrick Fawkes. Described as lean and tiny butpossessing the toughness of two good men. Fawkes, Patrick Jr. Son of Patrick Sr. and Myma Fawkes. Only twomonths past twenty years of age, he is already three inches taller thanhis father. Fawkes, Captain Patrick McKenzie. Retired British Navy captainoriginally from Aberdeen, Scotland. Was in the Royal Navy twenty-fiveyears, fifteen years ofthose in ship's engineering. Captain of the Audacious for two years. Last assignment for Royal Navy was engineering director of the GrimsbyRoyal Naval shipyard. Described as a giant of a man, standing a shadeover six feet six inches in height. His weight exceeds two hundredeighty pounds. Eyes are a somber shade of gray. Sandy-colored hairwith whitening filaments in his King George V beard. Smokes a pipe. Captain of the Iowa in Operation Wild Rose, the attack on Washington,D.C. Is killed when the sixteen-inch gun on the Iowa explodes and blowshim to pieces. Felo gun. Israeli-manufactured weapon used by the South African DefenseForces in the attack on the A.A.R compound. The weapon shoots swarms ofrazor sharp disks capable of severing an eight-inch tree trunk with oneburst. Fergus, Lieutenant Alan. Leader of the SEAL combat units that attackthe Iowa. Has been in the U.S. Navy seven years. Wounded in the lefthand while leading the assault on the Iowa. The bullet neatly amputatedthe middle finger of his left hand before biting through his palm. Alsowounded in his leg. Fisk, Donald. An inspector with the Bureau of Customs. Fisk is outjogging when the shells from the Iowa begin falling. Fitzsimmons Army Hospital. military hospital in Denver where AdmiralBass is initially treated after suffering heart attack at Table Lake. Folsom, JacL NUMA salvage master on the Visalia. Described as brawny. Chews gum. Forbes Marine Scrap & Salvage. Salvage yard in the Chesapeake Bay wherethe battleship Iowa is refitted. Francis, Shawn. The Irish-born constable of Ukono who convinces PatrickFawkes over the radio that his ranch has been attacked. Future Eyes Only. F.E.O is the designation of certain United Statesgovernment files that can be opened only after a certain, specifieddate. Gold, Lieutenant Sam. U.S. Air Force lieutenant who is Vylander'scopilot on Flight Vixen 03. Gore, Barbara. Secretary to Jarvis. Once had an affair with Jarvis,but now they are just good friends. Described as forty-three with thefigure of a Vogue fashion model. She has remained trim with shapelylegs and high-cheekboned features that have yet to flesh out with age. Gosard, John. Head of the National Security Agency's Africa Section. Gossard came to the NSA after the Vietnam War, where he served as aspecialist in guerrilla logistics. Described as a quiet man with acynical sense of humor, he walks with a limp caused by a rifle grenadewhose shrapnel severed his right foot. Known as a heavy drinker. Grosfiebk General Ebner. The chief inspector of foreign arm shipmentsand Mapes nemesis. Steiger posesas Grosfield over the phone to convince Mapes that he should allow Pittto check the Phalanx Arms Corporation inventory. Heiedriek Air Force Base. Air Force base in South Africa that De Vaalgoes to for secret flight to Pembroke for his meeting with PatrickFawkes. Henry W. Nice Memorial Toil Bridge. Bridge over the Patuxent River theIowa passes under. Location where Milkman McDonald discovers shreddedplywood. Hickham Field, Hawaii. Airfield where Vixen 03 is scheduled to make afuel stop. The plane never makes it out of the mountains. Higgins, General Curtis. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Hocker-Rodine 27.5 automatic. Weapon used by Emma aboard the Iowa. The silenced handgun features a twenty-shot clip. Hoffman, Captain George. U.S. Air Force captain who is the navigator onFlight Vixen 03. Holland & Holland. Manufacturer of the twelve-gauge shotgun named"Lucifer" that is kept at the Fawkes ranch. House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee. Congressional subcommittee thatLusana appeals to for aid. Hunt, Earl. Democratic congressman from Iowa who is seated on the HouseForeign Affairs Subcommittee. Hydrogen cyanide. A blood agent that interferes with respiration, it isthe poison that is falsely claimed to be dumped on Rongelo Island tokeep people from visiting the island and being infected with QD. Iowa. U.S. Navy battleship sent to Forbes Salvage for scrapping butinstead converted to a shallower-draft vessel and used by Patrick Fawkesfor the attack on Washington, D.C. In the conversion, two GeneralElectric geared turbine engines are removed and half the superstructureremoved and replaced with gray painted plywood. The remaining enginesfeature 106,000 horsepower. The wartime operational draft wasthirty-eight feet; after the conversion, the draft was a few inches lessthan twenty-two feet. The Iowa leaves Forbes Scrap and Salvage on PearlHarbor Day, December 7. The number painted on its hull is 61. Each remaining main battery turret contains three 68 foot guns, eachweighing 134 tons. The entire turret weighs seventeen hundred tons. The armor-piercing projectiles fired by the sixteen-inch guns weightwenty seven hundred pounds. The powder charges that propel the shellsweigh six hundred pounds. The turret is protected by steel armorplating seven to seventeen inches thick. Colonel Michael. U.S. Air Force officer who signed the original ordersfor Flight Vixen 03. Jackson, Sam. The man who takes illicit photographs of Pitt and LorenSmith making love in Felicia Collins's Alexandria love nest. Described as a tall, angular black man with braided hair, a youthfulface and long, slender hands. Jarvis, Dale. Director of the National Security Agency. Described ashaving a friendly, almost fatherly face. His brown hair is streakedwith gray, and he wears it in a crew cut. Wears glasses. Jones, Hiram. True name of Hiram Lusana. Jumana, Colonel Randolph. Second-in-command to Lusana. Described as asuperb leader of men and a tiger in battle but sadly lacking inadministrative style. Plans a coup d'etat to unseat Lusana and take over leadership of theA.A.R. A "favorite son" of the Srona tribe, Jumana spent eight years ina South African prison before Lusana arranged his escape. Kemper, Admiral Joe. U.S. Navy chief of naval operations. Kenya Education Council. Meeting in Nairobi that Daggat explains toLusana he needs to attend. Kiebel, Lieutenant commander Oscar. Skipper of the Coast Guard patrolboat that delivers SEALs to the Iowa. Described as dour. Wounded bymachine gun fire from the Iowa when he drops off the Navy SEALS. Koertsmann, Prime Minister. Prime minister of South Africa. Lincoln MemoriaL Memorial in Washington, D.C that is hit by a shellfired from the Iowa. Features a nineteen-foot-tall statue of a seatedAbraham Lincoln. Lo, Colonel Phon Duc. Vietnamese Army colonel and chief militaryadvisor to the African Army of Revolution. Lot Six. Area in Arsenal Six where the QD warheads should have beenstored. They were instead placed in Lot Sixteen. Lot Sixteen. Area in Arsenal Six at Phalanx Arms where the QD warheadswere accidentally stored. Lovell, Billy. Commander of VFW Post 9974. Described as a tall, ganglyindividual about fifty years old. Lovell is at least six feet fiveinches tall with a ruddy face and short-clipped shiny hair parted downthe middle. Lucifer. The Holland & Holland twelve-gauge shotgun kept at the Fawkesranch. Lusana, General HiranL AKA Hiram Jones. Leader of the African Army ofRevolution. Born in the United States of America. Using money from alucrative armored-car robbery, he expanded his fortune throughinternational drug smuggling. Described as a short, wiry man,medium-boned and fighter-skinned than any man in the army of Africans. The troops call his skin "American tan" behind his back. Has coffeebrown eyes. Crimes committed in the United States include everythingfrom rape to assault, draft dodgingand a plot to bomb the state capital of Alabama. Left the United Statesto avoid paying taxes. Was raised in one of the worst slums in thecountry. Lusana's father deserted his mother and her nine children whenhe was eight. Shot and killed by Fergus aboard the Iowa but manages-totoss the sack containing the QD bomblets into the river. Machias Point. Location on the Patuxent River. Machita, Major Thomas. Chief intelligence analyst of the African Armyof Revolution. American black whose aliases are Luke Sampson of LosAngeles and Charles Le Mat of Chicago. Operates out of the Mozambiqueconsulate in Pretoria, South Africa. Cover is that he is George Yariko,diplomatic courier. Arrested and beaten by guards on Jumana's ordersduring coup d'etat against Lusana. After almost everyone is killed byColonel Zeegier's attack on the camp, Machita escapes from the cell.Assumes leadership of the A.A.R after Lusana is killed. Kills De Vaalwith a knife. Makeir, Colonel' Oliver. Coordinator of the African Army of Revolutionpropaganda programs. Mapes, 0 rvifle. President and chairman of the board of Phalanx ArmsCorporation. Described as a screwy sort of duck looking more like ahardware peddler than a death merchant. Has gray eyes. DrivesRollsRoyce convertible. Purchased QD warheads from Rafferty's for fivethousand dollars each. March, Thnothy. U.S. secretary of defense. Described as a short, dumpyman who detests any sort of physical exertion. Massachusetts. U.S. Navy battleship now preserved as a memorial. Manser. A .38-caliber automatic handgun used by Machita. Mayflower. Hotel that the U.S. Department of State rents for Lusanawhen he visits Washington, D.C. McDermott. Works in Soviet analysis atthe National Security Agency. He is mentioned by Gossard whendiscussing with Jarvis an upcoming fishing trip. McDonald, Howard. Milkman who discovers shredded plywood on the HenryW. Nice Memorial Toll Bridge over the Patuxent River that indicates theIowa has steamed past. Metz, Lou. Superintendent of the Forbes shipyard. Meyers, Roscoe. Republican congressman from Oregon who is seated on theHouse Foreign Affairs Subcommittee. Military Air Transport Service. MATS is the division of the U.S. AirForce that the Boeing C-97 Vixen 03 was assigned. Pitt views thelettering painted on the plane's fuselage through the underwater cameraand, after viewing the serial number on the vertical stabilizer,identifies the plane as Vixen 03. Minerva M-8& Twin-turboshaft-engined NUMA helicopter that Steiger pilotswith Sandecker aboard when Pitt drops on the deck of the Iowa. The helicopterthen takes up station above the National Archives Building and snags theparachute of the shell containing the QD bomblet. Steiger and Sandeckerthen head out to sea on a suicide mission to dispose of the shell. Pittchases them out to sea in the Catlin M-200 with a laser aboard. Afterthe laser severs a few of the lines holding the QD shell to thehelicopter, it overheats. Steiger then pilots the helicopter into asteep dive. When he pulls the helicopter out of the dive, the weight ofthe QD shell finally snaps the parachute cords, and the shell plungesinto the ocean. Once the shell is free and with the Minerva nearly out of fuel, Steigerpilots the helicopter to a Norwegian cruiser and lands. Missouri. U.S. Navy battleship maintained by the navy in Bremerton,Washington. Molly Bender. Fishing trawler crushed by the Iowa. Mount Vernon. George Washington's famous home and the site where theIowa finally runs hard aground. Mukuta, Captain John. Captain in the African Army of Revolution. Mutaapo, Captain. Fictitious name used by a man dressed as a pilot on aBEZA-Mozambique Airlines return flight to Africa that Lusana intends totake. Described as a tall, slender man with a middle-aged black face. Wearsdark green and gold braided BEZAMozambique Airlines uniform. DrugsLusana's martini and has him delivered to Patrick Fawkes aboard theIowa. Natal, Africa. Borders Mozambique and is the province where the Fawkesranch is located. National Archives Building. Three shells are fired at the building fromthe Iowa. The first goes through the dome and plunges downward, missingthe Declaration of Independence by ten feet. The second is a dud. Thethird, which contains the QD bomblets, is plucked from the sky by theMinerva NUMA helicopter piloted by Steiger with Sandecker aboard. National Transportation Safety Board. Governmental agency Dolancontacts to find out if any commercial C-97 Stratoeruisers were lostover the continental United States. Neutron bomb. Type of bomb the president suggests might disable the QDwarheads aboard the Iowa. The idea is rejected. Nisei. Americans of Japanese descent imprisoned in internment campsduring World War II. Mentioned as a model for Africans to follow byLoren Smith when talking to Congressman Daggat. After World War II, theNisei worked in the South California fields so they could send theirsons and daughters to UCLA and USC to become attorneys and doctors. Norton Air Force Base. U.S. Air Force base in California where ColonelAbe Steiger works. O'Keefe, General John. Aide to the Joint Chiefs of Staff. O'Shea. Guard at the gate of Forbes Scrap and Salvage when Pitt andJarvis first arrive. Obasi, Daniel. Seventeen-year-old Shaba leaves in charge of the gunturret on the Iowa when Shaba goes below to the magazine to repair thehoist. Fires the QD shell at Washington, D.C. Operation Wild Rose. South African plot to shell Washington, D.C and blame the attack on theAfrican Army of Revolution to discredit them. Patuxent River. River that empties into the Chesapeake Bay a few milesabove Forbes Scrap and Salvage. The river the Iowa takes towardWashington, D.C. Pembroke, Natal. Town in Africa where Fawkes meetsSouth African defense minister. While he is gone, his ranch is attackedand his family killed. Phalanx Arms Corporation. Name of the company based in Newark, NewJersey, that purchased the QD warheads from the Raffertys. The companysits on five thousand acres and is rated as the sixth-largest army interms of equipment. Phalanx Arms also ranks as the seventh-largest airforce. Pier Six. Pier in San Francisco where the QD warheads recovered fromVixen 03 in Table Lake are shipped for eventual destruction at sea. Plum Point Marina. Location Gossard tells Jarvis they, along withSampson and McDermott, are to leave from for the scheduled fishing trip. Potomac River. River leading to Washington, D.C Fawkes plans to takethe Iowa up to shell the U.S. capital. Quantico, Virginia. Location of a marine base Fawkes views as the Iowaheads past upriver. Quick Death. The gas carried in canisters aboard Vixen 03. Biochemical name is thirty letters long and unpronounceable. Created bymicrobiologist John Vetterly, QD is described as an artificial form oflife that in turn was capable of producing a disease strain that was andstill is quite unknown. QD is a nondetectable, unidentifiablebacteriological agent able to incapacitate a living human or animalwithin seconds of exposure and disrupt the vital body functions, causingdeath three to five minutes later. Unlike other lethal agents, QD gainsstrength over time. If five ounces were delivered over ManhattanIsland, the organism would seek out and kill ninety-eight percent of thepopulation within four hours. Water neutralizes the organism. Radar altimeter. Device especially designed by Admiral Bass. Has anomnidirectional indicator that signals the QD warheads' descent andreleases a parachute at fifteen hundred feet elevation. At one thousandfeet of elevation, the QD warhead explodes, releasing the gas. Rafferty, Lee. Neighbor near Loren Smith's father's cabin. Retired inthe summer of 1971 from the U.S. Navy as a deep-sea diver because of thebends (diving term for excess nitrogen in the bloodstream-some 206 timesfatal). Husband of Maxine Rafferty. Described as a string bean of aman. Likes cigars. Brews his own beer. Sold QD warheads to PhalanxArms Corporation. After Pitt discloses he knows about the sale, hesmashes Pitt in the shoulder with plumbing pipe. Pitt retrieves thepipe and swings it against Rafferty's head, breaking the bone in histemple and killing him. Rafferty, Maxine. Neighbor near Loren Smith's father's cabin. Wife ofLee Rafferty. Described as having the look of the West about her. Heavyset, she wears rimless glasses and has bluish-silver hair. Murdered Charlie Smith with a rifle shot to the heart after he hadsecond thoughts about selling QD warheads. Pitt hits her with a kerosene lamp, cutting her breast, then shoots herwith his Colt revolver, killing her. Ragged Point. Spot on the waterway where the Iowa crushes the MollyBender. Rantoul Engineering. Chicago-based firm that produces the wheels usedon the Boeing C-97 that was used for Flight Vixen 03. Ravenfoot, Commodore Jack. Head of the NSA's domestic division. Retired U.S. Navy Commodore. Was executive officer aboard thebattleship New Jersey during the Vietnam War. A full-blooded NativeAmerican from the Cheyenne tribe, Ravenfoot holds a Phi Beta Kappa keyfrom Yale. Red River. River that forms the border of Texas and Oklahoma. Steigerdrives across the Red River on the 207 way to the VFW post in DaytonCity, Oklahoma, to retrieve QD warheads. Remains Identity and Recovery Team. U.S. Air Force group tasked withcaring for the remains of the crew of Flight Vixen 03. Rocky Mountain Arsenal. Army installation outside Denver, Colorado,that was the primary manufacturing site for chemical weapons. Sitewhere QD was produced. Rocky Mountain oysters. Famous state dish of Colorado. Fried bull'stesticles. Tastes like chicken. Rongelo. Island in the South Pacific that was the intended destinationof Flight Vixen 03. Located four hundred miles northeast of BiliniIsland. Described as a raw, bleached knob of coral poking through thesea in the middle of nowhere. The island, actually more 0 an atoll,rises only six feet above the surface of the ocean. Infected with QD,the island will be uninhabitable for the next three hundred years. Theisland is eradicated by a nuclear missile blast fired from a U.S. Navysubmarine. Sampson. Works in Soviet analysis at the National Security Agency. Heis mentioned by Gossard when discussing an upcoming fishing trip withJarvis. Satan penetration missiles. Type of missile carried by F-120 jets. The missiles can gouge their way through three yards of concrete. Savannah. City on the coast of Georgia where Pitt goes to superviseraising the Chenago, a Union ironclad that sank off the Georgia coastduring the Civil War. Sawatch Mountain Range. Mountains in the Colorado rockies where LorenSmith's father's cabin is located. Sawyer, Phil. Press secretary to the president of the United States. Along with Pitt, dates Loren Smith. Described as wearing white shirts and talking like a thesaurus. Smithdescribes Sawyer as the sort of man you marry: loyal, true blue, setsyou on a gilded pedestal and wants you to be the mother of his children. Has premature gray hair; he is said to have a solid, handsome face. Shaba, Charles. Part of the African crew Fawkes uses on the Iowa. Shaba is the chief engineer. After the Iowa grounds, he becomes gunneryofficer. Shaw, Morton. Independent Party congressman from Florida. Sheppard Air Force Base. U.S. Air Force base in Wichita Falls, Texas,Steiger lands at when he travels to retrieve QD warheads at VFW post inOklahoma. Sheridan Point. Location on the Potomac River the Coast Guard patrolboat passes. Slaughter Beach. Beach in Delaware that Steiger and Sandecker pass overin a NUMA helicopter as theyhead out to sea on the mission to dispose of QD warhead. Smith, Charlie. Father of Loren Smith. Deceased. Itinerant inventor. Allegedly blown apart by dynamite, but Pitt later identifies his body asbeing aboard Vixen 03 in Table Lake. Somala, Marcus. Section leader of the African Army of Revolution. Witnesses the raid on the Fawkes ranch, then is mortally wounded whenshot in the back. Manages to make his way to the hospital and reportsto Lusana before dying. St. Clements Island. Island passed as the Iowa steams up the PatuxentRiver. Stanton Probe. Name of fictitious committee Pitt cooks up to scareMapes into allowing him to search the Phalanx Arms Corporation'sinventory for the missing QD warheads. Steiger, Colonel Abraham Levi. Works for the investigator general forsafety at Norton Air Force Base in California. Dolan forwards a requestto him for information about Boeing C-97 number 75403. Described as having a completely shaved head, friendly hazel eyes and anenormous Kaiser Wilhelm mustache. Wears size-twelve boots. His body is squat and barrel-chested, and Pittestimates his weight at close to two hundred twenty pounds. Father ofeight children-five boys and three girls. Pilots the NUMA helicopterthat drops Pitt off on the Iowa. Along with Sandecker, Steiger thentakes up station over the National Archives Building and snags theparachute of the shell containing QD bomblets. Then, together withSandecker, they fly out to sea on a suicide mission to dispose of theshell. Stransky Instrument Company. Company that employs Dr. Weir. Swedborg, Carl. Skipper of the fishing trawler Molly Bender. Swedborgis seventy years old but has no wish to retire. Wife has already passedaway. Table Lake. Lake located one quarter mile over the hill behind LorenSmith's cabin. Location where Pitt finds the plane missing thecanisters containing nerve gas. A man-made lake, it was formed when theState of Colorado dammed up a stream in 1945, submerging an abandonedlumber mill. Tazareen massacre. Village in the Province of Transvaall where asenseless slaughter of at least one hundred sixty-five black villagerswas instituted by the A.A.R. Tiger fish. Old World relative to the South American Amazon piranhathat Lusana hooks while fishing. Tonic One. Code name for one of the groups from the South AfricanDefense Forces that attack the A.A.R compound. Tonic Two. Code name of one of the groups from the South AfricanDefense Forces that attack the A.A.R compound. Travis Air Force Base. U.S. Air Force base in California where theoriginal orders for Flight Vixen 03 were issued. Veterans of Foreign Wars, Dayton City Post 9974. VFW post in Oklahoma where two of the QD shells were accidentally sent. The VFW tried to fire the shells during a Veterans Day parade, butluckily they didn't explode. Vetterly, John. Microbiologist who created Quick Death. Later dies onRongelo Island with three of his assistants as they check the effects ofQD. Visali& NUMA salvage ship assigned to raise the Chenago. Vixen 03. Call sign of the plane that crashes into Table Lake,Colorado, carrying the QD warheads. Vogel, Brian. Neighbor of Patrick Fawkes, who comes to the ranch afterthe massacre to help bury the bodies of the ranch workers. Vylander, Major Raymond. U.S. Air Force major who is aircraft commanderof Flight Vixen 03. walnut Point, Virginia. Location where Patrick Fawkes anchors whaleboat to record the passing boat traffic in preparation for taking theIowa up the Potomac River. Walvis Bay investment CorporatioiL A financial front company for theAfrican Army of Revolution. Weir, Dr. Paul. The head physicist of the Stransky Instrument Company.Described as a light-skinned man with Nordic features. Wisconsin U.S. Navy battleship scrapped in 1984. Battleship that wasscheduled to lob the shells containing OD twenty miles through the airto Rongelo Island. Yariko, George. Fictitious name that is on the Mozambique passportMachita uses when he flies to Pretoria for his meeting with Emma. Yariko's cover is that of a diplomatic courier to Mozambique. Zeegler, Colonel Joris. Army colonel in charge of the intelligencedivision of the South African Defense Forces or director of InternalSouth African Defense. Described as a tall, slender man with compellingblue eyes. Night Probe! AC Cobra. One' of Pitt's cars. A red 1966 model with a 427-cubic-inchengine. Anoida. A condition resulting from an overabundance of CO2 in a human'ssystem. Make the sufferer giddy and possibly hallucinatory. Klinger suffers the condition aboard the Sappho I when the air scrubbersdon't function properly. Argo ground-to-air missiles. Type of British hand-held missiles usedfor the attack on Canada One. Compact, the missiles weigh only thirtypounds. Argus, Henry. Was due to meet Burton at the Glen Echo Racquet Club. When Argus cancels, Burton-Angus is paired with Murphy. While waitingfor a racquetball court, Murphy asks Burton-Angus for information aboutthe North American Treaty. Arlington College of Archaeology. Where the copy of the North Americantreaty recovered from the Empress of Ireland is taken. Army and Navy Club. Restaurant favored by Sandecker. Arvada, U.S.S. U.S. Navy amphibious landing transport vessel. Milliganis assigned as the communications officer. The ship is bound from SanDiego to the Indian Ocean, but when it develops problems with theautomated steering system, it is ordered to stop in Los Angeles forrepairs. Clive is having some fun here. Arvada, Colorado, is the suburb in Denver where Clive was living when hewrote Raise the Titanic! Asquith, Henry Herbert. British prime minister when Woodrow Wilson waspresident. Signed the North American treaty. Baby. Nickname for the RSV. Baldwin Locomotive. Atlantic type 4-4-2 owned by Ansel Magee. Thelocomotive rolled out of the Baldwin Works in 1906 and pulled theOverland Limited from Chicago to Council Bluffs, Iowa. Beaseley, Peter. Chief librarian of the British Foreign Office inLondon. It is said that Beaseley knows moreabout the Foreign Office than any man alive. Described as white-haired.Smokes a pipe. Discovers information about the North American Treatyfor the British. Beatty, Professor Preston. Considered a leading authority on unsolvedcrimes. An author of numerous books on the subject. Beatty isdescribed as having blue-green eyes over a salt-and-pepper beard. Pittguesses his age at late forties. Has stern, craggy features andsilver-edged hair. Beatty tells Pitt the history of Massey. Bentley, Sergeant. Royal Marine commanded by Macklin. Beretta .25-caliber. Handgun favored by Shaw. Bond, James. Famous character created by Ian Fleming, mentioned by Pittto Shaw after Pitt arranges for Shaw to fly on the same flight asMilligan. Borden, Sir Robert. Canadian prime minister just prior to World War I.He was one of the signers of the North American Treaty. Boucher, Jean. Guerrier's bodyguard/chauffeur. Finds Guerrier's corpseafter he is smothered by Gly. Wife and two children. Originally hired by Guerrier in May 1962. Only witness who claimsVillon was the last person to see Guerrier alive. British Army S-66 long-range reconnaissance scope. Type of scope Shaw uses to spy on the Ocean Venturer. Can read anewspaper headline at five miles. British prime minister. Described as a formidably heavy-featured manwith unblinking blue eyes and a mouth that ticks up at the edges in aperpetual smile. Brogan Martin. U.S. director of Central Intelligence. Brown Bess. Black-powder rifle owned by Epstein. The weapon is aflintlock seventy-fiver that was used by the British soldiers during theRevolutionary War. Bryan, William Jennings. Political sage who ran for president of theUnited States several times. Known as "The Great Commoner." WasPresident Wilson's secretary of state. In the photograph Milligansecures, he looks portly and grinning. Burton, Angus, Leutenant Ewen. Aide to the naval attache for theBritish Embassy in Washington, D.C. The last six years and four months,he has actually worked for the British Secret Intelligence Service. Owns a home in Devon, England. Present when the Manhattan Limited isfound. Killed by fire from U.S. Marines. Button Islands. Located in the Labrador Sea off Newfoundland. TheDoodlebug is ten miles off the Button Islands when attacked. Caldweiler, Eric. Former superintendent of a coal mine in Wales. Described as stockily built. Supervisesthe British effort to tunnel into the mountain where the ManhattanLimited is trapped. Smokes a pipe. Canada One. Code name for Prime Minister Sarveux's official plane. Afour-jet-engined plane that weighs two hundred tons. Forty-two men andwomen die when it bursts into flames when landing after being hit by anArgo missile fired by Gly's team. Canadian prime minister's mansion. Described as having a three-storystone exterior that is cold and morbid. Has a long foyer with a highceiling, traditional furnishings and a wide circular staircase thatleads to the bedrooms. Chase, Glen. Captain of the DeSoto Described as taciturn and balding.Chase refuses to use the language of the sea. Instead of port, he saysleft; instead of mooring, he says parking. Present when the ManhattanLimited is found. Churchill, Winston. British prime minister who at the time of World WarI was First Lord of the Admiralty. Coli, Otis. Director of the Quebec Institute of Marine Engineering. Described as a gorilla of a man, barrel-chested and with a rounded,heavy-browed face. His white hair passes his collar, and his mustache,beneath a thin, sloping nose, looks as if it has been clipped with sheepshears, Smokes du Maurier cigarettes with a gold-tipped filter. Collins. JIM suit operator who finds himself stuck in the wreckage ofthe Empress of Ireland after the explosion. Glancing around, hediscovers the body of Shields, and Pitt realizes Collins is insideShields's cabin. Control Center. Part of the James Bay Project. Located ten floorsabove the generator room, it is accessed by a security card system. The room is small and spartan and contains four engineers who monitorthe manual systems. Cummings-Wray sender. Early radio device that is used by the New York &Quebec Railroad to communicate. Has a selector wheel. Harding tries touse it to call Albany, New York, to find out information about theManhattan Limited. DeSoto NUMA's new research vessel. A trim vessel sixty feet in lengthespecially designed for cruising inland waterways. DeauviBe-Hudson Bridge. Railroad bridge near the Wacketshire Station;the Manhattan Limited plunged off it. It is one hundred fifty feet fromthe bridge to the Hudson River. One section of the bridge spanned afive-hundred-foot-long truss. The bridge was the fifth longest in theworld when it was constructed. Dispatch. Code name used by Moran in the attack on Canada One. Doodlebug. Built with six hundred eighty million dollars earmarked forthe Department of Energy but diverted to NUMA. The Doodlebug is anunderwater geology submersible. Described as "the inner half of 218 anaircraft wing standing on end" and "the conning tower of a submarinethat has lost its hull." Has an aluminum shell built around itsinstrument package. In briefing the president, Sandecker explains that the Doodlebug can seethrough ten miles of solid rock and identify fifty-one differentminerals and metal traces. The Doodlebug's instruments transmit asharply focused, concentrated pulse of energy straight down into theearth. After escaping the attack from the U.S. submarine, the Doodlebugfinds "the grand daddy of stratigraphic traps," or a giant oil field inthe waters off Quebec. The field measures ninety-five miles bythree-quarters of a mile wide and is estimated to contain as much aseight billion barrels of oil. Later used on the Manhattan Limitedproject. Dunning, Art. NUMA team master of the dive rescue team aboard the OceanVenturer. Locates the saturation chamber after the explosion on theEmpress of Ireland and finds all the divers inside dead. Entmett, Ray. The pilot of Canada One. EmPress Of Ireland Name of the Canadian luxury liner bound for Englandthat sinks after being rammed by a Norwegian coal collier named Storstadin the St. Lawrence River. A copy of the North American Treaty isaboard. Owned by the Canadian Pacific Railway, the vessel and hersister ship, the Empress of Britain, displaced fourteen thousand tonsand were five hundred fifty feet long. Twin-screw vessels. One of thetwenty-foot diameter, thirty-ton, four-bladed bronze propellers wassalvaged in 1968. Epstein, Joe. A columnist for the Baltimore Sun. Epstein is an avidblack-powder marksman on weekends. Described as bald-headed. Ericsson, Dr. Medical chief of staff at the hospital James Sarveux istaken to after the attack on Canada One. Esbenson, Robert. Buyer of the Mercedes-Benz 540K at the RichmondAuction Pitt attends. In real life, Esbenson was Clive's partner in theclassic car business. Essex, John. Grandson of Richard Essex. Seventy-five years old. Operates a sophisticated oyster farming operation in ponds along thePotomac River near Coles Point, Virginia. Described as having twinklingblue eyes and prominent high cheekbones. Has a white beard andmustache. His body shows no fat. Was once assigned to the AmericanEmbassy in London. His wife died ten years ago. Has three children. Inside an ornatelycarved antique credenza with a secret compartment in his office, heholds information about the North American Treaty. His decomposing bodyis discovered by Pitt after he dies from a clot in his coronary artery. Essex, Richard. The person in charge of transporting the copy of theNorth American Treaty on the Manhattan Limited Was President Wilson'sundersecretary of state. In the photograph Milligan secures, he is saidto appear dapper and refined and to be wearing a broad smile. Died in 1914 at age forty-two. Field Foreman. Code-name used by Gly in the attack on Canada One. Finn, Commissioner Harold. Commissioner of the Canadian Mounties. Described as an unimpressive little man in rumpled clothes, the sort whois lost in a crowd or melts in with the furniture during a party. His charcoal hair is parted down the middle and contrasts with his bushywhite eyebrows. Solves the mystery of Gly impersonating Villon. Is present at the payoff to Gly, and supervises the work on the jet'sautopilot so Gly and his plane crash into the ocean. Forbes Excavation Company. Company that operated the quarry from 1882to 1910, where limestone was mined and sent along the spur at MondragonHook Junction. Foreign Office. The branch of the British government office of internalaffairs. Where the North American Treaty was headed aboard the Empressof IrelandFree Quebec Society. Known by the acronym FQS, an underground terroristmovement. Tied to Moscow, the FQS has assassinated several Canadianofficials. Galasso, Dr. Melvin. Person at the Arlington College of Archaeology whoattempts to remove the North American Treaty from the leather bag foundaboard the wreck of the EmPress of Ireland Described as sixtyish,walking with a slight stoop and possessing a face like Dr. Jekyll afterhe becomes Mr. Hyde. After carefully removing the treaty from theleather bag, he finds it is an unreadable mush. Gallopin' Lena. Nickname of the 2-8-0 Constellationtype locomotive thatpulls the Manhattan Limited. Built by Alco's Schenectady Works in 1911 out of 236,000 pounds of ironand steel, she is finished in gloss black with a red stripe. Her numberis 88, and it is neatly hand-painted in gold. Gardner, Mildred. Head archivist of Princeton University. Has anineteen-fortyish pageboy haircut. Generator room. Part of the James Bay Project, the generator room spanstwelve acres of space carved out of solid granite four hundred feetunderground. Three rows of huge generators, five stories high anddriven by water turbines, fill the space. Each generator produces fivehundred thousand kilowatts of electrical energy. George V. King of England just prior to World War I.Gilmore. NUMA worker in the engine room of the Ocean Venturer. Survives the explosion with a skull fracture. Gly, Foss. Person who tries to assassinate Sarveux. Described as having a great mass of sandy-colored hair and a square,ruddy face. Has congenial brown eyes and a firm-cut chin. His nose islarge and misshapen from numerous breaks suffered in back-alley brawls.Occasionally smokes cigarettes. Born in Flagstaff, Arizona, as a resultof a drunken coupling between a professional wrestler and a countysheriff's daughter. His childhood was a nightmare of suffering andwhippings from his grandfather. When older, hebeat the sheriff to death and fled the state. Later, he rolled drunksin Denver, led a string of auto thieves in Los Angeles and hijackedgasoline trucks in Texas. Professional assassin who prefers to think of himself as a coordinator. Where most murders follow a pattern, Gly's is that he does not have one.Disguised as Henri Villon, Gly goes to murder Guerrier with the intentof using an exotic poison, then decides instead to smother him with apillow. Gosset, Miss. Secretary to Beaseley. Helps Beaseley in the search atthe Sanctuary Building for records pertaining to the North AmericanTreaty. Grey, Sir Edward. British foreign secretary during the time of WoodrowWilson's presidency. Guerrier. Premier of Quebec and the Parti Quebecois. Described as in his late seventies, tall and slender with unkempt silverhair and thick, tangled beard. Has false teeth. Smothered with apillow by Foss Gly disguised as Henri Villon." Harding, Sam. Ticket agent at the Wacketshire office of the New York &Quebec Railroad. After the Wacketshire Station is robbed by Massey,Harding runs down the tracks looking for the Manhattan Limited, falling,he gashes his leg on a railroad spike. Heiser FoundatioiL An analytical laboratory in Brooklyn, New York, towhich Pitt takes pieces of the Deauvifle-Hudson Bridge. The laboratoryquickly determines the bridge was cleverly and systematically blown up. Hoker, Doug. NUMA operator of the RSV controlled from aboard the OceanVenturer. Described as a cheerful fat man with curly strawberry hairand freckles. Has a great flash of teeth. Holographic Communications SystenL A three-dimensionaltelephone-television system installed in the White House. Honjo Maru Japanese container ship six hundred sixty-five feet inlength. After delivering four hundred new electric cars from Kobe,Japan, the vessel is making a return trip loaded with a cargo ofnewsprint paper. Gly rams this vessel with the hydroplane. Hooper, Sergeant. U.S. Marine Force reconnaissance sergeant present atthe flooded mountain that contains the Manhattan Limited. Chewstobacco. Humberty, Graham. A well-heeled Los Angeles RollsRoyce dealer. Humberly is a former British subject who cultivates an enormous channelof important contacts, particularly in the United States Navy. Described as a small man with a head too large for his shoulders. Lives in a posh house in Palos Verde, a bedroom community of LosAngeles. The house is a blend of contemporary and California Spanish,with rough-coated plaster walls and ceilings, laced with massiveweathered beams covered by a roof of curved red tile. A large fountainsplashes on the main terrace and spills into the swimming pool. 'thehouse has a view of the Pacific Ocean and Catalina Island. At a partyat his home, Humberly introduces Shaw to Milligan. Hunt, Malcom. Deputy prime minister of Canada. Smokes a pipe. Hunt is of British descent and a graduate of OxfordUniversity. Huron, ILM.C.S. Canadian destroyer ordered to chase the Ocean Ventureraway from the wreck of the Empress of IrelandHuston, Mrs. Formerly the secretary to the head of the British SecretIntelligence Service. A year after Shaw retired, she married GrahamHuston, who then worked at the British Secret Intelligence Service inthe cryptographic analysis section. Both she and her husband are nowretired and pensioned and operate an antique shop in London. Jackson. NUMA worker in the engine room of the Ocean Venturer. Survives the explosion with a broken knee. James Bay. Canadian hydroelectric project. James Bay has eighteendams, twelve powerhouses and a work force of nearly ninety thousandpeople. The project involved the rechanneling of two rivers the size ofthe Colorado River. James Bay is the largest and most expensivehydroelectric project in history, built at a cost of twenty-six billiondollars. The project was begun in 1974 and generates over one hundredmillion kilowatts of electricity which will double in the next twentyyears. The amount of electricity that flows to the United States isenough to light fifteen states. The project is guarded by afive-hundred-man security force. Jeffrey, Ian. Sarveux's principal secretary. Described as aserious-faced man in his late twenties. Jensen Convertible, 1950. A four-door, two-tone straw and beige130-horsepower automobile at the auction in Richmond that Pitt attends. He buys the Jensen and drives it home to his garage with Moon aspassenger. JIM suit. An articulated deep-water atmospheric diving system. It isconstructed of magnesium and fiberglass. In air, the suit weighs elevenhundred pounds; underwater, it weighs only about sixty. Kemper, Admiral Joe. Chief of U.S. naval operations. Sandecker calls Kemper to halt the attack on the Doodlebug. Kendall, Captain. Captain of the Empress of Ireland the night she sank. King, Dr. Rainon. The creative genius behind the Doodlebug. Described as having a light-skinned, narrow, gloomy face, with a juttingjaw and barbed-wire eyebrows-the kind of face that mirrors nothing andbarely displays a change of expressions. Kitchner, Lord, Field Marshal. British secretary of war during WorldWar I.Klein, Dr. Ronald. The secretary of energy. Described as ascholarly-looking man with long white hair and a large condor nose. He is six feet five inches tall. Klinger, Sid. One of the NUMA operators of the Sappho L Loses a toothwhen the explosives are ignited on the Empress of Ireland. Labrador Sea. Where the Doodlebug is operating when it is attacked byU.S. Navy Ambe@ack-class submarine. Lac St. Joseph. Location of the airfield near Quebec City that belongsto the Royal Canadian Air Force. Site of the payoff from Sarveux to Gly. Lasky, Bill. Electronic panel operator on the Doodlebug when it isattacked by Navy Amberjack-class submarine. Le Mat, Jules. Captain of the work ship that first delivers Pitt to thesite on the St. Lawrence River the Empress of Ireland is under. Library of Congress. Famous library in Washington, D.C where John Essextells Milligan his grandfather's personal papers are stored. Lubin, Jerry. A mining consultant with the Federal Resources Agency. Described as a small, humorless man with a pawnbroker nose andbloodhound eyes. Lubin supervises the NUMA team locating the Manhattan Limited. Macklin, Lieutenant Digby. Leader of the fourteen British Royal Marineparatroopers who parachute onto the hill where the Manhattan Limited ishidden. Wounded in arm and foot by fire from U.S. Marines. Surrenders to Sanchez. Magee, Annie. Wife of Ansel Magee. Described as carrying herselflanguidly and standing tall. Her shape is pencil @, and Pitt guessesshe was once a fashion model. Her hair is salt-and-pepper andgracefully styled. Magee, Ansel. Famous sculptor who owns a home near the Deauville-HudsonBridge. Described as having a kindly, elffike face. Has suffered several heart attacks. Has the Wacketshire stationrestored and attached to his house. Secretary to the president of the United States. Magnificent Pitt, the MusionisL What Pitt calls himself to Milligan whenhe produces Shaw at Kennedy Airport and disappears. Manhattan Limited. The train taken by Richard Essex. The tram cames mnety passengers, not including the crew and the specialgovernment car Essex is aboard. Essex has a copy of the North American Treaty. The copy is lost whenthe train disappears. Pitt discovers that the train was also carryingSt. Gauden's twenty dollar gold pieces struck in 1914 at thePhiladelphia mint, worth two million dollars. Gold is now worth overthree hundred million dollars. Manuden, England. A village outside London where Shaw attends theftmeral for the former chief of the British Secret Intelligence Service. Martha. The young girl who dies in the collision of the Empress ofIreland Described as having golden hair nearly three feet long. Herfather finds her body with the help of Shields and chooses to stay withher as the ship sinks. Masey, Clement. Alias Dapper Doyle. Man who robs the Wacketshirestation of the New York & Quebec Railroad. Described as being builtlike a jockey, rail-thin and short. His mustache is as blond as hishair, which is tucked under a Panama straw hat. A fastidious dresser,he wears a Weber and Heilbroner English-cut suit with silk stitching. The razor-creased pants stop evenly above a pair of two-tone brown suedeand leather shoes. Comes from a wealthy Boston family. Graduated Harvard summa cum laude. Established a thriving law practicethat catered to the social elite of Providence, Massachusetts. Marrieda prominent socialite. Father to five children. Twice elected to theMassachusetts Senate. Turned over the money from the robberies hemasterminded to the poor. Mauser Automatic Pistol 7.63 Caliber. Weapon used by Massey when herobs the Wacketshire station. Pitt uses the handgun to wound Shaw. May, Jack. Copilot of Canada One. McComb, Superintendent. Officer in charge of records for the CanadianMounted Police. McComb calls VilIon with information about Roubaix. McComb, Dr. Walter. Chief chemist at the Heiser Foundation. Described as fifteen years older than Pitt and seventy pounds heavier. McGovern, Dr. Abner. Doctor who performs the second autopsy onGuerrier. Has been with the Canadian Mounties forensic pathology stafffor forty years. Discovers Guerrier was murdered. Meechum, Hiram. The Western Union night man at the Wacketshire stationof the New York & Quebec Railroad. When Meechum attempts to signal theManhattan Limited, Massey shoots him in the hip, then smashes his Mauserpistol against his head. Mercedes-Benz 540K, 1939. Pearl-white automobile with custom Freestone& Webb bodywork, purchased at the Richmond car auction by Esbenson. Metz. NUMA chief engineer aboard the Ocean Venturer. Model T. Famous Ford automobile. The Wacketshire station of the NewYork & Quebec Railroad uses one as the depot hack. The hack hasleatherette side curtains over oak side panels that are attached withMurphy fasteners. Moffat, Alexander. Described as looking and acting like the archetypeof a government official. His hair is trimmed short with animmaculately creased left-hand part. He exhibits a ramrod spine andprecise correctness in speech and mannerism. Burton-Angus asks Moffatabout the North American Treaty after talking to Murphy. Mondritgon Hook Junction. Place where rail spur leaves the main lineused by the Manhattan Limited. la-Montserrat. Island in the Lesser Antilles southeast of Puerto Rico. Intended destination of Gly after he receives thirty-million-dollarpayoff and jet from Sarveux. Moon, Harrison IV. The chief of staff for the president of the UnitedStates. Described as being in his late twenties. Asks Pitt to searchfor the North American Treaty. Is present when Pitt delivers the treatyto the president in Canada. Moran, Claude. Described as a reed-thin, pockmarked Marxist who worksfor the governor general of Quebec. In the missile attack on Sarveux,he is code named Dispatch. Munson, Dr. Doctor at the hospital Sarveux is taken to after the attackon Canada One. Administers a narcotic to Sarveux after his wife leaves. Murphy, Jack. The Senate historian. National Archives. Located in Washington, D.C the archives containimportant papers pertaining to the United States. New York & Quebec Northern Railroad. Company that operated theManhattan Limited, later absorbed by the New York Central Railroad. Night probe. Old divers' term for exploring the dark of underwatercaves. North American Treaty. Treaty signed by the United States and Britainthat sells Canada to the United States. The deal was arranged becauseBritain was short of funds just prior to the outbreak of World War I.The price was one billion dollars, and one hundred fifty million was thedown payment which, after the loss of the treaty copies, was convertedto a loan. O'Leery, Ms. Self-made woman with vast cosmetics fortune. Bids againstPitt for the Jensen Convertible but backs down. Pitt had a fling withher in the past. Ocean Venturer. NUMA research vessel. Designed with a rounded bow andoval fantail, the egg-shaped bridge rests on an arched spire. Amidships is a derrick like those at an oil field. Hull iswhite-colored and double-hulled for breaking through ice. The vessel isheavily damaged by an explosion from the Empress of Ireland detonated byGly. Total deaths from the explosion total twelve. Official Secrets Vault. Section in the basement of the SanctuaryBuilding where Beaseley discovers the meaning of the North AmericanTreaty. Parkenham, Sir Edward. Led the last British force before the RoyalMarines in Night Probe! to invade the United States. Parkenham and hisgroup invaded New Orleans in 1814. PaM Quebecois. Canadian political party that advocates a free Quebec. Peace Tower. The tower, two hundred ninety-one feet taft, that formsthe center block of the Canadian Parliament. Pitt orders Westlerpiloting the Scinletti to land in front of the tower. Phoenix, U.S.S. U.S. Navy guided missile cruiser that is ordered toprotect the Ocean Venturer from the Huron. Pilcher, Nathan. With wife, Hattie, was owner of the Pilcher Inn inPoughkeepsie, New York. Murdered, then cooked and served betweenfifteen and twenty people. Pointe all Pere. Also known as "Father's Point" in English. Locationof the cemetery maintained by the Canadian Pacific Railway that holdsthe graves of the eighty-eight, mostly third-class passengers that wereunidentified victims of the sinking of the Empress of IrelandPowers, Mary. One of the NUMA operators of the Sappho I on the Empressof Ireland project. Breaks both arms and suffers a concussion when theexplosives explode on the Empress of IrelandPresident of the United States. Described as looking tired and worn. The president is small in stature, with brown hair streaked with whiteand thinning; his features, once cheerful and crinkling, are now set andsolemn. A native of New Mexico, he was inaugurated only a few weeksprior after serving twenty years in the Senate. By education andoccupation, he is an attorney. Pulftnan car. Famous maker of railroad cars. The one Essex rides in isseventy feet long and finished in elaborately carved Circassian walnut.Brass electrical lights adorn the walls, and it features red velvetrevolving chairs and potted palms. The sleeping compartment featuresbeveled mirrors and ceramic tiled floors in the lavatories. Pyroxone. A pliable incendiary substance that can burn underwater atincredibly high temperatures. Once molded to the surface to be burned, it is ignited by an electronicsignal. Bums at three thousand degrees Celsius, so pyroxone can evenburn through rock. Quayle, Sam. Electronics wizard on the Doodlebug when it is attacked byU.S. Navy Amberjack-class submarine. Quebec, Canada. French-Canadian providence in Canada that votes tobecome an independent country detached from the rest of Canada. Quebec Hydro Power. The Canadian power company responsible for buildingand operating the James Bay Project. Remote Search Vehicle. NUMA underwater propulsion vehicle used on theEmpress of Ireland project. Described as shaped like an elongated teardrop, only three feet long andten inches in diameter, it showed no protrusions on its smooth titaniumskin. Steering and propulsion are provided by a small hydrojet pumpwith variable thrusters. Remotely controlled from aboard the OceanVenturer. Nicknamed "Baby." The RSV is taken from the Empress ofIreland to a nearby trawler Shaw is aboard. Before the cameras aredamaged, it records a picture of Shaw that Milligan identifies. Rheingoid, Mr. Curator of the Long Island Railroad Museum. Rheingold isan elderly, retired accountant with a lifelong passion for railroads. Riley, Nicholas. NUMA chief diver on the Manhattan Limited project. Pitt's dive partner on the night probe. Smashes his face mask against a stalactite and loses his left eye. Pitt places his hand on the safety line and orders Riley to follow itback to the entrance while he continues on toward the Manhattan LimitedRimonski, Quebec. Town in Quebec where Pitt meets Jules Le Mat andleaves aboard Le Mat's boat for the trip out to where the Empress ofIreland sank. River Blackwater. River near Seward's End, Essex, England, where Morrismeets with the British prime minister. Roubert Max. Canadian mass-murderer later hung for his crimes. Hisearly life is sketchy, no date of birth. An orphan. First officialrecords begin at age twelve, when he was charged with killing chickens. Graduated to killing horses and was sentenced to two years in jail atage fourteen. After his release, bodies of tramps and drunks beganturning up around Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, where he resided. Whenevidence linked Roubaix to the killings, he disappeared intothe Northwest Territories. Resurfaced six years later during Reil'sRebellion in 1885. Credited with killing thirteen Mounties during therebellion. His favored method of killing was a garrote using a rawhidecord attached to wooden hand grips intricately carved into timber wolvesto strangle the victims in their sleep. Described as frail of build and rather sickly, he suffered fromconsumption or what now is called tuberculosis. When Villon asks McCombto describe Roubaix, he replies: "I guess you could call him a homicidalmaniac with a fetish for the stranglehold." RSV. Acronym for remote search vehicle. Ryan, Sergeant. U.S. Marine Force reconnaissance sergeant. Saban, Men Molly. Guerrier's secretary. Delivers a bowl of chickensoup to Boucher at eight-thirty the night Guerrier is murdered. Sakai, First Officer Shigaharu. First officer of the Honjo Maru. Sanchez, Lieutenant. Leader of the three-squad, forty man, UnitedStates Marine force reconnaissance team that arrives in armored carswhen the Manhattan Limited is found to support NUMA. Wounded in thigh. Sanctuary Building. One of the five buildings scattered about Londonthat hold records from the Foreign Office. The Sanctuary Building islocated on Great Smith Street. The records of dealing with the UnitedStates during 1914 are on the second floor of the east wing. Sappho L NUMA deep water recovery vessel. Also used on Titanic project. Sarveux, Danielle. Wife of James Sarveux for the last ten years. Described as having delicate features and raven hair that sweeps down ina cascade onto her right shoulder. Dresses in a fashion described asshowy elegance. Is a secret supporter of the FQS. Had a long-runningaffair with Villon. Sleeps with a disguised Gly posing as Villon.Buried alive along with Villon in his automobile by Gly under ordersfrom Charles Sarveux. Sarveux, James. Prime minister of Canada. Described as a handsome man,his light blue eyes possess a mesmeric quality. His sharp-cut facialfeatures are enhanced by a thick mass of gray hair loosely styled in afashionable but casual look. Has a trim, medium height body. Purchaseshis suits off the racks of department stores. In the attack on CanadaOne, he suffers abrasions on over fifty percent of his body, heavytissue loss on his hands and multiple fractures that may require him touse a cane. Many years ago, he was involved in an automobile accidentthat killed his mother. Discovers wife having affair with Villon.Orders Gly to kill the pair by burying them alive. Along with Finn, orders a thirty-million-dollar payoff to Gly to leaveCanada. Secretly orders the plane rigged so it crashes into the ocean. Orders a press release that states that his wife, Danielle, and Villonwere aboard the Gly plane. Has conducted secret talks with thepresident of the United States for years on the subject of United Statesand Canada uniting as a single country. Saturation tank. A pressurized chamber divers live inside breathing amixture of helium and oxygen. This mixture helps prevent the negativeof nitrogen building up in the divers' bodies and creating a conditionknown as the bends. Scinletti 440. Italian-made, vertical takeoff and landing two-enginedjet. Pitt charters the jet to fly over the railroad tracks near theDeauville-Hudson Bridge. Semaphore Lantern. Type of lantern used to signal trains. Shaw, Brian. Former British secret agent who appears to be remarkablylike Ian Fleming's James Bond. After twenty-five years of retirement, is pressed back into service forMI6. Sixty-six years old, he is described as having black, carefullybrushed hair, receding and sprinkled with gray. His face is handsome,and the ruthless look has softened. Smokes specially orderedcigarettes. Wears reading glasses. Practices judo. Was married for abrief time, but his wife was killed. After retirement, he lived for atime in the West Indies but now owns a small working farm on the Isle ofWight. Has killed more than twenty men but has not fired a handgun inmore than twenty years. When Pitt saves him from a certain death at the hands of Gly, he recitesShaw's statistics from his file: sixty-six years old, weight one hundredseventy pounds, height six feet one inch, right-handed, numerous scars. Twice seduces Milligan in an attempt to gain information about the NorthAmerican Treaty. Is it possible Shaw might really be Bond? Shields, Harvey. The person responsible for transporting the copy ofthe North American Treaty aboard the Empress of Ireland. Arepresentative of Her Majesty's government. In the photograph Milligansecures, he is said to have his head tilted back in a belly laugh,displaying two large, protruding upper teeth surrounded by a sea of goldinlays. Simms, Brigadier General Morris V. Head of the British SecretIntelligence Service. Described as having peacock-blue eyes. RecruitsShaw back into service. Sky Hook. A special heavy-lift helicopter used on the Manhattan Limitedproject. One hundred five feet long, the aircraft looks like a prayingmantis. SMERSH. Russian Spy Agency mentioned by Mrs. Huston to Shaw at thefuneral of the former head of the British Secret Intelligence Service. Soult, Nanci. Best-selling Canadian novelist who now resides in Irelandto beat taxes. Occasionally visits family and friends in Vancouver buthas not been in Quebec in more than twenty years. Without her knowledge, she has a town house in her name in Quebec. Thetown house is the site of secret liaisons between Danielle Sarveux andVillon. Standish. Ticket agent for the New York & Quebec Railroad at the Germantown station. Plays chess with Harding over telegraph lines. Storstad. Norwegian collier that rammed and sank the Empress ofIreland. A six-thousand-ton vessel, the Storstad was loaded with eleventhousand tons of coal. Stuckey, Perdval. The chief director of the James Bay Project. T&"ol. An explosive used underwater that is three times as powerful asTNT. Twenty-four hundred pounds stored in two-hundred-pound containersare stashed aboard the forecastle of the wreck of the Empress of Irelandby Gly and an accomplice. What no one but Gly knows is that he stored aradio detonator aboard one of the containers. Ungava Bay. Location of the massive Canadian oil field discovered bythe Doodlebug. United States of Canada. New country proposed by the president of theUnited States with the consent of Charles Sarveux, president of Canada. Upper Deck D Cabin Forty-six. Location aboard the Empress of Irelandfor Shields's cabin. Val Jalbert. Location of the Canadian Army arsenal where the Argomissiles are stolen. Vfflon's wife. Described as a pretty woman with dark brown hair andblue eyes. Vfflon, Henri. A respected member of the Canadian Parliament who is inthe Liberal Party. Minister of internal affairs. Villon is alsosecretly the head of theFQS. An old family friend of the Sarveuxs, he is also DanielleSarveux's secret lover. Described as having the body of a muscle man,he keeps his entire body clean-shaven. Wears a wig. Has a chiseledface with a Roman nose and indifferent gray eyes. Married, he has adaughter. Villon orders the five-minute blackout of the James BayProject. Intends to run for president of the independent country ofQuebec. Instead, he is shot and then buried alive in his automobile byGly, who intends to impersonate Villon and run for president himself. Wacketshire. A small farming community along the tracks of the New York& Quebec railroad and location of the railroad station of the New York &Quebec railroad. Wacketshire Station is where the Manhattan Limiteddisappears. Watergate. Famous Washington, D.C apartment hotel complex whereSandecker has an apartment. Also site of the Watergate break in that brought down the presidency ofRichard Nixon. Weeks, Leutennut Commander Re Canadian officer in command of the HuromDescribed as a jolly-looking man with laughing gray-blue eyes and a warmface. He has a pleasant, ringing voice that comes out of a short bodywith a noticeable paunch. Westier, JadL Pilot of the Scmletti 400 Pitt hires to fly over therailroad tracks near the Deauville-Hudson Bridge. Described as having aboyish face, with freckles and red hair and a boyish grin. Wfflaps, Corporal Richard. U.S. Marine Force reconnaissance corporal. Direct descendant of Chinook Indians in the Pacific Northwest. Killedby fire from the British Royal Marine Bentley. Yubari, Captain Toshio. Captain of the Japanese container ship HonjoMaru. described as a solid, weatherworn man in the prime of his earlyforties. Deep SixAiken, John. Secret Service agent on the Eagle detail. Air Force Weather Recon 040. Call sign for the plane flown by Grant. We caught Clive on this one. Grant is a United States Navy pilot whowas flying a Navy plane. Alhambra Iron and Boiler Company. The Charleston, South Carolina,company that manufactured the boilers on the PilonowiL Located onSpruill Avenue near the naval base. The building housing the companywas built in 1861. The company quit building boilers in 1951 and nowproduces metal lawn furniture. Clive is having some fun here. Alhambra is the town in Southern California where he lived as a child. You will see Alhambra as the name of ships, on boilers and otheroddities in several of the Dirk Pitt books. Amic Marie. The vessel the Catawaba rushes to rescue. A crab boat onehundred ten feet in length with a steel hull probably built in NewOrleans. The AmieMarie's owner and captain is Carl Keating, and the vessel's home port isKodiak. AmytaL Drug that Lugovoy orders injected in the president's carotidartery. Amytal puts the left and right hemispheres of the brain in adrowsy state. Anacostia River. The river in Washington, D.C that empties into thePotomac. The route taken by Eagle on the way to Mount Vernon. Antonov, President Georgi. President of Russia. Is on a state visit toParis when the president of the United States disappears. Agesixty-two. Augustine Volcano. Named by Captain Cook in 1778, she's the most activevolcano in Alaska, erupting six times in the last century. Her lasteruption was in 1987 and surpassed the power of the Mount St. Helenseruption in Washington State. The volcano erupts when Pitt and crew areaboard the Pilottown. Bag Man. Nickname of the field grade officer who is always near thepresident. The Bag Man is in charge of the briefcase containing thecodes for nuclear launch. Belcheron, MelvhL Sixty-two years old, Belcheron has been captain of theStonewall Jackson for the last thirty years. Described as a wiry-builtlittle man with a big white-bearded head. Chews tobacco. Belkaya, Oskar. A Soviet painter who was taken from his home andreprogrannned by the KGB in a sanatorium near Kiev, Russia. His RNA isimplanted into the brain of the president. Belle Chase. A Korean registered vessel owned by the Sosan TradingCompany. Belle Chase is actually the San Marino. Allegedly scrapped inPusan, Korea, two years after being spotted by Dewhurst in Singapore. Blackowl, George. Secret Service advance agent and acting supervisor. Described as a dark-skinned man with stony facial features. One-halfSioux Indian. Chews gum constantly. Blair, Megan. Secretary to the president of the United States. Described as a handsome, perky woman in her early forties. Wears herblack hair cropped short and is ten pounds on the skinny side. Has asmall-town friendliness. Unmarried. Boiler 38874. Boiler found aboard the Pilouown. Pitt traces it back tothe manufacturer and finds it was installed in the San Marino. Borchavsld, Admiral. Russian navy officer tasked with recovering thegold from the sunken Venice. Boss. Code name the Secret Service uses for the president of the UnitedStates. Bougainville Maritime Lines Incorporated. Korean shipping dynastylocated on the one-hundredth floor of the World Trade Center in New YorkCity. The offices cover the entire floor and are decorated in expensivefurnishings and Oriental antiques. Their legitimate ships fly the flagof the Somalia Republic. Bougainville, Mn Koryo. Chairman of Bougainville Maritime. Describedas eighty-nine years old and weighing the same. Her gray hair is wornpulled back from her head in a burl Her face is strangely unlined, yether body looks ancient and frail. She has intense blue eyes. When she was age twelve, her father sold her to a Frenchman who operateda small stuppmg line between Pusan, Korea, and Hong Kong. Bore Rene three sons who were drafted into the Japanese Army. All threelater died. Grandmother to Lee Tong. Built Bougainville shipping intohuge shipping conglomerate Bougainville, Rene. Frenchman who bought MinKoryo. Father to their three sons. Killed in bombing raid in World WarII. Grandfather to Lee Tong. Brock, Lyle. Secret Service agent who was guarding the Eagle. Hiscorpse is later found by Pitt inside the cargo hold of the, sunkenEagle. Brogan, Martin. Head of the Central Intelligence Agency. Described asurbane and intellectual. An ex college professor. Tall. Buras. Bougainville towboat. Powered by four engines generating 12,000horsepower, the towboat has four forward rudders and six backingrudders. The vessel's top speed is sixteen miles an hour. Casflighio, Arta. Employed as a teller at the BeverlyWilshire Bank inCalifornia. Daughter of Sal Casio. Robs the bank she works at and, after changing identity to EstelleWallace, flies to San Francisco aboard the San Marino. Later druggedand dropped overboard from the San Marino under the orders of Lee Tong. Casio, Sal. Private detective. Father of Arta Casilighio. Described as having hard, stark eyes still clear and undimmed aftersixty years. Wide and stocky. Favors a .45-caliber automatic he wearsin a leather holster on his left shoulder. Is killed by a laser beamslicing open his stomach when he goes with Pitt to Min KoryoBougainville's office to avenge his daughter's death. Catawaba. U.S. Coast Guard cutter. Pitt first saw the Catawaba in theNorth Atlantic when he landed a helicopter on her deck. Now assigned toAlaska. Chin Shin Huang Ti. Early Chinese emperor. Lugovoy recognizes thelife-size terra-cotta warriors in the Bougainville. Maritime offices asChin Shih Ti's tomb guardians. Chalmette. The Bougainville-owned containership that rescues selectsurvivors from the Leonid Andreyev. Chao, Kim. First officer of the Venice. CIA Phantom Navy. Fleet of ships owned by the CIA for covertoperations. Clarke, Colonel Ward. U.S. Marine colonel and Vietnam Medal of Honorwinner leading troops who bar the congressmen from Lisner Auditorium. Coffins, Commandant Head of the U.S. Coast Guard. Colt Ilompson submachine gun. Pitt's personal weapon. Serial number8545. Uses circular drums loaded with .45-caliber ammunition. Pittuses the weapon to shoot up the Buras. Colt Woodsmam Brand of pistol Suvorov uses in the laboratory. His is a.22-caliber automatic with a four-inch noise suppressor. Conium maculatum. Technical name for hemlock, the poison given toSocrates. Found in high concentrations in the bodies retrieved from theEagle. Cowan, Bonnie. An attorney in Washington, D.C who dates Sandecker. Described as not yet thirty-five years of age and unusually attractiveand petite. Her hair is long and silken and falls beyond her shoulders. Her breasts are small but nicely proportioned, as are her legs. Critical Operations Force. U.S. Marine special operations force themind-controlled president orders into Washington, D.C. Crown. Code namefor the Secret Service command post inside the White House. Cumberland Famous Union Civil War vessel. Battled the Merrimac. For amore detailed description of the battle, read The Sea Hunters by CliveCussler and this author. Cutty Sark. Code name for Ed McGrath. Delta OR Limited. Name of FBI front company painted on helicopter Pittand Giordino fly aboard to seek the floating laboratory. Deparbnent of the Interior. U.S. government organization. Pitt has afriend who works for the department and receives a satellite photographfrom the friend that helps him set the search grid to locate the wreckof the Eagle. Devills Fork. The bar on Rhode Island Avenue in Washington, D.C thatPitt and Giordino retire to after Pitt's Talbot-Lago explodes. Dewhurst, Rodney. Lloyd's of London marine insurance underwriter forthe Lloyd's office in Singapore. Suspects that the Belle Chase is San Marino. Dodds, Lieutenant Homer. Leader of the U.S. Navy SEALs that approachthe Buras in a transport helicopter. Dodge Island. Location of the docking terminal for the Port of Miami. Dover, Lieutenant Commander Amos. Commander of the Catawaba. Described as a great bear of a man, tough and wind-worn. Is ambling inphysical movement but possesses a calculator like mind that never failsto awe his crew. Eagle- U.S. presidential yacht. Built in 1919 for a wealthyPhiladelphia businessman, the Eagle was purchased by the Department ofCommerce in 1921 for presidential use. Designed with the oldstraight-up and-down bow, the mahogany-trimmed yacht displaces onehundred tons and measures one hundred ten feet in length with a beam oftwenty feet. Her draft is five feet, and her top speed is fourteenknots. The vessel has five staterooms, four heads and a glass-enclosedsalon for entertaining. Crewed by thirteen Coast Guardsmen, the crewcabins and galley are forward near the bow. Edgely, Dr. Raymond. Director of Fathom, the CIA special study intomind control that is operated at Raton University in Colorado. Aprofessor, Edgely is described as having an old-fashioned crew cut andwearing a bow tie. He is slender and has a barbed wire beard andbristly dark eyebrows. Emmet, SauL Director of the FBI. Described as gruff-spoken. F-120 Fighter. Navy jet that Sutton is flown to Washington, D.C aboardso he can impersonate the president. F/A 2L U.S. Navy strike aircraft. Drops two laser guided antimissilesthat destroy the Pathfinder. Fawcett, DanieL Chief of staff to the president of the United States. Federal Reserve Bank. U.S. central bank. Supplies currency to themember banks. Federal Reserve wrappers are around the bills. Casilighio examines one of the wrappers just before being killed. Fifth Marine Regiment. Fawcett served with this group in Korea. Finkel, Bob. Reporter with the Baltimore Sun. Claims in jest thatThompson graduated from the Joseph Goebbels School of Propaganda. Florida Cross State Canal. A canal for ship traffic that runs fromJacksonville, Florida, on the Atlantic Ocean to Crystal River in theGulf of Mexico. Foggem U.S. Navy fog generators mounted on destroyers during World WarII to create smokescreens. Used to shield the movements of the kidnappers who attacked Eagle. Fort Jackson. Civil War fort in Plaquemines Parish. Fort St. PhflHp. Civil War fort in Plaquemines Parish. French Transatlantic Steamship Company. Owners of the No y, the famousFrench passenger liner that burned and sank in New York Harbor. Perhnutter used china from the ship to serve Pitt and Smith breakfastGaddafi, Colonel Muannnar. Leader of Libya. Mentioned by Metcalf inconjunction with the disappearance of the president. Georgia Shipbuilding Corporation. Savannah, Georgia, shipyard whereBoiler 38874 was shipped. Boiler was installed in the San Marino. Glover Culpepper Gas & Groceries. The abandoned business whose signSuvorov notices soon after leaving the laboratory in the Cadillac. Theclue that helps him return to the general area when he is in thehelicopter. Goodma& FBI agent who works in communications. Goodman links Griffin to Emmett, who is in Washington, D.C. Goose Lake. A private fishing reserve a few miles below the Quantico Marine CorpsReservation. Moran and Larimer are allegedly fishing at the take whenthey are in fact on the Leonid Andreyev. Lindemann discovers this andalerts Smith before the telephone line is disconnected. Grand Island. Island off Louisiana not far from where the MississippiRiver empties into the Gulf of Mexico. Grant, laysses S. U.S. Navy pilot named after the eighteenth presidentof the United States. His father was a famous third-baseman. Pilots aNavy four-engined reconnaissance plane that is the first airplane toarrive over the Buras. Described as a boyish-faced young man in hismiddle twenties. Greenberg, Dr. Harry. A pipe-smoking, respected psychiatric researcherwho consults with Edgely. Greenberg gathers the data from the president's brain waves so he canfool Lugovoy. Greenwald, Ben. Director of the Secret Service. Immediately afterbeing notified of the abduction of the president, he's on his way to theobservatory for a crisis meeting when his automobile is struck by astreet sweeper. Greenwald is killed. Griffin, Clyde. FBI special agent in charge of the Louisiana fieldoffice. Gromyko, Foreign Minister. Russian foreign minister whom Margolin hasmet with to discuss aid. Gruber, Charlie. Identity Pitt assumes to board the Leonid Andreyevundetected. Claims to be married to Zelda and from Sioux Falls, Iowa. Gruber, Zelda. Wife of the fictitious Charlie Gruber. Zelda is actually Giordino dressed in drag. Charlie claims Zelda turnson to Greeks. Guantmmo Bay, Cuba. U.S. Marine base inside Cuba. Gwynne, Dr. Hamld. -The personal physician for the president of theUnited States. Described as a cherubic little man with a balding headand friendly blue eyes. Hero of the Soviet Union. Award similar to the Congressional Medal ofFreedom. Lugovoy daydreams that he will be awarded the medal. Hippocampus. The sea horse-shaped ridge running under the horns of thelateral ventricles, a vital section of the brain's limbic system. Hobson. Part of the CIA's phantom fleet, the vessel is a common cargocarrier extensively modified. The vessel disappeared with all hands offthe Pacific coast of Mexico. The vessel later turns up in Sydney,Australia. Her name changed to Buras, the vessel is registered to aPhilippines company called Samar Exporters. Hogan, Slats. FBI agent and helicopter pilot who operates the Delta Oilhelicopter. Described as a thin, blond, dreamy-eyed woman who speaks ina slow, deep drawl. Hoki Jamoka Described as a tired old Chesapeake Bay clamming boat. Thehull is worn from hard use, and most of her paint is gone. Powered by adiesel engine. Pitt uses the boat to locate the wreck of the Eagle. Hong, Mr. Japanese chemist tasked with checking the Russian gold aboardthe Venice for purity. Described as a small, moon-faced man withthick-lensed spectacles. Huckleberry Finn. Code name used by Antonov in referring to theBougainville/Russian project to alter the president's thoughts. Hudson Street. Location of building where, on the tenth floor, Casiomonitors the conversations of Tong and Bougainville. Iranov, Sergei. Deputy director of the KGB. Isotta-Fraschini. One of the cars in Pitt's aircraft hangar/home. Theautomobile is a 1925 model with a torpedo body by Cesare Sala. Thevehicle has adisappearing top and a coiled cobra on the radiator cap. James River. River in Virginia that empties near Newport News. Location where Pitt and Giordino are leading a NUMA expedition to findthe ram off the famous Civil War ironclad, Merrimac. Jones, John Paul. American Revolutionary War captain of the BonhommeRichard- Famous for: "I've not yet begun to fight." What Cowan callsSandecker. Kazinkin, EriL Chief engineer on the Leonid Andreyev. Keating, Carl. Owner and captain of the Amie Marie. Kiev, Russia. City the president dreams about after the microchip isimplanted in his brain. Loein Hydroscan Sonar. The brand of sonar Pitt operates off theCatawaba. Klosner, Jack. The regular Coast Guard steward aboard the Eagle. Notworking the night of the presidential abduction. Kobylin, Basil. Head of KGB undercover operations in New York City. Kolodono, Peter. Russian purser on the Leonid Andreyev. L'Estrange, President. President of France. Larimer, Marcus. U.S. Senator. Described as big and rough-cut, hehabitually wears brown suits. His hair is sandy-colored and styled dry.Is invited by the president for an overnight trip on the Eagle. Opposes the president's Eastern Europe aid program. Kidnapped from theEagle along with the president and others then rescued from thelaboratory by Suvorov. Later: he dies from a failed heart off Cuba. Laroche, Leroy. Commander of the 6th Louisiana Regiment. Operates atravel agency. Husband and father. Described as an enormous man withthe stout build of an Oliver Hardy. Wears the uniform of a Confederatemajor. Lawrence, Lieutenant Marty. Coast Guard Lieutenant and one of theboarding party sent from the Catawaba to the Amie Marie. Dies fromexposure to the nerve agent. Le Mat revolver. Handgun loaned to Pitt by Laroche. Shoots 9.42-caliber shells through a rifled barrel and a smoothborebarrel that fires a load of buckshot. Laroche's grandfather used itfrom Bull Run to Appomattox in the Civil War. Leonid Andreyev. Russian cruise ship whose passengers are non-Russians.Part of the Soviet-subsidized passenger line whose purpose is togenerate hard Western currency for the Soviet Union. A fourteenthousand-ton vessel, the Leonid Andreyev was built in Finland. It has a capacity of four hundred seventy eight passengers and threehundred-plus crew. The vessel features indoor and outdoor pools, fivecocktailbars, two nightclubs, ten shops featuring Russian merchandise andliquor, a movie and stage theater, and a well-stocked library. Thereare more than three hundred staterooms and eleven decks, and the overalllength is more than five hundred feet. Home port is Sevastopol in theBlack Sea. A twin-screw vessel, she is powered by 27,000-horsepowerturbine engines. Liftonic Elevator QW-607. Brand of elevator that leads to theBougainville offices. Pitt pushes Min Koryo Bougainville in herwheelchair down the empty shaft. Lindemann, Sally. Loren Smith's secretary. Lisner Auditorium. Located at George Washington University, it is thesite where the members of Congress decide to meet to proceed withimpeachment proceedings against the president. Love Boat. Secret Service code name for Eagle. Lucas, Carolyn. Wife of Oscar Lucas. Has a cascade of blond hair. Lucas, Oscar. U.S. Secret Service special agent in charge of thePresidential Protection Division. Described as lanky, over six feettall. His head is bald except for a few graying strands around thetemples. Has bushy eyebrows that hover over oak brown eyes. Lucas is in his early forties, is married to Carolyn, and has twodaughters. Was a rookie agent in Denver. After Greenwald is killed in an automobile accident,Oates promotes Lucas to director of the Secret Service. Lugovoy, Aleksei. Soviet representative to the World HealthOrganization. A respected psychologist, he is admired for his work inmental health among developing countries. M-20 automatic rifles. Type of weapon carried by U.S. soldiers that areordered by the mind-controlled president to shut down the Americangovernment. Mangyai, James. Captain of the Venice. Has worked for BougainvilleMaritime for over twenty years. Margolin, Beth. Wife of Vince Margolin. Margolin, Vincent (Vince). Vice president of the United States. Married, his wife's name is Beth. Described as tall, nicelyproportioned, not a bit of fat, with a handsome face and bright eyes andwarm outgoing personality. .Was first a state senator then governor andsenator before becoming vice president. Marmot Island. Island in Alaska where the car ferry with three hundredtwelve aboard runs aground. Marsh, Ray. Reporter with the New York Times. Questions Moran after hemakes his way back to Washington, D.C and attempts to assume thepresidency. Masters, Captain kMn. Captain of the San Marino. Described as a tall man with graying hair and merry blue eyes. Mathias Point. On the Potomac River, where Pitt locates the wreck ofthe Eagle. Mauritania, Atar. Location where the president, while under Soviet mindcontrol, claims he was while he was gone. Mauritania is a country thatborders Morocco in Western Africa. Mauser. Handgun Casio finds taped behind a half-gallon bottle of gin inPitt's refrigerator. The Mauser is a 32 caliber whose serial number is922374. Mayo, Curtis. Television newscaster with the CNB network. McGeen. The chief engineer on the Stonewall Jackson. Described as a crusty old Scot. McGrath, Ed. Secret Service agent on the Eagle detail. McGrath has fifteen years' experience. Discovers the president, guestsand crew are missing from the Eagle. Medoza, Julie. Chairman of the Regional Emergency Response Team for theEnvironmental Protection Agency. Described as in her mid-forties with asuave and slim body. Medoza is about five feet seven, her hair is thecolor of aspen gold and her skin is a copper tan. She dies after beingexposed to Nerve Agent S aboard the Pilottown. Merchant Marine Transport Committee. U.S. government committee chairedby Loren Smith. The committee is involved in efforts to support theidea of an American-flagged cruise ship. JLMetcalf, General Clayton. U.S. Army general and chairman of the JointChiefs of Staff. Smokes a pipe. Mexican Zapata Brigade. Mexican terrorist organization mentioned byMiller in discussions with Emmett. Nficroniiniaturized implant. The microchip that is implanted in thecerebral cortex of the president's brain. Miller, Don. Deputy director of the FBI. NEtchell, Norm. Cameraman who works with Mayo. Described as a loose, ambling scarecrow character. Montrose, Rocky. Sound man who works with Mayo. Described as beefy. Moran, Alan. Ferret-faced speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives.Invited by the president to go for an overrught tnp aboard the EagleMoran opposes the president's proposed Eastern Europe aid program. Heis kidnapped along with the president from the yacht. Rescued from the laboratory by Suvorov. Escapes from the LeonidAndreyev and weasels his way aboard a rescue helicopter. Quickly makeshis way to Washington, D.C demands to be sworn in as president. Described as a closet atheist who has never married and has no closefriends. He lives frugally, like a penitent monk in a small, rentedapartment. Is foiled in his plan to become president when Margolin isrescued by Pitt and reappears. Motorola HT-220 radio receiver. Small receiver used by the SecretService agents to communicate with one another. Mount Fuji. Famous Japanese mountain. The profile of the AugustineVolcano is very similar. Mount Vernon. Former home to George Washington. Location where the presidential yacht Eagle is moored when theabductions occur. Murphy, Ensign Pat. Coast Guard ensign and one of the boarding partysent from the Catawaba to the Amie Marie. Dies from exposure to thenerve agent. NashviHe Bridge Company. Name of the Nashville, Tennessee, company thatmanufactured the dry cargo barge that houses the Bougainvillelaboratory. Yaeger finds the information from his computers. Nerve Agent S. A chemical warfare agent developed by scientists workingfor the United States government at Rocky Mountain Arsenal just north ofDenver, Colorado. Nerve Agent S can kill within a few seconds oftouching the skin. It clings to everything it touches. Nerve Agent Sproved too unstable and was ordered destroyed. The United States Armydecided to bury it in the Nevada desert, but while en route a boxcarcontaining nearly one thousand gallons vanished. A person who comes incontact with Nerve Agent S literally drowns in his or her own blood asinternal membranes burst. Every body orifice bleeds like a river, thenthe corpse turns black. Nerve Agent S drums. One-ton standard shipping containers. Departmentof Transportation approved. They measure eighty-one and a half inchesin length by thirty and a half inches in diameter with concave ends. They are silver-colored. There are twenty drums of Nerve Agent S aboardthe Pilottown. Oakes, Charlie. President of Alhambra Iron and Boiler Company. Described as a rotund, smiling, unedged little man. O'Brien, Nelson. Chief justice of the U.S. Supreme Court. Slated toswear in Moran. Begins the ceremony but stops when Margolin appears. Observatory. The name of the residence occupied by the vice presidentof the United States while in office. Oerlikon Machine Gun. Brand of twenty-millimeter machine gun mounted onBougainville barge that fires on the Delta Oil helicopter and shoots itdown. Ombrikov, Geidar. Chief of the KGB residency in Havana, Cuba. Described as having a squat body and the skin tone of an old wallet. Boards the Leonid Andreyev from the Pilar to remove Larimer and Moranbut finds they have disappeared. One Army Special Counter Terrorist Detachment. Special U.S. Army soldiers stationed at Fort Belvoir. The mind-controlled president orders them into Washington, D.C.Pathfinder. Bougainvffle-owned ship disguised as a oceanographicresearch vessel. Formerly a Norwegian merchantman, the ship was boughtby Bougainville Maritime seven years ago and refitted to fool customsinspectors. PBY Catalina Flying Boat. Older propeller-driven plane designed to takeoff and land on water. Owned by NUMA, the plane has an aluminum hullcovered in aquamarine paint. Persimmon Point. Location on the Potomac River near where Pitt locatesthe wreck of the Eagle. Perth, Dr. Grace. Professor of anthropology at the University ofPennsylvania. Pitt calls Perth on the telephone to inquire aboutphysical differences in Asian males. Petrel. Type of sea bird that soars over the San Marino. Petrelsusually have a small body and long wings and can be found far out tosea. Pilar. Described as a small mahogany powerboat with astraight-up-and-down bow. Formerly owned by author Ernest Hemingway butnow belongs to Fidel Castro. Pilottown. First named the Bart Pulver, later the Rosthena. Built byAstoria Iron & Steel Company in Portland, Oregon, and launched inNovember 1942. Hull number 793. After World War II, the vessel wassold to Kassandra Phosphate Company Limited of Athens, Greece. Greekregistry. Ran aground off Jamaica, June 1954. Refloated. Sold toSosan Trading Company, Inchon, Korea. Vessel the San Marino became. The legend of the Pilottown was that after tramping back and forthbetween Tokyo and the West Coast of the United States, she was reportedsinking about ten years ago. The vessel then became a drifting derelictand was trapped in an ice floe above Nome, Alaska. She continued to drift, crewless. Nicknamed the "Magic Ship." Pokofsky, Yakov. Russian captain of the Leonid Andreyev. Described asa charming man with thick silver hair and eyes as round and black ascaviar. Smokes cigarettes. Joined the Russian navy at seventeen. After twenty years in the navy, transferred to the Soviet subsidizedpassenger service. Is rescued after the explosion aboard the LeonidAndreyev by Ombrikov but commits suicide by jumping in the water. Polas@ CarL Secret Service agent who was guarding the Pier leading tothe Eagle. Has a Bismarck mustache. Polevof Viadandr. Director of the KGB. Potter, Kenneth. Postmaster general whose son was sniping at U.S.troops occupying Washington, D.C. President of the United States. Described as carrying himself like a tall man but is only two inchestaller than Sandecker. His hairline is recessed and graying, and hisnarrow face wears a perpetually solemn expression. Has a ranch in NewMexico thirty miles south of Raton. Usually wears a Timer watch with anIndian silver band inlaid with turquoise. Princeton University. University in New Jersey. Lucas gives a speechthere. Pujon, Kim. Bougainville Mississippi River pilot who operates thetowboat Buras. Pujon is killed when hishead is blown off by shots fired from the Stonewall Jackson. Purdey Shotgun. Over and under brand of shotgun used by Antonov when heis on bird hunt with L'Estrange. Rhinemann, Hank. Secret Service supervisor in charge of vicepresidential security. River Watch. Code name of the Coast Guard cutter patrolling the PotomacRiver near where the Eagle is docked. RNA. Acronym for ribonucleic acid. The RNA of a Soviet dissident namedOskar Belkaya is injected into the hippocampus of the president. RoUs-Royce SiJver Ghost. One of the cars in Pitt's aircrafthangar/home. The automobile is a 1921 model with a Park-Ward body. Russell Building. Washington, D.C building where the vice president hasan office. Samantha Sister ship to the Eagle. The last registered owner of theSamantha was a stockbroker in Baltimore. He sold it to someone who wentby the name of Dunn. Under the cover of fog, the Samantha was switchedfor the Eagle. Samar Exporters. Philippine front company for Bougainvihe Maritime. Registered as owners of the Buras, formerly the CIA vessel Hobson. San Marino. Cargo vessel Casilighio escapes aboard. At the time of her journey under the identity of Estelle Wallace, theSan Marino is bound for Auckland, New Zealand. Built during 1943 atGeorgia Shipbuilding Company to standard Liberty design. Hull number2356. The San Marino carried military supplies across the Atlantic toEngland. Struck once by torpedo fired from German U-Boat U-573 but madeit to port in Liverpool under her own power. After World War II, shewas sold to Bristol Steamship Company, Bristol, England, then sold in1956 to the Manx Steamship Company of New York. Registered in Panama.The San Marino features a three-deck-high midships superstructure.Measuring four hundred forty-one feet in length, the vessel has a rakedstem and cruiser stern. Just before leaving port with Wallace, ten crew members mysteriouslydisappear. They are replaced by Tong and nine other Koreans who hijackships. Later, the San Marino was converted into the ore carrier BelleChase. San Salvador. City in El Salvador where Charlie and Zelda Gruber boardthe Leonid Andreyev. Satellite Survey Number 2430A. Chart or marine map that shows the southshore of Augustine Island. It is on this grid that Pitt locates thewreck of the PilottowiLSDECE. Initials for French Internal Security Agency. Secretadat building of the United Nations. One of the buildings at theUnited Nations. Location of the officeof the Soviet representative to the World Health Organization. Semper paratus. Latin for: "Always ready." Semper paratus is the mottoof the U.S. Coast Guard. Shakespeare. Secret Service code name for Margolin. Shaw, Hampshire and Farquar. The Chicago stock brokerage firm that is afront for Moran's bribery and payoffs. The name of the company isbogus. The names came from tombstones in Fargo, North Dakota. Simmons, Jesse. U.S. secretary of defense. Described as a taciturnman. Has a leathery face from his hobby of water skiing. Sixth Louisiana Regiment. Civil War reenactors who board the StonewallJackson and attack the Buras. In the attack, eighteen are wounded, twoseriously. Smith-Wesson Model 19. Handgun with a two-and-a-half-inch barrel and.357 caliber favored by Lucas. Standard U.S. Secret Service issue. Sosan Trading Company. Shipping company based in Inchon, Korea. Ownedby the Bougainvilles. Company that owned the Pilottown. Spatial Analyzer Probe. Also known as SAP. 'the machine takes a seriesof high-speed X-rays that reveal the precise moving pictures of everymillimeter of tissue and bones. Springfield Rifles. Weapon used by the 6th Louisiana Regiment. Fifty-eight-caliber, the rifle shoots a Minie ball five hundred yards. SS-30 Multiple Warhead Missiles. Soviet nuclear missiles arranged alongthe northeast coast of Siberia and targeted at the United States. When Brogan mentions that the Russians have the missiles, the president,under Soviet mind control, claims they will be dismantled under thedisarmament plan he was reached with the Russians. Stark, Joe. Reporter from the United Press. Questions Moran after hereturns from being held captive. Steyr-M=Mcher AUG Assault Carbines. Brand of .223-caliber automaticweapons the Koreans aboard the Buras use to attack the Navy SEALshelicopter. Stonewall Jackson. Paddle-wheel steamship built in 1915 at Columbus,Ohio. Her hull measures two hundred seventy feet by forty-four. Powered by two horizontal non condensing engines. Has fourhigh-pressure boilers. Rated at slightly more than one thousand tons,she draws just over twenty-two inches. Has twin smokestacks. TheConfederate flag flies from her mast. Her top speed is rated at fifteen miles an hour, but she can do twenty. Strategic Rocket Forces. The Russian military divmon tasked withlaunching a nuclear strike on the United States. Sumpter Airborne Ambulance. The ambulance service that owns thehelicopter Suvorov, Larimer and Moran board and fly to Savannah,Georgia. Sutton, Jack. An actor who looks exactly like the missing president. Sovorov, Viktor. Father of Yuri (Paul) Suvorov. Russian agriculturespecialist. Suvorov, Yuri (Paul). Member of the KGB. Describbed as a stocky manwith Slavic features and shaggy black hair. Travels along with Lugovoyto the Bougainvilles' secret laboratory. Escapes the laboratory with Moran and Larimer. Suzaka Chemical Company Limited. Name stenciled on the boxes containingthe gold aboard the Venice. Sylvia. Sandecker's secretary. Talbot-Lago. Beautiful 1948 Saoutchik-bodied automobile. Pitt's isvalued at more than two hundred thousand dollars. Smith drives theautomobile to the airport to pick up Pitt. Thayer, Lieutenant Commander Isaac. Known as Doc Thayer, he's the mostpopular man aboard the Catawaba. Pilots a second Zodiac to the AmieMarie when Lawrence and Murphy report everyone aboard dead. Dies from exposure to the nerve agent after reporting the symptoms asthey occur. Thompson, Jacob (Sonny). White House press secretary. Described ashaving bright white teeth capped with precision, long sleek black hair,tinted gray at the temples, and dark eyes with the tightened look ofcosmetic surgery. Thompson has no second chin and no visible sign of apotbelly. He's a classy, breezy guy. Thornburg, Colonel Thomas. U.S. Army colonel whose title is director ofcomparative forensics and clinical pathology. Thornburg performs theautopsies on the bodies retrieved from the Eagle. Titanium ingots. Cargo of the San Marino prior to her disappearance. The value of the cargo of ingots is eight million dollars. Titanium isa silver-gray metallic mineral 'hat is light and strong. More expensivethan most metals, it is used in applications where weight is a concern,such as space stations, advanced aircraft, etc. Tong, Lee (BougWnviBe).Gap-toothed mess boy on the San Marino, he masterminds the murders ofthe passenger and crew and theft of the vessel. Grandson of wan Koryo Bougainville. Graduate of Wharton School ofBusiness with a master's degree. Described as having a round, brownface Split in a perpetual grin. Smokes cigarettes through a long silverholder. Kidnapped the president along with a team of seven men whom he latermurdered. Killed by Pitt aboard the Buras when he is shot in the throatwith a load of buckshot fired from the Le Mat revolver. TowWerg Marvin. Reporter with the Associated Press Radio Network. Questions Moran when he returns from being held captive. Treasury building. U.S. Treasury Department building. Across thestreet from the White House. From the Treasury Building there is asecret tunnel to the White House. United Emergency Response Team. U.S. Marine task force from CampLejeune, North Carolina. Two thousand marines on twenty-four-hour alertwho are ferried aboard tilt-rotored assault transports. United States, S.S. Famous passenger liner that was the fastest in herday. Laid up in drydock in Norfolk for the last twenty years. TheMerchant Marine Transport Committee wants to refurbish the vessel andput her back in service. Venice- Bougainville-owned ship 540 feet in length. It is loaded withRussian gold payment to Min Koryo Bougainville in the Black Sea port ofOdessa. The vessel is bound for Genoa, Italy, where the gold Will beoff-loaded for transport to Lucerne, Switzerland. The Venice is torpedoed and sunk by a Russian submarine near theTzonston Bank in the Aegean Sea so the Russians can retrieve the gold. Wallace, Estelle. False identity used by Arta Casilighio. Arta finds apassport with Wallace's name on it wedged in the seat of a cab. Whitman, Jacob. Congressman from South Dakota whose son was sniping atthe U.S. troops that were occupying Washington, D.C. 270 World Health Assembly. United Nations organization. "Yellow Rose of Texas." Song being played on the steam calliope whenthe Stonewall Jackson attacks the Buras. Zodiac. Brand of inflatable boat that the boarding party drives fromthe Catawaba to the Amie Marie. CyclopsAUce. The CIA nursemaid assigned to Pitt when he is at the CIAheadquarters. Described as a tall, highcheekboned woman with braidedhair. Alpha Two Clearance. Level of clearance the president gives to Hagen sohe can investigate the Inner Core. Vice president of the United Stateshas a Level Three clearance. Tommy Bigalow. Ikegistered in Panama and allegedly owned by Cubananti-Castro exiles, the vessel is, in fact, owned by the KGB. Theanti-Castro front is designed to lay the blame for the explosion inHavana on the United States of America. The Amy Bigalow is a bulkcarrier with a cargo of twenty-five thousand tons of ammonium nitrate. Has a sixty-foot-high stern. Piloted by Pitt with Manny in the engineroom, the vessel is in the center when the Pisto tows the three shipsout to sea. Amy Bigalow's launch. After Pitt, Manny and the rest of the crew leavethe Amy Bigalow running at fullsteam and take to the launch, they are swept up in the tidal wave causedby the explosion triggered by Velikov. The launch itself smashes intothe second story of an apartment building used to house Soviettechnicians. The four-cylinder diesel engine is tossed through a brokenwindow and ends up in the stairwell. Angelo. Chauffeur of the stretch Cadillac limousine that delivers theL-eBarons to the Prosperteer's base. Described as a somber Cuban with the etched face of a postage stampengraving. Antonov, Georgi. President of the Soviet Union. Said to have a ruddyface. Beagle, Dean. See Dean Porter. Beretta her. Handgun Hagen disarms from fake gas station attendant. Booth, Clyde. Member of the Inner Core. all-American football star at Arizona State. Owns a company calledQB-Tech. QB stands for quarterback. Borchev. Soviet officer who calls Velikov and explains that thesecurity detail guarding the ships that are to be used in Operation Rum& Cola have been replaced. Velikov orders him to form a detachment andproceed to the wharves. In the fighting at the wharves, Clark grabs himand tosses him into the harbor. Borscht paste. A food supplement given to Russian cosmonauts. Thestomachs of the bodies found on the Prosperteer when it reappears arefilled with the paste. Brandeis University. University in Waltham, Massachusetts. Hagen callsthere when he is examining Mooney's telephone logs. Brogan, Martin. Director of the Central Intelligence Agency. Burkhw4 Carl. Copilot of the Gettysburg. A twenty-year veteran of thespace program. Busche, Steve. Member of the Inner Core. Director of NASA's FlightResearch Center in California. Butterfly Catcher. Nickname for the Prosperteer ground crewman whoholds a wind sock on a pole so the pilot can note the exact direction ofthe wind on takeoff. Cabot, Sandra. Jessie LeBaron's personal secretary. Described as a prim woman who wears large-lensed glasses. Caesar, Buck. Treasure hunter who owns Exotic Artifact Ventures Inc.Described as wearing a constant smile on a gentle middle-aged face thathas the texture of cowhide. His gaze is shrewd, and his body has thefirmness of a boxer. After being captured and taken to Cayo SantaMaria, he eludes his guards during an exercise period outside thecompound. Using the trunk of a fallen palm tree as a raft, he attemptsto swim to freedom. Instead, he is eaten by sharks, and the remains ofhis body wash up on the island three days later. CaMen@ Cuba. City in Cuba. When Raul Castro is on an inspection tourof an island defense system outside Havana, Raymond LeBaron and crew onthe Prosperteer are detected. The blimp is ordered to land in Cardenas. Cartier. Jeweler. Raymond LeBaron owns a gold Cartier watch withmatching band. The Roman numerals on the face are marked by blackdiamonds, his birthstone. Castrols hunting lodge. Located in the hills southeast of Havana. Setbehind an electronically controlled gate that shields a road that curvestwo miles into the hills. The lodge itself is a large, Spanish-stylevilla that overlooks a panorama of dark hills dotted by distant lights.Where Hagen and Jessie LeBaron contact the Castro brothers. Castro, Fidel. Lzader of Cuba. Described as having a muscular bodythat once earned him the title of Cuba's best high school athlete. Nowhas softened and expanded with age. Gray curly hair and barbed-wirebeard. His dark eyes still burn with a revolutionary fire he broughtdown from the Sierra Maestra Mountains. Smokes cigars. Castro, Raul. Younger brother of Fidel Castro and second-in-command ofCuba. President of the Council of Ministers. Described as witty andcongenial in private. His hair is black, slick and closely trimmedabove the ears. Has a pixie face and dark, beady eyes. Has a narrowmustache on his upper lip; the pointed ends stop precisely above thecorners of his mouth. I couldn't sit still CN,Cll when I was i Notice mother is clutching nic. love for the sea ctme carlv. and 13,irl)ara Cussler. Cathedral Square. Location in old Havana near where Sloppy Joe's islocated. After the explosion, the clock on top of a building there isstopped at 6:21. Cavilia, Joe. Copilot with Raymond LeBaron of the Prosperteer. Described as a sixty-year-old, sad-eyed, dour individual. His familyimmigrated from Brazil, and at age sixteen Cavflla joined the U.S. Navy,flying blimps until the last airship unit was formally disbanded in1964. After being captured and taken to Cayo Santa Maria, he istortured in Room Six by Gly, later goes into a coma and then dies. Cayo Santa Maria. Island off Cuba near where the Cyclops sank. Islandwhere Pitt runs the inflatable boat ashore during hurricane Little Evaafter investigating the wreck of the Cyclops. The Russians ordered thenative islanders off the island, then built a vast communicationscenter. When Pitt and his group first stumble upon the outside of thestructure, it is described as having a massive iron gate whose bars arewelded in the slfape of dolphins. A wall topped by broken glassstretches into the darkness and stands astride a guardhouse that isdeserted because of Little Eva. Following the road leading from theguardhouse, the group finds it ends in a circular drive in front of acastle like structure whose roof and three sides are covered with sandysoil planted with palmetto trees and native scrub, thus hiding thestructure. The compound houses an electronically advanced and powerfulfacility capable of intercepting radio or telephone communications andthen uses time-lag technology to allow a new-generation computerizedsynthesizer to imitate the callers' voices and alter the conversation. Celestial Mechanics in True Perspective. Book by Horace DeLiso locatedin Mooney's office. Hagen finds Mooney's private notebook hidden insidethe book. Centennial Supply. A company that supplies specialized parts andelectronics for recording systems. Hagen calls the company after examining Mooney's telephone logs. Charlie. CIA analyst Brogan defers to after Pitt describes the compoundon Cayo Santa Maria. Described as a studious-looking man. Chekoldin, Admiral. Velikov orders Borchev to find Admiral Chekoldinand return the ships to be used in Operation Rum & Cola to port. Chevrolet, 1957. Automobile owned by Figueroa and later stolen by Pitt.Has a 283-cubic-inch V-8 motor. The car has more than six hundred eighty thousand kilometers on theodometer. Church, Lieutenant John. Described as a thin, prematurely gray-hairedman a few months shy of thirty years of age. Has been in the Navytwelve years and worked his way up to commissioned officer. Dies in thecargo hold of the Cyclops. Clark, Tom. Chief of the Special Interests Section. Described as anathletic thirty-five or so, with a tan face, Errol Flynn mustache,thinning red hair neatly combed forward to hide the spreading front,blue eyes and a nose that has been broken more than once. Cover is that he works for the State Department, buthe actually works for the CIA. Organizes the armament of the ships thatare to be used in Operation Rum & Cola. Later killed in the fightingbetween the Russian Marines under Borchev and his own troops. His body is fished out of the channel by a fishing boat and returned tothe United States for burial. Clinometer. Instrument used by Gunn aboard the Prosperteer toapproximate the length of the object he detects with the SchonstedtGradiometer. Coker, Fireman First Class James. Formerly stationed on the cruiserPittsburgh. Described as tall and rangy with heavily muscled arms. Sentenced in the murder of Stewart to death by hanging which was carriedout in Brazil. Held along with DeVoe and four other prisoners in theCyclops's brig when she sank. Columbus. The U.S. space station. The experiments performed aboard thestation include the manufacture of exotic medicines, the growth of purecrystals for computer semiconductor chips and gamma-ray observation. Combat Magnum .357-caliber. Two-and-a-half-inch barreled handgun Hagenuses to threaten the fake gas station attendant into revealing theidentity of Clyde Ward. The weapon is loaded with wad-cutter bullets. Conde, Bob. Executive chairman of the board of Weehawken MarineProducts. Congressional Country Club. Country Club in Potomac, Maryland, wherethe president first hears about the Jersey Colony. Cooper. One of the Jersey Colonists. Cordero, Aficia. Cuban woman politician tapped by the Soviets to be thenext leader of Cuba after they assassinate Fidel and Raul Castro. Currently secretary of the Central Committee and secretary of theCouncil of State. Said to be idolized by the people of Cuba for thesuccess of her family economic programs and fiery oratory. Cosmos 1400 killer satellites. Type of Soviet killer satellite thatposes a threat to Columbus and Gettysburg'. Crate. Loaded aboard the Cyclops in Rio de Janeiro, the wooden crate isdescribed as measuring nine feet long by three feet high by four feetwide. When Church inquires about the contents, Gottschalk explains itcontains archaeological artifacts. Crogan Castle. Vessel that radios the Cyclops a distress call. Shereports her prow stove in, her superstructure heavily damaged and thatshe is taking on water. Cuban Special Security Forces. The Cuban equivalent to U.S. Navy SEALS.The attack on Cayo Santa Maria was done by Cuban exiles posing as CubanSpecial Security Forces. Cyclops. The vessel that sinks at the start of the novel. Built in Philadelphia by William Cramp & Sons and launched May 7, 1910,the Cyclops is assigned to the Naval Auxiliary Service, Atlantic Fleet. A Collier, she is five hundred forty-two feet in length with a sixty 278five-foot beam. Draft is twenty-seven feet eight inches. Tonnage 19,360 displaced. Speed fifteen knots. Armament is fourfour-inch guns. Set out from Rio de Janeiro on February 16, 1918, boundfor Baltimore, Maryland. On March 4, 1918, on the same voyage, she madean unscheduled stop at Carlisle Bay on the island of Barbados. Her seven holds can carry 10,500 tons of coal. On her final voyage, thevessel has three hundred nine passengers and crew and is operating ononly her port engine. Loaded with 11,000 pounds of manganese ore, s isricing a good foot lower than her Plimsoll mark on her last voyage. When the Prosperteer crashes off Cuba, the Cyclops is found by Pitt. Daimler. One of Pitt's cars. His example is a 1951 powered by a5.4-liter straight-eight engine with Hooper coachwork. Described as averitable monster, measuring nearly twenty-two feet from bumper tobumper and weighing more than three tons. The hood and doors aresilver-gray and the fenders a metallic maroon. A convertible, its topis completely hidden from view when, folded down. Dashers. Small water-propulsion vehicles made in France for seasiderecreation. Has the look of two torpedoes attached side by side. Controlled by an automobile-type steering wheel. High-performancebatteries power the craft through the means of water jets on smooth seasat speeds of up to twenty knots for three hours before recharging. Dawson. One of the Jersey Colonists. Deep diving suit. Old-style diving suit worn by salvors. They featurea brass diving helmet and Frankenstein-style weighted boots. The suitsuse surface-supplied air. Pitt finds a suit with a severed air hose and the body of a diver in theCyclops. That makes him believe the statue of La Dorada has alreadybeen salvaged. Denver. U.S. Navy attack submarine that rescues Pitt when he runs outof gas in the Bahama Channel in his cast-iron bathtub. DeVoe, Fireman Second Class Barney. Formerly stationed on the cruiserPittsburgh. Described as having the size and shape of a grizzly bear. Sentenced in the murder of Stewart to fifty to ninety-nine years inPortsmouth Naval Prison. Held along with Coker and four other prisonersin the Cyclops's brig when she sank. Don. Name Soviet ground controller mistakenly calls Jurgens on firstradio transmission. Dupuy, @. See Irwin Mitchell. deen. Henry's secretary at the CIA. Thornburg calls Henry to explainOperation Rum & Cola. El Dorado. Famous treasure Raymond LeBaron believed was aboard theCyclops. Also known as El Hombre Dorado, which is Spanish for thegolden man or gilded one. First heard of by the Spanish conquistadores,the legend tells of a gilded man who ruled an incredibly wealthy kingdomsomewhere in the mountainous jungles east of the Andes. Rumors had himliving in a secluded city built of gold with streets pavedin emeralds and guarded by a fierce army of beautiful Amazons. Emmett, Sam. Director of the FBI. Described as outspoken. Entrada Channel. Channel leading out of Havana Harbor. Evan, Dr. Gunnar. Member of the Inner Core. Allegedly died in thelight-plane crash with Hudson. Described as a brilliant astrophysicist.His specialty was geolunar synoptic morphology for industrializedpeoplement, or the idea of building a colony on the moon. Listed in the notebook Hagen steals from Fisher as Gunnar Monroe. Described as having a round, unlined face. Smokes a pipe. Farmer, Jack. Alias Pitt uses when calling Weehawken Marine Products. Fawcett, Daniel. Member of the Inner Core. Advisor to the president ofthe United States. Described as an intense-looking man with a squarered face and a condor nose. Fernandez, Juan. Chief of Fidel Castro's security. Figueroa, Herberio. Cab driver who takes Pitt and Jessie LeBaron acrossCuba. He is away from Havana to attend his brother-in-law's funeral inNuevitas. After Pitt takes Velikov prisoner at a roadblock, Figueroa is orderedfrom his car, and Pitt takes over the wheel. When Pitt meets FidelCastro, he receivespermission to ship Figueroa a restored 1957 Chevrolet to replace the onehe ruined in the chase. . The foreign operations arm of the KGB. Fisher, General Clark. Member of the Inner Core. Head of the Joint Military Space Command and commanding officer at theUnified Space Operations Center. A four-star general. Described astall, athletically built and quite handsome in a Gregory Peck way. Foley, Merv. Flight director at the Houston Space Control Center. Forbes, Lieutenant David. Executive officer of the Cyclops. Thephotograph Hope displays for Pitt shows a man with the face of agreyhound, long, narrow nose, pale eyes whose color cannot be determinedfrom the photograph. His face is clean-shaven, and he has archedeyebrows and slightly protruding teeth. Confined to quarters by Worleyon the last voyage of the Cyclops. Fremont, Dr. Donald. A professor at Stanford, now retired. Formerlytaught at the University of Southern California. Mooney was a studentof Fremont. Hagen calls him when he is examining Mooney's telephonelogs. French Bay. Location of the CIA staging area for the attack on CayoSanta Maria. A remote beach on the southern tip of San Salvador. Fulton, Commander Kermit. Commandiny officer of the U.S. Navy attacksubmarine Denver. Gallager. One of the Jersey Colonists. Gettysburg. A U.S. space shuttle that is launched from Vandenberg AirForce Base. Gly, Foss. Pitt describes Gly as having chest and shoulders soponderous they seem deformed. His head is smooth-shaven, and his facecould have been described as handsome but for his large misshapen nose. Pitt breaks his nose again when he is torturing Pitt in Room Six. AnAmerican mercenary born in Arizona. Said to have thick, protruding lips, and the pupils of his eyes aredeep, dark and empty. In the attack on Cayo Santa Maria, Pitt fightswith Gly. Pitt jams his thumb into Gly's eye socket and into his brain.Then Jessie LeBaron shoots him three times in the groin with a pistol. Goodfly, George. One of the aliases used by Hagen when he is in NewMexico. Goodfly is said to be from New Orleans. Gorman, Adrian. Senator who is having a breakfast meeting with Oateswhen the president is returning from Rock Creek Park along with Hudson. Hudson claims that attached to their table is a bomb. Gottschalk, Alfred L. Morean. The American consul general to Brazil. He is aboard the Cyclops when she sinks. Described as having a short,round, almost comical frame. He wears his silver-yellow haircropped excessively short in a Prussian style. He has narrow eyebrowsthat very nearly match his clipped mustache. Gainchos Cay. Location on the Bahama Bank. The Prosperteer is fivemiles due south of the cay when the ground crew receives its last radiomessage. Hagen, Ira. Described as a thick-bodied man with a round head coveredwith ivory hair. His stomach is immense and hairy, and his arms andlegs protrude like tree trunks. Formerly an undercover operative forthe Justice Department. Former wife's name was Martha; when she died,Hagen retired. Has three daughters and five grandchildren. Brother ofthe president of the United States. Resides in Denver, Colorado. Solves the riddle of the identity of the inner core for the president. After the attack on Cayo Santa Maria, is ordered by the president toHavana, Cuba. Harris, Jack. Works for NUMA. Sandecker assigns him to replace Pitt onthe Bering Sea Survey after he orders Pitt to search for RaymondLeBaron. Harvey Pattenden National Physics Laboratory. Located in Bend, Oregon. The building is described as typical of the tech centers that havesprung up around the United States. Featuring contemporary architecturewith heavy use of bronze glass and curving brick walls. The grounds are landscaped with pine trees and moss rock amid rollingmounds of grass. Mooney describes the laboratory as a researchfacility. Judge corrects him and explains that the laboratory works onthe design of nuclear rocketry and third-generationnuclear weapons whose power is focused into narrow radiation beams thattravel at the speed of light and can destroy targets deep in space. Hero of the Revolution. Honorary title bestowed on Pitt by FidelCastro. Herras, Captain Roberto. Cuban captain Clark tricks into withdrawingthe Cuban troops guarding the ships that are to be used in Operation Rum& Cola. Hollyman, Major Gus. U.S. Air Force pilot of F-15E night attackfighter. Has almost one thousand hours of flight time. Hollyman isordered to shoot down the Gettysburg so it can't land in Cuba. Calledoff at the last second, he instead leads the Gettysburg to a safelanding at Key West Naval Air Station. Hope. The synthesized-voice computer in the NUMA computer room. Horizon Communications System. Type of telephone system Pitt tellsVictor most police departments utilize. Horse and Artillery Inn. The inn overlooks Valley Forge State Park. Built in 1790 as a stagecoach stop and tavern for colonial travelers, itsits among sweeping lawns and a grove of shade trees. A picturesquethree-story building with blue shutters, it has a stately front porch. An example of early limestone farm architecture, it bears a plaquedesignating it as listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Hoskins, Elmer. Secret Service advance man when the president visitsthe Congressional Country Club and first learns of the Jersey Colony. Hudson, Leonard. Member of the Inner Core. Nicknamed Leo when he was achild. Played catcher on the president's baseball team. Was fat as achild but became a health nut and lost sixty pounds. Graduated withhonors from Stanford University and later became director of the HarveyPattenden National Pfiysics Laboratory in Oregon. Faked his death in alight plane crash in the Columbia River in 1965. Eriksen was alsoallegedly aboard the plane when it exploded while the two men wereflying to a seminar in Seattle. Listed in the notebook Hagen steals from Fisher as Leonard Murphy. Described as having thick gray hair and a Satan-style beard. Hydrogen. Gas that the Prosperteer was filled with when she reappeared.Hydrogen is not used in blimps since the Hindenburg disaster. Helium isused instead. Inner Core. Group of nine men who originally conceived and implementedthe Jersey Colony. Jack. Alias for CIA operative in Cuba. Described as the stereotypicalLatin out of a 1930s movie-flashing eyes, compact build, fireworksteeth, triangular mustache. Is ordered to operate the tugboat that willhelp move the ship out of Havana Harbor. Killed in the explosion, hisremains are never recovered. Jersey Colony. Conceived two months before President Kennedy's death,the Jersey Colony was designedto be a highly secret leapfrog project to place a United States colonyon the moon. The Jersey Colony is located in a large cavern on thesouthern hemisphere of the moon's far side. Named for the nursery rhyme"Hey diddle diddle, the cat and the fiddle, the cow jumped over themoon." Jersey is a breed of cow. Joe. One of the Inner Core and the person who first briefs thepresident on the Jersey Colony. Described as having a slender, almostfrail body with slim hips. Has indigo-blue eyes and gray hair. His facial features are describedas narrow and vaguely Scandinavian. See Leonard Hudson. Jones, Anson. Called by Hagen when he is examining Mooney's telephonelogs. Member of the Inner Core. See General Clark Fisher. Judge, Thomas. Alias used by Hagen in the investigation at the HarveyPattenden Laboratory. Claims to be with the General Accounting Office. Jurgens, Dave. Flight Commander of the Gettysburg. Kaltenbach, Senator Henry. Senator famous for finding government fraud.Hagen claims to Mooney that it is he who ordered a probe of thePattenden Laboratory. Kazakhstan. Soviet province on the border with China where Sovietspacecraft usually touch down after reentry. Also the location Selenos8 is launched from. Kennedy Spaceport. Location on Cape Canaveral where the Gettysburg isdue to land. Also location ofthe medical facilities where the Jersey Colonists are transfer-red afterthey land aboard the Gettysburg at Key West Naval Air Station. Key West Naval Air Station. U.S. Navy base that lies at the end of theFlorida Keys. The runway is one and a half miles long and two hundredfeet wide. The base power is out when the Gettysburg lands there. Kleist, Colonel Ramon. U.S. Marine Corps colonel. Congressional Medal of Honor winner. Pitt guesses his age as latefifties. He is a medium-skinned black, born in Argentina, the onlychild of a former SS officer who fled Germany after the war and marriedthe daughter of a Liberian diplomat. Sent to a private school in NewYork, he decided to drop out and make a career in the Marines. Koichak, Colonel General Viktor. Soviet officer in charge of thefifteen thousand Soviet military forces and advisors based in Cuba. Soviet in charge of the fifteen hundred troops awaiting the Getlysburg'sarrival at Santa Clara. Kornilov, Sergei. Chief of the Soviet space program. Kronberg, Hans. Partner of Raymond LeBaron. Found by Pitt in the wreck of the Cyclops with his air hose cut. Crippled from the bends, he continues to dive. Kronberg, Hilda. Wife of Hans Kronberg and first wife of RaymondLeBaron. Known as Hillary when married to LeBaron. Now in a seniorcitizen rest homenear Leesburg, Virginia. Described as sickly thin with skin astransparent as tissue paper. Her face is heavily made up and her hairskillfully dyed. Her diamond rings would buy a small fleet ofRolls-Royces. Pitt guesses her age as a good fifteen years younger thanthe seventy-five she appears. Seventeen years younger than HansKronberg, she had been married for three years before Hans broughtRaymond LeBaron to their home for dinner, and soon after they enteredinto an extramarital affair. La Dorada. Also known as La Mujer Dorada, the golden woman. Mentionedby O'Meara as the true sex of the famous golden statue that is the mostsought after piece of the El Dorado treasure. Ordered constructed by aSouth American king in honor of his most beloved concubine, whom priestsordered to be sacrificed. Described as standing nearly six feet tall,on a pedestal of rose quartz. Her body is solid gold, and O'Mearaestimates the statue must weigh nearly one ton. Embedded in her chestwhere the heart should be is a great ruby, judged to be in theneighborhood of twelve hundred carats. The entire head of the statue isrumored to be one giant carved emerald, deep blue-green and flawless,which O'Meara guesses must weigh in the neighborhood of thirty pounds. When it is found by Hans Kronberg and Raymond LeBaron on the Cyclops,LeBaron kills Kronberg, pries the ruby from the heart and breaks it up,forming the nucleus of financing for his financial empire. Because ofthe revolution, he hides the body of La Dorada on top of the site wherethe Maine sank. Later recovered by Pitt, the statue is put on displayat Washington's National Gallery. Lake Guatavita, Colombia. Possible location of the El Dorado treasure. In 1965, the government of Colombia declared Lake Guatavita an area ofcultural interest and banned all salvage operations. Lariat Type 40. American-made hand-held surface-to air missile. Theweapon homes in on its target with a guidance beam. The range is tenmiles on earth but probably longer in the moon's rarefied atmosphere. Larson, Steve. See Steve Busche. LeBaron's house. Located on Beacon Drive in Great Falls Estate. Thehouse is described sitting on a low hill above a tennis court and aswimming pool. A three-story brick colonial with a series of whitecolumns holding up the roof over a long front porch, the wings extendingto each side. LeBaron, Jessie. Described as vibrant and bouncy with a repertory of adozen different smiles, she is six months past fifty but looks closer tothirty-seven. She is slightly heavy-bodied but firm, and her facialskin is creamy-smooth. Her hair is a natural salt-and-pepper. Her eyesare large and dark. She is both scuba and skydiving certified. Sent bythe president to meet with Fidel Castro to discuss a treaty with Cuba.Met Raymond LeBaron when she was a senior editor at Prosperteermagazine. Carried on an affair with Raymond LeBaron for years, thenmarried him even though he never divorced Hilda Kronberg. Was third inan all state high school swim meet in Wyoming. Speaks Spanish, Russian,French and German. LeBaron, Raymond. Member of the Inner Core. Publisher and owner ofProsperteer magazine. Graduate of Stanford University. Described as avery trim and healthy sixty-five-year-old who stands six feet seveninches tall. His eyes are the color of light oak, and he hasmeticulously combed graying hair. Came from a fairly affluent family. His father owned a chain of hardware stores. In the middle 1950s, heand a partner named Kronberg owned a marine salvage firm. The salvagecompany went broke, and two years later LeBaron launched his magazine,the Prosperteer. His first wife was named Hillary; his second wife isJessie. Hillary is actually Hilda Kronberg, widow of Hans Kronberg. LeBaron was married to Hilda for thirty-three years. He told everyoneHilda was dead because divorcing an invalid was abhorrent to him. Listed in the notebook Hagen steals from Fisher as Ray Sampson. Afterthe Prosperteer is captured and forced to land in Cuba, Raymond is takenprisoner and held on Cayo Santa Maria. Later dies on Cayo Santa Mariawhen a bullet meant for Pitt strikes him instead. His last words soundlike "Look on the main sight." Leopoldville. World War II troop transport ship torpedoed in theEnglish Channel on Christmas Eve, 1944. The book Cyclops is dedicatedto the men who lost their lives. For more detail on the Leopoldville,see the book The Sea Hunters. Leuchenko, Major Grigory. A Russian specialist in guerrilla warfare whowon many victories against the Afghanistan Freedom Fighters. Little Eva. Late-season hurricane that is moving past Florida when Pitttakes off in the Prosperteer. At first, 291 the hurricane appears topose no problem for Pitt aboard the Prosperteer, but it grows to Force6. Loper, Corporal Maria. Alias used by Jessie LeBaron as she and Pitttravel across Cuba with Figueroa. Loper, Sergeant. One of the American attack force that storms CayoSanta Maria. Doesn't speak English. M-14 national match rifle. Type of rifle the Jersey Colonists have. M-72 missile launcher. Weapon that fires a sixty-six millimeter rocket. Giordino uses it to shoot down the Cuban helicopter that threatens theProsperteer. Mack truck. Brand of truck that delivers the mysterious crate to theCyclops. The Mack truck is a chain-drive. Maine. Famous ship that was blown up in Havana Harbor. The attack onthe Maine led to the start of the Spanish-American War. Her hulk wasraised and towed out to sea in 1912, where she was sunk with her flagflying. Maisky, Lyev. Deputy head of the First Chief Directorate, the foreignoperations arm of the KGB. Described as having a common, blank face asone dimensional as his personality. Has a platinum cigarette holder andsmokes long, unfiltered cigarettes. Makarov 9-milimeter pistol. Automatic pistol Jessie LeBaron uses toforce Pitt to the Cuban mainland when the attack on Cayo Santa Maria iscompleted. 292 Manny. Alias for CIA operative in Cuba. Described as a huge black witha deeply trenched face, wearing an old faded green shirt and khakitrousers. Described as looking like a man who had experienced the worstof life and had no illusions left. Smokes cigarettes. Is ordered toget the Amy Bigalow out of the Havana Harbor. Is aboard the AmyBigalow's launch with Pitt when the explosion occurs. Killed, his bodyis later identified and shipped back to the United States for burial. Metcalf, General Clayton. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Ordered by the president to coordinate relief efforts to Cuba after theexplosion. Mikoyan, Colonel. Soviet colonel Velikov orders to inspect the securitymeasures around the ships that are to be used in Operation Rum & Colaafter Clark switches guards. Mikoyan cannot be reached by radio becausehe and his driver are killed by Clark and their car pushed into thewater. Miniature electrical impulse jammer. Device contained in a fakecigarette lighter that Hagen/Judge uses to jam the observation camerasat the Pattenden Laboratory so he can search Mooney's office. Mitchell, Irwin. Member of the Inner Core. Director of NASA's FlightOperations Center. Modoc missile. Type of radar-guided missile Hollyman is ordered to useto shoot down the Gettysburg. Moe. Alias for CIA operative in Cuba. Described as wearing the imageof an academic-lost expression,293 unruly hair, neatly sculpted beard. Wears glasses. Is ordered to getthe Ozero Zaysan out of Havana Harbor. Killed in the explosion, hisremains are never recovered. Monfort, Admiral Clyde. Head of the Caribbean Task Force. Thepresident claims Monfort has the Navy searching for Pitt. WhenSandecker calls Monfort to confirm, he finds it is false. The Navy isin fact conducting an amphibious landing exercise off Jamaica. Monterey. Steamship Hans Kronberg sailed to Havana on December 10,1958, to search for the Cyclops. It was the last time Hilda Kronbergsaw her first husband. Mooney, Dr. Earl J. Described as thirty-six years old with pine greeneyes under thunderous eyebrows. Has a Pancho Villa mustache. A fat kidwho went thin, he shares a similar academic record to Hudson's. Mono Castle. Famous Cuban landmark that is described as a grim fortressguarding the entrance to Havana Harbor. Murphy, Lieutenant Regis. Radar observer on Hollyman's F-15E. Chewsgum. National Science Foundation. Located in Washington, D.C. Hagen callsthe foundation when he is examining Mooney's telephone logs. Nitrogen narcosis. Malady that affects divers with too much nitrogen intheir blood. Makes a diver light 294 headed and can lead to feelings ofeuphoria. Jessie LeBaron begins to suffer from it after the Prosperteercrashes. O'Hara, Major Paddy. Alias Pitt uses in Cuba with Figueroa. Said to bein the Irish Republican Army on assignment as an advisor to the Cubanmilitia. O'Meara, Dr. Ralph. Archaeologist. Described as having a thick GabbyHayes beard that hides his face from the nose down. Old cast-iron bathtub. Pitt finds the bathtub outside an abandoned shedon Cayo Santa Maria. He later uses it to escape from the island. Later in Pitt's garage. Order of Lenin. Soviet medal that Maisky tells Velikov he will receiveafter recovering the Gettysburg. Orinoco River. River in South America mentioned by O'Meara whenspeaking with Pitt at the Old Angler's Inn. Ostrovski, Sergeant Ivan. Part of the Soviet attack force from Selenos8. Described as a hardened veteran of the Afghanistan fighting. Ozero Baykai. Soviet two hundred thousand-ton oil tanker. Docked nearAntares Inlet. Described as eleven hundred feet in length with a onehundred sixty-foot beam. On the starboard side when the Pisto tows thethree vessels out to sea. Cast off when she is a good mile from thecenter of town and away from the oil refinery. 295 Ozero Zaysan. Soviet cargo ship carrying military supplies and cargo. Docked in Havana Harbor to be used in Operation Rum & Cola. Has acream-colored hull. Described as twenty thousand tons. When Moe boards the ship, he findsthe Soviet crew has taken sledgehammers to every valve in the engineroom. Paftenden, Dr. Harvey. Founder of the laboratory that bears his name. Perez, Colonel Ernesto. Alias used by Clark in tricking Herras intowithdrawing his troops from the ships that are to be used in OperationRum & Cola. Perry, Kurt. One of the Jersey Colonists. A brilliant biochemist, heis the single fatality in the attack on the Soviets from Selenos 8. Petrov, Lieutenant Dmitri. Part of the Soviet attack force from Selenos8. Pinon, Captain Manuel. Captain of the Russian-built Riga-class patrolfrigate that is guarding the entrance to Havana Harbor. Described as athirty-year-old ship retired by the Russian Navy. Has four-inch guns itfires at the Pisto, Amy Bigalow and Ozero Zaysan. Crushed in half by the Amy Bigalow. Pisto. Tugboat piloted by Jack. Used to move the ships that are to beused in Operation Rum & Cola out of Havana Harbor. Named after aSpanish dish of stewed red peppers, zucchini and tomatoes. The sides ofthe tugboat are streaked with rust, and her brass is covered withverdigris. Powered by a big, 3,000-horsepower iese engine. ingpropeller. First attaches lines to the Ozero Baykai and begins to pushher out to sea. Returns next and moves the Ozero Zaysan. Later casts off the OzeroBaykai and tows the Amy Bigalow and the Ozero Zaysan out to sea. Blowntwo hundred feet high when Velikov activates the pocket transmitter. Polevoi, Vladimir. Chief of KGB. His office is in Dzerzhinski Square. Porter, Senator Dean. Member of the Inner Core. Joined the Inner Core in 1964 and helped set up the undercoverfinancing. Once chaired the Foreign Relations Committee and narrowlylost a presidential primary race to George McGovern. Described as abald-headed man in his late seventies, he has an unimpressive figurewith a grand fatherly face. Porterhouse. Code name for the helicopter pilot Hagen has trailingHudson after he meets with the president. Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Site of the U.S. Navy prison where one ofthe prisoners aboard the Cyclops is bound. Post, ARan. Air Force general who heads up the military space program. President of the United States. Formerly vice president, he was sworninto office after the former president lost his mind in Deep SLx. Described as an energetic man who stands more than six feet tall andweighs a solid two hundred pounds. His face is square 297 jawed withfirm features and a brow usually furrowed in a thoughtful frown. Hisintense gray eyes can be deceptively limpid. His silver hair is alwaysneatly trimmed and parted on the right. A lieutenant in the MarineCorps, he served with an artillery company during the Korean War. Likes to drink guava juice. Secretly smokes Cuban Montecristo cigars. An old trusted school chumsmuggles in a box from Canada every two months. Favorite sandwich istuna with bacon. ,Prosperteer. Blimp owned by Raymond LeBaron. Described as atired-looking old airship with an aluminum skin that was once silver butis now white and spotted by several patches. Originally designatedZMC-2, Zeppelin Metal Clad Number Two. Constructed in Detroit andturned over to the U.S. Navy in 1929. Powered by two Wright Whirlwindengines each with 200 horsepower, she features eight stabilizing fins onher tail instead of the usual four. Measures one hundred forty-ninefeet in length, and the aluminum gas envelope contains two hundredthousand cubic feet of helium. In service until 1942, the Prosperteerthen languished in a deserted hangar in Key West, Florida, until 1988,when LeBaron bought the property and restored her. QB-Tech. Company owned by Booth. Invents and manufactures scientificgadgets used in space. The plant is located ten miles west of Santa Fe,New Mexico. Quintana, Major Angelo. Marine major who will lead the attack on CayoSanta Maria. Described as a dark 298 skinned man with slick,night-black hair and an enormous mustache. Sad eyes stare from a facewrinkled by long exposure to the wind and sun, and his lips barely movewhen he smiles. Raleigh. Cruiser that collides with the Cyclops. Raleigh, Sir Walter. Famous British explorer and treasure huntermentioned by O'Meara as having searched for the El Dorado treasure. After his second unsuccessful attempt, King James had him beheaded. Redfern, Lieutenant Commander. Commanding officer of the Key West NavalAir Station. Informs Mitchell that the runway lights are notfunctioning because a fuel tanker crashed into the power lines and thebackup diesel generators failed from a mechanical malfunction. Mitchell orders Redfern to line the runway with cars and trucks withtheir headlights turned on. Rock Creek Park. Park where the president holds a speech to commemoratethe American servicemen who died in the sinking of the Leopoldville onChristmas Eve, 1944. Roger. The Secret Service chauffeur who drives the president and Hudsonfrom Rock Creek Park. Ronsky, Ivan. One of the three Russian cosmonauts whose frozen corpseswere placed aboard the Prosperteer before it reappeared. A veterancosmonaut. 299 Room Six. Location on Cayo Santa Maria where Gly tortures the captives. Rooney, Dr. Calvin. Coroner for Dade County, Florida. A native ofFlorida, Rooney is a U.S. Army veteran and Harvard Medical Schoolgraduate. Rum & Cola. Code name for the Russian plan to eliminate Fidel and RaulCastro and take control of Cuba. The plan is designed to be blamed on the CIA. Russell. One of the Jersey Colonists. Russian frigate. Riga-class patrol frigate that fires on the AmyBigalow and the other ships heading to sea. Run down and sliced in half by the Amy Bigalow. Rykov, Anastas. Soviet geophysicist working on the Cosmos Lunar Projectthat discovers proof of the Jersey Colony from lunar photographs takenby Selenos 4. Works at the Geophysical Space Center. Salazar, Reggie. The president's golf caddie. Described as a short,wiry Hispanic. A wit and philosopher, Salazar always dresses for caddieduties like a field laborer blue jeans, western shirt, GI boots and arancher's wide-brimmed straw hat. Captured by Joe and drugged after thepresident plays the front nine holes of golf. SALT IV. Nuclear reduction treaty the president and Antonov arenegotiating. Salyut 9. Soviet space station that is circling the earth. Carries four cosmonauts. Salyut 10. New Soviet space station. Sam. Alias for Pitt that Clark gives Manny, Moe and Jack. San Salvador. The smallest island of the Bahamas and staging area forthe troops who will attack Cayo Santa Maria. Known by the old marinersas Watling Island after a zealous buccaneer who flogged the members ofhis crew who did not observe the Sabbath. Also believed to be theisland where Columbus first stepped ashore in the New World. Has apicturesque harbor and a lush interior blued by freshwater takes. Santa Clara. Location in Cuba where the Soviets want to attempt toforce the Gettysburg to land. Santa Clara Convent. Dating from 1643, the Havana convent is taken'over and used as a temporary hospital after the explosion. Schonstedt Gradiometer. An instrument used by NUMA to detect iron bymeasuring magnetic intensity. Gunn is operating one aboard theProsperteer when Pitt sets out to find the Cyclops. Selenos 4. Russian lunar probe that, instead of landing in Siberia,landed in the Caribbean Sea. Allegedly unmanned but instead carryingthree cosmonauts. Raymond LeBaron was searching for the probe when hedisappeared. Selenos 8. The Soviets' first manned lunar landing mission. It isscheduled for launch in seven days from the time the Soviets first learnof the Jersey Colony. Described as a super rocket with four strap-on boosters generatingfourteen million pounds of thrust. The rocket throws out a tail oforange-yellow flame one thousand feet long and three hundred feet wide. It carries a one hundred ten-ton manned lunar station. Shea, Willie. The Jersey Colony's geophysicist. Has a hint of a Bostontwang. Sherman, Jack. Commander of the Columbus. Sigler, Colonel Ralph Moorhouse. Described by O'Meara as a realcharacter from the old explorer school. Arrived in the summer of 1916in Georgetown in what was then British Guiana. With a party of twentymen, he set out into the wilds, then was not heard from until two yearslater, when he was found five hundred miles northeast of Rio de Janeiroby an American expedition surveying for a railroad. More dead thanalive, he described stealing the La Dorada statue, then fighting off theZanona Indians, dragging it to a river and floating it by raftdownstream. O'Meara and Pitt believe Gottschalk found out about Sigler and thestatue and recovered it himself. Simmons, Jess. U.S. secretary of defense. Sirloin. Code name for Hudson when Hagen is trailing him. Sloppy Joe's. A onetime watering hole in old Havana patronized bywealthy American celebrities. Now a dingy hole in the wall, longforgotten except by in elderly few. Location where Castro questionsVelikov and where Velikov triggers the explosion with his pockettransmitter. Snodgrass, Elmer. Alias Pitt uses when he is first questioned byVelikov. Said to be from Moline, Illinois. Velikov is not taken in by the ruse and produces a dossier on Pitt. Socotra. Island near Yemen where the Soviets have a ground tracking. station. Space signals from Selenos 4 were transmitted there, and thatis where the Soviets got proof of the existence of the Jersey Colony. Southern Comfort. Thirty-five-foot white fishing boat that is used bySweat as his second office. Powered by a single 260-horsepowerturbocharged diesel, the vessel cruises at fifteen knots. Built inAustralia by a company called Steber-craft. Sparks. Nickname of the wireless operator aboard the LYctops. Isordered by Worley not to transmit any messages until the Cyclops reachesBaltimore. Special Interests Section. Group that is based in the American Missionat the Swiss Embassy. Located on the Malecon facing the water inHavana, Cuba. SPilT. Acronym for Special-Purpose Undersea Transport. Submarine usedto transport the troops who will attack Cayo Santa Maria close to theshoreline. Pittdescribes it as slightly more than three hundred feet long and shapedlike a chisel turned sideways. The horizontal wedge-like bow tapersquickly to an almost square hull that ends in a boxed-off stern. Theupper deck is almost completely smooth without any projections. Thevessel is totally automated with a nuclear powerplant that turns twinpropellers or, when required, soundless pumps that take in water fromthe forward momentum and thrust it silently through vents along thesides. Specially designed to support covert operations, she can run asdeep as eight hundred feet at fifty knots. She is also capable ofrunning onto the beach, spreading her bows and disgorging atwo-hundred-member landing force along with several vehicles. Steinmetz, Eli. In charge of the Jersey Colony on the moon. Graduatedfrom Caltech, then received a master's degree from MIT. Described asthe kind of engineer who overcomes obstacles by designing a mechanicalsolution and then building it with his own hands. Prior to joining theJersey Colony Project, he supervised construction projects in half thecountries of the world, including Russia. First stepped on the moon atage fifty-three; he is now fifty-nine. His head is shaven, and he hasno beard. His skin has a dusky tint, and his eyes are slate black. Described as a fifth generation American Jew who could walk into aMuslim mosque unnoticed. His father was killed at Wake Island in WorldWar II. Stewart, Fireman Third Clam Oscar. Formerly stationed on the cruiserPittsburgh. Murdered by Coker and DeVoe. Sweat, Sheriff Tyler. Dade County, Florida, sheriff. Described as a medium-built, brooding man with slightly roundedshoulders. Swiss Embassy. Location of the American Mission, a sort of quasiofficial U.S. embassy. The building used by the Swiss was formerly theU.S. embassy. TAEM. Terminal-area energy management. A process used on theGettysburg for conserving speed and altitude. Tass. Soviet news organization mentioned by the president. T-Bone. Code name Hagen uses when trailing Hudson after he meets withthe president. IMornburg, Bob. Chief document analyst for the CIA at the headquartersin Langley, Virginia. Unified Space Ooerations Center. U.S. military space organization nearColorado Springs, Colorado. Described as nineteen miles east ofColorado Springs down Hi way 94 and Enoch Road. A two-billiongh dollarproject, the center was constructed on six hundred forty acres of landand is manned by five thousand uniformed and civilian personnel. 'thecenter controls all military space vehicle and shuttle flights as wellas satellite monitoring programs. Nicknamed the Space Capital of theWorld. Velikov, General Peter. Mastermind behind Rum & Cola. Described as ashort, trim man. Pitt judges him tobe no more than five foot seven, weighing about one hundred thirtypounds, somewhere in his late forties. His hair is short and black witha touch of gray at the sideburns and receding around a peak above theforehead. His eyes are as blue as an alpine lake, and his light skinned face seemssculpted more by classic Roman influence than Slavic. With the G.R.U,Velikov is considered a wizard at Third World government infiltrationand manipulation. His American-accented English is letter-perfect. When captured by the Castros and taken to Sloppy Joe's for questioning,he activates the pocket transmitter early and unleashes the explosion. Victor, Detective Lieutenant Harry. A lead investigator for the DadeCounty Police Department. Wears rimless glasses and a blond hairpiece. Described as a tidy man who enjoys making out reports. VIKOR. Navigational system that utilizes satellites. Aboard the Prosperteer when Pitt takes off. Pitt radios his last VIKORreading as H3608 by T8090, which places the blimp five miles due southof Guinchos Cay. Walter Reed Army Hospital. Hospital near Washington, D.C where theremains of the three men found aboard the Prosperteer are taken. Ward, Clyde. Alias for Clyde Booth. Weehawken Marine Products. Company in Baltimore that manufactured thediving helmet worn by Kronberg aboard the Cyclops. The helmet reads:"Weehawken Products Inc Mark V, Serial Number 58-67-C." Weehawken has been making the helmet since 1916. It isconstructed of spun copper with bronze fittings and has foursealed-glass viewports. The helmet is still popular for certain typesof surface-supplied diving operations. Farmer explains the serial number: 58 is the year it was made, 67 is theproduction number, C stands for commercial Wintrop Manor Nursing Rome.Nursing home near Leesburg, Virginia, where Hilda Kronberg resides. Described as an idyllic setting, with a nine-hole golf course, tropicalindoor pool, an elegant dining room and lush landscaped gardens. Worley, Lieutenant commander George. Described as a bull of a man. His neck is almost nonexistent, with a massive head that seems to eruptfrom his shoulders. His hands are long and as thick as an encyclopedia.Never a stickler for Navy regulations; his uniform aboard ship usuallyconsists of bedroom slippers, derby hat and long john underwear. Speakswith a slight German accent. His real name is Johann Wichman. Born in Germany, he illegally enteredthe United States when he jumped a merchant ship in San Francisco during1878. While commanding the Cyclops, he lived in Norfolk, Virginia. Wykoff, Victor. Deputy secretary of state. Works under Oates. X-ray laser defense system. Space weapons system mentioned by Post tothe president. The system won't be operational for another fourteenmonths. Yaseg General Maiden. Head of the Soviet Military Space Command. Described as a big, beefy man with ared face. His hair is smoke-gray and his eyes steady and hard. Smokescigarettes that he stores in a thin gold case. Yudenich, Alexander. One of the three Russian cosmonauts whose frozencorpses were placed aboard the Prosperteer before it reappeared. Arookie cosmonaut. Yushchuk, Corporal Mikhafl. Part of the Soviet attack force fromSelenos 8. Zanona. Word uttered by Gottschalk just before a South American Indianassassin stabs him with the spear in the cargo hold of the Cyclops. Atribe of cannibalistic Amazon Indians who allegedly guard the treasureof El Dorado. Zil lusine. Soviet-made seven-seater limousine used by high-rankinggovernment and military officials. Powered by a seven-liter425-horsepower engine. Velikov is aboard a Zil when Pitt is stopped ata roadblock. Zochenko, Sergei. One of the three Russian cosmonauts whose frozencorpses were placed aboard the Prosperteer before it reappeared. Aveteran cosmonaut. TreasureAK-74. Soviet-made automatic weapon used by Ammar's terrorists as theystorm the crushing mill on Santa Inez Island. Al-Hakim Mohammed. A scholarly mullah who is Yazid's shadow. Presentat the meeting with Yazid wherethe hijacking of the Lady Flamborough is planned. Described as having the face of a man who spent half his life in adungeon. His pale skin seems almost transparent. Alexander the Great. King of Macedonia. Died in 323 B.C. in Babylon. His gold-and-crystal coffin was removed fromAlexandria and packed around the sides with three hundred twenty coppertubes that read: "Geologic Charts." This, along with sixty-threetapestries, was buried by Venator's men near the Hills of' Rome. Alexandria Library. Vast information source that contained knowledge ofthe Egyptian, Greek and Roman empires along with little-knowncivilizations outside the Mediterranean. In A.D. 391, Christian EmperorTheodosius ordered all books and art depicting anything remotely pagan,which included the teachings of the immortal Greek philosophers, burnedand destroyed. Much of the collection was thought to have been secretlysaved and spirited away. What became of it, or where it was hidden,remains a mystery sixteen centuries later. A group led by Venatorburies it in an unknown land. The entire party, minus four sailors whoescape on a small merchant ship named the Serapis, are slaughtered bythe barbarians in retaliation for an attack on their village. Rothbergdescribes the library as a library/museum/university, an immensestructure of white marble that contained picture galleries, statuaryhalls and theaters for poetry readings and lectures. There were alsodormitories, a dining hall and animal and botanical parks. The contentsof the library are later found by Pitt in Roma, Texas,under No Name Hill. After Sharp catalogs them, the contents aretransported to a secure building complex in Maryland for restoration andpreservation. A replica of the Alexandria Library is scheduled to bebuilt on the Washington Mail. Antonov, Georgi. President of the Soviet Union. Likes to ball hismistress in the backseat of his limousine on the way to the Kremlin. Ardencaple Fjord. Fjord on the northeast coast of Greenland. Site nearthe University of Colorado archaeological dig, where Pitt is searchingfor missing Soviet submarine. Location where Nebula Flight 106 crashes. Aristophanes. Was head of the Alexandria Library two hundred yearsbefore Christ. The father of the dictionary. Arnold, Joe. Person in the Treasury Department who goes with Nichols toKingston to meet with debtor nations that want to forget debts. Ariz Ammar, Suleiman. Terrorist who kills Lemke and replaces him onNebula Flight 106. Described as having olive-brown eyes with a Gypsylike piercing quality. His nose has been broken more than once, and along scar runs down the base of his left jaw. Has close-cropped gray hair and a lined face that suggests an agesomewhere in his late fifties. Has a receding hairline and a largeblack mustache. A good practicing Muslim who has little interest inpolitics, a mercenary with no known association with fanaticalIslamic die-hards. Does contract work for Yazid. His wealth isestimated at more than sixty million dollars. Plans and executes the hijacking of the Lady Flamborough byimpersonating Captain Collins. Smokes Dunhill cigarettes. After hemeets Pitt under a white flag of truce at the crushing mill on SantaInez Island, he attempts to shoot Pitt in the back. Pitt, wearing abulletproof vest, returns fire, striking Ammar in the right shoulder,chin, lower jaw and wrist, and the fourth round passes through his facefrom side to side, removing his eyes. Now blind. Telmuk hides him fromthe Special Operations Force and then fashions a crude raft and floatswith the current until picked up by a Chilean fishing boat. After stealing an airplane in Puerto Williams, they fly to Buenos Aires,where they charter a plane to Egypt. Goes to Yazid's home to seekrevenge. With a knife, he stabs Yazid and kills him. Aztec. Nahuatl-speaking civilization that was conquered by Cortez. Baker, Sergeant. Special Operations Force sergeant who finds thehostages on Santa Inez Island. Barnegat Bay, New Jersey. Location where Yaeger first believes theAlexandria Library was buried. Near the Pine Barrens, an area withdwarf pines similar to what Ruffinus described. It also is near aquarry where the crew of the Serapis could have found the ballast stonesthey mentioned loading aboard. Turns out to be wrong. Bashir, Colonel Naguib. Leader of a clandestine group of Egyptianmilitary officers who support Yazid. Is 311 present at the meeting withYazid where the hijacking of the Lady Flamborough is planned. Beneffi Super Ninety. Type of semiautomatic shotgun Pitt gives Findleywhen they arrive at Santa Inez Island. Benning, Richard. Special Operations Force dive team leader. British Westland Commando. Animar's intended escape helicopter. Anolder but reliable craft designed for troop transport and logisticsupport. It can carry thirty or more passengers if they're crammedinside. Brogan, Martin. Director of the CIA. Described as slim and urbane, hehas long-fingered violinist's hands. Drinks his coffee with a teaspoon of sugar. Bucinator. Roman bugler who sounds the call to battle assembly. Buckley Field. Air National Guard base near Denver, Colorado, wheregovernment jets, including the one that removes Kamil from Colorado,land. Byzantium. Civilization whose capital was Bosporus (formerlyByzantium). Bosporus became Constantinople, which became Istanbul. C-6 nitroglycerine gel. Type of explosive, two hundred kilograms, Pittasks Holus to secure. Ten kilograms of C-6 can take out a battleship. Nitrogel is shock hazardous. The charge blows the top of Gongora Hillten meters in the air. C-140. Military cargo and troop transport plane. A C-140 transportsthe Demon Stalkers to South America. Cabo Gallegos. A Chilean ore carrier bound from Punta Arenas to Dakarwith a load of coal. Turns up in the Landsat picture. Cichus. A famous writer and authority on Greek tragedy. While at theAlexandria Library, he compiled the world's first Who's Who. Campos, HaM. Harbor pilot for Punta del Este. Described as havingtobacco-stained teeth, with an accent more Irish than Spanish. Smokescigars. Has known Collins for almost twenty years. Cannonball Express. What Pitt nicknames the narrow gauge locomotive hecommandeers on Santa Inez Island. Cantegril Country Club. Exclusive country club in Punta del Este wheresome of the heads of state stay during the economic summit. Capesteffe family. A family crime dynasty that started after World War11. A billion-dollar empire run by the father, mother, three brothersand a sister along with various uncles, aunts and cousins. Roland andJosephine are the father and mother. The oldest son is Robert(Topiltzin), the next brother in line is Paul(Yazid), Karl and Marie are the younger brother and sister. Thegrandfather launched the criminal family by immigrating from France tothe Caribbean and smuggling stolen goods and booze during Prohibition. The enterprise is now said to be worth twelve billion dollars. Carrier Pigeons. Small, silent Special Operations Force helicopters. They carry a pilot in the enclosed cockpit and two men on the outside. Come equipped with an infrared red dome and silenced tail rotors. They can be broken down or assembled in fifteen minutes, and six of theCarrier Pigeons can fit into each C-140. Chandler, Brigadier General Curtis. U.S. Army general. Served threetours in Vietnam. Nicknamed Steel trap Chandler. Holus served underChandler in NATO. His wife died a year ago. He has no children. Served with the president when they were both lieutenants of artilleryin Korea. After defying a direct order to fire on the Mexican women andchildren storming across the border, he is promoted to two star generalby the president. Chavez, Carlos. Son of Luiz Chavez. Helps to find the wreckage of theLola. Chavez, Luiz. The old fisherman who found the wreckage of the Lola. Described as having a red beard. His boat crew consists of his sonCarlos, along with Raul, Justino and Manuel. Converse Oliver. Captain of the Lady Flambor enough. Described as aslim man who stands straight as a plumb line. Never refers to anyone byhis or her Christian name. Kidnapped with the rest of his crew byYazid. Cord 1,29. A 1930-model American car that features front-wheel drive. Pitt's example is a town car with an open front for the driver. Thebody is painted burgundy, while the fenders are a buff color thatmatches the leathered roof Over the passenger compartment. The Cord factory had stretched the chassis until it measures five and ahalf meters from front to rear bumper. Almost half the length is hood, beginning with a race car-type grill andending with a sharply raked windshield. Best speed recorded for an L-29was seventy seven miles an hour. Powered by a straight-eight enginewith 115 horsepower. Weighs 2,120 kilometers. Pitt attempts to escape Ismad and his men by driving the Cord up a skiarea access road. When that doesn't work, he turns the Cord down a skislope. The two Mercedes are wrecked. At the end of the run, the Cordcrashes into The base lodge. COrPus Christi NBval Air Station. Where the NUMA jet carrying Pitt,Sandecker and Sharp lands as they begin the search for the AlexandriaLibrary. Located along the Gulf of Mexico in Texas. Don, Captain Louis. U.S. Army captain with the 486th EngineeringBattalion. Orders Holus and Pitt from Gongora Hill. Holus refuses. Daneborg. Village in Greenland with a weather station that Gronquistorders Graham to contact after Nebula Flight 106 crashes. De Pineda, Alonzo. First European explorer to sail up the Rio Grande. Deep Rover. The submersible aboard the Sounder- Deep Rover is a twohundred forty-milimeter sphere divided by large 0-rings and sits on arectangular pod that holds 120-volt batteries. all sorts of strangeappendages sprout from the sphere: thrusters and motors, oxygencylinders, carbon dioxide removal canisters, docking mechanisms, camerasystems and a scanning sonar unit. Has manipulators that extend in thefront that are best described as mechanical hands and arms. Used byPitt and Giordino to find the wreck of the General Bravo. Delgado, Jorge. Radio operator Machado sends for after Ammar and hiscrew disappear. DeLorenzo, President. President of Mexico. Is aboard the LadyFlamborough when the ship is hijacked. Described as a short man in hisearly sixties, physically robust with wind-blown gray hair, mournfuldark eyes and the suffering look of an intellectual confined to a mentalinstitution. Demon Stalkers. The eighty-man group of Special Operations Forcecommandos under HoUrs's command. DMWger, Major John. Second-in-command of the Demon Stalkers. A lean,stringy man with a pinched face. Has a Texas twang to his voice. Rescues thehostages from Santa Inez Island. Later is assigned to assist Pitt inRoma. Dionysius. Organized grammar into a coherent system while at theAlexandria Library and wrote the Art of Grammar, which became the modeltext for all Ianguages written or spoken. Dodge, Major General Frank. Commander of the Special Operations Force. Dragonfish. Ugly deep-sea fish encountered by Pitt and Giordino aboardthe Deep Rover. Has a long eel shaped body, outlined by luminescencelike a neon sign. Has frozen, gaping jaws that are never fully closed, kept apart by long,jagged teeth that are used more for trapping prey than for chewing. Oneeye gleams nastily, while a tube that was attached to a ruminated bearddangles from its lower jaw to lure the next meal. Drake Passage. The strip of water between South America and Antarctica. Earth Resources Tech Satellite. Also known as Landsat. Photographicimages from the Landsat are used by the Uruguayans and NUMA to try tolocate the Lady Flamborough. Esbenson, Robert. A tall man with a pixie face and limpid blue eyes. He found Pitt's Cord stored in an old garage under forty years of trashand restored it. Euclid. Great mathematician who wrote the first textbook on geometrywhile at the Alexandria Library. Executive Office Building. Located on Seventeenth and PennsylvaniaAvenue in Washington, D.C. Where packages are searched before beingforwarded to the president. Falcon. Code name for Dillinger in the assault on the Lady Farnborough. Farquar, Keith. A CIA agent. Described as having a bushy mustache,thick brown hair and horn-rimmed glasses. A large, no-nonsense type ofman with contemplative eyes. Briefs Nichols about Yazid. Fawzy, Khaled. Ramrod of Yazid's revolutionary council. Described asyoung and arrogant and tactless. Has dark eyes. Is present at the meeting with Yazid where the bijackmgof the Lady Flamborough is planned. Later is stabbed in the heart anddies when Ammar attacks Yazid and Fawzy with a carbon composite knife. Findley, Clayton. NUMA scientist aboard the Sounder. Black, medium height. Wears a stern expression and has a deep, richbaritone voice. Before NUMA, he was the chief geologist for an Arizonamining company who thought it could make a zinc mine on Santa InezIsland pay off. Pitt recruits him to go to the island because of hisunique knowledge of the area. Seriously wounded in the gunfight in theore-crushing building on Santa Inez Island. Bullets enter his rightside and lodge in a lung and kidney. He is airlifted off the island andtaken to Walter Reed Medical Center. FT=they, Michael. First officer of the Lady Flambor 318 enough. Hates the fact that one of his duties is to entertainpassengers on cruises. Described as big, with a barrel chest. Hisfather was a sales rep for a Belfast machinery company, and he was bornin Montevideo, Uruguay. Signed on with a Panamanian ore carrier when hewas sixteen. Flores, Captain Ignacio. Captain in Uruguayan Naval Affairs whocoordinates the Uruguayan air/sea hunt for the Lady Flamborough. "Fly Me to the Moon." Song Pitt requests from the piano player afterthe Cord crashes into the Base Lodge at the ski area. Fort Hood. U.S. Army base in Texas. The Army engineers are dispatchedfrom here to take over the excavation for the Alexandria Library. Foster, Sergeant Jack. Dillinger's sergeant. When parachuting onto theglacier, he suffers a possible broken wrist. Gale, Dr. Jack. Doctor on the Polar Explorer who helps find survivorsfrom Nebula Flight 106. Garza, Dr. Herb. NUMA's chief geologist. Described as short, plump,brown-skinned, with a few pockmarks on his cheeks. Has gleaming blackhair. Born and raised in Laredo, Texas, he took his undergraduate workat Texas Southernmost College in Brownsville. General Bravo. A Mexican-registered container ship carrying suppliesand oil-drilling equipment to SanPablo, a small port on the tip of Argentina. Turns up in the Landsatpicture. Has a red huH with white superstructure. Sunk under orders ofAmmar. 'the Lady Flamborough was then disguised to look like theGeneral Bravo. Georsdar One. An electromagnetic reflection profiling system forsubsurface exploration. A ground-probing. radar unit. Manufactured by the Oyo Corporation. Used by Pitt to search Gongora Hill for the Alexandria Library. Gerhart, Jim. Special agent in charge of physical security for theWhite House. Gibraltar Straits. Exit from the Mediterranean Sea leading into theAtlantic Ocean. Pitt thinks Venator sailed his fleet through thestraits and on to America to hide the Alexandria Library. Gladius. A double-edged pointed sword eighty-two centimeters long. One of the weapons used by the centurions. Glomar Explorer. Famous deep-sea research and salvage vessel built byHoward Hughes for the CIA. Used in recovering a Soviet Golf-class submarine near Hawaii in 1975. Gold Miliarensia. Type of coin Sharp finds at the Greenland site,thirteen and a half grams in weight. Graham values the coin at between six and eight thousand dollars. Onthe face is a likeness of Theodosius the Great, emperor of the Roman andByzantine empires. The image of Theodosius shows captives at his feet,while his hands hold a globe and a labanim. The banner bears the Greekletters XP and forms a kind of monogram meaning in the name of Chat.Coined during the rein of Theodosius, Which Was A.D. 379 to 39,5. Gingham, Mike. One of the leading field archaeologists in the world. An expert on old coins. Described as being as laid back as a mortician. A light-skinned man with thinning sandy hair, Graham enjoys readingpaperback adventure novels. Thrown from one of the rescue snowmobileswhen they are driving out to the wreckage of Nebula Flight 106. Greave. A guard worn over the shins by the centurions. A sort of bodyarmor. Green, Sid. A photo-intelligence specialist with the National SecurityAgency. Gronquist Bay Village. The ancient Eskimo village on Greenlandinhabited one to five hundred years after Christ. Named after HiramGronquist, the University of Colorado Professor who discovered thevillage five years ago. GrOn@ The chief archaeologist for the four Person dig near ArdencapleFjord. A large-bellied man with a black-whiskered, kindly-looking face. Is injured with a nasty contusion to the head when he crashes one of therescue snowmobiles into a shattered wing from Nebula Flight 106. Saved by Pitt. Gulfstream IV. Type of plane that takes Pitt, Giordino and Sharp fromThule to Washington, D.C. Designed to carry up to nineteen passengers. Gyrfalcons. White arctic birds that are of a select few species thatremain in the north during the winter. Hamid, Abu. Defense minister of Egypt. Demands that if he supportsYazid's takeover of the Egyptian government, Kamil would remain assecretary-general of the United Nations. Hartley, Frank. Flight engineer on Nebula Flight 106. Described as a freckle-faced man with sandy hair. We caught Clive here.On page 26, he describes Hartley as above, but on page 28, Hartley hastransformed: wore a bushy mustache, had thin gray hair and a long,handsome face." It really doesn't matter-he is quickly killed by Ammarwith an injection of the nerve agent sarin. Hasan, Nadav. Recently installed president of Egypt. Just past his fifty-fourth birthday, with g black hair. He stands slimand tall but moves with the halting movements of a man who is physicallyill. His dusky eyes are watery and seem to stare through a filter ofsuspicion. Is on board when the Lady Flamborough is hijacked by Ammar. Heckler & Koch MP5. Submachine gun used by Ismail in the attack onSenator Pitt's ski chalet. Silenced machine guns borrowed from theSpecial Operations Force weapons locker by Giordino. Weapon carried byGiordino on Santa Inez Island. Hell hole. A small electronics bay below the cockpit of commercialairliners accessed through a trapdoor. The Hills of Rome. Site where Venator ordered the Alexandria Libraryburied. Hipparchus the Greek. Man who determined the position of earthlandmarks by figuring their longitude and latitude one hundred thirtyyears before Christ. HolHs, Colonel Morton. Field leader of the Special Operations Forcethat is ordered to capture the Lady Flamborough. Described as short andalmost as wide as he is tall. Forty years old. Has close-cropped, thinbrown hair that is graying early. His eyes are bluegreen with thewhites slightly yellowed from too much time in the sun without properglasses. Leads the attack on the Lady Flamborough and later rescues thehostages from Santa Inez Island. Assigned to assist Pitt in Roma. Hoskins, Sam. A New York architect with a love for archaeology, Hoskinsallows two months a year out of his busy schedule for digs around theworld. Described as having neck-length blond hair and an enormoushandlebar mustache. Thrown from one of the rescue snowmobiles when theyare driving out to the wreckage of Nebula Flight 106. Hoyo de Monterrey Excaliburs. Type of cigar favored by Sandecker androutinely stolen-two per week by Giordino. Huitzilopochtli. One of the Aztecs' revered gods. Husayn, Saddam (Hussein). Clive rarely is wrong about the future in hisbooks, but he calls this one wrong. On page 92, Korolenko mentions thatIran defeated Iraq and Husayn (Hussein) was assassinated. Inter-American Economic and Social Council. Meeting held in Punta delEste at which was proclaimed the Alliance for Progress in which thedebtor nations except Egypt repudiated their loans and erased foreigndebt. That would lead to a worldwide banking collapse. Ismail, Muhammad. An Egyptian with a round face that is a curious blendof malevolence and childish innocence. His black beady eyes gaze withevil intensity over a heavy mustache, but they lack the power ofpenetration. He is bravado without substance. An obscure villagemullah, he is present when Ammar parachutes from Nebula Flight 106. Later ordered to kill Kamil in Colorado. Is killed himself when hisMercedes goes over a ski jump and lands on its roof, crushing everyoneinside. Jones, Isaac. The third officer on the Lady Flamborough. Described asa Scotsman with red hair. Jones, Lieutenant Samuel T. Works for Dodge in the Special OperationsForces Readiness Command. Keith, General. General at the Pentagon who informs Nichols that anelite Special Operations Force has left an hour ago for Tierra delFuego. Nichols informs the president. KH-IL5. Type of U.S. spy satellite. Khomeini, Ayatollah. Mullah who rose to power in Iran after thedeparture of the Shah. A fanatical Muslim. Klein Side scan Sonar. Brand of sonar being used aboard the PolarExplorer. Knight, Commander Byron. U.S. Navy commander. Skipper of the Polar Explorer. Kornilov, Sergei. Head of the Soviet space program. Has a son who works at the Soviet embassy in Mexico City. Korolenko, Aleksey. Soviet deputy chief in Washington, D.C. Describedas heavy-bodied; his face wears a fixed jovial expression. Labarum. What a banner was called in Roman times. Lady Flamborough. British cruise liner that Ammar hijacks from Puntadel Este. Beautiful, with a streamlined superstructure. Instead of thetraditional British black hull and white on the upper works, the ship ispainted entirely in a soft slate blue with a sharply raked funnel bandedin royal purple and burgundy. She is one hundred one meters in length and features only fifty largesuites catered to by an equal number of staff. Home port is San Juan,Puerto Rico. Diesel powered with big bronze screws (propellers). AfterAmmar sails the ship and the hijacked passengers into the ocean, theLady Flamborough is disguised with the 325 clever use of fiber-boardpanels and paint to appear as the General Bravo. Forty kilometers offthe starboard bow from the General Bravo's scheduled destination of SanPablo, Argentina, the ship veers and continues south. Hidden by Ammaralongside a glacier on Santa Inez Island, the ship is later liberated bythe Special Operations Force and towed back to Punta Arenas by theSounder. Lake of the Ozarks. Chain of lakes in Missouri that is the location ofthe president's hideaway cottage. The president meets here with Nichols, Schiller, Senator Pitt andSandecker. The president, on Wismer's i I advice, wants to turn theexcavation of the Alexandria Library over to the military. Luckily forNUMA, the story about the possible find has already broken in thenewspapers. Landsat. See Earth Resources Tech Satellite. Laser parabolic. A sensitive microphone that receives sounds frominside a room by vibrations on a windowpane, then magnifies them throughfiber optics onto a sound channel. Used by the mercenaries hired byYazid to record the conversation that explains Kamil has been taken toBreckenridge. Lemke, Captain Dale. Commercial airline pilot due to fly Nebula Flight106. Murdered and replaced by Ammar. His body is later found in thetrunk of a car parked at Heathrow. Lola. Large custom-designed motor yacht owned by Rivera. Forty metersin length with a beam of eight meters. Rivera was hosting a party for Argentinian and Brazilian diplomats whenthe Lady Flamborough rammed the Lola and broke the vessel in two. Rivera and his wife plus twenty-three guests and five crew members wereaboard. Loper, Armando. The president's senior director of Latin Americanaffairs. Luger. German 9-milftmeter handgun carried by Fawzy. He uses it toshoot Ammar after he stabs Yazid to death. Macer, Latinins. A Gaul who is chief overseer of the slaves. Described as a huge, hard-bitten character. A giant, he stands a goodfull head above everyone else. Has great hips and shoulders joined nearly as one and a pair of oak-beamarms ending in hands that drop almost to his knees. Killed by thebarbarians. Machado, Juan. Captain of the General Bravo. He and his crewof-eighteen are transferred to the Lady Flamborough after the GeneralBravo is scuttled. Works for Topiltzin. Has oily hair and dirty fingernails. One whiff is enough to realize he seldom bathes. Ammar concludes thatTopiltzin intends to have Machado murder him and his crew. Killed bythe Special Operations Force when they storm the Lady Flamborough. Machineel. Also called poison guava, it is native to the Caribbean andthe Gulf Coast of Mexico. It comes from a tree that bears a deadly,sweet-tasting, apple shaped fruit. Poison that was placed in thepassengers' meal on Nebula Flight 106. Magellan Islands. String of islands around the Straits of Magellan. Landmarks include Break Point Peninsula, Deceit Island, Calamity Bay,Desolation Isle and Port Famine. Mahfouz, Mustapha. Identity Ammar uses to gain access to Yazid's hometo murder him. The real Mahfouz is allegedly an uncle of Yazid. Mercedes-Benz 300 SDL. Car driven by Ismail when he chases Pitt in theCord. Powered by turbocharged diesel engine, it is capable of twohundred twenty kilometers an hour. Ismail's two cars were driven acrossthe Mexican border to Colorado and are registered to a nonexistenttextile company in Matamoros, Mexico. Giordino tosses a socket wrench through the windshield of one of twoMercedes following the Cord and smashes its windshield, causing a wreckwith the 300 SDL behind it. When Pitt takes the Cord down the ski slope, the firstcar is smashed in the mogul field. Pitt tricks Ismail's driver into going off a ski jump. Metcalf, General Clayton. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Jack. Pilot of the helicopter that takes Pitt, Sandecker, Sharp andGarza from Corpus Christi to Roma. Nfiguel Aleman. Town on the Mexican side of the border across fromRoma. Military Command Center. Area in the Pentagon where planning for therecovery of the Lady Flamborough takes place. Milihiser, Marlys. Author of The Threshold, a book Sharp is reading. NEnerva. Brand of vertical-lift aircraft that resupplies Gronquist BayVillage every two weeks. Moheil Mussa. A famous Egyptian writer. In his mid-sixties, he isdescribed as a witty, urbane and articulate man with a slow and graciousmanner. A journalist who is Yazid's chief propagandist. Is present atthe meeting with Yazid where the hijacking of the Lady Flamborough isplanned. Monte Alban. Site of ancient pyramids, where Topiltzin preaches. Mount Italia. Mountain on Tierra del Fuego where a glacier flows downto the ocean. Mount Sarmiento. Tierra del Fuego mountain where a glacier flows downto the ocean. mullah. Islamic religious leader. Narrow-gauge locomotive. Found by Pitt at the zinc mine on Santa Inezisland, the locomotive is a @ wheel arrangement. Commandeered by Pittand his crew. Nebula Air. A plush airline that caters to VIPs. Operates on charteronly. The airline's colors are three stripes running down the hull,light blue and purple separated by a band of gold. NebWa Flight 106. United States chartered flight that is carryingKamil. A Boeing 720-B. After Ammar kills the crew and steers the planenorth, he bails out over Iceland. The plane continues on to Greenland,where it crashes in Ardencaple Fjord. Nichols, Dale. Special assistant to the president of the United States.Gives off the image of a college professor, which he had been atStanford before the president persuaded him to switch jobs. Has athicket of coffee-brown hair, neatly parted down the middle, andold-style spectacles, with small round lenses and thin wire frames. Wears a bow tie and smokes a pipe. Learned Spanish during a two-year stint in the Peace Corps. No Name Hill. True location of the Alexandria library. Noricus, Artorius. A young legionnaire under the command of Severus. First to alert Severus and Venator the barbarians are attacking. NUMA Seasat. NUMA-operated satellite mentioned by Dodge on page 333. O'Hara, Sergeant. U.S. Army sergeant whom Cranston orders to clearGongora Hill. Obsidian knife. Weapon used to remove Rivas's heart. Obsidian is stone, and the knife is razor-sharp. Operation Stogie. Code name for the theft of Sandecker's cigars. Launched by Giordino and an old AirForce buddy who is now a professional burglar for an intelligenceagency. Orinoco River. River in Venezuela. Pitt wonders if it is where Venatormight have buried the Alexandria Library. OsmaN Mustapha. Arab who reports that Pitt's group has taken over thecrushing mill and has possession of the escape helicopter. Osprey assault aircraft. Vertical takeoff and landing aircraft that theSpecial Forces unit takes to Argentina. Has a tilt rotor. The bullet-shaped aircraft takes off like ahelicopter but flies like a plane in excess of six hundred kilometers anhour. Has a terrain-following computer that controls most flightoperations. Oswald, Jerry. Copilot on Nebula Flight 106. Described as a big manwith the pinched features of a desert prospector. After being injectedwith the hypodermic containing the nerve agent sarin, he fights withAmmar and almost succeeds in strangling him before the poison ends hislife. Papyrus. A tropical plant. The Egyptians made a paper like writingmaterial out of Papyrus stems. Parent. Also called vellum. It is produced from the skin of animals,especially young calves, kids or lambs. Used as a writing material. Parker, Herbert. Second officer on the Lady Farnborough. Described asphysically fit, suntanned, with asmooth boyish face that seems as if it only needs a razor on Saturdaynight. Ammar, disguised as Collins, slips up and calls Parker by hisfirst name, something the real Collins would never do. Partido Revolucionado donal. Also known as PRI, the political partythat dominates Mexican politics. Patton, Vic. Green's supervisor at the National Security Agency. Pharos of Alexandria. One of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. A famed lighthouse that once stood a towering 135 meters. Near whereTopiltzin meets Yazid. Pilum. A two-meter throwing and thrusting sword. Weapon used by the centurions. Pliny. A celebrated Roman of the first century A.D. who wrote the world's first encyclopedia while with the AlexandriaLibrary. Polar F-rplarer. A sturdy new vessel especially designed for sailingthrough ice-covered waters. The massive boxlike superstructure toweringabove the hull resembles a five-story office building, and her greatbow, pushed by her 80,000-horsepower engines, can pound a path throughice up to one and a half meters thick. Based in Portsmouth, NewHampshire. President of the United States. Described as having silver hair andliquid gray eyes. He is tall, weighs two hundred pounds and has abone-crushing grip. Ptolemy. One of Alexander the Great's generals. After Alexander's death, his empire was divided by his generals. Ptolemy took Egypt and became a king. He also managed to get Alexander's corpse and encase it in agold-and-crystal coffin which he enshrined in a mausoleum. Around themausoleum, he built a city which became Alexandria. Ptolemy started theAlexandria Library. Punta Arenas. The southernmost large city in the world, on theBrunswick Peninsula in Chile. The Special Operations Force bases itsoperations there. Punta del Este. Coastal city in Uruguay. Location of an internationaleconomic summit meeting. Pythens. Famous Greek navigator who made an epic voyage in 350 B.C. 'the legends say he sailed north and eventually reached Iceland. Qaddafi, President Muammar. President of Libya. Mentioned by Brogan when talking to the president. Here we catch Clive predicting the future incorrectly: the presidentmentions to Brogan that Qaddafi died of cancer. As of this writing,he's still alive. Quetzalcoad. Five-step pyramid in the Toltec city of Tula. Site whereRivas is sacrificed. Named for one of the Aztecs' revered gods. Redfern, Dr. Mel. A tall man with blond hair that has receded into awidow's peak. Wears designer glasses. Has blue-gray eyes. Still reasonably trim for a man of forty but has aslight paunch. A former college basket 333 ball star who passed onplaying in the pros to earn his doctorate in anthropology. One of theworld's leading experts in classical marine archaeology. Whileanalyzing the tablets Pitt had removed from the Serapis, Redfern findsthe reason for the voyage: to hide the Library of Alexandria. Rio Grande. The river that divides Mexico and the United States andforms the Texas-Mexico border. Known as Rio Bravo in Spanish. Rivas, Guy. Special representative for the president of the UnitedStates. Picked because he speaks Nahuatl, the language of the Aztecs. His family immigrated to America from the Mexican town of Escampo, wherehe was taught Nahuatl at a very early age. Married, he has fourchildren. After being sent to meet with Topiltzin, his heart is removedwith an obsidian knife, and he is skinned. Rivera, Victor. Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies in Uruguay. Ownedthe Lola, named for his wife, which the Lady Flamborough rammed andsank. Rojas, Colonel Jose. Uraguayan chief coordinator for special security. Trained with the British Grenadier Guards. Roma, Texas. Town near the site where the Alexandria Library wasburied. On seven hills like its namesake in Italy. Viva Zapata, aMarion Brando movie, was filmed in Roma. Rooney, Teri. An actress who is asked to be a double for Kamil. Rothberg, Dr. Bertram. A professor of classical history at theUniversity of Colorado. Rothberg has made the study of the AlexandriaLibrary his life's work. Described as having a jolly smile beneath asplendid gray beard. Has sparkling blue eyes and a swirling mass ofgray hair. ROV. Stands for Remote Operated Vehicle. A tethered underwater viewingsystem. Rubin, Gary. Chief steward on Nebula Flight 106. Takes over the controls after Ammar parachutes out the hatch. One ofthree survivors of the crash. Rufinus, Cuccins. Captain of the Serapis. Employed by Nicias, a Greekshipping merchant from the port city of Rhodes. Has a daughter namedHypatia who travels with him on his voyage to bury the AlexandriaLibrary. Ruger P-85. American-made semiautomatic 9-millimeter handgun that Ammaruses to shoot Pitt in the back. Sadat, President Anwar. Former president of Egypt who was assassinated,mentioned by Kamil on page 237. Salazar, Nbguel. Mexico's director of foreign financing. Sam Trinity Sand and Gravel Company. Front for the actual excavationsof the Alexandria Library being carried out by Sharp. Santa Inez Island. Island in Chile that has glaciers. Spot where Pitt concludes the Lady Flamborough is hidden. Described assixty-five kilometers wide by ninety-five kilometers in length. Thehighest point is Mount Wharton at thirteen hundred twenty meters. Sarapis. The Roman ship found by Pitt near Gronquist Bay Village. Thought to be from the fourth century. Pitt dives through the ice in adry suit using surface-supplied air and examines the wreck. Pitt findsthe wreck has no stern rudder and a lead-sheathed bottom. Asked toexamine the stern post, Pitt finds a hardwood plaque with the Greekletters spelling Serapis and a face with curly hair and a heavy beard. Graham explains that the letters are not Classical but Eastern Greek andthat it is the name of a Greek Egyptian god. Pitt enters the hull andfinds the galley in order but no bodies inside. Roaming through theship, he examines the cargo hold and finds the crew, eight in all,perfectly preserved and crowded around an iron stove. Pitt theorizesthey were killed by a buildup of carbon monoxide. After the ship isexcavated from the ice, it is measured at just under twenty meters inlength with a beam of seven meters. Schiller, Julius. U.S. undersecretary for political affairs. Owns abeautiful thirty-five-meter motorsailer where poker games and politicsoccur with Soviet politicians. Married, he has a house in Chevy Chase,Maryland. Holds a clandestine meeting with Kamil at Senator Pitt's skichalet in Breckenridge. Severus, Doniitius. The Roman centurion who runs the infantry unit thatprovides protection for Venator. Has 336 the muscled arms of a soldier.Trained for the sword and the shield. Described as merciless, a savage.The personal symbol of the military detachment he leads is Taurus theBull atop a lance. A Spaniard. Severus had volunteered for the RomanLegion when he was sixteen. He advanced from common soldier, winning several decorations for braveryin battles with the Goths along the Danube and the Franks along theRhine. Fought against the Britons. Retired and became a mercenary. Thelast man to fall when the barbarians attack Venator's group. Shark. Code name for Holus in the assault on the Lady Flamborough. Sharp, Lily. A professor of anthropology at the University of Colorado.Finds the Roman coin while excavating at the site near Ardencaple Fjord.Injured when Gronquist crashes one of the rescue snowmobiles into asevered wing from Nebula Flight 106. Saved by Pitt. She later shows up at Pitt's home dressed seductively. Pitt takes her into the bedroom and has sex with her. In the car chase -with Ismail, she receives a bruised left cheek and ablack eye on the right side. Shaw, Elmer. Assistant secretary of the Navy. Sherlock. A robot submersible operated from the Polar Explorer. Hastwo movie cameras and one still camera. Used to photograph theAlfa-class submarine located by Pitt. Shiite. Sect of the Muslim religion most Iranians belong to. Said tobe more bloody and revolutionary than the Sunni sect. Simon, Lieutenant Cork. The leader of the Polar Explorer'sdamage-control experts. Sent to the wreckage of Nebula Flight 106. Described as stocky. Situation Room. Area in the White House where the president views allthe assembled intelligence data and plans the recovery of the LadyFlamborough. Slade, Lieutenant Colonel James. Air Force pilot of the SR-90 Casperwho photographs Antarctica and Tierra del Fuego. Home base is in theMojave Desert. Sounder. NUMA research vessel assigned to a sonar mapping project ofthe continental slope off southern Brazil. The vessel's sonar gear cancut a swath two miles wide, and she carries a submersible. Pittrequests the ship to search for the Lady Flamborougk Launched at aBoston shipyard in 1961, the vessel spent three decades chartering outto oceanographic schools. Purchased by NUMA in 1990, she was completelyoverhauled and refitted. Her new 4,000-horsepower diesel engine wasdesigned to push Sounder at a speed of fourteen knots. Stewart and the engineers managed to reach seventeen knots. Has twincycloidal propellers, one forward, one aft. Arrives at Santa InezIsland and tows the Lady Flamborough away from the glacier. Soviet Alfa submarine. A nuclear-powered, titanium-hull, nonmagneticand noncorrosive Soviet submarine with the latest in silent-propellertechnology. Said to be the deepest-diving and fastest submarines ineither the U.S. or Soviet navy. Holds one hundred fifty men. Sherlockshows a gash down her side as if she tore her side out on a jagged edgeofthe crater she lies inside. What Pitt and Giordino on board the PolarExplorer are seeking. They have just found it when Nebula Flight 106passes overhead. Special Operations Force. U.S. military service integrated elite force.In the fall of 1989, the Army's Delta Force and its secret aviation unitnamed Task Force 160 were merged with the Navy's SEAL Team Six and theAir Force's Special Operations Wing. These soldiers are heavily trainedin guerrilla tactics, parachuting, wilderness survival and scuba diving,with a special emphasis on storming buildings, ship and aircraft forrescue missions. SR-90 Casper. Top-secret U.S. Air Force reconnaissance aircraft capableof reaching Mach 5 or just under five thousand kilometers an hour. Theclosest SR-90 to South America is based at an airfield in Texas. Thepresident wants pictures of the Lady Flamborough and is told it willtake five hours for the flight over and photographic development. TheSR90's fuselage is made of an incredibly tough, lightweight plastic skinthat was tinted gray-white. Nicknamed Casper after the friendlycomic-book ghost. Stealth parachute. Special nondetectable parachute used by the DemonStalkers. Stewart, Frank. Captain of the Sounder. Described asnarrow-shouldered, with slicked-down long, burnt toast-brown hair. Looks like a small-town feed-store merchant and scoutmaster. A seasonedseaman, he can swim but refuses to learn how to dive. Tehnuk, Ibn. Ammar's servant and friend. Described as a swarthy typewith a curly mass of ebony hair. He is present when Ammar parachutesfrom Nebula Flight 106. Later helps Anunar hijack the Lady Farnborough. After the shoot-out with Pitt, he helps Anunar escape Santa Inez Islandand make his way back to Egypt. Later tries to kill Pitt in Roma with apistolized shotgun, but Pitt cuts off his fingers with a Roman sword. Seconds later, he is blown to bits in the C-6 explosion. Temple of the Magician. Pyramid temple in Uxmal where Topiltzin gives aspeech. Teotibuacan. Site of ancient pyramids, where Topiltzin preaches. Terra-cotta amphora. Pitt sees an amphora on the sea bottom near theSoviet Alfa-class submarine. The Greeks and Romans used amphoras totransport wine and olive oil. Texas A&M. University in Texas that translates the stone tablet Trinityfinds. The tablet is from Venator and describes the location of theAlexandria Library. Tezeatfipoen. One of the Aztecs' revered gods. Theodosius. Emperor who orders the Alexandria Library destroyed. Venator instead leads a group that hides the library in a series ofcaves. Died in 395. Thephflos. The patriarch of Alexandria who, along with Theodosius,ordered the Alexandria Library deStToyed. Bishop of Alexandria. Thompson submachine gun. Weapon of choice for Pitt on Santa InezIsland. Uses round drums that holds fifty .45-caliber shells. Thule Air Force Base. U.S. Air Force base in Greenland that sends helpto the site where Nebula Flight 106 crashes. Tiber. Once-glorious city in the Roman Empire. Now a slum. Mentionedby Sevenis when talking to Venator. Tierra del Fuego. Tip of Argentina cut off from the rest of the countryby the Straits of Magellan. Topiltzin. Described by Senator Pitt as a Benito Juarez/Emilio Zapatamessiah who preaches a return to a religious state based on Aztecculture. Described as short, with long hair he ties at the base. Has asmooth, oval face that suggests Indian ancestry. Has dark eyes. Rivas describes him as not looking a year over thirty. Wants to take over Mexico and rename the country Tenochtitlan, its Aztecname. Nahuatl will be the official language. Population will bebrought under control, foreign industry will become property of thestate and only native-born people will be allowed to live in thecountry. No more goods will be bought from the United States, and no oil will besold to the United States. Topiltzin also wants the return ofCalifornia, Texas, New Mexico and Arizona. In actuality, he is RobertCapesterre and brother of Paul, who is acting as Yazid. Killed by Pittin the excavation on Gongora Hill. Trinity, Sam. Resident of Roma and proprietor of Sam's Roman Circus, aconvenience store, gas station 341 and Roman artifact museum. Has whitehair and a dark calfskin-colored face. Very tall, skinny as a fencepost, arms slender, shoulders narrow, but with a voice that has vigorand resonance. Loves to golf and dig for artifacts. Owns the twelvehundred acres of land surrounding where the Alexandria Library isburied. The land has been in his family since Texas was a republic. Is paid atax-free ten million for the Alexandria Library by the U.S. governmentand takes off on a tour to play the top one hundred golf courses in theworld. T FATOR. Inscription on the coin found by Sharp. Tula. Site of ancient pyramids where Topiltzin preaches. Unde Tleodore's boat. One of the Capesterre uncles' yachts. Forty-five meters in length, the vessel is Dutch built withaircraft-style lines. The vessel has transoceanic range and a cruisingspeed of thirty knots. Site of the meeting between Topiltzin and Yazid. UNESCO. Acronym standing for United Nations Educational, Scientific andCultural Organization. University of Colorado. University located in Boulder, Colorado. Institution sponsoring the archaeological excavation near ArdencapleFjord. The archaeologists find that the site contains proof that a bandof hunters inhabited it nearly two thousand years ago. Radiocarbon dating on the excavated relics indicates the site wasoccupied from A.D. 200 to A.D. 400. Vazquez, Lieutenant Eduardo. Works under Rojas's command. Venator, Julius. Approaching his fifty-seventh year, with a gray, linedface, sunken cheeks and the tired, dragging steps that reflect theweariness of a man who has no more heart for life. A Greek wise man. Incharge of the group that hides the Alexandria Library. Has a wife and daughter awaiting his return at the family villa inAntioch. Assembles a fleet of sixteen ships including the Serapis tocarry the contents of the library. Described by Rothberg as the leadingintellectual of his time. A renowned scholar and teacher who was hiredaway from one of the great learning centers of Athens to become the lastof the Alexander Library's curators. Wrote more than one hundred booksof political and social commentary. When the barbarians attack hissoldiers and kill them, Venator attempts to swim out to the Serapis butis unsuccessful. He later describes what happens on the stone tablet found by Trinity. After escaping the barbarians, he made his way south, where he was takenin by a primitive pyramid people. Seven years later, he returned toRoma, then sailed for the Mediterranean but was never heard from again. Vyhousky, Yuri. The Soviet Embassy's special advisor on Americanaffairs. Webster, Henry. Doctor aboard the Lady Flamborough who treats Pittafter the gunfight at the ore crushing building. Described as a littlebald-headed man. Wismer, Harold. Present at the meeting at Lake of the Ozarks. An oldcrony and advisor to the president. Wears rirffless glasses with pink lenses. A snarled beard almost hideshis thin lips. Described as bald as a basketball. Has brown eyes. Yazid, Akhmad. Leader of the fanatical mullahs who seek to overthrowthe Egyptian government. An Islamic law scholar. Orders the murder ofKamil by destroying Nebula Flight 106. Fashions himself as a MuslimGandhi. Described as young, no more than thirty-five. A small manwhose face does not have the precise features of most Egyptians, thechin and cheekbones softer, more rounded. His eyes seem to shift incolor from black to dark brown. Claims to have spent his first thirtyyears in the Sinai Desert talking to Allah. Claims to have been born insqualid poverty in a mud hut near the City of the Dead in the garbagedumps of Cairo. Claims his father and two sisters died from diseasebrought on by fflthy living conditions. Claims his only formalschooling is what he received from Islamic holy men and also claims theProphet Muhannnad speaks through him. Linked to terrorism that includesthe murder of a high-ranking Air Force general, a truck explosionoutside the Soviet Embassy and the execution-style killing of fouruniversity professors who spoke out in favor of Western ways. Inactuality, he is Paul Capesteffe and brother of Topiltzin (RobertCapesteffe). Killed with a carbon-composite knife by Ammar at his housein Egypt. Yazid's house. Located twenty kilometers from Alexandria, the smallvilla squats on a low hill overlooking a wide sandy beach. Has anornate doorway for honored guests and a small side door used by thosewho work for Yazid. Ybarra, Eduardo. A member of the Mexican delegation on Nebula Flight106. Once served as a mechanic in the Mexican Air Force. Described ashaving a round and brown face. His hair is thick and black with tracesof gray. Has brown eyes. Helps Rubin in the cockpit of Nebula Flight106 after Ammar parachutes out over Iceland. Killed in the crash ofNebula Flight 106. Is a suspect in the poisoning of the passengersbecause he didn't eat the in-flight meal, claiming to have an upsetstomach. Later, the flight attendant notices him eating a sandwichtaken from his briefcase. DragonAcosta, Rico. A mining engineer attached to the Philippine securityforce looking for Yamashita's Gold. Described as tall for a Filipino, with eyes that indicate more than atrace of Chinese ancestry. His grandfather was in the 57th PhilippineScouts, captured by the Japanese and imprisoned at Fort Santiago. Thegrandfather never returned. Ajima Island. Island in Japan that was later renamed Soseki Island. Location of the Dragon Center. About sixty kilometers off the coast dueeast of Edo City. Akagi spy satellite. Japanese spy satellite. Andersson, Olaf. The assistant chief engineer of the Narvik. Goes withthe boarding party to the Divine Star. Arizona. Code name for the operation to have Pitt place an atomic bombon the fault line and wipe out Soseki Island. Arnold, Lieutenant Joseph. Navigator on Dennings' Demons flight toOsaka. Asakusa. An area northeast of Tokyo in a section known as Shitamachi. Part of the old city of Tokyo. Atomic bomb. The one carried by Dennings' Demons is described as agigantic overinflated football with nonsensical boxed fins on one end. The round ballistic casing was painted a light gray, and the clamps thathold the bomb together around the middle look like a huge zipper. Avanti. Automobile produced by Studebaker and later other companies. Car used by Fox and Weatherhill when in Las Vegas. Beanbag gun. A spring-powered piston tube with a wide-diameter barrelused to shoot the hedgehog. Used by Fox and WeatherhiU as they break into the underground parkinggarage at the Pacific Paradise Hotel. Big Ben. The DSMV, a later version than Big John, that Pitt uses todrive the atomic bomb from Dennings' Demons to the fault line toeradicate Soseki Island. Weighs thirty-five tons. The top speed hasbeen increased over Big John's. Big John. The DSMV Pitt is driving when he rescues the crew of OldGert. Big John has tractor treads that can propel it at five kilometersan hour. On the front are a grappler and a scoop. The pilot sitsbehind a clear bubble shield. It is powered by a small nuclear reactor.Weight is fifteen tons. After Pitt drives Big John to Conrow Guyot, heis met by Giordino and Sandecker in a submersible. Giordino cuts off parts of Big John with an arc torch to allow it torise to the surface. When the ascent begins to slow, Giordino grabs BigJohn with an arm from the submersible and pushes it to within ninetymeters from the surface before the submersible begins to falter. 'nere Pitt and Plunkett escape from Big John and swim to the surface,and Big John sinks again to the bottom. Black Horse. Code name used by Frick's team. Black Sky. Criminal organization that dominated Japan after the turn ofthe century. Korori Yoshishu and Koda Suma, father of Hideki, weremembers. Black smokers. Oddly sculpted vents on the sea floor that emit365-degree-Celsius clouds of black steam underwater. Pitt and Plunkettpass one on the way to Conrow Guyot. Around the vents are tube worms,white mussels and varieties of clams Plunkett has never seen before. They survive on bacteria that converts hydrogen sulfide and oxygenoverflow from the vents into organic nutrients. Blood Red Brotherhood. Japanese terrorist society described asfanatical butchers. A few are Japanese, butmost are East Germans trained by the KGB. Tsuboi wants them to kidnapSmith and Diaz. Blue Horse. Code name for the team that recovers a bomb car in NewJersey. Bock's Car. Name of the B-29 that dropped the atomic bomb named Fat Boyon Nagasaki. Piloted by Major Charles Sweeney. Brogan, Martin. Director of the Central Intelligence Agency. Byrnes, Commander Hank. Weapons engineer on Dennings' Demons flight toOsaka. Is tasked with monitoring the atomic bomb. The only U.S. Navyofficer aboard the plane. Building C. Part of the National Security Agency at Fort Meade,Maryland. Location where Ingram studies pictures of the ocean bottomand locates Dennings' Demons. Buson. Japanese poet who once wrote, "With his hat blown off/thestiff-necked scarecrow/stands there quite discomfited." Quoted by Sumaon page 404. C-8. Plastic explosive used by Mancuso at Soseki Island. CAD/CAM. An acronym for Computer-Aided Design/Computer-AidedManufacturing. Yaeger uses the system to help Pitt and Nash discoveratomic bombsare being smuggled into different countries in the Murrnoto's airconditioners. Cain, Edward. Tourist on the beach at Marcus Island when Big Ben comesashore. Married to Moira. Central Command. Main base of operations for the MAIT. Housed in theFederal Headquarters Building. Clausen, August. Farmer in Germany whose tractor falls into theunderground cavern containing German jet fighters and expensive artwork.Lives near Bielefeld in North Rhine-Westphalia, West Germany. Described as a big, hearty man just past seventy-four. Has a wife and two daughters. Fought in World War II in the Panzerbrigade. Congressional Country Club. Where the president is playing golf whenJordan briefs him about the progress on Soseki Island. Conrow Guyot. X seamount near Soggy Acres with a smooth summit thatPitt heads for in Big John. The sea floor rises up, and it is onlythree hundred ten meters to the surface. Coffegidor Island. Island at the mouth of Manila Bay in thePhilippines. Where Mancuso believes Yamashita's Gold is buried. Corregidor was the location of General MacArthur's headquarters beforehe evacuated to Australia. CPDA-1 red blood cell bags. What Pitt steals from the hospital on thefourth floor of Soseki Island. Usesthe bags to drain his own blood. Later uses the blood to fool Katamorithat he was killed. Deep Quest. NUMA submersible that is sitting on the dock in Los AngelesHarbor. Sandecker wants to have the twelve-metric-ton Deep Questair-dropped from a U.S. Air Force C-5. Deerfield, Dr. Harry. Doctor who cares for Knox aboard Shanghai Shelly.Described as having graying bald hair and a warm twinkle in his eyes. DEFCOM. Level of nuclear preparedness. DEFCOM One is a launch. Delta One. The U.S. military team that is scheduled to remove the MAITteam from Soseki Island when they signal. Delta watch. Special watch that beeps to alert the wearer that a codedmessage has been received. Labeled a Raytech so it looks ordinary. Jordan wears one. DeLuca, Lieutenant David. The navigational officer on board Tucson. Dennings, Major Charles. Pilot of the B-29 that takes off from ShemyaIsland bound for Osaka. Spent two years as one of the top bomber pilotsin Europe, with more than forty missions to his credit. His plane andcrew perish when they are shot down by a Japanese Zero and the B-29bursts into flames. Dennings' Demons. Boeing B-29 carrying the atomic weapon bound forOsaka. At takeoff, the plane is fully loaded at sixty-eight tons withher tanks filled to capacity with more than seven thousand gallons offuel. With the forward bomb bay holding the six-ton atomic bomb and carrying acrew of twelve, the plane is seventeen thousand pounds overweight. It is powered by four 3,350-cubic-inch Wright Cyclone engines. Theengines' combined power is 8,800 horsepower, and they spinsixteen-point-five-foot propellers. The fuselage is ninety feet longand made out of polished aluminum. The wings are one hundred forty-one feet, and the rear stabilizer isthree stories tall. The insignia is a devil clutching a pitchfork inhis right hand, a bomb in his left, with his feet clutching gold barslabeled "24K," a reference to the crew calling themselves goldbrickersafter they are reprimanded for tearing up a beer hall in California. Diaz, Senator Mike. U.S. senator who advocates stern measures againstJapan. A widower in his late forties, his wife died of diabetes shortlyafter he was elected to his first term. Lives full-time in his officein Washington, D.C. No children. Was an army helicopter pilot inVietnam who was shot down and wounded in the knee. Spent two years as aPOW, but his jailers never properly attended to his wound, so he walkswith a limp and the aid of a cane. Attended the University of NewMexico and became a lawyer. Hair is pure black and swept back in a highpompadour. His face is round and brown with dark umber eyes and a mouththat flashes perfect white teeth. Kidnapped by Suma's men from hisfishing lodge and taken to Soseki Island. later rescued by Pitt andgroup. Divine Lake. Japanese cargo ship containing Murmoto automobiles that isfive days out of Los Angeles. Divine Moon. Japanese cargo ship containing Murmoto automobiles thatoff-loads in Boston. Divine Sky. Japanese cargo ship containing Murmoto automobiles that isscheduled to dock in New Orleans within eighteen hours. Suma orders thevessel to divert to Jamaica. Divine Star. Huge Japanese auto carrier. Her upper works stretch fromblunt bow to a perfectly squared stern. The ship has five decks and ahuge, completely automated wheelhouse. Seven hundred feet in length, itwas delivered March 16, 1988. Owned and operated by Sushimo SteamshipCompany Limited. Her home port is Kobe, Japan. When found by theboarding party from the Narvik, she's loaded with 7,288 Murmotoautomobiles due to be delivered in Los Angeles. Blown to bits when one of the boarding party from the Narvik shoots abullet into the atomic bomb in a Murmoto. Divine Water. Japanese cargo ship containing Murmoto automobiles thatis off-loading in Los Angeles. Dragon Center. What the detonation center for the Kaiten Project iscalled. DSMV Acronym for Deep Sea Mining Vehicle. Also known as Big John. Edo City. Set in a landscaped park and covered by a huge solar plasticdome, Edo City was named after the city renamed Tokyo. Designed andbuilt by Suma, Edo City is a scientific research and think-tankCommunity that supports sixty thousand people. Shaped like a giantcylinder around an atrium, the twenty story circular complex containsliving quarters for the scientific community, offices, public baths,convention halls, restaurants, a shopping mall, library and its ownthousand-member security force. Smaller underground cylinders connectedby tunnels to the main core hold the communications equipment, heatingand cooling systems, temperature and humidity controls, electrical powerplants and waste-processing machinery. The elaborate structures areconstructed of ceramic concrete and reach fifteen hundred meters deep inthe volcanic rock. Enola Gay. The plane that dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima. AsDennings' Demons is settling onto the sea floor after being shot down,Enola Gay is just lifting off. Enshu, Ashikaga. An investigator and art dealer who specializes inhunting down rare paintings. Described as having a perfect mane ofsilver hair, heavy eyebrows and a full mustache. Is actually adisguised Hanamura. When he goes to Suma's office to sell him apainting, he bugs the office. Epee. Discipline in fencing. Fat Boy. Code name of the atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki. Fazio, Lieutenant Commander Ken. Executive officer on board the Tucson. Federal Headquarters Building. On Constitution Avenue in Washington,D.C it is a shabby-appearing six story building. It looks to be indisrepair, but that is a facade created to ensure secrecy. After takingthe elevator up, Pitt and his group enter a giant gleaming controlcenter manned by U.S. intelligence agents. Five-oh-ainth Bomber Squadron. Squadron to which the Enola Gaybelonged. Foil. Discipline in fencing. Ford Club Coupe. Pitt's maroon 1947 model was the first car in hiscollection. Ford's Theater. Where President Lincoln was shot by John Wilkes Booth. In Washington, D.C between E and F streets on Tenth. Where Meekerbriefs Jordan that they are certain that the Divine Star blew up in anatomic explosion. Foster, Brian. Tourist on the beach at Marcus Island when Big Ben comesashore. Married to Shelly. Fox, Stacy. Camera woman aboard Old Gert. Pretty, with long, straightblond hair that falls around her face. Looks younger than herthirty-four years. Her eyebrows are thick and her eyes wide apart, heririses a soft green color. Her lips sit above a determined chin and arealmost always parted in a bright, eventoothed smile. Once a Californiabeach girl, she majored in photographic arts at Chouinard Institute inLos Angeles. Twice married and twice divorced, with one daughter wholives with her sister. Is actually a covert U.S. intelligence agentworking for the National Security Agency. After she arrives at Pitt'shome and gives him a massage, they make love. Later, she breaks intothe underground parking garage at the Pacific Paradise Hotel and disarmsone of the bombs in a Murmoto. She later enters Soseki Island and iscaptured. A judo expert. Rescued by Pitt. After Pitt is believeddead, she has lunch with Smith. Frick, Bill. Special agent with the FBI. Leads the group that stormsthe vault at the Pacific Paradise Hotel. FSX fighter jets. Jets used by Japan's Self-Defense Forces. Built by apartnership of McDonnell Douglas and Mitsubishi. Furukawa, George. Suma's agent in the southwestern United States. Vice president of the Samuel J. Vincent Laboratories. Known inintelligence circles as a sleeper. His family immigrated to the UnitedStates after World War II. Raised to be a leader of American businesswith help from mysterious funds wired from Japan. Received a Ph.D. inaerodynamic physics. Recruited for the Kaiten Project by Suma inHawaii. Gaijin. Japanese term for foreigners. Means outside person. Gailand, Adolf. One of the leading German aces in World War II. Saidof the Messerschmitt 262, "It flew as though the angels were pushing." Gentle Giant. The Lockheed C-5 that drops Big Ben with Pitt inside intothe ocean near Dennings' Demons. Specially modified for aerial drops.Hit by a Toshiba surface-to-air missile, it lands at Naha Airfield onOkinawa. Giordino, Alfred. What Kamatori calls Albert when he first meets Smith. Glomar Explorer. Famous deep-sea recovery vessel constructed by HowardHughes for the Central Intelligence Agency. Golanov, NickoW. Soviet counterpart to Jordan. Title is Director ofForeign and State Security for the Politburo. Golden Dragons. A Japanese secret society begun after World War II. Gray Horse. Code name for the team that recovers a bomb car inMinnesota. Great Karnac. The latest in underwater visual technology. The Tucsonis the first submarine to have the system. Kamac was developed by NUMA. Groves, General Leslie. General in charge of the Manhattan BombProject. Haider, Gert. German minister of historic works. Rewards Pitt forfinding the missing artwork by giving him a Messerschmitt 262. Hanamura, James. MAIT member of Team Honda and CIA field agent. Assigned to the internal Japan investigation. Lives in Redondo Beach,California, and drives a new Corvette. On the trail of the KaitenProject, he impersonates an engineer to gain access to Edo City. Findsthe blueprints that show the underground tunnel. Chased by guards, heraces in his car over back roads to Tokyo. Hands the blueprints to atruck driver to deliver because he is shot and bleeding. When capturedby Kamatori, he bites a poison capsule. Later beheaded by Kamatori andhis head mounted on the wall in the study at Soseki Island. Harper, Commander Wendell. Captain of the Ralph R. Bennett. Describedas tall and beefy with a solid paunch. Harris, Keith. NUMA project seismologist at Soggy Acres. Has a graybeard that matches his hair. Explains to Pitt that the explosiontriggered the fault line near Soggy Acres -and they need to evacuate. Hatchet fish. Silver with deep bodies that flatten on the sides. Haveslender tails and rows of light organs that flash along their lowerstomachs. Their eyes are disproportionately large and protrude fromtubes that rise upward. Hauser, Lieutenant Commander Sam. U.S. Navy lieutenant commander whoworks for the Naval Radiological Defense Laboratory. Is on board theTucson to measure the radioactivity from the atomic bomb explosion onthe Divine Star. Hedgehog. Nickname for a pulley device that attaches to the side ofductwork and used for covert entry to buildings. Used by Fox andWeatherhill when they break into the underground parking garage at thePacific Paradise Hotel. Henrico County Sheriff's Department. Helicopter with Giordino aboardthat assists Pitt and Mancuso in chasing the limousine they think Smithis aboard. Iilispano-Suiza. A red 1926 drop-head cabriolet manufactured in Paris. Has an eight-liter six-cylinder engine. Features a flying storkradiator ornament. Car driven by Cussler in the race against Pitt inRichmond. Hokkaido. One of the four main islands of Japan. Honshu. One of the four main islands of Japan. Hutcheson, Francis. A Scot philosopher quoted by Pitt on page 191:"Wisdom denotes the pursuing of the t best ends by the best means." Orthe more common bastardization: "The end justifies the means." This X-20. Ultralight power gliders that took like pint sized Stealthbombers. They have a dark gray paint job and the same Buck Rodgersshape as Stealth bombers. Designed for one-man reconnaissance flights, they feature the latest incompact turbine engines that provide a three hundred-kilometer cruisingspeed with a range of one hundred twenty kilometers. Pitt and Giordinofly them from the Ralph R. Bennett to a crash landing on Soseki Island. Ingram, Clyde. The director of science and technical datainterpretation for the National Security Agency at Fort Meade. Invincible. The British research vessel that is connected to Old Gert. ltakurs, Admiral. Japanese admiral assigned to the Japanese embassy inWashington, D.C. Italian dueling saber. Weapon used by Pitt to defeatKatamori. A nineteenth-century sword with a ninety centimeter blade. Jordan, Raymond. Director of central intelligence and head of theNational Security Service. Reports directly to the president. Has aphotographic memory and speaks seven languages. Described as medium inheight, late fifties, with a healthy head of silver-gray hair. He has asolid frame with a slight paunch and kindly, oak-brown eyes. Marriedfor thirty-seven years, he has twin daughters who are in college. Consumes Maalox as if it were popcorn. Junshiro, Prime Minister Ueda. Prime minister of Japan. Described ashaving short-trimmed white hair and defiant brown eyes. The presidentorders him to resign after the Kaiten Project. Kaiser, Sonar Man First Class Richard. U.S. Navy sonar man assigned tothe Tucson. Hears "Minnie the Mermaid" playing from Big John'sunderwater speaker. Kaiten Project. Suma's plan for Japanese domination of the world. Onehundred thirty atomic warheads are placed in fifteen countries. Translated, means "a change of sky," but in Japanese it has a broadermeaning: "a new day is coming, a great shift in events." Kamatori, Moro. Suma's oldest friend and his chief aide. Meticulousand devious, he manages Suma's secretive projects. Has a stolid,resolute face flanked by oversized ears. Has heavy black brows and darklifeless eyes that look through thick-lensed rimless glasses. He is aman without emotions or convictions whose greatest talent is huntinghuman game. Over the course of twenty-five years, he has killed twohundred thirty-seven people. His father was a fencing master at auniversity in Japan. Hobby is hunting people. After he decides to huntPitt but is eluded, Pitt returns and engages him in a sword fight. Pittsevers his hand, then pins him by his groin to the wall in the study onSoseki Island and kills him. Kami. A Shinto word meaning "the way of divine power through variousgods." Kano, Daisetz. Top-level robotic engineer who works on Soseki Island. Kappabashi. Street near the Tawaramachi subway station. Kataginu. An Edo-period silk brocade sleeveless hunting jacket worn byKatamori when he hunts Pitt. Katana. Japanese ceremonial sword. Kawanunai Tours. Painted on the side of a small bus that picks up thecrews from Soggy Acres and Old Gert after they are helicoptered toHawaii. Keegan, Dan. Wyoming rancher who dies when one of the Kaiten Project'satomic bombs is set off with a rifle shot. Married. Kenjutsu. Japanese sword sport. Kern, Donald. Jordan's deputy director of operations. Bony-thin, small and lean. Has intensely cool bluegreen eyes that seemto reach into everyone's inner thoughts. Kiai. Method of concentration used by Japanese sword masters. An innerforce or power attributed to accomplishing miracles, especially amongthe samurai class. Knox, Jimmie. Old Gert's surface controller. Described as a jollyScot. When the Invincible begins to sink, he leaps from the deck andgrabs a piece of wood. Later picked up by the Shanghai Shelly. Diesfrom a super lethal dose of radiation before he can explain whathappened. Koror. Island in the Palau Republic chain that will house the U.S.intelligence information-gathering and collection point for the MAIT. The person in charge is Penner. Korvold, Captain Arne. Captain of the Norwegian Rindal Linespassenger-cargo liner Narvik. Norwegian by birth, he is described as ashort, distinguished man who never makes a hurried gesture. Hisice-blue eyes seldom blink, and the lips beneath his short, graying,trimmed beard seem constantly frozen in a slight smile. Has spenttwenty-six years at sea, mostly on cruise ships. Killed when the DivineStar blows up in the atomic blast. Koyams, Masuji. Suma's expert technician in defense detection. Kudan HiB. Hill in the middle of Tokyo atop which Yasukuni sits. Kudo, Toshie. Suma's secretary. Much taller than her native sisters. Willowy, with long legs, jet-black hair falling to her waist andflawless skin enhanced by magical coffee-brown eyes. Boasts an IQbordering on 165. The daughter of a poor fisherman and the fourth of eight children. Was a skinny, unattractive child until she blossomed. Suma noticed herfishing and bought her from her father. In time, she has grown to enjoyher role as Suma's secretary and mistress. Speaks English, French,Spanish, German and Russian. Removed from Soseki Island by Pitt and thegroup, she is later remanded into Giordino's custody. Kurojima, Takeda. Chief director of the Dragon Center. The technicalbrain who headed the Kaiten Project from start to finish. Kyoto. City in Japan that is the backup target for tM atomic bombcarried by Dennings' Demons. Kyushu. One of the four main islands of Japan. Lange, Chancellor. Chancellor of Germany. Langley Field. Airstrip near the headquarters of the CIA where the jetcarrying Smith, Diaz, Suma and Toshie lands. Liquid-metal fast breeder. Type of nuclear reactor in Japan. Alongwith power, it also produces plutonium and converts lithium intotritium, both essential ingredients for thermonuclear weapons. Lockheed C-5 Galwq. The largest cargo plane in the world. Built by theLockheed Corporation. Maximum cruise speed four hundred sixty knots. Lovin' Lilly. B-29 that was in the air flying toward Japan when Bock'sCar dropped the atomic bomb on Nagasaki. Lowden, David. Chief vehicle engineer at Soggy Acres. Has a prettywife and three kids. Wears rimless glasses. Pilots one of thesubmersibles to the surface. Magiev. Short for magnetic kvitation. Perfected by the Japanese andused to move trains and such. Works on the principle of repulsionbetween magnets. MAIT. An acronym standing for Multi-Agency Investigative Team. A MAITis assembled in the Federal Headquarters Building to combat the KaitenProject. Mancuso, Frank. U.S. government intelligence officer working withPhilippine intelligence in an attempt to locate Yamashita's Gold. Described as forty-two with the long-limbed, thin body of a basketballplayer. Has brown hair and a soft, round, Germanic face. Has blueeyes. Smokes a pipe. Graduated from the Colorado' School of Mines andspent his early years prospecting and working mines in search ofprecious gems such as opals in Australia, emeralds in Colombia andrubies in Tanzania. He also did a fruitless three-year hunt on Japan'snorthern island of Hokkaido for the rarest of rare gems, Red Painite. Shortly before he reached thirty, he was courted by an obscureWashington intelligence agency and appointed a special agent undercontract. Once inside the tunnel on Corregidor, Mancuso finds a numberof trucks and a small auto house trailer made of aluminum. Thatconvinces him that the Japanese returned for Yamashita's Gold. When hemeets Pitt at the Federal Headquarters Building, he is described as athin older man with shoulder-length hair. Enters Soseki Island but istaken prisoner. Freed by Pitt, he returns to the United States. Manganese nodules. Black and round-shaped like cannonballs. They arelittering the bottom of the ocean in a thick layer where Old Gert lands.A swath is cut through the field of nodules in a straight line like avacuum cleaner would make. The swath is where Pitt and crew used BigJohn for underwater mining. Manhattan Project. The code name for the project based in Los Alamos,New Mexico, that resulted in the atomic bomb. Marcos, Ferdinand. Former leader of the Philippines who found severalhundred tons of Yamashita's Gold. Marcus Island. Island 1,125 kilometers southeast of Japan. Turned intoa resort by a Japanese developer. Location where Pitt drives Big Ben ashore. Marmon. Famous American automobile. A 1931 Marmon V-16 town car is atthe race in Richmond. Pitt has a Marmon in his collection. Manser bolt-action. Type of rifle carried by Keegan. McCurry, Bill. One of the National Security Agency's top investigators.Described as having long, sun bleached hair and skin darkened by theCalifornia sun. McGoon. What Pitt and Giordino call the robot guard that watches themafter they are captured on Soseki Island. McGurk. One of the robots guarding Pitt and Giordino. Meeker, Curtis. Deputy director of advanced technical operations. Basically a shy man but acknowledged as the best satellite photo analystin the world. A nice looking man, black hair sprinkled with gray, kindface, easy smile and eyes that reflect friendliness. Mendicino Fracture Zone. Location near Soggy Acres that Pitt andPlunkett must pass through on their way to Conrow Guyot. Said to dwarfthe famous tourist site in northern Arizona, its steep escarpmentsaverage three thousand meters high. Messerschmitt 262. The German Luftwaffe's first turbojet airplane. Also called Swallows. Has a slim cigar shape to its fuselage, avertical stabilizer and ungainly jet pods that hang from knife likewings. Has four 30 millimeter cannon for armaments. Pitt is given oneby Halder. Pitt arranges to ship it to his home. After Pitt is feareddead, Giordino vows to restore the plane. Metcalf, General Clayton. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Midgaard, Arne. Seaman from the Narvik who is on the boarding partythat enters the Divine Star. Alerts Steen to the automobile in thecargo hold with its hood up. Dies from radiation poisoning. Midway. Island in the Pacific that sends rescue units to the site ofthe Divine Star explosion. Miller, W. A. Name on the dog tags of a skeleton Mancuso and Acosta findin the excavation of Corregidor. "Minnie the Mernudd." Famous B. G. DeSylvia song. Played by Pitt over Big John's underwater speaker when he rescues thecrew of Old Gert. Mitsubishi A6M Zero. Plane Okinaga is flying. Powered by an1,130-horsepower Sakae engine. Armed with two machine guns and two20-millimeter cannons. Mitsubishi Ravens. Jet interceptors in the Japan Air Self-DefenseForces that are dispatched to shoot down the tilt-rotored airplanecarrying Pitt and the group from Soseki Island. Nfiwa, Suboro. Person who detonates the atomic bomb on Keegan's ranch.Claims to be an engineer with Miyata Communications. Married, withthree sons. Member of the Golden Dragons. Nflyata Connnunications. Company Miwa claims to work for. Nfiyaza, Jiro. One of Suma's chief structural engineers at Edo City. Has a wife and two children. Resembles Hanamura in face and body, soHanamura impersonates him to gaim access to Edo City and find theblueprints that show the underground tunnel. Miyaza recognizes he isbeing impersonated when he notices Hanamura wearing his security badge. Alerts the guards, who chase Hanamura. Monroe, Roy. Secretary of the Navy. Morrison, General Harold. Special deputy to General Leslie Groves whois head of the Manhattan Bomb Project. Briefs Dennings and his crewbefore their mission. Was both a master flight mechanic and aircraftengineer during his early Army Air Corps career. AsDennings' Demons lifts off the runway, he can hear one of the cylindersin one of the engines not firing. Morse, Clayton. Geophysicist at the National Earthquake Center. Morton, Commander Beau. U.S. Navy commander and skipper of the Tucson. Mosely, Sergeant Robert. Flight engineer on Dennings' Demons flight toOsaka. Mothees Breath. Code name for the atomic weapon carried by Dennings'Demons. Morrison believes that President Tnirnan came up with the name.Measures nine feet in length and five feet in diameter. An implosiontype bomb. mother's Pride. Nickname for the atomic bomb loaded on Lovin' Lilly atGuam. After Fat Boy was dropped on Nagasaki, the bomb was shipped backto Los Alamos. Muraski. Name of the robot guard that watches Pitt and Giordino afterthey are captured on Soseki Island. it means purple." Murmoto four-wheel-drive- pickup truck Hanamura drives in Japan. Powered by a V-6 engine. Mumoto limousine. Type of automobile Suma owns. Black and custom-built, it is powered by a twelve-cylinder600-horsepower engine. Murmoto Motor Distribution Corporation. Located in Alexandria,Virginia. The building is described as modern red brick with largewindows. Giordino goes there to find out where the Murmotos carryingbombs were shipped. Murmoto SP-500 sports sedans. Model of car that contains the atomicbombs. To be identifiable, the bomb laden cars are painted a putridbrown color. MurmOtO sPOrtS car. Automobile Furukawa drives. Powered by a 400-horsepower, 5.8-liter, thirty-two valve V-8, it has asix-speed transmission. MurPhYg Owen. Owner of Shanghai Shelly. An old man with snow-whitehair in a windblown mass and a long, curling white mustache. Went toAnnapolis with Sandecker, then resigned from the Navy and started anelectronics company. Sandecker claims Murphy has more money than theU.S. Treasury. Narvik. Norwegian Rindal Lines passenger-cargo ship. Scheduled cruise is Pusan, Korea, to San Francisco. Carrying one hundred thirty passengers when it comes upon the abandonedDivine Star. Total of two hundred fifty passengers and crew. Blown tobits when the atomic bomb on the Divine Star ignites. Nash, Dr. Percival. Nicknamed "Payload Percy." He is Pitt's uncle onhis mother's side. Eighty-two years old. Nash was one of thescientists on the Manhattan Project which built the first atomic bomb. Former director on the Atomic Energy Commission, now retired. Has agreat white beard, a knuckle for a noseand squinting eyes. A lifelong bachelor and gourmand who owns a winecellar that is the envy of every society party thrower in town. TheMotor Vehicle Department recently took away his motorcycle license, buthe still drives his Jaguar XK 120. Natalie. Chef at the Maryland retreat where Suma is being debriefed byJordan. National Earthquake Center. Located at the Colorado School of Mines inGolden, Colorado, the center monitors earthquake intensity worldwide. Nichols, Dale. Special assistant to the president. Smokes a pipe and wears old-style reading glasses. Nicknamed "the Protector of the Presidential Realm." Has a thicket of coffee-brown hair. r Nippon. Another name for Japan. Means "source of i the sun." Noganii, Josh. Described as a young, smiling Japanese. Doctor on Soseki Island. Tells Pitt he was born and t raised in SanFrancisco and served his internship at St. Paul's Hospital in Santa Ana,California. Actually a British deep-cover agent who is against Suma.Father was a British subject, mother was from San Francisco. Attended medical school at UCLA. Escapes aboard the tilt-rotoredaircraft to the Ralph R.Bennett. Oba. Nurse who works in the hospital on Soseki Island. Knows karate. Ocean Mother. Code name of an atomic bomb that was on Midway Island. Okinaga, Lieutenant Junior Grade Sato. Japanese pilot who shoots downDennings' Demons. Described as young and inexperienced. Okinawa. Island between Japan and Taiwan where Dennings' Demons was dueto refuel after it dropped its bomb. Okuma, Ubunai. Top-level robotic engineers who work on Soseki Island. Old Gert. The British deep-sea submersible that is near the Divine Starwhen she blows apart. Constructed by a British aerospace company, OldGert is on her maiden test dive to survey the Mendocino fracture zone.The design of Old Gert is unique; instead of the single cigar-shapedhull, she features four transparent titanium and polymer woven spheresconnected by circular tunnels that give her the appearance of a jackfrom a child's game. Orita, Roy. MAIT member of Team Honda and CIA field agent. In reality,he was born in the United States, a third-generation American. His father won the Silver Star in the Italian campaign in World War II. Osaka. City in Japan that is the primary target for the atomic bombcarried by Dennings' Demons. Oscar Brown's Hardware Emporium. After being chased by Suma's men,Pitt, with Giordino and Sandecker aboard, crashes the Jeep Wagoneer intothe store, and they head for the gun display to arm themselves. Otokodate. Another name for Taiho. Padfic Paradise Hotel. Hotel in Las Vegas owned by Suma. Fox andWeatherhill trace the shipment of bomb-laden Murmotos to the hotel'sunderground parking lot. The hotel is constructed of concrete paintedlight blue with round porthole windows on the guest rooms. Penner, Mel. U.S. intelligence agent who is director of fieldoperations for the MAIT on Koror. Described as having a corduroy-redface. His cover is that he is a UCLA sociologist studying native Palauculture. Phosgene. Poison gas that must be inhaled it to kill. Found by Pitt booby-trapped in the cavern holding artwork underClausen's farm. Photonics. Fiber-optic transmission that allows people to see oneanother while talking over the telephone. Pillow lava. Wormy-looking rocks Fox views on the bottom of the ocean. Made when fiery lava strikes the cold ocean. Plunkett, Craig. Chief engineer and pilot of Old Gert. Described as a man of forty-five or fifty, with graying hair combedforward to cover his baldness. His faceis ruddy and his eyes a medium brown with a bloodhound droop. An oldconfirmed bachelor. President of the United States. Described as having a lean build andbright blue eyes with a warm, outgoing personality. Formerly a senatorfrom Montana. Pyraudder Eleven. Newest version of U.S. spy satellite. Revealssubterranean and suboceanic detail. Ralph R. Bennett. U.S. Navy detection and tracking ship. Features agiant box-shaped phased-array radar six stories tall. Was on stationoff the Soviet Union's Kamchatka Peninsula when it was ordered off Japanto launch Pitt and Giordino in the This X-20s. Red Horse. Code name for the director of the FBI's field operations. Reinhardt, Lieutenant Helmut. German dive officer who works with Pittat Clausen's farm. Tall and well muscled. Speaks English with only atrace of an accent. Remington 1100 shotgun. Type of weapon selected by Giordino for theshoot-out at Oscar Brown's Hardware Emporium. Giordino loads theshotguns with No. 4 Magnum buckshot. Robot dogs. Machines built in Suma's factory. Used by Katamori totrack Pitt on Soseki Island. Able to detect human scent, heat andsweat. Rokota. Coastal town in Japan where there is a nuclear waste dump. Saber. Discipline in fencing. Sakagawa, David. Communications man on the Narvik. Joins the partythat goes aboard the Divine Star because he's the only crewman who canspeak Japanese. A Norwegian-born Asian. Salazar, Dr. Raul. Old Gert's marine geologist, from the University ofMexico. A small dynamo with a huge mass of curly hair. His movementsare quick, black eyes darting constantly, never staring at one person orobject for more than two seconds. Married, with a son. His family is in Veracruz. Samuel J. Vincent Laboratories. Furukawa is vice president of thecompany. The laboratory is situated in a tall glass building hiddenfrom the street by a grove of eucalyptus trees. The company is aresearch and design center owned by a consortium of space and aviationcompanies. The work performed at Vincent is highly classified, and muchof its funding comes from government contracts for military programs. Sang, Kim. Tourist on the beach at Marcus Island when Big Ben comesashore. Married to Sarah. A pretty red-headed lady in her earlytwenties. One of the scientists working in Soggy Acres. Works part-time as amarine equipment engineer and as a marine biologist. She took first ina Miss Coloradobody building competition and can bench-press two hundred pounds. Sawa 5.56-millimeter. Fifty-one-shot automatic rifles used by Suma'smen in the shoot-out at Oscar Brown's Hardware Emporium. Sea Vulcan. Thirty-millimeter air defense weapon that can shootforty-two hundred rounds a minute with a range as far as eightkilometers. A modern Gatling gun. Weapon on the Ralph R. Bennett thatshoots down one of the Mitsubishi Ravens. Senzu Air Base. Base in Japan that dispatches the pair of MitsubishiRavens to shoot down the tilt-rotored aircra it carrying Pitt and thegroup after they escape from Soseki Island. Seppuki. Japanese term for belly cutting. What Americans refer to ashara-kiri. Shanghai Shelly. Classic Foochow-type junk or Chinese sailing ship. Three-masted with a high ovoid stern. Slams into the submersiblepiloted by Giordino when escaping Soggy Acres and sinks it. Owned byMurphy. Custom-built in Shanghai. Murphy and his crew are sailing itto Honolulu, then on to San Diego. When Sandecker arrives by flying boat, he asks his old friend Murphy ifhe can make the Shanghai Shelly the fleet command ship. Shemya Island. One of the Aleutian Islands, which are part of Alaska. Where Dennings' Demons took off for the flight to Osaka. Shikoku. One of the four main islands of Japan. Shimzu, Masaki. A revered sixteenth-century Kano school landscapeartist. Painted a series of thirteen island seascapes featuring theHida Mountains. The perspective of the paintings is from above lookingdown, and Shimzu allegedly painted them from sketches he took whilehanging from a kite. Shintoism. Primary religion in Japan. Shokonsha. Another name for Yasukuni. Means "spirit-invoking shrine." Showalter, Marvin. Assistant director of security for the U.S.Department of State. Operates Team Cadillac from the U.S. Embassy inTokyo and handles diplomatic problems. Has a wife and two youngchildren. Abducted by Suma's men. Simmons, Jesse. U.S. secretary of defense. Simpson, Lieutenant Commander Raymond. Navy officer who briefs Pitt andGiordino on the This X-20s. Described as a man on the young side of thirty with sun-bleached blondhair. Later coordinates Pitt and group eluding Mitsubishi Ravens andlanding safely on the Ralph R. Bennett. Soggy Acres. Nickname of the NUMA underwater mining project Pitt isworking on when the Divine Star explodes. Earthquakes triggered by theexplosion crush Soggy Acres. Soseki Island. Formerly known as Ajima Island. Sounder. NUMA ocean survey vessel. Sounder is sonar-mapping the oceanfloor off the Aleutians when Soggy Acres collapses. SR-90 Casper. A stealth reconnaissance aircraft that replaced thefamous SR-71. Stanton, Captain Irv. The bombardier on Dennings' Demons flight toOsaka. A jolly, round-faced man with a walrus mustache. Steen, Oscar. Chief officer of the Narvik. Has a sculpted Nordic face.His eyes are a darker blue than Korvold's, and he stands as lean andstraight as a light pole. His skin is tanned and his hair bleachedblond from exposure to the sun. Talks Korvold into letting him lead thesearch party to the Divine Star. When he finds his boarding party andhimself becoming ill, he fires the Steyr into the front end of the carwith the raised hood. That triggers the atomic reaction that destroysDivine Star, Narvik and Invincible and damages Old Gert and Soggy Acres. Stevenson, Roger. Director of the National Earthquake Center. Steyr. Austrian-made 9-millimeter double-action pistol Steen findsunder the desk in the captain's quarters of the Divine Star. Stromp, Captain Mort. Copilot on Dennings' Demons flight to Osaka. Described as a complacent Southerner who moves with the agility of athree-toed sloth. Stutz. Famous automobile maker. Pitt has a 1932 Stutz LeBaron-bodiedturquoise-colored town car in his collection. Stutz cars were producedfrom 1911 until 1935 in Indianapolis, Indiana. The Stutz has aneight-cylinder five-liter engine featuring twin overhead camshafts withfour valves per cylinder. Has a sun goddess radiator ornament. At theappearance judging at Richmond, Pitt's Stutz finishes third in itsclass. He beats Cussler's Hispano-Suiza in the race by half a carlength. Sahaka, Dennis. Director of transportation for the Murmoto MotorDistribution Corporation in Alexandria, Virginia. Giordino, posing asan employee of the Connnerce Department, questions Suhaka. Described asround and jolly with a grand smile. Suma, ledeki. Has brushed-back white hair. At forty nine years of age,he is short for a Westerner but slightly on the tall side for aJapanese. The irises of his eyes are a magnetic blue. Sumn, Koda. Father of tedeki. The son of an ordinary seaman in theImperial Navy. His father forced him to enlist in the Navy, but hedeserted and joined the Black Sky. The Black Sky later fixed hisdesertion record and placed him in the Army as an officer. Rose to therank of captain and worked with Black Sky to loot and steal from Navyvessels. When he realized that Japan was doomed to lose the war, he andYo 378 shishu traveled by submarine to Valparaiso, Chile, and lived outthe rest of the war and five years after in comfort. Returning toJapan, he resumed his criminal activities. Died in 1973 and left hisson tedeki in charge. Sweeney, Major Charles. Pilot of Bock's Car. Taiho. One of the robot electrical inspectors on Soseki Island. Thename means "big gun." Also referred to as Otokodate; a term for a sortof Robin Hood. Tew Chi. Stop on the Tokyo subway that Showalter exits from aftereluding the Japanese agents following him. Team Buick. MAIT code name for Fox and Weatherhill. They are handlingthe domestic end of the investigation. Their cover is that they arejournalists for the Denver Tribune. Team Cdc. MAIT code name for Showalter's team. Team Chrysler. MAIT code name for Penner's team. Team Honda. MAIT code name for Orita and Hanamura. They are in chargeof the investigation in Japan and detecting the source of the bombs andthe location of the command center that can detonate the bombs. Team Lincoln. MAIT code name for the group at Central Command. Team Mercedes. MAIT code name for Sandecker and Giordino. They aretasked with searching and salvaging the ocean floor for wreckage fromthe Divine Star. Team Stutz. MAIT code name for the team of Pitt and Mancuso. They areassigned to act as a support team. Tibbets, Colonel Paul. Pilot of the Enola Gay. Tinian. Island in the South Pacific where Dennings' Demons was to flyafter refueling at Okinawa. Toshiba surface-to-air missiles. Missiles Yoshishu orders to be firedat Gentle Giant. Toyama. Japanese painter who in 1485 painted The Legend of PrinceGenji, in Suma's collection on Soseki Island. Tsai, Ichiro. The chief director of Kanoya Securities, which is thelargest securities company in the world. Described as short and slenderwith a jolly face. Is as ruthless as he is shrewd. A member of the Golden Dragons sinceage fourteen. Tsunami. A seismic sea wave. One of these wipes out Soseki Island. Tucson. U.S. Navy attack submarine that arrives at the site of theSoggy Acres collapse. Turner, Major Marcus. Pilot of Gentle Giant. Described as a bigruddy-featured Texan. Wake Island. Island in the South Pacific. Location of famous battle inWorld War II. Pitt and the group that escaped from Soseki Island aretaken here when they depart the Ralph R. Bennett. Weatherhifl, Timmothy. MAIT member of Team Buick. A nuclear scientist who specializes in radioactivity detection. "We May Never Pass This Way Again." Song by Seals and Crofts that Foxheard at her senior prom. She is running out of air in Old Gert as thesong plays in her head. Yamashita's Gold. Named after General Yamashita Tomoyuki, who wascommander of Japanese forces in the Philippines after October 1944. The treasure is an immense hoard consisting of thousands of metric tonsof exotic gems and jewelry, silver and gold bullion, along with Buddhasand Catholic altar pieces encrusted with priceless gems and cast insolid gold. The hoard was taken 'from China, the Southeast Asiancountries, the Dutch East Indies and the Philippines, then collected inManila, Philippines. Because of heavy Japanese shipping losses, lessthan twenty percent of the hoard ever reached Tokyo. Faced with noplace to stash the loot, the Japanese hid it in more than a hundreddifferent sites on and around the island of Luzon. Conservativeestimates place the value of the hoard at between four hundred fifty andfive hundred billion dollars. Yasuk@. 'the revered memorial in Japan that honors those who diedfighting for the emperor's cause since 381 the revolutionary war of1868. No foreigners are allowed to pass through the huge bronze gatewayleading to the war heroes' shrine. Yoshishu, Korori. The grand old thief and leader of the Golden Dragons.Ninety-one years old. Was in the Black Sky organization until hefounded the Gold Dragons. The son of a temple carpenter in Kyoto. Kicked out of the house by his father at age ten, he joined Black Sky. In 1927, when he was eighteen, the leaders of Black Sky arranged for himto join the Army, where he rose to the rank of captain. Helped theBlack Sky dominate heroin smuggling in Southeast Asia. When he realizedJapan was doomed to lose the war, he and Koda Suma traveled by submarineto Valparaiso, Chile, where they lived out the war and five yearsafterward in comfort. Later returned to Japan to resume his criminalactivities. After Koda Suma's death, he split the group with HidekiSuma and concentrated on the criminal end. SaharaAcross the Sahara SafoA. Backworld Explorations' twelve-day tour. Adar des Noras. Extension of mountainous Ahaggar Range in the SaharaDesert. Adrar. City in Algeria where Hath takes Pitt and Giordino after theyescape from Tebezza and cross the Sahara. Air Afrique. French civilian aircraft emblazoned with light and darkgreen stripes. Used by UNICRAFT to land at Gao and rescue Gunn. Airbus Industrie A300. Kazirn's plane. A gift from Massarde. Electronically fitted as a military communications command center. Air France Concorde. Supersonic jet Gunn takes back to Washington, D.Cafter he is rescued by UNICRAFT' at the Gao International Airport. Alden, Captain James. Commander of the Brooklyn. Algeria. Country in northern Africa that borders Mali on one side andthe Mediterranean to the north. When Pitt and Giordino escape fromTebezza and ride Kitty Mannock across the desert, they end up inAlgeria. Ah, El Haj. Fourteen-year-old tribesman who rides a camel from hisvillage of Araouane to see the railroad leading to Fort Foureau. Heinadvertently mentions that the gates to the old fort are locked tosecurity guards, who include it in a report that leads Kazim's troops tothe fort. Apache helicopter. Army attack helicopter Giordino and Steinholm comeacross in Mauritania. The airship is mounted with a 30-millimeter Chaingun, two pods of thirty-eight 2.75 rockets and eight laser-guidedantitank missiles. Aquifer. A geological stratum that allows water to penetrate throughpores and openings. Pitt thinks the Oued Zarit is probably an aquifer. Archival Safekeeping Depository. Near the town of Forestville,Maryland, it is the huge underground storage area that hides U.S.government secrets. The bodies of Amelia Earhart and Fred Noonan, hernavigator, along with the Japanese records of their execution on Saipan,are hidden there along with other secrets such as the Kennedyassassination files. Army Special Forces. Crack U.S. combat team. Arsenic. Substance found in the blood of the villagers at Asselar. AS-332 Super Puma. Helicopter Pitt and Giordino see on the ground whenthey meet the UNICRAFT team. A.S.D. Acronym for the Archival Safekeeping Depository. Asselar Oasis. Village-oasis in Mali. Contains a sprawl of mud hutsclustered around a well. Was once the cultural crossroads of westernAfrica. Located two hundred forty miles from Gao. "Atchison, Topeka and the Santa Fe." The hit song Judy Garland sang inThe Harvey Girls. Part of the conundrum Pitt sends to Sandecker. Atlanta. Former Confederate ironclad ram captured by the Union. Patrols the river above Newport News. Rammed by the Texas. The only Confederate ironclad known to try tocross open waters. She was captured during a fight with two Unionmonitors on Wassaw Sound in Georgia. Later sold to the king of Haitifor his navy. After leaving the Chesapeake Bay for the Caribbean, shevanished. Atzerodt, George. Alleged conspirator with Booth. Austin, Commander john. Captain of the Onondaga Automatedudcro-incubator. Device used by Gunn aboard the Calliope to test forriver pollution. Avions Voisin. French-made 1936 sedan owned by Kazim. Arose-magenta-painted car whose body is a combination Of Pre-World War"aerodynamics, cubist art and Frank Lloyd Wright. Powered by a sixcylinder sleeve-valve engine that Provides smooth silence and simpleendurance. The vehicle has unique door handles, three wipers mounted onthe glass of the windshield, chrome struts that stretch between thefront fenders and the radiator and a tall winged mascot atop theradiator shell. Has a Cotal gearbox. Kazim's belonged to thegovernor-general when Mali was a territory of French West Africa. Voisins were built between 1919 and 1939 by Gabriel Voisin. Avro Avian 9. Biplane with an open cockpit and 80 horsepower Cirrusengine- First plane owned by Mannock. Azauad. A barren region of dunes and nothingness in northern Mali. Babanandi, Lieutenant Abubakar. Malian Air Force pilot who replacesreal WHO pilot and lands the WHO scientists at Tebezza. Might beDjemaa. Bamako. Capital city of Mali. Batu@ Capwn Mohammed. Malian Army officer who meets Hooper and the WHOgroup as they land at Timbuktu. Batutta and a team of ten men accompanythe WHO team on their inspection trip in Mali. Beecher, Clarence. Claimed to be the only survivor from the Texas. Gave a deathbed statement to a British reporter in a small hospitaloutside York. After the Texas sailed up a river, the level dropped andthe ship grounded. Beecher and four others were selected to row downthe river in a small boat and seek help. He was the only one to survive. Quite ill, he was nursed back to healthat a British trading post, then given free passage to England. He eventually married and became a farmer in Yorkshire. He neverreturned to his native state of Georgia because he thought he would behung for what the Texas did. Benin. Country in Africa, the People's Republic of Benin. A tightdictatorship. President Ahmed Tougouri rules by terror. Benue. River in Africa that empties into the Niger River delta. Beretta automatic. Silenced handgun used by Levant in the liberation ofTebezza. Beretta NATO Model 92SB. An older 9-millimeter automatic carried byKazim aboard Massarde's yacht. Kazim wants to shoot Pitt with the Beretta, but Massarde stops him. Beta-Q clearance. Level of government clearance once held byPerlmutter. Bionic booster. Device Batutta uses to listen to the WHO search party'sconversations. Bock, General Hugo. Senior commander of UNICRATT. A former German Armyofficer, he is described as a born killer. Has great shrubs of grayeyebrows. Leads the group to liberate the prisoners at Tebezza and thedefense of Fort Foureau. Resigns from the UN tactical team at theheight of his reputation and retires to a small village in the BavarianAlps. Bordeaux. Code name for the operative who meets with Yerli to passinformation to Massarde. Described as having slicked-down sandy hairwith a razor part on the left side. Has pale blue eyes. He is the headof Massarde Enterprises' commercial intelligence operations in theUnited States. A Frenchman. Bourem. City in Mali on the Niger River, where, nearby, thecontamination from Fort Foureau enters the river. Brooklyn. Union wooden frigate. Porter's flagship. Fights the Texas. Brown, Neville. Confederate captain who made a deathbed confession to adoctor in Charleston, South Carolina, in 1908. He claimed his troopscaptured Lincoln and delivered him to the Texas. Brunone, Captain Charles. Chief of security at Massarde's plant at FortFoureau. A product of the French military establishment. Burkina Faso. Country in Africa. Calliope. Vessel Pitt, Giordino and Gunn use to travel up the NigerRiver. Described as a masterpiece of aerodynamic balance in fiberglassand stainless steel. Designed by NUMA engineers and built in tight secrecy in a boatyard up abayou in Louisiana. Length is eighteen meters. Draws only one and ahalf meters of water. Powered by three V-12 turbo-diesel engines. Top speed seventy knots. Blown to bits by Pitt so it doesn't fall intoKazim's hands. Cape Tafarit. Location on the Atlantic Ocean in Mauntania where therailroad track from Fort Foureau ends. Catacomb. A subterranean cemetery for the dead. Pitt and Giordino findone at Tebezza when they are escaping. Giordino thinks there are morethan a thousand dead bodies inside. Chapman, Dr. Darcy. Chief toxicologist at the Goodwin Marine ScienceLab in Laguna Beach, California. Briefs Pitt and Giordino aboard the Sounder. A black man at leasttwenty years older and slightly more thantwo meters tall. Has a doctorate in environmental chemistry. Used toplay basketball for the Denver Nuggets. After the red tide epidemic iscontained, he and Gunn are nominated for a Nobel Prize but do not win. Chauvel, Sergeant. Female UNICRATT sergeant involved in the liberationof Tebezza. Cheik, Colonel Sghir. Malian Army officer who is Kazim'schief-of-staff. Described as having a wedge shaped beard. Chesapeake Bay. Large bay bordered by Virginia and Maryland. The Texasfights her way through the Union fleet there. Chickasaw. Union monitor recently returned from Mobile Bay, where shepounded the Tennessee. Fights the Texas. Chronosport dive watch. Type of watch worn by Gunn. Clipperton Island. Island the French assume control over in 1979. Formerly used by the pirate John Clipperton as a lair in 1705. Itmeasures about five square kilometers. Where Massarde hid the goldmined from Tebezza. Cobalt. Mineral found in the blood of the villagers at Asselar. Coleridge, Samuel Taylor. Poet who wrote "The Rime of the AncientMariner." Colorado. Union ship that fights the Texas. Confederation of French African Francs. Currency Pitt removes from thesoles of his shoes to pay for beers at the bar in Bourem. Conundrum. A riddle. Pitt uses a conundrum to explain to Sandeckerwhich direction the group from Tebezza is headed. Cooper, Gray. Actor who starred in the 1939 movie Beau Geste. Part ofconundrum Pitt sends Sandecker. Craven, Lieutenant Ezra. First officer of the Texas. Described as a big, brusque Scotsman who speaks with a peculiarcombination of brogue and Southern drawl. Crosby, Commander John. First officer of the New Ironsides. Croydon, England. A suburb of London where Mannock began her flight. Dark-skinned man. After Pitt rescues Rojas from attackers on the beach,the dark-skinned man tries to torch Pitt's Jeep Cherokee. When Pittstops him and begins to question him, he bites down on a cyanide capsuleconcealed in his false tooth and kills himself. Davis, Jefferson. President of the Confederate States. Before he died, he claimed the gold from the Confederate Treasury wasloaded aboard the Texas so he could form a government in exile. Delta Team. Also known as Delta Force. A special unit of the Army'sSpecial Forces. Diatoms. Tiny plant forms such as algae that live in the sea. Theycreate seventy percent of the new oxygen on earth throughphotosynthesis. Digna, Mohammed. A young man no more than eighteen. He is tall andslender with a slight hunch to his shoulders. He has a gentle oval facewith wide, sad looking eyes. His complexion is almost black, his hairthick and wiry. He attended primary school in Gao and college inBamako, where he finished first in his class. Can speak four languages,including his native Bambara tongue, French, English and German.Attempts to rob Pitt and Giordino in the bar at Bourem. Dinoflagellates. Tiny organisms that contain a red pigment that givesocean water a reddish-brown color when they proliferate. The cause ofred tides. Djellaba. Long-skirted garment with full sleeves and a hood that Gunnfashions out of a bed sheet so he can pass through Gao unnoticed. Djemaa, Lieutenant. Malian Army officer who impersonates the VMO pilothe replaces. Speaks English. His mother was from South Africa. Djerma, Messaoud. Mali's foreign minister. Donlevy, Brian. Actor in the 1939 movie Beau Geste. Part of the conundrum Pitt sends Sandecker. Drewry's Bluff. Location on the James River that the Texas passes. Ecureuil. The brand of late-model, French-built, twinturbine helicopterPitt and Giordino steal from Massarde's yacht. Egyptian Organization of Antiquities. Group to which Pitt turns overthe coordinates of the location of Menkura's funeral barge. El Alamein. Location of famous World War II battle. Site one hundred and ten kilometers from Alexandria, Egypt, where Rojassunbathes. Exotic organometalec compound. Substance Gunn believes is causing thered tide. He guesses it consists of an altered synthetic ammo acid andcobalt. He believes the synthetic ammo acid came from a biotechnologylaboratory. Fairchild FC-2W. Type of airplane flown by Mannock. A high-winged monoplane with an enclosed cockpit and cabin. Powered bya Pratt and Whitney Wasp 410-horsepower radial engine. Has a onehundred and twenty-knot cruising speed. A four-passenger airplaneformerly owned by American-Grace Airways. Later recovered after it ismissing in the desert. The planeis restored and placed in the Military Museum in Canberra, Australia. Fairweather, Major Ian. Tour leader of the Across the Sahara Safari. Described as a tall, lean ex-Royal Marine. Originally from Liverpool,England. Smokes cigarettes. Only survivor of the attack on thetourists at Asselar, he wanders in the desert until rescued by a Frenchoil exploration party. He is taken to a hospital in Gao. Later takento Tebezza. Rescued by UNICRAFT. Killed in the assault on FortFoureau. Falcon One. Radio call sign Batutta uses when calling Mansa from thecO's jet at Asselar. Fisher M5X. Brand and model of metal detector used by The Kid Cussler. Five-five-six French automatic rifles. The all-plastic and fiberglassgeneral military issue rifles Pitt and Giordino steal during theirescape from Tebezza. Floyd Bennett Field. Airfield on the shore of Jamaica Bay, New York,where the NUMA jet carrying Sandecker and Chapman lands after returningfrom Africa. Fort Foureau. Long-abandoned French Foreign Legion fort near theMassarde solar waste detoxification plant. Also the nickname of theMassarde plant. A dumping ground for nuclear waste. Fox. Confederate blockade runner standing by off Bermuda to recoal theTexas for the second leg of the journey. Fredricksburg. Confederate navy vessel scuttled at Drewry's Bluff. French AMX-30-type tanks. Tanks used by Kazim in the attack on FortFoureau. They fire SS-11 battlefield missiles. Cao. City in Mali on the Niger River. Gao International Airport. Main airport in Mali. Where Gunn hides as he waits to sneak out of the country. Garland, Judy. Famous singer in the conundrum Pitt sends to Sandecker. Gas chromatograph/mass spectrometer. Device used by Gunn aboard theCalliope to test for river pollution. Gashi, Seyni. The chief of Kazim's military council. Gauloise Bleu. Brand of French cigarettes smoked by Massarde. GeoSat. New satellite used by the United States. Gowan, Sid Ahmed. Kazim's personal intelligence officer. 'the onlyofficer on Kazim's staff who was educated in France. Graduated fromSaint Cyr, France'sprestigious military academy. Discovers the report from Ah and theguards that the gate is locked at Fort Foureau and alerts Kazim that thegroup that escaped from Tebezza might be inside. Greenwald, Major Tom. U.S. Air Force officer assigned to the Pentagon. Analyzes the GeoSat film from Webster. Grimes, Dr. Warren. Chief epidemiologist of the WHO project to find thesource of illness in Africa. A New Zealander, he is an older man who is tall, heavy, with iron-grayhair and light blue eyes. Taken to Tebezza, later rescued by UNICRAFT. Hath, Ben. Arab truck driver who rescues Pitt and Giordino and takesthem to Adrar. Halverson, General. Commander of the U.S. Special Forces. Based inTampa, Florida. Hampton Roads." City near Newport News and site of the battle betweenthe Monitor and the Merrimac. Hargrove, Colonel Gus. Commander of the Army Ranger covert attackhelicopter force sent by the president to rescue the defenders of FortFoureau. A hardened professional soldier, he has directed helicopterassaults in Vietnam, Grenada, Panama and Iraq. Has blue eyes. The Harvey Girls A movie that starred Judy Garland. Mentioned in the conundrum used by Pitt to communicate with Sandecker. Heckler & Koch MP5. Submachine guns carried by the UNICRAFT team thatliberates Tebezza. Herold, David. Alleged conspirator with Booth. heelingg. A condition experienced by land sailors where the wind tiltsthe craft on two wheels. Similar to a sea sailor heeling his sailboatover. Hoag, Dr. Muriel. NUMA's director of marine biology. Described asquite tall and built like a starving fashion model. Her jet-black hairis brushed back in a neat bun. Her brown eyes peer through roundspectacles, and she wears no makeup. Hodge, Keith. NUMA's chief oceanographer. Described as in his sixtieswith dark brown eyes and a lean, high-cheekboned face. With the rightclothes, he looks as if he could have stepped from an eighteenth centuryportrait. Holland, Dr. Evan. NUMA's environmental expert. An envirorunental chemist who looks like a basset hound contemplating afrog in its dish. His ears are two sizes too large for his head, and hehas a long nose that is rounded at the tip. His eyes stare at the worldas if they were soaked in melancholy. Hopper, Dr. Frank. Canadian leader of the WHO medical team. Described as big, humorous, red-faced and heavily bearded. One of thetwo finest toxicologists in the world. Taken to Tebezza, later rescuedby UNICRATT. HoudinL New-generation American spy satellite. Inductively coupled plasma/mass spectrometer. Device used by Gunnaboard the Calliope to test for river pollution. Its purpose is toidentify all metals and other elements that might be present in thewater. International Geological Institute. International body that assignsnames to geological landmarks. Invicta silencer. Type of noise suppressor used by Fairweather on thePatchett. Jerome, Arizona. City where The Kid would go to hit his favoritewatering hole. Johnson, Andrew. Seventeenth president of the United States. Was vicepresident under Lincoln and became president after Lincoln disappeared. Was unaware of Stanton's plot. Was scheduled to be assassinated thenight of the Ford's Theater incident, but the assassins bungled theeffort. Jolly Roger. The pirate flag flown by the Calliope after it leavesNiamey. Kaduna. River in Africa that empties into the Niger River delta. Kazim, General Zateb. True leader of Mali. His face bears the darkcocoa shade and sculpted features of a Moor. His eyes are tiny topazdots surrounded by oceans of white. Has a sparse mustache thatstretches off to the side of his face. Looks like a benign villainout of a Warner Brothers cartoon. Massarde pays him fifty thousandAmerican dollars a month to operate the solar detoxification plant. Attended Princeton University. Ketou, Contmander Behanzin. Captain of the Begin Navy riverine attackcraft that attempts to stop the Calliope. The Kid. What everyone calls the prospector Cussler. Kingsford-Smith, Sir Charles. Famed Australian pilot. Kitty Mannock. The land yacht built by Pitt and Giordino from parts ofMannock's plane. They sail the yacht to freedom. La Manche. Location of a French radioactive waste depository. Land Rover. Sport utility vehicle used by Backworld Explorations. Landsat. Older-model American spy satellite. Lansing, Mrs. A Canadian tourist on the Across the Sahara Safari. Described as comely. "The Last Time I Saw Paris." Song the blond-haired woman is playing onthe piano when Pitt and Giordino board Massarde's yacht. Levant, Colonel Marcel. Second-in-command of UNICRATT. A highlydecorated veteran of the FrenchForeign Legion. A graduate of Saint Cyr, France's foremost militarycollege. Described as having an intelligent, even handsome face. Thirty-six years old, he has a slim build, long brown hair, a long butneatly clipped mustache and large gray eyes. Is involved in the escapefrom Tebezza and the defense of Fort Foureau. Promoted to general,succeeds Bock as head of UNICRATT. Lincoln, Abraham. Sixteenth president of the United States. Takenprisoner and transported aboard the Texas. Described as seeming olderthan his years. His face is drawn and hollow under a gaunt pallor, aman used up and exhausted by years of stress. Body discovered by Pittaboard a gaunt pallor, a man used up and exhausted by years of stress. Body discovered by Pitt aboard the Texas. Later buried inside theLincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. Lincoln, Mary Todd. AbrahamLincoln's wife. Drugged so she was unaware of the deception at Ford's Theater Madam, Dr.Haroun. Doctor who cares for Fairweather at the Gao hospital. Described as coal-black with Negroid features, deep-set ebony eyes and awide flattened nose. A big, beefy man in his late forties with a widesquare-jawed head. His ancestors had been Mandingo slaves. He was amajor in the French Foreign Legion and educated and schooled in Paris. Madeline. Nickname for the Vulcan gun used in the defense of FortFoureau. Named after a girl whose favors the gun crew enjoyed inAlgeria. Mali. Republic of Mali. Country in northwestern Africa. Formerlyknown as French Sudan until 1960, when it declared its independence. Malian Security Forces. Forces that question Fairweather and the Frenchoil-prospecting team that rescues him. Later they kill the French. Manhattam Union monitor that fights the Texas. Mannock, Kitty. Considered one of the three greatest female pilots. Alovely woman with deep blue eyes and black flowing hair that falls toher waist. She is the daughter of wealthy sheep ranchers outsideCanberra, Australia. Aviatrix who set the long-distance record from Riode Janeiro to Madrid in 1930. She is on a long distance flight fromCroydon to Cape Town, South Africa, when she disappears. Crashes in thedesert on October 10, 1931. Remains missing until Pitt and Giordinostumble across the plane's wreckage after their escape from Tebezza.From the wreckage of her plane, they build a land yacht and sail tofreedom. Later, her body is recovered by an Australian crew and buriedin Australia. Mansa, Colonel Nouhoum. Malian Army officer who checks the passports ofHooper and the WHO team at Timbuktu. Maffakech, Morocco. City in Morocco that was to be the last stop forthe Across the Sahara Safari. Marx, Gary. NUMA pilot of the research boat Pitt and Giordino use tolocate Menkura's funeral barge. A tall blond with limpid blue eyes. Massarde Enterprises de Solaire Energie. Company that operates asolar-energy hazardous-waste treatment facility in Mali. Actually anunderground dumping ground for nuclear waste. Massarde, Yves. Head of Massarde Enterprises. Formerly the head ofFrance's overseas economic agency. His wealth is estimated to be between two and three billion dollars. Described as having blue eyes, black brows and reddish hair. His noseis slender and his jaw square. His body is thin and his hips trim, buthis stomach protrudes. Nothing about him seems to match. Called theScorpion because a number of his competitors and business partnersdisappeared. One of his ships carrying carcinogenic chemicals broke upin a storm off Spain four years ago and sank. Hodge thinks it wasscuttled as an insurance scam. After the assault on Fort Foureau, Pittand Giordino bake him in the sun, then give him water poisoned by thewaste from his plant. He dies a horrible death in Tripoli, Libya. Massarde's yacht. A self-propelled three-story houseboat that featuresa flat bottom for cruising upriver. Has a glass-domed spiral staircase that ascends from the spacious mastersuite to the heliport. Has ten sumptuous staterooms furnished in Frenchantiques, a high-ceilinged dining room, steam rooms, sauna, Jacuzzis anda cocktail bar in a revolving observation lounge. Has a worldwidecommunications system. Thedesign and shape remind Pitt of an old Mississippi side paddle-wheelerexcept there are no paddle wheels and the superstructure is more modern. Matabu, Admiral Pierre. Chief of the Benin Navy. Brother of President Tougouri. Described as short, squat and in hismid-thirties. He commands a fleet of four hundred men, two rivergunboats and three oceangoing patrol crafts. Mauritania. Country in western Africa. The railroad carrying the toxicwastes to Fort Foureau runs east from Mauritania to the fort. Melika. Female black straw boss at the Tebezza mines. Described as being built like a gravel truck whose bed is fully loaded. Her hair is wooly, and she has high cheekbones, a rounded chin and asharp nose. Her eyes are small and beady, and her mouth stretchesnearly the full width of her face. She has a cold look, enhanced by abroken nose and a scarred forehead. Served ten years as the chief of guards at the Women's Institution inCorona, California. Later shot and killed by Giordino. Memphis. Ancient capital of Egypt. Menkura. A pharaoh of the Old Kingdom. He reigned during the FourthDynasty and built the smallest of the three pyramids at Giza. NUMAfinds his funeral barge in the Nile River. Mercedes four-wheel-drive. Malian military vehicle used by the WHOteam. Mirage 2000 delta-wing fighter Planes Pitt and Giordino see on theground when they go to meet the UNICRAFTteam. Modified M-16 rifles. Weapons used by Gunn when the crew of theCalliope attacks the Benin Navy. Monitor. Class of Union ironclad named after the famous vessel thatfought the Merrimac. More than sixty were built, some as late as 1903. Monteux, Louis. One of the French engineers who constructed FortFoureau, was later imprisoned by Massarde at TebeMoore, Frank Archivist-curator at A.S.D. Morrison, Lieutenant. Lloyd officer in the liberation of Tebezza. In charge of Unit Four. Mr. Periwinkle. Cussler's burro. Found roaming free in the Nevada'desert eight years ago. Shipped by Cussler to Africa to help in thesearch for the Texas. Mycerinus. Greek spelling of Menkura. "My Darling Clementine." Song Cussler is singing when Pitt and Giordinofirst see him. Nahant. Union monitor that fights the Texas. Nelson, Ernie. U.S. agent who picks up Perlmutter in Forestville anddrives him to the A.S.D. Described as a dark-brown-skinned AfricanAmerican. New Ironsides. Union vessel with a conventional ironclad hull. Has acomplement of eighteen heavy guns. Fights the Texas. Niamey. Capital of Niger. Has a bridge named for John F. Kennedy. NiccoNte. A mineral often associated with cobalt. A common arsenic. Niger. Country in Africa. The head of state is propped up by Libya'sMuammar Qaddafi, who is after the country's uranium mines. Capital isNiamey. Niger River. The third-longest river in Africa behind the Nile and theCongo. It begins in the nation of Guinea only three hundred kilometersfrom the sea. Flows northeast and then south for forty-two hundred kilometers beforeemptying into the Atlantic Ocean at its delta on the coast of Nigeria. Nigeria. Country in Africa. Described as Africa's most populous, withone hundred twenty million people. The new democratic government was overthrown by the military, the eighthsuccessful coup in twenty years. The country is torn apart by ethnicwars and bad blood between Muslims and Christians. Nile Hilton. Hotel in Cairo where Pitt and Rojas have dinner. Nile River. River in Africa that winds sixty-five hundred kilometersfrom its headwaters in central Africa to the Mediterranean. The onlyone of the great riversthat flows north. The Nile between Khartoum and the delta has moreshipwrecks per square kilometer than anywhere else on earth. O'Bannion. Chief engineer of the Tebezza mining operations. Describedas a thin, towering man. His face is heavily scarred and disfiguredfrom a premature dynamite explosion during his younger mining days inBrazil. Pitt places him in a mine shaft and blows off explosives,killing him by imprisoning him inside. O'Hare, Angus. Chief engineer of the Texas. DLscovered by Pitt insidethe Texas next to a page from his log book. Onitsha. City in Africa on the Niger River across from Asaba. Onondaga. Union Navy dual-turreted monitor. Has eleven inches of armoron her turrets and five and a half inches on her hull. Guns include twopowerful fifteen-inch Dahlgren smooth-bores and two onehundred-fifty-pound Parrott rifles. Fights the Texas. Organometallic. A combination of metal and an organic substance. WhatChapman believes is causing the proliferation of red tide off the coastof Africa. Oued Zarit. A legendary river that ran through Mali until one hundredthirty years ago, when it began to sink in the sands. Used to flow fromthe Ahaggar Mountains six hundred miles to the Niger River. Paine, Lewis. Alleged conspirator with Booth. Paleozoic upheaval. Phenomenon that happened during the earth'sdevelopment that formed geological structures. Palisades. Area above the Hudson River where Yerli meets with Bordeaux. Patchett. A submachine gun used by Royal Marines. Fairweather uses one to try to fight off the savages who attack theBackworld Explorations tour. Shoots nine-millimeterone-hundred-weight-grain round-nosed bullets. Pembroke-Smyth, Captain. UNICRATT officer who briefs Pitt and Giordinoon the assault of Tebezza. Is involved in the liberation of Tebezza andthe defense of Fort Foureau. Afterward, he is promoted to major andreturns to the British Army. Awarded the Distinguished Service Order bythe queen of England. Currently posted with a special commando unit.Drives a Bentley. Pergamon. Code name for Yerli. Peugeot 605 diesel sedan. French Air Force staff car Pitt and Giordinoride in to meet the UNICRAFT' team. Photosynthesis. Process by which plants create oxygen. Photovoltaic energy. Process used to create electricity at the FortFoureau waste plant. It uses a system of flat-plate solar cells madefrom poly crystalline silicon to convert sunlight to electricity. Plutonium 239. Radioactive substance with a half-life of twenty-fourthousand years. Polaris. Star Pitt uses for navigation in the desert after the escapefrom Tebezza. Polycythemia vern. What Hooper diagnoses killed the villagers atAsselar. Symptoms include a massive increase in red blood cells. It isas though the victims have been injected with a massive dose of vitaminB-12. Port Etienne. Port in Mauritania where the train to Fort Foureau beginsand ends. Port Harcoun. A seaport on the Niger River in Nigeria. Porter, Rear Admiral David. Union naval officer in charge of the Unionfleet. His flagship is the Brooklyn. Described as thickset and bearded. PowhataiL Union wooden-sided, old side-wheel steam frigate. Hit by ashell from the Texas that causes great loss of life. President of the United States. A former senator from Montana. Described as long and lean. Speaks in a soft drawl and has blue eyes. Has a ranch on the Yellowstone River not far from the Custerbattlefield. Was president when Pitt aborted the Kaiten bomb incident in Dragon. Preston, Robert. Actor who starred in the 1939 movie Beau Geste. Partof conundrum Pitt sends Sandecker. Pyramider. New-generation American spy satellite. Quinn, Ned. Australian who leads the effort to recover Kitty Mannock'sbody and remove her plane. Rapier. A new all-purpose weapon designed to engage subsonic aircraft,seagoing vessels, tanks and concrete bunkers. Can be fired from theshoulder or mounted in quad to a central firing system. Weapon usedaboard the Calliope. Rasmussen, Master Sergeant Jason. Army Ranger from Paradise Valley,Arizona. In the attack on Fort Foureau, he singlehandedly changes thecourse of history in Mali by killing Kazim. Rat-faced Man. Assassin who, along with his partner, attempts to killRojas on the beach. Pitt kills him instead by twisting his neck. Red flow. Microorganisms that threaten the world's oxygen supply. NUMAfinds they cannot reproduce if a one-part-per-million dose of copper isplaced in seawater. Remington TR870 automatic shotgun. Weapon carried aboard the Calliope. Renault trucl What the French oil-prospecting team that findsFairweather is driving. RichmoncL Confederate Navy vessel scuttled at Drewry's Bluff. Riverine attack crafts. Russian-built riverboats used by the BeninNavy. They are armed with twin thirty millimeter guns with a rate offire around five hundred rounds per minute. Robotic transporter. Mechanical device used at Fort Foureau. Look likesquat bugs. They have four wheels with no tires, flat, with a levelcargo bed. On the front, they have a boxlike unit that contains lightsand a bug-eyed lens. Rocky. Cartoon character Pitt claims to be when captured by Massarde'sguards at Fort Foureau. Rojas, Eva. Works with the World Health Organization. Described ashaving a firm body with slim, tanned limbs. Has red-gold hair andDresden-blue eyes. With smooth skin and high cheekbones, she is agethirty-eight but could easily pass for thirty. Her family home is inPacific Grove, California. Taken to Tebezza, later rescued by UNICRATT. Ruins of Pergamon. Code message Yerli uses to reach Massarde'smessenger in New York. Sakito Maru Japanese passenger-cargo ship that was carrying V-2 rocketsto Japan when it was sunk by the American submarine Trout. Saugus. A Union single-turreted monitor. Has twin fifteen-inchDahlgrens. Fights the Texas. Schoustedt Gradiometer. Instrument that detects iron by measuringdeviation in the earth's magnetic background. Used by Pitt, Giordinoand Perlmutter to locate the Texas. SeaSat. U.S. satellite that monitors the world oceans and seas. Second Division of the National Defense Staff. Division of the Frenchgovernment for which Yerli works. Semmes, Admiral Raphael. Famous Confederate admiral and captain of theAlabama. Later commander of the James River Squadron. Described ashaving a heavily waxed mustache and a small goatee. With Mallory,delivers Lincoln to Tombs. Seward, William Henry. Secretary of State under Lincoln. Was unawareof Stanton's plot. Targeted to be killed the night of the Ford'sTheater incident, but the assassins bungled the effort. Shaw, Stan. One of the NUMA crew flown in to replace Pitt and Giordinoafter Gunn pulls them off the Menkura Project. Sikorsky B-76 Eagle. Type of helicopter that Hargrove uses. Pitt andGiordino are flown in it to meet with Massarde after the assault on FortFoureau. Smith & Wesson .38-caliber. Snub-nosed Bodyguard model revolver carriedby Gunn in Gao. Society of French Historical Exploration. The group Pitt claims to beworking for after he is captured aboard Massarde's yacht. Society Islands. Series of islands in the South Pacific where Pitttells Giordino he thinks Massarde hides his money and gold. Some of theislands include Tahiti, Bora Bora and Moorea. Sounder. NUMA research ship, one hundred twenty meters long and builtat the cost of eighty million dollars. The vessel is loaded with themost sophisticated seismic, sonar and bathymetric systems afloat. Southern Cross. Sir Charles Kingsford-Smith's airplane. Now on displayat the Military Museum in Canberra, Australia. Special Operations Command. Command of U.S. Special Forces, located inTampa, Florida. Special Operations Forces. Another name for U.S. Special Forces. Stain-teethed Man. Assassin who, along with Rat faced Man, attempts tokill Rojas on the beach. Pitt shoots him through the temples with aspear gun. Stanton, Edwin McMastem Secretary of war under Abraham Lincoln. AfterLincoln is kidnapped by the Confederacy, he forms a plot to fake thedeath ofLincoln at Ford's Theater and then have Vice President Johnson andSecretary of State Seward killed, leaving himself next in line aspresident. Steinholm, Lieutenant. UNICRATT officer in the liberation of Tebezza. In charge of Unit Three. Described as a big, blond, handsome Austrian. Once drove in the Monte Carlo Rally. Drives from Fort Foureau withGiordino to bring back help. Supreme Military Council. Malian group that is bleeding the countrydry. Led by Kazim. Surratt, Mary. Alleged conspirator with Booth. Takir. President of Mali. A puppet head of state, as Kazim actuallywields the power in Mali. Takaidebey. Town in northern Africa in the former French Sahara wherethe French Foreign Legion has a post. The French Foreign Legionsearches for Mannock. Tamarisk shrubs. Plants that Pitt and Giordino hide the Voisin underwhen Malian search planes pass overhead. Tanezrouft Desert. Location where Djemaa, after bailing out, crashesthe UN Boeing 737 to make it appear the cO scientists were killed. Described as a huge, sprawling badlands with almost two hundred thousandsquare kilometers of bleak, grotesque wasteland broken by only a fewrugged escarpments and an occa 412 signal sea of sand dunes. Pitt and Giordino have to cross the area to bring back help to liberateTebezza. Taoudenni. Location in Mali that has salt mines mined by prisoners. Teach, Edward. Also known as Black beard the Pirate. Captain of the Queen Anne's Revenge. Name Pitt gives Kazim over theradio when the Calliope is making the run toward Gao. Tebezza. Location of a gold mine mined by the prisoners at the penalcolony there. Location Kazim orders Fairweather to take. He laterorders the cO team taken there and imprisoned. The French engineers whobuilt Fort Foureau, along with their families, are also imprisonedthere. Telit. Town in northern Africa that sends out searchers looking forMannock. Texas. Confederate Navy ship. Built at the Rocketts Naval Yard inRichmond. Specially constructed for a single voyage, she is one of thefinest ships in the Confederate Navy. A twin-screw (propeller), twinengined vessel one hundred ninety feet in length with a forty-foot beamthat draws only eleven feet of water. Her sloping twelve-foot-high casemates are angled inward at thirtydegrees and covered with six inches of iron plate backed by twelveinches of cotton compressed by twenty inches of oak and pine. Ironshutters can be closed over her gunports. Mounted with four guns, twoone-hundred-pound Blakely rifled guns mounted fore and aft on pivots andtwo sixty-four 413 pound guns covering port and starboard. Hermachinery is brand new with the boilers lying below waterline. She hastwin nine-foot screws that can push her through the water at fourteenknots. Leaves the pier in Richmond on April 2, 1865. Journeys toAfrica with the Confederate Treasury and Lincoln aboard. Later runsaground in a river in the desert and is lost to time. Later discoveredby Pitt, Giordino and Perlmutter. Removed from the, Malian desert andtransported back to the United States. Now on display at the WashingtonMall. Her crew was buried in the Confederate Cemetery in Richmond,Virginia. Timbuktu. Fabled city in Mali that was to be the Across the SaharaSafari's next stop after Asselar. Togo. Country in Africa. Tombs, Commander Mason. Confederate naval officer in charge of theTexas. Described as ambitious and energetic and one of the finest navalofficers in the Confederacy. He is a short, handsome man with brownhair and eyebrows, a thick red beard and a flinty look in hisolive-black eyes. He commanded small gunboats at the battles of NewOrleans and Memphis. He was gunnery officer aboard the famous Arkansasand first officer on the infamous raiaer Florida. Tougouri, Ahmed. President of the Republic of Benin. Trans-Sahara Motor Track. Road that leads through the Sahara Desert. Traore, Lieutenant Moussa. Army officer who removed Mali's firstpresident in a coup. Was then president. Overthrown by then-Major Kazim. Now a general. Trastero. A nineteenth-century cabinet in Massarde's yacht office thatcontains communications gear. Tuaregs. Tribesman who live in the desert near Fort Foureau. The menwear indigo veils around their heads and eyes. They speak the Berberlanguage. Tukulor. African tribe that speaks the Fulah dialect. The nurse who tends Fairweather in the hospital at Gao is a Tukulor. UN Boeing 737. Plane used by the WHO team investigating the outbreak inMali and western Sahara. UNICRATT. Acronym that stands for United Nations International CridcalResponse and Tactical Team. The soldiers of UNICRAFT are called"unicrazies" by other special forces teams. UNICRAFT All-terrain vehicle. Used in Gunn's rescue at GaoInternational Airport. Described as a maze of tubular supports weldedtogether. Powered by a supercharged V-8 Rodeck 541-cubic-inch engineused by American drag racers. Has a wicked-looking six barrel,lightweight Vulcan-type machine gun manned by a gunner sitting slightlyabove the driver. Over the rear axle, another gunner faces backwardwith a 5.56 millimeter Stoner 63 machine gun. United Nations Enviromment Program Organization. United Nations group that promotes the environment. United Nations International Intelligence Service. United Nations organization that provides intelligence to the UNICRATTteam. Verenne, Fed Massarde's personal aide. Described as a slenderbald-headed man in his forties. Victor, Dr. Marie. One of the WHO doctors taken to Tebezza. Described as a vivacious lady and one of the finest physiologists inEurope. Murdered by Melika, who beats her to death. Virginia II. Confederate Navy vessel scuttled at Drewry's Bluff. Wadilinski, Corporal. One of the UNICRATT team that liberates Tebezza. Washington Arsenal Yard. Where the Lincoln conspirators were hung. Watkins, Captain Joshua. Captain of the New Ironsides. Webster, Chip. NUMA's satellite analyst. White, Dick. One of the NUMA crew flown in to replace Pitt and Giordinoafter Gunn pulls them off the Menkura Project. WHO. Acronym for the World Health Organization. Wfflover, Earl. The White House Chief of Staff. Described as abalding, bespectacled man of about fifty. Has a large red mustache. Winchester rifle. Lever-action rifle carried by Cussler. World Health Laboratory. Located in Paris. Hooper explains to theBabanandi that it is where the samples are to be taken. World Health Organization. Group headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland,with which Rojas works. Part of the United Nations. Yerik Coordinator and logistics expert for the WHO team looking into theoutbreak in Africa. Lean, stringy and immensely efficient. His home isin Antalya, Turkey. Described as having a massive thicket of coarseblack hair complemented by bushy eyebrows that meet over his nose. Hasa huge mustache. Smokes a meerschaum pipe. Actually a Frenchintelligence agent working undercover. Had an affair with Kamil. Hewas recruited by the French at Istanbul University. Inca GoldAdmm, Frank. Senior editor at Falkner and Massey. Was Bender's editor. Age seventy-four. Aldrich, Judge. The judge in Chicago from whom Pottle receives a searchwarrant for Rummel's apartment. AlhambriL Passenger-car ferry that originally plied San Francisco Bayuntil 1957. She was later sold and used by the Mexicans on a run fromGuaymas across the Sea of Cortez to Santa Rosalia. Taken out of servicein 1962. Built in 1923, she was one of the last walking-beam steamboatsto be built. In her heyday, the two-hundred-thirty-foot vessel couldcarry five hundred passengers and sixty automobiles. Her long blackhull is topped with a two-story white superstructure whose upper deckmounts one large smokestack and two pilothouses, one on each end. Thepower train is a radial type similar to the old water wheels used topower flour and sawmills. Strong cast-iron hubs mounted on a driveshaft have sockets that attach to wooden arms that extend outward to adiameter of thirty-three feet. Vessel leased by NUMA for the expeditionto find Huascar's treasure. Allard J2X. One of Pitt's automobiles. His is a bright red 1953 modelpowered by a Cadillac engine. Altar Desert. Desert just south of the Arizona border that the Mexicansand Zolar use as a staging area for the expedition to recover Huascar'streasure. Alvarez, Admiral Ricardo. Mexican admiral who is alerted that Pitt hasbeen rescued by the First Attempt. Amaru, Tupac. Leader of the Shining Path terrorists at the City of theDead. Takes his name from the last of the Inca kings to be tortured and killedby the Spanish. Described as short and narrow-shouldered with a vacantbrown face devoid of expression. Wears a thick mustache and longsideburns. Has a thickmass of straight hair as black as his empty eyes. Has narrow, bloodlesslips that cover a set of teeth that would make an orthodontist proud.Attended the University of Texas at Austin. After he shoots Miller inthe City of the Dead, Pitt appears, puts his Colt .45 down his pants andpulls the trigger. After Pitt emasculates him, he reappears at theunderground cavern. Pitt shoots him in the lung, then drowns him. His body is later foundin the Sea of Cortez by the crew of the El Porqueria. Amauta. An educated Inca who could understand quipu text. Amphora. Jar or vase with two handles. Ortiz mentions diversoccasionally find Roman and Greek amphoras in the waters off Brazil,bucking the idea that pre-Columbian civilizations did not visit theAmericas. Angel de la Guarda. Island in the Sea of Cortez. Atahnalpa. Brother of Huascar. Son of Hauyna. Usurped his brother 'after a lengthy civil war. Aztec Star. Zolar-owned modified crude-oil tanker used to smugglestolen artwork. Baffin CZ-410. Twin turbo-prop-engined sea plane used by ZolarInternational to try to locate Huascar's treasure. Most frequently seenin the Canada lake country. Bender, Nichols Journalist-explorer who published twenty-six books,including On the Trail of El Doradoin 1939. Perlmutter tracks down Bender, who is now eighty-four yearsold. Still mentally sharp, but his health is failing. He lives on afarm in Vermont. After talking to Perlmutter, Bender offers to FederalExpress his journal which contains clues to the whereabouts of theConcepcion. Bingham, Hiram. Explorer who rediscovered Machu Picchu. Birns Oceanographic Snooper. Dive light Pitt uses when he dives thesinkhole. Boeing 747-400. Large jet Zolar plans to fly Huascar's treasure toMorocco aboard. Micki Moore diverts the plane to El Paso, Texas,instead, where it is captured by American authorities. Boeing Chinook. Heavy-lift helicopter. Can lift fifty troops or twentytons of cargo. Bolivia. Country in South America. Portuguese explorers reported theyfound a tribe in Bolivia with magnificent beards, contrary to the factthat most Indians lack abundant facial hair. Boriego Springs. Springs near the Box Car Cafe. Box Car Cafe. Cafe near the Mexican border with California. Built outof old Southern Pacific Railroad freight cars sometime around 1915. Where Pitt and Smith meet Clive Cussler. BrunUda. What Yaeger calls his computer terminal. Burgundy topaz. Precious gem found in the second sculpture inside thecavern on Cerro El Capirote. The gem is not indigenous to the UnitedStates and was probably mined east of the "des in the Amazon. Burley, August. NUMA's chief engineer aboard the Deep Fathom. Described as a powerfully built man with a portly stomach. Cahuilia. Indian tribe that resides in Mexico and the United States. Calexico. Town on the California side of the border with Mexico. Caao de Lima. City in Peru. Founded by Francisco Pizarro in 1537, itquickly became the main shipping port for gold and silver plundered fromthe Inca empire. The last of the Spanish forces surrendered to SimonBolivar in 1825 in Callao, and Peru became a sovereign nation. Combined now with Lima; the twin cities boast a population of six and ahalf million people. Campos, Colonel Roberto. Commander of northern Mexico's military forceson the Baja Peninsula. Cano Island. Island off Ecuador where Drake intends to bury treasurefrom the Golden Hind to lighten the load. Canyon Ometepec. The Montolo village where Yuma lives. Capac, Huayna. A great Inca king. Father of Huascar. Ordered animmense gold chain to be cast in honor of the birth of Huascar, whichwas later smuggled out of Peru. Capital Concours de Breaux Moteurcar. Classic car show in East PotomacPark, where Pitt shows his Pierce-Arrow Berline with matching 1936 PierceAffow Travelodge house trailer. Carabiner. Used in climbing. An oblong metal ring with a spring-loadedclosing hatch that hooks the climbing rope to the piton. Carter, Howard. Famed archaeologist who discovered King Tut's tomb. Caxanarca. Ancient Inca city. Cenote. A deep limestone sinkhole. Cerro El Capirote. Mountain where Huascar's treasure is buried. Capirote in English means 11 a tall, pointed ceremonial hat," or whatused to be called a dunce cap. Cerro El Capirote sculpture. Sitting atop the mountain, it is carvedafter the legend of a condor laying an egg that was eaten and vomited bya jaguar. A snake was hatched from the regurgitated egg and slitheredinto the sea, where it grew fish scales. The beast was so ugly it wasshunned by the other gods, who 422 thrived in the sun, so it livedunderground where it eventually became the guardian of the dead. Chachapoyas. A town in Peru fifty-six miles from the limestonesinkhole. Chachapoyas Culture. A vast confederation of city states thatencompassed almost four hundred square kilometers. The tribes wereconquered by the Inca Empire around A.D. 1480. Known as the CloudPeople, they were a pre-Inca civilization that flourished high in theAndes from A.D. eight hundred. The culture was highly stratified butdid not have royal elite like the Inca. The Chachapoyan people werefair skinned with blue and green eyes. Chaco, Juan. Inspector general of Peruvian archaeology and director ofthe Museo de la Nacion in Lima, Peru. Involved with the Solpemachaco. When the attack is bungled en the City of the Dead, he is thrown from atilt-rotored plane into a potato field in Ecuador. He strikes theground in the middle of a small corral, just missing a cow, and diesinstantly. Chiclayo. Town in Peru north of Trujillo to which Pitt informs the DeepFathom he is flying. It's a fake, however, to throw off pursuers. City of the Dead. Also known as Pueblo de lose Muertos. It is amagnificent lost city recently rediscovered by the Shining Pathterrorists. Colorado School of Nflnes. Location in Golden, Colorado, where GaskiBborrows a ground-penetrating radar detector unit to search the Zolarwarehouse in Galveston. Colt .45. Handgun made by Colt Arms Corporation. Pitt's was carried by his father in World War II from Normandy to theElbe River and then presented to Dirk when he graduated from the AirForce Academy. Colt Colt Commander. A 9-millimeter handgun used by Swain in theundercover stake-out of Rummel. Corporation Estatal Petrolera Ecustoriann. The state oil company ofEcuador. NUMA steered the company to a natural gas find in the Gulf ofGuayaquil. The company loans NUMA a helicopter to search for theConcepcion. Cog RafaeL Police commandante of Baja Norte who is bought off by theZolars at the price of ten million dollars. At age sixty-five, hiscareer has spanned forty-five years. Described as having a square,brown skinned face. Has a wife, four married sons and eightgrandchildren. Cuthifl, Thomas. Sailing master of the Golden Hind. Originally from Devonshire, England. Later placed by Drake in charge ofthe Concepcion. When the Concepcion is swept inland in a tsunami,Cuthill survives and lives with the local Indians. He writes of thetsunami in a journal that Perlmutter later recovers. The journal givesthe approximate location of the Concepcion, which Pitt and Giordinolater find. Cutting, Patty Lou. Name on the gravestone near the Spanish missionclose to the Montolo village. Her date of birth and death are listed as2/11/24-2/3/34. To those readers who wonder about the unexplainedsignificance of this in Inca Gold, good luck. Clive is silent on theissue. Cuzco. Location of the Inca capital. De Anton, Captain Juan. Skipper of the Nuestra Ser7ora de laConcepcion. Described as a brooding man with Castilian green eyes and a preciselytrimmed black beard. De Avfla, Bishop Juan. A Jesuit historian and translator who, betweenthe years of 1546 and 1568, recorded many mythical accounts of earlyPeruvian cultures. De Oreftm, Francis. Spanish explorer who searched for El Dorado. De Silva, Numa' Portuguese pilot whom Drake captures off Brazil andpresses into service on the Golden Hind. Deep FathonL NUMA research ship. A state-of-the art scientific boat. Officially called a super-seismic vessel. Primarily designed fordeep-ocean geophysicw research, she can also undertake a myriad of othersub sea duties. Her hull is painted in NUMA's traditional turquoise andwhite superstructure with azure blue cranes. She stretches the lengthof a football field. Her dining room is filled out like a fine restaurant, and the galley isrun by a first-rate chef. Demonio de Muertos. Also known as the demon of the dead. A Chachapoyangod who was the focus of a protective rite connected with the cult ofthe underworld. Part jaguar, part snake, he sinks his fangs intowhoever disturbs the dead and drags them back into the black depths ofthe earth. Derringer, micah'her. Weapon Sarason has strapped to his leg when Pittappears in the underground cavern. Diaz, Don Antonio. Original owner of La Princesa. A peon who struck itrich mining the Huachuca Mountains in Adona. Diego, Captain Juan. Mexican captain who is informed that the guardpost inside Cerro El Capirote is not reporting. Diffusionism. Pre-Columbian travel to and from other continents. Di Maggio, Anthony. U.S. Customs Service agent who tells Gunn that Pittwas picked up alive by the First AttemptDoc Miller's ring. Used by Pitt to identify the body he finds duringhis first trip into the sinkhole. The ring has a sixty-million-year-oldpiece of yellow amber with the fossil of a primitive ant inside. Douglas, Arizona. City near the border with Mexico. Where Joseph Zolar has a hacienda. Downing, Wick. Author of a paperback mystery novel that Stucky isreading aboard the Deep Fathom when Pitt calls over the radio. Drake QtdpiL Quipu that was taken in the cedar-lined jade box from theConcepcion by Drake. Holds the key to the location of Huascar'streasurer Lost when the Concepcion is washed into the mountains in atsunami. Located by Pitt aboard the Concepcion Made from different metals, mostlycopper, some silver and one or two gold. Appears they were hand-formedinto wire and then wound into tiny coflue cables, some thicker thanothers, with varied numbers of strands and colors. Drake, later Sir. Famous British pirate captain. Captain of the Golden Hind. Described as a beady -eyed gamecock of aman with dark red curly hair complemented by a light sandy beard thattapers to a sharp point under a long, swooping mustache. A giftednavigator and amateur artist. After returning from anaround-the-world-cruise, was knighted by Queen Elizabeth. Later servedas admiral-of-the-seas, mayor of Plymouth and a member of Parliament. During an expedition to plunder ports and harass Spanish shipping in1596, he died of dysentery and was sealed in a lead coffin and droppedinto the sea near Portobelo, Panama. Duncan, Dr. Peter. A U.S. Geological Survey hydrologist who dives intoSatan's Sink with Giordino and confirms the underground river. EG&G Geometrics G-813G magnetometer. Used by Pitt and Giordino tolocate the ConcepcionEinstein Museum of Renaissance Art Museum in Boston that has a fakeMichelangelo statue of King Solomon. El Centro Regional Medical Center. Hospital just north of Calexicowhere Gunn is taken after being rescued in the underground cavern. El Porquetim The unofficial name of G-21, a Mexican patrol boat. Means"piece of trash." A two-hundred twenty-foot-long modified U.S.minesweeper. Estala, Maria. Last surviving member of the Diaz clan. Died at age ninety-four in 1978. Sold La Princesa to Zolar. Estanque PeaL Peak in the Sea of Cortez that the Baffin circles. EXO-26. Full face mask that uses an exothermic air regulator. Manufactured by Diving Systems International. worn by Pitt when hedives on the sinkhole. Fairchild Museum. Museum in Scarsdale, New York, where Ragsdalerecently solved a theft of Sung Dynasty jade Carvings. Falkner and Massey. Publisher of Bender's books. Located in New YorkCity. First Auempt The Hagens' fifty-foot oceangoing ketch Based in NewportBeach, Cahforma. Has a Capn-blue huH. Fluorescein yellow with optical brightener. Dye that Duncan asks Pittto toss in the underground river so the outflow can be targeted. Foreign Activities Council. An obscure government agency that operatesout of a small basement room in the white House. Tasked with carryingout the assassinations of foreign terrorist leaders. Once employed byHenry and Micki Moore. Forty-millimeter rocket. People's Republic of China made. Fired from aType 69 launcher. Used in the attack on the City of the Dead and thehelicopter Pitt and Giordino steal and fly out to sea. One of therockets, designed for hardened steel like tank bodies, passes easilythrough the body of the Mi-8. Francisco, Corporal. Mexican corporal guarding Cerro El Capirote who isreported missing. Fujimori, President. President of Peru. Gadsen Purchase. U.S. purchase of the Mesilla Valley from Santa Ana. Galapagos islands. Islands off South America. Galveston. City in Texas on the Gulf Coast south of Houston. Locationof the Zolar stolen art headquarters. Grand MuseunL Museum in Boston that was robbed in April 1990 of artworkvalued at two hundred million dollars. Gaskill, Davis. U.S. Customs Service special agent. Works undercover specializing in the smuggling of antiquities. Aneighteen-year veteran of the Customs Service, he looks more like afootball coach than a government agent. An African American, he hasgray hair, and his skin is more doeskin-colored than dark coffee. Hiseyes are a strange mixture of mahogany and green. Has a massive bulldoghead. Was once an all-star linebacker for the University of SouthernCalifornia. Originally from South Carolina. Married for twenty years;his wife died from hemochromatosis. Has a getaway cabin on a Wisconsin lake. Lives in the town of Cicerooutside Chicago. Gato. One of the deckhands on the Alhambra. Geographic Information Systems. Part of the NUMA supercomputer databank Yaeger uses to help try to find the Concepcion. Golden Body Suit of Tiapoflo. Considered the most prized artifact everto come out of South America because of its historic significance. Acast of the Chachapoyan general known as Naymlap. Spanish conquerorsdiscovered Naymlap's tomb in a city called Tiapolto high in themountains. The body of the suit is covered with hieroglyphics that givethe location of the treasure of Huascar. The suit was stolen from theMuseo Nacional de Antropologia in Seville, Spain, in 1922. The suit islater traced to Rummel's secret apartment in Chicago but is stolenbefore Customs agents can recover it. Originally stolen by Zolar'sfather, who sold it to a wealthy Sicilian mafioso who kept it untilhis death in 1984 at age ninety-seven. The mafioso's son later sold itto Rummel. Golden Hind British pirate ship. Formerly named the Pelican. Described as a stout and sturdy vessel with an overall length of aboutthirty-one meters (one hundred two feet) and a displacement tonnage ofone hundred forty. Has eighteen guns. After a sail around the world,she returns to Plymouth on September 26, 1580, her hull bulging withspoils. Queen Elizabeth's share of the plunder in her holds forms thefoundation for future British expansion throughout the world. Thesecond ship to circumnavigate the world. For three generations, sheremained on view in the 'names River until she either burned or rottedaway to the waterline. Granados. Mexican inspector Sandecker usually deals with. Matos tellsSandecker that Granados is working on a case in Hermosillo. The Great Zolar. Name of a dumb kid in the eighth grade whom Giordinosaw performing a corny magician's act at school assemblies. Guaymas, Meidco. Location that is the starting point for the Zolar teamtrying to find Huascar's treasure. Located midway across the Sea of Cortez on the Mexican mainland side. Hagen, Oaire. Wife of Joe Hagen. Described as having a face free fromwrinkles and with breasts still large and firm. Hagen, Joe. Runs a family auto dealership in Anaheim, California. Isfishing aboard his boat, the First Attempt, when he comes across Pittand rescues him. Described as a big man with a well-rounded stomach. Hedder & Koch. A 9-millimeter automatic Amaru uses to shoot Miller. Hemochrometosis. Iron-overload disease that led to Gaskill's wife'sheart attack. ledaigo, Lieutenant Carlos. Executive officer on El Porqueria. Described as tall and lean with a narrow face. He looks like awell-tanned cadaver. ifighway Five. Highway running from San Felipe to Mexicali. Hunqueros. Tomb robbers. A local Peruvian term for the robbers ofancient graves. Huascar. An Inca king who was captured in battle and murdered by hisbrother Atahualpa, who was in turn executed by the Spanish conquerorFrancisco Pizarro. Huascar possessed a gold chain that was two hundred fourteen meters longand estimated to weigh twenty thousand pounds. It's worth today wouldbe in the neighborhood of one hundred million dollars. Huascar's Golden Chain. Coiled, it measures thirty-three feet inheight. Each link is as large as a man's wrist. It is conservativelyvalued at three hundred million dollars. liano Colorado. Village near Canyon Ometepec that has a mission churchthat contains a pure gold chalice. Inca leghway Network. Highway that ran from the Colombia-Ecuador borderalmost five thousand kilometers to central Chile. Inca seagoing vessel Raft constructed of reed bundles bound and turnedup at both ends. Six of the bundles make up one hull, which is keeledand beamed with bamboo. The raised prow and stern are shaped likeserpents with dogs' heads, their jaws tilted toward the sky as if bayingat the moon. Inca weavings. Considered the finest in the world, they contain fivehundred threads per inch as opposed to the weavers of RenaissanceEurope, who used eighty-five threads per inch. The Spanish mistook theweavings for silk, so fine was the quality. Incas. Ancient tribe of South America. Iddium. Portable, digital, wireless phone made by Motorola and used byGunn. Works off a satellite enhancement network. Isla Bargo. Island in the Sea of Cortez that the Baffin flies over. Isla Carmen. Island in the Sea of Cortez eliminated by the Zolar teamin the Baffin as too large to be the island that hides Huascar'streasure. Isla Cholla. Island in the Sea of Cortez that is skipped by the crew ofthe Baffin. Isla Danzante. Three-square-mile island in the Sea of Cortez south ofLoreto, flown over by the Baffin. Isla Gruapa. island in the Sea of Cortez that the Baffin flies over. n Ildefonso. island in the Sea of Cortez that is Isla Sa skipped by thecrew of the Baffin. Jade box. Carved from jade with the mask of a man for a lid. The lidseals so perfectly that the inside is nearly airtight. Inside aremulticolored tangles of long a huncords of different thickness with morethan dred knots. jaguar/Serpent. What the Incas chisel using bronze bars and chisels onthe island in the forgotten sea. Jeep Grand Wagoneer. Pitt's example is a 1gs4 with horsepower V-8engine taken from a a Rodeck 500-hors wrecked hot rod. Jesfis. One of the deckhands on the Alhambra. Juarez, Enrique. The oldest Montolo tribal elder and one of the few whostill remember the old stories and ancient ways. Julio. One of Amaru's Peruvian guards who is selected to rape Smith. First, she claws his eyes out instead. Kammer, Cindy. Wife of Sidney Kammer. Kammer, Sidney. A high-level corporate attorney Rummel uses. The leaseon the secret apartment below Rummel is in Kammer's name. He and hiswife, Cindy, actually live in the posh suburb of Lake Forest and havenever been inside the apartment they have leased. Karst. A limestone belt that is penetrated by a system of streams,passages and caverns. What Duncan thinks is the underground river. Kelsey, Dr. Shannon. Archaeologist who specializes in Chachapoyanculture. Funded by a grant from Arizona State University. Described ashaving straight soft blond hair and tanned skin. Has an hourglassfigure with an extra twenty minutes thrown in for good measure. In herlate thirties. Has big, wide hazel eyes under dark brows. Drives aDodge Viper she bought with her grandfather's inheritance. Kermantle communications and safety line. Thick nylon line withemergency release buckle that hooks Pitt to Giordino when he dives inthe sinkhole. Key West. Island in the Florida Keys and home to one of NUMA's researchlabs. Lake Cahuilla. Ancient sea in the desert of California that dried upbetween A.D. 100 and 1200. Lake Cocopah. Lake southeast of Yuma, Arizona, where a fishermandisappeared and later turned up in the Sea of Cortez. Lake Salada. Am area of wetlands and mud flats less than a kilometerfrom the border between the United States and Mexico in California. La Princesa. Zolar's hacienda near Douglas, Arizona. Las Tinajas Mountains. Inland mountains where Pitt believes Cerro ElCapirote is located. Library of Congress. Vast repository of information in Washington, D.C.Perlmutter does research on the Drake quipu there. Lima. Capital of Peru. Limestone. A sedimentary rock composed of calcium carbonate, a sort ofblend of crystalline calcite and carbonate mud, produced bylime-secreting organisms from ancient coral reefs. The type of rocksurrounding the sinkhole. Logan Storage Company. Front company for Zolar's stolen art empire inGalveston. Loreto. Resort town in Mexico on the Sea of Cortez. Lost Horizon Era. Era from which Henry Moore explains the Golden BodySuit of Tiapollo comes. Macapa. City in Brazil. The survey team that recovered Cuthffl'sjournal dropped it off there to the viceroy. Madame LaFarge. What Pitt names the machete he uses to hack through theforest above the Concepcion. Maderas, Commander Miguel. Skipper of El Porqueria. Described ashaving a round, friendly face under long, thick black hair. His teethare large and white. He is short and heavy and solid as a rock. Magdalena, Sophia. Wife of Don Antonio Diaz. Magellan Strait. Strait on the tip of South America. Runs through what is now Chile. Magic Castle. Pitt's answer to the radio call trying to establish thelocation of the stolen Mi-8. Mandrake Pitt. What Pitt calls himself on page 109. After an old cartoon character. Manta. Port city in Ecuador fifty-five kilometers from the wreckage ofthe Concepcion. Manuel. One of Amaru's killers who is shot and killed by Pitt aboardthe Alhambra. Matos, Ferdinand (Fernando). Mid-level official with the MexicanNational Affairs Department who meets with Stagger and Sandecker inCalexico. Described as bald and wearing thick horn-rimmed glasses witha black mustache exactingly trimmed. He is a tall, complacent man. On the Zolars' payroll, he is due to receive five percent of Huascar'streasure. McDonnell-Douglas Explorer helicopter. Type of helicopter that NUMAborrows from the Peruvian national oil company to search for theConcepcion. Abig red twin-engined craft with no tail rotor. Costs two pointseven-five million. Mesoamericans. Indians in Panama with whom the Incas traded. Mexicali. Town on the Mexican side of the border with California. Nil-8 assault-transport helicopter. Nicknamed the Hipo by NATO duringthe Cold War years. A twenty-year-old ugly craft powered by twin1,500-horsepower turboshaft engines. Can carry four crew and thirtypassengers. Has a five-bladed -main rotor. Giordino and Pitt steal itfrom the Peruvian mercenaries and fly it toward the Deep Fathom andsafety. Top speed approximately two hundred forty kilometers an hour. Giordino sets his speed at one hundred forty-four kilometers to savefuel. NUchigan Avenue. Street in Chicago where Runnnel's office is located. Miner, Dr. Steve. Archaeologist from the University Of Pennsylvania. Described as a tall, slender man in his sixties with a silver-gray beardthat covers half his face. Helps Kelsey with the dive on the limestone sinkhole. Tech MK1-DCI. Diver radio manufactured by Oceannology Systems. worn byPitt when he dives on the sinkhole. Montolo. Indian tribe that resides in Mexico and the United States. Montolo ceremonial artifacts. Ceremonial idols carved from the wood ofcottonwood trees. Stolen by Zolar's men and offered for sale toVincente, who turns them down. Later recovered by Pitt and returned toYuma and the Montolo tribe. Montolo ViDage. Where Yuma resides. Population of the village is onehundred seventy-six. The villagers survive by raising squash, corn andbeans; others cut juniper and manzanita to sell for fence posts andfirewood. Montolos. Ancient cave dwellers who lived in the Sonoran Desert nearthe Colorado River. Moore, Henry. Professor of anthropology at Harvard who has madepre-Columbian ideographic symbols his life's work. Zolar forces him todecode the etchings on the Golden Body Suit of Tiapollo. Lives in acondo in Boston. Described as aging gracefully with a slim body, a fullhead of shaggy gray hair and the complexion of a teenage boy. Worked for the Foreign Activities Council for twelve years as apolitical assassin. Doctorate from University of Pennsylvania. Moore, Micki. Wife of Henry Moore. An archaeologist. Handles thecomputer end of the decoding of symbols with her husband. Lives in acondo in Boston. Described as a good fifteen years younger than her husband. Has a thinfigure like a seventies fashion model, which she once was. Her skin ison the dark side, and her high rounded cheekbones suggest AmericanIndian heritage. Worked for the Foreign Activities Council for twelveyears as a political assassin. Doctorate from Stanford. Moran. Director of the FBI. Morganthaler, Jacob. Attorney known as Jury-rig Jake. Rummel hires himto try to recover his artwork that was seized. Mr. Periwinkle. Cussler's burro. Mysterious intruders. Described as having white skin, blond hair andblue eyes. They wear ornate embroidered tunics. Nador. City in Morocco where Zolar intends to take Huascar's treasure. National Heritage Museum. Museum in Guatemala that reported aneight-million-dollar theft. Nuestra Seflora de la Concepcion. The largest and most regal of thePacific armada treasure galleons. Displaces five hundred seventy tons. Extremely rugged and seaworthy,her gun decks hold ports for nearly fifty-four-pound cannon. Attackedand taken by Drake and the Golden Hind en route to Callao de Lima inMarch 1578. Later swept away in a tsunami. Olmee. Ancient people who lived in Mexico about 900 B.C. One-eyed Guard. Described as enormous with an entirely repulsive face,thick lips, flat nose and one eye. The empty eye socket is leftexposed, giving him the brutal ugliness of Quasimodo. Starts to rapeSmith but is stopped by Pitt. Pitt later shoots him in the neck and kills him. Ortiz, Dr. Alberto. A Peruvian doctor with the National Institute ofCulture in Chiclayo. Peru's most renowned expert on ancient culture. Described as a lean, wiry old bird in his early seventies. Has a long,flowing white mustache and bushy white eyebrows. Oxley, Charles. Legal name of Charles Zolar. Described as havingmedium brown hair clipped short in a military crew cut. His cheeks andchin are closely shaven. Has shamrock-green eyes. Patton Gordo. Engineer on the Alhambra. Has sleek, well-oiled hair asthick as marsh grass. Has brown eyes in a round face. Devoid of bodyhair and tattoos. Diminutive; his height and weight would easily qualify him to ride racehorses. Married to Rosa. Pembroke, Nathen Retired Scotland Yard inspector who wrote a manuscripttitled The Thief Who Was Never Caught, about the Specter. Pembroke isnow in his late eighties. Peruvian Investigative Police. Police force that shows up at the Cityof the Dead after Pitt and group along with their kidnappers escape. Phony conquistador. Pitt finds a planted body in the sinkhole dressedlike an old Spanish conquistador. Pierce Arrow Berline. One of Pitt's cars. His is a twelve-cylindersedan with a divider window and is hitched to a 1936 Pierce-ArrowTravelodge house trailer painted a matching shade of dark, gleamingblue. Pike. A sharp-pointed spear used for fighting. Piton. A metal spike with a ring on one end used in climbing. 'Pizarro, Francisco. Explorer of South America who removed valuabletreasures. Pottle, Winfried. Customs Service special agent and second-in-commandof the surveillance team led by Gaskill. Described as a slim, handsomeman with sharp features and soft red hair. Pueblo de lose Muerios. Also known as the City of the Dead. Punta El Macharro. Also known as Macharro Point. On the Sea of Cortez two or three kilometers above San Felipe. Quechan. Indian tribe that resides in Mexico and the United States. Quetzalcoall. A feathered serpent that was the most important deity ofMesoamerica. Quipu. An Inca system for working out mathematical problems and recordkeeping. A kind of ancient computer that uses colored strands of stringor hemp with knots placed at different intervals. Quipu-Mayoc. A secretary or clerk who works with the quipus to recordinformation. Ragsdale, Francis. The FBI's chief of interstate stolen art. Agethirty-four. Described as clean-shaven with black wavy hair and areasonably well-exercised body. Has the handsome face, pleasant gray eyes and bland expression of asoap-opera actor. Ramos, Lieutenant Mexican lieutenant who is at Cerro El Capirote. Rappeling. Descending a rope that wraps under a climber's thigh, acrossthe body and over the opposite shoulder. Riinac River. River that runs through Callao and Lima. Rio Pitt. The name later given to the underground river beneath thedesert. River of Gold. What the legend of Hunt's underground river became. Rodgersg Miles. Photographer who is shooting footage of the dive on thelimestone sinkhole in the jungle. Described as a year shy of forty with luxuriant black hair and a beard. Rojas Chief of the Northern Mexico Investigative Division. Personsandecker usually deals with, but Matos appears instead. Matos tellsSandecker Rojas is ill. Roberts Badolomd. Pizarro's pilot. Mentioned seeing large raftsequipped with masts and great square cotton sails. Other sailorsmentioned seeing rafts with hulls of balsa wood, bamboo and reed @gsixtipeople and forty or more large crates of trade goods. Besides sails, the crafts were powered by teams of paddlers. The raftsfeatured stern posts with carved serpent heads similar to the dragonsgracing Viking long ships. Yaeger believes they may have been the shipsthat transported Huascar's treasure. Rummel, Adolphus. A noted collector of South American antiquities wholives in a plush penthouse apartment twenty floors above Lake shoreDrive in Chicago, Illinois. Described as a short, stringy man with a shaven head and an enormouswalrus mustache. In his mid-seventies, he looks more like a SherlockHolmes not the owner of six huge auto salvage yards. Unmarried andreclusive. In the 1950s, he smuggled a cache of Nazi ceremonial objectsacross the Mexican border and used the money from the sale to found astring of auto junk yards that netted him two hundred fifty million whenhe sold out. Became interested in South American antiquities in 1974and began to buy from all sources, legitimate or not. Paidone-point-two million dollars for the stolen Golden Body Suit ofTiapollo. Saint John. Radio call sign from the person who calls Chaco to informhim that Pitt has overpowered Amaru's group at the City of the Dead. Saint Peter. Chaco's radio call sign. Salton Sea. Artificially created sea in California made when theColorado River overflowed the banks of a canal and flooded the desertfloor. 444 San Felipe. Where the Alhambra takes off. San Lorenzo. The large offshore island that protects Callao's naturalmaritime shelter. San Pedro dePaul A ship de Silva claims is the Golden Hind when theyengage the Concepcion. Santa Ana, Antonio Loper de. General and later president of Mexico. Deeded the land where La Princesa was built. SRPA Incas. Inca supreme rulers who were encased in gold and used asobjects in religious ceremonies. c8@ The Process in a dead body whereby the meaty tissue and Organs areturned into a film soap like substance. Pitt notices that the processis starting in the most recent body he finds in the sinkhole. S ni, Cyrus- Man who impersonates Doc Miller. Described as heavily bearded. Sstsn's Sink. Sinkhole where two divers disappear. Their bodies later turn up in the Sea of Cortez. The sinkhole ties inMexico at the northern foot of the Sierra El Mayor Mountains. Sea Of Cortez. Also known as the Gulf of California. The body of water that divides Baja California from mainland Mexico. Sedona. Town in Arizona where Pitt and Smith spent the night with thePierce-Arrow. Sendero Luminoso. Known as the Shining Path. A Maoist revolutionarygroup that has terrorized Peru since 1981. Terrorists who capture thegroup at the sinkhole and cut Pitt's Kermantle safety line. Seville. City in Spain where the Concepcion is based. Shang Dynasty. Twelfth-century Chinese dynasty. A museum in Beijingreported forty-five drinking vessels were stolen recently. Sic parvis Magna. Drake's motto: "Great things have small beginnings." Silver reflectors. Highly polished silver reflectors found inside thecavern on Cerro El Capirote. Sun striking the reflectors bounces fromreflector to reflector, lighting the cavern without the smoke and sootgiven off by oil lamps. Solpemachaco. What Amaru calls his group. A combination Medusa dragonmyth that comes from the local Peruvian ancients. An ancient serpentwith seven heads who lives in a cave. One myth claims he lives in theCity of the Dead. Later, the Solpemachaco is shown to be the Zolarfamily, Sonoran Desert. The desert in Mexico on the border withCalifornia. Sonoran Waterway Project- The project to use the water from theunderground river for irrigation. Specter. Infamous art thief who leaves a calendar at the scene of histhefts with the date of his next theft circled. Last-known theft was inLondon in 1939; the stolen art consisted of a Joshua Reynolds, a pair ofConstables and three Turners. The Specter was actually Mansfield Zolar. Stagger, Curtis. Customs agent in Calexico whom Pitt calls from Yuma'svillage. A veteran of sixteen years with the Customs Service. Described as a trim, handsome man with sharp features and blond hair. Stewart, Frank. Captain of the Deep Fathom. Straight, Dr. BHL Head of NUMA's marine artifact preservationdepartment. Described as a bald-headed, cadaverous man with a scragglyWyatt Earp mustache. Stucky, Jim. Communications technician on the Deep Fathom. Summer. Pitt's one and only true love. Pitt met her during the PacificVortex affair. Mentioned on page 561. Swain, Beverly. Customs Service undercover agent on Gaskill's team. Asmart blonde, she was a California beach girl before joining the CustomsService. Temple of the Sun. Temple in Cuzco. The Thiej' Who Was Never Caught. Title of a manuscript by NathanPembroke. Thomas. Director of the Customs Service. Tiburon. Island in the Sea of Cortez. Torres, Luis. Chief pilot and second-in-command of the Concepcion. Described as a tall, clean-shaven Galician. Trujillo. City in Peru. Twenty-man flotation unit. What the life rafts aboard the Mi-8 arelabeled. Pitt tosses one into the rotor blade of an attackinghelicopter, and it crashes. Type 56-L Chinese-manufactured assault rifles. "Up a Lazy River in the Noonday Sun." Tune Pitt starts to hum after hefinds the remains of the Wallowing Windbag and starts down theunderground river again. Valley of the Kings. Area in ancient Egypt. Location of King Tut'stomb. Valley of Viracocha. Valley that contains the City of the Dead. Valparaiso. City in Chile. Vancouver Island. Island off British Columbia, Canada, that Drake andthe Golden Hind sail to after leaving Cano Island. Victorio Peak. Legendary peak in New Mexico where Spanish gold wasdiscovered by civilians in the 1930s. The gold was allegedly stolen by the U.S. Army. Vincente, Pedro. Drug dealer to whom Zolar sells the Chachapoyanartifacts taken from the City of the Dead. His cover is that he is aCosta Rican coffee grower. Owns the second-largest coffee plantation inCosta Rica. Described as having straight slicked-back black hair,partridge-brown eyes, smooth olive complexion and a sharp nose. Hisheight and weight show a short man on the thin side whose age isforty-four. A fastidious dresser whose clothes look as if they come right out of GQmagazine. His ex-wife and four children live on a farm outside Wichita,Kansas. Vincente's DC-3. Beautifully restored fifty-five-year-old cargo planepowered by two 1,200-horsepower Pratt and Whitney engines. Flown byVincente from Nicoya, Costa Rica, to Harlingen, Texas, then on toWichita, Kansas, to purchase the stolen art from the City of the Deadfrom Zolar. The plane began life as a commercial airliner for TWAshortly before the war. Vincente found the plane hauling cargo for a mining company in Guatemalaand had it restored. "Waiting for the Robert E. Lee." Song that Pitt claims he wants to hearwhen he surfaces from the sinkhole. Giordino has a mariachi band playing the song when Pitt is dropped offby the El Porqueria. Wallowing Windbag. The specially modified NUMA Hovercraft that Pitt andGiordino use to travel on the underground river. Known as a waterrescue response vehicle, it is ten feet in length and five feet wide. Ithas eight air chambers and features a four-cycle, 50-horsepower enginethat can propel it at forty miles an hour. Witchitau City where Zolar meets with Vincente to sell him the artifactsfrom the City of the Dead. Vincente's ex-wife and kids live there on a farm. Yuma, Billy. Native American from the Montolo tribe. A small man of fifty-five. Won a bronco-riding contest in Tucson,Arizona, and was once the fastest cross country runner in his tribe. Hehas a round, brown face with a strong jaw, straggly gray eyebrows andthick black hair. Drives a Ford pickup truck. His wife's name isPolly. He speaks native Montoloan and Spanish along with some English. Yuma, Polly. Wife of Billy. A large woman who carries her weightbetter than any man. Her face is round anded with enormous brown eyes. Despite being middle-aged, she has hair as black as a raven's feathers. ZavaitL The one-hundred-fifty-year-old steamship that belonged to theRepublic of Texas Navy. NUMA found the ship under a parking lot inGalveston. Zolar international. Zolar's company. Its corporate jet is painted agolden tan with a bright purple stripe running along its fuselage. Zolm, Charles. Brother of Joseph, Marta and Samuel. Tracked down the Golden Body Suit of Tiapollo and had it stolen fromRummel. Legal name is Charles Oxley. Zolar, Joseph. Owner of La Princesa. A rich financier, antiquarian andfanatical collector. Described as having surgically tightened eyelids.Has a pinched, constantly flushed face that complements his thin,receding, brushed-back, dull red hair. He is somewhere in his latefifties. His body is small. Zolar, Marta. Sister of Charles, Joseph and Samuel. Zolar, Samuel. Brother of Charles, Joseph and Marta. Helps steal the Golden Body Suit of TiapoHo with Charles. Legal name isCyrus Sarason. Shock WaveAdams, Marion. A convict and one of the survivors of the raft from theGladiator. Convicted of stealing food from her master's pantry. Shedies giving birth to a daughter named Mary. Agusta Mark II British-built type of helicopter Giordino pilots from theDorsett yacht with Sean and Michael Fletcher aboard. Aleksandr Gorchakov. Russian factory ship Gorimykin is based aboard. When he returns to the ship from a flight, Gorimykin finds everyoneaboard dead from the effects of an acoustic convergence. Ames, Dr. Stanford Adgate. Called the soundmeister by his fellowscientists, he is to sound what Einstein was to light. Once a trustedadvisor to the Department of Defense, he was forced to resign afterprotestingocean noise tests designed to measure global warming. Described as having a long, scraggly beard that covers his mouth andcomes down to his chest and looking like a desert prospector. He is inhis late sixties. If he hadn't gone into physics, he'd have entered thePGA tour as a professional. Wears blue-tinted bifocals. Helps NUMA come up with the idea for the underwater reflector thatredirects the sound beam back to Gladiator Island. Amy & JasoiL Whaling ship that takes Dorsett and Fletcher's two sons aswell as Adams and Winkleman's daughter, Mary, to Auckland, New Zealand,where they book passage on a ship bound for England. Anderson, Dave. A cook for the miners on Kunghit Island. Described byMason Broadmoor as a decent guy who drinks too much beer. Angus, Lieutenant Samuel. Second officer of the HMS Bridlington. Aqualand Pro. Type of dive watch worn by Giordino. Argentinian Research Station. Located on Seymour Island. Pitt andGiordino visit the site by helicopter and find all the inhabitants dead. Avondale, Lieutenant Commander Roger. First officer of the HMSBridlington. Bakewell, Dr. Charlie. NUMA's chief undersea geologist. A balding manwho wears rimless glasses. Basil. What Maeve calls the sea serpent that lives in the lagoon onGladiator Island. Maeve classifies him as a mega-eel. He has acylindrical body thirty meters long, ending in a tail with a point. His head is slightly blunt like a common eel's but with a wide caninemouth filled with sharp teeth. He is bluish with a white belly, and hisjet-black eyes are as large as a serving dish. He undulates in thehorizontal like other eels and snakes. Ban Strait. Strait between Tasmania and the southern tip of Australia. Baker, Admiral. Admiral with the Joint Chiefs of Staff who toldSandecker he could use the Enterprise. BOFORS. A pair of the twin 40-millimeter guns aboard the HMSBridlington. They open fire on the sharks feasting off the dead bodiesof the crew of the Aleksandr Gorchakov. Botany Bay. An inlet south of the present city of Sydney, Australia,that housed a penal colony where the convicts aboard the Gladiator weredue to be imprisoned. Brandsfield Strait. Strait near Seymour Island where the Polar Queenheads to ride out the storm as the passengers go ashore on SeymourIsland. Muriatington, H.M.S. British Navy Type 42 destroyer. En route from Hong Kong to England, the vessel picks up a Russianhelicopter pilot who spots whales for the Russian fishing fleet. Briscoe, Captain Ian. Captain of the HMS Bridlington. Described as having a precisely trimmed red beard. Broadmoor, Irma. Wife of Mason. Described as a woman of grace andpoise, stout yet supple. Has haunting coffee eyes and a laughing mouth. Broadmoor, Mason. A member of the Haida tribe who lives on the QueenCharlotte Islands of British Columbia. Carves totem poles for a living.Posey refers Pitt to him to assist in the investigation into the Dorsettmining operations on Kunghit Island. Described as having long straightblack hair and a round face. Has coal-black eyes. His uncle was killedby the Dorsett security forces. Bushmaster M-16 rifles. Customized assault rifles with noisesuppressors carried by the Dorsett security forces on Kunghit Island. C. Dirgo & Co. New York diamond brokers who estimated that the Dorsettmine on Kunghit Island could bring in as much as two billion dollars indiamonds. Cadillac STS sedan. Automobile driven by the Dorsett security guardsfollowing Maeve. Has a 300-plus horsepower engine that propels the carupward of two hundred sixty kilometers an hour. Pitt loses them in theAllard. CA"an, Steve. A yachtsman who survived seventy-six days at sea afterhis sloop sank off the Canary Islands, the longest record for one man inan inflatable raft. Calvert, Irene. Former wife of Arthur Dorsett. Daughter of a professorof biology at the University of Melbourne. Committed suicide. Waswalking along the cliffs of Gladiator Island with her husband when shefell to her death in the surf below. Maeve thinks she was murdered byArthur Dorsett. Cape Farewell. The cape on the tip of New Zealand's South Island. TheDorsett yacht passes it after the security people capture Pitt, Giordinoand Fletcher. Carlisle, Abner. One of the partners who owns Carlisle & Dunhill. Athin, wiry man who is completely bald. He has kindly eyes and walkswith a noticeable limp caused by a fall from a horse when he wasyounger. A respected shipping magnate. Besides his shipping company,he also owns a mercantile business and a bank. Scaggs calls Carlisle tohis deathbed and explains to him the true story of the wreck of theGladiator, then asks him to have the diamonds sent by Betsy Dorsettappraised. Carlisle & Dunhifl. The shipping company that owned the Gladiator andemployed Scaggs. Cassidy, Adndral George. Commanding officer of the San Francisco NavalDistrict who remands the orders . . giving Sandecker the use of theEnterprise. The Castle. A group of rocks above the cliffs on Gladiator Island wherethere is a guard station. Center for Disease Control. The branch of the world organizationlocated in Melbourne, Australia, concludes that the deaths aboard thePolar Queen were caused by a rare form of bacterium similar to the onethat causes Legionnaire's disease. Central Selling Organization. The body the South African diamond carteluses to sell its diamonds. Chinook Cargo Carriers. The company featured on the side of thestrawberry-red float plane that Pitt flies aboard to Kunghit Island. Chirikof Island. Island near the Aleutians where three thousand sealions and five fishermen are killed by the acoustic waves. Cochran, IMomas. The Gladiator's carpenter. Survives the raft andlands on the island, later leaves with Scaggs and returns to England. Prefers the company of men. Dies when the Zanzibar sinks in the SouthChina Sea in 1867. Colored gemstones. Dorsett Consolidated controls eighty percent of theworld market. Including rubies, emeralds, sapphires, topaz, tourmalineand amethyst along with tsavorite, red beryl or red emerald and theMexican fire opal. Commodore Island (Komnndorskiye Ostrova). Island off the Commonwealthof Independent States that is one corner of the Acoustic Convergence. Located off the Kamchatka Peninsula in the Bering Sea. Converse Garret. Hollywood actor and box-office action hero. Aboardhis ship, the Tz'u-hsi, when it is hit by an acoustic wave. Cross-shaft. A method of determining latitude devised by the ancientmariners. With one end of a shaft held to the eye, a crosspiece iscalibrated by sliding it back and forth until one end fits exactlybetween either the star or sun and the horizon. The angle of latitudeis then read on notches carved on the staff. Once the angle isestablished, the mariner is able by crude reckoning to establish a roughlatitude without using published tables for reference. Crutcher. One of the Dorsett security guards on Kunghit Island. Described as a cold-faced, arrogant young man of no more than twenty-sixor twenty-seven. Dancing Dorothy. The Bermuda ketch found by Pitt, Giordino and Fletcheron the Tits. Her upperworks are painted a light blue with orangeundersides. Was owned by Rodney York, who wrecked her on the rocks offthe Tits. Danger Islands Three small islands that are little more than pinnaclesof exposed rocks near mainland Antarctica. They lie near the DrakePassage. Site where Pitt finds the Polar Queen and saves it fromdestruction on the rocks. De Beers. The famous South African diamond cartel. Named for the South African farmer who sold his diamond-laden lands toCecil Rhodes for a few thousand dollars. De Havilland Beaver. Type of bush plane in which Stokes flies Pitt toKunghit Island. 'the plane was built in 1967. Features a Pratt andWhitney R-985 Wasp engine with 450 horsepower. Deep Abyss Engineering. Undersea exploration company that hosts theparty where Maeve Fletcher is reunited with Pitt. Also the company thatleases the Glomar Explorer to NUMA. Dempsey, Paul. Captain of the Ice Hunter. Dempsey grew up on a ranchon the Wyoming-Montana border and ran away to sea after graduating fromhigh school and worked on the fishing boats out of Kodiak, Alaska. Later became a captain on an ice-breaking salvage tug. When the salvagecompany he worked for became debt-ridden, he was hired by NUMA. He is described as broad-shouldered and thick-waisted, habituallystanding with his legs wide set. Gray-haired and clean-shaven with abriar pipe perpetually jutting from the corner of his mouth. Diamonds. Stones that formed the basis of the vast Dorsett fortune. Merely crystallized carbon, they are chemically the sisters to graphiteand coal. Arthur Dorsett claims their only practical application isthat they happen to be the hardest substance known to man, and thatalone makes them essential for the machining of metals and drillingthrough rock. The word diamond comes from the Greek and means"indomitable." The Greeks and later the Romans wore them as protectionfrom wild beasts and human enemies. The first diamond engagement ringwas given by Archduke Ferdinand of Austria to Mary of Burgundy in 1477. The notion of a diamond engagement ring did not take hold until the late1800s. Dorsett, Anson. Son of Charles Dorsett and Mary Winkleman. Grandfather of Arthur Dorsett. Died in 1910. Dorsett, Arthur. Maeve and Deirdre's father. Head of a diamond empiresecond only to De Beers and the sixth-richest man in the world. Chairman of Dorsett Consolidated Mining Limited. A recluse. Only childof Henry and Charlotte Dorsett. Born on Gladiator Island in 1941. Atthe age of eighteen, he entered the Colorado School of Mines in Golden,Colorado. After graduating with a degree as a mining engineer, heworked for De Beers in South Africa for five years. Was married to the former Irene Calvert. A giant of a man with thehairy muscular build of a professional wrestler. Has coarse and wirysandy-colored hair. His face is ruddy and as fierce as the black eyesthat stare from beneath heavy, scraggly brows. His skin is rough andtanned by loni days in the sun. A huge mustache curls downward past thecorners of lips that are constantly stretched open like a moray eel'srevealing teeth yellowed from long years of pipe smoking. When Pittmeets him, he notices Arthur has weathered lines in his face and rough,scarred hands. His mustache is long and scraggly, and his teeth looklike the ivory keys of an old piano, yellowed and badly chipped. Before being set adrift in Marvelous Maeve, Pitt uses his thumb to pokeout Arthur's eye. On Gladiator Island, Pitt shoots off the tip of hisear, smashes and breaks his shinbone with a floor lamp, then crushes hiswindpipe with the soles of his shoes, killing him. Dorsett, Boudicca. Sister of Maeve and Deirdre. Described by Maeve asthe devil incarnate. Age thirty eight. Far taller than her sisters,with black eyes and a flood of reddish-blond hair that falls to herhips. She has definite underlying masculine qualities. Known as "TheEmasculator." Maeve claims not to know her well, as she is eleven yearsolder. Said to favor handsome young men and to sleep around. Giordino fights her, then crushes her neck and chokes the life out ofher. After lifting her silk robe, he finds out she is a man. i iDorsett, Charles. One of the two sons of Betsy Fletcher and JessDorsett. Educated at Cambridge in England. Later married MaryWinkleman. Dorsett, Demi Sister of Maeve Fletcher. Discovered by Pitt still aliveaboard the Polar Queen. De- I scribed as having wide brown eyes and aflawless facial complexion with an unmistakable pallor and just a hintof gauntness. Her hair is the color of red copper, and she has the highcheekbones and sculpted lips of a fashion model. Hired to sing and playpiano aboard the Polar Queen. Thirty-one years old. Was once marriedto a professional soccer player, but after he wanted a divorce and alarge property settlement, he conveniently fell from a Dorsett familyyacht to his death. Pitt charges her aboard the Dorsett yacht atGladiator Island after she shoots him, and he snaps her spine in threeplaces. Dorsett, Henry. Son of Anson Dorsett. Brother of Mildred Dorsett. Dorsett, Jess. Notorious highwayman who is being sent to Australiaaboard the Gladiator. A fashionable dresser who has every hair on hishead fastidiously in place. He is described as six feet four inchestall with long copper-red hair. His head is long-nosed, with highcheekbones and a heavy jaw. Married Betsy Fletcher on Gladiator Island.Later died when a sudden squall upset his fishing boat. Dorsett, Jess Jr. One of the two sons of Betsy Fletcher and JessDorsett. Educated at Cambridge in England along with his brotherCharles. Dorsett, Mildred. Daughter of Anson Dorsett. Sister of Henry Dorsett. Dorsett ConsoNdated NEWng Limited. Based in Sydney, Australia, andowned by the Dorsett family, it is second only to De Beers as theworld's largest diamond producer. Dorsett beadqu@ers. A Trump Towers-like building in Sydney, Australia,paid for in cash. Arthur Dorsett's office is a gigantic vault with asteel door and walls two meters thick. Hundreds of precious stones aredisplayed in black velvet cases, and the estimated worth of the stonesis one-point-two billion dollars. His desk is a huge monstrosity of polished lava rock with mahoganydrawers. Dorsett manor house. Built and designed by Anson Dorsett, who tore downthe original log structure topped by a palm frond roof. The style isbased on a classic layout-a central courtyard surrounded byverandas from which doors open into thirty rooms, all furnished inEnglish colonial antiques. The only visible modern conveniences are alarge satellite dish rising from a luxuriant garden and a modernswimming pool in the center courtyard. Dorsett Rose. A D-grade flawless diamond with tremendous luster thatwas discovered by a Chinese worker at the Gladiator Island mine in 1908.Weighed 1,130 carats before cutting. Weighed 620 carats after. Double-rose cut in ninety-eight facets to bring out the brilliance. Arthur Dorsett has it inside his office. Dorsett yacht. Wilbanks estimates the length to be somewhere in theneighborhood of thirty meters with a beam of about ten meters. Probably powered by a pair of Blitzen Sea storm turbo diesels, mostlikely BAD 98s, which combined would produce more than 2,500 horsepower.Estimated cruising speed is in the neighborhood of seventy knots. Asleek sports cruiser with twin hulls and a smooth rounded design. Builtby Jusserand Marine in Cherbourg, France. Has a sapphire-blue hull.Merchant later discloses that the yacht has four turbocharged dieselengines connected to water jets that produce a total of 18,000horsepower and enable the eight-ton craft to cruise at one hundred andtwenty kilometers an hour. The yacht has Casale V-drives. DunhiH Alexander. One of the partners who own Carlisle & Dunhill. Duo 300 WetJets. Type of personal watercraft owned by Mason Broadmoormade by Master craft Boats. Thecraft feature a V-hull and a high-torque, modified big bore long-strokeengine with a variable-pitch impeller. Their estimated top speed is close to sixty knots. Duse Bay. Location of a British research station where the survivors ofthe Polar Queen are to be transferred. From there, they are to take a jet to Sydney, Australia. Easter Island (Isla de Pascua). Island off South America that is onecorner of the Acoustic Convergence. Elmo. One of the sadistic security guards at the Kunghit Island mine. Pitt punches him when he first escapes from Kunghit Island with Stokes. He later smashes a rifle muzzle into Pitt's stomach. Environment Canada. The Canadian equivalent of the U.S. EnvironmentalProtection Agency. Located in the Ottawa city of Hull. The Executioner. A great white shark estimated to be twenty-two totwenty-four feet in length that circles the raft from the Gladiator,eating those who fall into the water. Faraday, Molly. NUMA's intelligence agency coordinator. A formeranalyst with the National Security Agency who joined NUMA at Sandecker'srequest. Described as having soft toffee-colored hair and brown eyes. She is allclass. In her forties. Ferguson, Jack. The superintendent of the Dorsett mines. Dorsett hashim baby-sit the Fletcher twins. Fletcher, Betsy. Convicted of stealing a blanket for her sick father,she is aboard the Gladiator when the typhoon hits. From a small villagein Cornwall, she was arrested in Falmouth. Described as nearly as tallas most men. Her legs are long and smooth, and she has a narrow waistand a nicely shaped bosom. She was waist-length yellow hair that iswell brushed and eyes as blue as an alpine lake. Married Dorsett onGladiator Island. Later dies from a stomach malady. Fletcher, Maeve. Described as towering above most women and taller thanmost men. Her hair, which she braids into twin pigtails, is as yellowas a summer iris. She has eyes as blue as the deep sea and a strong face with highcheekbones. She has a warm smile that reveals a tiny gap in her frontteeth. She is three years shy of thirty and has a master's degree inzoology. She was halfway through her doctoral dissertation at theUniversity of Melbourne when she took a job as a naturalist with Rupert& Saunders to earn extra money. She has two sisters. Her mothercommitted suicide when Maeve was twelve years old. She has twinsix-year-old sons named Sean and Michael, from an affair with the son ofa sheep rancher she met at college. Age twenty-seven. Shot by hersister Deirdre on the Dorsett yacht at Gladiator Island, she dies inPitt's arms. Fletcher, Sean and Nfichael. Twin six-year-old sons of Maeve Fletcher. After she is killed, they are united with their father. They laterinherit Dorsett Consolidated and the Dorsett fortune. Ghoster. A sailing ship that needs very little wind to sail. Gladiator. Clipper ship built in Aberdeen, Scotland, in 1854. Owned byCarlisle & Dunhill of Inverness and captained by "Bully" Scaggs. Her measurements are 1,256 tons, one hundred ninety-eight feet inlength, with a thirty-four-foot beam. A ghoster, she can sail on thebarest breath of wind. She has three masts. She is fitted out by herowners for the Australian trade, but it is found she can make more moneyhauling convicts. Sets the England-to-Australian sailing record, arecord that still stands, by making the run in sixty-three days. During her last voyage, she makes an incredible twenty-four-hour run offour hundred, thirty-nine miles. On that last voyage, she holds a totalof two hundred thirty-one the hundred ninety-two convicts, elevensoldiers and twenty-eight in the crew. Wrecked in the great typhoon of 1856 in the Tasman Sea. Gladiator Island. Island where the raft of the Gladiator lands. Laterforms one corner of the Acoustic Convergence. Described as the exposedtip of a deep ocean range of volcanic mountains that surfaces midwaybetween Tasmania and New Zealand's South Island. Privately owned by theDorsett family. Glomar Explorer. Deep-sea salvage vessel built by the CIA, GlobalMarine and Howard Hues in the 1970s. The ship is two hundred twenty-eight meters long with atwenty-three-story derrick rising in the middle. The vessel has ahelicopter pad, and the high bridge superstructure sits on the stern. The raised house on the forecastle shows no sign of ports, only a row ofskylight like windows across the front. The hull is faded, chipped andrusted but is painted a marine blue witha white superstructure. The ship originally was proposed by DavisPackard of Hewlett-Packard fame while he was deputy director of defense.Based on an earlier design by Willard Bascom called the Alcoa Sea probe.Built in secrecy in a fast forty-one months at the Sun Shipbuilding &Dry Dock Company in Chester, Pennsylvania, and launched in the fall of1972. Became famous for raising an entire Russian Golf-class submarinefrom a depth of five kilometers in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.After that, no one knew quite what to do with the ship, and she wasmothballed in the backwaters of Suisun Bay northeast of San Francisco.Five months ago, she was leased to Deep Abyss Engineering to mine copperand manganese two hundred kilometers south of the Hawaiian Islands. Thevessel is chartered by Sandecker to drop the underwater reflector offHawaii. Gorimykin, Fyodor. Chief pilot in command of locating whales for aRussian whaling fleet from the port of Nikolayevsk. Lands hishelicopter on the HMS BridlingtomGorman, Otis. Surgeon-superintendent assigned to the Gladiator. Tendsto the prisoners' general health. A compassionate man. Greenberg, Dr. Moses. Ship's doctor aboard the Ice Hunter. Describedas tall and slender, he wears his dark brown hair in a ponytail. He hastwinkling blue gray eyes. Gulfstream V. Type of jet in the hangar on Kunghit Island. The latestdevelopment in business jets, it isspacious with a cabin tall enough for most men to stand up inside. Capable of cruising nine hundred twenty-four kilometers an hour at analtitude of just under eleven thousand meters with a range of sixtythree hundred nautical miles. Powered by a pair of turbofan enginesbuilt by BMW and Rolls-Royce. Costs upwards of thirty-three million dollars. Halawa Bay. The harbor on the island of Molokai where the Lanikaidelivers the reflector to the Glomar Explorer. Halley Bay. Site of the British station on Seymour Island. Harbor Tours. Name painted on the side of the Toyota van that picks upPitt, Fletcher and Giordino in Wellington. Haynes, Trevor. First officer of the Polar Queen. Described as quietand quite handsome. Heinklemann Specialty Boat Builders. Boat constructor in Kiel, Germany,which Wilbanks mentions as a possible builder of the Dorsett yacht. Itturns out not to be the case, however. An engineer from the firm hasspotted the boat in Monaco nine months prior and alerts Wilbanks to thetrue builder. Herradura Silver teep Tequila Pitt drinks on the Dorsett yacht when heis first introduced to Boudicca. Holden Antomobfles. Australian-made automobiles that are on GladiatorIsland. They are painted a brightyellow and are customized by having all the doors removed for easy entryand exit. HoHender. Name of the teacher and his wife in Perth who care forMaeve's sons until they are taken by her evil father and returned toGladiator Island. House of Dorseft. Chain of nearly five hundred retail jewelry storesowned by the Dorsett family that sells the gemstones produced by DorsettConsolidated Nfining Limited. Howard Hughes. Reclusive billionaire who, along with the CIA, built theGlomar Explorer. Hudson, George. Second officer of the Rio Grande. Huggins, Jake. A convict on the Gladiator. Called the murderingWelshman. Described as short and squat with a barrel chest. He haslong, matted, sandy hair, an extremely large flattened nose and anenormous mouth with missing and blackened teeth, which combine to givehim a hideous leer. Leads the attack on the crew of the Gladiator whenthey are aboard the raft. After he attacks Dorsett, he slits histhroat. Hutton, Wilbur. The U.S. president's chief of staff. Described as a man not easily intimidated, as big and beefy as aSaturday night arena wrestler. He keeps his thinning blond haircarefully trimmed in a crew cut. His head and face are colored like an egg dyed red, and his limpidsmoke-blue eyes always stay fixed ahead. A graduate of Arizona StateUniversity with a doctorate in economics from Stanford, he is known tobe testy with anyone who brags of coming from an Ivy League college. He enlisted and was an infantryman in the Army and served in the GulfWar. Ice Hunter. NUMA research vessel. No mere garden variety researchship, she was designed entirely by computers by marine engineers workingwith oceanographers. She rides on twin parallel hulls that contain herbig engines and auxiliary machinery. Her space age roundedsuperstructure abounds with technical sophistication and futuristicinnovations. The quarters for the crew and scientists rival those of aluxury cruise ship. Her radically designed triangular hulls can crushan ice floe four meters thick. She has a gleaming white superstructureand turquoise bull. J2X Allard. One of Pitt's cars. Built in England in 1952, the roadsteris low and red in color. It features twin bucket seats and a smallcurved windscreen. Powered by a Cadillac V-8 engine with dualfour-barrel carburetors and an Iskenderian camshaft. Pitt estimates itstop speed at two hundred ten kilometers an hour. Joseph Marmon Volcanic Observatory. Location in Auckland, New Zealand,where Bakewell phones Sandecker and discloses that the volcanoes onGladiator Island will probably blow as a result of the redirected soundwaves. Ka-32 Hem Gorimykin lands a smaller version of the Russian Navyhelicopter aboard the HMS Bridlingtom The craft is used for lighttransport duty and air reconnaissance. The one Gorimykin is flying isused to spot whales for hunting. Kaumalapau. Port on the island of Lanai where the parts of thereflector are loaded aboard a cargo ship. Kea. Species of parrot that lives on New Zealand and the surroundingislands. One is spotted by the remaining survivors on the raft of theGladiator when they are near the island later to be known as GladiatorIsland. Later, one is spotted by Pitt just before they reach land. Hedescribes it as having a wing span of about a meter, with feathers amottled green with specks of brown. The upper beak is curved and comesto a sharp point. It appears to Pitt to be an ugly cousin of the morecolorful parrot family. Kelsey, Jason. Captain of the Rio Grande. Kimberlite Pipes. A mixture of liquid rocks and diamonds. Named forthe South African city of Kimberly. King George Island. Location where the survivors of Seymour Island aretaken. Krakatoa. Volcano that erupted in 1883. Located south of Java, theeruption created huge tidal waves and upset the world's weather formonths. Kunghit Island. Island off British Columbia that is one corner of theAcoustic Convergence. Location of the Dorsett Consolidated MiningLimited diamond mine. The southerrunost island in the Queen Charlotte chain. Part of theMoresby National Park Reserve butleased by the Canadian government anyway. Dorsett then closed off theisland to all visitors and campers. Lanai Satellite Information Collection Facility. Faraday explains thatthe NSA has a parabolic reflector inside the extinct Palawai volcano onthe island of Lanai that is eighty meters in diameter. NUMA removes thereflector without permission and hangs it from the Glomar Explorer. Lanikai. The freighter Faraday charters to move the reflector. Larsen Ice Shelf. Famous location on Antarctica that is the source ofmost of the icebergs in the Weddell Sea. Lien, Poon. The Guiness World Record holder for survival at sea. Poon, a Chinese steward, was set adrift on a raft after his ship wastorpedoed in the South Atlantic during World War II. He survived onehundred thirty-three days before being picked up by Brazilian fishermen. Maclntyre, Commandant. Commander of the U.S. Coast Guard. Macquaries. Islands south of New Zealand that Pitt hopes the MarvelousMaeve can hit. Marvelous Maeve. The small semi-inflatable boat that Fletcher, Pitt andGiordino are set adrift on from the Dorsett yacht. Three meters inlength by two meters wide, it has a fiberglass V-hull that appearssturdy butlater cracks. Pitt, Giordino and Fletcher pilot the boat to GladiatorIsland. It is later recovered by Giordino and placed in Pitt's aircrafthangar/home. Marvin, Carl. Claims to be a photographer from the Ocean Angler but isquickly found out as a fake by Giordino. Actually works for the Dorsettsecurity force. Giordino chokes him, then throws him out of the Toyotavan. McDonnell-Douglas 530 MD Defenders. A military designed aircraft builtfor silent flying and high stability during abnormal maneuvers. A pairof the blueblack helicopters mounted with 7.62-millimeter guns areinside the hangar at Kunghit Island. Mentawai. An Indonesian freighter bound from Honolulu to Jayapua to NewGuinea. Merchant, John. Head of security for Dorsett mining operations onKunghit Island. Known as "Dapper John." He is described as small, thinand fastidiously dressed. He has deep-set gray eyes. Smokescigarettes. Broadmoor cracks him on the head with a wrench when he and Pitt escapeKunghit Island, giving him a hairline skull fracture. When Pitt stormsGladiator Island, he shoots him in the knee, then ties him up and leaveshim in the closet. Nfisery Islands. See The Tits. Moon Pool. Located in the center of the Glomar Explorer, it is an openarea where salvage recoveries can't take place. Rectangular in shape,it is 1,367 square meters and takes up the middle third of the ship. "Moon River." Famous Henry Mancini song that Fletcher and Pitt dance toat the party thrown by Deep Abyss Engineering. The song Maeve iswhispering as she dies. Moresby Island. Island across the Houston Stewart Channel from KunghitIsland. Motorola Iridium. Wireless telephone used by Sandecker. Mount Scaggs. One of the volcanic peaks on Gladiator Island. It lasterupted between A.D. 1225 and 1275. Described as a shield volcano. Explodes first when the acoustic wavehits Gladiator Island. Mount Winkleman. One of the volcanic peaks on Gladiator Island. Itlast erupted between A.D. 1225 and 1275. Described as a shield volcano.Explodes second, with the roar of a hundred freight trains rollingthrough a tunnel, when the acoustic wave hits Gladiator Island. Mulboland, Hugo. Perlmutter's chauffeur. A taciturn character. Multilateral Council of Trade. Known to insiders as the Foundation, itis an institution dedicated to the development of a single globaleconomic government. They meet inside a modernistic all-glass structure built in the shape ofa pyramid that sits on the outskirts ofParis. The board of directors is made up of fourteen men including theman who runs the South African diamond cartel, a Belgian industrialistfrom Antwerp, a real estate developer from New Delhi, India, thebillionaire head of a German banking firm and the sheik of an oil-richcountry on the Red Sea. Other members of the board include the Japanesehead of a huge electronics firm, the French head of one of the world'slargest fashion houses, an Italian' owner of cargo ships, the CEO of amajor Asian airline, a Russian entrepreneur who operates aluminum andcopper mines, a British subject who owns a publishing empire and theformer U.S. secretary of state from one of the United States' wealthiestfamilies who is the founding father of the Foundation. Clive may havemade a mistake here: There are only twelve men listed here, but at theend of the chapter, on page 448, fourteen voices give an affirmativeyea. National Science Board. Group that advises the president on he AcousticConvergence problem. They downplay the danger. Natural Resources Canada. The Canadian governmental agency thatoversees mining. Posey tells Pitt he should be coordinating theinvestigation of Dorsett Consolidated operations on Kunghit Island withthem. Pitt disagrees. Nimitz. U.S. Navy aircraft carrier Pitt falsely claims is going toattack Kunghit Island. O'Toole, Major. A major in the Australian Army who leads the rescueefforts after the explosion on Gladiator Island. Occam's razor. Mentioned by Ames. It states: Entities should not bemultiplied unnecessarily. Ocean Angkr. NUMA research vessel on a deep-sea survey project in theBounty Trough, west of New Zealand. Oppenheimer, Sir Ernest. Former legendary chairman of De Beers. Overmeyer, Admiral John. Admiral based at Pearl Harbor from whomSandecker attempts to borrow the Enterprise. Served with Sandecker onthe Iowa. Pacific Gladiator. Dorsett-owned company that mines colored gemstones. Pahoehoe. Thin lava flows, usually basaltic in composition. Pendleton, Inspector. Stokes's superior in the Royal Canadian MountedPolice. Petrels. Giant birds described as the vultures of the sea which attackthe dead penguins on Seymour Island. Pier 16. Pier in Wellington where the Ocean Angler is tied up. Pitt, Colonel Thadeus. What Pitt refers to himself as when he builds apair of sun goggles from a board taken from York's berth. Polar Queen. Rupert & Saunders-owned cruise ship that is visitingSeymour Island when the acoustic wave hits. Quite small by cruise-shipstandards, she measures seventy-two meters with a twenty-five-hundredgross rated tonnage. Built in Bergen, Norway, she is speciallyconstructed to cruise polar waters and can function as an icebreaker ifthe need arises. Her superstructure and a broad horizontal stripe belowher lower hull are painted glacier-white. The rest of her hull is abright yellow. Posey, Edward. Works for Environment Canada in Hull. A short man withglasses and a beard. Worked with Pitt in 1989 on the Doodlebug project. Pryor, John. A convict and one of the survivors of the raft from theGladiator. Dorsett beats his brains in with a rock when he attempts torape Betsy Dorsett. Pulse Excavator. Dorsett mining innovation that uses high-energy pulsedultrasound to carve through the blue clay that contains the majordeposits of diamonds. Beam that creates the Acoustic Convergence. Punta Arenas. Chilean port to which Pitt and Giordino fly the NUMAhelicopter from the Ice Hunter. Pygoscelis Adebae. Adelie penguins that are one of seventeen truespecies. They have a black-feathered back and hooded head with a whitebreast and beady little eyes. Their ancestors evolved forty millionyears ago and were then as tall as a man. Queen Charlotte Islands. String of about one hundred fifty islands offthe coast of British Columbia. The total area of the islands isninety-five hundred eighty four square kilometers. The population isfifty-eight hundred ninety people, mostly Haida Indians who invaded theislands in the eighteenth century. Quick, Captain James. Captain of the Glomar Explorer. Described as ashort, plump man a few years over forty. Ramsey, First Officer. First officer of the Gladiator. Suffers severe contusions in the first fight aboard the raft from theGladiator. Killed in the second fight aboard the raft from theGladiator. Reed, Alfred. An able seaman and one of the survivors of the raft fromthe Gladiator. Murdered by Winkleman in a dispute over Marion Adams. Rhodes, Cecil. Founder of De Beers. Rio Grande. A U.S. container carrier bound for Sydney, Australia, witha cargo of tractors and agricultural equipment. Receives a distresscall from the Mentawai. Rolls-Royce Silver Dawn. Car owned by St. Julien Perlmutter. A 1955model with coachwork by Hoopers & Company. The engine is a straight-sixwith overhead valves. The automobile is painted silver and green. Roosevelt. U.S. Navy nuclear aircraft carrier Sandecker wants to use tohang the underwater reflector. Currently docked at Pearl Harbor. He is rebuffed in his efforts to usethe vessel. Ross, Joe. Captain of the Ocean Angler. Rostron, Captain Arthur. Captain of the Carpathia, the ship thatrescued the survivors from the Titanic. According to Maeve, he reported seeing a sea serpent. Rudolf, Surgeon. Doctor aboard the H.M.S. Bridlington. Speaks Russian.Described as a short man with blond hair. Rupert & Saunders. The cruise line that employs Maeve Fletcher. Basedin Adelaide, Australia, it specializes in adventure tours. Ryan, Ian. Captain and chief of operations for Rupert & Saunders. Receives the Polar Queen from Dempsey. Described as big and ruddy. Saint Francis of Paola. Known as the patron saint of mariners andnavigators. Pitt discovers a medal with Saint Francis that has fallenfrom the pocket of the captain of the Polar Queen onto the ship'scontrols and is making the ship steam in circles. Sandecker's whaleboat. An old navy double-ender whaleboat Sandeckerbought surplus and rebuilt. The vessel was built in a small NewHampshire shipyard in 1936, then transported to Newport News, Virginia,where she was loaded aboard the newly launched aircraft carrierEnterprise. She served as Admiral Bull Halsey's personal shore boatuntil the Enterprise wasdecommissioned and scrapped. After being left to rot in a storage areabehind the New York shipyard, the craft is purchased and restored bySandecker. Powered by a four-cylinder Buda diesel engine. Sandeckeruses the boat to cruise on the Potomac River on Sundays for relaxation. Clive owned a similar boat in Newport Beach, California, before he beganwriting. Scaggs, Charles "Bully." The hard-driving captain of the Gladiator. Described as a giant of a man with the physique of a stonemason. Hestands six feet two inches tall, with olive-gray eyes that peer from aface weathered by the sea and sun. Has a great shag of ink-black hairand a magnificent black beard that he braids on special occasions. Atthe time the Gladiator is struck by the typhoon, he is thirty-nine yearsold. Suffers two broken ribs on the first fight aboard the raft of theGladiator. Later lands safely on the island, leaves on a raft andreaches Australia. Once he returns to England, Carlisle & Dunhill offerhim the command of their newest clipper, and he makes six more voyagesto China before retiring to his cottage in Aberdeen at the early age offorty-seven. Was married to Lucy, who preceded him in death. After catching a cold from sailing his small ketch to visit hisgrandchildren in Peterhead, he dies at age fifty-nine. Seaggs, Jenny. Daughter of "Bully." Cares for her father before hedies. The Serpent. Inhabits the lagoon on Gladiator Island and saves thesurvivors on the raft from the Executioner. Described as an enormouseel-like creature with a blunt head and long, tapering tail. The lengthof the body is estimated to be sixty-five feet, with the circumferencethat of a large flour barrel. The mouth has short fang like teeth. Theserpent's skin appears smooth and colored dark brown, almost black onthe top, with an ivory white belly. Seymour Island. Island near Antarctica that makes up the largest nearbyice-free surface. A singularly ugly place inhabited by only a fewvarieties' of lichen and a rookery of Adelie penguins. A group ofNorwegian explorers survived two winters on the island after their shipwas crushed in the ice in 1859. First sighted by James Clark Ross in1842. There is a historic whaling station aboard the island stillmaintained by the British that the passengers of the Polar Queen visit. Sheppard, Lieutenant Silas. Commander of the ten man detachment fromthe New South Wales Infantry Regiment that guards the prisoners aboardthe Gladiator. Garroted and killed by two convicts in the fight aboardthe raft. His parents reside in Horsby. Sherman, Hank. First officer of the Rio Grande. Leads the boardingparty to the Mentawai and is aboard when she sinks, killing the entireboarding party. Sherman, Martha. Sandecker's longtime secretary. Southern Cross. A constellation of stars that is not visible abovethirty degrees north latitude, the latitude running across the tip ofFlorida and North Africa. Its five bright stars have steered marinersand fliers across the immense reaches of the Pacific since the earlyvoyages of the Polynesians. Pitt uses it to navigate aboard theMarvelous Maeve. Stokes, Inspector Malcolm. Royal Canadian Mounted Police inspector inthe Criminal Intelligence Directorate who flies Pitt to Moresby Islandwhere Broadmoor lives. Questions Pitt about the Empress of Irelandproject Pitt worked on in Night Probe. After escaping in the Beaverwith Pitt from Kunghit Island, he is wounded in the left lung by a metalsplinter when the Beaver crashes. Married, with five children. Strouser, Gabe. Head of Strouser & Sons. Has known Arthur Dorsettsince childhood. Still bitter at Dorsett for firing his company withoutan explanation. After being fired by Dorsett, he moved his company'sheadquarters to New York City from Sydney, Australia, and aligned thecompany with the South African cartel. Described as a strikinglyattractive man in his early sixties. Has a head of well-groomed silverhair, a narrow face with high cheekbones and a finely shaped nose. Heis trim and athletically built with evenly tanned skin. Severalcentimeters shorter than Arthur Dorsett, he has dazzling white teeth anda friendly mouth. He has blue-green eyes. Arthur and Boudicca Dorsett kill him by pouring D-grade flawlessdiamonds into his mouth through a funnel, suffocating him. They laterdecapitate him and send the head to the Multilateral Council of Trade. Strouser, Levi. Jewish gem merchant to whom Scaggs asks Carlisle totake the stones Betsy Dorsett sent to him for appraisal. His gem shop,Strouser & Sons, is in the Castlegate section of Aberdeen. Marriedtwice; his second wife bore him four sons and two daughters. Explains to Carlisle that the stones Betsy Fletcher sent are diamondsworth somewhere in the neighborhood of fifty million dollars on today'smarket. Summer. Pitt's only true love. Mentioned on page 163. Described by Pitt on page 372 as having gray eyes and red hair but stilllooking much like Maeve. Tantoa, Ramini. A native of Cooper Island in the Palmyra Atoll chain,he finds the Tz'u-hsi after she washes ashore in the lagoon on hisisland. Tasman Sea. Location of the Gladiator when she is abandoned and theconvicts and crew take to the raft. Thurston lava tubes. Hollow tubes in lava beds that are resonating andradiating the sound from the Dorsett Consolidated mines into the oceans. The Tits. Also known as the Miseries, the small rock islands Pitt,Giordino and Fletcher find, as well as the location of Rodney York andthe wreck of the Dancing Dorothy. Nine hundred sixty-five kilometerssouthwest of Invercargil, New Zealand. Toft, Jason. The Glomar Explorer's chief engineer. Described as a man with a huge stomach and short legs. He isresponsible for repairing the Glomar Explorer's engines in record timeso she can be deployed to drop the deflector. Tucson. U.S. Navy missile cruiser that was Sandecker's last command. Tzu-hsi. Ningpo-design Chinese junk named after the last Chinesedowager empress and owned by Converse. Twenty-four meters in lengthwith a beam of six meters and built from top to bottom of cedar andteakwood. Converse is sailing the ship on an around the-world cruisewhen it is hit by an acoustic wave. Ultrasonic drilling equipment. Used by Dorsett Consolidated. Usessound pulses with acoustic frequencies of sixty thousand to eightythousand Hertz or cycles per second. Underwriting Room of Lloyd's of London. Area in the famous ship insurerwhere lost ships are recorded. U.S. Navy F-22A. Type of jet fighter that transports Sandecker fromHawaii to Tasmania. A two-place jet that can operate at Mach 3+ speeds. U.S. Navy SH-60B Sea Hawk. Helicopter with NUMA markings that Ameslands on the Glomar Explorer. Van Fleet, Robin. Wife of Roy Van Fleet. Van Fleet, Roy. NUMA marine biologist who is aboard the helicopterpiloted by Giordino when Pitt visits Seymour Island. Married, he hasthree children. Vega Island. Location mentioned by Pitt as the site where fifty or moredead seals washed ashore. Weddell Sea. Location mentioned by Pitt as site of a huge school ofdead dolphins. Wellington, New Zealand. Capital city of New Zealand. Enclosed by a huge bay and a maze of islands, along with low mountainswith Mount Victoria the highest peak. Lush, green vegetation surroundsthe port, which boasts one of the finest harbors in the world. Pitt,Fletcher and Giordino land there with the intention of boarding theOcean Angler but are kidnapped by Dorsett security forces and takenaboard the Dorsett yacht. Wilbanks, Wes. Marine architect in Miami, Florida, who helps Giordinoidentify the yacht seen leaving the area near the Mentawai. Describedas in his early thirties and quite tall. Has a soft Southern drawl. His handsome face is framed by an abundance of fashionably slicked-backhair that is graying at the temples. Winkleman, John. A convict and one of the survivors of the raft fromthe Gladiator. Murders Reed in a dispute over Marion Adams, then latermarries her. Goes mad when Adams dies giving birth to a daughter and tries to killthe baby. Later gets hold of his senses but is never the same again. Winkleman, Mary. Daughter of Marion Adams and John Winkleman. Educated at a proper girls' school in England. Later marries CharlesDorsett. York, Rodney. Yachtsman who entered a solo around the-world sailboatrace that began in Portsmouth, England. The race was sponsored by aLondon newspaper, and the prize was twenty thousand pounds for thewinner. He left Portsmouth April 24, 1962. Lived in Falmouth inCornwall. Survived on the Tits for onehundred thirty-six days before dying. Had a wife and three daughters. York's widow is still living in Falmouth Bay, a sweet little lady in herlate seventies. Giordino has York's log books delivered to her by courier. Zodiac. A versatile rubber craft designed by the late Jacques Cousteauand used by the passengers of the Polar Queen to visit Seymour Island. Flood TideAserms Bulldog. Twelve-gauge self-ejecting shotgun Pitt uses againstassassins inside his aircraft hangar. Bamboo VI. Code name Han uses when he calls Hong Kong during the INSraid on Orion Lake. Bartholomeaux Landing. The area where the sugar mill is located. Bayou Kid. Name Cussler uses for his appearance. Described as an older man, in his mid-sixties. Plays the role of theloner but has a humorous and friendly grin in his blue-green eyes. Hishair is gray, and it matches a mustache that falls and meets a beardaround his chin. Said to own a fleet of fishing boats and a big catfishfarm. You wouldn't know to look at him, but he's a wealthy man. Benthos A.U.V Used in Louisiana, it is three times the size of the onePitt used in Orion Lake. Features twin horizontal thrusters and imageryequipment thatincludes a video camera with low-light sensitivity and high resolution,a video still camera and a ground penetrating radar unit. Benthos Inc. A.U.V. Autonomous Underwater Vehicle that has ahigh-resolution underwater camera. Remotely operated. Pitt uses it tosearch Orion Lake. He controls the A.U.V by means of a joystick mounted on a small remotehand box. After Pitt views the videotape shot by the A.U.V, he seesbodies strewn on the bottom of Orion Lake. Black, Charles. Canadian anatomist who discovered the Peking Man. Boone, Sam. Mississippi River pilot assigned to navigate the S.S. United States upriver. Described as a heavy man with a beer belly. Hung-chang orders him taken prisoner and locked up below decks. Butterfield Freight Corporation. Company the guard at the BartholomeauxSugar plant claims he works for. Most likely a Shang-owned front company. Cabrillo, Chairman Juan Rodriguez. Leader of the group that operatesthe Oregon. Described as a handsome man in his mid-forties with blueeyes and blond hair in a crew cut. His parents immigrated from Mexicoin 1931 and became American citizens five years later. His leg isamputated after the battle with the Chengdo. Campbeltown. British World War II vessel loaded with explosives andrammed into the drydock at SaintNazaire to thwart the Nazis. Carr, Robin. Receptionist in the West Wing of the White House. Described as an attractive lady in her late thirties with auburn hairtied in an old-fashioned bow. Charlie's Fish Dock, Seafood and Booze. Location in Louisiana wherePitt and Giordino meet the Bayou Kid. The inside is described as likewalking back in time. The ancient air conditioning long ago lost itswar with human sweat and tobacco smoke. The wooden floor is worn smoothand scarred by hundreds of cigarette burns. The tables are cut andvarnished from the hatch covers of old boats. 'the tired captain'schairs look patched and glued. The walls feature rusty advertisingsigns. Chan, Lei. Deputy minister of internal affairs who succeeds Tsang. Chengdo. Chinese Luhu Type 052 Class destroyer that orders the Oregonto stop. ID number 116. Launched in the late 1990s, the vesseldisplaces forty-two hundred tons and features two gas turbine enginesrated at 45,000 horsepower. Carries two Harbine helicopters and has acomplement of two hundred thirty men, forty of them officers. Herarmaments include eight sea-skimming missiles and a surface-to-airoctuble launcher, twin 100-milimeter guns in a turret aft of the bow,eight 37-millimeters mounted in pairs along with six torpedoes in twotriple tubes and twelve antisubmarine mortar launchers. Sunk by theOregon. Cherokee OH Company. Oil company based in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, thatowns the concrete pier where Pitt and Giordino stop the shanty boat. There they are accosted by a security force from Sungari that arrives ina Hovercraft and films them. China Maritime. Chinese government-owned shipping company Miang tellsShang will replace Qin Shang Maritime. Ching, May. Works for the Dragon Triad and is with Loo at BartholomeauxSugar. Described as looking Eurasian. Her shiny black hair falls in along cascade down her back. Her shoulders are broad, her breasts nicelyrounded, and her slim waist neatly merges with her trim legs. She wearsmakeup with skill, and her nails are incredibly long. Her eyes areunusual, one nearly black and the other light gray. Her father was British. Held by Pitt for the INS a ents. Chong, Kung. Han's second-in-command. Has a quiet, competent voice. Formerly an agent with the People's Republic of China's intelligenceservice. Chris-Craft Runabout. Boat owned by Foley. A 1933 twenty-one-footerthat features a gleaming mahogany hull and double cockpits. The boathas a tumble-home stern, curved gracefully from the transom forward tothe engine compartment, which sits between the forward and aft cockpits.Powered by a big, straight-eight, 125-horsepower Chrysler marine engine. Chu, Lin Wan. Cook on the Sung Lien Star whom Lee impersonates. Thereal Lin grew up on a farm inJiangsu Province, then ran away to sea. She is drugged with a shot froma hypodermic needle and taken aboard the Weehawken. Cochran, Chief Mickey. Chief aboard the Weehawken who helps Lee makethe identity switch. A burly man with a walrus mustache and deep-setgray eyes. Colburn, Dick. The owner of the general store at Orion Lake. SellsPitt provisions. Explains that Shang has bought most of the propertysurrounding Orion Lake. Crabtree, Monica. Supply and logistics coordinator on the Oregon. Described as six feet tall and weighing two hundred pounds. Daniels, Harry. Colburn tells Pitt that Daniels hunts and camps alongthe Orion River and has seen a strange work boat traveling the lakeafter midnight and never under a moon. Davis, Charles. Special assistant to the director of the Federal Bureauof Investigation. Davis is present after Pitt and Lee escape Shang'sassassins and are debriefed. Described as a tall man with the look of aSaint Bernard coming across a garbage can at a barbecue restaurant. Dean Hawes. U.S. Navy salvage vessel that assists in the recovery ofthe artifacts from the Princess Dou Wan. Described as new, only twoyears from her launch date, and constructed especially for deep-waterwork, particularly the recovery of submarines. Deng, Chu. Captain of the black catamaran that dumps the bodies inOrion Lake. Also supervisor in charge of transporting illegalimmigrants from the mother ship and responsible for the execution ofthose who are unfit for slave labor. Divercity. Boat Pitt hires to search for the Princess Dou Wan on LakeMichigan. Described as a twenty-five-foot Parker with a cabin andpowered by a 250 horsepower Yamaha outboard. Electronics includeNavStar differential global-positioning system interfaced with a 486computer, a Geometries 866 marine magnetometer, a Klein side-scan sonarand a Benthos MiniRover MKII underwater robotic vehicle. Dragon Lady. Code name Lee uses over the radio to the security teamwhen she attends the party at Shang's home in Chevy Chase with Pitt. Dragon Triad. Qin Shang's partner. They buy what Shang imports:people, drugs, weapons. Loo from the Triad meets with Wong atBartholomeaux Sugar. Du Gard, Marie. Chef on the Oregon. From Belgium, she plans to open arestaurant in Midtown Manhattan after two more undercover operations. Duesenberg. One of Pitt's cars. His is a 1929 convertible sedan withorange body and brown fenders. The Model J Duesenbergs were the finestexamples of American auto making. Produced from 1928 until 1936, theyare considered by many collectors as the handsomest cars ever built. Pitt's car was custom-bodied by Walter M. Murphy Company in Pasadena,California. The straight eight-cylinder engine displaces for hundredtwenty cubic inches. The engine produced two hundred sixty-fivehorsepower. Under the right conditions, the car can reach speeds of onehundred forty miles an hour. Has big 750-by-17-inch tires. Elder, Cindy. Colburn tells Pitt she tends bar over at the SockeyeSaloon and gives a great massage. F Jack. The deputy director of the Immigration and NaturalizationService region that encompasses Orion Lake. Felix Bartholomeaux Sugar Processing Plant Number One. Established in1883, it is used in Shang's smuggling operation. Location where Lee istaken prisoner by Wong, who wants to trade her to Loo. Ferguson, Dale. Commandant of the Coast Guard. Described as a large, ruddy man with a ready smile. Married to Sally. Has boys in college. Foley, Sam. An old friend of the Pitt family. Loans his cabin on OrionLake to Pitt so he can relax and recuperate. The only person who hasnot sold Shang his cabin on Orion Lake. Fort McNair. Base in Washington, D.C where Sandecker and Gunn meet withPresident Wallace. Because of terrorist threats, the president and thefirst family only rarely visit the White House and live here. The dachshund dog owned by Katrina Garin. Drowns aboard the Princess Dou Wan. Pitt recovers the dog's bones andpresents them to the Gallagers for burial. Gailager, Ian "Hong Kong." Chief engineer on the Princess Dou Wan. Described at the time of the sinking as an ox-shouldered, red-faced,hard-drinking, heavily-moustached Irishman. Perlmutter finds accountsof Gallager rescuing the passengers and crew of a sinking tramp steameroff the Philippines in 1936. After 1948, he seemed to drop off the face of the earth. Yaeger learnshe became an American citizen in 1950. After that, he worked as a chiefengineer with the New York-based Ingram Line. Married Katrina Garin in1949 and raised five children. Later retired to a lakefront town namedManitowoc on the Wisconsin side of Lake Michigan. When Pitt and Leevisit him, he reveals the location of the Princess Dou WanGarin, Katrina (Gaflager). Girlfriend and later wife of Ian Gallager. Described at the time of the sinking as having long blond hair. Hercomplexion is smooth and flawless with high cheekbones. Her body islong and beautifully proportioned, and her eyes are the vivid blue of alate-morning sky. Gavrovich, Pavel. Shang's chief enforcer. Formerly one of the finestand most ruthless undercover agents in all of Russia. Described as atall, medium-built man with Slavic features. He has thick black hairthat he greases and combs back across the head with no part. Attempts to kill Pitt at his aircraft hangar/home but is killed instead. George B. Larson. Army Corps of Engineers survey boat that inspects theMississippi River. Gibbs, William Francis. Famed ship designer who designed the S.S. United States. Giraud, Lucas. Captain of the George B. Larson. Looks like one of the Three Musketeers with French hawk like featuresand flowing black mustache waxed and twisted at the ends. A big manwith a big belly. Greenberg, Sam. NUMA driver who drops Pitt off at his aircrafthangar/home after returning from searching the S.S. United States. Young, no more than twenty, a student studying oceanography at a localuniversity while earning extra money under a marine educational programcreated for NUMA by Sandecker. Pitt tells him to call Sandecker and asecurity force. Grosse, Erich. One of the fake identities used by Pitt and Giordinowhen they search the S.S. United States at the dock. Said to work forthe German shipbuilding firm of Voss and Heibert. Hall, Wes. One of the crew of the Divercity. Described as aneasygoing, soft-spoken and smoothly handsome man who could double forMel Gibson. Han, Lo. Chief of compound security for Shang's Orion Lake facility. Described as a big bull of a man built like a beer keg with a massive,square-jawed head and eyes that are always bloodshot. After Pittescapes on the Chris-Craft and the Orion Lake compound is raided, Hancommits suicide in his mobile security vehicle. Hanley, Max. Corporate vice president of operational systems aboard theOregon. Has a red face with no trace of a tan. Has alert brown eyes, abulbous nose and only a wisp of auburn hair splayed across his head. Harper, Peter. Executive associate commissioner for field operationsfor the Immigration and Naturalization Service. Has thinning blond hairand gray eyes and wears rimless spectacles. Mill, Wilbur. A director with the Central Intelligence Agency. Hill ispresent after Pitt and Lee esciipc iiuiii Shang's assassins and aredebriefed. A blond man with a mustache and pale blue eyes set wideapart. Hispania. A country of Spanish-speaking people that will spread fromSouthern California across Arizona, New Mexico and the lower half ofTexas. House of Tin Hau. Shang's mansion. Located on an island about a milein diameter in Repulse Bay near Hong Kong. Originally a Taoistmonastery built in 1789, it was abandoned in 1949 and purchased by Shangin 1990. Protected by a high wall and well-guarded gates, the enclosedgardens contain many rare trees and flowers. The inside is furnishedwith rare works of art, and the dining room is massive with a hugecircular table. Guests arrive by helicopter or aboard Shang's twohundred-foot ship. Hovercraft. Used by Shang's security force at Sungari. An amphibious craft that can ride on both water and land. Propelled bytwin aircraft engines with propellers at the stern. The Hovercraft issupported by a cushion of air contained within a heavy rubber structureand produced by a smaller encine attached to a horizontal fan. Hudson Bay. Canadian salvage ship owned by Deep Abyss Systems Limitedout of Montreal. An older vessel converted from a powerful oceangoingsalvage and tugboat. Assists in the recovery of artifacts from thePrincess Dou Wan. Hui, General Kung. General with the Nationalist Chinese Army whosupervises the hiding of the Peking Man and the priceless art treasuresaboard the Princess Dou Wan. During the sinking, he boards a life raftwith Gallager and Garin but dies before they reach land. Hui, Wang. Guard at Shang's Orion Lake facility. Hung-chang, Captain Li. Captain of the Sung Lien Star. In his lateforties. His hair is gleaming salt-and pepper, though his narrowmustache is still black. Has kindly-grandfather dark-amber eyes. After the Sung Lien Star, he isassigned to captain the S.S. United States. Hunt, Captain Leigh. Captain of the Princess Dou Wan. Described as athin man with graying hair and sad, vacant eyes. Served eighteen yearswith the Royal Navy and eighteen more as an officer with three differentshipping companies. Originally from Bridlington, England. Dies aboard the Princess Dou Wan when the vessel sinks. Indigo Star. Vessel that has the appearance of a typical cruise shipbut is instead used to smuggle twelve hundred illegal aliens to theUnited States. Her hull is painted white from the waterline to thefunnel. Jade Adventurer. Shang-owned research vessel constructed in hisshipyards at Hong Kong. A marvel of undersea technology. Has a sleeksuperstructure and twin catamaran hulls that give her the look of anexpensive yacht. Has an A-frame crane on her stern. Her hulls are painted blue with a red stripe running around her leadingedges. The upperworks are painted white. She measures 325 feet inlength. At the site of the wreck of the Princess Dou Wan. James, Pete. One of the Oregon crewmen. Diver and former Navy SEALShot in the legs when the Oregon attacks the Chengdo. Jiang, Chen. Captain of the Jade Adventurer. Has worked for Qin ShangMaritime for twenty of his thirty years at sea. Described as tall andthin with straight white hair, he is quiet and efficient in theoperation of his ship. Jingzi International Passages. Shang front company located in Beijing,China, that Lee pays thirty thousand dollars to be smuggled to theUnited States. Kai-shek, Generalissimo Chiang. Head of the Nation aust Chinese Armyand leader of Nationalist China. Orders the artwork and the Peking Man to be loaded aboard the PrincessDou Wan. Kalashnikov AKM rifle. Used by the Chinese on the S.S. United States. Kasini, Hah. The Oregon's vice president in charge of communications. IGein & Associates Systems 2000 Sonar. Sonar unit on the Divercity usedto locate the Princess Dou Wan. Has a high-resolution color video display unit mounted in the sameconsole as a thermal unit that records the ocean floor in 256 shades ofgray. Kwan, Zhu. Seventy-year-old scholar who is one of Clima's mostrespected historians. Described as a little man with a smiling face andsmall, heavy-lidded brown eyes. He is helping Shang search for the arttreasures that disappeared on the Princess Dou Wan. Perlmutter leaksinformation to Kwan about the wreck of the Princess Dou Wan being foundto lure Shang to the site. Kwong, Wu. Premier of China. Contributes to President Wallace'scampaign. Laird, Morton. The U.S. president's chief of staff. Described as atall, balding man with rimless spectacles. Has fox-brown eyes with heavily thicketed eyebrows. Formerly a professor of communications at Stanford. Wears three-piece suits with vests and has a pocket watch with a goldchain. After Shang meets with the president in the White House, Lairdresigns in disgust. He moves to an island off the Great Barrier Reef in Australia and beginsto write his memoirs. Lampack School of Oceanography. Where the Marine Denizen is to bedonated. Clive is having fun here; Peter Lampack is Clive's longtimeagent. Lee, Julia Marie. Special undercover agent with the Internal AffairsDivision of the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service. Born inSan Francisco, California. Her father had been an American financialanalyst based in Hong Kong who married the daughter of a wealthy Chinesebanker. Has dove-gray eyes, beautiful blue-black hair and Asianfeatures. Books passage on the Indigo Star to investigate the smugglingof illegal aliens. When her true identity is discovered, she is boundand tossed into Orion Lake to drown before being rescued by Pitt. Laterattends Shang's party with Pitt and is nearly killed in the Duesenbergchase. Then she sneaks aboard the Sung Lien Star and is captured. At the end of the book, Pitt invites her to Mazatlan, Mexico, for aromantic vacation. Lewis, Captain Duane. Captain of the Weehawken. Has deep-set brown eyes. Lin, Ming. First officer on the S.S. United States. Lin pilots theship up the Mississippi River after training on a computer simulator. Loo, Jack. Chief executive officer for the Dragon Triad. Eurasian,suntanned, with vapid black eyes. His hair is long and black and tiedin a ponytail. His face looks like that of a party animal, and he hashad more than one facelift. Hit by Pitt in the head, he dies atBartholomeaux Sugar. Lotus H. Code name for the person Han calls in Hong Kong after the INSraid begins at Orion Lake. Louisiana & Southern Railroad. Name on the diesel electric locomotiveinside Bartholomeaux Sugar. Loyang, Lin. President of China. MlAl tanks. Tanks used by the Louisiana National Guard. Mounted with105-millimeter guns. Malder, Karl. One of the fake identities used by Pitt and Giordino whenthey search the S.S. United States at the dock. Said to work for theGerman shipbuilding firm of Voss and Heibert. Manitowoc, Wisconsin. Town where the Gallagers retired. Locatedthirty-five miles south of Green Bay. Marchand, Sheriff Louis. Sheriff of lberville Parish. Described as trim and smartly dressed in a tailored uniform. He ispolished, urbane and extremely street-smart. Marine Denizen. NUMA research vessel. The oldest ship in the NUMAfleet and soon to be retired. Assigned to the Mississippi Riverproject. Mazatlan. Mexican resort town where Pitt invites Lee for a romanticvacation. McDonnell-Douglas Explorer. Fast, no-tail rotor, twin-enginedhelicopter with a top speed of 170 miles an hour. Giordino and Gunn usethe helicopter toattack the ultralights and help Pitt and the immigrants aboard theChris-Craft escape. Meadows, Bob. One of the Oregon crewmen. Diver and former Navy SEAL. Shot in the legs when the Oregon attacks the Chengdo. Mercado, Juan. A naval archivist from Panama whom Perlmutter asks tosearch the Panama Canal records for ships passing through the canal fromNovember 28 through December 5, 1948. He finds that the Princess YungT'ai passed December 1, 1948. Nbang, Qian. China's ambassador to the United States. A portly man with short hair styled in a crew cut whose face is fixed ina constant little grin. Was schooled for three years at Cambridge. Monroe, Duncan. Commissioner of the Immigration and NaturalizationService. Montaigne, Major General Frank. President of the Mississippi RiverCommission and head of the Army Corps of Engineers for the entireMississippi Valley from the Gulf up to where the Missouri River joinsthe Nfississippi near St. Louis. Described as late-fiftyish with steelgray hair. His eyebrows stayed black and sat on top of gray-bluecolored eyes. Born below New Orleans to a fisherman father, Montaignehas served a distinguished career in both Vietnam and the Gulf War andhas a Ph.D. in hydrology. Married, with three daughters. Present whenthe S.S. United States runs upriver. Morgan City, Louisiana. Town closest to Sungari. With a population of fifteen thousand, the city is the largest in St.Mary Parish. The city faces west, overlooking a wide stretch of theAtchafalaya River called Berwick Bay. Mosby underwater rifles. An underwater weapon that fires a missile witha small explosive head through water. Used by the Chinese who attackthe Sea DogMystic Canal. Dredged by Shang to divert the Mississippi River. Nanchang Investments. Holding company based in Vancouver, BritishColumbia, that Shang hides behind when he purchases the Orion Lakeproperty. National Gallery of Art Where the artifacts removed from the PrincessDou Wan are to be exhibited. Newt suits. Deep-water atmospheric diving system that enables the diverinside to work for long periods of time at the four-hundred-plus depthwithout concerns over decompression. Bulbous, constructed of fiberglassand magnesium and self-propelled. NUMA Marine Science Center. NUMA facility at Bremerton, Washington,where Giordino and Gunn borrow the helicopter used to help Pitt on theOrion River. Ocean Retriever. NUMA vessel that was working off the coast of Mainebut was diverted to Lake Michiganto help with the recovery of the artifacts from the Princess Dou Wan. Olson, General Oskar. Commander of the Louisiana National Guard. Attended West Point. Old friend of Montaigne's. A man in his latefifties, youthful-looking, confident and buoyant. He is about the samesize as Pitt but has a slight paunch at the waist. Has olive browneyes. Operation lberville. The operation at Morgan City. Operation Orion. The operation at Orion Lake. Oregon. Formerly a Pacific Coast lumber hauler, the vessel sailedbetween Vancouver and San Francisco for close to twenty-five yearsbefore being retired. When Pitt boards her in Manila, he guesses her length at just underthree hundred feet, with a forty-five-foot beam, and figures the vesseldisplaces between four and five thousand tons. Flies an Iranian flag. Powered by twin diesel turbine engines; her twin screws can push theship past forty knots. For armaments, the vessel features sea-to-seaand sea-to-air missile launchers along with Harpoon surface-to-surfacemissiles and Mark 46 torpedoes. Owned by the covert intelligencecorporation that helps Pitt search the S.S. United States. Oregon's launch. A big, double-ender powered by a 539-cubic-inch,1,500-horsepower engine. Orion Lake. Lake on the Olympic Peninsula where Shang's compound islocated. Shaped like a slenderteardrop whose lower end gently tapers into a small river. Orion River. Starts at Orion Lake. Runs sixteen miles through a canyonbefore emptying into the upper end of a fjord like inlet calledGrapevine Bay. Grapevine Bay opens into the Pacific Ocean. Paladin Self-Propelled Howitzer. Used by the Louisiana National Guardto attack the S.S. United States. Shoot a 155-millimeter high-explosive fragmentation shell. Pecorelli, Harold. President Wallace's new chief of staff after Lairdresigns. Peking Man. Sinanthropus pekinensis. A very ancient and primitive manwho walked upright on two feet. His skull was discovered in 1929 by Canadian anatomist Charles Blackdigging in a quarry that had once been a hill with limestone caves nearthe village of Choukoutien. In December 1941, when invading Japanesetroops were closing in on Peking, officials at the Peking Union MedicalCollege, where the bones were stored, decided they should be moved to aplace of safety. The bones were packed in two Marine Corps footlockersand put aboard a train bound for the port city of Tientsin, where theywere to be placed aboard the S.S. President Harrison, an American shipbelonging to the American President Line. They never arrived. Recovered from the wreck of the Princess Dou Wan. People's Republic Ministry of Internal Affairs. Obscure Chinesegovernment agency that is involved in everything from foreign espionageof scientific technology to the international smuggling of immigrants torelieve population overcrowding. Po, Li. Second mate on the Princess Dou Wan. Princess Dou Wan. Carries the treasures ordered removed from China byChiang Kai-shek. Launched in 1913 by shipbuilders Harland & Wolff. Gross tonnage of 10,758. Length of 497 feet with 60-foot beam. Theship had triple expansion engines that could generate 5,000 horsepower. Her twin screws could power her to seventeen knots. Her accommodationswere designed to carry 55 first-class passengers, 85 second class and370 third-class. She was normally crewed by 190 officers and men, buton her final voyage she was manned by only 38. Originally named Lanai. Princess Yung Tai. Sister ship of the Princess Dou Wan. Launched intoservice the year after the Princess Dou Wan. According to records, thePrincess Yung T'ai was broken up six months before the Princess Dou Wanwas due to be scrapped. Project Pacifica. Chinese government plan to split the United Statesinto three countries. Pacifica would stretch from Alaska to SanFrancisco. Qin Shang Maritime Lindted. Shang-owned shipping company based in HongKong. Operates a fleet of more than a hundred cargo ships, oil tankersand cruise ships. Qingdao, China. Port from which the Indigo Star left. Reflecting Pool. 160-foot-long pool in Washington, D.C that Pitt drivesthe Duesenberg through to elude Shang's assassins. Rolls-Royce. Cabrillo borrows a 1955 Silver Dawn with Hooper coachworkand has Seng drive Pitt and Giordino to where the S.S. United States isdocked for an inspection. Romberg. Fish-eating bloodhound the Bayou Kid loans to Pitt andGiordino. Described as incredibly lazy with floppy ears. Enjoyssniffing. Ross, Linda. Surveillance analyst on the Oregon. Had been chieffire-control officer on board a U.S. Navy Aegis guided-missile cruiser. Russell, Arthur. Director of the INS's San Francisco office and Lee'sboss. Described as gray-haired and reasonably trim from daily workouts. SA-7 missile. Russian-made, man-portable infrared homing antiaircraftmissile used by one of the Chinese Special Forces commandos on the S.S. United States to shoot down the helicopters. San, Li. Guard at Shang's Orion Lake facility. Sappho IV submersible. NUMA submersible Pitt and Giordino use forrecovering artifacts from the Princess Dou Wan. Sea Dog II. NUMA submersible used to survey the hull of the S.S. United States at Kwai Chung north of Kowloon. Has the appearance of afat Siamese cigar with stubby wings on each side that curve to verticalon the tips. The twenty-three-foot long, eight-foot wide, 3,200-poundvehicle may look ungainly on the surface, but she dives with the graceof a baby whale. Three thrusters in the twin tail section impel water through the frontintakes and expel it out the rear. Can dive to a depth of two thousand feet. Sea Jasmine. Shang-designed submersible built as a backup to Sea Lotus. Sea Lotus. Shang-designed submersible. Built at a company in Francethat specia@es in deep-undersea vehicles. Selby, Norman. Colburn tells Pitt he is the real estate agent who soldShang the old fish cannery he converted to his compound on Orion Lake. Seng, Eddie. Part of the crew of the Oregon. Was the CIA's agent inBeijing for almost twenty years until he was forced to return to theUnited States and retire. Shot twice in the right arm when the Oregonattacks the Chengdo. Shang, Qin. A Chinese shipping magnate who operates out of Hong Kong. Owns the compound on Orion Lake. Born on the same day in the same yearas Pitt. President Wallace's chief fund-raiser in Asia. Described as taR formost Asian men at five feet, eleven inches. Heavy around the waist,chubby, he weighs210 pounds. His black hair is thick and cut short with a part down themiddle. His head and face are not round but narrow and almost feline,and match his long and slender hands. His mouth, oddly and deceptively,seems fixed in a permanent grin. His eyes are the color of the purestgreen jade. As an orphan, he begged on the streets of Kowloon acrossVictoria Harbor from the island of Hong Kong. By age ten, he had savedenough money to buy a sampan; two years later, he operated a fleet often. Before he was eighteen, he sold the sampans, bought an ancientintercoastal tramp steamer and built his fleet from there. Likes to drink American coffee with chicory. Owns an island near HongKong as well as a house in Chevy Chase, Maryland. Orders Pitt killed,but the assassins are foiled. Dies aboard the Sea Lotus on the site ofthe Princess Dou Wan when he encounters Pitt and Giordino. Shanty boat. Also called camp boats. 'the Bayou Kid loans one to Pittand Giordino to use. Described as broad and flat Iiie a barge. Asquare box atop the deck with windows and doors is the house. Inside isa wood-burning potbellied stove. The vessel is powered by a427-cubic-inch Ford V-8 engine, with dual carburetors that producesclose to 425 horsepower. Sikorsky S-76 Eagle. Type of helicopter that attacks the S.S. UnitedStates. Simmons, George. Assistant district director of the Immigration andNaturalization Service who meets the Chris-Craft when it reaches safety.A tall, jovial-looking man with twinkling eyes. Sky fox Flying Boat. Built by Lockheed, the two-seater jet aircraftwere originally designed as jet trainers. Modified by NUMA, the plane can make water landings, Has twin jetengines mounted on the fuselage behind the wings and cockpit. Smith & Wesson First Response knife. Brand of knife Lee straps to herleg before going aboard the Sung Lien Star. Smith, John. Fake identity assumed by Cabrillo when he picks up Pittand Giordino at the Manila Airport. In disguise, he appears as a great slob of a man with a big belly. Hehas a hook nose that looks as if it has been broken a few times, and hislip and chin are covered with stubble. Has greasy black hair and yellowirregular teeth. His biceps and forearms are covered with tattoos. Pittand Giordino see through the disguise. Stephen Miller. Cargo ship that recovers a body in a life raft thatcame from the Princess Dou Wan. Stewart, Frank. Captain of the Marine Denizen. Has brown hair cutshort and slickly combed with a precision part on the right side. Slimand tall with deep set blue eyes. He is unmarried. Stingray. Compact, battery-powered diver propulsion unit that Pitt useson Orion Lake. Stowe, Lieutenant Jefferson. Lieutenant on the Weehawken. Described astanned, blond and tall, with the boyish good looks of a tennisinstructor. Straight, Tom. Bartender at Charlie's Fish dock, Seafood and Booze. Sungari. Huge port facility built by Shang on Atchafalaya Bay nearMorgan City, Louisiana. Covers two thousand miles and stretches over amile on both sides of the Atchafalaya River. The area is dredged to anoperational depth of thirty-two feet. The port consists of one millionsquare feet of warehouse spac I e, two grain elevators with loadingslips, a six hundred-thousand-barrel-capacity liquid bulk terminal andthree general-cargo-handling terminals that could load and unload twentycontainer ships at one time. The warehouses and office structures areconstructed in the shape of pyramids and are covered by a goldgalvanized material that blazes like fire when struck by the sun. Swordfish. Laird's code name with the Secret Service. T'ai, Ling. Fake identity assumed by Lee. T'ai is said to hail fromJiangsu Province, where she lived until age twenty and finished herstudies. She then allegedly went to Canton and became a schoolteacher. Her father is said to be a professor of chemistry at Beijing University. Her great-grandfather was a Dutch missionary. Tien, Yu. Captain of the Chengdo. Ting, Quan. Chairman of China & Pacific Lines. A competitor ofShang's, Tsang explains that he will be taking over immigrant smugglingfor the Chinese government. Shang has Ting and his wife killed in anauto accident. Tsang, Yin. Chief director of the People's Republic Ministry ofInternal Affairs. A short man with dense gray hair. His eyes bulge asthey protrude from fleshy pouches. After Shang gives him drugged tea,he suffers a fatal heart attack. Tsung. Helmsman on the Princess Dou Wan Turner, Colonel Bob. Commanderof the battle group of Louisiana National Guardsmen who try to stop theS.S. United States. A veteran of the Gulf War. Ultralights. Used by the Chinese to chase the ChrisCraft. Powered by alightweight reduction-drive, 50 horsepower pusher engine. Pittestimates their top speed as 120 miles an hour. The pilot sits forwardout in the open with the passenger behind and slightly elevated. Undergound Washington. A series of tunnels that connect the White Housewith the Supreme Court, Capitol Building, State Department, under thePotomac River to the Pentagon, the Central Intelligence Agency inLangley, Virginia, and about a dozen other strategic governmentbuildings and military bases around the city. united states, S.S. Former cruise liner that was taken out of serviceand laid up in Norfolk, Virginia, for thirty years before being sold toa Turkish millionaire. Towed from Norfolk across the sea to the Mediterranean, past Istanbuland into the Black Sea to Sevastopol. On her maiden voyage, she set thespeed record between New York and London, averaging thirty-five 510knots knots or about forty-one miles an hour. The brainchild of famedship designer William Francis Gibbs. Her keel was laid in 1950 by theNewport News Ship Building & Dry Dock. In an effort to build thefastest and most beautiful passenger liner afloat, Gibbs specifiedaluminum wherever possible. From the 1.2 million rivets in her hull tothe lifeboats and their oars, the stateroom furnishings, bathroomfixtures, babies' high chairs, even the coat hangers and picture frames,all had to be made from aluminum. A huge ship, she measures 990 feetwith a beam of 101 feet. Her gross tonnage is 53,329. Designed to carry 694 passengers, the shipfeatured air conditioning, nineteen elevators, three libraries, twocinemas and a chapel. Powered by eight massive boilers creatingsuperheated steam, her four Westinghouse-geared turbines could put out240,000 horsepower or 60,000 for each of her four propeller shafts, andcould drive her through the water at more than fifty miles an hour. In1952, she won the prestigious Blue Riband, awarded for the fastest timeacross the Atlantic. No liner has won it since. By 1969, she wasretired and laid up at Norfolk, Virginia, for thirty years. Her hullwas painted black, her superstructure white and her two magnificentfunnels red, white and blue. Used by Shang in an attempt to flood theLower Mississippi River Basin. Valparaiso, Chile. City where a radio operator reported a distress callfrom the Princess Dou Wan. Wallace, Dean Cooper. President of the United States. Was vice president. A former two-term governor from Oklahoma. Sleepsthree hours a night between four 511 and seven A.m. He looks sixty-fivebut is only in his late fifties. Has premature gray hair, red veinsstreaming through his facial skin and beady eyes that always look red. An intense man with a round face, low forehead and thin eyebrows. Wan Tzu, Han. Fake identity Seng assumes when he delivers Pitt andGiordino to the dock where the S.S. United States is located. Wan-Tzu is said to be chief of docksidesecurity. WeekawkeiL Coast Guard Cutter that drops Lee off on the Sung Lien Star. Welland Canal. Canal that separates Lake Erie from Lake Ontario. Perlmutter finds the Princess Yung Tai passed through the canal onDecember 7, 1948. well, Chu. Second engineer on the Princess Dou Wan. Wheeler, Doug. Old friend and neighbor of the Bayou Kid. Owner ofWheeler's Landing. A portly man with a thick mustache. Wheiler's Landing. Where Pitt and Giordino pick up the Bayou Kid'sshanty boat and buy supplies for their trip. Raised off the ground onshort pilings, has a long porch that runs around the building. Thewalls are painted a bright green with yellow shutters framing thewindows. Wiay, Hui. Former Nationalist Chinese Army colonel. Now lives in Taipei. Fought against the Communists until forced to fleeto Formosa (now Taiwan). Ninety 512 two years old, but his mind isstill sharp. Perlmutter contacts him, and he discloses that he followedChiang Kai-shek's orders, rounded up artwork and delivered it to theShanghai docks and an old passenger liner commanded by Hui. Willbanks, Ralph. One of the crew of the Divercity. Described as a big, jolly man in his early forties with expansive browneyes and a bristling mustache. Wong, Ki. Chief enforcer on the Indigo Star. A thin, neatly attiredman. Has a smooth brown face that is intelligent but expressionless. Has narrow lips. Discloses to Lee that he knows she is not T'ai andsentences her to die. Later captures Lee at Bartholomeaux Sugar but isshot and killed by Giordino. XM4 command-and-control vehicle. Location where Turner directs fireonto the S.S. United States. Yokohama Ship Sales & Scrap Company. Based in Japan, the front companyShang uses to purchase his competitors' ships so his shipping companycould grow. Zhong, So. Shang's private secretary. Moves with the grace of aBalinese dancing girl. Answers to Advanced Pitt Trivia1. Al Capone. 2. British Sterling. 3. Omega. 4. Serial number 19385628. 5. "Alexander's Ragtime Band." 6. Miss Gosset. 7. Celestial Seasonings Red Zinger. 8. Abercrombie & Fitch. 9. "Yankee Doodle Dandy." 10. The complex is SKI QUEEN. The unit number is 22B. 11. "TRIVMFATOR." 12. Asakusa Dude Ranch. 13. Susan. 14. The Algonquin Hotel. 15. Bentley. 16. "Alkali Sam's Tequila: If your eyes are still open, it ain't AlkaliSam's." 17. Aqualand Pro. 18. Dodge Viper. 19. Managua, Nicaragua. 20. Ninety-five miles. ATLANTIS FOUND byCLIVE CUSSLERIMPACT 6120 B.C. In what is now Hudson's Bay, CanadaThe intruder came from beyond. A nebulous celestial body as old as theuniverse itself, it had been born in a vast cloud of ice, rocks, dustand gas when the outer planets of the solar system were formed more thanfour and a half billion years ago. Soon after its scattered particlesfroze into a solid mass one mile in diameter, it began streakingsilently through the emptiness of space on an orbital voyage thatcarried it around a distant sun and halfway to the nearest stars again,a journey lasting two million years from start to finish. The comet's core, or nucleus, was a conglomeration of frozen water,carbon monoxide, methane gas and jagged blocks of metallic rocks. Itmight accurately be described as a dirty snowball hurled through spaceby the hand of God. But as it whirled past the sun and swung around onits return path beyond the outer reaches of the solar system, the solarradiation reacted with its nucleus and a metamorphosis took place. Theugly duckling soon became a thing of beauty. As it began to absorb the sun's heat and ultraviolet light, a long comaformed that slowly grew into an enormous, luminous blue tail that curvedand stretched out behind the nucleus for a distance of ninety millionmiles. A shorter, white dust tail more than one million miles wide alsomaterialized and curled out on the sides of the larger tail like thefins of a fish. Each time the comet passed the sun, it lost more of its ice, and itsnucleus diminished. Eventually, in another two hundred million years,it would lose all its ice and break up into a cloud of dust and become aseries of small asteroids. This comet, however, would never orbitoutside the solar system or pass around the sun again. It would not beallowed a slow, cold death far out in the blackness of space. Within afew short minutes, its life would be snuffed out. On this, its lastorbit, the comet passed within nine hundred thousand miles of Jupiter,whose great gravitational force made it veer off on a collision coursewith the third planet from the sun, a planet its inhabitants calledEarth. Plunging into the Earth's atmosphere at one hundred twenty thousandmiles an hour on a forty-five-degree angle, its speed ever increasingwith the gravitational pull, the comet created a brilliant luminescentbow shock as its two-billion-ton mass began to break into fragments dueto friction from its great speed. Seven seconds later, the misshapen comet, having become a blindingfireball, smashed into an ocean with horrendous effect. The immediateresult from the explosive release of kinetic energy upon impact was togouge out a massive cavity the size of today's Hawaiian island of Mauias it vaporized and displaced a gigantic volume of water. The entire Earth staggered from the seismic shock of an 11.0 earthquake.Millions of tons of sediment from the ocean bottom burst upward, thrownthrough the hole in the atmosphere above the impact site and into thestratosphere along with a great spray of pulverized, fiery rock that wasejected into suborbital trajectories before raining back to earth asblazing meteorites. Firestorms destroyed forests throughout the world.Volcanoes that had been dormant for thousands of years suddenly erupted,sending oceans of molten lava spreading over millions of square miles,blanketing the ground a thousand or more feet deep. So much smoke and debris were hurled into the atmosphere and later blowninto every corner of the land by terrible winds that the sun was blockedout for nearly a year, sending temperatures plunging below freezing andshrouding the earth in darkness. Climatic change in every corner of theworld came with incredible suddenness. Temperatures at vast ice fieldsand northern glaciers rose until they reached between ninety and onehundred degrees Fahrenheit, causing a rapid meltdown. Animals accustomed to tropical and temperate zones became extinctovernight. Many, such as the woolly mammoths, turned to ice where theystood in the warmth of summer eating grasses and flowers stillundigested in their stomachs. Trees along with their leaves and fruitwere quick-frozen. For days, fish that had been hurled upward from theimpact fell from the black skies. Waves thousands of feet in height were thrown against the continents,surging over shorelines with a destructive power that was awesome inmagnitude. Water swept over low coastal plains and swept hundreds of miles inland,destroying everything in its path. Endless quantities of debris and sediment from the ocean floors werespread over low land masses. Only when the great surge smashed againstthe base of mountains did it curl under and begin a slow retreat, butnot before changing the course of rivers, filling land basins with seaswhere none existed before and turned large lakes into deserts. The chain reaction seemed endless. With a low rumble that grew to the roar of continuous thunder, themountains began to sway like palm trees under a light breeze asavalanches swept down their sides. Deserts and grassy plains undulatedas the onslaught from the oceans reared up and struck inland again. The shock from the comet's impact had caused a sudden and massivedisplacement in the Earth's thin crust. The outer shell, less thanforty miles thick, and the mantle that lay over the hot fluid corebuckled and twisted, shifting crustal layers like the skin of agrapefruit that had been surgically removed and then neatly replaced soit could move around the core of fruit inside. As if controlled by anunseen hand, the entire crust then moved as a unit. Entire continents were shoved around to new locations. Hills werethrust up to become mountains. Islands throughout the Pacific Oceanvanished, while others emerged for the first time. Antarctica, oncewest of modern-day Chile, slid more than two thousand miles to thesouth, where it was quickly buried under growing mountains of ice. Thevast ice pack that once floated in the Indian Ocean west of Australianow found itself in a temperate zone and rapidly began to melt. Thesame occurred with the former North Pole, which had spread throughoutwhat is now northern Canada. The new pole soon began to produce a thickice mass in the middle of what once had been open ocean. The destruction was relentless. The convulsions and holocaust went onas if they would never stop. The movement of the Earth's thin outershell piled cataclysm on cataclysm. The abrupt melting of the formerice packs, combined with glaciers covering the continents havingsuddenly shifted into or near tropical zones, caused the seas to risefour hundred feet, drowning the already destroyed land that had beenoverwhelmed by tidal waves from the comet's impact. In the time span of a single day, Britain, once connected to the rest ofthe European continent by a dry plain, was now an island, while a desertthat would become known as the Persian Gulf was abruptly inundated. TheNile River, having flowed into a vast fertile valley and then on towardthe great ocean to the west, now ended at what had suddenly become theMediterranean Sea. The last great ice age had ended in the geological blink of an eye. The dramatic change in the oceans and their circulation around the worldalso caused the poles to shift, drastically disturbing the Earth'srotational balance. Earth's axis was thrown off by two degrees as the north and south poleswere displaced to new geographical locations, altering the centrifugalacceleration around the outer surface of the sphere. Because they werefluid, the seas adapted before the Earth made another three revolutions.But the land mass could not react as quickly. Earthquakes went on for months. Savage storms with brutal winds swirled around Earth, shredding anddisintegrating everything that stood on the ground for the next eighteenyears, before the poles stopped wobbling and settled into their newrotational axis. In time, sea levels stabilized, permitting newshorelines to form as bizarre climatic conditions continued to moderate.Changes became permanent. The time sequence between night and daychanged as the number of days in a year decreased by two. The earth'smagnetic field was also affected and moved northwest by more than ahundred miles. Hundreds, perhaps thousands of different species of animals and fishbecame instantly extinct. In the Americas, the one-humped camel, themammoth, an ice age horse and the giant sloth all disappeared. Gone also were the saber-toothed tiger, huge birds with twenty-five-footwingspans and most other animals that weighed one hundred or morepounds, most dying by asphyxiation from the smoke and volcanic gases. Nor did the vegetation on land escape the apocalypse. Plant life notturned to ashes by the holocaust died for lack of sunlight along withthe algae in the seas. In the end, more than eighty-five percent of alllife on Earth would die from floods, fires, storms, avalanches poisonfrom the atmosphere and eventual starvation. Human societies, many quite advanced, and a myriad of emerging cultureson the threshold of a progressive golden age were annihilated in asingle horrendous day and night. Millions of Earth's men, women andchildren died horribly. All vestiges of emerging civilizations weregone, and the few pathetic survivors were left with nothing but dimmemories of the past. The coffin had been closed on the greatestuninterrupted advance of mankind, a ten-thousand-year journey from thesimple Cro-magnon man to kings, architects, stone masons, artists andwarriors. Their works and their mortal remains were buried deep beneathnew seas, leaving few physical examples and fragments of an ancientadvanced culture. Entire nations and cities that stood only a few hoursbefore had vanished without a trace. The cataclysm of such magnitudeleft almost no evidence of any prior transcendent civilizations. Of the shockingly low number of humans who survived, most lived in thehigher altitudes of mountain ranges and were able to hide in caves toescape the furies of the turbulence. Unlike the more advanced BronzeAge peoples who tended to cluster and build on low-lying plains nearrivers and ocean shorelines, the inhabitants of the mountains were StoneAge nomads. It was as though the cream of the crop, the Leonardo daVincis, the Picassos and Einsteins of their era had evaporated intonothingness, abruptly leaving the world to be taken over by itineranthunters and backwoods trappers, a phenomenon similar to the glory ofGreece and Rome cast aside in favor of centuries of ignorance - andcreative lethargy. A neolithic dark age shrouded the grave of thehighly cultured civilizations that once existed in the world, a dark agethat would last for two thousand years. Slowly, very slowly, didmankind finally walk from the dark and begin building and creatingcities and civilizations again in Mesopotamia and Egypt. Pitifully few of the gifted builders and creative thinkers of the lostcultures survived to reach high ground. They had erected mysteriousmagaliths and dolmens of huge upright stones across Europe, Asia, thePacific Islands and into the lower Americas. Their only visible legacyconsisted of these monuments commemorating the frightful destruction andloss of life, which also acted as warnings to future generations of thenext cataclysm. Within two hundred years, they had been assimilatedinto the nomadic tribes and ceased to exist as a race of advancedpeople. For hundreds of years after the convulsion, humans were afraid toventure down from the mountains and reinhabit the lower lands andcoastal shorelines. The technically superior seafaring nations were butvague thoughts of a distant past. Ship construction and sailingtechniques were lost and had to be reinvented by later generations whosemore accomplished ancestors were revered simply as gods. All this death and devastation was caused by a hunk of dirty ice nolarger than an average shopping mall. The comet had wreaked its unholy havoc, mercilessly, viciously. TheEarth had not been ravaged with such vehemence since a meteor had strucksixty-five million years earlier in a catastrophe that exterminated thedinosaurs. For thousands of years after the impact, comets were associated withcatastrophic events and thought to be portents of tragedies. They wereblamed for everything from wars and pestilence to death and destruction.Not until recent history were comets considered nature's wonders, likethe splendor of a rainbow or clouds painted gold by a setting sun. The biblical flood and a host of other calamity legends all had theirties to this one tragedy. The ancient civilizations of Olmecs, Mayansand Aztecs of Central America had many traditions relating to an ancientcataclysmic event. The Indian tribes throughout the United Statespassed down stories of waters flooding over their lands. The Chinese,the Polynesians ana the Africans all spoke of a cataclysm that decimatedtheir ancestors. But the legend that was spawned and flourished throughout the centuries,the one that provoked the most mystery and intrigue, was that of thelost continent and civilization of Atlantis.