The music was on cube, by the Garyan Quintet. Tain arrowed to Jerym, shaking off invitations as she went. His back was to her when she got there. "Want to dance, soldier?" she said to him suggestively. His head snapped around, and she laughed. He echoed it, reached out, and they clasped in the daring new style in which the couple dances close together.
"I have an apology to make," she said. "I've been staying away from you. I shouldn't have."
He tilted his head back, eyebrows raised. "Tell me about that."
"That evening we walked together," she said, "you told me some pretty wild stories, and I believed them all. Until you told the one about Colonel Voker beating some trainee, some kind of trainee champion, in a fight. And that sounded so far-fetched that it suddenly seemed to me you'd been lying all along, to see how much I'd believe."
"I liked you at once, you know. Maybe more than I'd ever liked a guy before on first acquaintance, so it really stung me." She paused, holding his gaze, wondering how he'd take such bold frankness. "Well, I just congratulated Artus Romlar on getting his subcolonel's bronze fist. And I said something like, 'How does it feel to replace Colonel Voker at age nineteen?'
"He said no one replaces Colonel Voker, and told me the same story you did. And that youthe regiment that isowed Colonel Voker for everything you've become."
Jerym nodded soberly.
"He said you owed the T'swa, too, and the Ostrak Project, that you'd never have made it without all three, but that Voker was the one who guided it all. Is that how you see it?"
Again Jerym nodded. "Voker is our father, the father of the regiment. The T'swa are our teachers, and the project our The ones who got us acting sane."
She nodded. "Anyway I'm sorry I doubted you. And stayed away from you."
She paused, started to ask him about the Ostrak Project, then didn't. It might sound as if her apology was a way of getting him to talk, which in fact was what she'd started out to do. Instead she danced closer, felt the warmth and hardness of his body. Reminded herself that he was eighteen and she was twenty-four, and that they had no future together. The music stopped, they stepped apart, then abruptly she stepped close again and kissed his cheek.
It startled her as much as it did him, and she almost fled, then got a grip on herself. "I'll only be here three more days," she said. "And I know you'll be busy. But I'll write to you when you go to Terfreya to train, and I hope you'll write back."
Then she turned and left, left Jerym, left the assembly hall, wondering what had gotten into her. Jerym was scarcely out of adolescence, and she'd only talked to him twice in her life, for only minutes each time; it made no sense at all. She couldn't possibly love him.
But she would write to him, she was sure about that.
She went to her room, wondering what Jerym thought about it. Had she seemed like a fool? Or had he been attracted to her the way she had to him? Was he downstairs at the party wondering? Feeling confused? Frustrated?
Perhaps she should go back down, find him, and take him to the woods orto her room. The thought troubled her even as it attracted her. It would be cheap, degrading. Not to him perhapsmen were differentbut to her.
She stayed for a while; tried to read, but couldn't keep her mind on the book. Perhaps she could go down and dance with others. Finally she got up from the bed and left her room, unsure of her motives or what she might do when she saw Jerym again.
From the hall outside her door, she heard trooper voices filling the main-floor corridor, spilling out into the night, as if the party was over. She went to the stairway and most of the way down, watching them leave. The girl Lotta flowed with them, Lotta who was part of the mysterious Ostrak Project.
Lotta moved out of the current, stepping onto the first step up, out of the troopers' way, as if waiting for them to pass. Tain went down and stood beside her.
"Waiting to take a walk?" Tain asked.
Lotta looked at her and smiled. "Yes, as a matter of fact. Want to come along?"
The place emptied quickly, and they left together. Seeren bulged lopsidedly white, and the breeze and chill of two nights earlier had been replaced by mellow stillness. The two young women strolled down the main road, its grass newly mown and blown from the right of way, its fragrance sweet around them.
"I'm afraid I'm not a party creature," Tain said.
Lotta nodded. "Me either. I enjoy them, but they're nothing I feel much attracted to. I generally prefer the company of a friend or twoor maybe half a dozen."
Dak-So had announced to the troopers that tomorrow they'd begin parachute training, Lotta said, and that was all it had taken to wind down the party. The troopers had been looking forward to parachute training. On less Standard worlds than Iryala, parachuting had long held a certain minor interest as a sport, but as a military technique, it was unique to the T'swa, who used it for covert infiltration, jumping from high elevations and at some distance from the drop zone, then body-planing in.
Tain decided it was time to turn the conversation to the psychological drills. "How old are you?" she asked.
"Sixteen?!" She peered at Lotta, honestly surprised. "I thought You look about sixteen, but somehow you seem older."
"I suppose I do."
The road forked. They kept to the wider one, where more moonlight got through to light their way.
"What is it you do here?" Tain asked. "At age sixteen."
"I interview the trainees, the troopers that is, and take them through psychological drills. To improve their emotional stability."
Tain glanced sideways at her. "To give them the emotional stability of the T'swa. That's what Colonel Voker said. Tell me about the drills."
Lotta was tempted to show her. Find a good initial button, jump her into whatever opened up, and take her through it. That would really give her reality on it. But the journalist was not to know what the Ostrak Procedures really did. That was the word from Wellemfrom Emry, actually. Besides, there were journalists, prominent ones, who'd grown up in The Movement and knew the T'sel. The Crown had brought in Tain Faronya instead, because they wanted an outsider who'd write from a viewpoint closer to the public's. To open her up, even just once, would alter that.
"There's really not much to tell," Lotta said shrugging. "We lead the trainee around"mentally that is, she added to herself"get him to look at things." Just don't expect me to tell you what kind of things. "I'm afraid it's not very interesting. It's a lot of repetition; quite time consuming."
Tain frowned. It didn't sound like much. It didn't sound like something that would do any good. "And these are drills the T'swa do?" she asked.
"No no. The T'swa are the way they are because of how they grow up. The philosophy they grow up with. Have you read Varlik Lormagen's book on Tyss?"
"I'm afraid not. But I've read his With the T'swa on Kettle. How do the drills make the troopers like the T'swa? Frankly, they don't seem much like T'swa to me, except as soldiers."
"They aren't. The T'swa are from another culture, a very different culture. They're even a different species. Their life experience has been a lot different, and these T'swa are twice as old as the troopers."
Tain nodded. Three or four wars older! she thought grimacing. "I spent the first day of maneuvers in the forest with 3rd Platoon of F Company," she said. "And heard some weird things there. Like, death is only incidental, and dead isn't really dead. Does that attitude grow out of the drills?"
Lotta laughed aloud, not only to mislead Tain but to reduce her seriousness. "It does sound weird, doesn't it? But you need to expect a different viewpoint from them. There's one way they're very much like the T'swa: They're inherently warriors. Their psych profiles show itprofiles of their innate personality. That's why they were recruited."
She changed the subject then. "We'd better go back now. I have to work in the morning. Want to run?"
They ran. When they reached the Compound, Lotta was much the more winded. At Main Building reception they said goodbye, each going to her own room.
As Lotta showered, she told herself that this had been her last conversation with Tain Faronya. The woman was too persistently inquisitive.
Interesting though that Tain had read With the T'swa on Kettle, and still had the questions she had about dying and death. Apparently what the T'swa had said to Varlik had seemed so unreal to Tain, when she'd read it, that it simply hadn't registered.
Tain lay down and turned off the light. As she composed herself for sleep, it occurred to her that she'd never really gotten an answer, a real answer to her question about the drills. Or had she? Perhaps they were nothing more than Lotta had said. Perhaps she was making too much of it. Apparently the psychs had identified these kids as warriorsor inherent warriors, whatever that really meantand that could account for their peculiar views.
Interesting that the psych courses she'd taken at the university had never mentioned innate personality.
And if her talk with Lotta hadn't been very enlightening, at least she hadn't run into Jerym again, perhaps truly to make a fool of herself.