It was no fishing boat, but a broad cargo ship made for the open sea and a full thirty meters long. The prow turned upward, and the end was carved and painted in the likeness of a sea eagle with wings partly folded. The water was choppy, and a brisk southwest wind blew. The ship’s course being southwesterly, the sail was furled and the crew leaned into the oars, their brawny backs wet with sweat. Through the blue sky moved flocks of small white clouds. The sun sparkled off millions of facets of sea surface, making Nils’s eyes squint against the glitter. A low shore, featureless at first in the distance, drew gradually nearer, becoming low dunes backed by rolling heath. Woods of stubby oaks took form in some of the hollows. Nils Järnhann had never seen the sea before, nor oak woods, and stood absorbing the beauty and novelty.
A break appeared in the dunes and became the mouth of a stream that flowed out of the heath. A short distance up the stream, on its south side, a town became visible past the shoulder of a dune. A lookout called down from the mast, and the stroke strengthened as the oarsmen began a chant, for this was their homeplace.
When the ship was tied to the wharf of oak timbers, the oarsmen became stevedores, and under the captain’s direction began to unload the pine planks that made up their cargo. A movement caught the captain’s eye and he turned to see his passenger approaching. The captain was a big man, but this fellow was bigger—more than a hundred and ninety centimeters tall, he judged, with muscles impressively thick and sinewy even to one accustomed to the sight of brawny oarsmen. His corded torso was bare and brown beneath the simple leather harness that supported his sword belt. Soft deerskin breeches were wrapped close around his calves by leather strips, and his callused feet were bare. A necklace of wolves’ teeth hung on a thong across his thick chest and the skin of a wolf’s head was laced onto his steel cap. Straw-colored braids hung to his shoulders. Obviously a warrior of the northmen, and a new one, the captain thought, noting the sparse soft beard and mustache so out of character with the physique.
Nils addressed the captain. “Will you hire me to help unload cargo?”
“When did warriors start hiring out as labor?” the captain asked.
“When they have spent their last coin for passage and need something to eat.”
“All right. One krona when the cargo is all on the wharf, if you work well and make no quarrels. Otherwise, nothing, and the arrows of the town wardens if there is trouble.” The captain believed in giving a man a chance and also in making things clear from the beginning. And fear wasn’t a trait of his.
He matched Nils with a thick-armed man of medium height, and without words they made a point of pride in carrying bigger loads than any other pair working. Even with the breeze, all of them were soon dripping sweat—a familiar and agreeable enough experience both to oarsmen and warrior. Soon Nils removed helmet, harness, and sword, laying them with his other things on a rowing bench forward.
Well into the afternoon one of the crew suddenly shouted, “Hey! Stop!” A youth, who had boarded unnoticed, leaped from the gunwale carrying Nils’s scabbarded sword. The captain, on the wharf supervising the piling, bellowed, drew his knife and threw it, but it clattered uselessly on the cobblestones. Nils’s bare feet hit the wharf running. The thief was quick; he reached a corner and sprinted out of sight. A moment later Nils made the turn, and the thief realized he had dangerously underestimated both the weight of the sword and the speed of a barbarian who had spent much time running on skis. He drew the sword as he ran, then turned and faced his pursuer. Nils stopped a few meters from him, and seconds later several of the crew ran up, panting, to stand near.
“I can stand here as long as you can,” Nils pointed out matter-of-factly. “If you try to run away again with the sword, I will easily catch you. And if you run at me to kill me, you won’t be able to. But if you lay the sword down and walk away, I’ll let you go.”
The thief scowled and licked his lips nervously. He was Nils’s age, lean and wiry. Suddenly he rushed at Nils, the sword raised to one side in both hands, ready to swing. The sailors scattered, and in that instant Nils sprang high above the swinging blade. A hard foot shot out, a powerful thigh driving the heel into the thief’s chest and hurling him backward. He skidded on his back and lay still.
“What must I do now?” Nils asked.
“Is he dead?” asked the sailor that Nils had worked with.
“He’s dead all right,” Nils assured him, without needing to examine the body.
“Well then, there’s nothing to do. A warden’s likely to come around and question us, and we’ll tell him what happened. He’ll have the body taken away and that’ll be the end of it. There won’t be any trouble for you, if that’s what you’re wondering about.”
Nils and the sailor began walking back to the wharf.
“And what about his clan?” Nils wondered.
“What’s a clan?”
“A clan is, well . . . ” Nils had never thought about this before. It was as natural a part of life as eating or breathing. “A clan is like the family, in a way, but much bigger, and the members fight for each other and take vengeance if need be.”
“In Denmark we don’t have clans. Countrymen have lords. But townsmen and sailors are loyal mainly to their bellies.”
“And I won’t be judged at a ting?”
“Ting? I’ve never heard the word.” The sailor paused. “Swordsman, let me give you some advice. The world you’ve come to is a lot different from your barbarian backcountry. Its ways and even its speech are different. You and I can talk together partly because Danish and Swedish aren’t so different in the first place, but also partly because we sailors are used to going to ports in Jotmark and adapting our speech for Swedish ears. But most Danes have never heard a Swede, and you won’t find it so easy to talk to them at first. And if you travel farther, to the German lands for example, you won’t understand their ways or anything they say. If you’re going to travel in civilized lands, you’d better learn something about their customs; otherwise, even a man like you will find only hardship and death.”
The inn loomed two-stories high in the darkness and was made of planks instead of logs. The shutters were open, lighting the street in front of the windows and leaving nothing between the noise inside and the passersby outside. Nils had a krona in his pouch, strong hunger in his gut, and the sailor’s words in the back of his mind as he moved lightly up the steps.
The noise didn’t stop as he crossed the room, but the volume dropped a few decibels and faces turned to look. The innkeeper stared a moment at the bizarre but dangerous-looking barbarian wearing a pack with a shield on it, a slung bow, and a sword. Then he walked over to him.
“Do you want a bed, stranger?”
The sailor had been right. Nils understood the question, but Danish speech was different. He might indeed have trouble understanding longer speech or making himself clear. At any rate, he would speak slowly.
“No, only food,” he said. “The ground will have to be my bed, or else I’ll run out of money too soon.”
The innkeeper eyed him narrowly and leaned a stout forearm on the bar top. “You plan to sleep in the open, if I take your meaning.” He too spoke slowly now. “In that case, more than your money may disappear; your life’s blood also. If you don’t know that, then the world is a dangerous place for you.”
“I have been robbed already today,” Nils said. “Are there so many thieves in Denmark?”
“There are thieves everywhere, and towns have far more than their share. Are you the barbarian who crushed the chest of Hans fra Sandvig with his bare foot?”
“If that was his name.”
“Well, that’s a service worth a free meal and a mug of beer with it,” the innkeeper said, and called a waiter. “Dreng, take this man to a table. Give him a mutton pie and a mug of beer, and when the mug is empty, fill it a second time.”
Nils leaned over the pie with busy fork. He was aware that someone stood near the table watching him, and his eyes glanced upward occasionally as he ate. The watcher, of middle height, wore his yellow hair cropped close, and unlike the townsmen, carried a short sword at his hip.
After a bit the man spoke. “You are a Swede,” he said, “the one who killed an armed thief with only your foot.” He spoke a hybrid Swedish-Danish, from lips not at home with either, accented with a crisp treatment of the consonants.
Nils straightened from his plate. “Yes, I’m from Svealann. And you are no Dane either.”
“No, I’m a Finn—in our language we say Suomalainen.”
“I’ve heard of the Finn land,” Nils said. “Svea fishermen are sometimes driven there by storms. What do you want of me?”
“I am traveling alone in the world, and it’s healthier not to travel alone. You’re traveling too.”
“I’m used to traveling alone,” Nils countered, “even in land without people, where wolves and bears hunt. I’ve slept buried in the snow without harm.”
“Yes, but you’re not in your homeland now. In Denmark there aren’t any wolves or bears, but to the outlander, men are more dangerous.”
“Where are you going?” asked Nils.
The Finn did not answer at once. “I don’t know,” he said at last. “I seek a thing of great value and go where my search takes me.”
“Where your search takes you,” Nils echoed musingly. “Suppose that’s not where I want to go?”
“I believe it’s as good as any for you,” the Finn replied. “Because if I’m right, you don’t have any place in mind. Also, you don’t know the ways and tongues of the world, and need a guide and teacher.”
Nils leaned back, a grin on his boy’s face. “You’re the third today who’s pointed out my ignorance to me. I believe you must be right. But tell me, why do you think I have no place in mind?”
“Well, for one thing, I suspect you don’t know of any places. But regardless, you’re a warrior, and among your people it is good to be a warrior. Few warriors would leave the fellowship of their clan to wander alone in the world. Probably you were exiled, most likely for killing outside the bans.”
“Sit down,” Nils said, motioning to a chair across from him. “Now I’ll ask another question.” His speech was easy and assured, like that of a chief twice his age. “You say you seek a thing of great value. If it’s so valuable, others may seek it with armed men. And if someone already has it, it may be strongly guarded. What will we do if we find it?”
“I don’t know,” the Finn answered. “I can only wait and see.” He paused, started as if to speak, paused again, then said it. “You’re a barbarian, young and very ignorant, but you are not simple. Not simple at all. Which is so much the better, for you’ll be much more than a man to frighten robbers.”
Nils ate, without saying any more, until the mug was empty and the plate wiped clean. He signaled the waiter with the empty mug. “I’ll travel with you awhile,” he said to the Finn. “For you were right about me in every respect; I am an outcast, and have nothing better to do. But there’s a lot I’ll want to know, about you and your quest as well as about the world, and I won’t promise that our paths will continue together.” He half rose and held out his large, thick right hand. “I am Nils Järnhann.”
“Iron Hand. I believe it.” The Finn retrieved his own. “And I am Kuusta Suomalainen.”