Welcome to the “World Lending Library”

[DIR]Parent Directory -
[DIR]Anthologies/ -
[DIR]Anthologies Of The Realms/ -
[DIR]Avatar/ -
[DIR]Band Of Four/ -
[DIR]Cleric's Quintet/ -
[DIR]Cleric/ -
[DIR]Cormyr/ -
[DIR]Counselors And Kings/ -
[DIR]Dark Elf/ -
[DIR]Dark Elf Trilogy/ -
[DIR]Demon Wars/ -
[DIR]Elminster Saga/ -
[DIR]Empires/ -
[DIR]Finder's Stone/ -
[DIR]Finder's Stone Trilogy/ -
[DIR]Harpers/ -
[DIR]Heroes of Phlan Trilogy/ -
[DIR]Hunter's Blade/ -
[DIR]Icewind Dale/ -
[DIR]Icewind Dale Trilogy/ -
[DIR]Legacy Of The Drow/ -
[DIR]Lost Empires/ -
[DIR]Maztica/ -
[DIR]Mithril Hall/ -
[DIR]Monshae/ -
[DIR]Moonshae Trilogy/ -
[DIR]Netheril/ -
[DIR]Netheril Trilogy/ -
[DIR]Nobles/ -
[DIR]Paths Of Darkness/ -
[DIR]Return Of The Archwizards/ -
[DIR]Return of the Archmages/ -
[DIR]Second Demon Wars/ -
[DIR]Sembia/ -
[DIR]Shadow Of The Avatar/ -
[DIR]Shandril's Saga/ -
[DIR]Shandril's Sage/ -
[DIR]Starlight And Shadows/ -
[DIR]Starlight and Shadows Trilogy/ -
[DIR]The Hunter's Blades/ -
[DIR]The Threat From The Sea Trilogy/ -
[DIR]Threat From The Sea/ -
[DIR]War Of The Spider Queen/ -
[DIR]War of the Spider Queen Trilogy/ -