CHAPTER 1 The child struggled under his hands; and he blamed it not at aD. The sight of the Long Whip rising and falling on the naked hack of ten-year-old Avalon of Wommack made his own stomach chum. Avalon was a slight and scrawny child, narrow of shoulder, the copper Wom- mack hair gone dark now with the swift-pouring sweat of her agony and clinging in a drenched coil along one frail shoulder blade. Something about the nape of her neck, where a babyish curl nestled all alone, tore at him worse than the blood. "Look you well," hissed Eustace Laddercane Trav- eller the 4th through clenched teeth, holding his youngest son's head as every parent in Traveller King- dom had learned it must be done. Not just the iron grip that kept the small head from turning away, but the lit- tle finger of each hand jabbed cruelly into the comers of the child's eyes, drawing the eyelids back taut against any possible hint of their closing. It hurt, of course; but not so much as the smack of that Whip would hurt, should one of the College of Deacons see the child avoiding its present duty: to watch the public whipping of Avalon of Wommack. And one day this boy he held so tightly now would per- form the same service for the babe that swelled his And Then There'U Be Firework mothers belly this very moment, as his older children held their younger brothers and sisters all around him. His wife had not been spared, either, though Eustace Laddercane had requested it; her time was very near, and it a tenth child—mis whipping was enough to set off her labor and see his tenth-bom arrive in the public square. But the Tutor had been absolutely adamant about it. Should that happen, he'd told him, it would be a blessing for the newbom, its first sight in this world one guaranteed to further its moral education and set it on the Straight path for life. Should that happen, thought the father, he'd blind the babe with his own two thumbs before he'd let that be its first sight of the world ... the Holy One grant that it not happen. Avalon of Wommack was well shielded from any lust- ful eyes. The Whipping Cloth hung foursquare from its hooks above her head to her bare feet, with only the nar- row space cut away at the back to allow the Whip room. But it did nothing to shield her screams. Eustace Lad- dercane hoped they hurt the ears of the Magicians of Rank that stood one at each comer of the cloth, twelve inches between them and their pitiful victim. The whipping itself, now—no man could have done that, though not one had courage enough to stop it It was Granny Leeward of Castle Traveller, her that was the own mother of the Castle Master, that wielded the Long Whip. She'd explained Avalon of Wommack's grievous sins to them all carefully before she began me chastisement, looking all around her with those measuring eyes, count- And Then There'U Be Fireworks ing. She knew precisely how many people should be there on the walkway that bordered the square, did the Granny. Ninety-one excused by the College of Deacons for illness near unto death, a sign of sure wicked- ness in those ninety and one; and seven hundred thirteen that left to be counted. Eustace Laddercane was certain mat Granny Leeward was able to count each and every one of the seven hundred thirteen, and would have known if even one had been missing. They lined up by household and by height, the tallest at the back. There still was not room for all of them within the Castle walls, and it had been necessary to lay out this whipping ground outside, burning away every last sprig and blade of growing life, grading it flat as the top of a table, anchoring down the board walkway that bordered it with spokes of ironwood hammered into chinks blasted out of the Tinaseeh rock. But that was chang- ing. The people of Tinaseeh, they were dying with a ter- rifying speed, ten and twenty and more now in a single day . . . soon they'd be able to take their Whipping Cloth inside one of the courtyards, right into Roebuck . . . might could be soon they'd have ample space in the Castle Great Hall itself, and be hard put to it to find anybody left to whip. Avalon of Wommack had sinned doubly. First she had sinned against the cause that bid the Chosen Peo- ple of Tinaseeh repopulate this land, to replace the dying who by their very deaths had revealed the vileness or their souls. Avalon's father had brought her home a husband, a man of seventeen, and Avalon not only had not welcomed her bridegroom tenderly and obediently And Then There S Be Firewwh as was expected o( her, not only refused to go wiBingly to the marriage bed where this male twice her size and near twice her age might do her the favor of placing his seed in her womb—Avalon had tried to hide herself away. They had dragged her from a granary, half suffocated already on the grain and on her terror. De- spite the fact. Granny Leeward had hammered the point home, that Avalon's womb had been through two full cycles. And secondly, there was the additional fact that Avalon of Wommack was a Two. and a female whose name came to the numeral two was intended by destiny to be passive and submissive and weak. The giri had also sinned against her Naming. That, the Granny had said, was the greater sin of the two. A young girl, modest and timid as was fully appro- priate, might be leniently treated for fearing the wed- ding bed and the inevitable childbed that followed it. She might well of had only a token stroke or two of the Long Whip for that, provided she went then and did her duty ever after. But to rebel against her Naming was not just to rebel against Jeremiah Thomas Traveller's orders to many and be fruitful, the orders of a mere man. It was rebel- lion against the path laid out for her by the Holy One; a fearsome evil, a defying of the divine law. And so the number of lashes had been set at twice twelve. A memorable number. Eustace Laddercane re- membered only one other unfortunate to earn so high a number as that, and that time it had been for stealing food from the common stores and gorging on it And And Then There U Be Fireworks that time the Whip had fallen on the broad back of a man full grown. The Long Whip whistled through the air—stroke sev- enteen. The Magicians of Rank put themselves to the trouble of calling out the number each time for the watchers, that they might not lose track and think that surely it had to be almost over. At his side he felt a long shudder take his wife's body, and he dared a quick look, sure it was the birth pains, but she knew his thought as soon as he did, and without turning her head she murmured to bim not to take foolish chances, that she was all right All right, she said, but for the whipping- Avalon of Wommack did not scream again after the nineteenth stroke, but Granny Leeward took care not to leave the people wondering what was the point of laying five more strokes on a body already dead. "Praise be," said the Granny solemnly. "The house- hold of this youngun can go tranquil to its beds this night Avalon of Wommack has paid in full the debt of her wickedness, and she stands now in eternal bliss, smiling and singing at the right hand of the Holy One Almighty. Praise bel" The Magicians of Rank raised their long shears as one man and cut the loops that held the Whipping Cloth to the hooks, and there was nothing then to see but a pile of bloody linen, very nearly Hat, upon the stained ground. Somebod/s child, walking the edge of hysteria, screamed out over and over: "Where did Avalon of And Then There'll Be Fireworks Wommack go? Where is she?" And there was the ring- ing smack of a full blow across that child's face as its mother moved desperately to offer up a penalty before the College of Deacons could prescribe one. And Granny Leeward's voice rose strong and sure— and why not, seeing as how she was little more than sixty and mighty young for a Granny—leading them in the hymn that had been chosen to end this particular whipping. It was seemly; its title was "Divine Pain, Willingly Endured." Except that Avalon of Wommack had not been willing. The members of the College of Deacons moved along the walkway, their arms folded gravely over their chests, watching and listening for any sign of somebody singing with anything less than righteous enthusiasm. It was, after all, an occasion tor celebration, what with Avalon of Wommack's eternal bliss and her family's tranquillity and all; and the College of Deacons was fully prepared to see to it that a suitable explanation was provided for anybody present that couldn't understand that on their own. The little ones sang their hearts out, and the older ones sighed and released their grips upon the small heads just a mite. The children knew already; sing, sing loud, and sing joyful. Make a joyful noise . . . they knew. Or there'd be a smaller version of the Long Whip waiting at home, and the mother assigned a specific number of strokes to be laid on, by the Deacon that'd spotted the wavering voice. It made for hearty music. Eustace Laddercane Traveller the ^th believed, really believed, in the Holy One Almighty. And there had not And Then There'll Be Fireworks been a whipping yet that he had not raised his own voice in the closing hymn, almost roaring out the words, waiting for the divine wrath to reach the limit of Its en- durance and strike Granny Leeward dead before his eyes. It had not happened yet, but his faith that it would was a rock on which he stood, and a comfort to him in the nights when often he dreamed it was a child of his loins that cringed and screamed and twisted under the strokes of the Whip. "It went well, to my mind," said Nathan Overholt Traveller the loist. "No faintings, no foolishness, and no punishments to pass out afterward—all very satis- factory." The other three nodded, and agreed that it had gone well enough. "Well enough, perhaps." That was Feebus Timothy Traveller the 6th, youngest of the Magicians of Rank on Tinaseeh. "But the child ought not to have died." The two Fanon brothers, Sheridan Pike the 2$th and Luke Nathaniel the i9th, looked at each other. There were times when they wondered about Feebus Timothy, finding him a tad soft, wondering if there wasn't a slight taint of Airy blood there somewhere to account for what came near at times to romantic notions. Times when they felt he'd profit from a stroke or two of the Long Whip himself. He sorely needed toughening up. "There is no room on Tinaseeh for a disobedient child," said Nathan Overholt harshly. "The subject is closed." "There was a time," persisted Feebus Timothy, And Then There'll Be Fireworks "when we could have saved her, any one of us, no mat- ter how many lashes she had taken." "There was a time," said Sheridan Pike reasonably, "when we could cause the Mules to fly and carry us on their backs, and a time when the winds and the rains and the tides obeyed us. And that was that time, and it is gone. We deal now with this time." The mention of the powers they had lost silenced them all. It was not something you got used to. Once you had been someone whose fingers could make a cas- ual move or two and a cancer would shrivel and disap- pear inside the sick one's body, leaving no trace behind. Once you had been someone that could SNAP through space, moving from the Wilderness Lands of Tinaseeh, across the vastness of the Oceans of Remembrances and of Storms, to land less than a second later in the court- yard of any of the twelve Castles of the planet Ozark. Once you had been someone who saw to it that the rain fell only when and where it was needed, and that the harvests were always bountiful, and that the snow fell only deep enough and often enough to be an amuse- ment for the children and a change for their elders . . . once. Now, on the other hand, it was as Sheridan Pike had said. Now they had to deal with this time. Four Magi- cians of Rank, their tides as hollow as their stomachs and their gaunt faces, garbed in a black grown shiny with wear, and their only power now the power of fear. It was a painful comedown, for they had been truly mighty. Luke Nathaniel Farson had been picking idly at his And Then Therell Be Fireworks front teeth with his thumbnail, a maddening little noise in the silence; and then he stopped, just before they could demand for him to, and asked: "Do you suppose it's true, that rumor about the Yallerhounds?" "Luke Nathaniel!" Even Feebus Timothy got in on the outrage. "I don't know," mused the other man. "They're hun- gry. We're hungry, here at the Castle . . . think of the people in the town. A Yallerhound, or a giant cavecat, that's a sizable quantity of meat. And though it's true I can't think of any of the men with strength enough left to take a cavecat, you know as well as I do that a boy of three could catch a Yallerhound. AH you have to do is call the creature, and it will come to you." "Nobody," said Sheridan Pike, "nobody at afl.^ would eat a Yallerhound. They would starve first." "They will, then/' said Luke Nathaniel "Those that haven't already.*' "Change the subject/' ordered Sheridan Pike flatly. "Can't any of you think of something that's not intoler- able to talk about? You've lost your magic powers, but I wasn't aware that you'd lost your minds as well." "Well," said Feebus Timothy, "we could discuss to- day's scheduled urgent and significant meeting. That's not intolerable, just useless, and silly, and stupid." "Your sarcasm is very little help. Cousin/' said Sheri- dan Pike. "All right, then, 111 ask seriously. What is on today's agenda?" "A discussion of the situation." "Again?" Feebus Timothy was serious now, serious And Then There's. Be Fireworks and Habbergasted. "Whatever for? We have had nine hundred and ninety-nine 'discussions of the situation' and we have yet to arrive at a single—" Sheridan Pike cut him off. "Jeremiah Thomas Trav- eller is Master of this Castle, master of the four of us, son of Granny Leeward, and representative of the Holy One upon this earth. If he says we are to discuss the sit- uation yet one more time—or one hundred more times —then we will discuss it" Feebus Timothy snorted, "The only thing in all that that impresses me. Cousin, is the claim that he's Lee- ward's son. That I believe, it being a matter of record; and that I'm impressed by. As for the rest of it ... if you'll pardon a phrase from the fonnspeech . . . cowflop." "You talk a good line," said Luke Nathaniel Farson. "But I have yet to see you do more than talk." Sheridan Pike moved smoothly to cover the charged silence, and observed that another discussion was not necessarily a waste of time. "Each time we meet," he said, "there is the possi- bility that we will hit upon something we have over- looked before, colleagues. Somewhere there is a clue to be found, if only we were wise enough to spot it" "The clue you seek," retorted Feebus Timothy, "lies in pseudocoma on a narrow bed at Castle Brightwater. Where we put her, we wise Magicians of Rank, these sixteen months past" "Nonsense!" "Not nonsense," said Nathan Overholt, knowing he plowed ground already furrowed to exhaustion, but too 10 And Then There'U Be Fireworks tired to care, "not nonsense at all. Feebus Timothy is somewhat confused, and somewhat overdramatic, but the facts of the matter are obvious. While Responsible or Brightwater went about her interfering and infuriat- ing business on this planet, we were truly Magicians, with the power of Formalisms & Transformations at our command. From the moment we laid her in pseudo- coma on that bed my cousin refers to so poetically, our power began to wane . . . and now it is gone. Entirely^ completely, wholly gone. Magic is gone . . . and on Tinaseeh we have no science. The question is: why?" "We have no science because we never needed it," said Sheridan Pike disgustedly. "Magic was a great deal faster than science ever hoped to be, and far more efficient" "No, no ... that was not my question! And you know it, don't you?" "Of course I know it!" "Then stop playing the fool!" "He is not playing the fool," said Luke Nathaniel wearily, "he is just cross, like the rest of us. And we have considered that question so many times already." "Magic/' said Nathan Overholt, "is a great web, a great web in always changing equilibrium. Touch it any- where, change it anyhow, and you affect the whole. When we removed Responsible of Brightwater from that web-" "We haven't removed her. She's in better health than any of us. In pseudocoma you don't need to eat" "In a sense," Nathan Overholt went on, "we removed her. We changed her from an active principle to a pas- 11 And Then There'll Be Fireworks sive one . . . and yet she is a female. How can a female represent an active principle?" "Granny Leeward is exceedingly 'active' with the Long Whip/' observed Luke Nathaniel. "And she is fe- male." ^She is not a principle—she is only an item." Feebus Timothy longed to lay his head, still aching from the screams or Avalon of Wommack, down on the table, right then and there, and go to sleep. They had been over it And over it The difference between an item and a principle. The difference between substi- tution of a null term and substitution of a specified term. The degree of shift in an equation sufficient to de- stroy its reversibility—or restore it And over and over . . . what role had Responsible of Brightwater, a girt of fifteen like any other girl of fifteen to the eye, played in that equation, such that the cancellation of her input had been enough to destroy the entire system? There were never any answers. That she had known a little magic, some of it more advanced than was suitable for a female or even legal, they all knew. The four of them had been present when Responsible fell into Granny Leeward's trap and changed the old woman's black fan into a handful of rotting jet-black mushrooms before their astonished eyes. Jeremiah Thomas Traveller had been mightily impressed by that, as the Granny had intended him to be. But they were Magicians of Rank. It was a Trans- formation, certainly, and the girl should not have been able to do it, but it was trivial. It was a baby trick, such as any one of them might have done—in a less ugly way 12 And Then ThereU Be Fireworks —to entertain guests at a celebration of some kind. It was probable that it had been as much blind luck as skill, and mostly the product of the girl's rage; for she had lain in torment while they watched her and mocked her misery, suffering from the girt of Andersen's Dis- ease, die deathdance fever that Granny Leeward had or- dered them to impose as punishment for her scandalous behavior. And she'd shown no sign of any talent for things magical but that one . . . nor had she been able to stand against them when the nine Magicians of Rank had chosen to impose pseudocoma upon her or during the months that had dragged by since. If there was something special about her, why had she not leaped up from that bed and laughed at them and put all of them into pseudocoma? It was hopeless. "It's hopeless," he said aloud. "Hopeless." The others looked at him, suddenly caught by the nuance of his voice. He was young, and he was inexpe- rienced, but he had been a skilled Magician of Rank. Now they detected something ... a note of petulance. Petulance? Nathan Overholt Traveller reached over abruptly and laid his hand on the younger man's forehead and swore a broad word. "He's burning up with fever!" he said. "One of you get the Granny, and tell her to lose no time coming down here!" It had been bound to happen sooner or later. Sickness, the Master of this Castle had been telling ev- eryone, sickness and death, were nothing more than the 13 And Then ThereU Be Fireworks marks of wickedness and sin made visible in the flesh. Only the Holy One culling the rotten fruit from the crop and leaving the sound and the wholesome behind. It made an entertaining sermon, and perhaps dulled grief for some . . . after all, if those that suffered and died deserved their fate, then what was there to grieve over? But the Magicians of Rank had been uneasy, listen- ing. For if one of them, one of the Magicians of Rank, one of the Family, were to fall sick or, the Twelve Gates forbid, to die—how was that to be explained? The ur- gency of preventing that had provided them with a shaky justification for the extra rations they shared in se- cret in the Castle, while tadlings cried with hunger in the houses of the town. Eggs, they had been eating . . . it was safe to assume that no one else on Tinaseeh had seen an egg in six months or more, much less eaten one. And now this? It must not happen. "Why call the Granny?" demanded one of the others, and Nathan Overholt took time from rubbing the temples of his brother's head to give him a look of contempt "We have no magic now, you benastied fool," he spat, beside himself with worry, and his elegant manners and speech forgotten for once, "and no medicine either. We have nothing—except what the Grannys know. The ancient simples. The herbs and teas and potions and plasters of the times before magic, the Holy One have mercy on us all! Now get her!" "Nathan Overholt-' "You think," shouted Nathan, "you think that if one 14 And Then ThereU Be Fireworks of us falls to a fever we will be able to stand on the whipping ground and convince the people of Tinaseeh that we order that Whip laid on out of our own inno- cence of all sin? You think that Granny Leeward would scruple to set that Long Whip to your back, or to mine,