"Dogs?" |
Sue took the dogs with her, or once they were off, the dogs took her on a search and snuffle mission. For protection, she said, though the only Skidian that they came into contact with, was Leaf. The surrounding area was empty of Skidians, as if they were in quarantine. Bruce suspected that they weren't in quarantine at all, it was just that the Skidians probably spent most of their time roaming the beltway tunnels beneath their homes looking for something to do all day. |
"Is that it?" Bruce wanted to know, soon after as Myfair landed outside the house. All they'd been shown was a vast herd of ivops that they accidentally stumbled on and very little else. |
"I don't see any reason why not," she said after a moment. Sleeping or living rough did not really appeal to her. On the other hand she did not want to lose sight of, or her tenuous physical connection with Bruce. If he went off by himself, there was no telling when he might bother, if ever, to return. |
"What can they be doing?" | With mounting confusion Leaf had observed the offworlder's activities from the safety of the house all morning. First Bruce had ridden around on a vehicle the like of which she had never seen, turning the ground upside down. Then with a rod which had some odd attachment on the end he had made lines in the ground and had appeared to drop something in them. |
Cyprus decided to take an interest in the proceedings, but after a moment he vomited noisily beside the ute. | The acrid whiff of vomit in the air and the sound of Cyprus's retching sparked a sympathy effort from Toytoo. Toytoo's composure was not helped by Can tucking into the manna from the gods that he had stumbled on while waiting for the boss to throw him something a little more substantial. |
It wasn't simply about deciding if his people would survive the present crisis, the likely structure of the resulting society he had taken a solemn oath to preserve at all costs was just as, if not more important to him. It would be more acceptable to save just a few Skidians and preserve the exquisite nature of Skidian culture than save most of the population and lose any control over its future development. Once Skidians were forced to think and act for themselves as a result of instituting the offworlders food production schemes, that would signal the end of Skid, as he and his ancestors had known it. |
"What?" Sue and the Skidians stared at Bruce as if he had suddenly started speaking a new language of his own. |
"You're pulling my leg of course mate." Bruce managed to gasp between gusts of laughter as Cyprus broached the question of ivop reproduction after dinner. A hilarity which stunned the Skidian considering the delicacy of the subject. |
Cyprus led an unwilling search party out into the darkness, in what he hoped was a vain attempt to save their leader from the offworlders. He had been furnished with the necessary equipment and orders in the likely event they stumbled on Inel alive. | How opportune! Toytoo smiled, knowing he could not have planned Inel's end any better himself. With Inel out of the way he could simply return to Sietnuoc and assume his position in this moment of crisis and deal with any attempts to oppose him. Even Raele, the successor Inel had been grooming to replace him, would not be able to stand in his way. |
Cyprus had been the only one of his team to venture out into the darkness and had reported that the offworlders had driven off in their vehicle after dumping Inel's body in the moving water. In stating he had seen this happen, Cyprus stretched the truth a little. He had certainly seen something tossed into the river and had assumed it was Inel. Inel was certainly nowhere to be found and the offworlders could be dealt with at leisure. |