Technische Universität Braunschweig, Institut für Stahlbau

                             The Annotated Sandman

                Edited by Ralf Hildebrandt and largely written by David Goldfarb

                      Issue 66:  "The Kindly Ones: 10"

                  Neil Gaiman, Marc Hempel, Richard Case

Page 1 panel 1: Snap!
       panel 7: Puck is quoting Yeats' "The Second Coming". Strictly 
speaking, that should be "loosed", not "loose". Here and on the next few 
pages his speech seems to waver between prose and blank verse.

Page 2 panel 1: Note how Daniel's eyes appear to glow. This is perhaps a
symptom of his part-immortal nature; they did not when we saw him back in
issue #59.
       panel 4: "So the wolf...": a quote from "The White Devil", act V
scene 4. Daniel's eyes here especially resemble Dream's.

Page 3 panel 1:"The letters" are probably the two that the apostle Paul
wrote, found in the New Testament of the Bible. "The pillars" are the most
ornate of the various orders of Greek architecture; they are fluted, and
decorated at the capital with carvings of acanthus leaves. "The leather"
refers to car advertisements; in the late 1970s the ads for the Chrysler
Cordoba featured the phrase "fine Corinthian leather". (I have heard that
Corinth is not in fact known for leather, that the phrase was merely the
brainchild of some advertising executive.) "The place" is the Greek city of
Corinth, and also the isthmus upon which it is located, which connects
the Greek mainland with the Peloponnesian peninsula. In ancient times the
city was known as a place of immorality and luxury -- a Greek Las Vegas,
if you like. "The mode of behavior" is thus (in the words of one dictionary)
"that of a licentious libertine".
       panel 4: Notice that mouse that Puck was playing with; it is one-eyed.

Page 4 panel 1: ...And here is suddenly introduced one-eyed Odin, who was
capable of shifting shape. Among the wisdom that he received for his
eye was the knowledge of runic writing; and in some versions, foreknowledge
of Ragnarok.

Page 9 panel 1: Each title page shows a dwelling-place. Here, Titania's castle.
       panel 2: "One must not offend against the notions of one's neighbors."
This is a reference to James Branch Cabell's novel _The High Place_, where
that very phrase was used many times.

Page 10 panel 1: The name "Menton" showed up in the background chatter when
we first saw the Inn of Worlds' End (51:6:6). There is no evidence connecting
that Menton with this one, but then there is no evidence to the contrary.
        panel 6: "Silver apples of the moon": a reference to "The Golden
Apples of the Sun, the Silver Apples of the Moon", a poem by William Butler

Page 12 panel 5: "Wonderer"? The word used by Shakespeare (in _A Midsummer
Night's Dream_) is "wanderer"...

Page 13: Puck mentions the phrase "jot nor tittle."  This is a Biblical
reference, from Matthew 5:18 -- "For verily I say unto you, Till
heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass
from the law, till all be fulfilled."  This is one of Jesus'
beatitudes; he is saying that although he has a new interpretation of
the Old Testament, that he will not change any of the text.
"Jot"s and "tittles" are the smallest marks in writing; our word
"iota" comes from the same source.
Of course, Jesus then goes on to rearrange lots of jots and tittles
in the Old Testament, but that's another story.
(If you didn't know, the beatitudes are those lines that
start with "Blessed are the ..., for they ... .")

Page 14 panel 1: "murder" is the collective noun for crows.
        panel 2: These two have appeared twice before: once in the last
part of "Brief Lives" (49:14:1) and once in 58:18:3-5. The rabbit was
named Ruthven; we know nothing else about them.
        panel 4: Mervyn, as shown more clearly a few panels later, is
wearing the uniform of a sergeant in the U.S. Marine Corps -- although
the bow tie is likely non-regulation. The dialogue and action of the next
few pages parodies the conventions of war movies.

Page 15 panel 3: As a rule, the military units in war movies are relentlessly
ethnically diverse. Mervyn's seems to have a Pole, an Irishman, a Scotsman,
a Jew, an Italian, and "the little Norwegian".

Page 18 panel 1: "The Wood Between the Worlds" was the name given to a realm
connecting one world to another in _The Magician's Nephew_, by C.S. Lewis.
There is also the early fantasy novel, _The Wood Beyond the World_, by
William Morris.
        panel 7: "Pigsney" is a variety of flower, I believe.

Page 19 panel 4: The word is "sinople".

Page 21 panel 2: This woman's name, as we will find out shortly, is 
Celia Cripps; the aunt to whom she refers is very likely Ethel Cripps, 
former mistress of Roderick Burgess.
        panel 3: _Princess Daisy_ is a real novel, a best-seller in 1980.
Rose's novel was written by Erasmus Fry. We first heard of him in issue #17,
"Calliope" -- it was he who captured the muse of that name and held her
prisoner. The plot of the book as Rose describes it has obvious parallels
to her situation.
        panel 7: Robert Aickman (1914-1981): author of, among others,
_Painted Devils_, _Cold Hand in Mine_, and _The Story of our Inland Waterways_.
His "strange stories" could be described as horror or dark fantasy. They
didn't use shock or gore, though, but rather created a mood of the unusual
and eerie. Shirley Jackson (1919-1965): best known for the novel _The
Haunting of Hill House_ and the short story "The Lottery". _We Have Always
Lived in the Castle_ concerns two girls who live alone and outcast after
the death by poison of their parents; it has a similar concern for mood
over thrill to Aickman's stories.

Page 22 panel 1: Someone very kindly sent me definitions for these from
the OED, and with my usual deftness I have lost them. Anyone out there
with an online OED care to send them again? 
        panel 2: Tori Amos, whose mutual admiration with Neil Gaiman is
well-known, has a song called "Cornflakes Girl" on her album "Under the Pink".
        panel 4: Note the handwriting on the list of words: the word "sinople"
is identical to that on Delirium's slip of paper.
        panel 5: "Marks and Sparks" is a common nickname for "Marks and 

Page 24 panel 5: "Dirae": a Latin name for the Furies.

Release History:
Version 1.0 released 17 May 95.

	Greg "elmo" Morrow ([email protected]) created the Sandman
     Numerous people identified the song "Cornflakes Girl": Joe Brenner 
([email protected]), Glenn Carnagey ([email protected]), 
David W. James ([email protected]), Bill Jennings (zenok13@uclink2., Greg Primm ([email protected]), Christina Schulman 
([email protected]), and Eric Tsai ([email protected]).
     Katie Schwarz ([email protected]) gave the precise reference
on the "White Devil" quote.

Ralf Hildebrandt / [email protected]