Technische Universität Braunschweig,
Institut für Stahlbau
The Annotated Sandman
Edited and largely written by Ralf Hildebrandt
Issue 74: "Exiles"
Neil Gaiman, Michael Zulli
Disclaimer: Sandman and all related characters are copyrights and trademarks
of DC Comics Inc. Sandman and this annotation are intended for mature
audiences only.
This story is similar to #39, _Soft Places_.
- Page 19 panels 1-4:
These horsemen were also seen in #39. However, these men
appear to be Roman soldiers, whereas the Soft Places horsemen where dressed
as Mongols.
- Page 19 panel 4:
"I must smash the emerald." This is a reflection of #7, where
John Dee crushes Dream's Ruby.
Ralf Hildebrandt / [email protected]