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She glanced sideways at Dan. She couldn't guess what he was thinking. She never could.

As they stepped out of the elevator into the loggia at the top of the Great Central Well, they caught sight of a blonde figure in high heels disappearing into the far door. By the time they reached the Embarkation Lobby, they found Nettle apparently deep in conversation with a desk light.

'This is the Embarkation Lobby, sir and madam.' A Doorbot had already wheeled over and was gesticulating in front of them in a rather meaningless fashion. 'As Super Galactic Travellers you are entitled to pass through this lobby but you may not use the seating accommodation or the bathrooms. Super Galactic Class facilities are available on your own decks.'

'Look, we're not travelling,' said Dan. 'We just want to know how to get out of this thing.'

At that moment Nettle, who seemed to be getting nowhere with the desk light, turned and spotted them. 'Hey! There you are!' she called, and then turned back to the desk light and said: 'Listen, bulb- brain, you can fill your own request forms in - in triplicate - and shove them up your lampshade!' The desk light rested its head in its hands and pretended to be looking somewhere else.

'Get off this thing?' the Doorbot was repeating to itself, as Nettie joined them.

'Yeah!' replied Dan. 'We want to get out - like the quickest way.'

'Ohh!' Nettle looked a bit puzzled. 'Don't you just want to see round a bit?'

Dan found he was more and more surprised by this extraordinary woman. 'Look round a bit?' he exclaimed. 'Aren't you scared?'

'Well - a bit - but it's so exciting! And these things seem to be perfectly harmless.' Nettie gave the Doorbot a chuck under the chin. It sniffed and pretended to flick a bit of fluff off its sleeve. A Dustbot shot out from the skirting, picked up the imaginary bit of fluff, squeaked and shot back into the skirting again.

'It's amazing, isn't it?' ventured Lucy uncertainly.

'Sensational!' agreed Nettie.

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