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The Creator of the Narnia Chronicles:

"He has made everything beautiful in its time; also he has put eternity into man's mind."
Ecclesiastes 3:11


C. S. Lewis is becoming increasingly well known as the author of an overwhelmingly varied range of books other than the Narnia tales. He is a well respected authority on Medieval and Renaissance literature and Milton; he has written key theological works such as Miracles and The Problem of Pain; and his book, Mere Christianity, was instrumental in the conversion of people as diverse as Watergate felon Charles Colson and black radical Eldridge Cleaver. The Screwtape Letters is a unique classic whose main character is a devil advising his nephew on how to corrupt a human soul. The slim volume The Abolition of Man may well be one of the great philosophical books of our time; and the science fiction trilogy (Out of the Silent Planet, Perelandra, That Hideous Strength) are to be found in every bookstore.

Lewis is now read three times as much as he was in his lifetime, and book sales have increased six fold since his death. In 1978, for example, two million of his books were sold in the U.S. and England-over one million of the Narnia Chronicles alone-and the trend is increasing. When asked what quality about Lewis impressed them most, members of the New York C. S. Lewis Society gave a wide range of responses, mentioning such qualities as "joy," "truth," "imagination," "wholeness," "belief," "holiness," "light" and "beauty." But why would a bachelor Professor of Medieval and Renaissance Literature at Cambridge University write seven children's stories when he was in his fifties? While it is always difficult to point categorically to elements of an author's life as influences in his writings, we will look at some of the most important events in Lewis's life which helped to mold so creative an imagination and which led to the writing of the Narnian Chronicles. If you are interested in learning more, Lewis's life is described at length by Walter Hooper and Roger Green in C. S. Lewis: A Biography, and by Lewis himself in his autobiography, Surprised By Joy.

Clive Staples Lewis was born on November 29, 1898 in Belfast. He died on November 22, 1963-the same day John F. Kennedy was assassinated. When his mother died before he was ten, Lewis was very angry at God for not miraculously healing her, like a Magician. Perhaps some of his deep distress at his mother's long illness is reflected in Digory's sorrow over his dying mother and her joyous recovery through the life-giving apple from Aslan. When Lewis was five, his family moved to a huge house whose atmosphere had a profound influence on him and his older brother, Warren. Lewis said: "I am a product of long corridors, empty sunlit rooms, distant noises of gurgling cisterns and pipes, and the noise of wind under the tiles." Because of the typical cold wetness of the climate of Great Britain, the boys were often driven to entertain themselves indoors. In The Magician's Nephew, Digory and Polly explore the attic above their houses just as Lewis did: "Their adventures began chiefly because it was one of the wettest and coldest summers there had been for years. That drove them to do indoor things: you might say, indoor exploration." Such a setting became the matrix for Lewis's fertile imagination to grow in.

Fascinated by Beatrix Potter's books and by animal cartoons, plus the quantities of books stacked in every available nook in the house, Lewis began writing his own stories before he was six and up until the time he was 12. He attributes his turn to writing to the fact that he had only one joint in his thumb and thus was clumsy at everything else. So, he tells us in his autobiography, he "staked out a claim to one of the attics" and decorated it with his own pictures or those from magazines. Polly Plummer "had used the bit of the tunnel just beside the cistern as a smuggler's cave. She had brought up bits of old packing cases and the seats of broken kitchen chairs, and things of that sort, and spread them across from rafter to rafter so as to make a bit of floor. Here she kept a cash box containing various treasures, and a story she was writing." Polly's creator, C. S. Lewis, wrote his first stories in this kind of hideaway, too: "Here my first stories were written, and illustrated, with enormous satisfaction. They were an attempt to combine my two chief literary pleasures' dressed animals' and 'knights-in-armour.' As a result, I wrote about chivalrous mice and rabbits who rode out in complete mail to kill not giants but cats." His stories were about a medieval country called Animal-Land, inhabited by an array of characters such as Bublish I; a frog, Lord John Big; a horse, Samuel Macgoullah; and an owl, Viscount Puddiphat. The first book, called The King's Ring, centered around the theft of some crown jewels in the reign of Benjamin I. Another book, The Locked Door, was written when he was 12, yet shows a style and vocabulary mature for such a young boy.

There is some evidence that Lewis's brother Warren was also writing his own stories, set in modern India with trains and steamships, and Lewis may have decided to combine the two worlds and their inhabitants. At any rate, he created a mythical land called Boxen. He thus became interested in the setting of Animal-Land and systematically recorded its 700 year history, then its geography, complete with maps, steamship routes and elaborate illustrations of boats.

Although we can see how this might have been the embryo of what later would grow into Narnia, Lewis emphasized that none of the Narnian stories or characters were drawn from these childhood tales: "Animal-Land had nothing whatever in common with Narnia except the anthropomorphic beasts. Animal-Land, by its whole quality, excluded the least hint of wonder .... My invented world was (for me) of interest, bustle, humour, and character; but there was no poetry, even no romance in it. It was almost astonishingly prosaic." The stories dealt mainly with politics rather than with the more imaginative events and the sense of joy-the "kind of happiness and wonder that makes you serious" that pervade Narnia.

A second element runs as a thread throughout all of Lewis' life-the search for joy. It began as a series of "aesthetic" experiences scattered through his younger years. Once, Warren made a miniature garden in the lid of a biscuit tin with moss, twigs, and flowers. "That was the first beauty I ever knew .... It made me aware of nature . . . as something cool, dewy, fresh, exuberant." Similarly, the low line of the Castlereagh Hills which he could see from his nursery window-perhaps contoured like the mountains of Aslan's country taught him longing, or Sehnsucht. One day he stood beside a flowering currant bush and the same sensation came over him-"a desire; but desire for what? . . . in a certain sense everything else that had ever happened to me was insignificant in comparison."

Later in his life, an Arthur Rackham illustration from Siegfried and the Twilight of the Gods and a line from this retelling of the Norse myth engulfed Lewis in what he described as "Pure Northernness": "a vision of huge, clear spaces hanging above the Atlantic in the endless twilight of Northern summer, remoteness, severity," and he felt a return of the sense of distant joy for which he had long searched. The myth also contained elements he looked for in religion, and he admitted that he loved the god Balder before he loved Christ. Throughout all the Narnia tales we can sense the spell of Aslan's country or a glimpse of something no one can quite put their finger on. But we should also mention that Lewis's life had another side: "I am telling a story of two lives. They have nothing to do with each other." On the one side was the inner, secret world of imagination; on the other, that of the intellect "The two hemispheres of my mind were in the sharpest contrast. On the one side a many-islanded sea of poetry and myth; on the other a glib and shallow 'rationalism.' Nearly all that I loved I believed to be imaginary; nearly all that I believed to be real I thought grim and meaningless." Part of this other half of Lewis's life can be associated with his strict formal schooling in one boarding school after another. Undertones of his feelings about school are certainly obvious in the Narnia stories. At 11, he attended his first boarding school, dressed in the stiff Eton collar which he came to hate. (Naturally, in Narnia and Aslan' s country, not a bit of elastic, flannel, or starch is to be found!) Setting off for school at the start of a new term he must have felt much like the four Pevensie children awaiting the train at the station: "they were all rather gloomy and no-one could think of anything to say." Lewis's somewhat irrational schoolmaster, "Oldie," flogged the boys liberally and indiscriminately. At 12, Lewis switched to Campbell College in Belfast where he was introduced to literature by his teacher "Octie" and read fairy tales, especially enjoying stories about the Dwarfs. Then, while attending prep school, he ceased to be a Christian.

Up until this time, Lewis viewed God as more or less a "Magician" whom he wished would go away, believing in the doctrines of Christianity simply because he feared hell. At Malvern, though, the Matron introduced Lewis to the spirit world of the occult, where he became further frustrated at trying hard to "feel" something when he prayed.

And it was at Malvern College ("Wyvern"), which he attended at 15, where Lewis probably learned the great distaste he thenceforth showed for the British school system. Although he was an excellent student and his teacher, "Smewgy," further nourished his love for literature, including Greek and Roman myth, he was lonely and miserable at this school. A "tart" or "fagging" system required that all the younger boys wait continually on the older boys and be ready to serve their whims or succumb to pranks like being locked up in a dark, underground room. It was all probably much like the misery Jill and Eustace experience at Experiment House, where they are bullied or "attended to" by "mean," "conceited," "cruel," "sneaky" schoolmates with names like Cholmondely Major, Edith Winterblott, "Spotty" Sorner, and the two "loathesome" Garrett twins. At that time, he felt paradoxically that God did not exist and he was angry at him for not existing.

Next, his tutor, W. T. Kirkpatrick, after whom Kirke the professor in The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe is perhaps patterned, further influenced Lewis with his atheistic, positivist logic. But it was with the help of "Kirke's" excellent coaching that Lewis won a scholarship to Oxford. He later became a Fellow of Magdalen College. Lewis's great love for learning and his endless reading -from Homer and Plato to classical writers to fairy tales-despite the tendency of his schooling to discourage his belief in God, is reflected in the Narnia tales. Patched together out of his vast memory, they contain fragments reminiscent of Malory and the Arthurian tradition; Norse, Celtic, Greek and Arabian myths; and children's books such as those of Potter, Nesbit, and George MacDonald.

A combination of events led to Lewis's eventual conversion to Christianity, and he has since become noted as one of its chief apologists. First, a number of his closest friends, including Owen Barfield and Nevill Coghill, discussed, or more properly, argued Christian beliefs with him and began to influence his thinking. He was especially flabbergasted when an atheist friend admitted that the historical evidence for Christianity was quite good. Also, all of the authors Lewis especially liked, such as Spenser, Milton, G. K. Chesterton, and even Norse myths, conveyed a certain "religious" quality that others lacked. In fact, Lewis regarded most of his reading as a kind of "trap" for him. George MacDonald's adult fantasy Phantastes presented him with the "bright shadow" he later identified as "holiness." Later, MacDonald's children's books greatly inspired Lewis's own writing.

Then, Lewis discovered a book by Samuel Alexander called Space, Time and Deity in which he read that it was impossible to think about something and experience it simultaneously. What this showed him was that everything he had been searching for all his life and mistaking for joy were merely its by-products, only pointers signaling with all fingers that they had their source elsewhere. They were only "appearances of the Absolute," of God himself, in which we all are rooted. So too, all the children discover in Aslan's country their real home, the real Narnia and England of which all others had been only shoddy reflections. Thus, in 1929, a man who had once stubbornly refused to give in, knelt down and reluctantly admitted that God was God. Two years later, when he set out on a trip to Whipsnade zoo, "I did not believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and when we reached the zoo I did." Aslan's s cure had begun!


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