Index of Names and Places:
( ) after name cites book in which name predominantly appears
LWW-The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
VDT-The Voyage of The Dawn Treader
SC-The Silver Chair
MN-The Magician's Nephew
PC-Prince Caspian
LB-The Last Battle
HHB-The Horse and His Boy
sources: (OED) = Oxford English Dictionary
(BDPF) = Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase and Fable
(EDEL) = An Etymological Dictionary of the English Language
ADELA PENNYFATHER (SC) one of the children at Experiment House.
AHOSHTA (HHB) a Tarkaan and new Grand Vizier; 60 years old, with a hump on his
back, a face like an ape, and of base birth! Aravis' stepmother has arranged
that she marry him.
ALAMBIL (PC) star whose name means "Lady of Peace;" its conjunction with the
star Tarva means good fortune for Narnia.
ALBERTA SCRUBB (VDT) Eustace's mother; "Up-to-date and advanced," she and her
husband are vegetarians, non-smokers, teetotallers, and wear special
underclothes; they think Eustace becomes tiresome under the influence of the
ALIMASH (HHB) Aravis' cousin, Captain of the Chariots.
ANDREW KETTERLEY (MN) Digory's uncle, a dabbler in magic, who gets Digory and
Polly Plummer into Narnia by means of magic rings. He is tall and thin, has a
sharp nose and mop of grey hair and mismanages money.
ANNE FEATHERSTONE (VDT) Lucy's friend whom she hears talking to Marjorie Preston
under a spell in the Magician's Book; Lucy desires to hear what they think about
ANRADIN (HHB) a Tarkaan, Bree's master, who treated him badly and tries to buy
Shasta. "Anrad" means having a single aim or purpose (OED).
ANVARD (HHB) capital of Archenland, site of King Lune's castle.
ARAVIR (PC) morning star of Narnia.
ARAVIS (HHB) Tarkheena, the only daughter of Kidrash Tarkaan and descended from
the god Tash; runs away from home because her stepmother has arranged for her
marriage to Ahoshta. Marries Cor and becomes Queen of Archenland.
ARCHENLAND (MN, HHB) country just south of Narnia below the Southern Mountains.
ARDEEB (HHB) Tisroc descended from Tash-one of Aravis' father's ancestors.
ARGOZ (VDT) (see Seven Lords).
ARLIAN (PC) one of Caspian IX's lords, executed by usurper Miraz for treason.
ARSHEESH (HHB) Calormen fisherman who raises Shasta.
ASLAN (every book) Son of the Emperor-Over-Sea (or EmperorBeyond-the-Sea), King
and Creator of Narnia, the Great Lion. "Arslan" is the word for lion in Turkish
(according to Walter Hooper). Aslan has nine names, we are told.
ASLAN'S HOW (PC) huge mound in the Great Woods with hollowed galleries and
caves; the Stone where Aslan was sacrificed is in the central cave.
AVRA (VDT) Lone Island #3; few people live there; the location of Lord Bern's
AXARTHA (HHB) Grand Vizier of Calormen.
AZIM BALDA (HHB) Calormen city where many roads meet and the Imperial Posts are
AZROOH (HHB) one of Rabadash's Tarkhaan lords from the eastern provinces, killed
by Lune.
BACCHUS (PC) the irrepressible and riotous god of wine from GrecoRoman
mythology. Known also by the names Bromios, Basareus, and Ram. Lewis portrays
him as a youth in fawn-skin, with vine leaves in his curly hair; in myth, he was
a youth with black eyes and flowing locks.
BAR (HHB) King Lune's chancellor, a traitor, who kidnapped Cor when he heard he
would save Archenland; later killed in battle.
BASSAREUS (PC) wild boy (see BACCHUS).
BEAVERS (LWW) Mr. and Mrs. Beaver help the children escape from the White Witch;
Mrs. Beaver is very practical-packs food for them to eat and even wants to take
along her sewing machine!
BEAVERSDAM (PC) the two brothers of Beaversdam were shut up as madmen under the
usurper, King Miraz.
BELISAR (PC) one of Caspian IX's lords who, under usurper Miraz, was shot
intentionally with arrows on a hunting party. Belisarius was the greatest of the
Emperor Justinian's generals, accused of conspiring, imprisoned, then restored
to favor 6 months later, but his eyes were eventually put out (BDFM).
BERN (VDT) (see SEVEN LORDS) "Berne, Beorn" means "warrior or hero" (OED).
BERNSTEAD (VDT) Bern's estates on Avra.
BERUNA (SC) town at fords in Narnia; means "snug, red-roofed" (OED).
BERUNA, FORDS OF (LWW, SC) fords with a bridge; "Berun" means to run or flow
over the surface (OED). Aslan's forces camp here the night of Aslan's sacrifice.
The bridge is destroyed under Aslan's command in order to free the river god.
BIG BANNISTER (SC) one of the children at Experiment House.
BISM (SC) enchanted subterranean land beneath the Witch's ShallowLands.
Associated with gnomes and salamanders, heat and fire, an intoxicating smell,
and live gems. Because the gnomes plunge headlong into it, Lewis may be
associating it with the heart of reality. "Bism" probably comes from Bisme,
meaning abyss or deep pit (OED). Based on medieval belief that gnomes live in
subterranean fire.
BLACK WOODS (PC) located near the sea and the site of Cair Paravel. The
Telmarine rumor is that the woods are full of ghosts because the Telmarines fear
the sea and let the woods grow as protection from it.
BRAMANDIN (MN) dead world like Charn.
BREE (HHB) Narnian, dappled war-horse who is stolen and becomes Tarkaan
Anradin's horse in Calormen. Runs away with Shasta. He is a skeptic who needs
proof that Aslan is a real lion. "Bree" is short for Breehy-Ninny-brinny-hoohy-
hah, which sounds like the bray of a horse, but can also means disagreement
BRENN, ISLE of (VDT) one of the Seven Isles, where Redhaven is located.
BRICKLETHUMB (HHB) a Red Dwarf, one of Duffle's two brothers, who feeds Shasta
when he first enters Narnia. "Brickle" means fragile, delicate (OED).
BULGY BEARS (PC) Three of the Old Narnians; sleepy bears who offer Caspian
honey. One is Marshal of the Lists during Peter's fight with Miraz. "Bulgy"
means swollen or clumsy (OED).
BURNT ISLAND (VDT) island where children find a few animals and ruins of stone
huts blackened by fires; find tiny boat there for Reepicheep.
CABBY (MN) Cab-driver in London who enters Narnia with the children and Witch by
mistake, later becomes King Frank (first King of Narnia); illustrates how a
lowly person can become King.
CAIR PARAVEL castle and capital of Narnia. A "Court Paravail" is an inferior or
lower court; a "Paravail" is one in a position below another but who holds
another beneath like a tenant. Lewis is thus implying that while the Kings and
Queens rule over Narnia, they, in turn, are in submission to Aslan and the
CALAVAR (HHB) province ruled by Kidrash Tarkaan, Aravis' father.
CALDRON POOL (LB) big pool under the cliffs at the West end of Narnia; given
that name because the water dances and bubbles in a churning motion.
CALORMEN (HHB) country far south of Narnia and four times its size.
CALORMENE (HHB, LB) native of Calormen; Calormenes are known for their dark
faces, long beards. Wear flowing robes, orange turbans, are wise, courteous,
cruel. Worship the god Tash and have rigid hierarchy. "Calor" means heat or
warmth (OED)-appropriate because they come from a southern climate; may also
refer to "color" because of their dark skin.
CAMILLO (PC) hare whom Caspian meets.
CASPIAN (VDT, SC, PC) Caspian I of Telmar conquered Narnia and silenced the
Beasts; Caspian IX is murdered by his brother Miraz. Caspian X defeats Miraz,
then searches for his father's seven lost lords in VDT. He marries Ramandu's
daughter, dies at the end of SC, but is seen resurrected in Aslan's country. The
name Caspian was first used by Lewis in his poem version of Till We Have Faces
(Hooper and Green).
CARTER (SC) student at Experiment House.
CHARN (MN) dead world ruled by jadis the Witch; once the city of the King of
Kings. Is a form of "churn," which means to agitate (OED).
CHERVY THE STAG (HHB) meets Corin with the news of Calormen attack on Anvard.
CHIEF VOICE (VDT) Chief of the Dufflepuds who tells Lucy their story; all the
Dufflepuds mimic what he says.
CHIPPINGFORD (LB) town, site of marketplace in Narnia during the latter days.
CHLAMASH (HHB) one of Rabadash's Tarkaan lords who surrenders. CHOLMONDELY MAJOR
(SC) one of children at Experiment House.
CITY RUINOUS (SC) ruins of a city near Harfang, beneath which is the Green
Witch's kingdom. Witch tells them that a king once ruled there who had inscribed
on the stones: "Though under Earth and throneless now I be,/Yet, while I lived,
all Earth was under me."
CLIPSIE (VDT) Chief of the Dufflepud's little daughter who spoke the spell to
make the Dufflepuds invisible. "Clipsi" means "dark" (OED). Possibly related to
CLODSLEY SHOVEL (PC) one of Old Narnian moles whom Caspian meets. Sr. Ignatius
Miller (Bulletin of N.Y.C.S. Lewis Society, No. 99) speculates that Lewis read
Charlotte Yonge's autobiography in which she describes her ancestor's embalming
of Sir Cloudsley Shovel, a famous admiral.
CLOUDBIRTH (SC) centaur and famous healer; he heals Puddleglum's burnt foot.
COALBLACK (SC) Prince Rilian's horse.
COLE (HHB) along with his brother COLIN, fights for King Lune against the
Calormenes (also see DAR).
COR (HHB) (SHASTA) Corin's twin brother and son of King Lune, who escapes from
Calormen with Bree, Hwin, and Aravis and becomes King of Archenland.
CORIAKIN (VDT) magician and retired star who governs the Dufflepuds as a
CORIN (HHB) Cor's twin brother and son of King Lune, called Thunder-fist because
he was a great boxer.
CORNELIUS (PC, VDT) half-dwarf; Caspian's tutor who teaches him the true history
of Narnia. Short and fat, with a long beard and wrinkled face.
CORRADIN OF CASTLE TORMUNT (HHB) one of Rabadash's Tarkaan lords from the
eastern provinces, killed by Edmund.
DAR (HHB) brother of Darrin, both of whom fight against the Calormenes for King
Lune. Obscure variation of "dare" (OED). Several sets of brothers fight for Lune
who, in turn, has twin sons; e. g. Col/Colin, Dar/Darrin, Cor/Corin.
DANCING LAWN (PC) location of Great Council of Caspian and his Narnian friends.
DARK ISLAND (VDT) island, appearing as dark spot in the ocean, where dreams come
DAWN TREADER (VDT) galley type ship children use to travel to the End of the
World (thus appropriateness of name). Shaped like a dragon, with green sides and
a purple sail. Lewis loved drawing detailed pictures of ships like this as a
DEATHWATER (VDT) Reepicheep's name for the island where the children discover a
pool that turns all to gold.
DEEP MAGIC (LWW, MN) law of the Emperor-Over-Sea which says that unless the
Witch is given blood for every treachery committed, all Narnia will be
overturned and perish in fire and water (Old Testament Law?).
DEEPER MAGIC (LWW, MN) Deeper than the Deep Magic, this Law of the Emperor says
that if a willing victim is killed in a traitcr's stead, the Stone Table will
crack and Death will start working backwards (New Testament Grace?).
DEPLORABLE WORD (MN) secret word known only to the great kings; if spoken, it
will destroy all living things except the one who speaks it. Jadis pays the
price to learn it and speaks the word during a battle with her sister, thus
putting herself and all of Charn into a frozen enchantment.
DESTRIER (PC) Caspian's horse; means "war-horse" or "charger" (OED).
DIGGLE (LB) one of the 11 dwarfs who don't believe in "anything but themselves"
during the Last Battle. He is the one Tirian picks up in the Stable.
DIGORY (KIRKE) (MN, LB, LWW) as a boy, he visits his Uncle Andrew and is sent by
magic into Narnia, where he is responsible for helping bring evil into it. Takes
back an apple seed from which a tree grows and the magic wardrobe is eventually
made. As an old professor, has famous mansion visited by sightseers. The four
Pevensies visit him at his home and enter Narnia through his wardrobe. Later, he
becomes poor and has to sell his home and tutor students. Lewis probably named
him after his old tutor "Kirke" or Kirkpatrick. But he is also probably modeled
after Lewis himself. Kirke is described as the sort of person who wants to know
DOORN (VDT) Lone Island #2 where most of the people live.
DRINIAN (SC, VDT) Caspian's captain on the Dawn Treader.
DUFFERS (VDT) (see MONOPODS) means "an incapable or foolish, stupid, inept,
unproductive person" (OED).
DUFFLE (HHB) a "practical" Red Dwarf who feeds and cares for Shasta when he
first enters Narnia. "Duffle" is thick woolen cloth (OED).
DUMNUS (PC) a faun.
EARTHMEN (SC) creatures living in the Marches of Underland-probably gnomes. They
all look different: some with tails, beards, round faces, long pointed noses,
soft trunk-like noses, blobby noses, or horns on their foreheads-all look sad.
Their real home is BISM.
EASTERN OCEAN great ocean bordering all the countries on the east.
EDITH JACKLE (SC) one of the children at Experiment House-a mean, spiteful tale-
bearer. Name reminiscent of "jackal."
EDITH WINTERBLOTT (SC) one of the children at Experiment House.
EDMUND (LWW, VDT, HHB, PC, LB) second youngest Pevensie child; "traitor" in LWW
who is "converted" by Aslan and for whom Aslan is sacrificed.
ELEANOR BLAKISTON (SC) child at Experiment House.
EMETH (LB) Calormene permitted into Aslan's country because all his worship of
Tash is counted as Aslan's. Here Lewis may be illustrating his belief in many
possible roads to God since Emeth is sincere in seeking truth. Clyde Kilby says
Lewis himself defined the word as meaning "truth, intrinsic validity, rock
bottom reality, something rooted in God's own Nature." In Jewish religion and in
Hebrew, "Emeth" means true and valid.
EMPEROR-OVER-SEA (LWW) Aslan's father; God.
ERIMON (PC) one of Caspian IX's lords executed by usurper Miraz on a false
charge of treason.
ERLIAN (LB) King of Narnia (Rilian's father) who died from fight with giant.
ETTINSMOOR (SC) city north of the Shribble River, a desolate moorland near where
the giants live. Years earlier, Caspian X fought the giants and made them pay
tribute. The Green Witch says they are foolish, fierce, savage. Variant form of
the word "Eten" meaning giant (OED).
EUSTACE CLARENCE SCRUBB (VDT, SC) selfish and egotistical son of Alberta and
Harold Scrubb, student at Experiment House who read "the wrong kind of books."
Turns into a dragon and is undragoned by Aslan.
EXPERIMENT HOUSE (SC) Eustace's and Jill's school. "Co-educational," where girls
and boys are allowed to do what they like. Lewis seems to be attacking the
theory of "democratic education" which demands equal education for all but
results in inferior education for the intelligent.
FARSIGHT (LB) eagle who reports downfall of Narnia to Tirian.
FATHER CHRISTMAS (LWW) Santa Claus, who at last comes to Narnia when Christmas
comes and gives gifts to the children (which they use later in their adventures)
and to the animals.
FATHER TIME (SC, LB) a giant who was once a King in Overland but has sunk into
the Deep Realm where he dreams of the Upper World. He awakes at the end of the
world and helps end Narnia by blowing his horn. Is given a "new name"
(Eternity?) when he is awakened. Traditionally, an old, white-bearded man
carrying a scythe and hour-glass.
FELIMATH (VDT) the first Lone Island, where sheep are kept. Lonely place with
lots of grass and clover.
FELINDA (MN) dead world like Charn.
FENRIS ULF (LWW) a wolf who is Captain of Jadis' Secret Police. This character
is based on Fenrir (or Fenris), wolf of Loki in Scandinavian mythology. At
Ragnarok (Twilight of the Gods), he swallowed Odin but was avenged by Vidar who
stabbed him with a sword-just as Peter kills him with a sword.
FLEDGE (MN) Cabby's horse Strawberry who enters Narnia by accident, along with
the Witch and the Cabby, from London. Becomes the first flying horse in Narnia.
"Fledge" means to acquire feathers large enough to fly or to be able to fly
GALE (LB) Ninth Narnian king in descent from King Frank. Sailed into the Eastern
Seas and delivered the Lone Islanders from a dragon and thus was given the Lone
Islands as part of Narnia.
GALMA (VDT) Caspian's first stop on his trip, where great tournament is held.
GARRETT TWINS (SC) two of the children at Experiment House, described as
GENTLE GIANTS (SC) giants living at Harfang who plan on eating the children.
Witch calls them "mild, civil, prudent, courteous."
GERBIOUS (PC) a faun.
GINGER THE CAT (LB) one of Shift's counsellors in LB, who tells false stories
about Aslan. Seems to illustrate "enlightenment" attitude which believes in no
god at all. At the Kilns where Lewis lived were two cats, one a ginger named
GLASSWATER CREEK (PC) creek that leads to the Hill of the Stone Table.
GLENSTORM (PC) centaur who lives in a mountain glen; a noble creature with
glossy chestnut flanks and a golden red beard. Prophet and Stargazer.
GLIMFEATHER (SC) owl who is big as a dwarf. Works for aged Caspian X and looks
after Jill and Eustace, carrying them to Parliament of Owls, then Northern
Mountains. "Glim" means to shine, gleam (OED).
GLOZELLE (PC) one of Miraz's lords who plans Miraz's defeat in PC by tricking
him into accepting Peter's challenge to duel. To "gloze" means to expound upon
or interpret (OED), appropriate since Glozelle talks Miraz into accepting. He is
the one who actually stabs Miraz.
GNOMES (SC) inhabitants of Underworld and Bism. Short, fat, whitish, pig-like
faces, with long tails, a hard comb on the tops of their heads, pink eyes, large
mouths and chins.
GOLDWATER (VDT) Caspian's first name for Deathwater Island because of the pool
there that turns things and people to gold.
GOLG (SC) gnome from Bism.
GRAND VIZIER (HHB) Calormen leader. In Persia and Turkey, this title usually
signifies a high state official like the governor of a province (OED).
GREAT RIVER (PC) river leading to Aslan's How, which children search for in PC.
Extends all the way from Lantern Waste in the west, across Narnia, to Eastern
GRIFFLE (LB) chief of the dwarfs in LB who decide to fight for and believe only
in themselves.
GUMPAS (VDT) bilious, incompetent governor of the Lone Islands, who is dethroned
by Caspian and replaced by Lord Bern. Parody of the politician who insists upon
following schedules and appointments and who sticks to his statistics and
graphs. A "gump" is a dolt, numbskull, foolish person (OED).
GWENDOLEN (PC) school girl in New Narnia who joins with Aslan's band of party-
HAG (PC) accomplice of Nikabrik, with a nose and chin that stick out like
nutcrackers, and dirty grey hair. Based on the evil spirit or demon, usually
female and usually associated with the Furies and Harpies.
HARDBITERS (PC) badgers whom Caspian meets in his search for Old Narnians.
HARFANG (SC) stronghold of the Gentle Giants, where Jill, Eustace, and
Puddleglum are fed, bathed-and almost eaten.
HAROLD (VDT) Eustace Scrubb's father (see ALBERTA).
HARPA (LB) Emeth is one of his seven sons; a Tarkaan.
HELEN (LB) (NELLY) wife of Frank the Cabby, first Queen of Narnia. A plain
housewife who is yanked into Narnia with soapsuds still on her arms.
HERMIT OF SOUTHERN MARCH (HHB) keeps the horses and the wounded Aravis while
Shasta goes on his mission to warn King Lune. 109 years old, tall, with beard to
his knees and a robe; has a magic pool (almost like a crystal ball).
HOGGLESTOCK (PC) hedgehog whom Caspian meets. "Hoggle" is a laborer of the lower
class (OED).
HWIN (HHB) Narnian talking horse taken as a slave in Calormen; escapes with
HYALINE (SPLENDOUR) (HHB) ship of King Edmund and Queen Lucy. "Hyaline" means
transparent like glass (OED).
ILGAMUTH (HHB) one of Rabadash's Tarkaan lords; killed by Darrin.
ILKEEN (HHB) location of the beautiful palace of Ahoshta Tarkeen.
ISLAND OF THE STAR (VDT) Ramandu's Island (he's a retired star), where Aslan's
Table is.
ISLAND OF THE VOICES (VDT) island where Dufflepuds live.
JADIS (LWW, MN) a White Witch who in LWW is Queen of Narnia. She spoke the
Deplorable Word which destroyed her rival sister, and she rules a dead Charn in
MN. Enters London by accident. Slays most of the inhabitants of Narnia, turns
them to stone, and turns its season to perpetual winter. Tall and beautiful but
proud, with snowwhite face and red mouth. Descended from Lilith and one of the
Jinn on one side, a giant on the other. Lilith was Adam's first wife who became
the devil's dam. Jinn were demons who were created before Adam and assumed many
shapes. A "jade" is a contemptuous name for a woman; "jadish" means worn or
wearied (OED). Jardis was also the name for Psyche's twin brother in Lewis's
poem version of Till We Have Faces (Green and Hooper).
JEWEL (LB) a Unicorn; Tirian's dearest friend. They loved each other and saved
each other's lives in war. Has a blue horn.
JILL POLE (SC, LB) child from Experiment House who goes with Eustace on two
adventures to Narnia. Aslan tells her the four signs.
KIDRASH (HHB) Aravis' father; son of Rishti Tarkaan, son of Kidrash Tarkaan, son
of Ilsombreh Tisroc, son of Ardeeb Tisroc, descended from Tash.
LADY OF THE GREEN KIRTLE (SC) tall witch dressed in a thin green garment and
really the Green Witch. Has enchanted Rilian in her Shallow Lands. First appears
to children as a lovely lady with her knight and tricks them into going to
Harfang. Turns into a serpent (thus symbolic color green) and is perhaps a
serpent or Satan symbol. A "kirtle" is a gown or coat (OED).
LANTERN WASTE (MN) area west of Beaversdam where the children first enter Narnia
and where the lamppost grows; where Jadis' kingdom is.
LASARALEEN (HHB) an old friend of Aravis, who helps her escape Tashbaan; a silly
and vain Tarkheena, now married and great. Interested only in clothes, parties,
and gossip. "Lasar" means leisure (OED).
LEFAY, MRS. (MN) in Lewis's original version of the story, Digory's godmother
who has magic powers. In MN, she is Andrew's godmother and has fairy blood in
her. Gives him a box of dust from Atlantis. Probably named after Morgan Le Fay,
famous witch in the Arthurian legend with magical powers.
LETTY KETTERLEY (MN) Uncle Andrew's sister, whom Jadis hurls across the room,
but who seems unimpressed by the Witch.
LILYGLOVES (PC) chief mole who helps plant orchard at Cair Paravel.
LONE ISLANDS (VDT) islands of FELIMATH, DOORN, AVRA, which the Dawn Treader
visits. King Gale of Narnia delivered their people from a dragon and was given
the islands as part of Narnia. Although Lewis hints he may tell us this story in
a future book, he never does.
LUCY (LWW, VDT, HHB, PC, LB) youngest of the 4 Pevensie children who is the
first to visit through the wardrobe. Has task of saying spell to make Dufflepuds
visible. Seems to love, trust, and see Aslan more than anyone else. Undoubtedly
named after Lucy Barfield, to whom LWW is dedicated (see letter at beginning of
LUNE (HHB) King of Archenland, Cor and Corin's father; fat and jolly.
MABLE KIRKE (MN) Digory's mother; sick, but cured by apple from Narnia.
MACREADY (LWW) Digory Kirke's housekeeper in his old country mansion.
MARCHES OF UNDERLAND, WARDEN of (SC) Mullugutherum, chief of the Earthmen in the
Underworld realm where the Green Witch rules.
MARJORIE PRESTON (VDT) Lucy's friend whom she overhears talking to Anne
Featherstone under a spell from the Magician's book. Aslan says she is afraid of
the older girl and really loves Lucy.
MARSHWIGGLE (SC) one of Lewis's most famous character creations. Long and frog-
like creatures who do most of the watery and fishy work in Narnia; live in
Wigwams in the marshes just north of Cair Paravel (see PUDDLEGLUM).
MASTER BOWMAN (VDT) sailor on the Dawn Treader responsible for shooting at the
Sea Serpent.
MENTIUS (PC) a faun.
MIRAZ (PC) Caspian IX's brother, who usurps the throne and casts out many of his
lords. Caspian X overthrows him in battle. Murdered by his own lord, Glozelle.
MONOPOD (VDT)-also DUFFERS, DUFFLEPUDS. Creatures with one huge leg and foot
like a mushroom, with curled toes. Once plain dwarfs, they were ruled by
Magician Coriakin, who "uglified" them when they disobeyed him. Then, by a spell
from his book, they made themselves invisible. They convinced Lucy to find a
spell to make them visible again. They mimic everything their chief says and are
very foolish and impractical. Lewis seems to have based them on the "Skiapod,"
written about in Medieval literature. A Medieval book, The Bestiary, which dates
from the 13th century, outlines all the fanciful characteristics of various
creatures. It describes a "skiapod," which possesses an enormous foot which it
uses as a sunshade when lying on its back. Sir John Mandeville (Travels)
describes the inhabitants of Ethiopia who have one foot: "And the foot is so
large, that it shadoweth all the body against the sun; when they will lie and
rest them."
MOONWOOD (LB) hare who has such ears he can sit by the Caldron Pool under the
waterfall and hear what is whispered at Cair Paravel.
MOUNT PIRE (HHB) mountain created when Fair Olvin fought the two-headed giant,
Pire, and turned him to stone. Blue mountain with 2 peaks located northwest of
the Tombs of the Ancient Kings. Shasta uses this as a landmark to find
MUIL (VDT) westernmost of the Seven Isles. Variation of the word "moil" which is
a type of hornless cattle (OED). These were probably raised on the island.
MULLUGUTHERUM (SC) Warden of Marches of Underland (see MARCHES OF UNDERLAND).
NAIN (PC) King of Archenland. "Nain" can mean highlander or "one's own" (OED).
NARNIA Aslan's country, created in MN and destroyed in LB, existing for almost
50 earth years, 2555 Narnian years. Land of talking beasts. According to
Marjorie Wright, Narnia is the name of an Italian town mentioned by Livy.
NARROWHAVEN (VDT) town on Isle of Doorn where Gumpas rules.
NAUSUS (PC) a faun.
NELLY (MN) Queen Helen of Narnia (see HELEN).
NIKABRIK (PC) Black Dwarf, with black beard and hair. A sour Dwarf who goes
against Caspian and tries to call on the Witch for help. Killed in a scuffle.
NIMIENUS (PC) a faun.
OBENTINUS (PC) a faun.
ORRUNS (SC) a faun.
PARLIAMENT OF OWLS (SC) a meeting of owls to which the children are carried on
Glimfeather's back. Lewis is obviously having fun here, echoing a famous work by
Chaucer called The Parliament of Fouls.
PASSARIDS (PC) house of lords under Caspian IX. Under usurper Miraz, sent to
fight giants and destroyed. "Passaree" is a nautical term (OED).
PATTERTWIG (PC) magnificent red squirrel, size of a terrier, who can talk; one
of the Old Narnian's whom Caspian meets and who offers him a nut from his store.
Like most animals, his name is descriptive of the sound he makes. According to
Walter Hooper, Pattertwig appears in the "LeFay fragment," a very early version
of the Magician's Nephew.
PEEPICEEK (PC) one of Reepicheep's mouse followers.
PERIDAN (HHB) one of Queen Susan's and King Edmund's lords and advisors in
Tashbaan who leads charge in battle with Rabadash's army.
PETER (LWW, PC, LB) oldest Pevensie child, first High King of Narnia that we
meet after King Frank. Noted for his chivalry in battle. Too old to return to
Narnia after PC. Probably named after the biblical Peter, the rock on whom the
church is built, and given keys to the kingdom in Matt. 16:19. Peter locks the
door on dead Narnia.
PEVENSIE (LWW) family name of Peter, Susan, Lucy, Edmund. Priscilla Drake
(Bulletin of N.Y.C. S. Lewis Society, No. 79) notes that in Rudyard Kipling's
story Puck of Pook's Hill, a brother and sister live on an estate near a ruined
castle by the sea called "Pevensey." In addition, Puck calls them "Son of Adam"
and "Daughter of Eve."
PITTENCREAM (VDT) sailor of Dawn Treader left behind at Ramandu's Island. Went
to live in Calormen and made up stories about the World's End.
PHOENIX (MN, LB) bird sitting in tree in center of Aslan's garden. Larger than
an eagle, with gold and red-purple feathers. Symbol of rebirth and immortality
because it is said to die and be resurrected from the ashes.
PLATO (LWW, LB) Plato believed that the real, stable, permanent part of the
universe is the super-sensible world of Ideas or Forms. The physical world is a
realm of appearances rather than reality, and is thus illusory and transitory.
It is a shadow or copy of the Real World.
POGGIN (LB) one of the first and only dwarfs in the LB who turns to Tirian's
side against Shift and resists the temptation to believe him.
POLLY PLUMMER (MN) Digory's neighbor who enters Narnia with him in MN.
POMONA (PC) greatest of all wood people who puts a spell on the orchard at Cair
Paravel. "Pomona" means goddess of fruits and fruit trees (OED).
PRIZZLE, MISS (PC) teacher in New Narnia.
PRUNAPRISMIA (PC) Miraz's wife; has red hair.
PUDDLEGLUM (SC) a marshwiggle, with long thin face, sharp nose and greeny-grey
hair like reeds, long legs and arms, webbed feet and hands, wearing a high hat.
Has a serious and pessimistic view of life, yet is "brave as a lion," level-
headedly guiding the children in SC against the Green Witch. "Puddle" fits his
marshy home; "glum" fits his mood. Lewis says the character is based on his
gardener, Paxford.
PUG (VDT) one of Gumpas' slavers; a pirate. "Pug" can mean a number of things,
including courtesan, upper servant, punk (OED).
PUGRAHAN (LB) Calormen salt mines.
PUZZLE (LB) simple donkey who puts on false lion costume under Shift's orders
but soon comes over to Tirian's side. His name fits not only the fact that he
"puzzles" the Narnians by masquerading as Aslan, but is himself slow and
confused about whom to believe.
QUEEN OF THE DEEP REALM (SC) Lady of the Green Kirtle, or the Green Witch, who
has enchanted Rilian and rules the Shallow-Lands.
RABADASH (HHB) son of Tisroc of Tashbaan who wants to marry Queen Susan. Attacks
Archenland and is transformed by Aslan into a donkey.
RAM (PC) wild boy (see BACCHUS).
RAM THE GREAT (HHB) Cor and Aravis' son who becomes King of Archenland.
RAMANDU (VDT) a retired star, dressed all in silver, who resides near Aslan's
Table. When he is rejuvenated by the berry provided by the birds, he will once
again tread the Great Dance. Babylonian and Blackfoot Indian legends say that
every star was once a human.
RAMANDU'S DAUGHTER (VDT, SC) marries Caspian X. Falls asleep one day and is
murdered by the Green Witch (a serpent).
RAVEN OF RAVENSCAUR (PC) one of the many creatures who meet with Caspian at the
Council at Dancing Lawn.
REDHAVEN (VDT) city on Brenn, one of the Seven Isles.
REEPICHEEP (VDT, PC, LB) gallant and brave mouse, most valiant of all the
Talking Beasts and Chief Mouse. (The mice ate Aslan's cords in LWW and became
Talking Beasts.) About 2 feet high, he wears a long crimson feather on his head
and a long sword. Wounded in PC and healed by Lucy, tail restored by Aslan.
Sails on Dawn Treader and is left in Aslan's country at World's End.
RHINCE (VDT) mate on the Dawn Treader who helps sail the ship with Drinian.
RHINDON (PC) Peter's sword, a gift from Father Christmas, with which he kills
the wolf in LWW.
RILIAN (SC) son of Caspian X and Ramandu's daughter who seeks to avenge his
mother's death by green serpent. Enchanted by the Green Witch and rescued by
children in SC.
RISHDA (LB) Calormene captain who helps Shift and Ginger the Cat plot against
Aslan and Tirian; carried away by Tash.
ROGIN (HHB) Red Dwarf, one of Duffle's brothers.
ROONWIT (LB) a centaur, great and golden bearded. Reads the stars and warns
Tirian of danger over Narnia. His forces were supposed to join Tirian; he is
killed by Calormen arrow but is seen in Aslan's country.
RUMBLEBUFFIN (LWW) giant who helps Aslan fight witch in LWW and borrows Lucy's
tiny handkerchief. "Rumble" means to make a lot of noise; "Buffian" means
buffoon (OED).
RUSH RIVER (PC) river that joins Great River at Beruna's Bridge.
RYNELF (VDT) sailor on the Dawn Treader.
SALAMANDERS (SC) live in Bism in the fire-river. Small dragons, witty and
eloquent. According to legend, salamanders, gnomes, sylphs, and nymphs inhabited
fire, one of the four elements.
SALLOWPAD (HHB) old and wise raven who is an advisor to Queen Susan and Edmund;
always quotes pithy sayings. "Sallow" is yellow/ brown.
SARAH (MN) Andrew's and Letty's housemaid.
SCRUBB (VDT) (see EUSTACE, ALBERTA, HAROLD). The name means "a person of little
account and poor appearance, insignificant;" can also mean to scratch one's body
(OED)-appropriate considering Eustace's original personality and the fact that
he scratches at his dragonish scales. Lewis says he "half deserved" his name.
SEA GIRL (VDT) fish-herdress Lucy sees near World's End. They become friends
just by looking at each other. May illustrate kinship one can find in any world.
SEA PEOPLE (VDT) people riding sea horses, whom Lucy sees near World's End. They
wear no clothes, have ivory bodies, purple hair; wear coronets, pearls, gold on
their foreheads and emerald and orange streamers on their shoulders. They are
hunting for fish.
SEA SERPENT (VDT) serpent which attacks Dawn Treader. Green and vermillion, with
purple blotches, head like a horse, enormous eyes, fish teeth, and gigantic
SEVEN BROTHERS OF THE SHUDDERING WOODS (PC) Red Dwarfs who live in underground
smithy and give armor to Caspian.
SEVEN ISLES (PC) islands, including Bren and Muil, visited by the Dawn Treader.
SEVEN LORDS (VDT) seven Telmarine lords of Caspian IX, sent by usurper Miraz to
sail away searching for new lands beyond the Eastern Ocean. Caspian searches for
them in VDT. Their names are as follows:
ARGOZ found sleeping at Ramandu's Island. "Argos" means swift, a ship sailing
on an adventurous voyage (like the Argonauts) (BDFM)
REVILIAN found sleeping at Ramandu's Island.
BERN found living on a Lone Island under Gumpas; Caspian makes him Duke. From
"Berne/Beorn" meaning warrior, hero (OED).
MAVRAMORN found sleeping at Ramandu's Island.
OCTESIAN either killed by dragon or was the dead dragon Eustace encountered.
RESTIMAR turned to gold on Deathwater Island.
RHOOP found on Dark Island (where dreams come true). Allowed to recover in a
restful sleep at Aslan's Table.
SHADOW LANDS (LB) Aslan's designation for England because it is only a copy of
the Real England in his country.
SHALLOW LANDS (SC) gnomes' name for the Witch's Underland beneath Narnia.
SHAR (HHB) fights for King Lune against the Calormenes. Obsolete word for
"share" (OED).
SHASTA (HHB) (see COR) "Shasta" is Cor's Calormene name and is similar to other
Calormene words (sh sound). Probably based on Hindu word; "Shastri" is one who
is learned, teaches (OED).
SHIFT (LB) West Narnian ape who persuades Puzzle to wear lion skin and
masquerade as Asian. Example of person who wishes to set up socialistic state
andlor false relision. Possible connection with word "shifty."
SHRIBBLE RIVER (SC, LB) East-West river near southern border of Ettinsmoor.
SILENUS (PC) old man on donkey who accompanies Bacchus. In mythology, he was a
drunken and jovial attendant of Bacchus who rode an ass (BDFM).
SILVER SEA (VDT) Lily Lake near the End of the World.
SLINKEY (LB) fox who fights on Calormen side in LB; appropriate name.
SNOWFLAKE (SC) Green Witch's lovely white horse.
SOPESPIAN (PC) traitor lord of usurper Miraz who helps plan Miraz's defeat by
tricking him into accepting challenge to duel. Peter kills him.
SORLOIS (MN) dead world like Charn.
SPEAR-HEAD (VDT) North-star of Narnia, brighter than pole star.
SPIVVINS (SC) Lewis is not clear who or what this is. Eustace keeps a secret
about Spivvins under torture at Experiment House.
"SPOTTY" SORNER (SC) one of the children at Experiment House. A "sorner" is one
who sponges off people (OED).
STABLE HILL (LB) location of the Stable where first Tash, then Asian, are found.
Its inside is bigger than its outside.
STARS (VDT, LB) portrayed as real people, glimmering with silver clothes and
hair. North American Indians believed that stars were people.
STONEFOOT (LB) giant who is part of Tirian's troop in final battle.
STONE KNIFE (LWW, VDT) knife of cruel and ancient shape used by Witch to kill
Asian. Kept by Ramandu at Asian's Table. In VDT, the three lords touch it while
arguing and fall into an enchanted sleep. Stone could be associated with Old
Testament Law.
STONE TABLE (LWW, VDT) table where Asian is sacrificed. A slab of grey stone
supported by four upright stones; old and covered with engraved lines and
figures. Splits in two after the sacrifice. Later placed in central cave
hollowed out within a mound built over it (ASLAN'S HOW). Stones are also
important in ancient religions and Till We Have Faces. Lewis is most likely
basing this on a rich pagan tradition. The fact that the table breaks in two is
reminiscent of the veil being rent in two in the Temple during Christ's
SUNLESS SEA (SC) sea which must be crossed in order to reach all outlets from
Shallow Lands.
SUSAN (LWW, HHB, PC) one of the four Pevensie children. Known for her beauty.
Not allowed into Asian's Country because she is "no longer a friend of Narnia,"
latterly interested only in superficial things.
SWANWHITE (LB) queen who lived in Narnia before the days of the White Witch and
the Great Winter. Was so beautiful that when she looked into any forest pool,
the reflection of her face shone out of the water for a year and a day
afterwards like a star by night.
TACKS (VDT) one of Gumpas' slave merchants.
TARKAAN/TARKHAAN (HHB) a great lord in Calormen; known by gold ring on arm.
TARKHEENA (HHB) a great lady in Calormen.
TARVA (PB) star; name means "Lord of Victory." Its conjunction with Alambil
means good fortune for Narnia.
TASH (LB, HHB) Calormen god; its head is like an eagle or vulture, and it has
four arms. "Task" means blemish (OED). In Till We Have Faces, the priest of
Ungit also wears a mask that makes him look like a bird. Tash requires human
sacrifices (like Ungit in TWHF) and really exists, as evidenced in LB. Lewis is
showing the reality of demons.
TASHBAAN (HHB) Calormene city located on an island-one of the wonders of the
TASHLAN (LB) Shift's name for the false Aslan, an attempt to equate Aslan with
Tash. An anti-Christ figure?
TEHISHBAAN (LB) Emeth's city, west beyond the desert.
TELMAR/TELMARINES (PC) land beyond the western mountains. Discovered through a
magic cave on an Island in the Southern Seas. After a famine, Caspian I King of
Telmar led the people to the Western Mountains of Narnia and conquered it,
silencing the beasts, trees, fountains, and driving away or killing the dwarfs
and fauns. Because the Telmarines fear the Sea, they fabricate lies about ghosts
residing in the Black Woods. They permit these lies to grow as a protection from
the Sea. "Tel" has several meanings (endure, bear) but "Mar" and "Marine"
obviously refer to the sea. (Full history discussed in Chapter 4.)
TEREBINTHIA (VDT, SC) island visited by Dawn Treader after Galma where there is
a terrible sickness. Caspian seeks Aslan there in SC. Means turpentine-like, or
an area which grows trees from which turpentine is made (OED).
THORNBUT (HHB) dwarf under King Edmund who orders Corin not to fight in the
battle against the Calormenes.
TIRIAN (LB) last ruler of Narnia, seventh in descent from Rilian; fights the
final battle of Narnia. Name probably from "tire," meaning to fail, cease,
diminish, give out (OED)-appropriate, since during his reign Narnia is
TISROC (HHB) ruler of Tashbaan.
TOMBS OF THE ANCIENT KINGS (HHB) tombs north of Tashbaan that look like gigantic
beehives; there are rumors of ghouls there. There Shasta spends the right and
meets Aravis, Hwin, and Bree before their journey back to Narnia.
TRAN (HHB) fights for King Lune against the Calormenes.
TREE PEOPLE (PC) trees in Narnia look like people when their residing spirits
become visible. They retreat in New Narnia but are awakened again by Aslan in
PC. Eat various kinds of soil and wade in the dirt. Birches, beeches, and
larches are girls; oaks are shaggy, wizened, hearty men with frizzled beards;
elms are lean and melancholy. These are based on the dryads of mythology.
TRUFFLEHUNTER (PC, VDT) badger who first helps Caspian in his war against Miraz
and later serves under him when Caspian becomes king. A "truffle" is a round,
underground edible fungus or root (OED).
TRUMPKIN (SC, PC, VDT) nicknamed D.L.F. (Dear Little Friend). Red Dwarf who is
Lord Regent under Caspian X. Tells children story of Caspian X and leads them to
him at Aslan's How.
TUMNUS (LLW, HHB, LB) faun who lives in a cave and befriends Lucy on her first
solo trip to Narnia. Is turned into stone by the Witch for treachery. Appears
again in HHB to plan way for Narnians to escape Tashbaan by feigning a party for
Rabadash. Name reminiscent of "Tumulus" which is a mound of earth-appropriate
since he lives in the ground (OED). Idea for LWW began with a picture in Lewis's
mind of a faun carrying an umbrella.
ULVILAS (PC) one of Caspian IX's lords who, under usurper Miraz, was
intentionally shot with arrows at a hunting party.
URNUS (SC) a faun.
VOLTINUS (PC) a faun.
VOLUNS (PC) a faun.
WATER RAT (LB) rat on a river raft carrying logs from Narnia to sell to the
Calormenes under Shift's orders. One of the first signs to alert Tirian that
something is amiss in Narnia.
WER-WOLF (PC) one of Nikabrik's cohorts, brought to attack Aslan's group. Half
man, half wolf.
WESTERN WILD (LB, MN) area at far west of Narnia where Digory and Polly travel
on the day Narnia is created. Wild land of mountains, dark forests, snow, and
glaciers. Location of hill with garden and apple tree where final events in LB
take place.
WHITE STAG (LWW) stag which would grant wishes if one caught him. The four
children (Kings and Queens) hunt him at end of LWW and rediscover the lamp-post
where they first entered Narnia.
WIMBLEWEATHER (PC) giant of Deadman's Hill and part of Caspian's troops. Spoils
Caspian's surprise attack on Miraz's army. "Wimble" means active, nimble (EDEL).
WINDING ARROW RIVER (HHB) east-west river between Archenland and Calormen.
WOOD BETWEEN THE WORLDS (MN) beautifully quiet, rich and alive woodland where
Digory and Polly end up with their magic rings. Contains dozens of pools which
lead to other worlds.
WORLD'S END ISLAND (VDT) island of Ramandu and Aslan's Table, so named because
for those who sail from it, it is the beginning of the end.
WRAGGLE (LB) satyr who fights on Calormene side in LB. The word means to
struggle or resist (OED).
ZARDEENAH (HHB) Lady of the Night, Calormen goddess. Damsels do service to her
before they are married; they bid farewell to her and sacrifice to prepare for