THE AQUITAINE PROGRESSION ROBERT LUDLUM BANTAM BOOKS TORONTO NEW YORK - LONDON -SYDNEY-AUCKLAND For Jeffrey Michael Ludlum Welcome, friend Have a great life This low-priced Bantam Book has been completed reed in a type face designed for easy reading, and was printed from new plates. It contains the complete text of the original hard-cover edition. NOT ONE WORD HAS BEEN OMITTED. THE AQUITAINE PROGRESSION A Bantam Book/published by arrangement with Random House, Inc. PRINTING HISTORY Random House edition published March 1984 A Bool`-of-the-Month Club Main Selection, April 1984 Bantam Export editionlApril 1984 2nd printing.... August 1984 Bantam edition/March 198~'i Grateful acknowledgment is made to Michael LudRum for permission to reprint Iyricsfrom "I Need You Darling. Copyright 0 1983 by Michael Ludlum. Cover art by Paul Bacon courtesy of Random House. All rights reserved. Copyright O 1984 by Robert Ludlum. T Is book may not be reproduced in whole or in part, by mimeograph or any other means, without permission. For information address: Random House, Inc. ao1 East 50th Street, New York, N.Y. 10022. ISBN ~a;3-24900-2 Pubifshed simultaneously in the United States and Canada Bantam Books are published by Bantam Books, Inc. Its trademark, consisting of the words "Bantam Boah~ and the portrayal of a rooster, is Registered in U.S. Patent and Trademark Ofpee and in other countries. Marca Plegistrada. Bantam Books, Inc., 666 Fifth Avenue, New Yorl`, New York 1010Si. PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA H 098 76 54 3 81 PART ONE Geneva. City of sunlight and bright reflections. Of billowing white sails on the lake sturdy, irregular buildings above, their rippling images on the water below. Of myriad flowers surrounding blue-green pools of fountains duets of exploding colors.Of small quaint bridges arching over the glassy surfaces of man-made ponds to tiny man-made islands, sanctuaries for lovers and friends and quiet negotiators. Reflections. Geneva, the old and the new. City of high medieval walls and glistening tinted glass, of sacred cathedrals and less holy institutions. Of sidewalk cafes and lakeside concerts, of miniature piers and gaily painted boats that chug around the vast shoreline, the guides extolling the virtues and the estimated value of the lakefront estates that surely belong to another time. Geneva. City of purpose, dedicated to the necessity of dedication, frivolity tolerated only when intrinsic to the agenda or the deal. Laughter is measured, controlled glances conveying approval of sufficiency or admonishing excess. The canton by the lake knows its soul. Its beauty coexists with industry, the balance not only accepted but jealously guarded. Geneva. City also of the unexpected, of predictability in conflict with sudden unwanted revelation, the violence of the mind struck by bolts of personal lightning. Cracks of thunder follow; the skies grow dark and the rains come. A deluge, pounding the angry waters taken by surprise, distorting vision, crashing down on the giant spray, Geneva's trademark on the lake, thejet d 'ear, that geyser designed by man to dazzle man. When sudden revelations come, the gigantic fountain dies. All the fountains die and without the sunlight the flowers wither. The bright reflections are gone and the mind is frozen. Geneva. City of inconstancy. 3 4 ROBERT LUDLUM * * * Joel Converse, attorney-at-law, walked out of the hotel Richemondinto the blinding morning sunlight on the Jardin Brunswick. Squinting, he turned left, shifting his attache case to his right hand, conscious of the value of its contents but thinking primarily about the man he was to meet for coffee and croissants at Le Chat Botte, a sidewalk cafe across from the waterfront. "Re-meet" was more accurate, thought Converse, if the man had not confused him with someone else. A. Preston Halliday was Joel's American adversary in the current negotiations, the finalising of last-minute details for a Swiss-American merger that had brought both men to Ge neva. Although the remaining work was minimal formalities, really, research having established that the agreements were in accord with the laws of both countries and acceptable to the International Court in The Hague Halliday was an odd choice. He had not been part of the American legal team fielded by the Swiss to keep tabs on Joel's firm. That in itself would not have excluded him fresh observation was frequently an asset but to elevate him to the position of point, or chief spokesman, was, to say the least, unorthodox. It was also unsettling. Halliday's reputation what little Converse knew of it was as a troubleshooter, a legal mechanic from San Francisco who could spot a loose wire, rip it out and short an engine. Negotiations covering months and costing hundreds of thousands had been aborted by his presence, that much Converse recalled about A. Preston Halliday. But that was all he recalled. Yet Halliday said they knew each other. "It's Press Halliday," the voice had announced over the hotel phone. "I'm pointing for Rosen in the Comm Tech-gem merger." "What happened?"Joel had asked, a muted electric razor in his left hand, his mind trying to locate the name; it had come to him by the time Halliday replied. "The poor bastard had a stroke, so his partners called me in." The lawyer had paused. "You must have been mean, counselor." "We rarely argued, counselor. Christ, I'm sorry, I like Aaron. How is he?" "He'll make it. They've got him in bed and on a dozen versions of chicken soup. He told me to tell you he's going to check your finals for invisible ink." THE AQUITAINE PROGRESSION S "Which means you 're going to check because I don't have any and neither did Aaron. This marriage is based on pure greed, and if you've studied the papers you know that as well as I do." "The larceny of investment write-offs," agreed Halliday, "combined with a large chunk of a technological market. No invisible ink. But since I'm the new boy on the block, I've got a couple of questions. Let's have breakfast." "I was about to order room service." "It's a nice morning, why not get some air? I'm at the President, so let's split the distance. Do you know the Chat Botte?" 'American coffee and croissants. Quai du Mont Blanc.- "You know it. How about twenty minutes?" "Make it a half hour, okay?" "Sure." Halliday had paused again. "It'll be good to see you again, Joel." "Oh? Again?" "You may not remember. A lot's happened since those days . . . more to you than to me, I'm afraid." "I'm not following you." "Well, there was Vietnam and you were a prisoner for a pretty long time." "That's not what I meant, and it was years ago. How do we know each other? What case?" "No case, no business. We were classmates." "Duke? It's a large law school." "Further back. Maybe you'll remember when we see each other. If you don't, I'll remind you." "You must like games.... Half an hour. Chat Botte." As Converse walked toward the Quai du Mont Blanc, the vibrant boulevard fronting the lake, he tried to fit Halliday's name into a time frame, the years to a school, a forgotten face to match an unremembered classmate. None came, and Halliday was not a common name, the short form "Press" even less so . . . unique, actually. If he had known someone named Press Halliday, he could not imagine forgetting it. Yet the tone of voice had implied familiarity, even closeness. It'll be good to see you again, Joel. He had spoken the words warmly, as he had the gratuitous reference to Joel's POW status. But then, those words were always spoken softly to imply sympathy if not to express it overtly. Too, Converse understood why under the circumstances Halliday felt he had 6 ROBERT LUDLUM to bring up the subject of Vietnam, even fleetingly. The uninitiated assumed that all men imprisoned in the North Vietnamese camps for any length of time had been mentally damaged, per se, that a part of their minds had been altered by the experience, their recollections muddled. To a degree, some of these assumptions were undeniable, but not with re- spect to memory. Memories were sharpened because they were searched compulsively, often mercilessly. The accumulated years, the layers of experience . . . faces with eyes and voices, bodies of all sizes and shapes; scenes flashing across the inner screen, the sights and sounds, images and smells touching and the desire to touch . . . nothing of the past was too inconsequential to peel away and explore. Fre- quently it was all they had, especially at night always at night, with the cold, penetrating dampness stiffening the body and the infinitely colder fear paralysing the mind memories were everything. They helped mute the sharp reports of small-arms fire, which were gratuitously explained in the mornings as necessary executions of the unco- operative and unrepentant. Or they blocked out the distant screams in the dark, of even more unfortunate prisoners forced to play games, too obscene to describe, demanded by their captors in search of amusement. Like most men kept isolated for the greater part of their imprisonment, Converse had examined and reexamined every stage of his life, trying to understand . . . to like . . . the cohesive whole. There was much that he did not understand or like but he could live with the product of those intensive investigations. Die with it, if he had to; that was the peace he had to reach for himself. Without it the fear was intolerable. And because these self-examinations went on night after night and required the discipline of accuracy, Converse found it easier than most men to remember whole segments of his life. Like a spinning disk attached to a computer that suddenly stops, his mind, given only basic information, could isolate a place or a person or a name. Repetition had simplified and accelerated the process, and that was what bewildered him now. Unless Halliday was referring to a time so far back as to have been only a brief, forgotten childhood acquaintance, no one of that name belonged to his past. It'll tee good to see you again, JoeL Were the words a ruse, a lawyer's trick? THE AQUITAINE PROGRESSION 7 Converse rounded the corner, the brass railing of Le Chat Botte glistening, hurling back tiny explosions of sunlight. The boulevard was alive with gleaming small cars and spotless buses; the pavements were washed clean, the strollers in various stages of hurried but orderly progress. Morning was a time for benign energy in Geneva. Even the newspapers above the tables in the sidewalk cafes were snapped with precision, not crushed or mutilated into legible positio~And vehicles and pedestrians were not at war; combat was supplanted by looks and nods, stops and gestures of acknowledgment. As Joel walked through the open brass gate of Le Chat Botte he wondered briefly if Geneva could export its mornings to New York. But then the City Council would vote the import down, he concluded the citizens of New York could not stand the civility. A newspaper was snapped directly below him on his left, and when it was lowered Converse saw a face he knew. It was a coordinated face, not unlike his own, the features compatible and in place. The hair was straight and dark, neatly parted and brushed, the nose sharp, above well-defined lips. The face belonged to his past, thought Joel, but the name he remembered did not belong to the face. The familiar-looking man raised his head; their eyes met and A. Preston Halliday rose, his short compact body obviously muscular under the expensive suit. "Joel, how are you?" said the now familiar voice, a hand outstretched above the table. "Hello . . . Avery," replied Converse, staring, awkwardly shifting his attache case to grip the hand. "It is Avery, isn't it? Avery Fowler. Taft, early sixties.. You never came back For the senior year, and no one knew why; we all talked about it. You were a wrestler." "Twice All New England," said the attorney, laughing, gesturing at the chair across from his own. "Sit down and we'll catch up. I guess it's sort of a surprise for you. That's why I wanted us to meet before the conference this morning. ~ mean, it'd be a hell of a note for you to get up and scream 'Impostort' when I walked in, wouldn't it?" "I'm still not sure I won't." Converse sat down, attache case at his feet, studying his legal opponent. "What's this Halliday routine? Why didn't you say something on the phone?" "Oh, come on, what was I going to say? 'By the way, old 8 ROBERT LUDLUM sport, you used to know me as Tinkerbell Jones.' You never would have showed up." "Is Fowler in jail somewhere?" "He would have been if he hadn't blown his head off," answered Halliday, not laughing. "You're full of surprises. Are you a clone?" "No, the son." Converse paused. ' Maybe I should apologize." "No need to, you couldn't have known. It's why I never came back for the senior year . . . and, goddamn it, I wanted that trophy. I would have been the only mat jock to win it three years in a row." "I'm sorry. What happened . . . or is it privileged information, counselor? I'll accept that." "Not for you, counselor. Remember when you and I broke out to New Haven and picked up those pigs at the bus station?" 'We said we were Yalies " "And only got taken, never got laid." "Our eyebrows were working overtime." "Preppies," said Halliday. "They wrote a book about us. Are we really that emasculated?" "Reduced in stature, but we'll come back. We're the last minority, so we'll end up getting sympathy.... What happened, Avery?" A waiter approached; the moment was broken. Both men ordered American coffee and croissants, no deviation from the accepted norm. The waiter folded two red napkins into cones and placed one in front of each. "What happened?" said Halliday quietly, rhetorically, after the waiter left. "The beautiful son of a bitch who was my father embezzled four hundred thousand from the Chase Manhattan while he was a trust officer, and when he was caught, went bang. Who was to know a respected, if trans- planted, commuter from Greenwich, Connecticut, had two women in the city, one on the Upper East Side, the other on Bank Street? He was beautiful." "He was busy. I still don't understand the Halliday." After it happened the suicide was covered up Mother raced back to San Francisco with a vengeance. We were from California, you know . . . but then, why would you? With even more vengeance she married my stepfather, John THE AQUITAINE PROGRESSION 9 Halliday, and all traces of Fowler were assiduously removed during the next few months." 'Even to your first name?" 'No, I was always 'Press' back in San Francisco. We Californians come up with catchy names. Tab, Troy, Crotch the 1950's Beverly Hills syndrome. At Taft, my student ID read 'Avery Preston Fowler,' so you all just started calling me Avery or that awful 'Ave.' Being a transfer student, I never bothered to say anything. When in Connecticut, follow the gospel according to Holden Caulfield." "That's all well and good," said Converse, "but what happens when you run into someone like me? It's bound to happen." "You'd be surprised how rarely. After all it was a long time ago, and the people I grew up with in Caiifornia understood. Kids out there have their names changed according to matrimonial whim, and I was in the East for only a couple of years, just long enough for the fourth and fifth forms at school. I didn't know anyone in Greenwich to speak of, and I was hardly part of the old Taft crowd." "You had friends there. We were friends." "I didn't have many. Let's face it, I was an outsider and you weren't particular. I kept a pretty low profile." "Not on the mats, you didn't." Halliday laughed. "Not very many wrestlers become lawyers, something about mat burns on the brain. Anyway, to answer your question, only maybe five or six times over the past ten years has anyone said to me, 'Hey, aren't you so-and-so and not whatever you said your name was?' when somebody did, I told them the truth. 'My mother remarried when I was sixteen.' " The coffee and croissants arrived. Joel broke his pastry in half. "And you thought I'd ask the question at the wrong time, specifically when I saw you at the conference. Is that it?" "Professional courtesy. I didn't want you dwelling on it or me when you should be thinking about your client. After all, we tried to lose our virginity together that night in New Haven." "Speak for yourself." Joel smiled. Halliday grinned. "We got pissed and both admitted it don't you remember? Incidentally, we swore each other to secrecy while throwing up in the can." 10 ROBERT LUIlIUM "Just testing you, counselor.I remember. So you left the gray-flannel crowd for orange shirts and gold medallionsP" "All the way. Berkeley, then across the street to Stanford." "Good school.... How come the international field?" "I liked traveling and figured it was the best way of paying for it. That's how it started, really. How about you? I'd think you would have had all the traveling you ever wanted." "I had delusions about the foreign service, diplomatic corps, legal section. That's how it started." "After all that traveling you did?" Converse levered his pale blue eyes at Halliday, conscious of the coldness in his look. It was unavoidable, if misplaced as it usually was. "Yes, after all that traveling. There were too many lies and no one told us about them until it was too late. We were conned and it shouldn't have happened." Halliday leaned forward, his elbows on the table, hands clasped, his gaze returning Joel's. "I couldn't figure it," he began softly. "When I read your name in the papers, then saw you paraded on television, I felt awful. I didn't really know you that well, but I liked you." "It was a natural reaction. I'd have felt the same way if it had been you." "I'm not sure you would. You see, I was one of the honchos of the protest movement." "You burned your draft card while flaunting the Yippie label," said Converse gently, the ice gone from his eyes. "I wasn't that brave." "Neither was 1. It was an out-of-state library card." "I'm disappointed." "So was I in myself. But I was visible." Halliday leaned back in his chair and reached for his coffee. "How did you get so visible, Joel? I didn't think you were the type." "I wasn't. I was squeezed." "I thought you said 'conned.'" "That came later." Converse raised his cup and sipped his black coffee, uncomfortable with the direction the conversation had taken. He did not like discussing those years, and all too frequently he was called upon to do so. They had made him out to be someone he was not. "I was a sophomore at Amherst and not much of a student.... Not much, hell, I was borderline-negative, and whatever deferment I had was THE AQUITAINE PROGRESSION 11 about to go down the tube. But I'd been Hying since I was fourteen." "I didn't know that," interrupted Halliday. 'My father wasn't beautiful and he didn't have the benefit of concubines, but he was an airline pilot, later an executive for Pan Am. It was standard in the Converse household to By before you got your driver's license." "Brothers and sisters?' "A younger sister. She soloed before I did and she's never let me forget it." "I remember. She was interviewed on television." "Only twice," Joel broke in, smiling. "She was on your turf and didn't give a damn who knew it. The White House bunker put the word out to stay away from her. 'Don't tarnish the cause, and check her mail while you're at it.'" "That's why I remember her," said Halliday. "So a lousy student left college and the Navy gained a hot pilot." "Not very hot, none of us was. There wasn't that much to be hot against. Mostly we burned." "Still, you must have hated people like me back in the States. Not your sister, of course." 'Her, too," corrected Converse. "Hated, loathed, despised furious. But only when someone was killed, or went crazy in the camps. Not for what you were saying we all knew Saigon but because you said it without any real fear. You were safe, and you made us feel like assholes. Dumb, frightened assholes." "I can understand that." "So nice of you." "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it the way it sounded." "How did it sound, counselor?" Halliday frowned. "Condescending, I guess." "No guess," said Joel. "Right on." "You're still angry." "Not at you, only the dredging. I hate the subject and it keeps coming back up.'' "Blame the Pentagon PR. For a while you were a bona fide hero on the nightly news. What was it, three escapes? On the first two you got caught and put on the racks, but on the last one you made it all by yourself, didn't you? You crawled through a couple of hundred miles of enemy jungle before you reached the lines." "It was barely a hundred and I was goddamned lucky. 12 ROBERT LUDLUM With the first two tries I was responsible for killing eight men. I'm not very proud of that. Can we get to the Comm Tech-Bern business?" "Give me a few minutes," said Halliday, shoving the croissant aside. "Please. I'm not trying to dredge. There's a point in the back of my mind, if you'll grant I've got a mind." "Preston Halliday has one, his rep confirms it. You're a shark, if my colleagues are accurate. But I knew someone named Avery, not Press." "Then it's Fowler talking, you re more comfortable with him." "What's the point?" "A couple of questions first. You see, I want to be accurate because you ve got a reputation too. They say you're one of the best on the international scene, but the people I've talked to can't understand why Joel Converse stays with a relatively small if entrenched firm when he's good enough to get flashier. Or even go out on his own." "Are you hiring?" "Not me, I don't take partners. Courtesy of John Halliday attorney-at-law, San Francisco." Converse looked at the second half of the croissant and decided against it. "What was the question, counselor?" "Why are you where you're at?" "I'm paid well and literally run the department; no one sits on my shoulder. Also I don't care to take chances. There's a little matter of alimony, amiable but demanding." "Child support, too?" "None, thank heavens." "What happened when you got out of the Navy? How did you feel?" Halliday again leaned forward, his elbow on the table, chin cupped in his hand the inquisitive student. Or something else. "Who are the people you've talked to?" asked Converse. "Privileged information, for the moment, counselor. Will you accept that?" Joel smiled. "You are a shark.... Okay, the gospel according to Converse. I came back from that disruption of my life wanting it all. Angry, to be sure, but wanting everything. The nonstudent became a scholar of sorts, and I'd be a liar if I didn't admit to a fair amount of preferential treatment. I went back to Amberst and raced through two and a half years in three semesters and a summer. Then Duke offered me an ac THE AQUITAINE PROGRESSION 13 celerated program and I went there, followed by some specializations at Georgetown while I interned." "You interned in Washington?" Converse nodded. "Yes." "For whom?" "Clifford's firm. ' Halliday whistled softly, sitting back. "That's golden territory, a passport to Blackstone's heaven as well as the multinationals." '1 told you I had preferential treatment." "Was that when you thought about the foreign service? While you were at Ceorgetown? In WashingtonP" Again Joel nodded, squinting as a passing flash of sunlight bounced off a grille somewhere on the lakefront boulevard. "Yes," he replied quietly. "You could have had it," said Halliday. 'They wanted me for the wrong reasons, all the wrong reasons. When they realized I had a different set of rules in mind, I couldn't get a twenty-cent tour of the State Department. " "What about the Clifford firm? You were a hell of an image, even for them." The Californian raised his hands above the table, palms forward. 1 know, I know. The wrong reasons." "Wrong numbers," insisted Converse. ' There were forty-plus lawyers on the masthead and another two hundred on the payroll. I'd have spent ten years trying to find the men's room and another ten getting the key. That wasn't what I was looking for.' What were you looking for?" "Pretty much what I've got. I told you, the money's good and I run the international division. The latter's just as important to me." 'You couldn t have known that when you joined," objected Halliday. But I did. At least I had a fair indication. When Talbot, Brooks and Simon as you put it, that small but entrenched firm I'm with came to me, we reached understanding. If after four or five years I proved out, I'd take over for Brooks. He was the overseas man and was getting tired of adjusting to all those time zones." Again Converse paused. 'Apparently I proved out." 14 ROBERT LUDLUM ' And just as apparently somewhere along the line you got married. Joel leaned back in the chair. 'Is this necessary?" "It's not even pertinent, but I'm intensely interested." "Why?" "It's a natural reaction," said Halliday, his eyes amused. "I think you'd feel the same way if you were me and I were you, and I'd gone through what you went through." "Shark dead ahead," mumbled Converse. "You don't have to respond, of course, counselor." "I know, but oddly enough I don't mind. She's taken her share of abuse because of that what-l've-been-through business." Joel broke the croissant but made no effort to remove it from the plate. "Comfort, convenience, and a vague image of stability," he said. "I beg your pardon?" "Her words," continued Joel. "She said that I got married so I'd have a place to go and someone to fix the meals-and do the laundry, and eliminate the irritating, time-consuming foolishness that goes with finding someone to sleep with. Also by legitimising her, I projected the. proper image.... 'And, Christ, did I have to play the part' also her words." "Were they true?" "I told you, when I came back I wanted it all and she was part of it. Yes, they were true. Cook, maid, laundress, bedmate, and an acceptable, attractive appendage. She told me she could never figure out the pecking order." "She sounds like quite a girl." "She was. She is." "Do I discern a note of possible reconciliation?" "No way." Converse shook his head, a partial smile on his lips but only a trace of humor in his eyes. "She was also conned and it shouldn t have happened. Anyway, I like my current status, I really do. Some of us just weren't meant for a hearth and roast turkey, even if we sometimes wish we were." "It's not a bad life." "Are you into it?" asked Joel quickly so as to shift the emphasis. "Right up with orthodontists and SAT scores. Five kids and one wife. I wouldn t have it any other way." "But you travel a lot, don't your" "We have great homecomings." Halliday again leaned THE AQUITAINE PROGRESSION 15 forward, as if studying a witness. '~So you have no real attachments now, no one to run back to.' ' Talbot, Brooks and Simon might find that offensive. Also my father. Since Mother died we have dinner once a week when he's not flying all over the place, courtesy of a couple of lifetime passes." "He still gets around a lot?" "One week he's in Copenhagen, the next in Hong Kong. He enjoys himself; he keeps moving. He's sixty-eight and spoiled rotten." "I think I'd like him." Converse shrugged, again smiling. "You might not. He thinks all lawyers are piss ants, me included. He's the last of the white-scarved flyboys." "I'm sure I'd like him.... But outside of your employers and your father, there are no shall we say priority entanglements in your life." "If you mean women, there are several and we're good friends, and I think this conversation has gone about as far as it should go." "I told you, I had a point," said Halliday. "Then why not get to it, counselor? Interrogatories are over. " The Californian nodded. "All right, I will. The people I spoke with wanted to know how free you were to travel." "The answer is that I'm not. I've got a job and a responsibility to the company I work for. Today's Wednesday, we'll have the merger tied up by Friday, I'll take the weekend off and be back on Monday when I'm expected." "Suppose arrangements could be made that Talbot Brooks and Simon found acceptable?" "That's presumptuous." "And you found very difficult to reject." "That's preposterous." "Try me," said Halliday. "Five hundred thousand for accepting on a best-efforts basis, one million if you pull it off." "Now you're insane." A second flash of light blinded Converse, this one remaining stationary longer than the first. He raised his left hand to block it from his eyes as he stared at the man he had once known as Avery Fowler. "Also, ethics notwithstanding because you haven't a damn thing to win this morning, your timing smells. I don't like getting offers even 16 ROBERT LUDLUM crazy offers from attorneys I'm about to meet across a table." "Two separate entities, and you're right, I don't have a damn thing to win or lose. You and Aaron did it all, and I'm so ethical, I'm billing the Swiss only for my time minimum basis because no expertise was called for. My recommendation this morning will be to accept the package as it stands, not even a comma changed. Where's the conflict?" "Where's the sanityP" asked Joel. '&To say nothing of those arrangements Talbot, Brooks and Simon will find acceptable. You're talking roughly about two and a half top years of salary and bonuses for nodding my head." "Nod it," said Halliday. "We need you." " We? That's a new wrinkle, isn't it? I thought it was they. They being the people you spoke with. Spell it out, Press." A. Preston Halliday locked his eyes with Joules. "I'm part of them, and something is happening that shouldn't be happening. We want you to put a company out of business. It's bad news and it's dangerous. We'll give you all the tools we can." "What company?" "The name wouldn't mean anything, it's not registered. Let's call it a govermnent-in-exile.'' "A what2" "A group of like-minded men who are in the process of building a portfolio of resources so extensive it'll guarantee them influence where they shouldn't have it authority where they shouldn't have it." "Where is that?" "In places this poor inept world can't afford. They can do it because no one expects them to." "You're pretty cryptic." "I'm frightened. I know them." "But you have the tools to go after them," said Converse. "I presume that means they're vulnerable." Haliday nodded. "We think they are. We have some leads, but it'll take digging, piecing things together. There's every reason to believe they've broken laws, engaged in activities and transactions prohibited by their respective governments." Joel was silent for a moment, studying the Californian. "Governments?" he asked. "Plural?" THE AQU1TAINE PROGRESSION 17 "Yes." Halliday's voice dropped. "They're different nationalities." "But one company?" said Converse. "One corporation?" "In a manner of speaking, yes." "How about a simple yes?" "It's not that simple.' "I'll tell you what is," interrupted Joel. "You've got leads so you go after the big bad wolves. I'm currently and satisfactorily employed." Halliday paused, then spoke. "No, you're not," he said softly. Again there was silence, each man appraising the other. "What did you say?" asked Converse, his eyes blue ice. "Your firm understands. You can have a leave of absence." "You presumptuous son of a bitch! Who gave you the right even to approach " "General George Marcus Delavane," Halliday broke in. He delivered the name in a monotone. It was as if a bolt of lightning had streaked down through the blinding sunlight burning Joel's eyes, turning the ice into fire. Cracks of thunder followed, exploding in his head. The pilots sat around the long rectangular table in the wardroom, sipping coffee and staring down into the brown liquid or up at the Bray no one caring to break the silence. An hour ago they had been sweeping over Pak Song, firing theearth, interdicting theadvancingNorth Vietnamese battalions, giving vital time to the regrouping ARVN and American troops who soon would beunderbrutalsiege. They had completed the strike and returned to the carrier all but one. They had lost their commanding officer.. Lieutenant Senior Grade Gordon Ramsey had been hit by a fluke rocket that had winged out of its trajectory over the coastline and zeroed in on Ramsey's fuselage; the explosion had filled the jet streams, death at six hundred miles an hour in the air, life erased in the blinking of an eye. A severe weather front had followed hard upon the squadron; there would be no more strikes, perhapsforseveral days. There would be time to think and that was not a pleasant thought "Lieutenant Converse. " said a sailor by the open wardroom door. 'Yes?" 18 R08ERT LUDLUM "The ca plain requests your presence in his quarters, sir. " The invitation was so nicely phrased, mused Joel, as he got out of his chair, acknowledging the comber looks of those around the table. The request was expected, but unwelcome. The promotion was an hotter he would willingly forgo. It was not that he held longevity or seniority or even age over his fellow pilots; it was simply that he had been in the air longer than anyone else and with that time came the experience necessary for the leader of a squadron. As he climbed the narrow steps up toward the bridge he saw the outlines of an immense army Cobra helicopter in the distant sky stuttering its way toward the carrier. In five minutes or so it would be hovering over the threshold and lower itself to the pad; someone from land was paying the Navy a visit. "It's a terrible loss, Converse, "said the captain, standing over his charts table, shaking his head sadly. "And a letter I hate like hell to write. God knows they're never easy, but this one's more painful than most." "We all feel the same way, sir. " "I'm sure you do. " The pa plain nodded. 'I'm also sure you know why you're here." "Not specifically, sir. " "Ramsey said you were the best, and that means you're taking over one of the Amok squadrons in the South China Sea. " The telephone mng, interrupting the carrier's senioroffeer. He picked it up. "Yes9" Whatfollowed was nothingJoel expected. The captain at first frowned, then tensed the muscles of his face, his eyes both alarmed and angry. "What?" he exclaimed, raising his voice. "Was there any advance notice anything in the radio roomy" There was a pause, after which the captain slammed down the phone, shouting, 'Jesus Christ!" He looked at Converse. "It seems we have the dubious honor of an unan- nounced visitation by Command-Saigon, and I do mean visitation!" "I'M return below, sir, " said Joel, starting to salute. "Not just yet, Lieutenant, "shot back the captain quietly but f rally. "You are receiving your orders, and as they affect the air operations of this ship, you'll hear them through. At the least, we'll let Mad Marcus know he's interfering with Navy business." The next thirty seconds were taken up with the ritual of THE AQUITAINE PROGRESSION 19 command assignment, a senioro~ficer investing a subordinate with new responsibilities. Suddenly there was a sharp two-ra p knock the captain's door opened and the tall, broad-shouldered general of the Army George Marcus Delavane intruded, dominating the room with the sheer force of his presence. "Captain?" said Delavane, saluting the ship's com- manderfirst despite the Navy man's lesser rank. The somewhat high-pitched voice was courteous, but not the eyes; they were intensely hostile. "General, " replied the pa plain, saluting back along with Converse. "Is this an unannounced inspection by Command-Saigon?" "No, it's an urgently demanded conference between you and me between Command-Saigon and one of its lesser forces. " "I see, " said the four-striper, anger showing through his calm. "At the moment I'm delivering urgent orders to this man " "You saw fit to countermand mine!" Delavane broke in vehemently. "General, this has been a sad and trying day, " said the captain. "We lost one of our finest pilots barely an hour ago " "Running away?"Again Delavane interru pled, the tastelessness of his remark compounded by the nasal pitch of his voice. "Was his goddamned tail shot off?" "For the record, I resent that!" said Converse, unable to control himself "I'm replacing that man and I resent what you just said General!" "You? Who the hell are you?" "Easy, Lieutenant. You're dismissed. " "I respectfully request to answer the general, sir!" shouted Joel, in his anger refusing to move. "You what, prissy flyboy?" "My name is " "Forget it, I'm not interested!" Delavane whipped his head back toward the ca plain. "What I want to know is why you think you can disobey my orders the orders from Command-Saigon!I called a strike forfifteen hundred hours! You 'respectfully declined' to implement that order!" "A weather front's moved in and you should know it as well as I do. " 20 ROBERT LUDLUM "My meteorologists say it's completely f gable!" "I suspect if you asked for that finding during a Burma monsoon they'd deliver it" "That's gross insubordination!" "This is my ship and military regulations are quite clear as to who's in command here." "Do you want to connect me to your radio room?l'll reach the Oval Of dice and we'll see just how long you've got this ship!" "I'm sure you'll want to speak privately probably over a scrambler. I'll have you escorted there." "Goddamn you, I've got four thousand troops maybe twenty percent seasoned moving up into Sector Five! We need a low-altitude combined strike from land and sea and weal have it if I have to get your ass out of here within the hour!And I can do it, Captain!. . . We're over here to win, win, and win it all! We don 't need sugarcoated Nellies hedging their goddamned bets! Maybe you never heard it before, but all war is a risk! You don 't win if you don 't risk, Ca plain!" "I've been there, General. Common sense cuts losses, and if you cut enough losses you can win the next battle. " "I'm going to win this one, with or without you, Blue Boy!" "I respectfuUy advise you to temper your language, General. " "You what?" Delavane's face was contorted in fury, his eyes the eyes of a savage wild animal. "You advise me? You advise Command-Saigon! Well, you do whatever you like Blue Boy in yoursatin pants but the incursion up into the Tho Valley is on." "The Tho,"interrupted Converse. "That's the first leg of the Pak Song route. We've hit it four times. I know the terrain. " "You know it9"shouted Delawne. "I do, but I take my orders from the commander of this ship General. " "You prissy shit-kicker, you take orders from the President of the United States!He's your commander in chief7And I'll get those orders!" Delavane's face was inches from Joel's, the maniacal expression challenging every nerve ending in Joel 's body: hatred matched by loathing Barely realising the words were THE AQUITAINE PROGRESSION 21 his, Converse spoke. "1, too, would advise the General to be careful of his language." "Why, shit-kicker? Has Blue Boy got this place wired?" "Easy, Lieutenant! I said you were dismissed!" "You want me to watch my language, big fellawith your little silver bar? No, sonny boy, you watch it, and you read it! If that squadron of yours isn 't in the air at fifteen hand red hours, I'll label this carrier the biggest yellow streak in Southeast Asia! You got that, satin-pantsed Blue Boy, third class?" Once moreloel replied, wondering as he spoke where he found the audacity. "I don't know where you come from, sir, but I sincerely hope we meet under different circumstances sometime. I think you he a pig " "Insubordination!Also, I'd break your back." "Dismissed, Lieutenant!" "No, Captain, you're wrong!" shouted the general. "He may be the man to lead this strike, after all. Well, what'll it be, Blue Boys? Airborne, or the President of the United States or the label?" At 1520 hours Converse led the squadron off the carrier deck. At 1538, as they headed at low altitude into the weather, the f rst two casualties occurred over the coastline; the wing planes were shot down f erg deaths at six hundred miles an hour in the air. At 15461oel's right engine exploded, his altitude made the direct hit easy. At 1546:30, unable to stabilise, Converse ejected into the downpour of the storm clouds, his parachute instantly swept into the vortex of the conflicting winds. As he swung violently down toward the earth, the straps digging into his flesh with each whipping buffet, one image kept repeating its presence within the darkness. The maniacal face of General George Marcus Delavane. He was about to begin an indeterminate stay in hell, courtesy of a madman. And as he later learned, the losses were ink nitely greater on the ground. Delavane! The Butcher of Danang and Pleiku. Waster of thousands, throwing battalion after battalion into the jungles and the hills with neither adequate training nor sufficient firepower. Wounded, frightened children had been marched into the camps, bewildered, trying not to weep and, finally understanding, weeping out of control. The stories they told were a thousand variations on the same sickening theme. Inexperi 22 ROBERT LUDLUM enced,untried troops had been sent into battle within days after disembarkation; the weight of sheer numbers was expected to vanquish the often unseen enemy. And when the numbers did not work, more numbers were sent. For three years command headquarters listened to a maniac. Delavane! The warlord of Saigon, fabricator of body counts, with no acknowledgment of blown-apart faces and severed limbs, liar and extoller of death without a cause! A man who had proved, finally, to be too lethal even for the Pentagon zealots a zealot who had outdistanced his own, in the end revolting his own. He had been recalled and retired only to write diatribes read by fanatics who fed their own personal furies. Men like that can't be allowed anymore, don 't you understand? He was the enemy, Otis enemy! Those had been Converse's own words, shouted in a fever of outrage before a panel of uniformed questioners who had looked at each other avoiding him, not wanting to respond to those words. They had thanked him perfunctorily, told him that the nation awed him and thousands like him a great debt, and with regard to his final comments he should try to understand that there were often many sides to an issue, and that the complex execution of command frequently was not what it appeared to be. In any event, the President had called upon the nation to bind its wounds; what good was served by fueling old controversies? And then the final kicker, the threat. "You yourself briefly assumed the terrible responsibility of leadership, Lieutenant," said a pale-faced Navy lawyer, barely glancing at Joel, his eyes scanning the pages of a file folder. "Before you made your final and successful escape by yourself, from a pit in the ground away from the main camp you led two previous attempts involving a total of seventeen prisoners of war. Fortunately you survived, but eight men did not. I'm sure that you, as their leader, their tactician, never anticipated a casualty risk of nearly fifty percent. It's been said often, but perhaps not often enough: command is awesome, Lieutenant." Translation: Don't join the freaks, soldier. You survived, but eight were killed. Were there circumstances the military is not aware of, tactics that protected some more than others, one more than others: One man who managed to break out by himself eluding guards that shot on sight prisoners on the loose at night? Merely to raise the question by mOpening a specific file will produce a stigma that willfollow you THE AQUITAINE PROGRESSION 23 for the rest of your life. Back oft; soldier. We've got you by simply raising a question we all know should not be raised, but we'll do it because we've taken enough }yak. We'll cut it off wherever we can. Be ha ppy you survived and got out. Now, get out. At that moment, Converse had been as close to consciously throwing away his life as he would ever have thought possible. Physically assaulting that panel of sanctimonious hypocrites had not been out of the question, until he studied the face of each man, his peripheral gaze taking in rows of tunic ribbons, battle stars on most. Then a strange thing had happened: disgust, revulsion and compassion swept over him. These were panicked men, a number having committed their lives to their country's practice of war . . . only to have been conned, as he had been conned. If to protect what was decent meant protecting the worst, who was to say they were wrong? Where were the saints? Or the sinners? Could there be any of either when all were victims? Disgust, however, won out. Lieutenant Joel Converse, USNR, could not bring himself to give a final salute to that council of his superiors. In silence, he had turned, with no military bearing whatsoever, and walked out of the room as if he had pointedly spat on the Hoor. A flash of light again from the boulevard, a blinding echo of the sun from the Quai du Mont Blanc. He was in Geneva, not in a North Vietnamese camp holding children who vomited while telling their stories, or in San Diego being separated from the United States Navy. He was in Geneva, and the man sitting across the table knew everything he was thinking and feeling. "Why me?" whispered Joel. "Because, as they say," said Halliday, "you could be motivated. That's the simple answer. A story was told. The captain of your aircraft carrier refused to put his planes in the air for the strike that Delavane demanded. Several storms had moved in; he called it suicidal. But Delavane forced him to, threatened to call the macho White House and have the captain stripped of his command. You led that strike. It's where you got it." "I'm alive," said Converse Hatly. "Twelve hundred kids never saw the next day and maybe a thousand more wished they never had." 24 ROBERT LUDLUM "And you were in the captain's quarters when Mad Marcus Delavane made his threats and called the shots." "I was there," agreed Converse, no comment in his voice. Then he shook his head in bewilderment. 'Everything I told you about myself you've heard it before." "Read it before," corrected the lawyer from California. "Like you and I think we're the best in the business under fifty I don't put a hell of a lot of stock in the written word. I have to hear a voice, or see a face." "I didn't answer you." "You didn't have to." "But you have to answer me now. You're not here for Comm Tech-Bern, are you?" ''Yes, that part's true," said Halliday. "Only the Swiss didn't come to me, I went to them. I've been watching you, waiting for the moment. It had to be the right one, perfectly natural, geographically logical." "Why? What do you mean?" "Because I'm being watched.... Rosen did have a stroke. I heard about it, contacted Bern, and made a plausible case for myself." "Your reputation was enough." "It helped, but I needed more. I said we knew each other, that we went way back which God knows was true and as much as I respected you, I implied that you were extremely astute with finals, and that I was familiar with your methods. I also put my price high enough." "An irresistible combination for the Swiss," said Converse. "I'm glad you approve." "But I don't," contradicted Joel. "I don't approve of you at all, least of all your methods. You haven't told me anything, just made cryptic remarks about an unidentified group of people you say are dangerous, and brought up the name of a man you knew would provoke a response. Maybe you're just a freak, after all, still pushing that safe Yippee label." "Calling someone a 'freak' is subjectively prejudicial in the extreme, counselor, and would be stricken from the record." "Still, the point's been made with the jury, lawyer-man," said Converse quietly but with anger. "And I'm making it now." "Don't prejudge the safety," continued Halliday in a THE AQUITAINE PROGRESSION 25 voice that was equally quiet. "I'm not safe, and outside of a proclivity for cowardice, there's a wife and five children back in San Francisco I care deeply about." "So you come to me because I have no such what was it? priority entanglements?" "I came to you because you're invisible, you're not involved, and because you're the best, and I can't do ill legally can't do it, and it's got to be done legally." ' Why don't you say what you mean?" demanded Converse. "Because if you don't I'm getting up and we'll see each other later across a table." "I represented Delavane," said Halliday quickly. "God help me I didn't know what I was doing, and very few people approved, but I made a point we used to make all the time. Unpopular causes and people also deserve representation." "I can't argue with that." "You don't know the cause. I do. I found out." 'What cause?" Halliday leaned forward. "The generals," he said, his voice barely audible. "They're coming back." Joel looked closely at the Californian. "From where? I didn't know they'd been away." "From the past," said Halliday. "From years ago." Converse sat back in the chair, now amused. "Good Lord, I thought your kind were extinct. Are you talking about the Pentagon menace, Press it is 'Press,' isn't it? The San Francisco short-form, or was it from Haight-Ashbury, or the Beverly Hills something or other? You're a little behind the times; you already stormed the Presidio." "Please, don't make jokes. I'm not joking." "Of course not. It's Seven Days in May, or is it Five Days in August? It's August now, so let's call it The Old-Time Guns of August. Nice ring, I think." "Stop ill There's nothing remotely funny, and if there were, I'd find it before you did." "That's a comment, I suppose," said.Joel. "You're goddamned right it is, because I didn't go through what you went through. I stayed out of it, I wasn't conned, and that means I can laugh at fanatics because they never hurt me, and I still think it's the best ammunition against them. But not now. There's nothing to laugh at nowl" "Permit me a small chuckle," said Converse without smiling. "Even in my most paranoid moments I never subscribed 26 ROBERT LUDLUM to the conspiracy theory that has the military running Washington. It couldn't happen." "It might be less apparent than in other countries, but that's all I'll grant you." "What does that mean?" "It would undoubtedly be much more obvious in Israel, certainly in Johannesburg, quite possibly in France and Bonn, even the UK none of them takes its pretences that seriously. But I suppose you've got a point. Washington will drape the conshtubonal robes around itself until they become threadbare and fall away revealing a uniform, incidentally." Joel stared at the face in front of him. You're not joking, are you? And you're too bright to try to snow me." "Or con you," added Halliday. "Not after that label I wore while watching you in pajamas halfway across the world. I couldn't do it." "I think I believe you.... You menhoned several countries, specific countries. Some aren't speaking, others barely; a few have bad blood and worse memories. On purpose?" "Yes," nodded the Californian. "It doesn't make any difference because the group I'm talking about thinks it has a cause that will ultimately unite them all. And run them all their way." "The generals?" "And admirals, and brigadiers, and field marshals old soldiers who pitched their tents in the right camp. So far right there's been no label since the Reichstag." "Come on, Avery!" Converse shook his head in exasperabon. "A bunch of tired old warhorses " "Recruiting and indoctrinating young, hard, capable new commanders," interrupted Halliday. " coughing their last bellows." Joel stopped. "Have you proof of that?" he asked, each word spoken slowly. "Not enough . . . but with some digging . . . maybe enough." "Goddamn it, stop being elliptical." "Among the possible recruits, twenty or so names at the State Department and the Pentagon," said Halliday. "Men who clear export licenses and who spend millions upon millions because they're allowed to spend it, all of which, naturally, widens any circle of friends." "And influence," stated Converse. "What about London, Paris, and Bonn Johannesburg and Tel Aviv?" THE AQUITAINE PROGRESSION 27 "Again names." "How firm?" They were there, l saw them myself. It was an accident. How many have taken an oath I don't know, but they were there, and their stripes fit the philosophical pattern." ' The Reichstag?" More encompassing. A global Third Reich. All they need is a Hitler." Where does Delavane fit in?" He may anoint one. He may designate the Fuhrer." That's ridiculous. Who'd take him seriously?" He was taken seriously before. You saw the results." That was then, not now. You're not answering the question." - Men who thought he was right before, and don't fool yourself, they're out there by the thousands. What's mind-blowing is that there are a few dozen with enough seed money to finance his and their delusions which, of course, they don't see as delusions at all, only as the proper evolution of current history, all other ideologies having failed miserably." Joel started to speak, then stopped, his thoughts suddenly altered. 'Why haven't you gone to someone who can stop them? Stop him." Who?" "I shouldn't have to tell you that. Any number of people in the government elected and appointed and more than a dozen departments. For starters, there's Justice." "I'd be laughed out of Washington," said Halliday. "Beyond the fact that we have no proof as I told you, just names, suppositions don't forget that Yippie label I once wore. They'd pin it on me again and tell me to get lost." "But you represented Delavane." "Which only compounds the problem by introducing the legal aspects. I shouldn't have to tell you that." "The lawyer-client relationship." Converse nodded. "You're in a morass before you can make a charge. Unless you've got hard evidence against your client, proof that he's going to commit further crimes and that you're aiding the commission of those crimes by keeping silent." ' Which proof I don't have," interrupted the Californian. "Then no one will touch you," added Joel. "Especially ambitious lawyers at Justice; they don't want their postgov 28 ROBERT LUDIUM ernment avenues cut off. As you say, the Delavanes of this world have their constituencies." "Exactly,' agreed Halliday. "And when I began asking questions and tried to reach Delavane, he wouldn't see me or talk to me. Instead, I got a letter telling me I was fired, that if he had known what I was he never would have retained me. 'Smoking dope and screaming curses while brave young men answered their country's call.'" Converse whistled softly. "And you think you weren't connedP You provide legal services for him, a structure he can use for all intents and purposes within the law, and if anything smells, you're the last person who can blow the whistle. He drapes the old soldier's flag around himself and calls you a vin- dictive freak." Halliday nodded. "There was a lot more in that letter nothing that could damage me except where he was concerned, but it was brutal." "I'm certain of it.' Converse took out a pack of cigarettes; he held it forward as Halliday shook his head. "How did you represent him?" asked Joel. "I set up a corporation, a small consulting firm in Palo Alto specialising in imports and exports. What's allowed, what isn't, what the quotas are, and how to legitimately reach the people in D.C. who will listen to your case. Essentially it was a lobbying effort, trading in on a name, if anyone remembered. At the time, it struck me as kind of pathetic." "I thought you said it wasn't registered," remarked Converse, lighting a cigarette. "It's not the one we're after. It'd be a waste of time." "But it's where you first got your information, isn't it? Your leads?" '4That was the accident, and it won't happen again. It's so legitimate it's legal Clorox." "Still it's a front," -insisted Joel. "It has to be if everything or anything you've said is true." "It's true, and it is. But nothing's written down. It's an instrument for travel, an excuse for Delavane and the men around him to go from one place to another, carrying on legitimate business. But while they're in a given area, they do their real thing." "The gathering of the generals and the field marshals?" said Converse. THE AOUITAINE PROGRESSION 29 "We think it's a spreading missionary operation. Very quiet and very intense." "What's the name of Delavane's firm?" "Palo Alto International." Joel suddenly crushed out his cigarette. "Who's we, Avery? Who's putting up this kind of money when amounts like that mean they're people who can reach anyone they want to in Washington?" "Are you interested?" "Not in working for someone I don't know or approve of. No, I'm not." "Do you approve of the objectives as I've outlined them to you?" "If what you've told me is true, and I can't think of any reason why you'd lie about it, of course I do. You knew I would. That still doesn't answer my question." "Suppose," went on Halliday rapidly, "I were to give you a letter stating that the sum of five hundred thousand dollars to be allocated to you from a blind account on the island of Nfykonos was provided by a client of mine whose character and reputation are of the highest order. That his " "Wait a minute, Press," Converse broke in harshly. "Please don't interrupt me, Please!" Halliday's eyes were riveted on Joel, a manic intensity in his stare. "There's no other way, not now. I'll put my name my professional life on the line. You've been hired to do confidential work within your specialisation by a man known to me to be an outstanding citizen who insists on anonymity. I endorse both the man and the work he's asked you to do, and swear not only to the legality of the objectives but to the extraordinary benefits that would be derived by any success you might have. You're covered, you've got five hundred thousand dollars, and I expect just as important to you, perhaps more so, you have the chance to stop a maniac maniacs from carrying out an unthinkable plan. At the least, they'd create widespread unrest, political crises everywhere, enormous suffering. At the worst, they might change the course of history to the point where there wouldn't be any history." Converse sat rigid in his chair, his gaze unbroken. "That's quite a speech. Practice it long?" "No, you son of a bitch! It wasn't necessary to practice. Any more than you rehearsed that little explosion of yours twelve years ago in San Diego. 'Men like that can't be allowed 30 ROBERT [UDLUM anymore, don't you understand? He was the enemy, our enemy?' . . . Those were the words, weren't they?" ' You did your homework, counselor," said Joel, his anger controlled. "Why does your client insist on being anonymous? Why doesn't he take his money, make a political contribution, and talk to the director of the CIA, or the National Security Council, or the White House, any of which he could do easily? A half-million dollars isn't chopped chicken liver even today." "Because he can't be involved officially in any way whatsoever." Halliday frowned as he expelled his breath. "I know it sounds crazy, but that's the way it is. He is an outstanding man and I went to him because I was cornered. Frankly, I thought he'd pick up the phone and do what you just said. Call the White House, if it came to it, but he wanted to go this route." "With me?" "Sorry, he didn't know you. He said a strange thing to me. He told me to find someone to shoot down the bastards without giving them the dignity of the government's concern, even its recognition. At first I couldn't understand, but then I did. It fit in with my own theory that laughing at the Delavanes of this world renders them impotent more thoroughly than any other way." "It also eliminates the specter of martyrdom," added Converse. "Why would this outstanding citizen do what he's doing? Why is it worth the money to him?" "If I told you, I'd be breaking the confidence." "I didn't ask you his name. I want to know why." "By telling you," said the Califomian, "you'd know who he is. I can't do that. Take my word for it, you'd approve of him." "Next question," said Joel, a sharp edge to his voice. "Just what the hell did you say to Talbot, Brooks that they found so acceptable?" "Resigned to finding it acceptable," corrected Halliday. "I had help. Do you know Judge Lucas Anstett?" "Second Circuit Court," said Converse, nodding. "He should have been tapped for the Supreme Court years ago." "That seems to be the consensus. He's also a friend of my client, and as I understand it, he met with John Talbot and Nathan Simon Brooks was out of town and without revealing my client's name, told them there was a problem that might well erupt into a national crisis if immediate legal ac THE AQUITAINE PROGRESSION 31 tion wasn't taken. Several U.S. firms were involved, he explained, but the problem basically lay in Europe and required the talents of an experienced international lawyer. If their junior partner, Joel Converse, was selected and he accepted, would they consent to a leave of absence so he could pursue the matter on a confidential basis? Naturally, the judge strongly endorsed the project." "And naturally Talbot and Simon went along," said Joel. 'You don't refuse Anstett. He's too damned reasonable, to say nothing of the power of his court." "I don't think he'd use that lever." "It's there." Halliday reached into his jacket pocket and took out a long white business envelope. "Here's the letter. It spells out everything I said. There's also a separate page defining the schedule in Mykonos. Once you make arrangements at the bank how you want the money paid or where you want it transferred you'll be given the name of a man who lives on the island; he's retired. Phone him; he'll tell you when and where to meet. He has all the tools we can give you. The names, the connections as we think they are, and the activities they're most likely engaged in that violate the laws of their respective governments sending arms, equipment, and technological information where it shouldn't be sent. Build just two or three cases that are tied to Delavanc -even circumstantially and it'll be enough. We'll turn it all into ridicule. It will be enough." "Where the hey do you get your nerve?" said Converse angrily. "I haven't agreed to anything! You don't make decisions for me, and neither does Talbot or Simon, nor the holy Judge Anstett, nor your goddamned client! What did you think you were doing? Appraising me like a piece of horse- flesh, making arrangements about me behind my back! Who do you people think you are?" "Concerned people who think we've found the right man for the right job at the right time," said Halliday, dropping the envelope in front of Joel. "Only there's not that much time left. You've been where they want to take us and you know what it's like." Suddenly the Californian got up. "Think about it. We'll talk later. By the way, the Swiss know we were meeting this morning. If anyone asks what we talked about, tell them I agreed to the final disposition of the Class A stock. It's in our favor even though you may think otherwise. Thanks 32 ROBERT LUDLUM for the coffee. I'll be across the table in an hour. It's good to see you again, Joel." The Californian walked swiftly into the aisle and out through the brass gate of the Chat Botte into the sunlight of the Quai du Mont Blanc. The telephone console was built into the far end of a long dark conference table. Its muted hum was in keeping with the dignified surroundings. The Swiss arbitre, the legal representative of the canton of Geneva, picked it up and spoke softly, nodding his head twice, then replaced the phone in its cradle. He looked around the table; seven of the eight attorneys were in their chairs talking quietly with one another. The eighth, Joel Converse, stood in front of an enormous window flanked by drapes and overlooking the Quai Gustave Ador. The giant jet d'eau erupted beyond, its pulsating spray cascading to the left under the force of a north wind. The sky was growing dark; a summer storm was on its way from the Alps. "Messieurs, " said the arbiter Conversations trailed off as faces were turned to the Swiss. "That was Monsieur Halliday. He has been detained, but urges you to proceed. His associate, Monsieur Rogeteau, has his recommendations, and it is understood that he met with Monsieur Converse earlier this morning to resolve one of the last details. Is that not so, Monsieur Converse?" Heads turned again, now in the opposite direction toward the figure by the window. There was no response. Converse continued to stare down at the lake. "Monsieur Converse?" "I beg your pardon?" Joel turned, a frown creasing his brow, his thoughts far away, nowhere near Geneva. "It is so, monsieur?" "What was the question?" "You met earlier with Monsieur Halliday?" Converse paused. "It is so," he replied. "And 9" "And he agreed to the final disposition of the Class A stock." There was an audible expression of relief on the part of the Americans and a silent acceptance from the Bern contingent, their eyes noncommittal. Neither reaction was lost on Joel, and under different circumstances he might have tabled THE AQUITAINE PROGRESSION 33 the item for additional consideration. Halliday's judgment of Bern's advantage notwithstanding, the acceptance was too easily achieved; he would have postponed it anyway, at least for an hour's worth of analysis. Somehow it did not matter. Goddamn him! thought Converse. "Then let us proceed as Monsieur Halliday suggested," said the arbitre, glancing at his watch. An hour stretched into two, then three, the hum of voices mingling in counterpoint as pages were passed back and forth, points clarified, paragraphs initiated. And still Halliday did not appear. Lamps were turned on as darkness filled the midday sky outside the huge windows; there was talk of the approaching storm. Then, suddenly, screams came from beyond the thick oak door of the conference room, swelling in volume until images of horror filled the minds of all who heard the prolonged terrible sounds. Some around the enormous table lunged under it, others got out of their chairs and stood in shock, and a few rushed to the door, among them Converse. The arbiter twisted the knob and yanked it back with such force that the door crashed into the wall. What they saw was a sight none of them would ever forget. Joel lashed out, gripping, pulling, pushing away those in front of him as he raced into the anteroom. He saw Avery Fowler, his white shirt covered with blood, his chest a mass of tiny, bleeding holes. As the wounded man fell, his upturned collar separated to reveal more blood on his throat. The expulsions of breath were too well known to Joel; he had held the heads of children in the camps as they had wept in anger and the ultimate fear. He held Avery Fowler's head now, lowering him to the floor. "My God, what ha Opened ?" cried Converse, cradling the dying man in his arms. "They're . . . back," coughed the classmate from long ago. "The elevator. They trapped me in the elevator! . . . They said it was for Aquitaine, that was the name they used . . . Aquitaine. Oh, Christ! Meg . . . the kids!" Avery Fowler's head twisted spastically into his right shoulder, then the final expulsion of air came from his bloodied throat. Converse stood in the rain, his clothes drenched, staring at the unseen place on the water where only an hour ago the 34 ROBERT LUDLUM fountain had shot up to the sky proclaiming this was Geneva. The lake was angry, an infinity of whitecaps had replaced the graceful white sails. There were no reflections anywhere. But there was distant thunder from the north. From the Alps. And Joel's mind was frozen. He walked past the long marble counter of the hotel Richemond's front desk and headed for the winding staircase on the left. It was habit; his suite was on the second Hoor and the brass-grilled elevators with their wine-colored velvet interiors were things of beauty, but not of swiftness. Too, he enjoyed passing the casement displays of outrageously priced brilliantly lit jewels that lined the walls of the elegant staircase shimmering diamonds, blood-red rubies, webbed necklaces of spun gold. Somehow they reminded him of change, of extraordinary change. For him. For a life he had thought would end violently, thousands of miles away in a dozen different yet always the same rat-infested cells, with muted gunfire and the screams of children in the dark distance. Diamonds, rubies, and spun gold were symbols of the unattainable and unrealistic, but they were there, and he passed them, observed them, smiling at their existence . . . and they seemed to acknowledge him, large shining eyes of infinite depth staring back, telling him they were there, he was there. Change. But he did not see them now, nor did they acknowledge him. He saw nothing, felt nothing; every tentacle of his mind and body was numbed, suspended in airless space. A man he had known as a boy under one name had died in his arms years later under another, and the words he had whispered at the brutal moment of death were as incomprehensible as they were paralysing. Aquitaine. They said it was for Aquitaine.... Where was sanity, where was reason? What did the words mean and why had he been drawn into that elusive meaning? He had been drawn in, he knew, and there was rea THE AQUITAINE PROGRESSION 35 son in that terrible manipulation. The magnet was a name, a man. George Marcus Delavane, warlord of Saigon. "Monsieur!" The suppressed shout came from below; he turned on the stairs and saw the formally attired concierge rushing across the lobby and up the steps. The man's name was Henri, and they had known each other for nearly five years. Their friendship went beyond that of hotel executive and hotel guest; they had gambled together frequently at Divonne-les-bains, across the French border. "Hello, Henri." "Mon Dieu, are you all right, Joel? Your office in New York has been calling you repeatedly. I heard it on the radio, it is all over Geneval La drogue! Drugs, crime, guns . . . murder! It touches even us now!" "Is that what they say?" "They say small packages of cocaine were found under his shirt, a respected avocat international a suspected connection " "It's a lie," Converse broke in. "It's what they say, what can I tell you? Your name was mentioned; it was reported that he died as you reached him. . . . You were not implicated, of course; you were merely there with the others. I heard your name and I've been worried sickl Where have you beenk" "Answering a lot of unanswerable questions down at police headquarters." Questions that were answerable, but not by him, not to the authorities in Geneva. Avery Fowler Preston Halliday deserved better than that. A trust had been given, and been accepted in death. "Christ, you're drenched!" cried Henri, intense concern in his eyes. "You've been walking in the rain, haven't you? There were no taxis?" "I didn't look, I wanted to walk." "Of course, the shock, I understand. I'll send up some brandy, some decent Armagnac. And dinner, perhaps I'll release your table at the Gentilshommes." "Thanks. Give me thirty minutes and have your switchboard get New York for me, will you? I never seem to dial it right." "Joel?" "What?" "Can I help? Is there something you should tell me? We have won and lost together over too many grand cry bottles 36 ROBERT LUDLUM for you to go alone when you don't have to. I know Geneva, my friend." Converse looked into the wide brown eyes, at the lined face, rigid in its concern. "Why do you say that?" "Because you so quickly denied the police reports of coeaine, what else? I watched you. There was more in what you said than what you said." Joel blinked, and for a moment shut his eyelids tight, the strain in the middle of his forehead acute. He took a deep breath and replied. "Do me a favor, Henri, and don't speculate. Just get me an overseas line in a half-hour, okay?" "Entendu, monsieur," said the Frenchman. "Le concderge du R*hemond is here only to serve her guests, special guests accorded special service, of course.... I'm here if you need me, my friend." "I know that. If I turn a wrong card, I'll let you know." "If you have to turn any card in Switzerland, call me. The suits vary with the players." "I'll remember that. Thirty minutes? A line?" "Certainement, monsieur." The shower was as hot as his skin could tolerate, the steam filling his lungs, cutting short the breath in his throat. He then forced himself to endure an ice-cold spray until his head shivered. He reasoned that the shock of extremes might clear his mind, at least reduce the numbness. He had to think; he had to decide; he had to listen. He came out of the bathroom, his white terrycloth robe blotting the residue of the shower, and shoved his feet into a pair of slippers on the floor beside the bed. He removed his cigarettes and lighter from the bureau top, and walked into the sitting room. The concerned Henri had been true to his word; on the coffee table a floor steward had placed a bottle of expensive Armagnac and two glasses for appearance, not function. He sat down on the soft, pillowed couch, poured himself a drink, and lighted a cigarette. Outside, the heavy August rain pounded the casement windows, the tattoo harsh and unrelenting. He looked at his watch; it was a few minutes past six shortly past noon in New York. Joel wondered if Henri had been able to get a clear transatlantic line. The lawyer in Converse wanted to hear the words spoken from New York, words that would either confirm or deny a dead man's revelation. It had been twenty-five minutes since Henri had THE AQUITAINE PROGRESSION 37 stopped him on the staircase; he would wait another five and call the switchboard. The telephone rang, the blaring, vibrating European bell unnerving him. He reached for the phone on the table next to the couch; his breath was short and his hand trembled. byes? Hello?' Chew York calling, monsieur," said the hotel operator. "It's your office. Should I cancel the call listed for six-fifteen?" "Yes, please. And thank you." "Mr. Converse?" The intense, high-pitched voice belonged to Lawrence Talbot's secretary. "Hello, Jane." "Good God, we've been trying to reach you since ten o'clock! Are you all right? We heard the news then, around ten. It's all so horrible!" "I'm fine, Jane. Thanks for your concern." "Mr. Talbot's beside himself. He can't believe it!" "Don't believe what they're saying about Halliday. It's not true. May I speak with Larry, please?" "If he knew you were on the phone talking to me, I'd be fired." "No, you wouldn't. Who'd write his letters?" The secretary paused briefly, her voice calmer when she spoke. "Oh, God, Joel, you're the end. After what you've been through, you still find something funny to say." "It's easier, Jane. Let me have Bubba, will you?" "You are the limit!" Lawrence Talbot, senior partner of Talbot, Brooks and Simon, was a perfectly competent attorney, but his rise in law was as much due to his having been one of the few all-American football players from Yale as from any prowess in the courtroom. He was also a very decent human being more of a coordinating coach than the driving force of a conservative yet highly competitive law firm. He was also eminently fair and fair-minded; he kept his word. He was one of the reasons Joel had joined the firm; another was Nathan Simon, a giant both of a man and of an attorney. Converse had learned more about the law from Nate Simon than from any other lawyer or professor he had ever met. He felt closest to Nathan, yet Simon was the most difficult to get close to; one approached this uniquely private man with equal parts of fondness and reserve. 38 ROBERT LUDLUM Lawrence Talbot burst over the phone. ' Good Lord, I'm appalled! What can I say? What can I do?" "To begin with, strike that horseshitabout Halliday. He was no more a drug connection than Nate Simon." "You haven't heard, then? They've backed off on that. The story now is violent robbery; he resisted and the packets were stuffed under his shirt after they shot him. I think Jack Halliday must have burned the wires from San Francisco, threatened to beat the crap out of the whole Swiss government.... He played for Stanford, you know." "You're too much, Bubba." "I never thought I'd enjoy hearing that from you, young man. I do now." "Young man and not so young, Larry. Clear something up for me, will you?" "Whatever I can." "Anstett. Lucas Anstett. ' "We talked. Nathan and I listened, and he was most persuasive. We understand." "Do you?" "Not the particulars certainly; he wouldn't elaborate. But we think you're the best in the field, and granting his request wasn't difficult.. T., B. and S. has the best, and when a judge like Anstett confirms it through such a conversation, we have to congratulate ourselves, don't we?" "Are you doing it because of his bench?" "Christ, no. He even told us he'd be harder on us in Appeals if we agreed. He's one rough cookie when he wants something. He tells you you'd be worse off if you give it to him." "Did you believe him?" "Well, Nathan said something about billy goats having certain identifiable markings that were not removed without a great deal of squealing, so we should go along. Nathan frequently obfuscates issues, but goddamnit, Joel, he's usually right." "If you can take three hours to hear a five-minute summation," said Converse. "He's always thinking, young man." "Young and not so young. Everything's relative." "Your wife called.... Sorry, your ex-wife." "Oh?" THE AQUITAINE PROGRESSION 39 "Your name came up on the radio or television or something, and she wanted to know what happened." "What did you tell her?" "That we were trying to reach you. We didn't know any more than she did. She sounded very upset." Call her and tell her I'm fine, will you, please? Do you have the number?" Jane does." "I'll be leaving, then." "On full pay," said Talbot from New York. "That's not necessary, Larry. I'm being given a great deal of money, so save the bookkeeping. I'll be back in three or four weeks." "I could do that, but I won't," said the senior partner. "I know when I've got the best and I intend to hold him. We'll bank it for you." Talbot paused, then spoke quietly, urgently. "Joel, I have to ask you. Did this thing a few hours ago have anything to do with the Anstett business?" Converse gripped the telephone with such force his wrist and fingers ached. "Nothing whatsoever, Larry," he said. "There's no connection." Mykonos, the sun-drenched, whitewashed island of the Cyclades, neighboring worshiper of Delos. Since Barbarossa's conquest it had been host to successive brigands of the sea who sailed on the Meltemi winds Turks, Russians, Cypriots, finally Greeks placed and displaced over the centuries, a small landmass alternately honored and forgotten until the arrival of sleek yachts and shining aircraft, symbols of a different age. Low-slung automobiles Porsches, Maseratis, ~Jaguars now sped over the narrow roads past starch-white windmills and alabaster churches; a new type of inhabitant had joined the laconic, tradition-bound residents who made their livings from the sea and the shops. Free-spirited youths of all ages, with their open shirts and tight pants, their sunburned skins serving as foil for adornments of heavy gold, had found a new playground. And ancient Mykonos, once a major port to the proud Phoenicians, had become the Saint-Tropez of the Aegean. Converse had taken the first Swissair flight out of Geneva to Athens, and from there a smaller Olympic plane to the island. Although he had lost an hour in the time zones, it was barely four o'clock in the afternoon when the airport taxi 40 ROBERT LUDLUM crawled through the streets of the hot, blinding-white harbor and pulled up in front of the smooth white entrance of the bank. It was on the waterfront, and the crowds of flowered shirts and wild print dresses, and the sight of launches chopping over the gentle waves toward the slips on the main pier, were proof that the giant cruise ships far out in the harbor were managed by knowledgeable men. Mykonos was a daz- zling snare for tourists; money would be left on the whitewashed island; the tavernas and the shops would be full from early sunrise to burning twilight. The oozo would flow and Greek fishermen's caps would disappear from the shelves and appear on the swaying heads of suburbanites from Crosse Point and Short Hills. And when night came and the last efharisto and paracalo had been awkwardly uttered by the visitors, other games would begin the courtiers and courtesans the beautiful, ageless, self-indulgent children of the blue Aegean, would start to play. Peals of laughter would be heard as drachmas were counted and spent in amounts that would stagger even those who had opulent suites on the highest decks of the most luxurious ships. Where Geneva was con-, trary, Mykonos was accommodating in ways the long-ago Turks might have envied. Joel had called the bank from the airport, not knowing its business hours, but knowing the name of the banker he was to contact. Kostas Laskaris greeted him cautiously over the phone, making it clear that he expected not only a passport that would clear a spectrograph but the original letter from A. Preston Halliday with his signature, said signature to be subjected to a scanner, matching the signature the bank had been provided by the deceased Mr. A. Preston Halliday. "We hear he was killed in Geneva. It is most unfortunate," Laskaris had said. "I'll tell his wife and children how your grief overwhelms me." Converse paid the taxi and climbed the short white steps of the entrance, carrying his suitcase and attache case, grateful that the door was opened by a uniformed guard whose appearance brought to mind a long-forgotten photograph of a mad sultan who whipped his harem's women in a courtyard when they failed to arouse him. Kostas Laskaris was not at all whatJoel had expected from the brief, disconcerting conversation over the phone. He was a balding, pleasant-faced man in his late fifties, with warm THE AQUITAINE PROGRESSION 41 dark eyes, and relatively fluent in English but certainly not comfortable with the language. His first words upon rising from his desk and indicating a chair in front of it for Converse contradicted Joel's previous impression. "I apologizefor what might have appeared as a callous statement on my part regarding Mr. Halliday. However, it ureas most unfortunate, and I don't know how else to phrase it. And it is difficult, sir, to grieve for a man one never knew." "I was out of line. Forget it, please." "You are most kind, but I am afraid I cannot forget the arrangements mandated by Mr. Halliday and his associate here on Mykonos. I must have your passport and the letter, if you please?" "Who is he?" asked Joel, reaching into his jacket pocket for his passport billfold; it contained the letter. "The associate, I mean." "You are an attorney, sir, and surely you are aware that the information you desire cannot be given to you until the barriers have been leaped, as it were. At least, I think that's right." "It'll do. I just thought I'd try." He took out his passport and the letter, handing them to the banker. Laskaris picked up his telephone and pressed a button. He spoke in Greek and apparently asked for someone. Within seconds the door opened and a stunning bronzed, dark-haired woman entered and walked gracefully over to the desk. She raised her downcast eyes and glanced at Joel, who knew the banker was watching him closely. A sign from Converse, an other glance from him directed at Laskaris and introduc tions would be forthcoming, accommodation tacitly promised, and a conceivably significant piece of information would be entered in a banker's file. Joel offered no such sign; he wanted no such entry. A man did not pick up half a million dollars for nodding his head, and then look for a bonus. It did not signify stability; it signified something else. Inconsequential banter about flights, customs and the general deterioration of travel covered the next ten minutes, at which time his passport and the letter were returned not by the striking, dark-haired woman but by a young, balletic blond Adonis. The pleasant-faced Laskaris was not missing a trick; he was perfectly willing to supply one, whichever route his wealthy visitor required. Converse looked into the Greek's warm eyes, then 42 ROBERT LUDLUM smiled, the smile developing into quiet laughter. Laskaris smiled back and shrugged, dismissing the beachboy. 'I am chief manager of this branch, sir," he said as the door closed, "but I do not set the policies for the entire bank. This is, after all, Mykonos." "And a great deal of money passes through here," added Joel. "Which one did you bet on?" "Neither," replied Laskaris, shaking his head. "Only on exactly what you did. You'd be a fool otherwise, and I do not think you are a fool. In addition to being chief manager on the waterfront, I am also an excellent judge of character." "Is that why you were chosen as the intermediary?" "No, that is not the reason. I am a friend of Mr. Halliday's associate here on the island. His name is Beale, incidentally. Dr. Edward Beale.... You see, everything is in order." "A doctor?" asked Converse, leaning forward and accepting his passport and the letter. "He's a doctor?" "Not a medical man, however," clarified Laskaris. "He's a scholar, a retired professor of history from the United States. He has an adequate pension and he moved here from Rhodes several months ago. A most interesting man, most knowledgeable. I handle his financial affairs in which he is not very knowledgeable, but still interesting."" The banker smiled again, shrugging. "I hope so," said Joel. "We have a great deal to discuss..' "That is not my concern, sir. Shall we get to the disposition of the funds? How and where would you care to have them paid?" "A great deal in cash. I bought one of those sensorized money belts in Geneva the batteries are guaranteed for a year. If it's ripped off me, a tiny siren goes off that splits your eardrums. I'd like American currency for myself and the rest transferred." "Those belts are effective, sir, but not if you are unconscious, or if there is no one around to hear them. Might I suggest traveler's checks?" "You could and you'd probably be right, but I don't think so. I may not care to write out a signature." "As you wish. The denominations for yourself, please?" said Laskaris, pencil in hand, pad below. "And where would you like the remainder to be sent?" "Is it possible," asked Converse slowly, "to have accounts set up not in my name but accessible to me?" THE AQUITAINE PROGRESSION 43 '&Of course, sir. Frankly, it is often standard in Mykonos as well as in Crete, Rhodes, Athens, Istanbul, and also much of Europe. A description is wired, accompanied by words written out in your handwriting another name, or numbers. One man I knew used nursery rhymes. And then they are matched. One must use a sophisticated bank, of course." 'Of course. Name a few." "Where?" "In London, Paris, Bonn maybe Tel Aviv," said Joel, trying to remember Halliday's words. "Bonn is not easy; they are so inflexible. A wrong apostrophe and they summon whomever they consider their authorities.... Tel Aviv is simple; money is as freewheeling and as serpentine as the Knesset. London and Paris are standard and, of course, their greed is overwhelming. You will be heavily taxed for the transfers because they know you will not make an issue over covert funds. Very proper, very mercenary, and very much thievery." "You know your banks, don't you?" "I've had experience, sir. Now, as to the disbursements? "I want a hundred thousand for myself nothing larger than five-hundred-dollar bills. The rest you can split up and tell me how I can get it if I need it." "It is not a difficult assignment, sir. Shall we start writing names, or numbers or nursery rhymes?" "Numbers," said Converse. "I'm a lawyer. Names and nursery rhymes are in dimensions I don't want to think about right now." "As you wish," said the Greek, reaching for a pad. 'And here is Dr. Beale's telephone number. When we have concluded our business, you may call him or not, as you wish It is not my concern." Dr. Edward Beale, resident of Mykonos, spoke over the telephone in measured words and the slow, thoughtful cadence of a scholar. Nothing was rushed; everything was deliberate. "There is a beach more rocks than beach, and not frequented at night about seven kilometers from the waterfront. Walk to it. Take the west road along the coast until you see the lights of several buoys riding the waves. Come down to the water's edge. I'll find you." * * * 44 ROBERT LUDLUM The night clouds sped by, propelled by high-altitude winds, letting the moonlight penetrate rapidly, sporadically, illuminating the desolate stretch of beach that was the meeting ground. Far out on the water, the red lamps of four buoys bobbed up and down. Joel climbed over the rocks and into the soft sand, making his way to the water's edge; he could both see and hear the small waves lapping forward and receding. He lit a cigarette, assuming the flame would announce his presence. It did; in moments a voice came out of the darkness behind him, but the greeting was hardly what he ex- pected from an elderly, retired scholar. "Stay where you are and don't move" was the first command, spoken with quiet authority. "Put the cigarette in your mouth and inhale, then raise your arms and hold them straight out in front of you.... Good. Now smoke, I want to see the smoke." "Christ, I'm choking!" shouted Joel, coughing, as the smoke, blown back by the ocean breeze, stung his eyes. Then suddenly he felt the sharp, quick movements of a hand stabbing about his clothes, reaching across his chest and up and down his legs. "What are you doing?" he cried, spitting the cigarette out of his mouth involuntarily. "You don't have a weapon," said the voice. "Of course not!" "I do. You may lower your arms and turn around now." Converse spun, still coughing, and rubbed his watery eyes. "You crazy son of a bitch!" "It's a dreadful habit, those cigarettes. I'd give them up if I were you. Outside of the terrible things they do to your body, now you see how they can be used against you in other ways." Joel blinked and stared in front of him. The pontificator was a slender, white-haired old man of medium height, standing very erect in what looked like a white canvas jacket and trousers. His face what could be seen of it in the intermittent moonlight was deeply lined, and there was a partial smile on his lips. There was also a gun in his hand, held in a firm grip, levered at Converse's head. "You're Beale?" asked Joel. "Dr. Edward Beale?" "Yes. Are you calmed down now?" "Considering the shock of your warm welcome, I guess "Good. I'll put this away, then." The scholar lowered the THE AQUITAINE PROGRESSION 45 gun and knelt down on the sand next to a canvas satchel. He shoved the weapon inside and stood up again. "I'm sorry, but I had to be certain." "Of what? Whether or not I was a commando?" "Halliday's dead. Could a substitute have been sent in your place? Someone to deal with an old man in Mykonos? If so, that person would most certainly have had a gun." "Why?" "Because he would have had no idea that I was an old man. I might have been a commando." "You know, it's possible just possible that I could have had a gun. Would you have blown my goddamned head off?" 'A respected attorney coming to the island for the first time, passing through Geneva's airport security? Where would you get it? Whom would you know on Mykonos?" 'Arrangements could have been made," protested Converse with little conviction. "I've had you followed since you arrived. You went directly to the bank, then to the Kouneni hotel, where you sat in the garden and had a drink before going to your room. Outside of the taxi driver, my friend Kostas, the desk clerk, and the waiters in the garden, you spoke to no one. As long as you were Joel Converse I was safe." "For a product of an ivory tower, you sound more like a hit man from Detroit." "I wasn't always in the academic world, but yes, I've been cautious. I think we must all be very cautious. With a George Marcus Delavane it's the only sound strategy." "Sound strategy?" "Approach, if you like." Beale reached between the widely separated buttons of his jacket and withdrew a folded sheet of paper. "Here are the names," he said, handing it to Joel. "There are five key figures in Delavane's operation over here. One each from France, West Germany, Israel, South Af- rica, and England. We've identified four the first four but we can't find the Englishman." "How did you get these?" "Originally from notes found among Delavane's papers by Halliday when the general was his client." "That was the accident he mentioned, then? He said it was an accident that wouldn't happen again." "I don't know what he told you, of course, but it certainly was an accident. A faulty memory on Delavane's part, an af 46 RORERT LUDIUM flictionI can personally assure you touches the aging. The general simply forgot he had a meeting with Halliday, and when Preston arrived, his secretary let him into the office so he could prepare papers for Delavane, who was expected in a half hour or so. Preston saw a file folder on the general's desk; he knew that folder, knew it contained material he could cross-check. Without thinking twice, he sat down and began working. He found the names, and knowing Delavane's recent itinerary in Europe and Africa, everything suddenly began to fall into place very ominously. For anyone politically aware, those four names are frightening they dredge up frightening memories." "Did Delavane ever learn that he'd found them?" "In my judgment, he could never be certain. Halliday wrote them down and left before the general returned. But then Geneva tells us something else, doesn't it?" "That Delavane did find out," said Converse grimly. "Or he wasn't going to take any further chances, especially if there was a schedule, and we're convinced there is one. We're in the countdown now." "To what?" "From the pattern of their operations what we've pieced together a prolonged series of massive, orchestrated conflagrations designed to spin governments out of control and destabilize them." "That's a tall order. In what way?" "Guesswork," said the scholar, frowning. "Probably widespread, coordinated eruptions of violence led by terrorists everywhere terrorists fueled by Delavane and his people. When the chaos becomes intolerable, it would be their excuse to march in with military units and assume the controls, initially with martial law." "It's been done before," said Joel. "Feed and arm a presumed enemy, then send out provocateurs " "With massive sums of money and material." "And when they rise up," continued Converse, "pull out the rug, crush them, and take over. The citizens give thanks and call the heroes saviors, as they start marching to their drums. But how could they do it?" "That's the all-consuming question. What are the targets? Where are they, who are they? We have no idea. If we had an inkling, we might approach from that end, but we don't, THE AQUITAINE PROGRESSION 47 and we can't waste time hunting for unknowns. We must go after what we do know." "Again, time," Joel broke in. "Why are you so sure we're in a countdown?" "Increased activity everywhere in many cases frantic. Shipments originating in the States are funneled out of warehouses in England, Ireland, France, and Germany to groups of insurgents in all the troubled areas. There are rurnors out of Munich, the Mediterranean and the Arab states. The talk is in terms of final preparations, but no one seems to know what exactly for except that all of them must be ready. It's as though such groups as Baader-Meinhof, the Brigate Rosse, the PLO, and the red legions of Paris and Madrid were all in a race with none knowing the course, only the moment when it begins." 'When is that?" "Our reports vary, but they're all within the same time span. Within three to five weeks." "Oh, my God." Joel suddenly remembered. "Avery Halliday whispered something to me just before he died. Words that were spoken by the men who shot him. Aquitaine . . . 'They said it was for Aquitaine.' Those were the words he whispered. What do they mean, Beale?" The old scholar was silent, his eyes alive in the moonlight. He slowly turned his head and stared out at the water. "It's madness," he whispered. "That doesn't tell me anything." "No, of course not," said Beale apologetically, turning back to Converse. "It's simply the magnitude of it all. It's so incredible." "I'm not reading you." "Aquitaine Aquitania, as Julius Caesar called it was the name given to a region in southwestern France that at one time in the first centuries after Christ was said to have extended from the Atlantic, across the Pyrenees to the Mediterranean, and as far north as the mouth of the Loire west of Paris on the coast " "I'm vaguely aware of that," Joel broke in, too impatient for an academic dissertation. "If you are, you're to be commended. Most people are only aware of the later centuries say, from the eighth on when Charlemagne conquered the region, formed the kingdom of Aquitaine and bestowed it on his son Louis, and his 48 ROBERT LUDLUM sons Pepin One and Two. Actually, these and the following three hundred years are the most pertinent. ' 'To what?" "The legend of Aquitaine, Mr. Converse. Like many ambitious generals, Delavane sees himself as a student of history in the tradition of Caesar, Napoleon, Clausewitz . . . even Patton. I was rightly or wrongly considered a scholar, but he remains a student, and that's as it should be. Scholars can't take liberties without substantive evidence or they shouldn't but students can and usually do." "What's your point?" "The legend of Aquitaine becomes convoluted, the what-if syndrome riding over the facts until theoretical assumptions are made that distort the evidence. You see, the story of Aquitaine is filled with sudden, massive expansions and abrupt contractions. To simplify, an imaginative student of history might say that had there not been political, marital and military miscalculations on the part of Charlemagne and his son, the two Pepins, and later Louis the Seventh of France and Henry the Second of England, both of whom were married to the extraordinary Eleanor, the kingdom of Aquitaine might have encompassed most if not all of Europe." Beale paused. "Do you begin to understand?" he asked. "Yes," said Joel. "Christ, yes. " "That's not all," continued the scholar. "Since Aquitaine was once considered a legitimate possession of England, it might in time have enveloped all of her foreign colonies, including the original thirteen across the Atlantic later the United States of America.... Of course, miscalculations or not, it could never have happened because of a fundamental law of Western civilisation, valid since the-deposition of Romulus Augustulus and the collapse of the Roman empire. You cannot crush, then unite by force and rule disparate peoples and their cultures not for any length of time." "Someone's trying to now," said Converse. "George Marcus Delavane." "Yes. In his mind he's constructed the Aquitaine that never was, never could be. And it's profoundly terrifying." "Why? You just said it couldn't happen." "Not according to the old rules, not in any period since the fall of Rome. But you must remember, there's never been a time in recorded history like this one. Never such weapons, such anxiety. Delavane and his people know that, and they THE AQUITAINE PROGRESSION 49 will play upon those weapons, those anxieties. They are playing upon them. 'The old man pointed to the sheet of paper in Joel's hand. 'You have matches. Strike one and look at the names." Converse unfolded the sheet, reached into his pocket and took out his lighter. He snapped it, and as the flame illuminated the paper he studied the names. "Jesus!" he said, frowning. 'They fit in with Delavane. It's a gathering of warlords, if they're the men I think they are." Joel extinguished the flame. "They are," replied Beale, "starting with General Jacques-Louis Bertholdier in Paris, a remarkable man, quite extraordinary. A Resistance fighter in the war, given the rank of major before he was twenty, but later an unreconstructed member of Salan's OAS. He was behind an assassination attempt on De Caulle in August of '62, seeing himself as the true leader of the republic. He nearly made it. He believed then as he believes now that the Algerian generals were the salvation of an enfeebled France. He has survived not only because he's a legend, but because his voice isn't alone only he's more persuasive than most. Especially with the elite crowd of promising commanders produced by Saint-Cyr. Quite simply, he's a fascist, a fanatic hiding behind a screen of eminent respectability." "And the one named Abrahms," said Converse. "He's the Israeli strong man who struts around in a safari jacket and boots, isn't he? The screecher who holds rallies in front of the Knesset and in the stadiums, telling everyone there'll be a bloodbath in Judea and Samaria if the children of Abraham are denied. Even the Israelis can't shut him up." "Many are afraid to; he's become electrifying, like lightning, a symbol. Chaim Abrahms and his followers make the Begin regime seem like reticent, self-effacing pacifists. He's a sabre tolerated by the EuropeanJews because he's a brilliant soldier, proven in two wars, and has enjoyed the respect if not the affection of every Minister of Defense since the early years of Golda Meir. They never know when they might need him in the field." "And this one," said Joel, again using his lighter. "Van Headmer. South African, isn't he? The 'hangman in uniform' or something like that." "Jan van Headmer, the 'slayer of Soweto,' as the blacks call him. He executes 'offenders' with alarming frequency and 50 ROBERT LUDLUM government tolerance. His family is old-line Amkaner, all generals going back to the Boer War, and he sees no reason on earth to bring Pretoria into the twentieth century. Incidentally, he's a close friend of Abrahms and makes frequent trips to Tel Aviv. He's also one of the most erudite and charm- ing general officers ever to attend a diplomatic conference. His presence denies his image and reputation." ' And Leifhelm," said Converse, coming to the last of the foreign names. "A mixed bag, if I'm accurate. Supposedly a great soldier who followed too many orders, but still respected. I'm weakest on him." "Entirely understandable," said Beale, nodding. 'In some ways his is the oddest story the most monstrous, really, because the truth has been consistently covered up so as to use him and avoid embarrassment. Field Marshal Erich Leifhelm was the youngest general ever commissioned by Adolf Hitler. He foresaw Germany's collapse and made a sudden about-face. From brutal killer and a fanatic super-Aryan to a contrite professional who abhorred the Nazis' crimes as they were 'revealed' to him. He fooled everyone and was absolved of all guilt; he never saw a Nuremberg courtroom. During the cold war the Allies used his services extensively, granting him full security clearances, and later in the fifties when the new German divisions were mounted for the NATO forces, they made sure he was put in command." "Weren't there a couple of newspaper stories about him a few years ago? He had several run-ins with Helmut Schmidt, didn't he?" "Exactly," agreed the scholar. "But those stories were soft and carried only half the story. Leifhelm was quoted as saying merely that the German people could not be expected to carry the burden of past guilt into future generations. It had to stop. Pride should once more be established in the nation's heritage. There was some saber rattling aimed at the Soviets, but nothing substantively beyond that." "What was the other half?" asked Converse. "He wanted the Bundestag's restrictions on the armed forces lifted completely, and fought for the expansion of the intelligence services, patterned after the Abwohr, including rehabilitation sentences for political troublemakers. He also sought extensive deletions in German textbooks throughout the school systems. 'Pride has to be restored,' he kept saying, THE AQUITAINE PROGRESSION 51 and everything he said was in the name of virulent anti-Communism." ' The Third Reich's first strategy in everything when Hitler took over." 'You're quite right. Schmidt saw through him and knew there'd be chaos if he had his way and he was influential. Bonn could not afford the specterof painful memories. Schmidt forced Leifhelrn to resign and literally removed his voice from all government affairs." "But he keeps speaking." "Not openly. However, he's rich and retains his friends and contacts." "Among them Delavane and his people." "Foremost among them now.' Joel once more snapped his lighter and scanned the lower part of the page. There were two lists of names, the row on the left under the heading State Department, the right under Pentagon. There were perhaps twenty-five people in all. "Who are the Americans?" He released the lever; the flame died and he put the lighter back in his pocket. "The names don't mean anything to me." "Some should, but it doesn't matter," said Beale elliptically. "The point is that among those men are disciples of George Delavane. They carry out his orders. How many of them is difficult to say, but at least several from each grouping. You see, these are the men who make the decisions or conversely, do not oppose decisions without which Delavane and his followers would be stopped in their tracks." "Spell that out." "Those on the left are key figures in the State Department's Office of Munitions Control. They determine what gets cleared for export, who under the blanket of 'rational interest' can receive weapons and technology withheld from others. On the right are the senior officers at the Pentagon on whose word millions upon millions are spent for armament procurements. All are decision makers and a number of those decisions have been questioned, a few openly, others quietly by diplomatic and military colleagues. We've learned that much " "Questioned? Why?" interrupted Converse. "There were rumors there always are rumors of large shipments improperly licensed for export. Then there's surplus military equipment excess supplies lost in transfers 52 ROBERT LUDLUM from temporary warehouses and out-of-the-way storage depots. Surplus equipment is easily unaccounted for, it's an embarrassment in these days of enormous budgets and cost overruns. Get rid of it and don't be too particular. How fortunate in these instances and coincidental if a member of this Aquitaine shows up, willing to buy and with all his papers in order. Whole depots and warehouses are sent where they shouldn't be sent." "A Libya connection?" "There's no doubt of it. A great many connections." "Halliday mentioned it and you said it a few moments ago. Laws broken arms, equipment, technological information sent to people who shouldn't have them. They break loose on cue and there's disruption, terrorism " "Justifying military responses," old Beale broke in. "That's part of Delavane's concept. Justifiable escalation of armed might, the commanders in charge, the civilians helpless, forced to listen to them, obey them." "But you just said questions were raised." "And answered with such worn-out phrases as 'national security' and 'adversarial disinformation' to stop or throw off the curious." "That's obstruction. Can't they be caught at it?.' "By whom? With what?" "Damn it, the questions themselves!" replied Converse. "Those improper export licenses, the military transfers that got lost, merchandise that can't be traced." "By people without the clearances to go around security classifications, or lacking the expertise to understand the complexities of export licensing." "That's nonsense," insisted Joel. "You said some of those questions were asked by diplomatic personnel, military colleagues, men who certainly had the clearances and the expertise." "And who suddenly, magically, didn't ask them any longer. Of course, many may have been persuaded that the questions were, indeed, beyond their legitimate purviews; others may have been too frightened to penetrate for fear of involvement; others still, forced to back off frankly threatened. Regardless, behind it all there are those who do the convincing, and they're growing in numbers everywhere." "Christ, it's a a network," said Converse softly. The scholar looked hard at Joel, the night light on the THE AQUITAINE PROGRESSION 53 water reflecting across the old man's pale, lined face. "Yes, Mr. Converse, a 'network.' That word was whispered to me by a man who thought I was one of them. 'The network,' he said. 'The network will take care of you.' He meant Delavane and his people." "Why did they think you were a part of them?" The old man paused. He looked briefly away at the shimmering Aegean, then back at Converse. "Because that man thought it was logical. Thirty years ago I took off a uniform, trading it for the Harris tweeds and unkempt hair of a university professor. Few of my colleagues could understand, for, you see, I was one of the elite, perhaps a later, American version of Erich Leifhelm a brigadier general at thirty-eight, and the Joint Chiefs were conceivably my next assignment. But where the collapse of Berlin and the G6tterdammerung in the bunker had one effect on Leifhelm, the evacuation of Korea and the disembowelment of Panmunjom had another effect on me. I saw only the waste, not the cause I once saw only the futility where once there'd been sound reasons. I saw death, Mr. Converse, not heroic death against animalistic hordes or on a Spanish afternoon with the crowds shouting 'Ore, ' but just plain death. Ugly death, shattering death. And I knew I could no longer be a part of those strategies that called for it.... Had I been qualified in belief, I might have become a priest." "But your colleagues who couldn't understand," said Joel, mesmerized by Beale's words, words that brought back so much of his own past. "They thought it was something else?" "Of course they did. I'd been praised in evaluation reports by the holy MacArthur himself. I even had a label: the Red Fox of Inchon my hair was red then. My commands were marked by decisive moves and countermoves, all reasonably well thought out and swiftly executed. And then one day, south of Chunchon, I was given an order to take three adjacent hills that comprised dead high ground vantage points that served no strategic purpose and I radioed back that it was useless real estate, that whatever casualties we sustained were not worth it. I asked for clarification, a field officer's way of saying 'You're crazy, why should I?' The reply came in something less than fifteen minutes. Because it's there, General.' That was all. Because it's there.' A symbolic point was to be made for someone's benefit or someone else's macho news briefing in Seoul.... l took the hills, and I also 54 ROBERT LUDLUM wasted the lives of over three hundred men and for my efforts I was awarded another cluster of the Distinguished Service Cross." "Is that when you quit?" "Oh, Lord no, I was too confused, but inside, my head was boiling. The end came, and I watched Panmunjom, and was finally sent home, all manner of extraordinary expectations to be considered my just rewards.... However, a minor advancement was denied me for a very good reason: I didn't speak the language in a sensitive European post. By then my head had exploded; I used the rebuke and I took my cue. I resigned quietly and went my way." It was Joel's turn to pause and study the old man in the night light. "I've never heard of you," he said finally. "Why haven't I ever heard of you?" "You didn't recognize the names on the two lower lists either, did you? 'Who are the Americans?' you said. 'The names don't mean anything to me.' Those were your words, Mr. Converse." "They weren't young decorated generals heroes in a war." "Oh, but several were,') interrupted Beale swiftly, "in several wars. They had their fleeting moments in the sun, and then they were forgotten, the moments only remembered by them, relived by them. Constantly." "That sounds like an apology for them." "Of course it is! You think I have no feelings for them? For men like Chaim Abrahms, Bertholdier, even Leifhelm? We call upon these men when the barricades are down, we extol them for acts beyond our abilities...." "You were capable. You performed those acts." "You're right and that's why I understand them. When the barricades are rebuilt, we consign them to oblivion. Worse, we force them to watch inept civilians strip the gears of reason and, through oblique vocabularies, plant the explosives that will blow those barricades apart again. Then when they're down once more, we summon our commanders." "Jesus, whose side are you on?" Beale closed his eyes tightly, reminding Joel of the way he used to shut his own when certain memories came back to him. "Yours, you idiot," said the scholar quietly. "Because I know what they can do when we ask them to do it. I meant what I said before. There's never been a time in history like THE AQUITAINE PROGRESSION 55 this one. Far better that inept, frightened civilians, still talking, still searching, than one of us forgive me, one of them " A gust of wind blew off the sea; the sand spiraled about their feet. "That man," said Converse, "the one who told you the network would take care of you. Why did he say it?" "He thought they could use me. He was one of the field commanders I knew in Korea, a kindred spirit then. He came to my island for what reason I don't know, perhaps a vacabon, perhaps to find me, who knows and found me on the waterfront. I was taking my boat out of the Plati Harbor when suddenly he appeared, tall, erect and very military in the morning sun. 'We have to talk,' he said, with that same insistence we always used in the field. I asked him aboard and we slowly made our way out of the bay. Several miles out of the Plati he presented his case, their case. Delavane's case.,' "What happened then?" The scholar paused for precisely two seconds, then answered simply, "I killed him. With a scaling knife. Then I dropped his body over a cluster of sharks beyond the shoals of the Stephanos." Stunned, Joel stared at the old man the iridescent light of the moon heightened the force of the macabre revelation. "Just like that?" he said in a monotone. "It's what I was trained to do, Mr. Converse. I was the Red Fox of Inchon. I never hesitated when the ground could be gained, or an adversarial advantage eliminated." - "You killed him?" "It was a necessary decision, not a wanton taking of life. He was a recruiter and my response was in my eyes, in my silent outrage. He saw it, and I understood. He could not permit me to live with what he'd told me. One of us had to die and I simply reacted more swiftly than he did." "That's pretty cold reasoning." '~You're a lawyer, you deal every day with options. Where was the alternative?" Joel shook his head, not in reply but in astonishment. "How did Halliday find you?" "We found each other. We've never met, never talked, but we have a mutual friend." fin San Francisco?" She's frequently there." "Who is he?" 56 ROBERT LUDLUM "It's a subject we won't discuss. I'm sorry." "Why not? Why the secrecy?" "It's the way he prefers it. Under the circumstances, I believe it's a logical request." "Logic? Find me logic in any of this! Halliday reaches a man in San Francisco who just happens to know you, a former general thousands of miles away on a Greek island who just happens to have been approached by one of Delavane's people. Now, that's coincidence, but damned little logicl" "Don't dwell on it. Accept it." "Would you?" "Under the circumstances, yes, I would. You see, there's no alternative." "Sure there is. I could walk away five hundred thousand dollars richer, paid by an anonymous stranger who could only come after me by revealing himself." "You could but you won't. You were chosen very carefully." "Because I could be motivated? That's what Halliday said." "Frankly, yes." "You're off the wall, all of you!" "One of us is dead. You were the last person he spoke with." Joel felt the rush of anger again, the sight of a dying man's eyes burned into his memory. "Aquitaine," he said softly. "Delavane.... All right, I was chosen carefully. Where do I begin?" "Where do you think you should begin? You're the attorney; everything must be done legally." "That's just it. I'm an attorney, not the police, not a detective." "No police in any of the countries where those four men live could do what you can do, even if they agreed to try, which, frankly, I doubt. More to the point, they would alert the Delavane network." "All right, I'll try," said Converse, folding the sheet with the list of names and putting it in his inside jacket pocket. "I'll start at the top. In Paris. With this Bertholdier." "Jacques-Louis Bertholdier," added the old man, reaching down into his canvas bag and taking out a thick manila envelope. "This is the last thing we can give you. It's everything we could learn about those four men; perhaps it can THE AQUITAINE PROGRESSION 57 help you. Their addresses, the cars they drive, business associates, cafes and restaurants they frequent, sexual preferences where they constitute vulnerability . . . anything that could give you an edge. Use it, use everything you can. Just bring us back briefs against men who have compromised themselves, broken laws above all, evidence that shows they are not the solid, respectable citizens their life-styles would indicate. Embarrassment, Mr. Converse, embarrassment. It leads to ridicule, and Preston Halliday was profoundly right about that. Ridicule is the first step." Joel started to reply, to agree, then stopped, his eyes riveted on Beale. ' 1 never told you Halliday said anything about ridicule." "Oh?" The scholar blinked several times in the dim light, momentarily unsure of himself, caught by surprise. "But, naturally, we discussed " "You never met, you never talked l" Converse broke in. " through our mutual friend the strategies we might employ," said the old man, his eyes now steady. 'The aspect of ridicule is a keystone. Of course we discussed it." "You just hesitated." "You startled me with a meaningless statement. My reactions are not what they once were." "They were pretty good in a boat beyond the Stephanos, ' corrected Joel. "An entirely different situation, Mr. Converse. Only one of us could leave that boat. Both of us will leave this beach tonight." "All right, I may be reaching. You would be, too, if you were me." Converse withdrew a pack of cigarettes from his shirt pocket, shook one up nervously to his lips and took out his lighter. "A man I knew as a kid under one name approaches me years later calling himself something else." Joel snapped his lighter and held the flame under the cigarette, inhaling. ' He tells a wild story that's just credible enough so I can't dismiss it. The believable aspect is a maniac named Delavane. He says I can help stop him stop them and there's a great deal of money for nodding my head provided by a man in San Francisco who won't say who he is, expedited by a former general on a fashionably remote island in the Aegean. And for his efforts, this man I knew under two names is murdered in daylight, shot a dozen times in an elevator, dying in my arms whispering the name 'Aquitaine.'. And then this 58 ROBERT LUDLUM other man, this ex-soldier, this doctor, this scholar, tells me another story that ends with a 'recruiter' from Delavane killed with a scaling knife, his body thrown overboard into a school of sharks beyond the Stephanos whatever that is." "The Aghios Stephanos," said the old man. "A lovely beach, far more popular than this one." "Goddamn it, I am reaching, Mr. Beale, or Professor Beale, or General Beale! It's too much to absorb in two lousy daysl Suddenly I don't have much confidence. I feel way beyond my depth let's face it, overwhelmed and underqualified . . . and damned frightened." "Then don't overcomplicate things," said Beale. "I used to say that to students of mine more often than I can remember. I would suggest they not look at the totality that faced them, but rather at each thread of progression, following each until it met and entwined with another thread, and then an- other, and if a pattern did not become clear, it was not their failure but mine. One step at a time, Mr. Converse." "You're one hell of a Mr. Chips. I would have dropped the course." "I'm not saying it well. I used to say it better. When you teach history, threads are terribly important." "When you practice law, they're everything." "Go after the threads, then, one at a time. I'm certainly no lawyer, but can't you approach this as an attorney whose client is under attack by forces that would violate his rights cripple his manner of living, deny his pursuit of peaceful existence in essence, destroy him?" "Not likely," repliedJoel. "I've got a client who won't talk to me, won't see me, won't even tell me who he is." "That's not the client I had in mind." "Who else? It's his money." "He's only a link to your real client. ' "Who's that?" "What's left of the civilized world, perhaps." Joel studied the old scholar in the shimmering light. "Did you just say something about not looking at totalities but at threads? You scare the hell out of me." Beale smiled. "I could accuse you of misplaced concretion, but I won't." "That's an antiquated phrase. If you mean out-of-context say it, and I'll deny it. You're securely in well-placed contradiction, Professor." THE AQUITAINE PROGRESSION S9 "Good heavens, you were chosen carefully. You won't even let an old man get away with an academic bromide." Converse smiled back. "You're a likable fellow, General or Doctor. I d hate to have met you across a table if you'd taken up law." "That could truly be misplaced confidence," said Edward Beale, his smile gone. "You're only about to begin." "But now I know what to look for. One thread at a time until the threads meet and entwine, and the pattern's there for everyone to see. I'll concentrate on export licenses, and whoever's shuffling the controls, then connect three or four names with each other and trace them back to Delavane in Palo Alto. At which point we blow it apart legally. No martyrs, no causes, no military men of destiny crucified by traitors, just plain bloated, ugly profiteers who've professed to be super patriots, when all the while they were lining their unpatriotic pockets. Why else would they have done it? Is there another reason ? That's ridicule, Dr. Beale. Because they can 't answer. " The old man shook his head, looking bewildered. "The professor becomes a student," he said hesitantly. "How can you do this?" "The way I've done it dozens of times in corporate negotiaffons. Only, I'll take it a step further. In those sessions I'm like any other lawyer. I try to figure out what the fellow across the table is going to ask for and then why he wants it. Not just what my side wants, but what he wants. What's going through his mind? You see, Doctor, I'm trying to think like him; I'm putting myself in his place, never for a second letting him forget that I'm doing just that. It's very unnerving, like making notes on margins whenever your opponent says anything, whether he's saying anything or not. But this time it's going to be different. I'm not looking for opponents. I'm looking for allies. In a cause, their cause. I'll start in Paris, then on to Bonn, or Tel Aviv, then probably Johannesburg. Only, when I reach these men I won't try to think like them, I'm going to be one of them." "That's a very bold strategy. I compliment you." 'talking of options, it's the only one open. Also, I've got a lot of money I can spread around, not lavishly but effectively, as befits my unnamed client. Very unnamed, very much in the background, but always there." Joel stopped, a thought striking him. "You know, Dr. Beale, I take it back. I don't want 60 ROBERT LUDLUM to know who my client is the one in San Francisco, I mean. I'm going to create my own, and Icnowing him might distort the portrait I've got in mind. Incidentally, tell him he'll get a full accounting of my expenses: the rest will be returned to him the same way I got it. Through your friend Laskaris at the bank here on Mykonos." "But you've accepted the money," objected Beale. "There's no reason " "I wanted to know if it was real. If he was real. He is, and he knows exactly what he's doing. I'll need a great deal of money because I'm going to have to become someone I'm not and money is the most convincing way to do it. No, Doctor I don't want your friend's money, I want Delavane. I want the warlord of Saigon. But I'll use his money, just as I'm using him the way I want him to be. To get inside that network." "If Paris is your first stop and Bertholdier is going to be your initial contact, there's a specific munitions transfer we think is directly related to him. It might be worth a try. If we're right, it's a microcosm of what they intend doing everywhere." '`Is it in here?" asked Converse, tapping the manila envelope containing the dossiers. "No, it came to light only this morning early this morning. I don't imagine you listened to the news broadcasts." "I don't speak any language but English. If I heard a news program I wouldn't know it. What happened?" "All Northern Ireland is on fire, the worst riots the most savage killing in fifteen years. In Belfast and Ballyciare, Dromore and in the Mourne Mountains, outraged vigilantes on both sides are roaming the streets and the hills, firing indis- criminately, slaughtering in their anger everything that moves. It's utter chaos. The Ulster government is in panic, the parliament tied down, emotionally disrupted, everyone trying to find a solution. That solution will be a massive infusion of troops and their commanders." "What's it got to do with Bertholdier?" "Listen to me carefully," said the scholar, taking a step forward. "Eight days ago a munitions shipment containing three hundred cases of cluster bombs and two thousand cartons of explosives was air-freighted out of Beloit, Wisconsin. Its destination was Tel Aviv by way of Montreal, Paris, and Marseilles. It never arrived, and an Israeli trace employing the Mossad showed that only the cargo's paperwork reached THE AQUITAINE PROGRESSION 61 Marseilles, nothing else. The shipment disappeared in either Montreal or Paris, and we're convinced it was diverted to provisional extremists again on both sides in Northern Ireland." "Why do you think so?" The first casualties over three hundred men, women, and children were killed or severely wounded, ripped to shreds by cluster bombs. It's not a pleasant way to die, but perhaps worse to be hurt the bombs tear away whole sections of the body. The reactions have been fierce and the hysteria's spreading. Ulster's out of control, the government paralysed. All in the space of one day, one single day, Mr. Converse!" ' They're proving to themselves they can do it," said Joel quietly, the fear in his throat. Precisely,' agreed Beale. it's a test case, a microcosm of the full-scale horror they can bring about." Converse frowned. "Outside of the fact that Bertholdier lives in Paris, what ties him to the shipment?" "Once the plane crossed into France, the French insurers were a firm in which Bertholdier is a director. Who would be less suspect than a company that had to pay for the loss a company, incidentally, that has access to the merchandise it covers? The loss was upward of four million francs, not so immense as to create headlines, but entirely sufficient to throw off suspicion. And one more lethal delivery is made mutilation, death, and chaos to follow." "What's the name of the insurance company?" "Compagnie Solidaire. It would be one of the operative words, I'd think. Solidaire, and perhaps Beloit and Belfast." "Let's hope I get to confront Bertholdier with them. But if I do, I've got to say them at the right time. I'll catch the plane from Athens in the morning." "Take the urgent good wishes of an old man with you, Mr. Converse. And urgent is the appropriate word. Three to five weeks, that's all you've got before everything blows apart. Whatever it is, wherever it is, it will be Northern Ireland ten thousand times more violent. It's real and it's coming." Valerie Charpentier woke up suddenly, her eyes wide, her face rigid, listening intently for sounds that might break the dark silence around her and the slap of the waves in the distance. Any second she expected to hear the shattering bell 62 ROBERT IUDLUM of the alarm system that was wired into every window and door of the house. It did not come, yet there had been other sounds, intrusions on her sleep, penetrating enough to wake her. She pulled the covers back and got out of bed, walking slowly, apprehensively, to the glass doors that opened onto her balcony which overlooked the rocky beach, the jetty, and the Atlantic Ocean beyond. There it was again. The bobbing, dim lights were unmistakably the same, washing over the boat that was moored exactly where it had been moored before. It was the sloop that for two days had cruised up and down the coastline, always in sight, with no apparent destination other than this particu- lar stretch of the Massachusetts shore. At twilight on the second evening it had dropped anchor no more than a quarter of a mile out in the water in front of her house. It was back. After three days it had returned. Three nights ago she had called the police, who in turn reached the Cape Ann Coast Guard patrols, who came back With an explanation that was no more lucid than it was satisfactory. The sloop was a Maryland registry, the owner an officer in the United States Army, and there were no provocative or suspicious movements that warranted any official action. "I'd call it damned provocative and suspicious," Val had said firmly. "When a strange boat sails up and down the same stretch of beach for two days in a row, then parks in front of my house within shouting distance shouting distance being swimming distance." "The water rights of the property you leased don't extend beyond two hundred feet, ma'am" had been the official reply. "There's nothing we can do." At the first light of the next morning, however, Valerie knew that something had to be done. She had focused her binoculars on the boat, only to gasp and move back away from the glass doors. Two men had been standing on the deck of the sloop, their own binoculars far more powerful than hers directed at the house, at the bedroom upstairs. At her. A neighbor down the beachside cul-de-sac had recently installed an alarm system. She was a divorced woman too, but with a hostile ex-husband and three children; she needed the alarm. Two phone calls and Val was speaking to the owner of Watchguard Security. A temporary system had been THE AQUITAINE PROGRESSION 63 hooked up that day while a permanent installation was being designed. A bell not shatteringly loud but soft and gentle. It was the quiet clanging of a ship's bell out on the dark water, its clapper swinging with the waves. It was the sound that had awakened her, and she felt relieved yet strangely disturbed. Men out on the water at night who intended harm did not announce their presence. On the other hand, those same men had come back to her house, the boat being only several hundred yards offshore. They had returned in the darkness, the moon blocked by a sky thick with clouds, no moonlight to guide them. It was as if they wanted her to know they were there and they were watching. They were waiting. For what? What was happening to her? A week ago her phone had gone dead for seven hours, and when she had called the telephone company from her friend's house, supervisor in the service department told her he could find no malfunctions. The line was operative. "Maybe for you, but not for me, and you're not paying the bills." She had returned home; the line was still dead. A second, far angrier phone call brought the same response. No malfunctions. Then two hours later the dial tone was inexplicably there, the phone working. She had put the episode down to the rural telephone complex having less than the best equipment. She did not know what explanation there could be for the sloop now eerily bobbing in the water in front of her house. Suddenly, in the boat's dim light, she could see a figure crawl out of the cabin. For a moment or two it was hidden in the shadows, then there was a brief flare of intense light. A match. A cigarette. A man was standing motionless on the deck smoking a cigarette. He was facing her house, as if studying it. Waiting. Val shivered as she dragged a heavy chair in front of the balcony door but not too close, away from the glass. She pulled the light blanket off the bed and sat down, wrapping it around her, staring out at the water, at the boat, at the man. She knew that if that man or that boat made the slightest move toward shore she would press the buttons she had been instructed to press in the event of an emergency. When activated, the huge circular alarm bells both inside and outside would be ear-piercing, erupting in concert, drowning 64 ROBERT LUDLUM out the sound of the surf and the waves crashing on the jetty. They could be heard thousands of feet away the only sound on the beach, frightening, overwhelming. She wondered if she would cause them to be heard tonight this morning. She would not panic. Joel had taught her not to panic, even when she thought a well-timed scream was called for on the dark streets of Manhattan. Every now and then the inevitable had happened. They had been confronted by drug addicts or punks and Joel would remain calm icily calm moving them both back against a wall and offering a cheap, spare wallet he kept in his hip pocket with a few bills in it. God, he was icelMaybe that was why no one had ever actually assaulted them, not knowing what was behind that cold, brooding look. "I should have screamed!" she once had cried. "No," he had said. "Then you would have frightened him, panicked him. That's when those bastards can be lethal." Was the man on the boat lethal were the men on the boat deadly? Or were they simply novice sailors hugging the coastline, practicing tacks, anchoring near the shore for their own protection curious, perhaps concerned, that the property owners might object? An Army officer was not likely to be able to afford a captain for his sloop, and there were marinas only miles away north and south marinas without available berths but with men who could handle repairs. Was the man out on the boat smoking a cigarette merely a landlocked young officer getting his sailing legs, comfortable with a familiar anchor away from deep water? It was possible, of course anything was possible_and summer nights held a special kind of loneliness that gave rise to strange imaginings. One walked the beach alone and thought too much. Joel would laugh at her and say it was all those demons racing around her artist's head in search of logic. And he would undoubtedly be right. The men out on the boat were probably more up-tight than she was. In a way they were trespassers who had found a haven in sight of hostile natives; one inquiry of the Coast Guard proved it. And that clearance, as it were, was another reason why they had returned to the place where, if not welcome, at least they were not harassed. If Joel were with her, she knew exactly what he would do. He would go down to the beach and shout across the water to their temporary neighbors and ask them to come in for a drink. THE AQUITAINE PROGRESSION 65 DearJoel, foolish Joel, ice-coldJoeL There were times you were comforting when you were comfortable. And amusing, so terribly amusing even when you weren't comfortable. In some ways I miss you, darling. But not enough, thank you. And yet why did the feeling the instinct, per- haps persist? The small boat out on the water was like a magnet, pulling her toward it, drawing her into its field, taking her where she knew she did not want to go. Nonsense! Demons in search of logic! She was being foolish foolish Joel, ice-coldJoel stop it, for Cod's sake! Be reasonable! Then the shiver passed through her again. Novice sailors did not navigate around strange coastlines at night. The magnet held her until her eyes grew heavy and troubled sleep came. She woke up again, startled by the intense sunlight streaming through the glass doors, its warmth enveloping her. She looked out at the water. The boat was gone and she wondered for a moment whether it had really been there. Yes, it had. But it was gone. The 747 lifted off the runway at Athens' Helikon Airport, soaring to the left in its rapid ascent. Below in clear view, adjacent to the huge field, was the U.S. Naval Air Station, permitted by treaty although reduced in size and in the number of aircraft during the past several years. Nevertheless, far-reaching, jet-streamed American craft still roamed the Mediterranean, lonian and Aegean seas, courtesy of a resentful yet nervous government all too aware of other eyes to the north. Staring out the window, Converse recognized the shapes of familiar equipment on the ground. There were two rows of Phantom F-4T's and A-6E's on opposite sides of the dual strip updated versions of the F-4G's and A-6A's he had flown years ago. It was so easy to slip back, thought Joel, as he watched three Phantoms break away from the ground formation; they 66 ROBERT IUDLUM would head for the top of the runway, and another patrol would be in the skies. Converse could feel his hands tense, in his mind he was manipulating the thick, perforated shaft, reaching for switches, his eyes roaming the dials, looking for right and wrong signals. Then the power would come, the surging force of pressurised tons beside him, behind him, himself encased in the center of a sleek, shining beast straining to break away and soar into its natural habitat. Final check all in order; cleared for takeout: Release the power of the beast, let it free. RolU Faster, faster; the ground is a blur, the carrier deck a mass of passing "ray, blue sea beyond, blue sky above. Let it free! Let me free! He wondered if he could still do it, if the lessons and the training of boy and man skill held. After the Navy during the academic years in Massachusetts and North Caroiina, he had frequently gone to small airfields and taken up single-engined aircraft just to get away from the pressures, to find a few minutes of blue freedom, but there were no challenges, no taming of all-powerful beasts. Later still, it had all stopped for a long, long time. There were no airfields to visit on weekends, no playing around with trim company planes; he had given his promise. His wife had been terrified of his flying. Valerie could not reconcile the hours he had flown civilian and in combat with her own evaluation of the averages. And in one of the few gestures of understanding in his marriage, he had given his word not to climb into a cockpit. It had not bothered him until he knew they knew the marriage had gone sour at which point he had begun driving out to a field called Teterboro in New Jersey every chance he could find and flown whatever was available, anytime, any hour. Still, even then especially then there had been no challenges, no beasts other than himself. The ground below disappeared as the 747 stabilized and began the climb to its assigned altitude. Converse turned away from the window and settled back in his seat. The lights were abruptly extinguished on the NO SMOKING sign, and Joel took out a pack of cigarettes from his shirt pocket. Extracting one, he snapped his lighter, and the smoke diffused instantly in the rush of air from the vents above. He looked at his watch it was 12:20. They were due at Orly Airport at 3:35, French time. Allowing for the zones, it was a three-hour flight, and during those three hours he would commit to memory everything he could about General Jacques-Louis Bertholdier if THE AQUITAINE PROGRESSION 67 Beale and the dead Halliday were right, the arm of Aquitaine in Paris. At Helikon he had done something he had never done before, something that had never occurred to hirn, an indulgence that was generally attributed to romantic fiction or movie stars or rock idols. Fear and caution had joined with an excess of money, and he had paid for two adjoining seats in first class. He wanted no one's eyes straying to the pages he would be reading. Old Beale had made it frighteningly clear on the beach last night: if there was the remotest possibility that the materials he carried might fall into other hands ny other hands he was to destroy them at all costs. For they were in-depth dossiers on men who could order multiple executions by placing a single phone call. He reached down for his attache case, the leather handle still dark from the sweat of his grip since Mykonos early that morning. For the first time he understood the value of a device he had learned about from films and novels. Had he been able to chain the handle of his attache case to his wrist, he would have breathed far more comfortably. Jacques-Louis Bertholdier, age fifty-nine, only child of Alphonse and Marie-Therese Bertholdier, was born at the military hospital in Dakar. Father a career officer in the French Army, reputedly auto- cratic and a harsh disciplinarian. Little is known about the mother; it is perhaps significant that Bertholdier never speaks of her, as if dismissing her existence. He retired from the Army four years ago at the age of fifty-five, and is now a director of Juneau et Cie., a conservative firm on the Bourse des Valeurs, Paris's stock exchange. The early years appear to be typical of the life of a commanding officer's son, moving from post to post, accorded the privileges of the father's rank and influence. He was used to servants and fawning mili- tary personnel. If there was a difference from other officers' sons, it was in the boy himself. It is said that he could execute the full-dress manual-of-arms by the time he was five and at ten could recite by rote the entire book of regulations. In 1938 the Bertholdiers were back in Paris, the father a member of the General Staff. This was a cha 68 ROBERT LUDLUM otictime, as the war with Germany was imminent. The elder Bertholdier was one of the few commanders aware that the Maginot could not hold; his outspokenness so infuriated his fellow officers that he was transferred to the field, commanding the Fourth Army, stationed along the northeastern border. The war came and the father was killed in the fifth week of combat. Young Bertholdier was then sixteen years old and going to school in Paris. The fall of France in June of 1940 could be called the beginning of our subject's adulthood. Joining the Resistance first as a courier, he fought for four years, rising in the underground's ranks until he commanded the Calais-Paris sector. He made frequent undercover trips to England to coordinate espionage and sabotage operations with the Free French and British intelligence. In February of 1944, De Gaulle conferred on him the temporary rank of major. He was twenty years of age. Several days prior to the Allied occupation of Paris, Bertholdier was severely wounded in a street skirmish between the Resistance fighters and the re- treating German troops. Hospitalizaffon relieved him of further activity for the remainder of the European war. Following the surrender he was appointed to the national military academy at Saint-Cyr, a compensation deemed proper by De Gaulle for the young hero of the underground. Upon graduation he was elevated to the permanent rank of captain. He was twenty-four and given successive commands in the Dra Hamada, French Morocco; Algiers; then across the world to the garrisons at Haiphong, and finally the Allied sectors in Vienna and West Berlin. (Note this last post with respect to the following informaffon on Field Marshal Erich Leifhelm. It was where they first met and were friends, at first openly but subsequently they denied the relationship after both had resigned from military service.) Putting Erich Leifhelm aside for the moment, Converse thought about the young legend that was Jacques-Louis Bertholdier. Though Joel was as unmilitary as any civilian could be, in an odd way he could identify with the military THE AQUITAINE PROGRESSION 69 phenomenon described in these pages. Although no hero, he had been accorded a hero's return from a war in which very few were so acclaimed, these generally coming from the ranks of those who had endured capture more than they had fought. Nevertheless, the attention the sheer attention that led to privileges was a dangerous indulgence. Although initially embarrassed, one came to accept it all, and then to expect it all. The recognition could be heady, the privileges soon taken for granted. And when the attention began to dwindle away, a certain anger came into play; one wanted it all back. These were the feelings of someone with no hunger for authority success, yes; power, no. But what of a man whose whole being was shaped by the fabric of authority and power, whose earliest memories were of privilege and rank, and whose meteoric rise came at an incredibly young age? How does such a man react to recognition and the ever-increasing spectrum of his own ascendancy? One did not lightly take away much from such a man; his anger could turn into fury. Yet Bertholdier had walked away from it all at fifty-five, a reasonably young age for one so prominent. It was not consistent. Something was missing from the portrait of this latter-day Alexander. At least so far. Timing played a major part in Bertholdier's ex- panding reputation. After posts in the Dra Hamada and pre-crisis Algiers, he was transferred to French Indochina, where the situation was deteriorating rapidly for the colonial forces, then engaged in vio- lent guerrilla warfare. His exploits in the field were instantly the talk of Saigon and Paris. The troops under his command provided several rare but much needed victories, which although incapable of alter- ing the course of the war convinced the hard-line militarists that the inferior Asian forces could be de- feated by superior Gallic courage and strategy; they needed only the materials withheld by Paris. The surrender at Dienbienphu was bitter medicine for those men who claimed that traitors in the Quai d'Orsay had brought about France s humiliation. Al- though Colonel Bertholdier emerged from the defeat as one of the few heroic figures, he was wise enough or cautious enough to keep his own counsel and did not, at least in appearance, join the "hawks." . . 70 R08ERT LUDLUM Many say that he was waiting a signal that never came. Again he was transferred, serving tours in Vienna and West Berlin. Four years later, however, he broke the maid he had so carefully constructed. In his own words, he was 'infuriated and disillusioned" by De Gaulle's accords with the independence-seeking Algerians; he fled to the land of his birth, North Africa, and joined General Raoul Salan's rebellious OAS, which violently opposed policies it termed betrayals. During this revolutionary interim of his life he was implicated in an assassination attempt on De Gaulle. With Salan's capture in April of 1962, and the insurrechonists' collapse, once again Bertholdier emerged from defeat stunningly intact. In what can only be described as an extraordinary move and one that has never really been understood De Gaulle had Bertholdier released from prison and brought to the Elysee. What was said between the two men has never been revealed, but Bertholdier was returned to his rank. De Gaulle's only comment of record was given during a press conference on May 4, 1962. In reply to a question regarding the reinstated rebel officer, he said (verbahm translahon): "A great sol- dier-patriot must be permitted and forgiven a single misguided interlude. We have conferred. We are satisfied." He said no more on the subject. For seven years Bertholdier was stationed at various influential posts, rising to the rank of general; more often than not he was the chief military charge d'affaires at major embassies during the period of France's parhcipahon in the Military Committee of NATO. He was frequently recalled to the Quai d'Orsay, accompanying De Gaulle to international conferences, always visible in newspaper photo- graphs, usually within several feet of the great man himself. Oddly enough, although his contributions appear to have been considerable, after these conferences or summits he was invariably sent back to his previous station while internal debates continued and decisions were reached without him. It was as though he was constantly being groomed but never summoned for the critical post. Was that ultimate THE AQUITAINE PROGRESSION 71 summons the signal he had been waiting for seven years before at Dienbienphu? It is a question for which we have no answer here, but we believe it's vital to pursue it. With De Gaulle's dramatic resignation after the rejection of his demands for constitutional reform in 1969, Bertholdier's career went into an eclipse. His assignments were far from the canters of power and remained so until his resignation. Research into bank and credit-card references as well as passenger manifests shows that during the past eighteen months our subject made trips to the following: London, 3; New York, 2; San Francisco, 2; Bonn, 3; Johannesburg, 1; Tel Aviv, 1 (combined with Johannesburg). The pattern is clear. It is compatible with the rising geographical pressure points of General Delavane's operation. Converse rubbed his eyes and rang for a drink. While waiting for the Scotch he scanned the next few paragraphs, his memory of the man now jogged; the information was familiar history and not terribly relevant. Bertholdier's name had been put forward by several ultraconservative factions, hoping to pull him out of the military into the political wars but nothing had come of the attempts. The ultimate summons had passed him by; it never came. Currently, as a director of a large firm on the Paris stock exchange, he is basically a figurehead capable of impressing the wealthy and keeping the socialistically inclined at bay by the sheer weight of his own legend. He travels everywhere in a company limousine (read: staff car), and wherever he goes his arrival is expected, the proper welcome arranged. The vehicle is a dark-blue American Lincoln Continental, Li- cense Plate 100-1. The restaurants he frequents are: Taillevent, the Ritz, Julien, and Lucas-Carton. For lunches, however, he consistently goes to a private club called L'Etalon Blanc three to four times a week. It is a very-off-the-track establishment whose membership is restricted to the highest-ranking mili- tary, what's left of the rich nobility, and wealthy 72 ROBERT LUDLUM fawners who, if they can't be either, put their money on both so as to be in with the crowd. Joel smiled; the editor of the report was not without humor. Still, something was missing. His lawyer's mind looked for the lapse that was not explained. What was the signal Bertholdier had not been given at Dienbienphu? What had the imperious De Gaulle said to the rebellious officer, and what had the rebel said to the great man? Why was he consistently accommodated but only accommodated never summoned to power? An Alexander had been primed, forgiven elevated, then dropped? There was a message buried in these pages, but Joel could not find it. Converse reached what the writer of the report considered relevant only in that it completed the portrait, adding little, however, to previous information. Bertholdier's private life appears barely perti- nent to the activities that concern us. His marriage was one of convenience in the purest La Rochefou- cauld sense: it was socially, professionally and finan- cially beneficial for both parties. Moreover, it ap- pears to have been solely a business arrangement. There have been no children, and although Mme. Bertholdier appears frequently at her husband's side for state and social occasions, they have rarely been observed in close conversation. Also, as with his mother, Bertholdier has never been known to discuss his wife. There might be a psychological connection here, but we find no evidence to support it. Especially since Bertholdier is a notorious womaniser, supporting at times as many as three separate mistresses as well as numerous peripheral assignations. Among his peers there is a sobriquet that has never found its way into print: La Grand Machin, and if the reader here needs a translation, we recommend drinks in Montparnasse. On that compelling note the report was finished. It was a dossier that raised more questions than it answered. In broad strokes it described the whets and the bows but few of the whys; these were buried, and only imaginative speculation could unearth even the probabilities. But there were THE AQUITAINE PROGRESSION 73 enough concrete facts to operate on. Joel glanced at his watch; an hour had passed. He had two more to reread, think, and absorb as much as possible. He had already made up his mind about whom he would contact in Paris. Not only was Rene Mattilon an astute lawyer frequently called upon by Talbot, Brooks and Simon when they needed representation in the French courts, but he was also a friend. Although he was older than Joel by a decade, their friendship was rooted in a common experience, common in the sense of global geography, futility and waste. Thirty years ago Mattilon was a young attorney in his twenties conscripted by his government and sent to French Indochina as a legal officer. He witnessed the inevitable and could never understand why it cost so much for his proud, intractable-nation to perceive it. Too, he could be scathing in his comments about the subsequent American involvement. "Mon Dieu! You thought you could do with arms what we could not do with arms and brains? Deraisonnable!" It had become standard that whenever Mattilon flew to New York or Joel to Paris they found time for dinner and drinks. Also, the Frenchman was amazingly tolerant of Converse's linguistic limitations; Joel simply could not learn another language. Even Val's patient tutoring had fallen on deaf and dead ears and an unreceptive brain. For four years his ex-wife, whose father was French and whose mother was German, tried to teach him the simplest phrases but found him hopeless. "How the hell can you call yourself an international lawyer when you can't be understood beyond Sandy Hook?" she had asked. "Hire interpreters trained by Swiss banks and put them on a point system," he had replied. "They won't miss a trick." Whenever he came to Paris, he stayed in a suite of two rooms at the opulent George V Hotel, an indulgence permitted by Talbot, Brooks and Simon, he had assumed, more to impress clients than to satisfy a balance sheet. The assumption was only half right, as Nathan Simon had made clear. "You have a fancy sitting room," Nate had told him in his sepulchral voice. 'Use it for conferences and you can avoid those ridiculously expensive French lunches and God forbid the dinners." 74 ROBERT LUDLUM "Suppose they want to eat?" "You have another appointment. Wink and say it's personal; no one in Paris will argue." The impressive address could serve him now, mused Converse, as the taxi weaved maniacally through the midafternoon traffic on the Champs-Elysees toward the Avenue George V. If he made any progress and he intended to make progress with men around Bertholdier or Bertholdier himself, the expensive hotel would fit the image of an unknown client who had sent his personal attorney on a very confidential search. Of course, he had no reservation, an oversight to be blamed on a substituting secretary. He was greeted warmly by the assistant manager, albeit with surprise and finally apologies. No telexed request for reservations had come from Talbot, Brooks and Simon in New York, but naturally, accommodations would be found for an old friend. They were; the standard two-room suite on the second floor, and before Joel could unpack, a steward brought a bottle of the Scotch whisky he preferred, substituting it for the existing brand on the dry bar. He had forgotten the accuracy of the copious notes such hotels kept on repeating guests. Second floor, the right whisky, and no doubt during the evening he would be reminded that he usually requested a wake-up call for seven o'clock in the morning. It would be the same. But it was close to five o'clock in the afternoon now. If he was going to reach Mattilon before the lawyer left his of lice for the day, he had to do so quickly. If Rene could have drinks with him, it would be a start. Either Mattilon was his man or he was not, and the thought of losing even an hour of any kind of progress was disturbing. He reached for the Paris directory on a shelf beneath the phone on the bedside table, he looked up the firm's number and dialed. "Good Christ, Joel!" exclaimed the Frenchman. "I read about that terrible business in Geneva! It was in the morning papers and I tried to call you Le Richemond, of course but they said you'd checked out. Are you all right?" "I'm fine. I was just there, that's all." "He was American. Did you know him?" "Only across a table. By the way, that crap about his having something to do with narcotics was just that. Crap. He was cornered, robbed, shot and set up for postmortem confusion." THE AQUITAINE PROGRESSION 75 "And an overzealous official leaped at the obvious, trying to protect his city's image. I know; it was made clear.... It's all so horrible. Crime, killing, terrorism; it spreads everywhere. Less so here in Paris, thank God." "You don't need muggers, the taxi drivers more than fill the bill. Except nastier, maybe." "You are, as always, impossible, my friend! When can we get together?" Converse paused. "I was hoping tonight. After you left the office." "It's very short notice, mon ami. I wish you had called before." "I just got in ten minutes ago." "But you left Geneva " "I had business in Athens," interrupted Joel. "Ah, yes, the money flees from the Greeks these days. Precipitously, I think. Just as it was here." "How about drinks, Rene. It's important." It was blattilon's turn to pause; it was obvious he had caught the trace of urgency in Converse's brevity, in his voice. "Of course," said the F'renchman. "You're at the George Cinq, I assume?" "Yes." "I'll be there as soon as I can. Say, forty-five minutes." "Thanks very much. I'll get a couple of chairs in the gal . .. ery. "I'll find you." That area of the immense marble-arched lobby outside the tinted glass doors of the George V bar is known informally as the "gallery" by habitues, its name derived from the fact that there is an art gallery narrowly enclosed within a corridor of clear glass on the left. However, just as reasonably, the name fits the luxurious room itself. The deeply cushioned cut-velvet chairs, settees, and polished low, dark tables that line the marble walls are beneath works of art mammoth tapestries from long-forgotten chateaux and huge heroic canvases by artists, both old and new. And the smooth stone of the floor is covered with giant Oriental rugs, while affixed to the high ceiling are a series of intricate chandeliers, throwing soft light through filigrees of lacelike gold. Quiet conversations take place between men and women of wealth and power at these upholstered enclaves, in calcu 76 ROBERT LUDLUM lated shadows under spotlit paintings and woven cloth from centuries ago. Frequently they are opening dialogues, testing questions that as often as not are resolved in boardrooms peopled by chairmen and presidents, treasurers, and prides of lawyers. The movers and the shakers feel comfortable with the initial informality the uncommitted explorations of first meetings in this very formal room. The ceremonial environs somehow lend an air of ritualised disbelief; denials are not hard to come by later. The gallery also lives up to the implications of its name: within the fraternity of those who have achieved success on the international scene, it is said that if any of its members spend a certain length of time there, sooner or later he will run into almost everyone he knows. Therefore, if one does not care to be seen, he should go somewhere else. The room was filling up, and waiters moved away from the raucous bar to take orders at the tables, knowing where the real money was. Converse found two chairs at the far end, where the dim light was even more subdued. He looked at his watch and was barely able to read it. Forty minutes had passed since his call to Rene, a shower taking up the time as it washed away the sweat-stained dirt of his all-day journey from Mykonos. Placing his cigarettes and lighter on the table, he ordered a drink from an alert waiter, his eyes on the marble entrance to the room. Twelve minutes later he saw him. Mattilon walked energetically out of the harsh glare of the street lobby into the soft light of the gallery. He stopped for a moment, squinting, then nodded. He started down the canter of the carpeted floor, his eyes levered at Joel from a distance, a broad, genuine smile on his face. Rene Mattilon was in his mid to late fifties, but his stride, like his outlook, was that of a younger man. There was about him that aura peculiar to successful trial lawyers; his confidence was apparent because it was the essence of his success, yet it was born of diligence, not merely ego and performance. He was the secure actor comfortable in his role his graying hair and blunt, masculine features all part of a caiculated effect. Beyond that appearance, however, there was also something else, thought Joel, as he rose from his chair. Rene was a thoroughly decent man; it was a disarming conclusion. God knew they both had their flaws, but they were both decent men; perhaps that was why they enjoyed each other's company. THE AQUITAINE PROGRESSION 77 A firm handshake preceded a brief embrace. The Frenchman sat down across from Converse as Joel signaled an attentive waiter. "Order in French, 'Joel said. "I'd end up getting you a hot fudge sundae." "This man speaks better English than either of us. Campari and ice, please." "Merci, monsieur. " The waiter left. "Thanks again for coming over," said Converse. "I mean it. ' "I'm sure you do.... You look well, Joel, tired but well. That shocking business in Geneva must give you nightmares." "Not really. I told you, I was simply there." "Still, it might have been you. The newspapers said he died while you held his head." "I was the first one to reach him." "How horrible." "I've seen it happen before, Rene," said Converse quietly, no comment in his voice. "Yes, of course. You were better prepared than most, I imagine." "I don't think anyone's ever prepared.... But it's over. How about you? How are things?" Mattilon shook his head, pinching his rugged, weather-beaten features into a sudden look of exasperation. "France is madness, of course, but we survive. For months and months now, there are more plans than are stored in an architect's library, but the planners keep colliding with each other in government hallways. The courts are full, business thrives." "I'm glad to hear it." The waiter returned with the Campari; both men nodded to him, and then Mattilon fixed his eyes on Joel. "No, I really am," Converse continued as the waiter walked away. "You hear so many stories." "Is that why you're in Paris?" The Frenchman studied Joel. "Because of the stories of our so-called upheavals? They re not so earthshaking, you know, not so different from before. Not yet. Most private industry here was publicly financed through the government. But, naturally, not managed by government incompetents, and for that we pay. Is that what's bothering you, or more to the point, your clients?" Converse drank. "No, that's not why I'm here. It's something else." "You're troubled, I can see that. Your customary glibness 78 ROBERT LUDLUM doesn't fool me. I know you too well. So tell me, what's so important? That was the word you used on the telephone." "Yes, I guess it was. It may have been too strong." Joel drained his glass and reached for his cigarettes. "Not from your eyes, my friend. I see them and I don't see them. They're filled with clouds." "You've got it wrong. As you said, I'm tired. I've been on planes all day, with some ungodly layovers." He picked up his lighter, snapping it twice until the flame appeared. "We haggle over foolishness. What is it?" Converse lit a cigarette, consciously trying to sound casual as he spoke. "Do you know a private club called L'Etalon Blanc?" "I know it, but I couldn't get in the door," replied the Frenchman, laughing. "I was a young, inconsequential lieutenant worse, attached to the judge advocate essentially with our forces to lend an appearance of legality, but, mind you, only an appearance. Murder was a misdemeanor, and rape to be congratulated. L'Etalon Blanc is a refuge for les grands militaires and those rich enough or foolish enough to listen to their trumpets." "I want to meet someone who lunches there three or four times a week." "You can't call him?" 'He doesn't know me, doesn't know I want to meet him. It's got to be spontaneous." "Really? For Talbot, Brooks and Simon? That sounds most unusual." "It is. We may be dealing with someone we don't want to deal with." "Ahh, missionary work. Who is he?" "Will you keep it confidential? I mean that, not a word to anyone?" "Do I breathe? If the name is in conflict with something on our schedule, I will tell you and, frankly, be of no help to you. " "Fair enough. Jacques-Louis Bertholdier." Mattilon arched his brows in mock astonishment, less in mockery than in astonishment. "The emperor has all his clothes," said the Frenchman, laughing quietly. "Regardless of who claims otherwise. You start at the top of the line, as they say in New York. No conflict, mon ami; he's not in our league as you also say." THE AQUITAINE PROGRESSION 79 "Why not?" "He moves with saints and warriors. Warriors who would be saints, and saints who would be warriors. Who has time for such facades?' "You mean he's not taken seriously?" "Oh, no, he is. Very seriously, by those who have the time and the inclination to move abstract mountains. He is a pillar Joel, grounded in heroic marble and himself immovable. He is the De Gaulle who never followed the original, and some say it is a pity." "What do you say?" Mattilon frowned, then cocked his head in a Gallic shrug. "I'm not sure. God knows the country needed someone, and perhaps Bertholdier could have stepped in and steered a far better course than the one we embarked upon, but the times were not right. The Elysee had become an imperial court, and the people were tired of royal edicts, imperial sermons. Well, we don't have those any longer; they've been supplanted by the dull, grey banalities of the workers' credo. Perhaps it is a pity, although he could skill do it, I imagine. He began his climb up Olympus when he was very young." "Wasn't he part of the OAS? Salan's rebels in Algeria? They were discredited, called a national disgrace." "That is a judgment even the intellectuals must reluctantly admit could be subject to revision. The way all of North Africa and the Middle East has gone, a French Algeria could be a trump card today." Mattilon paused and brought his hand to his chin, his frown returning. "Why on earth would Talbot, Brooks and Simon walk away from Bertholdier? He may be a monarchist at heart, but God knows he's honor personified. He's regal, perhaps even pompous, but a very acceptable client for all of that.' "We've heard things," said Converse quietly, shrugging now himself, as if to lessen the credibility of hearsay evidence. "Mon Dieu, not his women?" exclaimed Mattilon, laughing. "Come now, when will you grow up?" "Not women." "What then?" 'Let's say some of his associates, his acquaintances.', "I hope you make the distinction, 1oel. A man like Bertholdier can choose his associates certainly, but not his acquaintances. He walks into a room and everyone wants to be his friend most claim he is a friend." 80 ROBERT LUDLUM ' That's what we want to find out. I want to bring up some names, see whether they are associates or unremembered acquaintances." "Bien. Now you're making sense. I can help, I will help We shall have lunch at L'Etalon Blanc tomorrow and the next day. It is the middle of the week and Bertholdier will no doubt choose one or the other to dine there. If not, there's always the day after." "I thought you couldn't in the door?" "Not by myself, no. But I know someone who can, and he will be most obliging, I can assure you." "Why?" "He wishes to talk with me whenever and wherever he can. He's a dreadful bore and, unfortunately, speaks very little English numbers mainly, and words like 'In and out,' or 'Over and out,' and 'Dodger-Roger' or 'Roger-Dodger' and 'runway six' or 'Lift off five' and all manner of incomprehensible phrases." "A pilot?" "He flew the first Mirages, brilliantly, I might add, and never lets anyone forget it. I shall have to be the interpreter between you, which at least eliminates my having to initiate conversation. Do you know anything about the Mirage?" "A jet's a jet," said Joel. "Pull and sweep out, what else is there?" "Yes, he's used that one, too. Pull and sweep something. I thought he was cleaning a kitchen." "Why does he always want to talk with you? I gather he's a member of the club." "Very much so. We're representing him in a futile case against an aircraft manufacturer. He had his own private jet and lost his left foot in one of your crash landings " ' Not mine, pal." "The door was jammed. He couldn't ground~ject where he wished to, when the plane's speed was sufficiently reduced for him to avoid a final collision." "He didn't slap the right buttons." "He says he did." "There are at least two backups, including an instant manual, even on your equipment." "We've been made aware of that. It's not the money, you understand; he's enormously wealthy. It's his pride. To lose THE AQUITAINE PROGRESSION 81 brings into question his current or if you will, lat- ter-day skills." "They'll be a lot more in question under cross-examination. I assume you've told him that." "Very gently. It's what we're leading up to." "But in the meantime every conference is a hefty fee." "We're also saving him from himself. If we did it swiftly or too crudely, he'd simply dismiss us and be driven to someone far less principled. Who else would take such a case? The government owns the plant now, and God knows it won't pay." "Good point. What'll you tell him about me? About the club?" Mattilon smiled. "That as a former pilot and an attorney you can bring an expertise to his suit that might be helpful. As to L'Etalon Blanc, I shall suggest it, tell him you'd be impressed. I shall describe you as something of an Attila the Hun of the skies. How does that appeal to you?" "With very little impact." "Can you carry it off?" asked the Frenchman. The question was sincere. "It would be one way to meet Bertholdier. My client and he are not simply acquaintances, they are friends." "I'll carry it off." "Your having been a prisoner of war will be most helpful. If you see Bertholdier enter, and express a desire to meet him, such requests are not lightly refused former POW's." "I wouldn't press that too hard," said Converse. "Why not?" "A little digging could turn up a rock that doesn't belong in the soil." "Oh?" Mattilon's brows arched again, neither in mockery nor in astonishment, simply surprise. "'Digging,' as you use it, implies something more than a spontaneous meeting with odd names spontaneously thrown about." "Does it?" Joel revolved his glass, annoyed with himself, knowing that any argument would only enlarge the lapse. "Sorry, it was an instinctive reaction. You know how I feel about that topic." "Yes, I do, and I forgot. How careless of me. I apologise." "Actually, I'd just as soon not use my own name. Do you mind?" 82 ROBERT LUDLUM "You're the missionary, not 1. What shall we call you?" The Frenchman was now looking hard at Converse. "It doesn't matter." Mattilon squinted. "How about the name of your employer, Simon? If you meet Bertholdier, it might appeal to him. Lieuc de Saint-Simon was the purest chronicler of the monarchy.... Henry Simon. There must be ten thousand lawyers named Henry Simon in the States." "Simon it is." "You've told me everything, my friend?" asked Rene, his eyes noncommittal. "Everything you care to." "Yes, I have," said Joel, his own eyes a blue-white walk "Let's have another drink." "I think not. It's late and my current wife has malaise if her dinner is cold. She's an excellent cook, incidentally." "You're a lucky man." "Yes, I am." Mattilon finished his drink, placed the glass on the table and spoke casually. "So was Valerie. I shall never forget that fantastic canard ~ I'orange she fixed for us three or four years ago in New York. Do you ever hear from her?" "Hear and see," answered Converse. "I had lunch with her in Boston last month. I gave her the alimony check and she picked up the tab. By the way, her paintings are beginning to sell." "I never doubted that they would." "She did." "Unnecessarily.... I always liked Val. If you see her again, please give her my affectionate best." "I wit. Mattilon rose from the upholstered chair, his eyes no longer noncommittal. "Forgive me, I thought so often you were such a matched pair, I believe is the expression. The passions dwindle, of course, but not the de suite, if you know what I mean." "I think I do, and speaking for both of us, I thank you_for the misplaced concretion."" 'ye ne comprends pas. " "Forget it, it's antiquated doesn't mean anything. I'll give her your affectionate best." "Merci. I'll phone you in the morning." L'Etalon Blanc was a pacifist's nightmare. The club's heavy dark wood walls were covered with photographs and THE AQUITAINE PROGRESSION 83 prints, interspersed with framed citations and glistening medals red ribbons and gold and silver disks cushioned on black velvet. The prints were a visual record of heroic carnage going back two centuries, while the evolution in warfare was shown in photographs as the horses and caissons and sabers became motorcycles, tanks, planes and guns, but the scenes were not all that different because the theme was constant. Victorious men in uniform were depicted in moments of glory, whatever suffering there might have been was strangely absent. These men did not lose no missing limbs or shattered faces here; these were the privileged warriors. Joel felt a profound fear as he studied the martial array. These were not ordinary men; they were hard and strong and the word 'capability' was written across their faces. What had Beale said on Mykonos? What had been the judgment of the Red Fox of Inchon, a man who knew whereof he spoke? . . . I know what they can do when we ask them to do it Yet how much more could they do if they asked it of themselves? wondered Joel. Without the impediments of vacillating civilian authorities? 'Luboque has just arrived," said Mattilon quietly, coming up behind Converse. "I heard his voice in the lobby. Remember, you don't have to overdo it I'll translate what I think is appropriate, anyway but nod profoundly when he makes one of his angry remarks. Also laugh when he tells jokes; they're dreadful, but he likes it." "I'll do my best." 'I'II give you an incentive. Bertholdier has a reservation for lunch. At his usual place, table eleven, by the window." "Where are we?" asked Joel, seeing the Frenchman's pressed lips expressing minor triumph. "Table twelve. Now." "If I ever need a lawyer, I'll call you." "We're terribly expensive. Come now, as they say in all those wonderful films of yours, 'You're on, Monsieur Simon.' Play the role of Attila but don't overplay it." "You know, Rene, for someone who speaks English as well as you do, you gravitate to the tritest phrases." "The English language and American phrases have very little in common, Joel, trite or otherwise." "Smart ass." "Need I say more? . . . Ahh, Monsieur Luboque, Serge, mon amil" 84 ROBERT LUDIUM - - Mattilon's third eye had spotted the entrance of Serge Luboque; he turned around as the thumping became louder on the floor. Luboque was a short, slender man; his physique made one think of those jet pilots of the early period when compactness was a requirement. He was also very close to being a caricature of himself. His short, waxed moustache was affixed to a miniaturised face that was pinched in an expression of vaguely hostile dismissal directed at both no one and everyone. Whatever he had been before, Laboque was now a poseur who knew only how to posture. With all that was brilliant and exciting buried in the past, he had only the memo- ries, the rest was anger. "Et relief l 'expert f udiefaire den Tom pannier aerJennes, -he said, looking at Converse and extending his hand. ' Serge is delighted to meet you and is sure you can help us," explained Mattilon. '4I'II do what I can," said Converse. "And apologize for my not speaking French." The lawyer obviously did so, and Luboque shrugged, speaking rapidly, incomprehensibly; the word anglais repeated several times. "He, too, apologizes for not speaking English," said Mattilon, glancing at Joel, mischievousness in his look, as he added, "If he's Iying, Monsieur Simon, we may both be placed against these decorated walls and shot." "No way," said Converse, smiling. "Our executioners might dent the medals and blow up the pictures. Everybody knows you're lousy shots." "Qutest-ce que vous cites?" "Monsieur Simon tient a was mmercier pour le dejeuner, " said Mattilon, turning to his client. n en est. tresf error il estime que l'o,~icier fran,cais eat l'un ties meilleurs du monde. " "What did you say?" "I explained," said the lawyer, turning again, "that you were honored to be here, as you believe the French military especially the officer corps to be the finest on earth." "Not only lousy shots but rotten pilots," said Joel, smiling and nodding. "Est-il oral que was aver participe ~ nombKuses missions en Asie d u Sud?" asked Lubeque, his eyes fixed on Joel. "I beg your pardon?" THE AQUITAINE PROGRESSION 85 'He wants it confirmed that you are really an Attila of the skies, that you flew many missions." "Quite a few," answered Joel. "Beaucoup," said Mattilon. Luboque again spoke rapidly, even more incomprehensibly, as he snapped his fingers for a steward. "What now?" "He'd rather tell you about his exploits in the interests of the case, of course." "Of course," said Converse, his smile now fixed. "Lousy shots, rotten pilots and insufferable egos." "Ah, but our food, our women, our incomparable understanding of life." "There's a very explicit word in French one of the few I learned from my ex-wife but I don't think I should use it." Joel's smile was now cemented to his lips. "That's right, I forgot," said Mattilon. "She and I would converse in notre belle lanque; it used to irritate you so Don't use it. Remember your incentive." "Qu'est-ce que was cites encore? Notre belle lanqueP" Luboque spoke as a steward stood by his side. "Notre ami, Monsieur Simon, suit an sours ~ I'ecole Berlitz et pourra ainsi s'entretenir directement aver vous. " "Bien!" "WhatP" "I told him you would learn the Berlitz French so you could dine with him whenever you flew into Paris. You're to ring him up. Nod, smart ass." Converse nodded. And so it went. Point, noncounterpoint, non sequitur. Serge Luboque held forth during drinks in the warriors" playroom, Mattilon translating and advising Joel as to the expression to wear on his face as well as suggesting an appropriate reply. Fmally Luboque stridently described the crash that had cost him his left foot and the obvious equipment failures for which he should be compensated. Converse looked properly pained and indignant, and offered to write a legal opinion for the court based on his expertise as a pilot of jet aircraft. Mattilon translated; Luboque beamed and rattled off a barrage of gargled vowels that Joel took for thanks. "He's forever in your debt," said Rene. 86 ROBERT LUDIUM "Not if I write that opinion,'' replied Converse. "He locked himself in the cockpit and threw away the key." 'Write it," countered Mattilon, smiling. "You've just paid for my time. We'll use it as a wedge to open the door of retreat. Also, he'll never ask you to dinner when you're in Paris." "When's lunch? I'm running out of expressions." They marched in hesitant lockstep into the dining room, matching Luboque's gait as he thumped along on the hard, ornate parquet floor. The ridiculous three-sided conversation continued as wine was proffered a bottle was sent back by Luboque and Converse's eyes kept straying to the dining room's entrance. The moment came: Bertholdier arrived. He stood in the open archway, his head turned slightly to his left as another man in a light-brown gabardine topcoat spoke without expression. The general nodded his head and the subordinate re- treated. Then the great man walked into the room quietly but imperially. Heads turned and the man acknowledged the homage as a dauphin who will soon be king accepts the attentions of the ministers of a failing monarch. The effect was extraordinary, for there were no kingdoms, no monarchies, no lands to be divided through conquest to the knights of Crecy or anybody else, but this man of no royal lineage was tacitly being recognized goddamn it, thought Joel as an emperor in his own right. Jacques-Louis Bertholdier was of medium height, between five nine and five eleven, certainly no more, but his bearing the sheer straight shaft of his posture, the breadth of his shoulders and the length of his strong slender neck made him appear much taller, much more imposing than another might. He was among his own, and here, indeed, he was above the others, elevated by their own consensus. "Say something reverential," said Mattilon, as Bertholdier approached, heading for the table next to theirs. "Glance up at him and look tastefully awed. I'll do the rest." Converse did as he was told, uttering Bertholdier's full name under his breath, but loud enough to be heard. He followed this quiet exclamation by leaning toward Mattilon and saying, "He's a man I've always wanted to meet." There followed a brief exchange in French between Rene and his client, whereupon Luboque nodded, his expres THE AQUITAINE PROGRESSION 87 sion that of an arrogant man willing to dispense a favor to a new friend. Bertholdier reached his chair, the maitre d' and the dining room captain hovering on either side. The pavane took place less than four feet away. "Mon general," said Luboque, rising. "Serge," replied Bertholdier, stepping forward, hand extended a superior officer aware of a worthy subordinate's disability. "Comment pa van" "Bien, Jacques. Et was?" "Les temps vent bier etranges, mon amt." The greetings were brief, and the direction of the conversabon was changed quickly by Luboque, who gestured at Converse as he continued speaking. InsUnchvely Joel got to his feet, posture straight, his eyes level, unblinking, staring at Bertholdier, his look as piercing as the general's professional but without awe. He had been right in an unexpected way. The shared Southeast Asian experience had validity for Jacques-Louis Bertholdier. And why not? He, too, had his memories. Mathlon was introduced aknost as an afterthought, and the soldier gave a brief nod as he crossed behind Rene to shake hands with Joel. "A pleasure, Monsieur Simon," said Bertholdier, his English precise, his grip firm, a comrade acknowledging another comrade, the man's imperious charm instantly apparent. "I'm sure you've heard it thousands of Ames, sir," said Joel, maintaining the steady, professional burn in his eyes, "but this is an occasion I never expected. If I may say so, General, it's an honor to meet you." "It is an honor to meet you," rejoined Bertholdier. "You gentlemen of the air did all you could, and I know something about the circumstances. So many missions' I think it was eas- ier on the ground!" The general laughed quietly. "Gentlemen of the air" the man was unreal, thought Converse. But the connection was firm; it was real, he felt it, he knew it. The combination of words and looks had brought it about. So simple: a lawyer's ruse, taming an adversary in this case an enemy. The enemy. "I ~onidn't agree with that, General; it was a lot~eaner in the air. But if there'd been more like you on the ground in Indochina, there never would have been a Dienbienphu." "A flattering statement, but I'm not sure it could stand the test of reality." 88 ROBERT LUDLUM "I'm sure," said Joel quietly, clearly. "I'm convinced of Luboque, who had been engaged in conversation by Mattilon, interrupted. "Mon general, voulez-vous vous joinder a nous?" "Pardonnez-moi. ye suds occupy aver mes visiteurs, " answered Bertholdier, turning back to Converse. "I must decline Rene's invitation, I'm expecting guests. He tells me you are an attorney, a specialist in aircraft litigation." "It's part of the broader field, yes. Air, ground, oceangoing craft we try to represent the spectrum. Actually, I'm fairly new at it not the expertise, I hope but the represen '1 see, 'said the general, obviously bewildered. "Are you in Paris on business?" This was it, thought Joel. Above all, he would have to be subtle. The words but especially the eyes must convey the unspoken. "No, I'm just here to catch my breath. I flew from San Francisco to New York and on to Paris. Tomorrow I'll be in Bonn for a day or so, then off to Tel Aviv." "How tiring for you." Bertholdier was now returning his stare. "Not the worst, I'm afraid," said Converse, a half-smile on his lips. "After Tel Aviv, there's a night flight to Johannes "Bonn, Tel Aviv, Johannesburg . . ." The soldier spoke softly. "A most unusual itinerary." "Productive, we think. At least, we hope so." "We?" "My client, General. My new client." "Deraisonnable!" cried Mattilon, laughing at something Luboque had said, and, just as obviously, telling Joel he could no longer keep his impatient litigant in conversation. Bertholdier, however, did not take his eyes off Converse. 'Where are you staying, my young fighter-pilot friend?" "Young and not so young, General." "Where?" "The George Cinq. Suite two-three-five." "A fine establishment." "It's habit. My previous firm always posted me there." "Posted? As in 'garrisoned'?" asked Bertholdier, a half-smile now on his lips. THE AQUITAINE PROGRESSION 89 "An unconscious slip," said Joel. "But then again, it says it, doesn't it, sir?" "It does, indeed.... Ah ha, my guests arrive!" The soldier extended his hand. "It's been a pleasure, Monsieur Simon." Swift au revoir's accompanied nods and rapid handshakes as Bertholdier returned to his table to greet his luncheon companions. Through Mathlon, Joel thanked Luboque for the introduction; the disabled pilot gestured with both hands, palms up, and Converse had the distinct feeling that he had been baptised. The insane three-sided dialogue then resumed at high speed, and it was all Joel could do to maintain even minimum concentration. Progress had been made; it was in Bertholdier's eyes, and he could feel those eyes straying over to him even while the conversation at both tables became animated. The general was diagonally to Converse's left; with the slightest turning of either face, the line of sight between them was direct. Twice it happened. The first time, Joel felt the forceful gaze resting on him as if magnified sunlight were burning into his flesh. He shifted his head barely an inch; their eyes locked, the soldier's penetrating, severe, questioning. The second time was a half-hour later, when the eye contact was initiated by Converse himself. Luboque and Mattilon were discussing legal strategy, and as if drawn by a magnet, Joel slowly turned to his left and watched Bertholdier, who was quietly, emphatically making a point with one of his guests. Suddenly, as a voice replied across the adjacent table, the general snapped his head in Converse's direction, his eyes no longer questioning, only cold and ice-like. Then just as abruptly, there was warmth in them; the celebrated soldier nodded, a half-smile on his face. Joel sat in the soft leather chair by the window in the dimly lit sitting room; what light there was came from a fringed lamp on the desk. Alternately he stared at the telephone in front of the lamp and looked out the window at the weaving night traffic of Paris and the lights on the wide boulevard below. Then he focused entirely on the phone as he so frequently did when waiting for a call from a legal adversary he expected would capitulate, knowing that man or woman would capitulate. It was simply a question of time. What he expected now was communication, not capitula 90 ROBERT LUDLUM tion a connection, the connection. He had no idea what form it would take, but it would come. It had to come. It was nearly seven-thirty, four hours since he had left L'Etalon Blanc after a final, firm handshake exchanged with Jacques-Louis Bertholdier. The look in the soldier's eyes was unmistakable: If nothing else, Converse reasoned, Bertholdier would have to satisfy his sheer curiosity. Joel had covered himself with the hotel's front desk, distributing several well-placed 100-franc notes. The tactic was not at all unusual in these days of national and financial unrest had not been for years, actually, even without the unrest. Visiting businessmen frequently chose to use pseudonyms for any number of reasons, ranging from negotiations best kept quiet to amorous engagements best left untraceable. In Converse's case, the use of the name Simon made it appear logical, if not eminently respectable. If Talbot, Brooks and Simon preferred that all communications be made in the surname of one of the senior partners, who could question the decisions Joel, however, carried the ploy one step further. After telephoning New York, he explained, he was told that his own name was not to be used at all; no one knew he was in Paris and that was the way his firm wanted it. Obviously, the delayed instructions accounted for the mix-up in the res- ervation, which was void at any rate. There was to be no billing; he would pay in cash, and since this was Paris, no one raised the slightest objection. Cash was infinitely preferable, delayed payment a national anathema. Whether anyone believed this nonsense or not was irrelevant. The logic was sufficiently adequate and the franc notes persuasive; the original registration card was torn up and another placed in the hotel file. H. Simon replaced J. Converse. The permanent address of the former was a figment of Joel's imagination, a numbered house on a numbered street in Chicago, Illinois, said house and said street most likely nonexistent. Anyone asking or calling for Mr. Converse which was highly unlikely would be told no guest of that name was currently at the George V. Even Rene Mattilon was not a problem, for Joel had been specific. Since he had no further business in Paris, he was taking the six o'clock shuttle to London and staying with friends for several days before flying back to New York. He had thanked Rene profusely, telling the Frenchman that his firm's fears about Bertholdier had been groundless. During their quiet conversation he had brought THE AQUITAINE PROGRESSION 91 up three key names with the general, and each had been greeted with a blank look from Bertholdier, who apologized for his faulty memory. "He wasn't Iying," Joel had said. "I can't imagine why he would," Mattilon had replied. I can, Converse had thought to himself. They call itAquitaine. A crack! There was a sudden sound, a harsh metallic snap, then another, and another the tumblers of a lock falling out of place, a knob being turned. It came from beyond the open door to the bedroom. Joel bolted forward in his chair; then, looking at his watch, just as rapidly he let out his breath and relaxed. It was the hour when the floor maid turned down the bed; the tension of the expected call and what it represented had frayed his nerves. Again he leaned back, his gaze resting on the telephone. When would it ring? Would it ring? "Pardon, monsieur, " said a feminine voice, accompanied by a light tapping on the open doorframe. Joel could not see the speaker. "Yes?" Converse turned away from the silent phone, expecting to see the maid. What he saw made him gasp. It was the figure of Bertholdier, his posture erect, his angled head rigid, his eyes a strange admixture of cold appraisal, condescension, and if Joel was not mistaken a trace of fear. He walked through the door and stood motionless; when he spoke his voice was a rippling sheet of ice. "I was on my way to a dinner engagement on the fourth floor, Monsieur Simon. By chance, I remembered you were in this very hotel. You did give me the number of your suite. Do I intrude?" "Of course not, General," said Converse, on his feet. "Did you expect met" "Not this way." "But you did expect me?" Joel paused. 'Yes." "A signal sent and received?" Again Joel paused. "Yes." You are either a provocatively subtle attorney or a strangely obsessed man. Which is it, Monsieur Simon?" `If I provoked you into coming to see me and I was subtle about it, I'll accept that gladly. As to being obsessed, the word implies an exaggerated or unwarranted concern. Whatever 92 ROBERT LUDLUM concerns I have, I know damned well they're neither exaggerated nor unwarranted. No obsession, General. I'm too good a lawyer for that." "A pilot cannot lie to himself. If he does so blindly, he crashes to his death." "I've been shot down. I've never crashed through pilot error." Bertholdier walked slowly to the brocaded couch against the wall. "Bonn, Tel Aviv, and Johannesburg," he said quietly as he sat down and crossed his legs. "The signal?" "The signal." "My company has interests in those areas." "So does my client," said Converse. "And what do you have, Monsieur Simon?" Joel stared at the soldier. 'A commitment, General." Bertholdier was silent, his body immobile, his eyes searching "May I have a brandy?" he said finally. "My escort will remain in the corridor outside this door." 4 Converse walked to the dry bar against the wall, conscious of the soldier's gaze, wondering which tack the conversation would take. He was oddly calm, as he frequently was before a merger conference or a pretrial examination, knowing he knew things his adversaries were not aware of buried information that had surfaced through long hours of hard work. In the present circumstances there had been no work at all on his part, but the results were the same. He knew a great deal about the legend across the room named Jacques-Louis Bertholdier. In a word, Joel was prepared, and over the years he had learned to trust his on-the-feet instincts as he had once trusted those that had guided him through the skies years ago. Also, as it was part of his job, he was familiar with the legal intricacies of import-export manipulations. They were a maze of often disconnected authorisations, easily made incompre- hensible for the uninitiated, and during the next few minutes THE AQUITAINE PROGRESSION 93 he intended to baffle this disciple of George Marcus Delavane warlord of Saigon until the soldier s trace of fear became something far more pronounced. Clearances for foreign shipments came in a wide variety of shapes and colors, from the basic export license with specific bills of lading to those with the less specific generic limitations. Then there were the more coveted licenses required for a wide variety of products subject to governmental reviews; these were usually shunted back and forth between vacillating departments until deadlines forced bureaucratic decisions often based on whose influence was the strongest or who among the bureaucrats were the weakest. Finally, there was the most lethal authorisation of all, a document too frequently conceived in corruption and delivered in blood. It was called the End-User's Certificate, an innocuously named permit that was a license to ship the most abusive merchandise in the nation's arsenals into air and sea lanes beyond the controls of those who should have them. In theory, this deadly equipment was intended solely for allied governments with shared objectives, thus the 'use" at the discretion of the parties at the receiving "end" calculated death legitimised by a' certificate" that obfuscated everyone's intentions. But once the equipment was en route, diversion was the practice. Shipments destined for the Bay of Haifa or Alexandria would find their way to the Gulf of Sidra and a madman in Libya, or an assassin named Carlos training killer teams anywhere from Beirut to the Sahara. Fictional corporations with nonexistent yet strangely influential officers operated through obscure brokers and out of hastily constructed or out-of-the-way warehouses in the U.S. and abroad. Millions upon millions were to be made; death was an unimportant consequence and there was a phrase for it all. Boardroom terrorism. It fit, and it would be Aquitaine's method. There was no other. These were the thoughts the methods of opera- tion that flashed through Converse's mind as he poured the drinks. He was ready; he turned and walked across the room. "What are you seeking, Monsieur Simon?" asked Bertholdier, taking the brandy from Converse. "Information, General." "About what?" "World markets expanding markets that my client 94 ROBERT LUDI.UM might service. " Joel crossed back to the chair by the window and sat down. "And what sort of service does he render?" "He's a broker." "Of what?" "A wide range of products." Converse brought his glass to his lips; he drank, then added, "I think I mentioned them in general terms at your club this afternoon. Planes, vehicles oceangoing craft, munitions material. The spectrum." "Yes, you did. I'm afraid I did not understand." "My client has access k production and warehouse sources beyond anyone I've ever known or ever heard of." "Very impressive. Who is he?" "I'm not at liberty to say." "Perhaps I know him." "You might, but not in the way I've described him. His profile is so low in this area, it's nonexistent." "And you won't tell me who he is," said Bertholdier "It's privileged information." "Yet, in your own words, you sought me out, sent a signal to which I responded, and now say you want information concerning expanding markets for all manner of merchandise, including Bonn, Tel Aviv, and Johannesburg. But you won't divulge the name of your client who will benefit if I have this information which I probably do not. Surely, you can't be serious." "You have the information and, yes, I'm very serious. But I'm afraid you've jumped to the wrong conclusion." "I have no fear of it at all. My English is fluent and I heard what you said. You came out of nowhere, I know nothing about you, you speak elusively of this unnamed influential man " "You asked me, General," interrupted Joel firmly without raising his voice. "What I was seeking." "And you said information." "Yes, I did, but I didn't say I was seeking it from you." "I beg your pardon?" "Under the circumstances for the reasons you just mentioned you wouldn't give it to me anyway, and I'm well aware of that." "Then what is the point of this shall I say, in- duced~onversation? I do not like my time trifled with, monsieur. " THE AQUITAINE PROGRESSION 95 "That's the last thing on earth we'd do I'd do." "Please be specific." "My client wants your trust. I want it. But we know it can't be given until you feel it's justified. In a few days a week at the outside I hope to prove that it is." "By trips to Bonn, Tel Aviv Johannesburg?' "Frankly, yes." "Why?" "You said it a few minutes ago. The signal." Bertholdier was suddenly wary. He shrugged too casually; he was pulling back. "I said it because my company has considerable investments in those areas. I thought it was enhrely plausible you had a proposition, or propositions, to make relative to those interests." "I intend to have. ' "Please be specific," said the soldier, controlling his irritation. "You know I can't," replied Joel. "Not yet." "When?" "When it's clear to you all of you that my client, and by extension myself, have as strong motives for being a part of you as the most dedicated among you." "A part of my company? Juneau et Compagrue?" "Forgive me, General, I won't bother to answer that." Bertholdier glanced at the brandy in his hand, then back at Converse. "You say you flew from San Francisco." "I'm not based there," Joel broke in. "But you came from San Francisco. To Paris. Why uJere you there?" "I'll answer that if for no other reason than to show you how thorough we are and how much more thorough others are. We traced I traced overseas shipments back to export licenses originating in the northern California area. The li- censees were companies with no histories and warehouses with no records chains of four walls erected for brief, temporary periods of convenience. It was a mass of confusion leading nowhere and everywhere. Names on documents where no such people existed, documents themselves that came out of bureaucratic labyrinths virtually un-traceable rubber stamps, of iicial seals, and signatures of authorisation where no authority was granted. Unknowing middle-level personnel told to expedite departmental clearances That's what I 96 ROBERT [UDDER found in San Francisco. A morass of complex, highly questionable transactions that could not bear intense scrutiny." Bertholdier's eyes were fixed, too controlled. "I would know nothing about such things, of course," he said. "Of course," agreed Converse. "But the fact that my client does through me and the additional fact that neither he nor I have any desire whatsoever to call attention to them must tell you something." "Frankly, not a thing." "Please, General. One of the first principles of free enterprise is to cripple your competition, step in, and fill the void." The soldier drank, gripping the glass firmly. He lowered it and spoke. "Why did you come to me?" "Because you were there." "What?" "Your name was there among the morass, way down deep, but there." Bertholdier shot forward. "Impossible! Preposterous!" "Then why am I here? Why are you here?" Joel placed his glass on the table by the chair, the movement that of a man not finished speaking. "Try to understand me. Depending upon which government department a person's dealing with certain recommendations are bound to be helpful. You wouldn't do a damn thing for someone appealing to Housing and Urban Development, but over at the State Department's Munitions Controls or at Pentagon procurements, you're golden." "I have never lent my name to any such appeals." "Others did. Men whose recommendations carried a lot of weight, but who perhaps needed extra clout." "What do you mean? This 'clout.'" "A final push for an affirmative decision without any apparent personal involvement. It's called support for an action through viable second and third parties. For instance, a memo might read: 'We' the department, not a person 'don't know much about this, but if a man like General Bertholdier is favorably disposed, and we are informed that he is, why should we argue?'" "Never. It could not happen." "It did," said Converse softly, knowing it was the moment to bring in reality to support his abstractions. He would be able to tell instantly if Beale was right, if this legend of France was responsible for the slaughter and chaos in the cities and THE AQUITAINE PROGRESSION 97 towns of a violently upended Northern Ireland. "You were there, not often but enough for me to find you. Just as you were there in a different way when a shipment was air-freighted out of Beloit, Wisconsin, on its way to Tel Aviv. Of course it never got there. Somehow it was diverted to maniacs on both sides in Belfast. I wonder where it happened? Montreal? Paris? Marseilles? The Separatists in Quebec would certainly follow your orders, as would men in Paris and Marseilles. It's a shame a company named Solidaire had to pay off the insurance claim. Oh, yes, you're a director of the firm aren't you? And it's so convenient that insurance carriers have access to the merchandise they cover." Bertholdier was frozen to the chair, the muscles of his face pulsating, his eyes wide, staring at Joel. His guilt was suppressed, but no less apparent for that control. "I cannot be lieve what you are implying. It's shocking and incredible!" "I repeat, why am I here?" "Only you can answer that, monsieur," said Bertholdier, abruptly getting to his feet, the brandy in his hand. Then slowly, with military precision, he leaned over and placed the glass on the coffee table; it was a gesture of finality the conference was over. "Quite obviously I made a foolish error," he contin- ued, shoulders square again and head rigid, but now with a strained yet oddly convincing smile on his lips. "I am a soldier, not a businessman; it is a late direction in my life. A soldier tries to seize an initiative and I attempted to do just that; only, there was there is no initiative. Forgive me, I misread your signal this afternoon." "You didn't misread anything, General." "Am I contradicted by a stranger I might even say a devious stranger who arranges a meeting under false pretenses and proceeds to make outrageous statements regarding my honor and my conduct? I think not." As Bertholdier strode across the room toward the hallway door Joel rose from his chair. "Don't bother, monsieur, I'll let myself out. You've gone to enough trouble, for what purpose I haven't the faintest idea." "I'm on my way to Bonn," said Converse. "Tell your friends I'm coming. Tell them to expect me. And please, General, tell them not to prejudge me. I mean that." "Your elliptical references are most annoying Lieutenant. It was 'lieutenant,' wasn't it? Unless you also deceived poor Luboque as well." 98 ROBERT LUDLUM "Whatever deception employed to meet you can only be for his benefit. I've offered to write a legal opinion for his case. He may not like it, but it'll save him a lot of pain and money. And I have not deceived you." "A matter of judgment, I think." Bertholdier turned and reached for the outsized brass knob. "Bonn, Germany," pressed Joel. "I heard you. I haven't the vaguest notion what you " "Leifhelm," said Converse quietly. "Erich Leifhelm." The soldier's head turned slowly; his eyes were banked fires, the coals glowing, about to erupt at the merest gust of wind. "A name known to me, but not the man." "Tell him I'm coming." "Good night, monsieur," said Bertholdier, opening the door, his face ashen. Joel raced into the bedroom, grabbed his suitcase and threw it on the luggage rack. He had to get out of Paris. Within hours, perhaps minutes, Bertholdier would have him watched, and if he was followed to an airport, his passport would expose the name Simon as a lie. He could not let that happen, not yet. It was strange, unsettling. He had never had any reason to leave a hotel surreptitiously, and he was not sure he knew how to do it only that it had to be done. The altering of the registration card had been done instinctively, there were occasions when legal negotiations had to be kept quiet for every- one's benefit. But this was different it was abnormal. He had said to Beale on Mykonos that he was going to become someone he was not. It was an easy thing to say, not at all easy to do. His suitcase packed, he checked the battery charge on his electric razor and absently turned it on, moving it around his chin, as he walked to the bedside telephone. He shut the switch off as he dialed, unsure of what he would say to the night concierge but nevertheless instinctively orienting his mind to a business approach. After initial remarks, mutually flattering, the words came. "There's an extremely sensitive situation, and my firm is anxious that I leave for London just as soon as possible and as discreetly as possible. Frankly, I would prefer not to be seen checking out." "Discretion, monsieur, is honored here, and haste is a THE AQUITAINE PROGRESSION 99 normal request. I shall come up and present your bill myself. Say, ten minutes?" "I've only one piece of luggage. I'll carry it, but I'll need a cab. Not in front." "Not in front, of course. The freight elevator, monsieur. It connects below with our corridor for deliveries. Arrangements will be made." "I ve made arrangementst" said Bertholdier harshly into the limousine's mobile phone, the glass partition between him and the chauffeur tightly shut. "One man remains in the gallery in sight of the elevators, another in the cellars where the hotel supplies are brought in. If he attempts to leave during the night, it is the only other exit available to him. I've used it myself on several occasions." "This . . . is all most difficult to absorb." The voice on the line spoke with a clipped British accent, the speaker obviously astonished, his breathing audible, a man suddenly afraid. "Are you sure? Could there be some other linkage?" "Imbecile! I repeat. He knew about the munitions shipment from Beloit! He knew the routing, even the method of theft. He went so far as to identify Solidaire and my position as a board member! He made a direct reference to our business associate in Bonnl Then to Tel Aviv . . .lohannesburgl What other linkage could there be?" "Corporate entanglements, perhaps. One can't rule them out. Multinational subsidiaries, munitions investments, our associate in West Germany also sits on several boards.... And the locations money pours into them." "What in the name of God do you think I'm talking about? I can say no more now, but what I've told you, my English flower, take it to be the worstl" There was a brief silence from London. "I understand," said the voice of a subordinate rebuked. "I hope you do. Get in touch with New York. His name is Simon, Henry Simon. He's an attorney from Chicago. I have the address; it's from the hotel's registration file." Bertholdier squinted under the glare of the reading lamp, haltingly deciphering the numbers and the numbered street written down by an assistant bell captain, well paid by one of the general's men to go into the office and obtain information on the occupant of suite two-three-five. "Do you have that?" "Yes." The voice was now sharp, a subordinate about to 100 ROBERT LUDLUM redress a grievance. Was it wise to get it that way? A friend or a greedy employee might tell him someone was inquiring about him.' "Really, my British daffodil? An innocuous bellboy checking the registry so as to post a lost garment to a recent guest?" Again the brief silence. ' Yes, I see. You know, Jacques, we work for a great cause a business cause, of course more important than either of us, as we did once years ago. I must constantly remind myself of that, or I don't think I could tolerate your insults." And what would be your recourse, I'Anglais?" 'To cut your arrogant Frog balls off in Trafalgar Square and stuff them in a lion's mouth. The repository wouldn't have to be large; an ancient crack would do. I'll ring you up in an hour or so.'' There was a click and the line went dead. The soldier lowered the mobile phone in his hand, and a smile slowly emerged on his lips. They were the best, all of theml They were the hope, the only hope of a very sick world. Then the smile faded, the blood again draining from his face, arrogance turning into fear. What did this Henry Simon want, really want? Who was the unknown man with access to extraordinary sources planes, vehicles, munitions? What in God's name did they know? The padded elevator descended slowly, its interior designed for moving furniture and luggage, its speed adjusted for room-service deliveries. The night concierge stood beside Joel, his face pleasantly impassive; in his right hand was the leather bourse containing a copy of Converse's bill and the franc notes covering it as well as a substantial gratuity for the Frenchman's courtesy. A slight whirring sound preceded the stop; the panel light shone behind the letters sou-so~, and the heavy doors parted. Beyond in the wide hallway was a platoon of whitejacketed waiters, maids, porters and a few maintenance personnel commandeering tables racks of linens, luggage and assorted cleaning materials. Loud, rapid chatter, heightened by bursts of laughter and guttural expletives, accompanied the bustling activity. At the sight of the concierge there was a perceptible lessening of volume and an increase of concentrated move THE AQUITAINE PROGRESSION 101 meet, along with nods and fawning smiles directed at the man who, with the flick of a pen, could eliminate their jobs. "If you'll just point me in the right direction, I ll be on my way," said Joel, not wishing to call further attention to himself in the company of the concierge. 'I've taken up too much of your time." "Merct. If you will follow that corridor, it will lead to the service exit," replied the Frenchman, pointing to a hallway on the left, beyond the bank of elevators. "The guard is at his desk and is aware of your departure. Outside in the alley, turn right and walk to the street; your taxi is waiting for you." "I appreciate my firm appreciates your cooperation. As I mentioned upstairs, there's nothing really that secretive, or unusual just sensitive." The hotel man's impassive countenance did not change, except for a slightly sharper focus in his eyes. "It is of no matter, monsieur, an explanation is not required. I did not request it, and if you'll forgive me, you should not feel an obligation to offer one. Au rewir, Monsieur Simon." "Yes, of course," said Converse, maintaining his composure though he felt like a schoolboy admonished for speaking out of turn, for offering an answer when he had not been called upon. "See you next time I'm in Paris." "We await the day, monsieur. Bonsotr." Joel turned quickly, making his way through the uniformed crowd toward the hallway, apologising whenever his suitcase made contact with a body. He had just been taught a lesson, one he should not have had to learn. He knew it in a courtroom and in conference: Never explain what you don't have to. Shut up. But this was not a court or a conference. It was, it suddenly dawned on him, an escape, and the realization was a little frightening, certainly very strange. Or was it? Escape was in his vocabulary, in his experience. He had tried it three times before in his life years ago. And death had been everywhere. He put the thought out of his mind and walked down the corridor toward the large metal door in the distance. He slowed down; something was wrong. Ahead, standing in front of the security desk talking to the guard was a man in a light-colored topcoat. Joel had seen him before but he did not know where; then the man moved and Converse began to remember an image came back to him. Another man had moved the same way taking several steps backward before 102 ROBERT LUDLUM turning to disappear from an archway, and now he moved the same way to cross the corridor to lean against the wall. Was it the same man? Yes! It was the one who had accompanied Bertholdier to the dining-room entrance of L'Etalon Blanc. The subordinate who had taken leave of a superior then was here now under orders from that same superior. The man looked up, the flash of recognition instantly in his eyes. Stretching, he raised himself to his full height and turned away, his hand slowly moving toward the fold in his coat. Converse was stunned. Was the man actually reaching for a gun ? With an armed guard barely ten feet away? It was insane! Joel stopped; he considered racing back into the crowd by the elevators but knew it was pointless. If Bertholdier had posted a watchdog in the basement, others would be upstairs, in the corridors, in the lobby. He could not turn and run; there was no place to go, nowhere to hide. So he kept walking, now faster, directly toward the man in the light-brown topcoat, his mind confused, his throat tight. "There you arel"he cried out loud, not sure the words were his. "The general told me where to find your" The man stood motionless, in shock, speechless. "Le general2" he said, barely above a whisper. "He . . . tell you?" The man's English was not good, and that was very good. He could understand, but not well. Rapidly spoken words, persuasively delivered, might get them both out the door. Joel turned to the guard while angling his attache case into his companion's back. "My name's Simon. I believe the concierge spoke to you about me." The juxtaposition of the name and the title was sufficient for the bewildered guard. He glanced at his papers, nodding. "One monsieur. Le concierge . . ." "Come on!" Converse shoved the attache case into the man in the topcoat, propelling him toward the door. "The general's waiting for us outside. Let's gal Hurry up!" "Le general . ?" The man's hands instinctively shot out at the crash bar of the exit door, in less than five seconds he and Joel were alone in the alley. "Que se passe-toil? Oil est le general?... Where?" "Here! He said to wait here. You. You're to wait here! Ici!" "Arre^tez!" The man was recovering. He stood his ground. Thrusting his left hand out, he pushed Converse back against the wall. With his right hand he reached into his overcoat. THE AQUITAINE PROGRESSION 103 "Don't!" Joel dropped his attache case, gripping his suitcase and pulling it up in front of him, about to rush forward. He stopped. The man did not pull out a gun; instead, what he had was a thin rectangular object bound in black leather, from which a long metallic needle rose from the narrow flat top. An antenna . . . a radial All thought was blurred for Converse, but he knew he had to act instantly only mobon counted. He could not permit the man to use that radio, alerting those with other radios elsewhere in the hotel. With a sudden surge of strength he rammed his suitcase into the man's knees, tearing the radio away with his left hand, whipping his right arm out and over the man's shoulder. He crooked his elbow around the Frenchman's neck as he spun on the pavement. Then without thinking, he yanked Bertholdier's soldier forward, so that both of them hurtled toward the wall, and crashed the man's head into the stone. Blood spread throughout the Frenchman's skull, matUng his hair and streaking down his face in deep-red rivulets. Joel could not think, he could not allow himself to think. If he did, he would be sick and he knew it. Mobon, ma lion! The man went limp. Converse angled the unconscious body by the shoulders, propelling it against the wall, shoving it away from the metal door and letting it drop in the farther shadows. He leaned down and picked up the radio; he snapped off the antenna and shoved the case into his pocket. He stood up, confused, frightened, trying to orient himself. Then, grabbing his attache case and suitcase, he raced breathlessly out of the alley, conscious of the blood that had somehow erupted over part of his face. The taxi was at the curb, the driver smoking a cigarette in the darkness, oblivious to the violence that had taken place only thirty yards away. "De Gaulle Airport!' shouted Joel, opening the door and throwing his luggage inside. "Please, I'm in a hurry!" He lurched into the seat, gasping, his neck stretched above the cushioned rim, swallowing the air that would not fill his lungs. The rushing lights and shadows that bombarded the interior of the cab served to keep his thoughts suspended, allowing his racing pulse to decelerate and the air to reach him, slowly drying the perspiration at his temples and his neck. He leaned forward, wanUng a cigarette but afraid he would vomit from the smoke trapped in his throat. He shut his eyes so tightly a thousand specks of white light assaulted the dark 104 ROBERT LUDLUM screen of his mind. He felt ill, and he knew it was not simply fear alone that had brought on the nausea. It was something else, something that was in and of itself as paralysing fear. He had committed an act of utter brutality, and it both shocked and appalled him. He had actually physically attacked a man, wanUng to cripple him, perhaps kill him which he may very well have done. No matter why, he may have killed another human being! Did the presence of a hand-held radio justify a shattered skull? Did it constitute self-defence? Goddamn it, he was a man of words, of logic, not blood! Never blood, that was in the past, so long ago and so painful. Those memories belonged to another ffme, to an uncivilized time, when men became what they were not in order to survive. Converse never wanted to go back. Above all things, he had promised himself he never would, a promise he made when the terror and the violence were all around him, at their shattering worst. He remembered so vividly, with such pain, the final hours before his last escape and the quiet, generous man without whom he would have died twenty feet down in the earth, a shaft in the ground designed for troublemakers. Colonel Sam Abbott, US. Air Force, would always be a part of his life no matter how many years might separate them. At the risk of torture and death, Sam had crawled out at night and had thrown a crudely fashioned metal wedge down the "punishment hole', it was that primitive tool that allowedloel to build a crude ladderoutof earth and rock and finally to freedom. Abbott and he had spent the last twenty-seven months in the same cam p, both officers trying to hold together what sanity there was. But Sam understood the burning inside Joel; the Colonel had stayed behind, and during those final hours before breakout, Joel was wracked by the thoughts of what might happen to his friend "Don't worry about me, sailor. Just keep your minimum wits about you and get rid of that wedge. Take care, Sam. You take care. This is the last shot you've got. I know. Joel moved over toward the door and rolled down the window several inches more to increase the rush of wind from the highway. Christ, he needed Sam Abbott's quiet objectivity now! His lawyer's mind told him to get hold of himself; he had THE AQUITAINE PROGRESSION 105 to think and his thoughts had to stimulate whatever imaginahon he had. First things first. Think! The radio he had to get rid of the radio. But not at the airport it might be found in the airport; it was evidence, and worse, a means of tracing him. He rolled the window further down and threw it out, his eyes on the rearview mirror above the windshield. The driver glanced up at him, saw the bloody face but showed no alarm; Joel took repeated deep breaths and then rolled the window back up. Think. He had to think! Bertholdier expected him to go from Paris to Bonn and when the general's soldier was found and he had undoubtedly been found by now all flights to Bonn would be watched, whether the man was alive or dead. He would buy a ticket for somewhere else, someplace where connections to Cologne-Bonn were accessible on a regular basis. As the stream of air cooled his face it occurred to him to remove the handkerchief from his breast pocket and wipe away the moist blood that covered his right cheek and lower chin. 'Scandinavian Air Icings," he said, raising his voice to the driver. "SAS. Do you . . . comprends?" "Very clearly, monsieur,' said the bereted man behind the wheel in good English. ' Do you have a reservation for Stockholm, Oslo, or Copenhagen? They are different gates." "I'm . . . I'm not sure." "We have time, monsieur. At least fifteen minutes." The voice over the telephone from London was frigid, the words and the delivery an impersonal rebuke. "There is no attorney by that name in Chicago, and certainly not at the address you gave me. In fact, the address does not exist. Do you have something else to offer, or do we put this down as one of your more paranoid fantasies, mon general?" "You are a fool, I'Anglais, with no more comprehension than a frightened rabbit. I heard what I heard!" "From whom? A nonexistent man?" "A nonexistent man who has put my aide in a hospital! A fractured skull with a great loss of blood and severe brain damage. He may not live, and if he does, he will no doubt be a vegetable. Speak to me not of fantasies, daffodil The man is real." "Are you serious?" 10h ROBERT LUDLUM '~Call the hospital! L'hopital Saint-Jerome. Let the doctors tell you." "All right, all right, compose yourself. We must think." "I am perfectly composed," said Bertholdier, getting up from the desk in his study and carrying the phone to the window, the extension cord snaking across the floor. He looked out; it had begun to rain, the street lights diffused in the spattered glass. "He's on his way to Bonn," continued the general. "It was his next stop, he was very clear about it." "Intercept him. Call Bonn, reach Cologne, give them his description. How many flights can there be from Paris with a lone American on board? Take him at the airport. ' Bertholdier sighed audibly into the phone, his tone one of discouragement bordering on disgust. "It was never my intention to take him. It would serve no purpose and probably cut us off from what we have to learn. I want him followed. I want to know where he goes, whom he calls, whom he meets with; these are the things we must learn." "You said he made a direct reference to our associate. That he was going to reach him." "Not our people. H`s people." "I'll say it again," insisted the voice from London. "Call Cologne, reach Bonn. Listen to me, Jacques, he can be found, and once he is, he can be followed." "Yes, yes, I'll do as you My, but it may not be as easy as you think. Three hours ago I would have thought otherwise, but that was before I knew what he was capable of. Someone who can take another man and rush that man's head into a stone wall at full force is either an animal, a maniac, or a zealot who will stop at nothing. In my judgment, he is the last. He said he had a commitment and it was in his eyes. And he'll be clever; he's already proven he can be clever." "You say three hours?" "Yes." "Then he may already be in Bonn." "I know." "Have you called our associate?" "Yes, he's not at home and the maid could not give me another number. She doesn't know where he is, or when he's expected." "Probably in the morning." "No doubt.... Auende^^I There was another man at the dub this afternoon. With Luboque and this Simon, whose THE AQUITAINE PROGRESSION 107 name is not Simon. He brought him to Luboque! Good-bye, I'Angla~s I'll keep you informed." ReneMattilon opened his eyes. The streaks of light on the ceiling seemed to shimmer, myriad tiny clots bursting, breaking up the linear patterns. Then he heard the sound of the rain on the windows and understood. The shafts of light from the streetlamps had been intercepted by the glass, distorting the images he knew so well. It was the rain, he con- cluded; that was what had awakened him. That and perhaps the weight of his wife's hand between his legs. She stirred and he smiled, trying to make up his mind or find the energy to reach for her. She had filled a void for him he had thought would always be there after his first wife died. He was grateful, and along with his feeling of gratitude came excitement, two emotions satisfyingly compatible. He was becoming aroused; he rolled over on his side and pulled down the covers, revealing the swell of her breasts encased in laced silk, the diffused light and the pounding on the windows heightening the sensuality. He reached for her. Suddenly, there was another sound besides the rain, and though still wrapped in the mists of sleep he recognized it. Quickly he withdrew his hand and turned away from his wife. He had heard that noise only moments before; it was the sound that had awakened him, an insistent tone that had broken the steady rhythm of the downpour: the chimes of his apartment doorbell. Mattilon climbed out of bed as carefully as he could, reaching for his bathrobe on a nearby chair and sliding his feet into his slippers. He walked out of the bedroom, closing the door quietly behind him, and found the wall switch that turned on the lamps in the living room. He glanced at the ornate clock on the fireplace mantel. it was nearly two-thirty in the morning. Who could possibly be calling on them at this hour? He tied the sash around his robe and walked to the door. "Yes, who is it?" "Surete, monsieur. Inspector Prudhomme. My state identification is zero-five-seven-two-zero." The man's accent was Gascon, not Parisian. It was often said that Gascons made the best police officials. "I shall wait while you call my station, monsieur. The telephone number is " "No need," said Mattilon, alarmed, unlatching the door. 108 ROBERT LUDLUM He knew the man was genuine not only from the information offered, but anyone from the Surete calling on him at this hour would know he was an attorney. The Surete was legally circumspect. There were two men, both in raincoats spotted by the downpour, their hats drenched; one was older than the other and shorter. Each held out an open identification for Rene's inspection. He waved the cards aside and gestured for the two men to come in, adding, "It's an odd time for visitors, gentlemen. You must have pressing business." "Very pressing, monsieur," said the older man, entering first. He was the one who had spoken through the door, giving his name as Prudhomme, and was obviously the senior. "We apologize for the inconvenience, of course." Both men removed their hats. "Of course. May I take your coats?" "It won't be necessary, monsieur. With your cooperation we'll only be a few minutes." "And I shall be most interested to know how I can cooperate with the Surete at this time of night. ' "A matter of identification, sir. Monsieur Serge Antoine Luboque is a client of yours, we are informed. Is this so?" "My God, has something happened to Serge? I was with him only this afternoon!" "Monsieur Luboque appears to be in excellent health. We left his country house barely an hour ago. And to the point, it is your meeting with him this afternoon yesterday afternoon that concerns the Surete." "In what way?" "There was a third party at your table. Like yourself, an attorney, introduced to Monsieur Luboquc-~ man named Simon. Henry Simon, an American." "And a pilot," said Mattilon warily. "With considerable expertise in aircraft litigation. I trust Luboque explained that; it was the reason he was there at my request. Monsieur Luboque is the plaintiff in just such a lawsuit. That, of course, is all I can say on the subject." "It is not the subject that interests the Surete." "What is, then?" "There is no attorney by the name of Henry Simon in the city of Chicago, Illinois, in the United States." "I find that hard to believe." THE AQUITAINE PROGRESSION 109 The name is false At least, it is not his. The address he gave the hotel does not exist" The address he gave the hotels, Rene, astonished. Joel did not have to give an address to the George V it knew him well, knew the firm of Talbot, Brooks and Simon very well, indeed fin his own handwriting, monsieur," added the younger man sbfily Has the hotel management confirmed this?" eyes," said Prudhomme The night concierge was very cooperative He told us he escorted Monsieur Simon down the freight elevator to the hotel cellars.'' The cellars?" Monsieur Simon wished to leave the hotel without being seen. He paid his bill in his room" A minute, please," said Mathlon, perplexed, his hands protesting, as he turned and walked aimlessly around an armchair. He stopped, his hands on the rim. ' What precisely do you want from mew Ewe want you to help us," answered Prudhomme. We think you know who he is. You brought him to Monsieur Luboque." On a confidential matter entailing a legal opinion He agreed to listen and to evaluate on the condition that his idenbty be protected. It's not unusual when seeking expertise if one is involved with, shall we say, an individual as wealthy and as temperamental as Monsieur Luboque You've spoken with him; need I say more?" '`Not on that subject," said the older man from the Surete permitting himself a smile. "He thinks all government personnel work for Moscow. We were surrounded by dogs in his foyer, all salivating, I might add." 'When you can understand why my American colleague prefers to remain unnamed. I know him well, he's a splendid man." Who is he? And do you know where we can find him?" Why do you want him?" "We wish to question him about an incident that took place at the hotel." "I'm sorry. As Luboque is a client, so by extension is Simon " "That is not acceptable to us under the circumstances, monsieur " 110 ROBERT LUDLUM "I'm afraid it will have to be, at least for a few hours. Tomorrow I shall try to reach him through his office in . . . in the United States, and I'm sure he'll get in touch with you immediately." "We don't think he will." "Why not?" Prudhomme glanced at his starchly postured associate and shrugged. "He may have killed a man," he said matter-of-factly. Mattilon stared at the Surete officer in disbelief. He ... what?' It was a particularly vicious assault, monsieur. A man's head was rammed into a wall; there are extensive cranial injuries and the prognosis is not good. His condition as of midnight was critical, the chances of recovery less than half. He may be dead by now, which one doctor said could be a blessing." No . . . no! You are mistaken! You're wrong!" The lawyer's hands gripped the back of the chair. A terrible error has been made!" No error. The identification was positive that is, Monsieur Simon was identified as the last person seen with the man who was beaten. He forced the man out into an alley; there were sounds of scuffling and minutes later that man was found, his skull fractured, bleeding, near death." ~Impossible! You don't know him! What you suggest is inconceivable. He couldn't." "Are you telling us he is disabled, physically incapable of assault?" "No," said Mattilon, shaking his head. Then suddenly he stopped all movement. "Yes," he continued thoughtfully, his eyes pensive, now nodding, rushing ahead. "He's incapable, yes, but not physically. Mentally. In that sense he is disabled. He could not do what you say he did." "He's mentally deranged?" "My God, no! He's one of the most lucid men I've ever met. You have to understand. He went through a prolonged period of extreme physical stress and mental anguish. He endured punishment, to both his body and his mind. There was no permanent damage but there are indelible memories. Like so many men who've been subjected to such treatment, he avoids all forms of physical confrontation or abuse. It is repugnant to him. He can't inflict punishment because too much was inflicted on him." THE AQUITAINE PROGRESSION 111 "You mean he would not defend himself, his own? He would turn the other cheek if he, or his wife, or his children were attacked?" "Of course not, but that's not what you described. You said 'a particularly vicious assault, implying something quite different. And if it were otherwise if he were threatened or attacked and defended himself he most certainly would not have left the scene. He's too fine a lawyer." Mattilon paused. "Was that the case? Is that what you're saying? Is the injured man known to you from the police files? Is he " "A limousine chauffeur," interrupted Prudhomme. "An unarmed man who was waiting for his assigned passenger of the evening." "In the cellars?" "Apparently it is a customary service and not an unfamiliar one. These firms are discreet. This one sent another driver to cover before inquiring as to their employee's condition. The client would not know." "Very chic, I'm sure. What do they say happened?" "According to a witness, a guard who's been with the hotel for eighteen years, this Simon approached in a loud voice, speaking English the guard thinks angrily, although he does not understand the language and forced the man outside." "The guard is wrong! It had to be someone else." "Simon identified himself. The concierge had cleared his departure. The description fits; it was the one who called himself Simon." "But why? There has to be a reason!" "We should like to hear it, monsieur." Rene shook his head in bewilderment; nothing made sense. A man could register at any hotel under any name he wished, of course, but there were charges, credit cards, people calling; a false name served no purpose. Especially at a hotel where one was presumably known, and if one was known and chose to travel incogmto, that status would not be protected if a front desk was questioned by the Surete. "I must ask you again, Inspector, have you checked thoroughly with the hotel?" "Not personally, monsieur," replied Prudhomme, looking at his associate. "My time was taken up interrogating those in the vicinity of the assault." "I checked with the concierge myself, monsieur," said 112 ROBERT LUDLUM the younger, taller man, speaking like a programmed robot. ' Naturally, the hotel is not anxious for the incident to receive attention, was cooperative. The night concierge is newly employed from the Hotel Meurice and wished to minimize the incident, but he himself showed me the registration form. ' I see." And Matfflon did see, at least insofar as Joel's identity was concerned. Hundreds of guests at a large hotel and a nervous concierge protecting his new employer's image. The obvious source was accepted as truth, another truth no doubt forthcoming in the morning from more knowl- edgeable men. But that was all Rene understood nothing else. He needed a few moments to think, to try to understand. `I'm curious," he said, reaching for words. '`At worst, this is an assault with severe results, but nevertheless an assault. Why isn't it a simple police matter? Why the Surete?" `My first question, monsieur," said the plainspoken Prudhomme. The reason given us was that the incident involved a foreigner, obviously a wealthy foreigner. One does not know these days where such things may lead. We have certain controls not available to the arrond~ssement police. ' PI see. Ado you?" asked the man from the Surete. May I remind you that as an attorney you have an obligation to uphold the courts and the law? You have been offered our credentials and I have suggested you call my station for any further verification you might wish. Please, monsieur, who is Henry Simon?" PI have other obligations, as well, Inspector. To my word, to a client, to an old friendship " You put these above the law?" Only because I know you're wrong" .Then where is the harm? If we are wrong, we shall find this Simon undoubtedly at an airport and he will tell us himself. But if we are not, we may find a very sick man who needs help. Before he harms others. I am no psychiatrist, monsieur, but you have described a troubled man a once troubled man, in any event. ' Matfflon was uncomfortable with the blunt official's logic . . . and also something else he could not define. Was it Joel? Was it the clouds in his old friend's eyes, the unconscious verbal slip about a blemished rock in the dirt? Rene looked again at the clock on the mantel; a thought occurred to him. It was only eight-forty-two in New York. THE AQUITAINE PROGRESSION 113 "Inspector, I'm going to ask you to wait here while I go into my study and make a phone call on my private line. The line, incidentally, is not connected to the telephone on the table." "That was unnecessary, monsieur." "Then I apologise." Mattilon walked rapidly to a door on the opposite side of the room, opened it and went inside. He crossed to his desk, where he sat down and opened a red-leather telephone index. He flipped the pages to the letter T. scanning the names until he reached Talbot, Lawrence. He had both the office and the house number; the latter was necessary because the courts in Paris were in operation before the East Coast of America was out of bed. If Talbot was not there, he would try Nathan Simon, then Brooks, if he had to. Neither alternative was nec- essary. Lawrence Talbot answered the phone. "I'll be damned, how are you, Rene? You in New York?" "No, Paris." "Sounds like you're down the block." "So do you. It's always startling." "It's also late where you are, if I'm not mistaken." "It's very late, Larry. We may have a problem, that's why I'm calling." "A problem? I didn't even know we had any business going. What is it?" "Your missionary work." "Our what?" "Bertholdier. His friends." "W7lo?" "Jacques-Louis Bertholdier." "Who is he? I've heard the name but I can't place him." "You can't . . . place him?" "Sorry." "I've been with Joel. I arranged the meeting." "Joel? How is he? Is he in Paris now?" "You weren't aware of it?" "Last time I spoke with him was two days ago in Geneva after that awful business with Halliday. He told me he was all right, but he wasn't. He was shaken up." "Let me understand you, Larry. Joel is not in Paris on business for Talbot, Brooks and Simon, is that what you're saying?" 114 ROBERT LUDLUM Lawrence Talbot paused before answering. "No, he's not," said the senior partner softly. "Did he say he was?" "Perhaps I just assumed it." Again Talbot paused. "I don't think you'd do that. But I do think you should tell Joel to call me." "That's part of the problem, Larry. I don't know where he is. He said he was taking the five o'clock plane for London, but he didn't. He checked out of the George Cinq quite a bit later under very odd circumstances." 'What do you mean?" His hotel registration was altered, changed to another name a name I suggested, incidentally, as he didn't wish to use his own at lunch. Then he insisted on leaving by way of some basement delivery entrance." "That's strange." "I'm afraid it's the least of the oddities. They say he assaulted a man. He may have killed him." 'lesus!" 41 don t believe it, of course," said Mattilon quickly. `He wouldn't, he couldn't , "I hope not." 4Certainly you don't think " 1 don't know what to think," interrupted Talbot. When he was in Ceneva and we talked, I asked him if there was any connection between llalliday's death and what he was doing. He said there wasn't, but he was so remote, so distant; his voice sounded hollow." `What he's doing . . . ? What is he doing?" -1 don't know. I'm not even sure I can find out, but I'll do my damnedest. I tell you, I'm worried. Something's happened to him. His voice was like an echo chamber, do you know what I mean?', Byes, I do," said Mattilon quietly. 41 heard him, I saw hirn. I'm worried too." 'Find him, Rene. Do whatever you can. Give me the word and I'll drop everything and By over. He's hurting somewhere, somehow." "I'll do what I can.', Mattilon walked out of his study and faced the two men from the police. His name is Converse, Joel Converse," he began. * * * THE AQUITAINE PROGRESSION 115 "His name is Converse, first nameJoel," said the younger, taller man from the Surete, speaking into the mouthpiece of a pay phone on the Boulevard Raspail, as the rain pounded the booth. "He's employed by a law firm in New York: Talbot, Brooks and Simon; the address is on Fifth Avenue. The as- sumed name, Simon, however, was apparently a convenience, and not related to the firm." "I don't understand." "Whatever this Converse is involved with has nothing to do with his employers. Mattilon reached one of the partners in New York and it was made clear to him. Also both men are concerned, worried; they wish to be kept informed. If Converse is found, Mattilon insists on immediate access to him as the attorney of record. He may be holding back, but in my judgment he's genuinely bewildered. In shock, might be more accurate. He knows nothing of consequence. I could tell if he did." "Nevertheless, he is holding back. The name Simon was used for my benefit so I would not learn the identity of this Converse. Mattilon knows that; he was there and they are friends and he brought him to Luboque." "Then he was manipulated, General. He did not mention you." "He might if he's questioned further. I cannot be involved in any way." "Of course not," agreed the man from the SCrete with quiet emphasis. "Your superior, what's his name? The one assigned to the incident." "Prudhomme. Inspector First Grade Prudhomme." "Is he frank with you?" "Yes. He thinks I'm something of a mechanical ex-soldier whose instincts may outdistance his intellect, but he sees that I'm willing. He talks to me." "You'll be kept with him for a while. Should he decide to go back and see Mattilon, let me know immediately. Paris may lose a respected attorney. My name must not surface." "He would go back to Mattilon only if Converse was found. And if word came to the Surete as to his whereabouts, I'd reach you instantly." "There could be another reason, Colonel. One that might provoke a persistent man into reexamining his progress or lack of it in spite of orders to the contrary." 116 ROBERT LUDLUM ' Orders to the contrary, sir?" "They will be issued. This Converse is solely our concern now. All we needed was a name. We know where he's heading. We'll find him." "I don't understand, General." "News has come from the hospital. Our chauffeur has taken a turn for the better." "Good news, indeed." "I wish it were. The sacrifice of a single soldier is abhorrent to any field commander, but the broader tactics must be kept in view, they must be served. Do you agree?" "Yes, of course." "Our chauffeur must not recover. The larger strategy Colonel." "If he dies, the efforts to find Converse will be intensified. And you're right, Prudhomme will reexamine everything, including the lawyer, Mattilon." "Orders to the contrary will be issued. But watch him." "Yes, sir." "And now we need your expertise, Colonel. The talents you developed so proficiently while in the service of the Legion before we brought you back to a more civilized life." "My gratitude isn't shallow. Whatever I can do." "Can you get inside the Hospital of Saint Jerome with as little notice as possible?" "With no notice. There are fire escapes on all sides of the building and it's a dark night, heavy with rain. Even the police stay in doorways. It's child's play." "But man's work. It has to be done." "I don't question such decisions." "A blockage in the windpipe, a convulsion in the throat." "Pressure applied through cloth, sir. Gradually and with no marks, a patient's self-induced trauma.... But I would be derelict if I didn't repeat what I said, General. There'll be a search of Paris, then a large-scale manhunt. The killer will be presumed to be a rich American, an inviting target for the Surete." "There'll be no search, no manhunt. Not yet. If it is to be it will come later, and if it does, a convicted corpse will be trapped in the net.... Go into the field, my young friend. The chauffeur, Colonel; the broader strategy must be served." "He's dead," said the man in the telephone booth, and hung up. 5 Erich Leifhelm . . . born March 15,1912, in Mu- nich to Dr. Heinrich Leifhelm and his mistress, Marta Stoessel. Although the stigma of his illegiti- macy precluded a normal childhood in the upper-middle-class, morality-conscious Cermany of those years, it was the single most important factor in his later preeminence in the National Socialist movement. At birth he was denied the name of Leif- helm; until 1931 he was known as Erich Stoessel. Joel sat at a table in the open cafe in Copenhagen's Kastrup Airport, trying to concentrate. It was his second attempt within the past twenty minutes, the first he abandoned when he realised he was absorbing nothing, seeing only black letters forming an unending string of vaguely recog~uzable words relating to a figure in the outer reaches of his mind. He could not focus on that man; there were too many interferences, real and imagined. Nor had he been able to read on the two-hour flight from Paris, having opted for economy class, hoping to melt in with the greater number of people in the larger section of the aircraft. The concept at least was valid; the seats were so narrow and the plane so fully occupied that elbows and forearms were virtually immobile. The conditions prohibited his taking out the report, both for reasons of space and for fear of the proximity to straying eyes. Heinrich Leifhelm moved his-mistress and their son to the town of Eichstatt, fifty odd miles north of Munich, visiting them now and then, and providing an adequate but not overly comfortable standard of living. The doctor was apparently torn between maintaining a successful practice with no social blemishes_in Munich and a disinclination to aban 117 118 ROBERT LUDLUM don the stigmatised and child. According to close acquaintances of Erich Stoessel-Leifhelm, these early years had a profound effect on him. Although he was too young to grasp the full impact of World War I, he was later haunted by the memory of the small households subsistence level falling as the elder Leifhelm's ability to contribute lessened with the burden of wartime taxes. Too, his father's visits served to heighten the fact that he could not be ac- knowledged as a son and was not entitled to the privileges accorded two half brothers and a half sister, strangers he was never to know and whose home he could not enter. Through the absence of proper lineage, certified by hypocritical documents and more hypocritical church blessings, he felt he was denied what was rightfully his, and so there was instilled in him a furious sense of resentment, competitiveness, and a deep-seated anger at existing social conditions. By his own admission, his first conscious longings were to get as much as he could for himself both materially and in the form of recognition through the strength of his own abilities, and, by doing so, strike out at the status quo which had tried to emasculate him. By his mid-teens, Stoessel-Leifhelm was consumed with anger. Converse stopped reading, suddenly aware of the woman across the half-deserted cafe; she was seated alone at a table, looking at him. Their eyes met and she turned away, placing her arm on the low white railing that enclosed the restaurant studying the thinning, late-night crowds in the terminal, as if waiting for someone. Startled, Joel tried-to analyze the look she had given him. Was it recogrution? Did she know him? Know his face? Or was it appraisal? A well-dressed whore cruising the airport in search of a mark, seeking out a lonely businessman far away from home? She turned her head slowly and looked at him again, now obviously upset that his eyes were still on her. Then abruptly, in two swiftly defined motions, she glanced at her watch, tugged at her wide-brimmed hat, and opened her purse. She took out a Krone note, placed it on the table, got up, and walked rapidly toward the en- trance of the cafe. Beyond the open gate she walked faster her strides longer, heading for the arch that led to the bag THE AQUITAINE PROGRESSION 119 gage-claim area. Converse watched her in the dull white neon light of the terminal, shaking his head, annoyed at his alarm. With his attache case and leather-bound report, the woman had probably thought he was some kind of airport official. Who was the mark, then? He was seeing too many shadows, he thought, as he followed the graceful figure nearing the arch. Too many shadows that held no surprises, no alarms. There had been a man on the plane from Paris sitting several rows in front of him. Twice the man had gotten up and gone to the toilet, and each time he came back to his seat he had looked hard at Joel studied him, actually. Those looks had been enough to prime his adrenaline. Had he been spotted at the De Gaulle Airport? Was the man an employee of Jacques-Louis Bertholdier? . . . As a man in an alley had been Don't think about that! He had flicked off an oval of dried blood on his shirt as he had given himself the command. "I can always tell a good ale Yank! Never missl" That had been the antiquated salutation in Copenhagen as both Americans waited for their luggage. "Well, I missed once. Some son of a bitch on a plane in Geneva. Sat right next to me. A real guinea in a three-piece suit, that's what he west He spoke English to the stewardess so I figured he was one of those rich Cuban spicks from Florida, you know what I mean?" An emissary in salesman's clothes. One of the diplomats. Geneva. It had started in Geneva. Too many shadows. No surprises, no alarms. The woman went through the arch and Joel pulled his eyes away, forcing his attention back to the report on Erich Leifhelm. Then a slight, sudden movement caught the corner of his eye; he looked back at the woman. A man had stepped out of an unseen recess; his hand had touched her elbow. They exchanged words briefly, swiftly, and parted as abruptly as they had met, the man continuing into the terminal as the woman disappeared. Did the man glance over in his direction? Converse watched closely; had that man looked at him? It was impossible to tell; his head was turning in all directions, looking at or for something. Then, as if he had found it, the man hurried toward a bank of airline counters. He approached the Japan Air Lines desk, and taking out his wallet, he began speaking to an Oriental clerk. No surprises, no alarms. A harried traveler had asked di 120 ROBERT LUDLUM rections; the interferences were more imagined than real. Yet even here his lawyer's mentality intervened. Interferences were real whether based in reality or not. Oh, Christ! Leave it alonel Concentratel At the age of seventeen, Erich Stoessel-Leifhelm had completed his studies at the Eichstatt II Gymnasium, excelling both academically and on the playing field, where he was known as an aggressive competitor. It was a time of universal financial chaos, the American stock market crash of '29 further aggravating the desperate economy of the Weimar Republic, and few but the most well-connected students went on to universities. In a move he later described to friends as one of youthful fury, Stoessel-Leifhelm traveled to Munich to confront his father and de- mand assistance. What he found was a shock, but it turned out to be a profound opportunity, strangely arrived at. The doctor's staid, placid life was in shambles. His marriage, from the beginning unpleasant and humiliating, had caused him to drink heavily with increasing frequency until the inevitable errors of judgment occurred. He was censured by the medical community (with a high proportion of Jews therein), charged with incompetence and barred from the Karlstor Hospital. His practice was in ruins, his wife had ordered him out of the house, an order expedited by an old but still powerful father-in-law, also a doctor and member of the hospital's board of direc- tors. When Stoessel-Leifhelm found his father, he was living in a cheap apartment house in the poorer section of the city picking up pfennigs by dispensing prescriptions (drugs) and deutsche marks by per- forming abortions. In what apparently (again according to friends from the time) was a watershed of pent-up emotions, the elder LeifLelm embraced his illegitimate son and told him the story of his tortured life with a disagreeable wife and tyrannical in-laws. It was the classic syndrome of an ambitious man of minimal talents and maximum connections. But withal, the doctor claimed he had never abandoned his beloved mistress and their son. And during this prolonged and THE AQUITAINE PROGRESSION 121 undoubtedly drunken confession, he revealed a fact Stoessel-Leifhelm had never known. His father's wife was Jewish. It was all the teenager had to hear. The disfranchised boy became the father to the ruined man. There was an announcement in Danish over the airport's loudspeakers and Joel looked at his watch. It came again, now in German. He listened intently for the words, he could barely distinguish them, but they were there. "HamburgKoln-Bonn." It was the first boarding call for the last flight of the night to the capital of West Germany by way of Hamburg. The flying time was less than two hours, the layover in Hamburg justified for those executives who wanted to be at their desks by the start of the business day. Converse had checked his suitcase through to Bonn, making a mental note as he did so to replace the heavy black leather bag with a carry-on. He was no expert in such matters, but common sense told him that the delays required by waiting for one's luggage in the open for anyone to see was no way to travel swiftly or to avoid eyes that might be searching for him. He put Erich Leif- helm's dossier in his attache case, closed it and spun the brass combination disks. He then got up from the table, walked out of the cafe and across the terminal toward the Lufthansa gate. Sweat matted his hairline; the tattoo inside his chest accelerated until it sounded like a hammering fugue for kettledrums. He knew the man sitting next to him, but from where or from what period in his life he had no idea. The craggy, lined face, the deep ridges that creased the suntanned flesh the intense blue-grey eyes beneath the thick, wild brows and brown hair streaked with white he knew him, but no name came, no clue to the man's identity. Joel kept waiting for some sign of recognition directed at him. None came, and involuntarily he found himself looking at the man out of the comer of his eye. The man did not respond; instead his attention was on a bound sheaf of typewritten pages, the type larger than the print nominally associated with legal briefs or even summonses. Perhaps, thought Converse, the man was half blind, wearing contact lenses to conceal his infirmity. But was there something else? Not an infirmity, but a connection being concealed. Had he seen this man in Paris as he had seen another wearing a light-brown 122 ROBERT LUDIUM topcoat in a hotel basement corridor? Had this man beside him also been at L'Etalon Blanc? Had he been part of a stationary group of ex-soldiers in the warriors' playroom . . . in a corner perhaps, and inconspicuous because of the numbers? Or at Bertholdier's table, his back to Joel, presumably unseen by the American he was now following? Was he following him at this moment? wondered Converse, gripping his attache case. He turned his head barely inches and studied his seatmate. Suddenly the man looked up from the bound typewritten pages and over at Joel. His eyes were noncommittal, expressing neither curiosity nor irritation. "Sorry," said Converse awkwardly. "Sure, it's okay . . . why not?" was the strange, laconic reply, the accent American, the dialect distinctly TexasWestern. The man returned to his pages. "Do we know each other?" asked Joel, unable to back off from the question. Again the man looked up. "Don't think so," he said tersely, once more going back to his report, or whatever it was. Converse looked out the window, at the black sky beyond, flashes of red light illuminating the silver metal of the wing. Absently he tried to calculate the digital degree heading of the aircraft but his pilot's mind would not function. He did know the man, and the oddly phrased "Why not?" served only to disturb him further. Was it a signal, a warning? As his words to Jacques-Louis Bertholdier had been a signal, a warning that the general had better contact him, recognise him. The voice of a Lufthansa stewardess interrupted his thoughts. "Herr Dowling, it is a pleasure, indeed, to have you on board." "Thank you, darlin'," said the man, his lined face creasing into a gentle grin. "You find me a little bourbon over ice and I'll return the compliment.'' "Certainly, sir. I'm sure you've been told so often you must be tired of hearing it, but your television show is enormously popular in Germany." "Thanks again, honey, but it's not my show. There are a lot of pretty little fillies runnin' around that screen." An actor. A goddamned actor! thought Joel. No alarms, no surprises. Just intrusions, far more imagined than real. "You're too modest, Herr Dowling. They're all so alike, THE AQUITAINE PROGRESSION 123 so disagreeable. But you are so kind, so manly . . . so understanding. ' "Understandin'? Tell you somethin'. I saw an episode in Cologne last week while on this picture and I didn't understand a word I was sayin'." The stewardess laughed. "Bourbon over ice, is that correct, sir?' "That's correct, darlin'." The woman started down the first-class aisle toward the galley as Converse continued to look at the actor. Haltingly he spoke. "I am sorry. I should have recognised you, of course." Dowling turned his suntanned head, his eyes roaming Joel's face, then dropping to the hand-tooled leather attache case. He looked up with an amused smile. "I could probably embarrass you if I asked you where you knew me from. You don't look like a Santa Fe groupie." "A Santa Fe . . . ? Oh, sure, that's the name of the show." And it was, reflected Converse. One of those phenomena on television that by the sheer force of extraordinary ratings and network profits had been featured on the covers of Time and Newsweek. He had never seen it "And, naturally," continued the actor, "you follow the tribal rites and wrongs the dramatic vicissitudes of the imperious Ratchet family, owners of the biggest spread north of Santa Fe as well as the historic Chimaya Flats, which they stole from the impoverished Indians." "The who? What?" Dowling's leathery face again laminated itself into a grin. "Only Pa Ratchet, the Indians' friend, doesn't know about the last part, although he's being blamed by his red brothers. You see, Pa's no-good sons heard there was oil shale beneath the Chimayas and did their thing. Incidentally, I trust you catch the verbal associations in the name Ratchet, you can take your choice. There's just plain 'rats,' or Ratchet as in 'wretched,' or Ratchet as in the tool screwing everything in front of it by merely pressing forward." There was something different about the actor now thoughtJoel, bewildered. Was it his words? No, not the words his voice. The Western inflections were greatly diminished "I don't know what you're talking about, but you sound differ ens." "War, Ah'll jes' be hornswaggled i" said Dowling, laugh 124 ROBERT LUDLUM ing. Then he returned to the unaccented tones he had begun to display. "You're looking at a renegade teacher of English and college dramatics who said a dozen years ago to hell with old-age tenure, let's go after a very impractical dream. It led to a lot of funny and not very dignified jobs, but the spirit of Thespis moves in mysterious ways. An old student of mine, in one of those indefinable jobs like 'production-coordinator,' spotted me in a crowd scene; it embarrassed the hell out of him. Nevertheless, he put my name in for several small parts. A few panned out, and a couple of years later an accident called Santa Fe came along. That's when my perfectly respectable name of Calvin was changed to Caleb. 'Fits the image belter,' said a pair of Gucci loafers who never got closer to a horse than a box at Santa Anita.... It's crazy, isn't it?" 'Crazy," agreed Converse, as the stewardess walked back up the aisle toward them. 'Crazy or not," added Dowling under his breath, ' this good old rancher isn t going to offend anyone. They want Pa Ratchet, they've got him." "Your bourbon, sir," said the woman, handing the actor a glass. "Why, thank you, li'l darlin'! My oh my, you're purber than any filly on the showI" "You are too kind, sir." "May I have a Scotch, please," said Joel. "That's better, son," said Dowling, grinning again as the stewardess left. "And now that you know my crime, what do you do for a living?" "I'm an attorney." "At least you've got something legitimate to read. This screenplay sure as hell isn't." Although considered by most of Munich's re spectable citizens to be a collection of misfits and thugs, the National Socialist German Workers' Party, with its headquarters in Munich, was making itself felt throughout Germany. The radical-populist movement was taking hold by basing its inflamma- tory message on the evil un-German "them." It blamed the ills of the nation on a spectrum of targets ranging from the Bolsheviks to the ingrate Jewish bankers; from the foreign plunderers who had raped an Aryan land to, finally, all things not "Aryan," THE AQUITAINE PROGRESSION 125 namely and especially the Jews and their ill-gotten wealth. Cosmopolitan Munich and itsJewish community laughed at the absurdities; they were not listening. The rest of Cermany was; it was hearing what it wanted to hear. And Erich Stoessel-Leifhelm heard it too. It was his passport to recognition and opportunity. In a matter of weeks, the young man literally whipped his father into shape. In later years he would tell the story with heavy doses of cruel humor. Over the dissolute physician's hysterical objections the son removed all alcohol and smoking materials from the premises, never letting his father out of his sight. A harsh regimen of exercise and diet was enforced. With the zeal of a puritanical athletic trainer Stoessel-Leifhelm started taking his father out to the countryside for Gewaltmarschen forced marches gradually working up to all-day hikes on the exhausting trails of the Bavarian mountains, continually shouting at the older man to keep moving, to rest only at his son's commands, to drink water only with permission. So successful was the rehabilitation that the doctor's clothes began to hang on him like seedy, old-fashioned garments purchased for a much fatter man. A new wardrobe was called for, but good clothing in Munich in those days was beyond the means of all but the wealthy, and Stoessel-Leifhelm had only the best in mind for his father not out of filial devotion but, as we shall see, for a quite different purpose. Money had to be found, which meant it had to be stolen. He interrogated his father at length about the house the doctor had been forced to leave, learning everything there was to learn. Several weeks later Stoessel-Leifhelm broke into the house on the Luisenstrasse at three o'clock one morning, stripping it of everything of value, including silver, crystal, oil paintings, gold place settings, and the entire contents of a wall safe. Sales to fences were not difficult in Munich of 1930, and when everything was disposed of father and son had the equivalent of nearly eight 126 ROBERT LUDLUM thousand American dollars, virtually a fortune in those times. The restoration continued; clothes were tailored in the Maximilianstrasse, the best footwear purchased at bootsmiths on the Odeonsplatz, and, finally, cosmetic changes were effected. The doctor's unkempt hair was trimmed and heightened by coloring into a masculine Nordic blond, and his shabby inch-long beard shaved off, leaving only a small, unbroken, well-trimmed moustache above his upper lip. The transformation was complete; what remained was the introduction Every night during the long weeks of rehabilitation, Stoessel-Leifhelm had read aloud to his father whatever he could get his hands on from the National Socialists' headquarters, and there was no lack of material. There were the standard inflammatory pamphlets, pages of ersatz biological theory purportedly proving the genetic superiority of Aryan purity and, conversely, the racial decline resulting from in- discriminate breeding all the usual Nazi dia- tribes plus generous excerpts from Hitler's Mein Kampf. The son read incessantly until the doctor could recite by rote the salient outrages of the National Socialists' message. Throughout it all, the seventeen-year-old kept telling his father that following the party's program was the way to get back everything that had been stolen from him, to avenge the years of humiliation and ridicule. As Germany itself had been humiliated by the rest of the world, the Nazi party would be the avenger, the restorer of all things truly German. It was, indeed, the New Order for the Fatherland, and it was waiting for men of stature to recognize the fact. The day came, a day when Stoessel-Leifhelm had learned that two high-ranking party officials would be in Munich. They were the crippled propagandist Joseph Goebbels and the would-be aristocrat Rudolf Hess. The son accompanied the father to the National Socialists' headquarters where the well-tailored, imposing, obviously rich and Aryan Doktor requested an audience with the two Nazi leaders on an urgent and confidential matter. It was THE AQUITAINE PROGRESSION 127 granted, and according to early party historical ar- chives, his first words to Hess and Goebbels were the following. "Gentlemen, I am a physician of impeccable credentials, formerly head surgeon at the Karlstor Hos, pital and for years I enjoyed one of the most successful practices in Munich. That was in the past. I was destroyed by Jews who stole everything from me. I am back, I am well, and I am at your service." The Lufthansa plane began its descent into Hamburg and Joel, feeling the drag, dog-eared the page of Leifhelm's dossier and reached down for his attache case. Beside him, the actor Caleb Dowling stretched, script in hand, then jammed his screenplay into an open flight bag at his feet. "The only thing sillier than this movie," he said, "is the amount of money they're paying me to be in it." "Are you filming tomorrow?" asked Converse. '.Today," corrected Dowling, looking at his watch. "It's an early shoot, too. Have to be on location by five-thirty dawn over the Rhine, or something equally inspiring. Now if they'd just turn the damn thing into a travelogue, we'd all be better off. Nice scenery." "But you were in Copenhagen." "Yep." "You're not going to get much sleep." "Nope." "Oh." The actor looked atJoel, the crow's-feet around his generous eyes creasing deeper with his smile. "My wife's in Copenhagen and I had two days off. This was the last plane I could get." "Oh? You're married?" Converse immediately regretted the remark; he was not sure why, but it sounded foolish. "Twenty-six years, young fella. How do you think I was able to go after that impractical dream? She's a whiz of a secretary; when I was teaching, she'd always be this or that dean's gal Friday." "Any children?" "Can't have everything. Nope." "Why is she in Copenhagen? I mean, why isn't she staying with you on location?" The grin faded from Dowling's suntanned face; the lines 128 ROBERT LUDLUM were less apparent, yet somehow deeper. "That's an obvious question, isn't it? That is, you being a lawyer would pick it up quickly." "It's none of my business, of course. Forget I asked it." "No, that's okay. I don't like to talk about it rarely do but friendly seatmates on airplanes are for telling things. You'll never see them again, so why not slice off a bit and feel better." The actor tried haltingly to smile; he failed. "My wife's name was Oppenfeld. She's Jewish. Her story's not much different from a few million others, but for her it's . . . well, it's hers. She was separated from her parents and her three younger brothers in Auschwitz. She watched them being taken away away from her while she screamed, not understanding. She was lucky; they put her in a barracks, a fourteen-year-old sewing uniforms until she showed other endowments that could lead to other work. A couple of days later, hearing the rumors, she got hysterical and broke out racing all over the place trying to find her family. She ran into a section of the camp they called the A/ofall, the garbage, corpses hauled out of the gas chambers. And there they were, the bodies of her mother and her father and her three brothers, the sight and the stench so sickening it's never left her. It never will. She won't set foot in Germany and I wouldn't ask her to." No alarms, just surprises . . . and another Iron Cross for the Erich Leilhelms of the past, retroactively presented. "Christ, I'm sorry," murmured Converse. "I didn't mean to ,, "You didn't. I did.... You see, she knows it doesn't make sense." "Doesn't make sense? Maybe you didn't hear what you just described." "I heard, I know, but I didn't finish. When she was sixteen, she was loaded into a truck with five other girls, all on their way to that different type of work, when they did it. Those kids took their last chance and beat the hell out of a Wehrmacht corporal who was guarding them in the van. Then with his gun they got control of the truck from the driver and escaped." Dowling stopped, his eyes on Joel. Converse, silent, returned the look, unsure of its meaning, but moved by what he had heard. "That's a marvelous story " he said quietly "It really is." 'And," continued the actor, "for the next two years they THE AQUITAINE PROGRESSION 129 were hidden by a succession of German families, who surely knew what they were doing and what would happen to them if they got caught. There was a pretty frantic search for those girls a lot of threats made, more because of what they could tell than anything else. Still, those Germans kept moving them around, hiding them, until one by one they were taken across the border into occupied France, where things were easier. They were smuggled across by the underground, the German underground. 'Dowling paused, then added. "As Pa Ratchet would say, 'Do you get my drift, son?' ' "I'd have to say it's obvious." "There's a lot of pain and a lot of hate in her and God knows I understand it. But there should be some gratitude, too. Couple of times clothing was found, and some of those people those German people were tortured, a few shot for what they did. I don't push it, but she could level off with a little gratitude. It might give her a bit more perspective." The actor snapped on his seat belt. Joel pressed the locks on his attache case, wondering if he should reply. Valerie's mother had been part of the German underground. His ex-wife would tell him amusing stories her mother had told her about a stern, inhibited French intelligence officer forced to work with a high-spirited, opinion- ated German girl, a member of the Untergmud How the more they disagreed, and the more they railed against each other's nationality, the more they noticed each other. The Frenchman was Val's father; she was proud of him, but in some ways prouder of her mother. There had been pain in that woman, too. And hate. But there had been a reason, and it was unequivocal. As there had been for one Joel Converse years later. "I said it before and J mean it," began Joel slowly, not sure he should say anything at all. "It's none of my business, but I wouldn't ever push it, if I were you." "Is this a lawyer talkin'to ole Pa?" asked Dowling in his television dialect, his smile false, his eyes far away. "Do I pay a fee?" "Sorry, 111 shut up." Converse adjusted his seat belt and pushed the buckle in place. "No, I'm sorry. I laid it on you. Say it. Please." "All right. The horror came first, then the hate. In sidewinder language that's called prima facie the obvious, the first sighting . . . the real, if you like. Without these, there'd 130 ROBERT LUDLUM be no reason for the gratitude, no call for it. So, in a way, the gratitude is just as painful because it never should have been necessary. " The actor once again studied Joel's face, as he had done before their first exchange of words. "You're a smart son of a bitch, aren't you?" "Professionally adequate. But I've been there . . . that is, I know people who've been where your wife has been. It starts with the horror." Dowling looked up at the ceiling light, and when. he spoke his words floated in the air, his harsh voice quietly strained. "If we go to the movies, I have to check them out; if we're watching television together, I read the TV section . . . sometimes on the news with some of those tucking nuts I tense up, wondering what she's going to do. She can't see a swastika' or hear someone screaming in German, or watch soldiers marching in a goose step; she can't stand it. She runs and throws up and shakes all over . . . and I try to hold her . . . and sometimes she thinks I'm one of them and she screams. After all these years . . . Chnst!" "Have you tried professional help not my kind but the sort she might need?" "Oh, hell, she recovers pretty quick," said the actor defensively, as if slipping into a role, his teacher's grammar displaced for effect. "Also, until a few years ago we didn't have the money for that kind of thing," he added somberly in his natural voice. "What about now? That can't be a problem now." Dowling dropped his eyes to the flight bag at his feet. "If I'd found her sooner . . . maybe. But we were both late bloomers; we got married in our forges two oddballs looking for something. It's too late now." "I'm sorry." "I never should have made this goddamn picture. Never. " "Why did you?" "She said I should. To show people I could play something more than a driveling, south-forty dispenser of fifth-rate bromides. I told her it didn't matter.... I was in the war, in the Marine Corps. I saw some crap in the South Pacific but nothing to compare with what she went through, not a spit in the proverbial bucket. Jesus! Can you imagine what it must have been like?" "Yes, I can." THE AQUITAINE PROGRESSION 131 The actor looked up from the flight bag, a half-drawn smile on his lined, suntanned face. "You, good buddy? Not unless you were caught in Korea " '1 wasn t in Korea." '.Then you'd be hard put to imagine it any more than 1. You were too young and I was too lucky." "Well, there was . . ." Converse fell silent, it was pointless. It had happened so often he did not bother to think about it anymore. 'Nam had been erased from the national conversational psyche. He knew that if he reminded a man like Dowling, a decent man, the air would be filled with apologies, but nothing was served by a jarring remembrance. Not as it pertained to Mrs. Dowling, born Oppenfeld. "There's the 'no smoking' sign," said Joel. "We'll be in Hamburg in a couple of minutes." "I've taken this flight a half-dozen times over the past two months," said Caleb Dowling, "and let me tell you, Hamburg's a bitch. Not German customs, that's a snap, especially this late. Those rubber stamps fly and they push you through in ten minutes tops. But then you wait. Twice, maybe three times, it was over an hour before the plane to Bonn even got here. By the way, care to join me for a drink in the lounge?" The actor suddenly switched to his Southern dialect. "Between you and me, they make it mighty pleasant for al' Pa Ratchet. They telex ahead and Ah got me my own gaggle of cowpokes, all ridin' hard to git me to the waterin' hole." "Well . . . ?"Joel felt flattered. Not only did he like Dowling, but being the guest of a celebrity was a pleasant high. He had not had many pleasant things happen to him recently. "I should also warn you," added the celebrity, "that even at this hour the groupies crawl out of the walls, and the airline PR people manage to roust out the usual newspaper photographers, but none of it takes too long." Converse was grateful for the warning. "I've got some phone calls to make," he said casually, "but if I finish them on time, I'd like very much to join you." "Phone calls? At this hour?" "Back to the States. It's not this hour back in . . . Chicago." "Make them from the lounge they keep it open for me." "It may sound crazy," said Joel, reaching for words, "but I think better alone. There are some complicated things I have to explain. After customs I'll find a phone booth." "Nothing sounds crazy to me, son. I work in Holl 132 ROBERT LUDLUM Bee-wood." Suddenly, the actor's amused exuberance faded. "In the States," he said softly, his words floating again, eyes distant again. "You remember that crap in Skokie, Illinois? They did a television show on it.... l was in the study learning lines when I heard the screams and the sound of a door crashing open. I ran out and saw my wife racing down to the beach. I had to drag her out of the water. Sixty-seven years old, and she was a little girl again, back in that goddamn camp, seeing the lines of hollow-eyed prisoners, knowing which lines were which . . . seeing her mother and father, her three kid brothers. When you think about it, you can understand why those people say over and over, 'Never again.' It can't ever happen again. I wanted to sell that tucking house; I won't leave her alone in it." "Is she alone now?" "Nope," said Dowling, his smile returning. "That's the good part. After that night we faced it; we both knew she couldn't be. Got her a sister, that's what we did. Bubbly little thing with more funny stories about Cuckooburg than ever got into print. But she's tough as they come; she's been bouncing around the studios for forty years." "An actress?" "Not so's anyone could tell, but she's a great face in the crowd. She's a good lady, too, good for my wife." "I'm glad to hear it," said Joel, as the aircraft's wheels made bouncing contact with the runway and the jet engines screeched into reverse thrust. The plane rolled forward, then started a left turn toward its dock. Dowling turned to Converse. "If you finish your calls, ask someone for the VIP lounge. Tell them you're a friend of mine." "I'll try to get there." "If you don't," added the actor in his Santa Fe dialect "see y'awl back in the steel corral. We got us another leg on this here cattle drive, pardner. Glad you're ridin' shotgun." "On a cattle drive?" "What the hell do I know? I hate horses." The plane came to a stop, and the forward door opened in less than thirty seconds as a number of excited passengers rapidly jammed the aisle. It was obvious from the whispers and the stares and the few who stood up on their toes to get clearer views that the reason for the swift exodus of this initial crowd was the presence of Caleb Dowling. And the actor was THE AQUITAINE PROGRESSION 133 playing his part, dispensing Pa Ratchet benedictions with warm smiles, broad infectious winks, and deep-throated laughter, all with good-old-wrangler humility. As Joel watched he felt a rush of compassion for this strange man, this actor, this risk-taker with a private hell he shared with the woman he loved. Never again. It can 't ever happen again. Words. Converse looked down at the attache case he held with both hands on his lap. inside was another story, one that held a time bomb ready to detonate. I am back, l am well, and l am at yourservice. Also words from another time but full of menace for the present, for they were part of the story of a living man's silent return. A spoke in the wheel of Aquitaine. The first rush of curious passengers filed through the exit door after the television star, and Joel slipped into the less harried line. He would go through customs as rapidly and as unobtrusively as possible, then find a dark corner of the airport and wait in the deepest shadows until the loudspeakers announced the plane for Cologne-Bonn. Goebbels and Hess accepted Dr. Heinrich Leif- helm's offer with enthusiasm. One can easily imagine the propaganda expert visualising the image of this blond Aryan physician of 'impeccable credentials" spread across thousands of pamphlets confirming the specious theories of Nazi genetics, as well as his all too willing condemnation of the inferior, avaricious Jew; he was heaven-sent. Whereas for Rudolf Hess, who wanted more than his little boys to be accepted by the Junkers and the monied class, the Herr Dok- -tor was his answer; the physician was obviously a true aristocrat, and in time, quite possibly a lover. The confluence of preparation, timing and ap- pearance turned out to be more than young Stoes- sel-Leifhelm could have imagined. Adolf Hitler re- turned from Berlin for one of his Marienplatz rallies, and the imposing Doktor, along with his intense, well-mannered son, was invited to dinner with the Fuhrer. Hitler heard everything he wanted to hear, and Heinrich Leifhelm from that day until his death in 1934 was Hitler's personal physician. There was nothing that the son could not have, 134 ROBERT LUDLUM and in short order he had everything he wanted. In June of 1931 a ceremony was held at the National Socialists' headquarters, where Heinrich Leifhelm's marriage to "a Jewess was proclaimed invalid because of a "concealment of Jewish blood" on the part of an "opportunistic Hebrew family, ' and all rights, claims and inheritances of the children of that "insidious union" were deemed void. A civil marriage was performed between LeifLelm and Marta Stoessel, and the true inheritor, the only child who could claim the name of LeifLelm, was an eighteen-year-old called Erich. Munich and thelewish community still laughed, but not as loudly, at the absurd announcement the Nazis inserted in the legal columns of the newspapers. It was considered nonsense; the Leifhelm name was a discredited name, and certainly no paternal inheritance was involved; finally it was all outside the law. What they were only beginning to understand was that the laws were changing in changing Germany. In two short years there would be only one law: Nazi determination. Erich LeifLelm had arrived and his ascendancy in the party was swift and assured. At eighteen he was Jungfuhrer of the Hitler Youth movement, photographs of his strong, athletic face and body challenging the children of the New Order to join the national crusade. During his tenancy as a symbol, he was sent to the University of Munich, where he completed his courses of study in three years with high academic honors. By this time, Adolf Hitler had been swept into power; he controlled the Reichstag, which gave him dictatorial powers. The Thousand-Year Reich had begun and Erich Leifhelm was sent to the Officers Training Center in Magdeburg. In 1935, a year after his father's death, Erich LeifLelm, now a youthful favorite of Hitler's inner circle, was promoted to the rank of Oberstleutnant in the Gruppenkommando 1 in Berlin under Rundstedt. He was deeply involved in the vast military expansion that was taking place in Germany, and as the war drew nearer he entered what we can term the third phase of his complicated life, one that ulti THE AQUITAINE PROGRESSION 135 mately brought him to the centers of Nazi power and at the same time provided him with an extraordinary means of separating himself from the leadership of which he was an intrinsic and influential part. This is briefly covered in the following final pages, a prelude to the fourth phase, which we know is his fanatic allegiance to the theories of George Marcus Delavane. But before we leave the young Erich Leifhelm of Eichstatt, Munich, and Magdeburg, two events should be recorded here that provide insights into the man's psychotic mentality. Mentioned above was the robbery at the Luisenstrasse house and the resulting profits of the theft. LeiLhelm to this day does not deny the incident, taking pleasure in the tale because of the despicable images he paints of his father's first wife and her "overbearing" parents. What he does not speak of, nor has anyone spoken of it in his presence, is the original police report in Munich, which, as near as can be determined, was destroyed sometime in August 1934, a date corresponding to Hindenburg's death and Hitler's rise to absolute power as both president and chancellor of Germany with the title of der Fuhrer raised to official mandatory status. All copies of the police report were removed from the files, but two elderly pensioners from the Munich department remember it clearly. They are both in their late seventies, have not seen each other in years, and were questioned separately. Robbery was the lesser crime that early morning on the Luisenstrasse; the more serious one was never spoken of at the insistence of the family. The fifteen-year-old Leifhelm daughter was raped and severely beaten, her face and body battered so violently that upon admission to the Karlstor Hospital she was given little chance of recovery. She did recover physically, but remained emotionally disturbed for the rest of her short life. The man who committed the assault had to be familiar with the interior of the house, had to know there was a back staircase that led to the girl's room, which was separated from the rooms of her two brothers and her 136 ROBERT LUDLUM mother in the front. Erich Leifhelm had questioned his father in depth regarding the inside design of that house; he was there by his own admission, and was aware of the fierce pride and strict moral code held by the "tyrannical in-laws." There is no question; his compulsion was such that he had to inflict the most degrading insult he could imagine, and he did so, knowing the influential family would and could insist on official silence. The second event took place during the months of January or February 1939. The specifics are sketchy insofar as there are few survivors of the time who knew the family well, and no official records, but from those who were found and interviewed, certain facts surfaced. Heinrich Leifhelm's legal wife, his children and her family tried without success for several years to leave Germany. The official party line was that the old patriarch's medical skills, having been acquired in German universities were owed to the state. Too, there were unresolved legal questions arising from the dissolved union between the late Dr. Heinrich Leifhelm and a member of the family questions specifically relating to commonly shared assets and the rights of inheritance as they affected an outstanding officer of the Wehrmacht. Erich Leifhelm was taking no chances. His father's "former" wife and children were virtually held prisoners, their movements restricted, the house on the Luisenstrasse was watched, and for weeks following any renewed applications for visas, they were all kept under full "political surveillance" on the chance that they had plans of vanishing. This information was revealed by a retired banker who recalled that orders came from the Finanzministerium in Berlin instructing the banks in Munich to immediately report any significant withdrawals by the former Frau Leifhelm and/or her family. During what week or on what day it happened we did not learn, but sometime in January or February of 1936, Frau LeifLelm, her children and her father disappeared. However, the Munich court records, impounded by the Allies on April 23, 1945, give a clear, if incom THE AQUITAINE PROGRESSION 137 plete, picture of what took place. Obviously driven by his compulsion to validate his seizure of the estate in the eyes of the law, he had a brief filed on behalf of Oberstleutnant Erich Leifhelm listing the articles of grievance suffered by his father, Dr. Heinrich Leifhelm, at the hands of a family cabal, said family of criminals having fled the Reich under indictment. The charges, as expected, were outrageous lies: from outright theft of huge nonexistent bank accounts to character assassination so as to destroy a great doc- tor's practice. There was the legal certificate of the 'official" divorce, and a copy of the elder Leifhelm's last will and testament. There was only one true union and one true son, all rights, privileges and in- heritances passed on to him: Oberstleutnant Erich Stoessel-LeiPhelm. Because we possessed reasonably accurate dates, survivors were found. It was confirmed that Frau Leifhelm, her three children and her father perished at Dachau, ten miles outside of Munich. The Jewish Leifhelms were gone; the Aryan Leifhelm was now the sole inheritor of considerable wealth and property that under existing conditions would have been confiscated. Before the age of thir- ty, he had wiped his personal slate clean and avenged the wrongs he was convinced had been visited on his superior birth and talents. A killer had matured. 'You must have one hell of a case there," said Caleb Dowling, grinning and poking Joel with his elbow. "Your butt burned up in the ashtray a while ago. I reached over to close the goddamned lid, and all you did was raise your hand like I was out of order." "I'm sorry. It's . . . it's a complicated brief. Christ, I wouldn't raise my hand to you, you're a celebrity." Converse laughed because he knew it was expected. "Well, my second bit of news for you, good buddy, is that celebrity or no, the smoking lamp's been on for a couple of minutes now and you still got a reefer in your fingers. Now, I grant you, you didn't light it, but we're getting a lot of Nazi looks over here." "Nazi . . . ?" Joel spoke the word involuntarily as he 138 ROBERT LUDLUM pressed the unlit cigarette into the receptacle; he was not aware that he had been holding it. "A figure of speech and a bad line, 'said the actor. "We'll be in Cologne before you put all that legal stuff away. Come on, good buddy, he's going in for the approach." "No," countered Joel without thinking. "He's making a pitchout until he gets the tower's instructions. It's standard we've got at least three minutes." "You sound like you know what the hell you're talking about." "Vaguely," said Converse, putting the Leifhelm dossier into his attache case. "I used to be a pilot." "No kidding? A real pilot?" "Well, I got paid." "For an airline? I mean, one of these real airlines?" "Larger than this one, I think." "Goddamn, I'm impressed. I wouldn't have thought so. Lawyers and pilots somehow don't seem compatible." "It was a long time ago." Joel closed his case and snapped the locks. The plane rolled down the runway, the landing having been so unobtrusive that a smattering of applause erupted from the rear of the aircraft. Dowling spoke as he unfastened his seat belt. "I used to hear some of that after a particularly good class." "Now you hear a lot more," said Converse. "For a hell of a lot less. By the way, where are you staying, counselor?" Joel was not prepared for the question. 'Actually, I'm not sure," he replied, again reaching for words, for an answer. "This trip was a last-minute decision." "You may need help. Bonn's crowded. Tell you what, I'm at the Konigshof and I suspect I've got a little influence. Let's see what we can do." "Thanks very much, but that won't be necessary." Converse thought rapidly. The last thing he wanted was the attention focused on anyone in the actor's company. "My firm's sending someone to meet me and he'll have the accommodations. As a matter of fact, I'm supposed to be one of the last people off the plane, so he doesn't have to try to find me in the crowd." "Well, if you've got any time and you want a couple of THE AQUITAINE PROGRESSION 139 laughs with some actor types, call me at the hotel and leave a number." "I probably will. I enjoyed riding shotgun. ' 'On a cattle drive, pardner?" Joel waited. The last stragglers were leaving the plane, nodding at the flanking stewardesses, some yawning, others in awkward combat with shoulder bags, camera equipment and suit-carriers. The final passenger exited through the aircraft's concave door and Converse got up, gripping the handle of his attache case and sliding into the aisle. Instinctively without having a conscious reason to do so, he glanced to his right, into the rear section of the plane. What he saw and what saw him made him freeze. His breath exploded silently in his chest. Seated in the last row of the long fuselage was a woman. The pale skin under the wide brim of the hat, and the frightened, astonished eyes that abruptly looked away all formed an image he vividly re- membered. She was the woman in the cafe at the Kastrup Airport in Copenhagen! When he last saw her she was walking rapidly into the baggage-claim area, away from the row of airlines' counters. She had been stopped by a man in a hurry words had been exchanged and now Joel knew they had concerned him. The woman had doubled back, unnoticed in the last-minute rush for boarding. He felt it, he knew it. She had followed him from Denmark! 6 Converse rushed up the aisle and through the metal door into the carpeted tunnel. Fifty feet down the passageway the narrow walls opened into a waiting area, the plastic seats and the roped-off stanchions designating the gate. There was no one; the place was empty, the other gates shut down, the lights off. Beyond, suspended from the ceiling were signs in German, French and English directing passengers to the main terminal and the downstairs baggage claim. There was no time for his luggage; he had to run, to get away from the 140 ROBERT LUDLUM airport as fast as possible, get away without being seen. Then the obvious struck him, and he felt sick. He had been seen; they knew he was on the Hight from Hamburg whoever they were. The instant he walked into the terminal he would be spotted, and there was nothing he could do about it. They had found him in Copenhagen; the woman had found him and she had been ordered on board to make certain he did not stay in Hamburg, or switch planes to another destination. Howe How did they do it? There was no time to think about it; he would think about it later if there was a later. He passed the arches of the closed-down metal detectors and the black conveyor belts where hand luggage was X-rayed. Ahead, no more than seventy-five feet were the doors to the terminal. What was he going to do, what should he do? NUR FUR HIER BESCHAFTIGTE MANNER Joel stopped at a door. The sign on it was emphatic, the German forbidding. Yet he had seen those words before. Where? What was it? . . . Zurich! He had been in a department store in Zurich when a stomach attack had descended to his bowels. He had pleaded with a sympathetic clerk who had taken him to a nearby employees' men's room. In one of those odd moments of gratitude and relief, he had focused on the strange words as they had drawn nearer. Nur fur trier Beschaftigte. Manner. No further memory was required. He pushed the door open and went inside, not sure what he would do other than collect his thoughts. A man in green overalls was at the far end of the line of sinks against the wall; he was combing his hair while inspecting a blemish on his face in the mirror. Con- verse walked to the row of urinals beyond the sinks, his demeanor that of an airlines executive. The affectation was accepted; the man mumbled something courteously and left The door swung shut and he was alone. Joel stepped back from the urinal and studied the tiled enclosure, hearing for the first time the sound of several voices . . . outside, somewhere outside, beyond . . . the windows. Three-quarters up from the floor and recessed in the far wall were three frosted-glass windows, the painted white frames melting into the whiteness of the room. He was con THE AQUITAINE PROGRESSION 141 fused. In these security-conscious days of airline travel with the constant emphasis on guarding against smuggled arms and narcotics, a room inside a gate area that had a means of getting outside before entering customs did not make sense. Then the obvious fact occurred to him. It could be his way out! The flight from Hamburg was a domestic flight, this part of the Cologne-Bonn airport a domestic terminal; there were no customs! Of course there were exterior windows in an enclosure like this. What difference did it make? Passengers still had to pass through the electronic arches and, conversely, authorities wanting to pick up a passenger flying domestically would simply wait by a specific gate. But no one waited for him. He had been the last the second to last passenger off the late night flight. The roped-off gate had been deserted; anyone sitting in one of the plastic chairs or standing beyond the counter would be obvious. Therefore, those who were keeping him in their sights did not want to be seen themselves. Whoever they were, they were waiting, watching for him from some remote spot inside the terminal. They could wait. He approached the far-right window and lowered his attache case to the floor. When he stood erect, the sill was only inches above his head. He reached for the two white handles and pushed; the window slid easily up several inches. He poked his fingers through the space; there was no screen. Once the window was raised to its full height, there would be enough room for him to crawl outside. There was a clattering behind him, rapid slaps of metal against wood. He spun around as the door opened, revealing a hunched-over old man in a white maintenance uniform carrying a mop and a pail. Slowly, with deliberation, the old man took out a pocket watch, squinted at it, said something in Ger- man, and waited for an answer. Not only was Joel aware that he was expected to speak, but he assumed that he had been told the employees' men's room was being closed until moming. He had to think; he could not leave; the only way out of the airport was through the terminal. If there was another he did not know where, and it was no time to be running around a section of an airport shut down for the remainder of the night. Patrolling guards might compound his problems. His eyes dropped, centering on the metal pail, and in desperation he knew what he had to do, but not whether he could do it. With a sudden grimace of pain, he moaned and grabbed 142 ROBERT LUDLUM his chest, falling to his knees. His face contorted, he sank to the floor. "Doctor, doctor . . . doctor!" he shouted over and over again. The old man dropped the mop and the pail; a guttural stream of panicked phrases accompanied several cautious steps forward. Converse rolled to his right against the wall he gasped for breath as he watched the German with wide, blank eyes. "Doctor. . . !" he whispered. The old man trembled and backed away toward the door; he turned, opened it and ran out, his frail voice raised for help. There would be only seconds! The gate was no more than two hundred feet to the left, the entrance to the terminal perhaps a hundred to the right. Joel got up quickly, raced to the pail, turned it upside down, and brought it back to the window. He placed it on the floor and stepped up with one foot, his palms making contact with the base of the window; he shoved. The glass rose about four inches and stopped, the frame lodged against the sash. He pushed again with all the strength he could manage in his awkward positron. The window would not budge; breathing hard he studied it, his intense gaze zeroing in on two small steel objects he wished to God were not in place, but they were. Two protective braces were screwed into the opposing sashes, preventing the window from being opened more than six inches. Cologne-Bonn might not be an international airport with a panoply of sophis- bcated security devices, but it was not without its own safeguards. There were distant shouts from beyond the door; the old man had reached someone. The sweat rolled down Converse's face as he stepped off the pail and reached for his attache case on the floor. Action and decision were simultaneous, only instinct unconsciously governing both. Joel picked up the leather case, stepped forward and crashed it repeatedly into the window, shattering the glass and finally breaking away the lower wooden frame. He stepped back up on the pail and looked out. Beyond below was a cement path bordered by a guardrail, floodlights in the distance, no one in sight. He threw the attache case out the window, and pulled himself up, his left knee kicking fragments of glass and what was left of the frame to the concrete below. Awkwardly, he hunched his whole body, pressing his head into his shoulder blades, and THE AQUITAINE PROGRESSION 143 plunged through the opening. As he fell to the ground he heard the shouts from inside: they grew in volume, all in counterpoint, a mixture of bewilderment and anger. He ran. Minutes later, at a sudden curve in the cement path, he saw the floodlit entrance of the terminal and the line of taxis waiting for the passengers of Flight 817 from Hamburg to pick up their luggage before the drivers collected their inHated night prices to Bonn and Cologne. There were entrance and exit roads leading to the platform, broken by pedestrian crosswalks, and beyond these an immense parking lot with several lighted booths still operating for those driving their own cars. Converse slipped over the guardrail and ran across an intersecting lawn until he reached the first road, racing into the shadows at the first blinding glare of a floodlight. He had to reach a taxi, a taxi with a driver who spoke English; he could not remain on foot.... He had been captured on foot once, years ago. On a jungle trail, where if he had only been able to commandeer a jeep an enemy jeep he might have . . . Stop it! This is not 'Nam, it's a goddamn airport with a million tons of concrete poured between flowers, grass and asphalt! He kept moving in and out of the shadows, until he had made a complete semicircle one-eight zero. He was in darkness, the last of the taxis in the line ahead of him. He ap- proached the first, which was the last. "English? Do you speak English?" "~nglisch? Nein. " The second cabdriver was equally negative, but the third was not. "As you Americans say, only the asshole would drive a taxi here wizzout the English reasonable. Is so?" "It's reasonable, ' said Joel, opening the door. "Rein! You cannot do thatl" "Do what?" "Come in the taxi." "Why not?" "The line. Allviss is the line." Converse reached into his jacket pocket and withdrew a folded layer of deutsche marks. "I'm generous. Can you understand thatP" "Is also urgent sickness. Get in, main Herr." The cab pulled out of the line and sped toward the exit road. "Bonn or Koln?" asked the driver. "Bonn," replied Converse, "but not yet. I want you to 144 ROBERT LUDLUM drive into the other lane and stop across the way in front of that parking lot." '~Was... 9" "The other lane. I want to watch the entrance back there. I think there was someone on the Hamburg plane I know." "Many have come out. Only those with luggage " "She's still inside," insisted Joel. "Please, just do as I say." ' She? . . . Ach, ein Fraulein. Ist ja Ihr Geld, main Herr. " The driver swung the cab into a cutoff that led to the incoming road and the parking lot. He stopped in the shadows beyond the second booth; the terminal doors were on the left, no more than a hundred yards away. Converse watched as weary passengers, carrying assorted suitcases, golf bags, and the ever-present camera equipment, began to file out of the terminal's entrance, most raising their hands for taxis, a few walking across the pedestrian lanes toward the parking lot. Twelve minutes passed and still there was no sign of the woman from Copenhagen. She could not have been carrying luggage, so the delay was deliberate, or instructed. The driver of the cab had assumed the role of nonobserver; he had turned off the lights and, with a bowed head, appeared to be dozing. Silence.... Across the parallel roads, the travelers from Hamburg had dwindled. Several young men, undoubtedly students, two in cut-off jeans, their companions drinking from cans of beer, were laughing as they counted the deutsche marks between them. A yawning businessman in a three-piece suit struggled with a bulging suitcase and an enormous cardboard box wrapped in a floral print, while an elderly couple argued, their dispute emphasized by two shaking heads of grey hair. Five others, men and women, were by the curb at the far end of the platform apparently waiting for pre- arranged transportation. But where . . . Suddenly she was there, but she was not alone. Instead, she was flanked by two men, a third directly behind her. All four walked slowly, casually, out of the automatic glass doors, moving to the left, their pace quickening until they reached the dimmest area of the canopied entrance. Then the three men angled themselves in front of the woman, as if mounting a wall of protection, their heads turning, talking to her over their shoulders while studying the crowd. Their conversation became animated but controlled, anger joining confusion, THE AQUITAINE PROGRESSION 145 tempers held in check. The man on the right broke away and crossed to the corner of the building, then walked beyond into the shadows. He pulled an object out of an inside pocket and Joel instantly knew what it was; the man raised it to his lips. He was talking by radio to someone in or around the airport. Barely seconds passed when the beams of powerful headlights burst through the glass over Converse's right shoulder, filling the back of the taxi. He pressed himself into the seat his head turned, neck arched, his face at the edge of the rear window. Beyond, by the exit booth of the parking lot, a dark-red limousine had stopped, the driver's arm extended a bill clutched in his hand. The attendant took the money turning to make change, when the large car lurched forward leaving the man in the booth bewildered. It careened around the taxi and headed for the curve in the road that led to the airport terminal's entrance. The timing was too precise; radio contact had been made and Joel spoke to the driver. "I told you I was generous," he said, startled by the words he was forming in his head. "I can be very generous if you'll do as I ask you to." "I awn an honest man," replied the German, uncertainty in his voice, his eyes looking at Joel in the rearview mirror. "So am 1," said Converse. "But I'm also honestly curious and there's nothing wrong with that. You see the dark-red car over there, the one that's stopping at the corner of the building?" 'pa. " "Do you think you could follow it without being seen? You'd have to stay pretty Or behind, but keep it in sight. Could you do it?" "Is not a reasonable request. How generous is the A merikaner?" "Two hundred deutsche marks over the fare." "You are generous, and I am a superior driver." The German did not underestimate his talents behind the wheel. Skillfully he weaved the cab unobtrusively through a cutoff, swinging abruptly left into the parallel exit road and bypassing the entrance to the terminal. "What are you doing?" asked Joel, confused. "I want you to follow " "Is only way out," interrupted the driver, glancing back at the airport platform while maintaining moderate speed. "I 146 ROBERT LUDIUM shall let him pass me. I am just one more insignificant taxi on the autobahn." Converse sank back into the corner of the seat, his head away from the windows. "That's reasonably good thinking," he said. "Superior, mein Herr.', Again the driver looked briefly back out the window, then concentrated on the road and the rearview mirror. Moments later he gradually accelerated his speed; it was not noticeable; there was no breaking away, instead merely a faster pace. He eased to the left, passing a Mercedes coupe, staying in the lane to overtake a Volkswagen, then returning to the right. "I hope you know what you're doing," muttered Joel. No reply was necessary as the dark-red vehicle streaked by on the left. "Directly ahead the road separates," said the driver. "One way to Koln, the other to Bonn. You say you are going to Bonn, but what if your friend goes to KolnP" "Stay with him." The limousine entered the road for Bonn and Converse lighted a cigarette, his thoughts on the reality of having been found, which meant his name was known from the passenger manifest. So be it; he would have preferred otherwise, but once the initial contact had been made with Bertholdier it was not a vital point. He could operate as himself; his past might even be an asset. Also, there was a positive side to the immediate situation; he had learned something several things. Those following him who now had lost him were no part of the authorities; they were not connected with either the German or the French police, or the coordinating Interpol. If they were, they would have taken him at the gate or on the plane itself, and that told him something else. Joel Converse was not wanted for assault or God forbid murder back in Paris. And this assumption could only lead to a third probability: the violent, bloody struggle in the alley was being covered up. Jacques-Louis Bertholdier was taking no chances that because of his severely wounded aide his own name might surface in any connection whatsoever with a wealthy guest of the hotel who had made such alarming insinuations to the revered general. The protection of Aquitaine was paramount. There was a fourth possibility, so realistically arrived at it could be considered fact. The men in the dark-red limou THE AQUITAINE rROGRESSION 147 sine who had met the Hamburg plane were also part of Aquitaine, underlings of Erich Leifhelm, the spoke of Aquitaine in West Germany. Sometime during the last five hours, Bertholdier had learned the identity of the ersatz Henry Simon probably through the management of the George V and contacted Leifhelm. Then, alarmed that no passenger manifest listed an American named Converse flying from Paris to Bonn, they had checked the other airlines and found he had gone to Copenhagen. The alarms must have been strident. Why Copenhagen? He said he was going to Bonn. Why did this strange man with his extraordinary information go to Copenhagen? Who are his contacts, whom will he meet? Find him. Find them! Another phone call had been made, a description given, and a woman had stared at him in a cafe in the Kastrup Airport. It was all so throughthe-looking-glass. He had flown to Denmark for one reason, but another purpose had been served. They had found him, but in the finding they had revealed their own panic. An agitated reception committee, the use of a radio at night to reach an unseen vehicle only a few hundred feet away, a racing limousine: these were the ingredients of anxiety. The enemy was off-balance and the lawyer in Converse was satisfied. At this moment that enemy was a quarter of a mile down the road speeding into Bonn, unaware that a taxi behind them, skillfully maneuvered by a driver slipping around the intermittent traffic, was keeping them in sight. Joel crushed out his cigarette as the driver slowed down to let a pickup truck pass. He could see the large dark-red car ahead on the long curve. The German was no amateur, he knew the moves to make, and Converse understood. Whoever was in that limousine might well be an influential owner, and even two hundred deutsche marks were not worth the probable enmity of a powerful man. Probabilities . . . everything was probabilities. He had built his legal reputation on the study of probabilities, and it was a simpler process than most of his colleagues believed. The approach, that is, was simple, not the work; that was never easy. It demanded the dual discipline of concentrating on the minute and prodding the imagination to expand until the minutiae were arranged and rearranged into dozens of different equations. This exhaustive what-if process was the keystone of legal thinking; it was as simple as that. It was also 148 ROBERT LUDIUM a verbal trap, Joel reflected, as he thought back several years, smiling an uncomfortable smile alone in the darkness. In one of her moments of pique, Val had told him that if he would spend one iota of the time on the two of them that he spent on his "goddamned probabilities," he would "probably" come to realize that the 'probability" of their surviving together was 'very probably nil." She had never lacked for being succinct nor sacrificed her humor in the pursuit of candor. Her striking looks aside, Valerie Charpentier Converse was a very funny lady. Unable not to, he had smiled at her explosion that night years ago, then they both had laughed quietly until she turned away and left the room, too much sadness in the truth she had spoken. Large picturesque buildings gradually replaced the quiet countryside, reminding Converse of huge Victorian houses with filigreed borders and overhanging eaves and grilled balconies beneath large rectangular windows stark geometric shapes. These in turn gave way to a contradictory stretch of attractive but perfectly ordinary residential homes, the sort that could be found in any traditional wealthy suburb on the outskirts of a major American city. Scarsdale, Chevy Chase Grosse Pointe or Evanston. Then came the center of Bonn where narrow, gaslit streets ran into wider avenues with modern lighting, quaint squares only blocks away from banks of contemporary stores and boutiques. It was an architectural anachronism Old World ambience coexisting with up-tothe-minute structures, but with no sense of a city, no sense of electricity or grandeur. Instead it appeared to be a large town, growing rapidly larger, the town fathers uncertain of its direction. The birthplace of Beethoven and the gateway to the Rhine Valley was the most unlikely capital imaginable of a major government. It was anything but the seat of a hard-nosed Bundestag and a series of astute, sophisticated prime ministers who faced the Russian bear across the borders. "Mein Herrl" cried the driver. "They take the road to Bad Godesberg. Das Diplomatenviertel." "What does that mean?" "Embassies. They have Polizeistreifen! Patrols. We could be, how do you say, known ?" "Spotted," explained Joel. "Never mind. Do what you've been doing, you're great. Stop, if you have to; park, if you have THE AQUITAINE PROGRESSION 149 to. Then keep going. You now have three hundred deutsche marks over the fare. I want to know where they stop." It came six minutes later, and Converse was stunned. Whatever he had thought, wherever his imagination had led him, he was not prepared for the driver's words. 'That is the American embassy, mein Herr. " Joel tried to focus his thoughts. "Take me to the Hotel Konigshof," he said, remembering, not knowing what else to say. "Yes, I believe Herr Dowling left a note to that effect," said the desk clerk, reaching below the counter. "He did?" Converse was astonished. He had used the actor's name in the outside hope of some possible preferential treatment. He expected nothing else, if indeed that. "Here it is." The clerk extracted two small telephone memos from the thin stack in his hand. "You are John Converse, an American attomey." "Close enough. That's me." "Herr Dowling said you might have difficulty finding am propriate accommodations here in Bonn. Should you come to the Konigshof tonight, he requested that we be as helpful as possible. It is possible, Herr Converse. Herr Dowling is a very popular man." "He deserves to be," said Joel. "I see he also left a message for you." The clerk turned and retrieved a sealed envelope from one of the mailboxes behind him. He handed it to Converse, who opened it. Hi, pardner. If you don't pick this up, I'll get it back in the morning. Forgive me, but you sounded like too many of my less fortunate colleagues who say no when they want to say yes. Now collectively in their case, it's some kind of warped pride because they think I'm suggesting a handout it's either that or they don't want to meet someone who may be where I'm going. By the looks of you, I'd have to rule out the former and stick with the latter. There's someone you don't want to meet here in Bonn, and you don't have to. The room's taken care of and in my name change that if you like but don't argue about the bill. I owe 150 ROBERT LUDLUM you a fee, counselor, and I always pay my debts. At least during the last four years I have. Incidentally, you'd make a lousy actor. Your pauses aren't at all convincing. Pa Ratchet Joel put the note back in the envelope, resisting the temptation to go to a house phone and call Dowling. The man would have little enough sleep before going to work; thanks could wait until morning. Or evening. "Mr. Dowling's arrangements are generous and completely satisfactory," he said to the clerk behind the counter. "He's right. If my clients knew I'd come to Bonn a day early I'd have no chance to enjoy your beautiful city." "Your privacy will be respected, sir. Herr Dowling is a most thoughtful man, as well as generous, of course. Your luggage is outside with a taxi, perhaps?" "No, that's why I'm so late. It was put on the wrong plane out of Hamburg and will be here in the morning. At least that's what I was told at the airport." "Ach, so inconvenient, but all too familiar. Is there anything you might require?" "No, thanks," replied Converse, raising his attache case slightly. "The bare necessities travel with me.... Well, there is one thing. Would it be possible to order a drink?" "Of course." Joel sat up in bed, the dossier at his side, the drink in his hand. He needed a few minutes to think before going back into the world of Field Marshal Erich Leifhelm. With the help of the switchboard, he had called the all-night number for Lufthansa and had been assured that his suitcase would be held for him at the airport. He gave no explanation other than the fact that he had been traveling for two days and nights and simply did not care to wait for his luggage. The attendant could read into his words whatever she liked; he did not care. His mind was on other things. The American embassy! What appalled him was the stark reality of old Beale's words.... Behind it all are those who do the convincing, and they're growing in numbers everywhere.... We're in the countdown ... three to five Uzbeks that's all you've got.... It's real and it's coming. Joel was not prepared for the reality. He could accept Delavane and THE AQUITAINE PROGRESSION 151 Bertholdier, certainly I,eifhelm, but the shock of knowing that ordinary embassy personnel American personnel were on the receiving end of orders from Delavane's network was paralysing. How far had Aquitaine progressed? How widespread were its followers, its influence? Was tonight the frightening answer to both questions? He would think about it all in the morning. First, he had to be prepared for the man he had come to find in Bonn. As he reached for the dossier he remembered the sudden deep panic in Avery Fowler's eyes Preston Halliday's eyes. How long had he known? How much had he known? It is pointless to recount Erich Leifhelm's ex- ploits in the early to middle years of the war other than to say his reputation grew, and what is most important he was one of the very few superior offi- cers to come up through Nazi party ranks accepted by the old-line professional generals. Not only did they accept him but they sought him out for their commands. Men like Rundstedt and Von Falkenhausen, Rommel and von Treskow; at one time or another each asked Berlin for LeifLelm's services. He was unquestionably a brilliant strategist and a daring of dicer, but there was something else. These generals were aristocrats, part of the ruling class of prewar Germany, and by and large loathed the National Socialists, considering them thugs, exhibitionists and amateurs. It is not difficult to imagine LeifLelm, sitting among these men, modestly expounding on what was clearly noted in his military record. He was the son of the late prominent Munich surgeon Dr. Heinrich Leifhelm, who had left him considerable wealth and property. We need no conjecture, however, to understand how much further he went to ingratiate himself, for the following is extracted from an interview with General Rolf Winter, Standortkommandant of the Wehrbereichskommando in the Saar sectors: We would sit around having coffee after dinner, the talk quite depressing. We knew the war was lost. The insane orders from Berlin most we agreed would never be carried out guaranteed wholesale 152 R08ERT LUD[UM slaughter of troops and civilians. It was madness, national suicide. And always, this young Leifhelm would say things like "Perhaps the fools will listen to me. They think I'm one of them, they've thought so from the early days in Munich." . . . And we would wonder. Could he bring some sanity to the collapsing front? He was a fine officer, highly regarded, and the son of a well-known doctor, as he constantly re- minded us. After all, young men's heads were turned in those early days the cavernous soul-stirring roars of Sieg hell, the fanatic crowds; the banners and drums and marching beside ten thousand torches at night. It was all so melodramatic, so Wagnerian. But Leifhelm was different; he wasn't one of the gangsters; patriotic, of course, but not a hoodlum.... So we sent dispatches with him to our closest comrades in Berlin, dispatches that would have resulted in our executions had they fallen into the wrong hands. We were told he tried very hard, but he could not put sanity in the minds of men who lived in daily fear of death from rumor and gossip. But he maintained his own sanity and loyalty which were constant. We were informed by one of his adjutants not him, mind you that he was confronted by an S.S. colonel who had followed him in the street and demanded the contents of his briefcase. He refused, and when threatened with immediate arrest, he shot the man so as not to betray us. He was one of us. It was a noble risk and only a night bombing raid saved his own life. It is clear what LeifLelm was doing and equally clear that the dispatches were never shown to anyone, nor was there an S.S. colonel shot in the streets during a bombing raid. According to Winter, those dispatches from the Saar were so explosive in content that someone would have remembered them; no one does. Once again, LeifLelm had seen an opportunity. The war was lost, and the Nazis were about to become the ultimate twentieth-century villains. But not the elite German general corps there was a distinction. He wiped another slate clean and joined the "Prussians." He was so successful that he was rumored to have been part of the plot to assassinate THE AQUITAINE PROGRESSION 153 Adolf Hitler at Wolfsschanze, and called upon to be a member of Donitz's surrender team. During the cold war, Allied Central Command asked him to join other key elements of the Wehr- macht officer corps in the Bundesgrenzschutz. He became a privileged military consultant with full se- curity clearance. A mature killer had survived, and history, with the Kremlin's help, took care of the rest. In May '49 the Federal Republic was established, and the following September the Allied occupation formally came to an end. As the cold war escalated and West Germany began its remarkable recovery, the NATO forces demanded material and personnel support from their former enemies. The new German divisions were formed under the command of ex-Field Marshal Erich Leifhelm. No one had dredged up the questionable deci- sions of the Munich courts from nearly two decades past; there were no other survivors and his services were desired by the victors. During the postwar re- construction when countless settlements and laby- rinthine legal resolutions were being sought throughout Germany, he was quietly awarded all as- sets and property previously decreed, including some of the most valuable real estate in Munich. So ends the third phase of Erich Leifhelm's story. The fourth phase which concerns us most is the one we know least about. The only certainty is that he has become as deeply entrenched in General Delavane's operation as any other man on the primary list. There was a rapping on the door. Joel lunged off the bed, the Leifhelm dossier cascading to the Qoor. He looked at his watch in fear and confusion. It was nearly four o'clock. Who wanted him at this hour? Had they found him? Oh, Christ] The dossier! The briefcase! "Joe . . . ?Joe, you up?" The voice was both a whisper and a shout an actor's sotto voce. "It's me, Cal Dowling." Converse ran to the door and opened it, his breath coming in gasps. Dowling was fully dressed, holding up both his hands for silence as he glanced up and down the corridor. Sat 154 ROBERT LUDLUM isfied, he walked rapidly inside, pushing Joel back and closing the door. "I'm sorry, Cal," said Converse. "I was asleep. I guess the sound startled me." "You always sleep in your trousers with the lights on?" asked the actor quietly. "Keep your voice down. I checked the hallways, but you can never be clear about what you didn't see." "Clear about what?" "One of the first things we reamed on Kwajalein in '44. A patrol doesn't mean shit unless you've got something to report. All it means is that they were better than you were." "I was going to call you, to thank you " "Cut it, good buddy," Dowling broke in, his expression serious. "I'm hming this down to the last couple of minutes, which is about all we've got. There's a limo downstairs waiting to take me out to the cameras over an hour away. I didn't want to come out of my room before in case anyone was hanging around, and I didn't want to call you because a switchboard can be watched or bribed ask anyone in Cuckooburg. I don't worry about the desk; they're not too fond of our crowd over here." The actor sighed. "When I got to my room, all I wanted was sleep, and all I got was a visitor. I'm down the hall and I was hoping to Christ if you came here he wouldn't see you." "A visitor?" "From the embassy. The US. embassy. Tell me, Joe " "Joel," interrupted Converse. "Not that it matters." "Sorry, I've an obstruction in my left ear and that doesn't matter, either. He spent damn near twenty-five minutes with me asking questions about you. He said we were seen talking together on the plane. Now, you tell me, counselor, are you okay, or are my instincts all bucked up?" Joel returned Dowling's steady gaze. "Your instincts are perfectly fine," he said without emphasis. "Did the man from the embassy say otherwise?" "Not exactly. As a matter of fact, he didn't say a hell of a lot. Just that they wanted to talk to you, wanted to know why you'd come to Bonn, where you were." "But they knew I was on the plane?" "Yep, said you'd flown out of Paris." "Then they knew I was on that plane." "That's what I just said what he said." THE AQUITAINE PROGRESSION 155 "Then why didn't they meet me at the gate and ask me themselves?" Dowling'sface creased further, his eyes narrowing within the wrinkles of bronzed flesh. "Yeah, why didn't they?" he asked himself. "Did he say?" "No, but then, Paris didn't come up until he was about to leave." "What do you mean?" "It was like he figured I was holding back some- thing which I certainly was but he couldn't be sure. I'm pretty good at what I do, Joe Joel." "You also took a risk," said Converse, remembering that he was talking to a risk-taker. "No, I covered myself. I specifically asked if there were charges against you or anything like that. He said there weren't. " "Still, he was " "Besides, I didn't like him. He was one of those pushy oflficial types. He kept repeating things, and when he couldn't come up with anything, he said, 'We know he flew out of Paris,' as if he was challenging me. I said I didn't." "There's not much time, but can you tell me what else he asked you?" "I told you, he wanted to know everything we talked about. I said I didn't have a tape recorder in my head, but it was mainly small talk, the kind of chatter I get all the hme from people I meet on planes. About the show, the business. But he didn't want to settle for that; he kept pushing, which gave me the opportunity to get a little pissed off myself." "How so?" "I said, yes, we did talk about something else but it was very personal, and none of his damn business. He got pretty upset at that, and that let me get even angrier. We exchanged a few barbs but his weren't very sharp; he was too uptight. Then he asked me for about the tenth time if you'd said anything about Bonn, especially where you were staying. So I told him for the tenth time the truth at least what you said. That you were a lawyer and here to see clients and I didn't know where the hell you were. I mean I didn't actually know you were here." "That's fine." "Is it? Instincts are okay for first reactions, counselor, but 156 ROBERT LUDLUM then, you have to wonder. An aggravating Ivy League government man, waving an embassy ID and acting obnoxious may be very annoying in the middle of the night, but he is from the Department of State. What the hell's this all about?' Joel turned and walked to the foot of the bed; he looked down at the LeifLelm dossier on the floor. He turned again and spoke clearly, hearing the exhaustion in his voice. "Something I wouldn't for the life of me involve you in. But for the record, those instincts of yours were right on, pardner." "I'll be honest," said the actor, his clear eyes amused peering out from behind the creases. "I thought as much. I said to that bastard if I remembered anything else, I'd phone Walter what's-his-name except I called him Walt and let him know." "I don't understand." "He's the ambassador here in Bonn. Can you imagine with all the troubles they've got over here, that diplomatic yo-yo had a luncheon for me, a lousy television actor? WeD the suggestion that I might call the ambassador made our preppie more upset than anything else; he didn't expect it. He said three times, as I recall that the ambassador wasn't to be bothered with this problem. It wasn't that important and he had enough on his mind, and actually he wasn't even aware of it. And catch this, Mr. Lawyer. He said you were an in-house, State Department 'query,' as if a simpleminded actor couldn't possibly understand bureaucratic jingoism. I think that's when I said 'BuDshit.'" ' Thank you," said Converse, not knowing what else to say, but knowing what he wanted to find out. "That's also when I figured my instincts weren't so bad." Dowling looked at his watch, then hard at Converse, his eyes now penetrating. "I was a gyrene, but I'm no fiag-waver, good buddy. However, I like the flag. I wouldn't live under any other." "Neither would 1." "Then you make it plain. Are you working for it?" "Yes, the only way I know how, and that's ad I can ted you." "Are you looking into something here in Bonn? Is that why you didn't want to be seen with me? Why you stayed away from me in Hamburg and even getting off the plane here? "Yes." THE AQUITAINE PROGRESSION 157 "And that son of a bitch didn't want me to call the ambassador." ' No, he didn't. He doesn't. He can't afford it. And, please, I ask you not to." "Are you Oh, Christ! Are you one of those undercover people I read about? I walk into a guy on a plane who can't be seen when he gets to an airport." "It's not that melodramatic. I m a lawyer and simply following up on some alleged irregularities. Please accept that And I appreciate what you did for me. I'm kind of new at this "You're cool, good buddy. Man, are you cool." Dowling turned and walked to the door. He stopped and looked back at Converse. "Maybe I'm crazy," he said. "At my age it's allowed, but there's a streak in you, young fella. Part go-ahead part stay-where-you-are. I saw it when I talked about my wife. Are you married?" "I was." "Who isn't? Was married, that is. Sorry." "I'm not. We're not." "Who is? Sorry, again. My instincts were right. You're okay." Dowling reached for the knob. "Cal?" "Yes?" "I have to know. It's terribly important. Who was the man from the embassy? He must have identified himself." "He did, ' said the actor. "He pushed an ID in front of my face when I opened the door, but I didn't have my glasses on. But when he was leaving I made it clear I wanted to know who the hell he was." "Who was he?" "He said his name was Fowler. Avery Fowler." "Wait!" "What?" "What did you say?" Converse reeled under the impact 158 ROBERT LUDI.UM of the name. He physically had to steady himself, grabbing the nearest solid object, a bedpost, to keep from buckling. "What's the matter, Joe? What's wrong with you?" "That name! Is this some kind of joke a bad joke a bad line! Were you put on that plane? Did I walk into you? Are you part of it, Mr. .4ctor? You're damned good at what you do! "You're either juiced or sick. What are you talking about?" ' This room, your note! Everything! That name! Is this whole goddamned night a setup?' "It's morning, young man, and if you don't like this room you can stay wherever you like as far as I'm concerned." "Wherever . . . 4" Joel tried to evade the blinding flashes of light from the Quai du Mont Blanc and clear the searing blockage in his throat. "No . . . I came here," he said hoarsely. "There's no way you could have known I'd do that. In Copen- hagen, on the plane . . . I got the last ticket in first class, the seat next to me had been sold, an aisle seat." "That's where I always sit. On the aisle." "Oh, Jesus!" "Now you're rambling.'' Dowling glanced at the empty glass on the bedside table, then over at the bureau top where there was a silver tray and a bottle of Scotch whisky provided by an accommodating desk clerk. "How much sauce have you had?" Converse shook his head. "I'm not drunk.... I'm sorry. Christ, I'm sorry) You had nothing to do with it. They're using you trying to use you to find me! You saved my . . . my job . . . and I went after you. Forgive me." "And you don't look like someone who's that worried about a job,' said the actor, his scowl more one of concern than anger. "It's not the employment, it's . . . pulling it off. Joel silently took a deep breath to control himself, postponing the moment when he would have to confront the awesome implicabons of what he had just heard. Avery Fowler! "I want to succeed in what I'm doing; I want to win," he added limply, hoping to conceal the slip he saw Dowling had spotted. "All lawyers want to win." 'Sure. ' "I am sorry, Cal." "Forget it," said the actor, his voice casual, his look not THE AQUITAINE PROGRESSION 159 casual at all. "Where I'm at these days screeching's an hourly occurrence only, they don't say anything. I think you just did." "No, I overreacted, that's all. I told you I was new at this. Not the law, just this . . . not talking directly, I guess says it." "Does it?" "Yes. Please believe that." "All right, if you want me to." Dowling again looked at his watch. "I've got to go, but there's something else that might be helpful in saving that" the actor paused convincingly "job of yours. ' "What is it?" asked Converse tightly, trying not to leap at the question. "As this Fowler was leaving I had a couple of thoughts. One was that I'd been pretty hard on a fellow who was simply doing his job, and the other was just plain selfish. I hadn't cooperated, and that could come back and snap me in the ass. Of course if you never showed up here, I'd get my note back and it wouldn't matter. But if you did, and you wore a black hat, my tail could be in a bucket of boiling lead." "That should have been your first concern," said Joel truthfully. "Maybe it was, I don't know. At any rate, I told him that in the course of our conversation I asked you for drinks, to come out on location if you wanted to. He seemed puzzled at the last part, but he understood the first. I asked whether I should call him at the embassy if you took me up on either invitation, and he said no, I shouldn't do that." "What9" "In short words, he made it very plain that my calling him would only louse up this 'in-house query.' He told me to wait for his call. He'd phone me around noon." "But you're filming. You're on location." "That's the beauty part, but the hell with it. There are mobile telephone hookups; the studios insist on them these days. It's another kind of screeching called budgetary controls. We get our calls." "You're losing me." "Then find me. When he calls me, I'll call you. Should I tell him you reached me?" Surprised, Converse stared at the aging actor, the risk-taker. "You're way ahead of me, aren't you?" "You're pretty obvious. So was he, when I put it togeth 160 ROBERT LUDLUM er which I just did. This Fowler wants to reach you, but he wants to do it solo, away from those people you don't want to meet. You see, when he was at the door and we had our last words, I was bothered by something. He couldn't sustain the role any more than you did on the plane but I couldn't be certain. He kind of fell apart on his exit, and that you never do even if you've got to hold in a sudden attack of diarrhea. . . . What do I tell him, Joe?" "set his telephone number, I guess.', "Done. You get some sleep. You look like a coked-up starlet who's just been told she's going to play Medea." "I'll try." Dowling reached into his pocket and took out a scrap of paper. "Here," he said approaching Converse and handing it to him. "I wasn't sure I was going to give this to you, but I damn well want you to have it now. It's the mobile number where you can reach me. Call me after you've talked to this Fowler. I'm going to be a nervous wreck until I hear from you." "I give you my word.... Cal, what did you mean when you mentioned 'the beauty part' and forgetting about it?" The actor's head shifted back in perfect precision, at just the right angle for anyone in the audience. "The son of a bitch asked me what I did for a living.... As they say in the Polo Lounge, Ciao, baby." Converse sat on the edge of the bed, his head pounding, his body tense. Avery Fowler! Jesus! Avery Preston Fowler Halliday! Press Fowler . . . Press Halliday! The names bombarded him, piercing his temples and bouncing off the walls of his mind, screaming echoes everywhere. He could not control the assault; he began to sway back and forth, his arms supporting him, a strange rhythm emerging, the beat accompanying the name names of the man who had died in his arms in Geneva. A man he had known as a boy, the adult a stranger who had manipulated him into the world of George Marcus Delavane and a spreading disease called Aquitaine. This Fowler wants to reach you, but he wants to do it solo, awayfrom those people you don 't want to meet.... The judgment of a risk-taker. Converse stopped rocking, his eyes on the Leifhelm dossier on the floor. He had assumed the worst because it was beyond his comprehension, but there was an alternative, an out THE AQUITAINE PROGRESSION 161 side possibility, perhaps under the circumstances even a probability. The geometries were there; he could not trace them but they were there! The name Avery Fowler meant nothing to anyone but him at least not in Bonn, not as it pertained to a murder in Geneva. Was Dowling right? Joel had asked the actor to get the man's telephone number, but with- out conviction. The image of a dark-red limousine driving through the embassy's gates would not leave him. That was the connection that had enveloped the shock of Avery Fowler's name. The man using it was from the embassy, and at least part of the embassy was part of Aquitaine, therefore the impostor was part of the trap. That was the logic; it was simple arithmetic . . . but it was not geometry. Suppose there was a break in the line, an insertion from another plane that voided the arithmetic progression? If there was, it was in the form of an explanation he could not possibly perceive unless it was given to him. The shock was receding; he was finding his equilibrium again. As he had done so many times in courtrooms and boardrooms, he began to accept the totally unexpected, knowing he could do trothing about it until something else happened, something over which he had no control. The most difficult part of the process was forcing himself to function until it did happen, whatever it was. Conjecture was futile; all the probabilibes were beyond his understanding. He reached down for the LeifLelm dossier. Erich Leifhelm's years with the Bundesgren- zschutz were unique and require a word about the organizahon itself. In the aftermath of all wars, a subjugated national police force is required in an occupied country for reasons ranging from the simple language problem to the occupying power's need to understand local customs and traditions. There must be a buffer between the occupation troops and a vanquished people so as to maintain order. There is also a side issue rarely elaborated upon or analyzed in the history books, but no less important for that lack. Defeated armies can skill possess talent, and unless that talent is utilized the humiliation of defeat can ferment, at minimum distilling itself into hostilities that are counterproduchve to a stabilised political climate, or, at maximum, turning into internal subver 162 ROBERT LUDLUM sionthat can lead to violence and bloodshed at the expense of the victors and whatever new government that is being formed. To put it bluntly, the Allied General Staff recognized that it had on its hands another brilliant and popular military man who would not suffer the anonymity of early retirement or a corporate boardroom. The Bundesgrenzschutz literally, federal border police like all police organisations, was and is a paramilitary force, and as such the logical repository for men like Erich Leifhelm They were the leaders; better to use them than be abused by them. And as always among leaders, there are those few who surge forward, leading the pack. During these years foremost among those few was Erich Leifhelm. His early work with the Grenzschutz was that of a military consultant during the massive German demobilisation, then afterward the chief liaison between the police garrisons and the Allied occupation forces. Following demobilisation, his duties were mainly concentrated in the trouble spots of Vienna and Berlin where he was in constant touch with the commanders of the American, British and French sectors. His zealous anti-Soviet feelings were rapidly made known by Leifhelm throughout the command centers and duly noted by the senior officers.. More and more he was taken into their confidence until as it had happened before with the Prussians he was literally considered one of them. It was in Berlin where Leifhelm first came in contact with General Jacques-Louis Bertholdier. A strong friendship developed, but it was not an association either one cared to parade because of the age-old animosities between the German and French militaries. We were able to trace only three former officers from Bertholdier's command post who remembered or would speak of seeing the two men frequently at dinner together in out-of-the-way restaurants and cafes, deep in conversation, obviously comfortable with each other. Yet during those occasions when Leifhelm was summoned to French headquarters in Berlin, the formalities were icily proper, with names rarely used and THE AQUITAINE PROGRESSION 163 certainly never first names, only ranks and titles. In recent years, as noted above, both men have denied knowing each other personally, albeit admitting their paths may have crossed. Where previously acknowledgment of their friendship was discouraged because of traditional prejudices, the current reasons are far more under- standable. Both are spearheads in the Delavane organization. The names on the primary list are there with good reason. They are influential men who sit on the boards of multinational corporations that deal in products and technology ranging from the building of dams to the construction of nuclear plants; in between are a hundred likely subsidiaries throughout Europe and Africa which could easily expedite sales of armaments. As detailed in the following pages, it can be assumed that Leifhelm and Bertholdier communicate through a woman named Ilse Fishbein in Bonn. Fishbein is her married name, the marriage itself questionable in terms of motive insofar as it was dissolved years ago when Yakov Fishbein, a survivor of the camps, emigrated to Israel. Frau Fishbein, born in 1942, is the youngest illegiti: mate daughter of Hermann Goring. Converse put down the dossier and reached for a memo pad next to the telephone on the bedside table. He then unclipped from his shirt pocket the gold Carher ball-point pen Val had given him years ago and wrote down the name Ilse Fishbein. He studied both the pen and the name. The Cartier status symbol was a remembrance of better days no, not really better, but at least more complete. Valerie, at his insistence, had finally quit the New York advertising agency, with its insane hours, and gone free-lance. On her last day of formal work, she had walked across town to Cartier and spent a con- siderable portion of her last paycheck for his gift. When he asked her what he had done outside of his meteoric rise in Talbot, Brooks and Simon to deserve a gift of such impractical opulence, she had replied: "For making me do what I should have done a long time ago. On the other hand, if free-lancing doesn't pay off, I'll steal it back and pawn it.... What the hell, you'll probably lose it." 164 ROBERT LUDLUM Free-lancing had paid off very well, indeed, and he had never lost the pen. Ilse Fishbein gave rise to another kind of thought. As much as he would like to confront her, it was out of the question. Whatever Erich LeifLelm knew had been provided by Bertholdier in Paris and relayed by Frau Fishbein here in Bonn. And the communication obviously contained a detailed description as well as a warning; the American was dangerous. Ilse Fishbein, as a trusted confidante in Aquitaine, could undoubtedly lead him to others in Germany who were part of Delavane's network, but to approach her was to ask for his own . . . whatever it was they intended for him at the moment, and he was not ready for that. Sbil, it was a name, a piece of information, a fact he was not expected to have, and experience had taught him to keep such details up front and reveal them, spring them quietly when the moment was right. Or use them himself when no one was looking. He was a lawyer, and the ways of adversary law were labyrinthine; whatever was withheld was no-man's-land. On either side, to the more patient, the spoils. Yet the temptation was so damned inviting. The bloodline of Hermann Goring involved with the contemplated resurrection of the generals! In Germany. Ilse Fishbein could be an immediate means of unlocking a floodgate of unwanted memories. He held in his hand a spiked club; the moment would come when he would swing it. Leifhelm's commanding duties in the field with the West German NATO divisions lasted seventeen years, whereupon he was elevated to SHAPE head- quarters, near Brussels, as military spokesman for Bonn's interests. Again his tenure was marked by extreme anti-Soviet postures, frequently at odds with his own government's pragmatic approach to coexistence with the Kremlin, and throughout his final months at SHAPE he was more often appreciated by the Anglo-American right-wing factions than by the po- litical leadership in Bonn. It was only when the chancellor of the Federal Republic concluded that American foreign policy in the early eighties had been taken out of the hands of professionals and usurped by bellicose ideologues THE AQUITAINE PROGRESSION 165 that he ordered Leifhelm home and created an innocuous post for the soldier to keep him at bay. Leiftelm, however, had never been a gullible fool, nor was he one now in his new, improvised status. He understood why the politicians had created it it showed recognition of his own subtle strengths. People everywhere were looking to the past, to men who spoke clearly, with candor, and did not obfuscate the problems facing their countries and the world, especially the Western world. So he began to speak. At first to veterans' groups and splinter organisations where military pasts and long-established partisan politics guaranteed him a favorable reception. Spurred by the enthusiastic responses he evoked, Leifhelm began to expand, seeking larger audiences, his positions becoming more strident, his statements more provocative. One man listened and was furious. The chancellor learned that Leifhelm had carried his quasi-politicking into the Bundestag itself, implying a constituency far beyond what he really had, but by the sheer force of his personality swaying members who should not have been swayed. Leifhelm's message came back to the chancellor: an enlarged army in far greater numbers than the NATO commitments; an intelligence service patterned after the once extraordinary Abwohr; a general revamping of textbooks, deleting injurious and slanderous materials; rehabilitation camps for political troublemakers and subversives pretending to be "liberal thinkers." It was all there. The chancellor had had enough. He summoned Leifhelm to his of lice, where he demanded his resignation in the presence of three witnesses. Further he ordered Leifhelm to remove himself from all aspects of German politics, to accept no further speaking engagements, and to lend neither his name nor his presence to any cause whatsoever. He was to retire totally from public life. We have reached one of those witnesses whose name is not pertinent to this report. The following is his recollection: The chancellor was furious. He said to Leifhekn: 166 ROBERT LUDLUM 'Herr General, you have two choices, and, if you'll forgive me, a final solution. Number one, you may do as I say. Or you can be stripped of your rank and all pensions and financial accruals afforded therein, as well as the income from some rather valuable real estate in Munich, which in the opinion of any enlight- ened court would be taken from you instantly. That is your second choice." I tell you, the field marshal was apoplectic! He demanded his rights, as he called them, and the chancellor shouted, "You've had your rights, and they were wrong! They're skill wrongI" Then Leifhelm asked what the final solution was, and I swear to you, as crazy as it sounds, the chancellor opened a drawer of his desk, took out a pistol, and aimed it at Leifhelm. "1, myself, will kill you right now," he said. "You will not, I repeat, not take us back." I thought for a moment that the old soldier was going to rush forward and accept the bullet, but he didn't. He stood there staring at the chancellor, such hatred in his eyes, matched by the statesman's cold appraisal. Then Leifhelm did a stupid thing. He shot his arm forward not at the chancellor, but away from him and cried "Heil Hitler." Then he turned in military fashion and walked out the door. We were all silent for a moment or two, until the chancellor broke the silence. "I should have killed him," he said. "I may regret it. We may all regret it." Five days after this confrontation, Jacques-Louis Bertholdier made the first of his two trips to Bonn following his retirement. On his initial visit he stayed at the Schlosspark Hotel, and as hotel records are kept for a period of three years, we were able to obtain copies of his billing charges. There were numer- ous calls to various firms doing business with Juneau et Cie, too numerous to examine individually, but one number kept being repeated, the name having no apparent business connections with Bertholdier or his company. It was use Fishbein. However, upon checking Erich Leifhelm's telephone bills for the dates in question, it was found that he, too, had placed calls to use Fishbein, identical in number with THE AQUITAINE PROGRESSION 167 those placed by Rertholdier. Inquiries and brief sur- veillance further established that Frau Fishbein and Leifhelm have known each other for a number of years. The conclusion is apparent: She is the conduit between Paris and Bonn in Delavane's apparatus. Converse lit a cigarette. There was the name again, the temptation again. Ilse Fishbein could be the shortcut. Threatened with exposure, this daughter of Hermann Goring could reveal a great deal. She could confirm that she was not only the liaison between Leifhelm and Bertholdier but conceivably much more, for the two ex-generals had to transmit information to each other. The names of companies, of buried subsidiaries, and of firms doing business related to Delavane in Palo Alto might surface, names he could pursue legally, looking for the illegalities that had to be there. If there only was a way to make his presence felt but not seen. An intermediary. He had used intermediaries in the past, often enough to know the value of the procedure. It was relatively simple. He would approach a third party to make contact with an adversary carrying information that could be of value to him insofar as it might be deemed damaging to his interests, and if the facts presented were strong enough, an equitable solution was usually forthcoming. The ethics was questionable, but contrary to accepted belief, ethics was in three dimensions, if not four. The end did not justify the means, but justifiable means that brought about a fair and necessary conclusion were not to be dismissed. And nothing could be fairer or more necessary than the dismantling of Aquitaine. Old Beale was right that night on the moonlit beach on Mykonos. His client was not an unknown man in San Francisco but instead a large part of this so-called civilised world. Aquitaine had to be stopped, aborted. An intermediary? It was another question he would put off until the morning. He picked up the dossier, his eyes heavy. Leifhelm has few intimate friends that appear to be constant, probably because of his awareness that he is under watch by the government. He sits on the boards of several prominent corporations, 168 ROBERT LUDLUM which have stated frankly that his name justifies his stipend.... Joel's head fell forward. He snapped it back, widened his eyes, and scanned the final pages rapidly, absorbing only the general impressions; his concentration was waning. There was mention of several restaurants, the names meaningless; a mar- riage during the war that ended when Leifhelm s wife disappeared in November of'43, presumed killed in a Berlin bombing raid; no subsequent wife or wives. His private life was extraordinarily private, if not austere; the exception here was his proclivity for small dinner parties, the guest lists always varied, again names, again meaningless. The address of his residence on the outskirts of Bad Godesberg.... Suddenly Converse's neck stiffened, his eyes fully alert. The house is in the remote countryside, on the Rhine River and far from any shopping areas or suburban concentration. The grounds are fenced and guarded by attack dogs who bark viciously at all approaching vehicles except Leithelm's dark-red Mercedes limousine. A dark-red Mercedes! It was Leifhelm himself who had been at the airport! Leifhelm who had driven directly to the embassy! How could it happens How? It was too much to absorb, too far beyond his understanding. The darkness was closing in, Joel's brain telling him it could no longer accept further input; it simply could not function. The dossier fell to his side; he closed his eyes and slept. He was plunging headlong down through a cavernous hole in the earth, jagged black rocks on all sides, infinite darkness below. The walls of irregular stone kept screaming in frenzy, screeching at him like descending layers of misshapen gargoyles with sharp beaks and raised claws lunging at his flesh. The hysterical clamor was unbearable. Where had the silence gone? Why was he falling into black nothingness? He flashed his eyes open; his forehead was drenched with sweat, his breath coming in gasps. The telephone by his head was ringing, the erratic bell jarringly dissonant. He tried to shake the sleep and the fear from his semiconsciousness; he reached for the blaring instrument, glancing at his watch as THE AQUITAINE PROGRESSION 169 he did so. It was twelve-fifteen, a quarter past noon, the sun streaking through the hotel window. Blinding. "Yes? Hello . . . ?" "Joe? Joel 2" 'Yes." it's Cal Dowling. Our boy called." What? Who?" 'This Fowler. Avery Fowler." "Oh, Jesus!" It was coming back, it was all coming back. He was seated at a table in the Chat Botte on the Quai du Mont Blanc, flashes of sunlight bouncing off the grillwork on the lakeside boulevard. No . . . he was not in Geneva. He was in a hotel room in Bonn, and only hours ago he had been plunged into madness by that name. "Yes," he choked, catching his breath. 'Did you get a telephone number?" "He said there wasn't time for games, and besides, he doesn't have one. You're to meet him at the east wall of the Alter Zoll as fast as you can get there. Just walk around; he'll find you." 'That's not good enoughI" cried Converse. "Not after Paris! Not after the airport last night! I'm not stupidI" "I didn't get the impression he thought you were," replied the actor. ' He told me to tell you something, he thought it might convince you." What is it?" "I hope I get this right, I don't even like saying it. . . He said to tell you a judge named Anstett was killed last nught in New York. He thinks you're being cut loose." 8 The Alter Zoll, the ancient tower that had once been part of Bonn's southern fortress on the Rhine razed to the ground three centuries ago was now a tollhouse standing on a green lawn dotted with antique cannons, relics of a might that had slipped away through the squabblings of emperors and kings priests and princes. A winding mosaic wall of red and grey stone overlooked the massive river below where boats of vari 170 ROBERT IUDLUM ous descriptions plowed furrows in the open water, caressing the shorelines on both sides, diligent and somber in their appointed rounds; no Lake Geneva here, far less the blue-green waters of the mischievous Como. Yet in the distance was a sight envied by people the world over: the Siebengebirge, the seven mountains of Westerwald, magnificent in their intrusions on the skyline. Joel stood by the low wall, trying to focus on the view hoping it would calm him, but the exercise was futile. The beauty before him was lost, it would not distract him from his thoughts; nothing could.... Lucas Anstett, Second Circuit Court of Appeals, judge extraordinary and intermediary between one Joel Converse and his employers and an unknown man in San Francisco. Outside of that unknown man and a retired scholar on the island of Mykonos, the only other person who knew what he was doing and why. How in the space of eighteen hours or less could he have been found ? Found and killed! "Converse?" Joel turned, whipping his head over his shoulder, his body rigid. Standing twenty feet away on the far edge of a graveled path was a sandy-haired man several years younger than Converse, in his early to mid thirties; his was a boyish face that would grow old slowly and remain young long after its time. He was also shorter than Joel, but not by much perhaps five ten or eleven and dressed in light-grey trousers and a cord jacket, his white shirt open at the neck. "Who are you?" asked Converse hoarsely. A couple strolled between them on the path as the younger man jerked his head to his left, gesturing for Joel to follow him onto the lawn beyond. Converse did so, joining him by the huge iron wheel of a bronze cannon. "All right, who are you?" repeated Joel. "My sister's name is Meagen," said the sandy-haired man. "And so neither one of us makes a mistake, you tell me who I am." "How the hey . . . ?" Converse stopped, the words coming back to him, words whispered by a dying man in Geneva. Oh, Christ! Meg, the kids . . . " 'Meg, the kids,' " he said out loud. "Fowler called his wife Meg." "Short for Meagen, and she was Halliday's wife only, you knew him as Fowler." "You're Avery's brother-in-law." THE AQUITAINE PROGRESSION 171 "Press's brother-in-law," corrected the man, extending his hand. "Connal Fitzpatrick," he added. "Then we're on the same side." "I hope so." "I've got a lot of questions to ask you, Connal." "No more than I've got for you, Converse." "Are we going to start off belligerently?" asked Joel, noting the harsh use of his own last name and releasing fitzpatrick s hand. The younger man blinked, then reddened, embarrassed. "Sorry," he said. "I'm one angry brother on both sides and I haven't had much sleep. I'm still on San Diego time." "San Diego? Not San Francisco?" "Navy. I'm a lawyer stationed at the naval base there." "Whew," whistled Converse softly. "It's a small world." "I know all about the geography," agreed Fitzpatrick. 'And also you, Lieutenant. How do you think Press got his information? Of course, I wasn't in San Diego then, but I had friends. " "Nothing's sacred, then." "You're wrong; everything is. I had to pull some very thick strings to get that stuff. It was about five months ago when Press came to me and we made our . . . I guess you'd call it the contract between us." "Clarification, please." The naval officer placed a hand on the barrel of the cannon. "Press Halliday wasn't just my brother-in-law, he came to be my best friend, closer than any blood brother, I think." "And you with the militaristic hordes?" asked Joel, only half joking, a point of information on the line Fitzpatrick smiled awkwardly, boyishly. ';That's part of it, actually. He stood by me when I wanted to go for it. The services need lawyers too, but the law schools don't tell you much about that. It's not where they're going to get any endowments from. Me, I happen to like the Navy, and I like the lif~and the challenges, I guess you'd call them." "Who objected?" "Who didn't? In both our families the pirates who go back to skimming the earthquake victims have always been attorneys. The two current old men knew Press and I got along and saw the writing they wrote on their own wall. Here's this sharp Wasp and this good Catholic boy, now, if they ring in a Jew and a light-skinned black and maybe even 172 ROBERT LUDLUM a not-too-offensive gay, they've got half the legal market in San Francisco in their back pockets." "What about the Chinese and the Italians?" "Certain country clubs still have remnants of the old school ties in their lockers. Why soil the fabric? Deals are made on the fairways, the accent on 'ways,' not 'fair.'" "And you didn't want anything to do with that, counselor?" "Neither did Press, that's why he went international. Old Jack Halliday pissed bright red when Press began corraling all those foreign clients; then purple when he added a lot of U.S. sharks who wanted to operate overseas. But old Jack couldn't complain; his wild-eyed stepson was adding considerably to the bottom line." "And you went happily into uniform," said Converse, watching Fitzpatrick's eyes, impressed by the candor he saw in them. "Back into uniform, and very happy with Press's blessings, legal and otherwise." "You were fond of him, weren't you?" Connal lifted his hand off the cannon. "I loved him, Converse. Just as I love my sister. That's why I'm here. That's the contract." "Incidentally," said Joel kindly, "speaking of your sister even if I were somebody else I could easily have found out her name was Meagan." "I'm sure you could have; it was in the papers." "Then it wasn't much of a test." "Press never called her Meagen in his life, except for that one phrase in the wedding ceremony. It was always 'Meg.' I would have asked you about that somehow, and if you were lying I'd have known it. I'm very good on direct." "I believe you. What's the contract between you and . . . Press?" "Let's walk," said Fitzpatrick, and as they strolled toward the wall with the winding river below and the seven mountains of Westerwald in the distance, Connal began. "Press came to me and said he was into something pretty heavy and he couldn't let it go. He'd come across information that tied a number of well-known men or once well-known men together in an organization that could do a lot of harm to a lot of people in a lot of countries. He was going to stop THE AQUITAINE PROGRESSION 173 it, stop them, but he had to go outside the usual courtroom ballparks to do it do it legally. "I asked the normal questions: Was he involved, culpable that sort of thing, and he said no, not in any indictable sense, but he couldn't be sure whether or not he was entirely safe. Naturally, I said he was crazy; he should take his information to the authorities and let them handle it." "Which is exactly what I told him," interrupted Converse. Fitzpatrick stopped walking and turned to Joel. "He said it was more complicated than that." "He was right." "I find that hard to believe." "He's dead. Believe it." "That's no answer!" "You didn't ask a question," said Converse. "Let's walk. Go on. Your contract." Bewilderment on his face, the naval officer began. "It was very simple," he continued. "He told me he would keep me up to date whenever he traveled, letting me know if he was seeing anyone related to his major concern that's what we called it, his 'major concern.' Also anything else that could be helpful if . . . if . . . goddamn it, ifl" "If what?" Fitzpatrick stopped again, his voice harsh. "If anything happened to him!" Converse let the emotion of the moment pass. "And he told you he was going to Geneva to see me. The man who knew Avery Preston Fowler Halliday as Avery Fowler roughly twenty-odd years ago in school." "Yes. We'd been over that before when I got him the security material on you. He said the time was right, the circumstances right. By the way, he thought you were the best." Connal permitted himself a brief uncomfortable smile. "Almost as good as he was." "I wasn't," said Joel, a half-smile returned. "I'm still trying to figure out his position on some Class B stock in the merger." "What?" "Nothing. What about Lucas Anstett? I want to hear about that." "It's in two parts. Press said they'd worked through the judge to spring you if you'd agree to take on the " 174 ROBERT LUDLUM "They? Who's they?" "I don't know. He never told me." "Goddamn it! Sorry, go ahead." "That Anstett had talked to your firm's senior partners and they said okay if you said okay. That's part one. Part two is a personal idiosyncrasy; I'm a news freak, and like most of my ilk, I'm tuned into the hourly AFR." "Clarification. " "Armed Forces Radio. Oddly enough, it's probably got the best news coverage on the air; it pools all the networks. I have one of those small transistorised jobs with a couple of shortwave bands I pack when I'm traveling." "I used to do that," said Converse. "For the BBC, mainly because I don't speak French or anything else for that matter. "They've got good coverage, but they shift bands too much. Anyway, I had AFR on early this morning and heard the story, such as it was." "What was it?" "Short on details. His apartment on Central Park South was broken into around two in the morning, New York time. There were signs of a struggle and he was shot in the head " "Not quite. According to a housekeeper, nothing was taken, so robbery was ruled out. That's it." "Jesus. I'll call Larry Talbot. He may have more information. There wasn't anything else?" "Only a quick sketch of a brilliant jurist. The point is nothing was taken." "I understand that," broke in Joel. '`1'11 talk to Talbot." They started walking again, south along the wall. "Last night," continued Converse, '~why did you tell Dowling you were an embassy man? You must have been at the airport." 4I'd been at that airport for seven hours going from counter to counter asking for passenger information, trying to find out what plane you were on." '~You knew I was on my way to Bonn?" .Beale thought you were." `Beale?" asked Joel, startled. '4Mykonos'?" 'Press gave me his name and the number but said I wasn't to use either unless the worst happened." Fitzpatrick paused. "The worst happened," he added. 'What did Beale tell you?" THE AQUITAINE PROGRESSION 175 'what you went to Paris, and as he understood it, you were going to Bonn next." "What elseP" 'Nothing. He said he accepted my credentials, as he called them, because I had his name and knew how to reach him; only Press could have given me that information. But anything else I'd have to learn from you, if you felt there was something to tell me. IIe was pretty damned cold." "He had no choice." "Although he did say that in case I couldn't find you, he wanted to see me on Mykonos before I began raising my voice . . . 'for everything Mr. Halliday stood for.' That's the way he put it. I was going to give you two more days to get here, if I could hold up." "Then what? Mykonos?" "I'm not sure. I figured I'd call Beale again, but he'd have to tell me a lot more than he did to convince me." "And if he didn't? Or couldn't?" "Then I'd have flown straight to Washington and gone to whomever the top floor of the Navy Department suggested. If you think for one goddamned minute I'm going to let this thing pass for what it isn t, you're wrong and so is Beale." "If you'd have made that clear to him, he would have come up with something. You'd have gone to Mykonos." Converse reached into his shirt pocket for his cigarettes; he offered one to Fitzpatrick, who shook his head. "Avery didn't smoke either," said Joel aimlessly as he snapped his lighter. "Sorry . . . Press." He inhaled. "It's okay; that name's how I got you to see me." "Let's go back to that a minute. There's a slight inconsistency in your testimony, counselor. Let's clear it up just so neither one of us makes a mistake." "I don't know what you think you're crowding in on, but go ahead." "You quid you were going to give me two more days to get here, is that right?" "Yes, if I could make arrangements, get some sleep and 'How did you know I didn't get here two days before you Fitzpatrick glanced at Joel. "I've been a legal officer in the Navy for the past eight years, both as defense counsel and as Judge advocate in any number of situations not always 176 ROBERT LUDIUM courts-marhal. They've taken me to most of the countries where Washington has reciprocal legal agreements." 'That's a mouthful, but I'm not in the Navy." "You were, but I wasn't going to use it if I didn't have to, and I didn't. I flew into Dusseldorf, showed my naval papers to the Inspektor of immigration, and asked for his cooperation. There are seven international airports in West Germany. It took roughly five minutes with the computers to find out that you hadn't entered any of them during theipast three days, which was all I was concerned about." "But then you had to get to Cologne-Bonn." "I was there in forty minutes and called him back. No Converse had been admitted, and unless you were crossing the border incognito which I suspect I know more about than you do you had to fly in sooner or later." "You're tenacious." "I've given you my reasons." "What about Dowling and that embassy routine at the hotel." "Lufthansa had you listed on the passenger manifest from Hamburg you'll never know how relieved I was. I hung around the counter in case there was a delay or anything like that when these three embassy guys showed up flashing their ID's, the head man speaking rotten German." "You could tell?" "I speak German and French, Italian, and Spanish. I have to deal with different nationalities." "I'll let that pass." "I suppose that's why I'm a lieutenant commander at thirty-four. They move me around a lot." Pass again. What caught you about the embassy peo "Your name, naturally. They wanted confirmation that you were on flight Eight-seventeen. The clerk sort of glanced at me and I shook my head; he cooperated without a break in his conversation. You see, I'd given him a few deutsche marks but that wasn't it. These people don't really dig the of ficial U.S. over here." '1 heard that last night. From Dowling. How did he come "Dowling himself, but later. When the plane arrived I stood at the rear of the baggage claim; the embassy boys were by the entrance to the gates about fifty feet away. We all THE AQUITAINE PROGRESSION 177 waited until there was only one piece of luggage on the conveyor belt. It was yours, but you never showed up. Finally a woman came out and the embassy contingent surrounded her, everyone excited, upset I heard your name mentioned, but that's all I heard because by that time I had decided to go back and speak to the clerk. "To see if l d really been on the plane?' asked Converse. "Or whether I turned out to be a no-show. "Yes," agreed Fitzpatrick. "He was cute; he made me feel like I was suborning a juror. I paid him, and he told me this Caleb Dowling whom I think I was expected to know had stopped at the desk before going out to the platform.' "Where he left instructions," said Joel, interrupting quietly. "How did you know?" "I picked up a set at the hotel." "That was it, the hotel. Dowling told him he'd met this lawyer on the plane, a fellow American named Converse who'd sat with him since Copenhagen. He was worried that his new friend might not have accommodations in Bonn, and if he asked Lufthansa for suggestions, the clerk should send him to the Konigshof Hotel.' "So you totaled up the figures and decided to become one of the embassy people who'd lost me," said Converse, smiling. "To confront Dowling. Who among us hasn't taken advantage of a hostile witness?" "Exactly. I showed him my naval ID and told him I was an attache. Frankly, he wasn't very cooperative." "And you weren't very convincing, according to his theatrical critique. Neither was I. Strangely enough, that's why he got us together." Joel stopped, crushed out his cigarette against the wall and threw it over the stone. "All right, Commander, you've passed muster or roster or whatever the hell you call it. Where do we stand? You speak the language and you've got government connections I don t have. You could help." The naval of ficer stood motionless; he looked hard at Joel, his eyes blinking in the glare of the sunlight, but not from any lack of concentration. "I ll do whatever I can," he began slowly, "as long as it makes sense to me. But you and I have to un- derstand each other, Converse. I'm not backing away from the two days. That's all you've got~'ve got if I come on board." 178 ROBERT LUDLUM "Who made the deadline?" "I did. I do now." "It can't work that way." "Who says?" "I did. I do now." Converse started walking along the wall. 'You're in Bonn," said Fitzpatrick, catching up, neither impatience nor supplication in his gait or in his voice, only control. "You've been to Paris and you came to Bonn. That means you have names, areas of evidence, both concrete or hearsay. I want it all." "You'll have to do better than that, Commander." "I made a promise." "To whom?" "My sister! You think she doesn't know? It was tearing Press apart! For a whole goddamned year he'd get up in the middle of the night and wander around the house, talking to himself but shutting her out. He was obsessed and she couldn't crack the shell. You'd have to know them to appreciate this, but they were good, I mean good together. I know it's not very fashionable these days to have two people with a passer of kids who really like each other, who can't wait to be with each other when they're apart, but that's the way they were." "Are you married?" asked Joel without breaking his stride. "No," answered the Navy man, obviously confused by the question. "I expect to be. Perhaps. I told you, I move around a lot." "So did Press . . . Avery." "What's your point, counselor?" "Respect what he was doing. He knew the dangers and he understood what he could lose. His life." "That's why I want the facts! His body was flown back yesterday. The funeral's tomorrow and I'm not there because I gave Meagen a promise! I'm coming back too, but with everything I need to blow this whole tucking thing apartl" "You'll only implode it, sending it way down deep if you're not stopped before that." "That's your judgment." "It's all I've got." "I don't buy it!" "Don't. Go back and talk about rumors, about a killing THE AQUITAINE PROGRESSION 179 in Geneva that nobody win admit was anything but a robbery or a murder in New York that remains and probably will remain something it wasn't. If you mention a man on Mykonos believe me, he'll disappear. Where are you, Commander? Are you just a freak, after all, a philosophical blood brother of Press Halliday who stormed the Presidio and burned his draft card in the good old days of muscatel and grass?" ' That's a crock of shit!" "It's on the record, Commander. By the way, as a judge advocate, how many officers did you prosecute?" "What?" "And as defense counsel, how many cases did you lose?" "I've had my share of wins and losses, mostly wins, frankly.' "Mostly? Frankly? You know there are certain people who can take fifteen numbers, insert what they call variables and make the statistics say anything they want them to say." "What's that got to do with anything? How is it connected to Press's death, his murder?" "Oh, you'd be surprised, Commander Fitzpatrick. Beneath that brass could be a very successful infiltrator, perhaps even an agent provocateur in a uniform you shouldn't be wearing." "What the hell are you talking about? . . . Forget it, I don't want to know. I don't have to listen to you, but you have to listen to me! You've got two days, Converse. Am I on board or not?" Joel stopped and studied the intense young face beside him young and not so young, there were hints of creases around the angry eyes. "You're not even in the same fleet," said Converse wearily. "Old Beale was right. It's my decision and l choose to tell you nothing. I don't want you on board sailor. You're a hotheaded piss ant and you bore me." oel turned and walked away. "All right, curl That's a print! Nice work, Cal, I almost believed that drivel." The director, Roger Blynn, checked the clipboard thrust in front of him by a script girl and issued instructions to the camera crew's interpreter before heading over to the production table. Caleb Cowling remained seated on the large rock on the slope of the hill above the Rhine; he patted the head of an odoriferous goat, which had just defecated on the toe of his 180 ROBERT LUDLUM boot. "I'd like to kick the rest of the shit out of you, li'l partner, ' he said quietly, "but it wouldn't fit my well-developed image." The actor got up and stretched, aware that the onlookers beyond the roped-off set were staring at him, chattering away like tourists in a zoo. In a few minutes he would walk over no, not walk, amble over and pull the rope off the carriage of an arc light so he could mingle with the fans. He never tired of it, probably because it came so late in his life and was, after all, symbolic of what he and his wife currently could afford. Also every now and then there was a bonus: the appearance of one of his former students, who usually approached him cautiously, obviously wondering if the good-natured rapport he had established in the classroom had survived the onslaught of national recognition or been drowned in the hdal wave of so-called stardom. Cal was good at remembering faces, and not too bad with at least one of a person's two names, so when these occasions arose, he invariably would eye his former charge and ask him if he had completed yesterday's assignment. Or would walk up to him or her and pedagogically inquire something like "Of the chronicles Shakespeare drew from for his histories, which had the greatest impact on his language, Daniel, Holinshed, or Froissart?" If the answer came back naming the last, he would slap his thigh and exclaim words akin to "Hot damn, li'l wrangler, you busted a tough bronc there!" Laughter would follow, and frequently drinks and reminiscences later. It was a good life these days, almost perfect. If only some sunlight would reach into the painfully dark corners of his wife's mind. If it could, she'd be here on a hillside in Bonn chatting in her quietly vivacious way with the people beyond the rope mostly women, mostly those around her age telling them that her husband was really quite like their own. He never picked up his socks and was a disaster in the kitchen; people liked to hear that even if they didn't believe it. But the sunlight did not reach those far, dark corners. Instead, his Frieda remained in Copenhagen, walking along the beaches of Sjaelland Island, having tea in the botanical gardens, and waiting for a call from her husband saying that he had a few days off and would come out of hated Germany. Dowling looked around at the efficient, enthusiastic crew and the curious spectators; laughter punctuated their conversations, a certain respect as well. These were not hateful people, THE AQUITAINE PROGRESSION 181 ' Cal?" the voice belonged to Blynn, the film's director who was walking rapidly across the slope of the hill. "There's someone here to see you." '`1 hope more than one, Roger. Otherwise the men who go under the dubious title of our employers are grossly overpaying me." 'Not for this pile of kitsch." The director's smile disappeared, as he approached the actor. Are you in any trouble, Cal? ~Constantly, but not so it's noticeable." T'm serious. There's a man here from the German,ce the Bonn police He says he has to talk to yo I i What about?" Dowling felt a rush of pain in his stomach it was the fear he lived with. 'He wouldn't tell me. Just that it was an emergency and he had to see you alone." ~Oh, Chrzst!" whispered the actor. Freddie! . . . where is he?" `Over in your trailer." "In my " Rest easy," said Blynn. '`That stunt jock Moose Rosenberg's with him. If he moved an ashtray, I think that gorilla would throw him through the wall." Thanks, Roger." `He meant it when he said 'alone'!" Dowling did not hear this; he had started running across the hill toward the small camper he used for brief periods of relaxation. He prayed to no one in particular for the best, preparing himself for the worst. It was neither, simply another complication in an enigma. Fneda Dowling was not the subject; instead it was Joel Converse, an American attorney-at-law. The stunt man climbed out of the trailer, leaving Caleb and the police officer alone. The man was in civilian clothes, his English fluent, his manner vaguely officious yet courteous. "I'm sorry to have upset you, Herr Dowling," said the German in response to Caleb's initial, intense inquiry about his wife. "We know nothing of Frau Dowling. Is she ill, perhaps?" She's had a few spells lately, that's all. She's in Copenhagen." 182 ROBERT LUDLUM "Yes, so we understand. You fly there frequently, don't you?" 'Whenever I can.,' She does not care to join you here in Bonn?'' Tier was Oppenfeld, and the last time she was in Germany she wasn't considered much of a human being. Her memories are, let's say, memorable in the extreme. They come back with a lot of acid." `Yes," said the police officer, his eyes as steady as Caleb's. "We will live with that for generations." "I hope so," said the actor. "I wasn't alive, Herr Dowling. I'm very happy she survived, I mean that." Dowling was not sure why but he lowered his voice, the words nearly inaudible, if not involuntary. "Germans helped her." "I would hope so," said the German quietly. "My business, however, concerns a man who sat next to you last night on the planes from Copenhagen to Hamburg and from Hamburg to Bonn. His name is Joel Converse, an American attorney." "What about him? By the way, may I see your identification?" "Certainly." The police officer reached into his pocket removed his plastic ID case, and handed it to the actor, who had his glasses firmly in place. "I trust everything is in order," added the man. "What's this Sonder Dezernat?" asked Dowling, squinting at the small print on the card. "It is best translated as 'special' 'branch' or department.' We are a unit of the Bundespolizei, the federal police. It is our job to look into matters the government feels are more sensitive than the normal jurisdictional complaints." What doesn't say a damn thing, and you know it," said the actor. We can use lines like that in movies and get away with it because we write in all those reactions, but you're not Helmut Dantine or Martin Kosleck and I'm not Elissa Landi. Spell it out." every well, I shall spell it out. Interpol. A man died in a Paris hospital as a result of head injuries inflicted by the American, Joel Converse. His condition was diagnosed as improving, but unfortunately it was only temporary; he was found dead this morning. The death is attributed to an unpro THE PROGRESSION 183 yoked attack by Herr Converse. We know he flew into Koln-Bonn, and according to the airline stewardesses, you sat with him for three and a half hours. We want to know where he is. Perhaps you can help us." Dowling removed his glasses, lowering his chin and swallowing as he did so. And you think I know?" We have no idea, but you talked with him. And we hope you do know that there are severe penalties for withholding information about a fugitive, especially one sought for a killing." The actor fingered the stems of his glasses, his instincts in conflict, erupting. He walked over to the cot against the wall and sat down, looking up at the police officer.. "Why don't I trust you?" he asked. `Because you think of your wife and will trust no German," replied the German. 1 am a man of law and peace Herr Dowling. Order is something the people decide for themselves, myself among them. The report we have received states clearly that this Converse may be a very disturbed man." "He didn't sound disturbed to me. In fact, I thought he had a damned good head on his shoulders. He said a lot of very perceptive things." "That you wanted to hear?" "Not all of them." "But a good percentage, leading up to all of them." "What does that mean?" "A madman is convincing; he plays on all sides, eventually weighing everything in his favor. It's the essence of his madness, his psychosis, his own convictions." Dowling dropped the glasses on the cot, exhaling audibly feeling the pain of fear again in his stomach. PA madman?" he said without conviction. "I don't believe that." "Then let us have a chance to disprove it. Do you know where he is?" The actor squinted at the German. "Give me a card or a number where I can reach you. He may get in touch with me." "Who was responsible?" The man in the red silk robe behind the large desk sat in semidarkness, a brass lamp serving to throw a harsh circle of light on the surface in front of him. The glow was sufficient to reveal the outlines of a huge map 184 ROBERT LUDLUM cantered on the wall behind the man and the desk. It was a strange map, not of the global world but of fragments of the world. The shapes of nations were clearly defined yet oddly shadowed, eerily colored, as if an attempt had been made to create a single landmass out of disparate geographical areas. They included all of Europe, most of the Mediterranean and selected portions of Africa. And as if the wide expanse of the Atlantic Ocean were merely a pale blue connector, Canada and the United States of America were part of this arcane entity. The man stared straight ahead. His lined, squarejawed face, with its aquiline nose and thin, stretched lips, seemed molded from parchment; his close-cropped salt-and-pepper hair was singularly appropriate for a man with such a rigidly framed torso. He spoke again; his voice was rather high, with no resonance but with a secure sense of command. One could easily imagine this voice raised in volume even to fever pitch like a tomcat screeching across a frozen lake. It was not raised now, however; it was the essence of quiet urgency. ' Who was responsible?" he repeated. "Are you still on the line, London?" "Yes," replied the caller from Great Britain. "Yes, of course. I'm trying to think, trying to be fair." "I admire that, but decisions have to be made. In all likelihood the responsibility will be shared, we simply have to know the sequence." The man paused; when he continued, his voice suddenly took on an intensity that was a complete departure from his previous tone. It was the shrill call of the cat across the ice-bound lake. "How was Interpol involved?" Startled, the Englishman answered quickly, his phrases clipped, the words rushing headlong over one another. "Bertholdier's aide was found dead at four in the morning Paris fame. Apparently he was to receive hospital medication at that hour. The nurse called the Surete " "The Surete?" shouted the man behind the desk in front of the fragmented map. "Why the Surete'? Why not Bertholdier? It was his employee, not the Surete's!" "That was the lapse," said the Britisher. "No one realised instructions to that effect had been left at the hospital desk apparently by an inspector named Prudhomme, who was awakened and told of the man's death." "And he was the one who called in Interpol?" THE AQUITAINE PROGRESSION 185 '~Yes, but too late to intercept Converse at German immigration. " ' For which we can be profoundly grateful," said the man, lowering his voice. 'Normally, of course, the hospital would have waited and reached Bertholdier in the morning, telling him what happened. As you say, the patient was an employee, not a member of the family. After that, undoubtedly the arrondissement police would have been informed and finally the Surete. By then our people would have been in place and fully capable of preventing Interpol's involvement. We can still stop them but it will take several days. Personnel transfers, new evidence, amendments to the case file; we need time." Then don't waste any." ' It was those damned instructions." "Which no one had the brains to look for," said the man in front of the shadowed map. "This Prudhomme's instincts were aroused. Too many rich people, too much influence, the circumstances too bizarre. He smells something." "We'll get him off the case, just a few days," said the Englishman. "Converse is in Bonn, we know that. We're closing in 't "So possibly are Interpol and the German police. I don't have to tell you how tragic that would be." "We have certain controls through the American embalm sy. The fugitive is American." "Thefugitive has information!" insisted the man behind the desk, his fist clenched in the circle of light. "How much and supplied by whom we don't know and we must know." "Nothing was learned in New York? The judge?" "Only what Bertholdier suspected and what I knew the moment I heard his name. After forty years Anstett came back, still hounding me, still wanting my neck. The man was a bull, but only a go-between; he hated me as much as I hated him, and up to the end he shielded those behind him. Well he's gone and his holy righteousness with him. The point is Converse is not what he pretends to be. Now, f nd him!" "As I say, we're closing in. We have more sources, more informers than Interpol. He s an American fugitive in Bonn who, we understand, doesn't speak the language. There are only so many places he can hide. We'll find him; we ll break him and learn where he comes from. After which, we'll terminate immediately, of course." 186 ROBERT IUDLUM "No!" The sleek male cat again shrieked across the frozen lake. "We play his game! We welcome him, embrace him. In Paris he talked about Bonn, Tel Aviv, Johannesburg; therefore you'll accommodate him. Bring him to LeifLelm even better, have Leifhelm go to him. Fly in Abrahms from Israel, Van Headmer from Africa, and, yes, Bertholdier from Paris. He obviously knows who they are anyway. He claims ultimately to want a council meeting, to be a part of us. So we'll hold a conference and listen to his lies. He'll tell us more with his lies than he can with the truth." 'I really don't understand." "Converse is a point, but only a point. He's exploring, studying the forward terrain, trying to understand the tactical forces ahead of him. If he were anything else, he'd deal directly through legitimate authorities and legitimate methods. There'd be no reason for him to use a false name or give false information or to run away, forcibly overcoming a man he thinks is trying to stop him. He's an infantry point who has certain information but doesn't know where he's going. Well, a point can be sucked into a trap, the advancing company ambushed. Oh, yes, we must give him his conference!" "I submit that's extraordinarily dangerous. He has to know who recruited him, who gave him the names, his sources. We can break him physically or chemically and get that information." "He probably doesn't have it," explained the man patiently. "Infantry points are not privileged to know command decisions; frankly, if they were, they might turn back. We have to know more about this Converse, and by six o'clock tonight I'll have every report, every resume, every word ever written about him. There's something here we can't see." "We already know he's resourceful," said the Britisher. "From what we can piece together in Paris, he's considered an outstanding attorney. If he sees through us or gets away from us, it could be catastrophic. He will have met with our people, spoken with them." "Then once you find him don't let him out of your sight. By tomorrow I'll have other instruetions~r you." "Oh?" "Those records that are being gathered from all over the country. For a man to do what Converse is doing, he had to be manipulated very carefully, very thoroughly, a driving intensity instilled in him. It's the manipulators we have to find. THE AQUITAINE PROGRESSION 187 They're not even who we think they are. I'll be in touch tomorrow." George Marcus Delavane replaced the telephone in its cradle and slowly, awkwardly twisted his upper body around in the chair. He gazed at the strange, fragmented map as the first light of dawn fired the eastern sky, its orange glow filling the windows. Then, with effort, his hands gripping the arms of the steel chair, he pivoted himself around again, his eyes on the stark pool of light on the desk. He moved his hands to his waist and carefully, trembling, unbuttoned his dark-red velvet jacket, forcing his gaze downward, ordering himself to observe the terrible truth once more. He stared past the five-inch-wide leather strap that diagonally held him in place, now commanding his eyes to focus, to accept with loathing what had been done to him. There was nothing to see but the edge of the thick steel seat and, below it, the polished wood of the floor. The long, sturdy legs that had carried his trained, muscular body through battles in the snow and the mud, through triumphant parades in the sunlight, through ceremonies of honor and defiance, had been stolen from him. The doctors had told him that his diseased legs were instruments of death that would kill the rest of him. He clenched his fists and pressed them slowly down on the desk, his throat filled with a silent scream. 9 "Goddamn you, Converse, who do you think you areP" cried Connal Fitzpatrick, his voice low, furious, as he caught up with Joel, who was walking rapidly between the tall trees near the Alter Zoll. "Someone who knew Avery Fowler as a boy and watched a man named Press Halliday die a couple of hundred years later in Geneva,' replied Converse, quickening his pace heading toward the gates of the national landmark where there were taxis. "Don't puff that crap on mel I knew Press far better and 188 ROBERT LUDIUM far longer than you ever did. For Christ's sake, he was married to my sister! We were close friends for fifteen years!" "You sound like a kid playing one-upmanship. Get lost." Fitzpatrick rushed forward, pivoting in front of Joel blocking him. "It's true! Please, I can help, I want to help! I know the language: you don't! I have connections here; you don't." "You also have your own idea about a deadline, which I don't. Get out of my way, sailor. ' "Come on," pleaded the naval officer. I didn't get everything I wanted. Don't crowd me out." "I beg your pardon?" Fitzpatrick shifted his weight awkwardly. "You've come on strong before yourself, haven't you, counselor?" "Not if I didn't know the circumstances." "Sometimes it's a way of finding them out." "Not with me, it isn't." "Then my error was in not knowing you; the circumstances were beyond that scope. With someone else it might have worked." "Now you're talking tactics, but you meant it when you said 'two days.'" "You're damned right I did," agreed Connal, nodding. "Because I want whatever it is exposed, I want whoever it is to pay! I'm mad, Converse, I'm mad as hell. I don't want this thing to linger and die away. The longer nothing is done the less people care; you know that as well as I do and probably better. Have you ever tried to reopen an old case? I have with a few courts-martial where I thought things had been screwed up. Well, I learned something: the system doesn't like it! You know why?" "Yes I do," said Joel. "There are too many new cases in the dockets, too many rewards in going after the current ones." "Bingo, counselor. Press deserves better than that. Meagen deserves better." "Yes, he does they do. But there's a complication that Press Halliday understood better than either of us. Put simply and cruelly his life wasn't terribly important compared with what he was going after." "That's pretty damned cruel," said the officer.. "It's very damned accurate," said Converse. "Your brother-in-law would have wrestled you to the mat, burns and all, THE AQUITAINE PROGRESSION 189 for walking into this and trying to call the shots. Back off Commander. Go back to the funeral." "No. I want to come on board. I withdraw the deadline." '4How considerate of you." "You call the shots," said Fitzpatrick, nodding again, exhaling in defeat. "I'll do what you tell me to do." "Why?" asked Joel, their eyes locked. The Navy lawyer did not flinch; he spoke simply. "Because Press trusted you. He said you were the best." "Except for him," Converse added, permitting his expression to relax slightly, with a hint of a smile. "All right, I believe you, but there are ground rules. You either accept them or, as you put it, on board you're not." "Let's hear them. I ll wince inside so you can't see it." "Yes," agreed Joel, "you'll wince. To begin with, I'll tell you only what I think you have to know in a given situation. Whatever you develop will be on your own; that way it's freewheeling, no way can you tip the evidence we've compiled." "That's rough." "That's the way it is. I'll give you a name now and then when I think it will open a door, but it will always be a name you heard second or third hand. You're inventive; figure out your own unidentifiable sources so as to protect yourself." "I've done that on quite a few waterfronts " wohu heave? How good are you at playactin'g?" "Never mind, I think you just answered that. You didn't go down to those waterfronts in your dress whites as a lieutenant commander." "Hell, no." "You'll do." "You've got to tell me something." "I'll give you an overview, a lot of abstractions and a few facts. As we progress ii we progress you'll learn more. If you think you've put it together, tell me. That's essential. We can't risk blowing everything while you operate under wrong assumptions." "Who's 'we'?" "I wish to hell I knew." "That's comforting." "Yes, isn't it." "Why don't you tell me everything now?" asked fitzpatrick. 190 ROBERT LUDLUM "Because Meagen Halliday lost a husband. I don't want to see her lose a brother." "I'll accept that." "By the way, how long have you got? I mean you're on active duty." "My initial leave is thirty days, with extensions as warranted. Christ, an only sister with five kids and her husband is killed. I could probably write my own ticket." "We'll stick to the thirty days, Commander. It's more than we're allowed. We may not have even two weeks." "Start talking, Converse." "Let's walk," said Joel, heading back to the Alter Zoll wall and the view of the Rhine below. The "overview" delivered by Converse described a current situation in which like-minded individuals in various countries were coming together and using their considerable influence to get around the laws and ship armaments and technology to hostile governments and organisations. "For what purpose?" asked Fitzpatrick. 'I could say 'profits,' but you'd see through it." "As the only motive, yes," said the Navy lawyer pensively. "Influential people as I understand the word 'influential' as related to existing laws would operate singly or at best in small groups within their own countries. That is, if profits were the primary objective. They wouldn't coordinate outside; it isn't necessary. It's a sellers' market; they'd only water down the profits." "Bingo, counselor." "So?" Fitzpatrick looked at Joel, as they strolled toward a break in the stone wall where a bronzed cannon was in place. "Destabilization," said Converse. "Mass destabilisation. A series of flash points in highly volatile areas that will call into question the ability of democratic governments to cope with the violence." "I've got to ask you again, for what purpose?" "You're quick," said Joel, "so I'll let you answer that. What happens when an existing political structure is crippled by disorder, when it can no longer function, when things are out of control?" The two men stopped by the cannon, the naval officer's eyes following the line of the huge, threatening barrel. "It's THE AQUITAINE PROGRESSION 191 restructured or replaced," he said, turning to look at Converse. "Bingo again," said Converse softly. "That's the overview." "It doesn't make sense." Fitzpatrick creased his eyes in the sunlight, as well as in thought. "Let me recap. Am I allowed?" "You're allowed." " 'Influential individuals' connotes people in pretty good standing in very high places. Assuming we're not talking about an out-and-out criminal element which the lack of a pure profit motive would seem to eliminate we're talking about reasonably respectable citizens. Is there another definition I'm not aware of?" 'If there is, I'm not aware of it, either." "Then why would they want to destabilise the political structures that guarantee them their influence? It doesn't make sense." "Ever hear of the phrase 'Everything's relative'?" "To a fare-thee-well. So what?" "So think." "About what?" "Influence." Joel took out his cigarettes, shook one to his lips and lighted it. The younger man stared at the Seven Mountains of the Westerwald in the distance. "They want more," said Fitzgerald slowly, turning back to Converse. "They want it all," said Joel. "And the only way they can get it is to prove that their solutions are the only solutions, all others having proved worthless against the eruption of chaos suddenly everywhere." Connal's expression was fixed, immobile, as he absorbed Converse's words. "Holy Mary. . . " he began, his voice a whisper, yet still a cry. "An international plebiscite the peoples' will for the almighty state. Fascism. It's multinationalfasasm. " "I'm sick of saying 'Bingo,' so I'll say 'Right on,' counselor. You've just said it better than any of us." "Us? Which is 'use,' but you don't know who you arel" added Fitzpatrick, both bewildered and angry. "Live with it," said Joel. "As I have." "Why?" "Avery Fowler. Remember him?" 192 ROBERT LUDLUM "Oh, jesust" "And an old man on the island of Mykonos. That's all we have. But what they said is true. It's real. I've seen it, and that's all I need to know. In Geneva, Avery said there was very little time left. Beale refined it; he called it a countdown. Whatever's going to happen will happen before your leave is up two weeks and four days is the earliest report. That's what I meant before." "Oh my God," whispered Fitzpatrick. "What else can you tell me will you tell me?" "Very little." "The embassy," Connal interrupted. "It's been a couple of years, but I was there. I worked with the military attache. I don't need any introductions. We can get help there." "We can also get killed there." "What?" "It's not clean. Those three men you saw at the airport the ones from the embassy " "What about them?" "They're on the other side." "I don't believe your" "Why do you think they were at the airport?" "To meet you, talk to you. There could be a dozen different reasons. Whether you know it or not, you're considered a hotshot lawyer on the international scene. Foreign service personnel frequently want to touch base with guys like you." "I've had this conversation before," said Converse, irritated. "What does that mean?" "If they wanted to see me, why didn't they go to the gate?" "Because they thought you'd come into the terminal like everybody else." "And when I didn't according to you they were upset, angry. That's what you said." "They were." "All the more reason to meet me at the gate." Fitzpatrick frowned. "Still, that's kind of flimsy " "The woman. Do you remember the woman?" "Of course." "She spotted me in Copenhagen. She followed me. Also there's something else. Later, on the platform, all four were picked up by a car belonging to a man we know we know is part of everything I've described to you. They drove to THE AQUITAINE PROGRESSION 193 the embassy, and you'll have to take my word for that. I saw them." Connal fixed his gaze on Joel, accepting what he had heard. ' Oh, Jesus, " he said. 'Okay, no embassy. What about Brussels, SHAPE? There's a Navy intelligence unit; I ve dealt with those people before." Not yet. Maybe not at all." 41 thought you wanted to use the uniform, my connections." `Maybe I will. It's nice to know they're there." ~Well, what do you want me to do? I've got to do something. " Are you really fluent in German?" "Hochdeutsch, Schwa'bisch, Bayerisch, and several dialects in between. I told you, I can handle five languages " You've made it obnoxiously clear," interrupted Converse. '4There's a woman named Fishbein here in Bonn. That's the first name I'm going to give you. She's involved we're not sure how, but she's suspected of being a conduit a relayer of information. I want you to meet her, talk with her establish a relationship. We'll have to think of something that'll be convincing in order for you to do it. She's in her forties, and she's the youngest daughter of Hermann Goring. She married a survivor of the holocaust for obvious reasons; he's long gone. Any ideas?" '~Sure," said Fitzpatrick without hesitating. '`Inheritance. There are a couple of thousand last wills and testaments every year that the deceased want processed through the military. They're from crazies who leave everything they've got to the other survivors. The true Aryan Germanic stock and all that horseshit. We bounce them back to the civil courts, which don't know what to do with them, so they end up in limbo and eventually in the Treasury Department's coffers." "No kidding?" "girls, owed drei. Believe me, those people mean it." "Can you use the device?" "How about a million-plus legacy from a small Midwest brewer of lager beer?" "You'll do," said Joel. "You're on board." Converse did not mention Aquitaine or George Marcus Delavane or Jacques-Louis Bertholdier or Erich Leifhelm, or twenty-odd names at the State Department and the Pentagon. Nor did he describe the network as it appeared in the dossiers, or as described by Dr. Edward Beale on Mykonos. .=OBERTLUDLUM He gave Connal Fitzpatrick the barest bones of the body of information. Joel's reasoning was far less benign than he had stated: if the Navy lawyer was taken and interrogated no matter how brutally there was little of substance he could reveal. "You're not really telling me a hell of a lot," said Fitzpatrick. "I've told you enough to get your head blown off, and that's not a phrase normally in my lexicon." "Nor mine." "Then consider me a nice fellow," said Converse, as the two men headed for the entrance gate of the Alter Zoll. "On the other hand," continued Halliday's broth- er-in-law, "you've been through a lot more than I ever have I read that stuff about you in the security files files, not file they were cross-correlated with the files of a lot of other prisoners. You were something else. According to most of the men in those camps, you held them together until they put you into solitary." "They were wrong, sailor. I was shaking and scared to death and would have fucked a Peking duck to save my skin." "That's not what the files say. They say " "I'm really not interested, Commander," said Joel as they passed through the ornate gate, "but I've got an immediate problem you can help solve." "What is it?" "I gave my word I'd call Dowling on some mobile phone line. I wouldn't know how to ask for it." "There's a booth over there," said Connal, pointing to a white plastic bubble that protruded from a concrete pylon on the pavement abutting the drive. "Do you have the number?" "It's here somewhere," replied Converse, rummaging through various pockets. "Here it is," he said as he separated the scrap of paper from several credit-card charges. ''Vermittlung, bitts." The naval officer sounded authentic as he spoke crisply into the telephone. "Sieben, drei, pier zwei, zwei. Bitte, Fraulein. " Fitzpatrick then inserted a series of coins into the metal box and turned to Joel. "Here you are. They're ringing." Stay there. Ask for him say it's his lawyer calling the "Guten Tag, Fraulein. Ist Herr Oh, no, I speak English. Do you spealc English? No, I'm not calling from California, but it's an emergency.... Dowling, I have to reach " THE AQUITAINE PROGRESSION 195 "Caleb, " said Joel quickly. 'Caleb Dowling." The Navy man covered the mouthpiece. "What kind of name is that?" "Something to do with Gucci shoes." "What? . . . la yes, thanks." Fitzpatrick handed the phone to Converse. "They're getting him." "foe?" "Yes, Cal. I said I'd call you after I met with Fowler. Everything's okay." 'No, it's not, Mr. Lawyer," said the actor quietly. "You and I had better have a very serious talk, and I don't mind telling you a hunk of beef named Rosenberg will be just a few feet away." "I don't understand." "A man died in Paris. Does that clear things up for you?" "Oh, God " Converse felt the blood draining from his head and a hollowness in his throat. For a moment he thought he was going to be sick. "They came to you?" he whispered. "A man from the German police a little over an hour ago, and this time I didn't have any doubts about my visitor. He was the real item." "I don't know what to say," stammered Joel. "Did you do it?" "1. . . I guess I did." Converse stared at the telephone dial, seeing the bloodied face of the man in the alleyway, feeling the blood on his own fingers "You guess? That's not something you guess about." "Then yes.... The answer is yes. I did it." "Did you have a reason?" "I thought I did." "I want to hear it, but not now. I'll tell you where to meet me." "Nor" exclaimed Joel, confused but emphatic. "I can't involve you. You can't be involved!" "This fellow gave me a card and wants me to call him if you got in touch with me. He was very specific about withholding information, how it's considered aiding a fugitive." "He was right, absolutely rightl For God's sake, tell him everything, Call The truth. You got me a room for the night because you thought I might not have a reservation and we had a pleasant few hours on the plane. You put it in your name because you didn't want me to pay. Don't hide anything! Not even this call." "Why didn't I tell him before?" 196 ROBERT LUDLUM "That's all right, you're telling him now. It was a shock and I'm a fellow American and you're in a foreign country. You wanted time to think, to reflect. My phone call shook you into behaving rationally. Tell him you confronted me with the accusation and I didn't deny it. Be honest with him, Cal." "How honest? Should I include my session with Fowler?" "That's all right, too, but it's not necessary. Let me back up and clarify. Fowler's a false name and he's not relevant to Paris, I give you my word. Bringing him in is only volunteering an unnecessary complication." "Should I tell him you're at the Alter Zoll?" "It's where I'm calling you from. I just admitted it." "You won't be able to go back to the Konigshof." "It doesn't matter," said Joel, speaking rapidly, wanting to get off the phone and start thinking. "My luggage is at the airport and I can't go back there either." "You had a briefcase." "I've taken care of that. It's where I can get it." The actor paused, then spoke slowly. "So your advice to me is to level with the police, to tell them the truth." "Without volunteering extraneous and unrelated material. Yes, that's my advice, Cal. It's the way you can stay clean and you are clean." "It sounds like fine advice, Joe Joel, and I certainly wish I could take it, but I'm afraid I can't." "What? Why?" "Because bad men like thieves and killers don't give advice like that. It's not in any script I ever read." "That's nonsense! For Christ's sake, do as I tell you!" "Sorry, pardner, it's not good dramaturgy. So you do as I tell you. There's a big stone building at the university beautiful place, a restored palace actually with a layout of gardens you don't see very often. They're on the south side with benches here and there on the main path. It's a nice place on a summer's night, kind of out of the way and not too crowded. Be there at ten o'clock." "Cal, I won't involve you in thist" "I'm already involved. I've withheld information and I've aided a fugitive." Dowling paused again. "There's someone I want you to meet," he said. "No. " There was a click and the line went dead. 10 Converse hung up the phone and braced himself on the sides of the plastic booth, trying to clear his head. He had killed a man, not in a war anyone knew about, and not in the heat of survival in a Southeast Asian jungle, but in a Paris alleyway because he had to make an instant decision based on probabilities. Rightly or wrongly the act had been done and he could not dwell on it. The German police were looking for him, which meant that Interpol had entered the picture, transmitting the information from Paris somehow supplied by Jacques-Louis Bertholdier, who remained out of sight, beyond the scope of the hunt. Joel recalled his own words spoken only minutes ago. If Press Halliday's life was not terribly important compared with what he was going after, neither was the life of a minion who worked for Bertholdier, Delavane's disciple, Aquitaine's arm in France. There were no options, thought Converse. He had to go on; he had to stay free. "What's the matter?" asked Fitzpatrick, standing anxiously near him. "You look like you got kicked by a mule." "I got kicked," agreed Converse. "What happened to Dowling? Is he in trouble?" "He mall be!" exploded Joel. "Because he's a misguided idiot who thinks he's in some kind of goddamned moviel" "That wasn't your opinion a little while ago." "We met; it came out all right. This can't, not for him." Converse pushed himself away from the booth and looked at the Navy lawyer, his mind now trying desperately to concentrate on the immediate. "I may tell you and I may not," he said, glancing around for an available taxi. "Come on, we're going to put your awesome linguistic abilities to work. We need shelter, expensive but not showy, especially not a place where the well-heeled tourists go who don't speak German. If there's one thing they'll spread about me, it's that I can't talk my way through the five boroughs of New York. I want 197 ~g8 ROBERT LUDLUM a rich hotel that doesn't need foreigners, doesn't cater to them. Do you know the kind of place I mean?" Fitzpatrick nodded. "Exclusive, clubby,German business-oriented. Every large city has hotels like that, and they're always twenty times my per diem for breakfast." "That's okay, I ve got money here in Bonn. I might as well try to get it out." "You're full of surprises," said Cormal. "I mean real surprises." "Do you think you can handle it? Find a hotel like that?" "I can explain what I want to a cabdriver; he'll probably know. Bonn's small, nothing like New York or London or Paris.... There's a taxi letting people out." The two men hurried to the curb, where the cab was discharging a quartet of passengers balancing camera equipment and outsized Louis Vuitton handbags. "How will you do it?" asked Converse as they nodded to the tourists, two couples in the midst of an argument, male versus female, Nikon versus Vuitton. "A combination of what we both said," answered Fitzpatrick. "A quiet, nice hotel away from the Ausl~nderl~r~n. " "What?" "The clamor of tourists and worse. I'll tell him we're calling on some very important German businessmen bankers, say and we'd like a place they'd be most comfortable in for confidential meetings. He'll get the drift." "He'll see we don't have any luggage," objected Joel. "He'll see the money in my hand first," said the naval olficer, holding the door for Converse. Lieutenant Commander Connal Fitzpatrick, USN, member of the military bar and limited thereby, impressed Joel Converse, vaunted international attorney, to the point where the latter felt foolish. Effortlessly the Navy lawyer got them in a two-bedroom suite at an inn on the banks of the Rhine called Das Rektorat. It was one of those converted prewar estates where most of the guests seemed to have at least a nodding acquaintance with several others and the clerks rarely looked anyone in the eye, as if tacitly confirming their subser- vience or the fact that they would certainly not acknowledge having seen Herr So-and-So should someone ask them. Fitzpatrick had begun his campaign with the taxi driver by leaning forward in the seat and speaking rapidly and quiet THE AQUITAINE PROGRESSION 199 ly.Their exchanges seemed to grow more confidential as the cab sped toward the heart of the city; then it abruptly veered away, crossing the railroad tracks that intersected the capital, and entered a smooth road paralleling the river north. Joel had started to speak, to ask what was happening, but the Navy lawyer had held up his hand, telling Converse to be quiet. Once they had stopped at the entrance of an inn, reached by an interminably long, manicured drive, Fitzpatrick got out. "Stay here," he said toJoel. "I'll see if I can get us a couple of rooms. And don't say anything." Twelve minutes later Connal returned, his demeanor stern, his eyes, however, lively. "Come on, Chairman of the Board, we're going straight up." He paid the driver handsomely and once again held the door for Converse now a touch more deferentially, thought Joel. The lobby of Das Rektorat was unmistakably German, with oddly delicate Victorian overtones; thick heavy wood and sturdy leather chairs were beside and below filigrees of brass ornamentation forming arches over doorways, elegant borders for large mirrors, and valances above thick bay windows where none were required. One's first impression was of a quiet, expensive spa from decades ago, its solemnity lightened by flashes of reflecting metal and glass. It was a strange mixture of the old and the very old. It smelled of money. Fitzpatrick led Converse to a paneled elevator recessed in the paneled corridor; no bellboy or manservant was in attendance. It was a small enclosure, room for no more than four people, the walls of tinted, marbled glass, which vibrated as the elevator ascended two stories. "I think you'll approve of the accommodations," said Connal. "I checked them out; that's why it took me so long." "We're back in the nineteenth century, you know," countered Joel. "I trust they have telephones and not just the Hessian express." "All the most modern communications, I made sure of that, too." The elevator door opened. "This way," said Fitzpatrick, gesturing to the right. "The suite's at the end of the hall." "The suited" "You said you had money in Bonn." Two bedrooms flanked a tastefully furnished sitting room, with French doors that opened onto a small balcony overlook 200 ROBERT LUDLUM ingthe Rhine. The rooms were sunlit and airy, the decor of the walls again an odd mixture: a reproduction of an Impressionist floral arrangement was beside dramatic prints of past champion horses from the leading German tracks and breeding farms. "All right, wonder boy," said Converse, looking out the open French doors, then turning back to Connal Fitzpatrick, who stood in the middle of the room, the key skill in his hand. "How did you do it?" "It wasn't hard," replied the Navy lawyer, smiling. "You'd be surprised what a set of military papers will do for a person in this country. The older guys sort of stiffen up and look like boxer puppies smelling a pot roast, and there aren't that many people here much under sixty." "That doesn't tell me anything unless you're enlisting us." "It does when I combine it with the fact that I'm an aide assigned by the U.S. Navy to accompany an important American financier over here to hold confidential meetings with his German counterparts. While in Bonn, naturally, incognito is the best means for my eccentric financier to travel. Every- thing's in my name." "What about reservations?" "I told the manager that you'd rejected the hotel reserved for us as having too many people you might know. I also hinted that those countrymen of his you're going to meet might be most appreciative of his cooperation. He agreed that I might have a point there." "How did we hear about this place?" asked Joel, skill suspicious. "Simple. I remembered it from several conversations I had at the Internahonal Economic Conference in Dusseldorf last year." "You were there?" "I didn't know there was one," said Fitzpatrick, heading for the door on the left. "I'll take this bedroom, okay? It's not as large as the other one and that's the way it should be, since I'm an aide which Jesus, Mary, and Joseph all know is the truth." "Wait a minute," Converse broke in, stepping forward. "What about our luggage? Since we don't have any, didn't that strike your friend downstairs as a little odd for such important characters?" "Not at all," said Connal, turning. "It's skill in the city at THE AQUITAINE PROGRESSION 201 that unnamed hotel you rejected so emphatically after twenty minutes. But only I can pick it up." "Why?" Fitzpatrick brought his index finger to his lips. "You also have a compulsion for secrecy. Remember, you're eccentric." "The manager bought all that swill?" "He calls me Kommandant." "You're quite a bullshitter, sailor." "I remind you, sir, that in the land of Erin go brash it's called good healthy blarney. And although you lack certain qualifications, Press said you were a master of it in negohations." Connal's expression became serious. "He meant it in the best way, counselor, and that's not bullshit." As the Navy lawyer began walking to the bedroom, Joel felt an odd sense of recognition but could not define it. What was it about the younger man that struck a chord in him? Fitzpatrick had that boldness that came with the untried, that lack of fear in small things that caution would later teach him often led to larger things. He tested waters bravely; he had never come close to drowning. Suddenly Converse understood the recognition. What he saw in Connal Fitzpatrick was himself before things had happened. Before he had learned the meaning of fear, raw fear. And finally of loneliness. It was agreed that Connal would return to the Cologne-Bonn airport, not for Joel's luggage but for his own, which was stored in a locker in the baggage-claim area. He would then go into Bonn proper, buy an expensive suitcase and fill it with a half-dozen shirts, underwear, socks and best off-the-rack clothing he could find in Joel's sizes namely, three pairs of trousers, a jacket or two and a raincoat. It was further agreed that casual clothes were the most appropriate an eccentric financier was permitted such lapses of sartorial taste, and also such attire more successfully concealed their non-custom-made origins. Finally, the last stop he would make before returning to Das Rektorat was at a second locker in the railroad station where Converse had left his attache case. Once the case was in the Navy lawyer's possession and the taxi waiting outside had picked up its passenger, there were to be no further stops. The cab was to drive directly to the countryside inn. "I wanted to ask you something," said Fitzpatrick just be 202 ROBERT LUDLUM fore leaving. "Back at the Alter Zoll you said something about how 'they' would spread the word that you couldn't talk your way through the five boroughs of New York. I gathered that referred to the fact that you don't speak German." "That's right. Or any other language, adequate English excepted. I tried but it never took. I was married to a girl who spoke fluent French and German, and even she gave up. I don't have the ear, I guess." "Who did 'they' refer to?" asked Connal, barely listening to Converse's explanation. "The embassy men?" Joel hesitated. "A little wider, I'm afraid," he said, choosing his words carefully. "You'll have to know but not now, not yet. Later." "Why later? Why not now?" "Because it wouldn't do you a damned bit of good, and it might raise questions you wouldn't want raised under, shall we say, adverse circumstances." "That's elliptical." 'fit certainly is. ' "Is that it? Is that all you'll say?" "No. There's one other thing. I want my briefcase." Fitzpatrick had assured him that the switchboard of Das Rektorat was capable of handling telephone calls in English as well as at least six other languages, including Arabic and he should have no qualms about placing a call to Lawrence Talbot in New York. "Christ, where are you, Joel?" Talbot shouted into the phone. "Amsterdam," replied Converse, not wanting to say Bonn and having had the presence of mind to make the call station-to-station. "I want to know what happened to Judge Anstett, Larry. Can you tell me anything?" "I want to know what's happened to you! Rene called last night...." "Mattilon?" "You told him you were flying to London." "I changed my mind." "What the hell ha opened ? The police were with him; he had no choice. He had to tell them who you were." Talbot suddenly paused, then spoke in a calmer voice, a false voice. "Are you all right, Joel? Is there something you want to tell me, something bothering you?" THE AQUITAINE PROGRESSION 203 "Something bothering me?" ' Listen to me, Joel. We all know what you went through, and we admire you, respect you. You're the finest we've got in the international division " "I'm the only one you've got," Converse broke in, trying to think, trying to buy time as well as information. "What did Rene say? Why did he call you?" 'You sound like your old self, fella." "I am my old self, Larry. What did Rene call you about? Why were the police with him?" Joel could feel the slippage; he was entering another sphere and he knew it, accepted it. The lies would follow, guile joining deceit, because time and freedom of movement were paramount. He had to stay free; there was so much to do, so little time. "He called me back after the police left to fill me in incidentally, they were from the Surete. As he understood it, the driver of a limousine was assaulted outside the George Cinq's service entrance " "The driver of a limousine?" interrupted Converse involuntarily. "They said he was a chauffeur?" "From one of those high-priced services that ferry around people who make odd stops at odd hours. Very posh and very confidential. Apparently the fellow was pretty well smashed up and they say you did it. No one knows why, but you were identified and they say the man may not live." "Larry, this is preposterousI" objected Joel, his protestation accompanied by feigned outrage. "Yes, I was there in the area but it had nothing to do with me! Two hotheads got into a fight, and since I couldn't stop them, I wasn't going to get my head handed to me. I got out of there, and before I found a taxi I yelled at the doorman to call for help. The last thing I saw he was blowing his whistle and running toward the alley." "You weren't even involved, then," said Talbot. The statement was a lawyer's positive fact. "Of course not! Why would I be?" "That's what we couldn't understand. It didn't make sense." "It doesn't make sense. I'll call Rene and fly back to Paris, if I have to." "Yes, do that," agreed Talbot haltingly. "I should tell you I may have aggravated the situation." "You? How?" 204 ROBERT LUDIUM "I told Mattilon that perhaps you were . . . well, not yourself. When I spoke with you in Geneva, you sounded awful, Joel. Just plain awful." 'Good God, how did you think I'd feel? A man I was negotiating with dies in front of me bleeding from a dozen bullet wounds. How would you feel?" "I understand," said the lawyer in New York, "but then Rene thought he saw something in you heard something that disturbed him, too." "Oh, come on, will you people get off it!" Converse's thoughts raced; every word he spoke had to be credible, his now diminished "outrage" rooted in believability. '`Mathlon saw me after I'd been flying in and out of airports for damn near fourteen hours. Christ, I was exhausted!" "Joel?" Talbot began, obviously not quite ready to get off it. "Why did you tell Rene you were in Paris for the firm?" Converse paused, not for lack of a response but for effect. He was ready for the question; he had been ready when he first approached Mattilon. "A white lie, Larry, and no harm to anyone. I wanted some information, and it seemed the best way to get it." "About this Bertholdier? He's the general, isn't he?" "He turned out to be the wrong source. I told Rene as much, and he couldn't agree with me more." Joel lightened his tone of voice. "Also it would have appeared strange if I'd said I was in Paris for somebody else, wouldn't it? I don't think it would have done the firm any good. Rumors and speculahon run rampant down our corridors; you told me that once." "Yes, and it's true. You did the right thing.... Damn it Joel, why the hell did you leave the hotel the way you did? From the basement, or wherever it was." It was the moment for expressing with total conviction a small inconsequential untruth that if not carried off would lead to the larger, far more dangerous lie. Connal Fitzpatrick could do it well, reflected Converse. The Navy lawyer had not learned to fear the small things; he did not know they were spoors that could lead one back to a rat cage in the Mekong River. "Bubba, my friend and sole support," said Joel, as cavalierly as he could muster. "I owe you many things, but not the intimacies of my private life." "The what of your what?" "I am approaching middle age at least it's not far THE AQUITAINE PROGRESSION 205 off and I have no matrimonial encumbrances or guilt about fidelity." "You were avoiding a woman?" "Fortunately for the firm, not a man." "Jee-sus! I m so well into middle age I don't think about those things. Sorry, young fella." "Young and not so young, Larry." "We were all off base then. You'd better call Rene right away and get this thing cleared up. I can't tell you how relieved I am." "You can tell me about Anstett. That's why I called you." "Of course." Talbot lowered his voice. "A terrible thing, a tragedy. What did the papers over there say?" Converse was caught; he had not anticipated the quesbon. "Very little," he replied, trying to remember what Fitzpatrick had told him. "Just that he was shot and apparently nothing was taken from his apartment." "That's right. Naturally, the first thing Nathan and I thought of was you, and whatever the hell you're involved with, but that wasn't the case. It was a Mafia vendetta, pure and simple. You know how rough Anstett was on appeals from those people; he'd throw them out as fast as he'd call their at- torneys a disgrace to the profession." "It was a confirmed Mafia killing?" "It will be, and that's straight from O'Neil down at the commissioner's office. They know their man, he's an execuboner for the Delvecchio family and last month Anstett threw the key away on Delvecchio's oldest son. He's in for twelve years with no appeals left; the Supreme Court won't touch him." "They know the man?" "It's only a matter of picking him up." "How come it's so clear-cut?" asked Joe, confused. "The usual way," said Talbot. "An informer who needs a favor. And since everything's happened so fast and so quietly, it's assumed that the ballistics will prove out." "So fast? So quietly?" "The infommer reached the police first thing this moming. A special unit was dispatched and only they know the man's identity. They figure the gun will skill be in his possession. He'll be picked up anytime now; he lives in Syosset." Something was wrong, thought Converse. There was an inconsistency, but he could not spot the flaw. Then it came 206 ROBERT LUDLUM to him. "Larry, if everything's so quiet, how do you know about it?" "I was afraid you'd ask that," said Talbot uneasily. "I might as well tell you; it'll probably be in the newspaper follow-ups anyway. O'Neil's keeping me posted; call it courtesy, and also because I'm nervous." "Why?" "Except for the man who killed him, I was the last person to see Anstett alive." "Your" "Yes. After Rene's second call I decided to phone the judge, after conferring with Nathan, of course. When I finally reached Anstett, I said I had to see him. He wasn't happy about it but I was adamant. I explained that it concerned you. All I knew was that you were in terrible trouble and something had to be done. I went over to his apartment on Central Park South and we talked. I told him what had happened and how frightened I was for you, frankly letting hi[n know that I held him responsible. He didn't say much, but I think he was frightened, too. He said he'd get in touch with me in the morning. I left, and according to the coroner's report, he was killed approximately three hours later." Joel's breath was short, his head splitting. His concentration was absolute. "Let me get this straight, Larry. You went over to Anstett's apartment after Rene's call his second call. After he told the Surete who I was." "That's right." "How long was it?" "How long was what?" "Before you left for Anstett's. After you spoke with Mattilon." "Well, let me see. Naturally, I wanted to talk to Nathan first, but he was out to dinner, so I waited. Incidentally, he concurred and offered to join me " "How long, Larry?" "An hour and a half, two hours at the outside." Two hours plus three hours totaled five hours. More than enough ti1ne for the killer puppets to be put in place. Converse did not know how it had been done, only that it had been done. Things had suddenly erupted in Paris, and in New York an agitated Lawrence Talbot had been followed to an apartment on Central Park South, where someone, somewhere, recognized a name and a man and the part he had THE AQUITAINE PROGRESSION 207 played against Aquitaine. Were it otherwise, Talbot would be the corpse, not Lucas Anstett. All the rest was a smoke screen behind which the disciples of George Marcus Delavane manipulated the puppets. "~and the courts owed so much to him, the country owed so much." Talbot was speaking, butJoel could no longer listen. "I have to go, Larry," he said, hanging up. The killing was obscene. That it was carried out so quickly, so efficiently and with such precise deception was as frightening as anything Converse could imagine. Joseph Joey the Nice) Albanese drove his Pontiac down the quiet, tree-lined street in Syosset, Long Island, waving to a couple in a front yard. The husband was trimming a hedge under his wife's guidance. They stopped what they were doing, smiled and waved back. Very nice. His neighbors liked him, thought Joey. They considered him a sweet guy and very generous, what with letting the kids use his pool and serving their parents only the best booze when they dropped over and the biggest steaks money could buy when he had weekend barbecues which he did often, rotating the neighbors so no one should feel left out. He was a sweet guy, mused Joey. He was always pleasant and never raised his voice in anger to anyone, offering only a glad hand, a nice word and a happy smile to everybody, no matter how lousy he really felt. That was it, goddamn it! thought Joey. Irra fuckin' gardless of how upset he was, he never let it show! Joey the Nice was what they called him and they were right. Sometimes he figured he had to be some kind of saint may Jesus Christ forgive him for having such thoughts. He had just waved to neighbors, but in truth he felt like smashing his fist through the windshield and shoving the glass down their throats. It wasn't them, it was last night that did it! A crazy night, a crazy hit, everything crazy! And that Rumba they brought in from the West Coast, the one they called Major, he was the nuttiest fruitcake of them all! And a sadist to boot, the way he beat the shit out of that old man and the crazy questions he asked, and shouting all the time. Tutti pazzi! One minute he's playing cards in the Bronx, and the next the phone is ringing. Get down to Manhattan fast! A bad heat is needed attualmente! So he goes and what does he find? It's 208 ROBERT LUDEUM that iron-balled judge, the one who closed the steel doors on Delvecchio's boy! What craziness! They'll trace it back to the old man for sure. He'll know such a~izione from the cops and the courts he'll be lucky to own a small whorehouse in Paler mo if he ever got back. Then maybe just maybe thought Joey at the time, there was a turning muscle in the organisation. Old Delvecchio was losing his grip; just maybe it was being called for, this ap?izione that surely would follow. And possibly just possibly Joey himself was being tested. Maybe he was too nice, too soave, to put the bad heat on someone like the old judge who gave them all such a hard time. Well, he wasn't. No sirree, the nice stopped with the handle of a gun. It was his job, his profession. The Lord Jesus decided who should live and who should die, only He spoke through mortal men on earth who told people like Joey whom to hit. There was no moral dilemma for Joey the Nice. It was important, however, that the orders always come from a man with respect; that was necessary. They did last night; the order came from a man with great respect. Although Joey did not know him personally, he had heard for years about the powerful padrone in Washington, D.C. The name was whispered, never spoken out loud. Joey touched the brakes of his car, slowing down so as to swing into his driveway. His wife, Angie, would be pissed off at him, maybe shout a little because he didn't come home last night. One more irritation on top of all the craziness, but what the hell was he going to say? Sorry, Angie, but I was gainfully employed throwing six bullets into an old guy who definitely discriminated against Italians. So, you see, Angie, I had to stay across the the bridge in Jersey where one of the paesans I played cards with and who'll swear I was there all night happens to be the chief of police. But, of course, he would never go into such details with his wife. That was his own law. No matter how aggravated he was he never brought the job home. More husbands should be like him and there would be happier households in Syosset. Shit/ One of the bucking kids had left a bicycle in front of the attached garage; he wouldn't be able to open the automatic door and drive inside. He'd have to get out. Shill One more aggravation. He couldn't even park by the Millers' curb next door; some creep's car was there but it wasn't the Millers' Buick. Double shill THE AQUITAINE PROGRESSION 209 Joey brought the Pontiac to a stop halfway into the sloping driveway and got out. He went up to the bike and leaned down. The rotten kid didn't even use the kickstand and Joey hated bending over, what with his heavy gut and all. '~Joseph Albanese!" Joey the Nice spun around, crouching, reaching under his jacket. That tone of voice was used by only one type of slimel He pulled out his .38 and dove toward the grille of his car. The explosions reverberated throughout the neighborhood. Birds fluttered out of trees and there were screams along the block in the bright afternoon sunlight. Joseph Albanese was sprawled against the grille of the Pontiac, rivulets of blood slowly rolling down the shiny chrome. Joey the Nice had been caught in the fire, and gripped in his hand was the gun he had used so effectively the night before. Ballistics would prove out. The killer of Lucas Anstett was dead. The judge had been the victim of a gangland assassination, and as far as the world was concerned, it had nothing to do with events taking place six thousand miles away in Bonn, Germany. Converse stood on the small balcony, his hands on the railing, looking down at the majestic river beyond the forest of trees that formed the banks of the Rhine. It was past seven o'clock; the sun was going below the mountains in the west, its orange rays shooting up, creating blocks of shadows over the earth moving shadows that floated across the waters in the descending distance. The vibrant colors were hypnotic, the breezes cooling, but nothing could stop the pounding echo in his chest. Where was Fitzpatrick? Where was his attache cased The dossiers He tried to stop thinking, to stop his imagination from catapulting into frightening possibilities.... There was a sudden harsh echo, not from his chest but from inside the room. He turned quickly as the door opened and Connal Fitzpatrick stood there, removing his key from the lock. He stepped aside, letting a uniformed porter enter with two suitcases, instructing the man to leave them on the floor while he reached into his pocket for a tip. The porter left and the Navy lawyer stared at Joel. There was no attache case in his hand. "Where is it?" said Converse, afraid to breathe, afraid to move. "I didn't pick it up.' 210 ROBERT LUDIUM "Why note" cried Joel, rushing forward. "I couldn't be sure . . . maybe it was just a feeling, I don't know." "What are you talking about?" "I was at the airport for seven hours yesterday, going from counter to counter asking about you," said Connal softly. "This afternoon I passed the Lufthansa desk and the same clerk was there. When I said hello, he didn't seem to want to acknowledge me; he looked nervous, and I couldn't understand. I came back out of the baggage claim with my suitcase and watched him. I remembered how he had glanced at me last night, and as I passed him I swore his eyes kept shooting to the center of the terminal, but there were so many people so much confusion, I couldn't be certain." "You think you were picked up? Followed ?" "That's just it, I don't know. When I was shopping in Bonn, I went from store to store and every now and then I'd turn around, or shift my head, to see if I could spot anyone. A couple of times I thought I saw the same people twice, but then again, it was always crowded, and again I couldn't be sure. But I kept thinking about that Lufthansa clerk; something was wrong." "What about when you were in the taxi? Did you " "Naturally. I kept looking out the rear window. Even dun ing the drive out here. Several cars made the same turns we did, but I told the driver to slow down and they passed us." "Did you watch where they went after they passed you?" "What was the point?" "There is one," said Joel, recalling a clever driver who followed a deep-red Mercedes limousine. "All I knew was that you're pretty uptight about that attache case. I don't know what's in it and I figure you don't want anyone else to know, either." "Bingo, counselor." There was a knocking at the door, and although it was soft, it had the effect of a staccato burst of thunder. Both men stood motionless, their eyes riveted on the door. "Ask who it is," whispered Converse. "Wer ist da, bitted" said Fitzpatrick, loud enough to be heard. There was a brief reply in German and Connal breathed again. "It's okay. It's a message for me from the manager. He probably wants to sell us a conference room." The Navy lawyer went to the door and opened it. THE AQUITAINE PROGRESSION 211 However, it was not the manager, or a bellboy, or a porter bringing a message from the manager. Instead, standing there, was a slender, elderly man in a dark suit with erect posture and very broad shoulders. He glanced first at Fitzpatrick, then looked beyond at Converse. "Excuse me, please, Commander," he said courteously walking through the door, and approached Joel, his hand outstretched. "Herr Converse, may I introduce myself? The name is Leifhelm. Erich Leifhelm." 11 Joel took the Cerman's hand, too stunned to do anything else. "field Marshal . . . ?" he uttered, instantly regretting it he could at least have had the presence of mind to say "General." The pages of Leifhelm's dossier flashed across Converse's mind as he looked at the man his straight hair still more blond than white, his pale-blue eyes glacial, his pink- ish skin lined, waxen, as if preserved for decades to come. "An old title and one, thankfully, I have not heard in many years. But you flatter me. You were sufficiently interested to learn something of my past." "Not very much." "I suspect enough." Leifhelm turned to Fitzpatrick. "I apologize for my little ruse, Commander. I felt it was best." Fitzpatrick shrugged, bewildered. "You know each other, apparently." "Of one another," corrected the German. "Mr. Converse came to Bonn to meet with me, but I imagine he's told you "No, I haven't told him that," said Joel. Leifhelm turned back, studying Converse's eyes. "I see Perhaps we should talk privately." "I think so. " Joel looked over at Fitzpatrick. "Commander, I've taken up too much of your time. Why not go downstairs to dinner and I'll join you in a while?" "Whatever you say, sir," said Connal, an officer assuming 212 ROBERT LUDLUM the status of an aide. He nodded and left, closing the door firmly behind him. "A lovely room," said Leifhelm, taking several steps toward the open French doors. "And with such a lovely view." "How did you find me?" asked Converse. "Him," replied the former field marshal, looking et Joel. "in according to the front desk. Who is he?" "How?" repeated Converse. "He spent hours last night at the airport inquiring about you; many remembered him. He was obviously a friend." "And you knew he'd checked his luggage? That he'd be back for it?" "Frankly, no. We thought he might come for yours. We knew you wouldn't. Now, please, who is he?" Joel understood it was vital that he maintain a level of arrogance, as he had done with Bertholdier in Paris. It was the only route he could take with such men; to be accepted by them, they had to see something of themselves in him. "He's not important and he knows nothing. He's a legal officer in the Navy who's worked in Bonn before and is over here now I gather, on personal business. A prospective fiancee, I think he mentioned. I saw him the other week; we chatted, and I told him I was flying in today or tomorrow and he said he'd make it a point to meet me. He's obsequious, and persistent I'm sure he has delusions of a civilian practice. Natural ly under the circumstances I used him. As you did." "Naturally." Leifhelm smiled; he was polished. "You gave him no arrival time?" "Paris changed any possibility of that, didn't it?" "Oh, yes, Paris. We must discuss Paris." "I spoke to a friend who deals with the Surete. The man died." "Such men do. Frequently." "They said he was a driver, a chauffeur. He wasn't." "Would it have been wiser to say he was a trusted associate of General Jacques-Louis Bertholdier?" "Obviously not. They say I killed him." "You did. We gather it was an uncontrollable miscalculation, no doubt brought on by the man himself." "Interpol's after me." "We, too, have friends; the situation will change You have nothing to fear as long as we have nothing to fear.;'The German paused, glancing around the room. "May I sit down?" THE AQUITAINE PROGRESSION 213 'Please. Shall I ring for a drink?" "I drink only light wine and very sparingly. Unless you wish . . . it's not necessary." "It's not necessary," said Converse as Leifhelm sat in a chair nearest the balcony doors. Joel would sit when he felt the moment was right, not before. "You took extraordinary measures at the airport to avoid us," continued Hitler's youngest field marshal. "I was followed from Copenhagen." "Very observant of you. You understand no harm was intended." "I didn't understand anything. I just didn't like it. I didn't know what effect Paris would have on my arrival in Bonn, what it meant to you." "What Paris meant?" asked Leifhelm rhetorically. "Paris meant that a man, an attorney using a false name, said some very alarming things to a most distinguished and brilliant statesman. This attorney, who called himself Simon, said he was flying to Bonn to see me. On his way and I'm sure with provocation he kills a man, which tells us something, he's guise ruthless and very capable. But that is all we know, we would like to know more. Where he goes, whom he meets. In our position, would you have done otherwise?" It was the moment to sit down. "I would have done it better." "Perhaps if we'd known how resourceful you were, we might have been less obvious. Incidentally, what happened in Paris? What did that man do to provoke you?" "He tried to stop me from leaving." "Those were not his orders." "Then he grossly misunderstood them. I've a few bruises on my chest and neck to prove it. I'm not in the habit of physically defending myself, and I certainly had no intention of killing him. In fact, I didn't know I had. It was an accident purely in self-defence." "Obviously. Who would want such complications?" "Exactly," agreed Converse bluntly. ''As soon as I can rearrange my last hours in Paris so as to eliminate any mention of my seeing General Bertholdier, I'll return and explain what happened to the police." "As the adage goes, that may be easier said than done. You were seen talking together at L'Etalon Blanc. Undoubtedly, the general was recognised later when he came to the 214 ROBERT LUDLUM hotel; he's a celebrated man. No, I think you'd be wiser to let us handle it. We can, you know." Joel looked hard at the German, his eyes cold yet questioning. "I admit there are risks doing it my way. I don't like them and neither would my client. On the other hand, I can't go around being hated by the police." "The hunt will be called off. It will be necessary for you to remain out of sight for a few days, but by then new instructions will be issued from Paris. Your name will disappear from the Interpol lists, you'll no longer be sought." "I'll want assurances, guarantees." "What better could you have than my word? I tell you nothing when I tell you that we could have far more to lose than you." Converse controlled his astonishment. Leifhelm had just told him a great deal, whether he knew it or not. The German had as much as admitted he was part of a covert organisation that could not take any chance of exposure. It was the first concrete evidence Joel had heard. Somehow it was too easy. Or were these elders of Aquitaine simply frightened old men? "I'll concede that," said Converse, crossing his legs. "Well, General, you found me before I found you, but then, as we agreed, my movements are restricted. Where do we go from here?" "Precisely where you wanted to go, Mr. Converse. When you were in Paris, you spoke of Bonn, Tel Aviv, Johannesburg. You knew whom to reach in Paris and whom to look for in Bonn. That impresses us greatly; we must assume you know more." "I've spent months in detailed research on behalf of my client, of course." "But who are you? Where do you come from?" Joel felt a sharp, sickening ache in his chest. He had felt it many times before it was his physical response to imminent danger and very real fear. "I am who I want people to think I am, General Leifhelm. I'm sure you can understand that." "I see," said the German, watching him closely. "A sworn companion of the prevailing winds, but with the power beneath to carry you to your own destination." "That's a little heavy, but I guess it says it. As to where I come from, I'm sure you know that by now." Five hours. More than enough time to put the puppets in place. A killing in New York; it had to be dealt with. THE AQUITAINE PROGRESSION 215 "Only bits and pieces, Mr. Converse. And even if we knew more, how could we be certain it's true? What people think you are you may not be." "Are you, General?" "Ausqezeichnet!" said Leifhelm, slapping his knee and laughing. It was a genuine laugh, the man's waxen face creasing with humor. "You are a fine lawyer, main Herr. You answer as they say in English a pointed question with another question that is both an answer and an indictment" "Under the circumstances, it's merely the truth. Nothing more. " 'also modest. Very commendable, very attractive." Joel uncrossed his legs, then crossed them again impatiently. "I don't like compliments, General. I don't trust them under the circumstances. You were saying before about where I wanted to go, about Bonn, Tel Aviv, and Johannesburg. What did you mean?" ' Only that we have complied with your wishes," said Leifhelm, spreading his hands in front of him. "Rather than your making such tedious trips, we have asked our representatives in Tel Aviv and Johannesburg, as well as Bertholdier, of course, to fly to Bonn for a conference. With you, Mr. Con- verse. " He had done it! thought Joel. They were fright- ened panicked was perhaps the better description. Despite the pounding and the pain in his chest, he spoke slowly, quietly. "I appreciate your consideration, but in all frankness, my client isn't ready for a summit. He wanted to understand the parts before he looked further at the whole. The spokes support the wheel, sir. I was to report how strong they were how strong they appeared to me." "Oh, yes, your client. Who is he, Mr. Converse?" "I'm sure General Bertholdier told you I'm not at liberty to say." "You were in San Francisco, California " "Where a great deal of my research was done," interrupted Joel. "It's not where my client lives. Although I readily admit there's a man in San Francisco Palo Alto, to be exact whom I'd like very much to be my client." "Yes, yes, I see." LeifLelm put the ends of his fingers together as he continued, "Am I to understand that you reject the conference here in Bonn?" Converse had taken a thousand such questions in opening 216 ROBERT IUDLUM gambits with attorneys seeking accommodations between corporate adversaries. Both parties wanted the same thing; it was simply a question of flattening out the responsibility so that no one party would be the petitioner. "Well, you've gone to a lot of trouble," Joel began. "And as long as it's understood that I have the option of speaking to each man individually should I wish to do so, I can't see any harm." Converse permitted himself a strained smile, as he had done a thousand times. "In the interests of my client of course." "Of course," said the German. "Tomorrow say, four o'clock in the afternoon. I'll send a car for you. I assure you I set an excellent table." "A table?" "Dinner, naturally. After we have our talk." Leifhelm rose from the chair. '61 wouldn't think of your coming to Bonn and forgoing the experience. I'm known for my dinner parties, Mr. Converse. And if it concerns you, make whatever security arrangements you like. A platoon of personal guards, if you wish. You'll be perfectly safe. Mein Haus ist dein Haus. " "I don't speak German." "Actually, it's an old Spanish saying. Mi casa, su casa. 'My house is your house.' Your comfort and well-being are my most urgent concerns." "Mine, too," said Joel, rising. "I wouldn't think of having anyone accompany me, or follow me. It'd be counterproductive. Of course, I'll inform my client as to my whereabouts telling him approximately when he can expect my subsequent call. He'll be anxious to hear from me." "I should think so." Leifhelm and Converse walked to the door; the German turned and once more offered his hand. "Until tomorrow, then. And may I again suggest while you're here that you be careful, at least for several days." "I understand." The puppets in New York. The killing that had to tee deals with the first of two obstacles, two sharp, sickening aches ... his chat. "By the way," said Joel, releasing the field marshal's hand. "There was a news item on the BBC this morning that interested me EO much that I phoned an associate. A man was killed in New York, a judge. They say it was a revenge killing, THE AQUITAINE PROGRESSION 217 a contract put out by organised. Did you happen to hear anything about it?" "Id" asked Leithelm, his blond-white eyebrows raised, his warlike lips parted. "It seems people are killed by the dozens every day in New York, judges included, I presume. Why should I know anything about it? The answer, obviously, is no." "I just wondered. Thank you." "But . . . but you. You must have a . . ." "Yes, General?" "Why does this judge interest you? Why did you think I would know him?" Converse smiled, but without a trace of humor. "I won't be telling you anything when I tell you he was our mutual adversary enemy, if you like." "Our? You really must explain yourselfl" "As you and as I said, I am what I want people to think I am. This man knew the truth. I'm on leave of absence from my firm, working confidentially for a personal client. He tried to stop me, tried to get the senior partner to cancel my leave and call me back." "By giving him reasons?" "No, just veiled threats of corruption and impropriety. He wouldn't go any further; he's on the bench and couldn't back it up; his own conduct would be suspect. My employer is completely ignorant angry as hell and confused but I've calmed him down. It's a closed issue; the less it's explored, the better for us all." Joel opened the door for Leifhelm. "Till tomorrow " He paused for a brief moment, loathing the man standing in front of him but showing only respect in his eyes. "Field Marshal," he added. "Gate Nacht," said Erich Leifhelm, nodding his head sharply once in military acknowledgment. Converse persuaded the switchboard operator to send someone into the dining room for the American, Commander Fitzpatrick. The task of finding the naval officer was not easy, for he was not in the dining room or the bar but outside on the Spanrsche Terrasse having a drink with friends, watching the Rhine at twilight. "What goddamned friends?" demanded Joel over the phone. 218 ROBERT LUDLUM 'just a couple I met out there. He's a nice guy an executive type, pretty much into his seventies, I think." "And she?" asked Converse, his lawyer's antenna struck by a signal. "Maybe thirty, forty years younger," replied Connal with less elaboration. "Get up here, sailor!" Fitzpatrick leaned forward on the couch, his elbows on his knees, his expression a mixture of concern and astonishment as he looked over at Joel, who was smoking a cigarette in front of the open balcony doors. "Let me run this again," he said warily. "You want me to stop someone from getting your service record?" "Not all of it, just part of it." "Who the hell do you think I am?" "You did it for Avery for Press. You can do it for me. You have tol" "That's backwards. I opened those files for him, I didn't keep them closed." 'Either way it's control. You've got access; you've got a "I'm here, not there. I can't scissor something out you don't like ten thousand miles away. Be reasonable!" "Somebody can, somebody has tol It's only a short segment, and it's got to be at the end. The final interview." "An interview?" said Connal, startled, getting to his feet. "In a service record? You mean some kind of operational report? Because if you do, it wouldn't be " "Not a report," interrupted Converse, shaking his head. "The discharge my discharge interview. That stuff Press Halliday quoted to me." "Wait a minute, wait a minute!" Fitzpatrick held up his hands. "Are you referring to the remarks made at your discharge hearing?" "Yes, that's it. The hearing!" "Well, relax. They're not part of your service record, or anyone else's." "Halliday had them Avery had theml I just told you, he quoted my words verbatim!" Joel walked to a table where there was an ashtray; he crushed out his cigarette. "If they're not part of the record, how did he get them? How did you get them for him?" THE AQUITAINE PROGRESSION 219 "That's different," said Connal, obviously remembering as he spoke. "You were a POW, and a lot of those hearings were put under a debriefing classification, and I do mean classified. Even after all these years, many of those sessions are still touchy. A lot of things were talked about that no one to this day wants made public for everyone's good, not just the military's." "But you got them! I heard my own words, goddamn ill" "Yes, I got them," admitted the Navy lawyer without enthusiasm. "I got the transcript, and I'd be busted to seaman third class if anyone knew about it. You see, I believed Press. He swore to me he needed it, needed everything. He couldn't make any mistakes." "How did you do it? You weren't even in San Diego at the time, that's what you saidl" "By calling the vaults and using my legal-release number to have a photostat made. I said it was a Four Zero emergency and I'd take responsibility. The next morning when the authorization came in by pouch for countersignature, I had the chief legal officer at the base sign it with a lot of other things It simply got buried in the paper work." "But how did you know about it in the first place?" "Selected POW records have flags on their discharge sheets." "Clarification, please?" "Just what I said, flags. Small blue seals that denote additional information stilt held under tight security. No flags, everything's clean; but if there is one, that means there's something else. I told Press, and he said he had to have whatever it was, so I went after it." "Then anyone else could, too." "No, not anyone. You need an officer with a legal-release number, and there aren't that many of us. Also there's a minimum forty-eight-hour delay so the material can be vetted. That's almost always in the area of weapons and technology data that still might be classified." "Forty~i'