


It was a few years ago when some friends introduced me to Takashi YAMAGISHI.  He was presented to me as an individual who possessed a special capacity, but since I was not interested in "ultracapacity,"our relationship did not go beyond having a couple of drinks two or three times a year.

Since I grew up at a time when postwar democracy took care of people's health, and my parents had been educated in a scientific manner, I always had a skeptical attitude towards  paranormal phenomena like matters related to the soul, UFO's, and religious salvation.

This does not mean I had a strong feeling that "ultracapacity" did not exist, but I never needed it in a direct or indirect way.

I always thought, and still do, that "ultracapacity" was not related to the important things of my life such as writing novels or making movies. I never wanted to have it, and considered that the most important thing you possess is the ability to think.  I am interested in the different esoteric lines only to use them as a topic for my works.

I also had the opportunity to meet Hikaru TAKATUKA, who became  famous in the past.  Before my eyes he bent the metal keys of an imported automovil without even touching them. This is a difficult thing to do even when using tools.

Even though this kind of "ultracapacity" can be a good topic for a novel or a film, I still think that I do not have a personal relation with it.


It was a few years ago when I started to believe that Mr.Yamagishi had some special capacity. That was the time when I was excited about bringing a Cuban music band to Japan.  Although it was a high quality Latin group of musicians, I had  a hard time finding a Japanese sponsor,  since the group was not known in Japan.  It was precisely when I had everything ready to bring the band to Japan, after getting the sponsor with the help of some friends, the room where they would play and the visas to enter Japan, that I received a fax from Cuba telling me that the Conga player had just been  hospitalized suffering from emotional instability, and that the head of the group had found a substitute, since it looked impossible for the other Conga player to be in good condition to come to Japan; so they asked me to make arrangements to get the substitute´s visa urgently.

That was the first time I consulted Mr. Yamagishi.

 "Oh,...what a problem!" nbsp; said Mr. Yamagishi, who always looks discreet, but relaxed (though after having a few drinks he changes a little).

 "Let's see some of the energetic state of this person (the Conga player)..., it seems to me that there won't be any problem, he will come to Japan."

 "It can´t be possible," I thought.  It had just been  five minutes since I  received some information from Cuba telling me that the Conga player was wearing a straitjacket, and was given large doses of sedatives. So, no matter what Mr. Yamagishi was telling me superficially, I could not believe him, and said good bye, compromising a little on what he had said to me.

Despite being doubtful, I did not make arrangements to replace the visa.  Later I continued receiving faxes from Cuba telling me that the Conga player's trip to Japan was out of the question.

But, two days before their arrival , I got another fax from the head of the group telling me that the Conga player had passed his last medical examination and was able to come to Japan.

It was from that event that I started to trust Mr. Yamagishi and to make consultations to him, basically by phone. However, I never asked him things like "How will my life be within five years?" or "Will my next book be a best-seller?" nbsp; My type of consultations was, for example, "I have a serious problem with my next film, and have only two choices which are A and B. Option A is risky, but I think it is the best.  What do you think?"

This does not mean that  Mr. Yamagishi solves my problems, or that he determines my way of living.  Instead, he  becomes aware of the energetic condition of people, including mine, and its interrelation.  Based on the results, I try to make the decision.

Particularly in films, decisions become more difficult, since many people participate.  Oftentimes people say to me "Ryu, be patient and do not worry. You will get the best investors, producers, and actors." nbsp; Eventually it turns out that way.

It was about a year ago when I got a call from Mr.Yamagishi, who was very excited and said: "I have achieved something extraordinary named Papaberu" nbsp; (details are explained on the dialogue section of this book). He told me it was about something useful for muscle relaxation.

In my personal case, since my work forces me to be sitting behind my desk for large periods of time,  the muscles of my neck and shoulders started to contract long ago.  In my neck, just behind my ears, I felt a painful sensation of congestion, and until now, I have been fighting it by doing plenty of exercise to get my body tired in order to be able to sleep.

After the age of forty, I started  going  to massage, acupuncture, and chiropractic sessions on  a regular basis after playing five sets of tennis, or  after practicing windsurfing in the mornings, and scuba diving in the afternoons.

When I listened to the Papaberu CD for the first time, I fell sound asleep for about two hours, and then, when I felt my nerves and muscles completely relaxed I could not work for the rest of the day.  After completing Papaberu autocharge (way of making  Papaberu act inside the body in a semipermanent manner; details are referred to in the dialogue section of this book), severe contractions in my shoulders ceased.

I did what most human beings are in the habit of doing, and once  shoulders and neck contractions disappeared, I forgot about Papaberu.

1994 was a very active year for me. That year, besides making a film, I published two new novels and continued writing my columns.  In addition, I was completely relieved from muscle and nerve contractions. I had not changed my diet, neither had I taken a new medicine.  I had not even started to swim or jog.  My life style continued to be the same. I can attribute this only to Papaberu's effect.


When Mr.Yamagishi finished the software "Clock," he also transmitted it to me immediately.

As an example, let us consider that this software is a computer.  It increases "the capacity of calculation," or "the capacity to process information." nbsp; I do not have any idea of the effect that "Clock" nbsp; is having on me, but there are times when I suddenly perceive it.  At present, I am about to start the shooting of my new film "KYOKO," and I am trying to sketch the visual continuity of over 100 scenes.  Also I am making castings, auditions, rehearsals, and taking notes of the film that will follow "KYOKO," and of other film called "The World 5 Minutes Later, part II." nbsp; Besides, I am preparing three new novels, considering making a production of Cuban music (more than 10 CD's exist on the market already), and thinking about completing the novelization of "KYOKO" one week after the shooting ends.

I am surprised that all these different works do not mix up, but interact by mutually passing information. This interaction generates  new ideas and increases quality. Thus, while producing Cuban music, the idea of a new novel emerged, or while reading a book regarding the treatment of a trauma in order to collect information for the novel "Piercing," a theme for a new film came to me.

It means that a state of "inspiration" inside me was persistent.

I think that not only for novelists, but for any occupation, both "relaxation" and "concentration" are necessary.  If we are not relaxed we cannot concentrate, and as soon as we have a few minutes to relax, something else to think about comes to our heads.

To me, "Papaberu" and "Clock" are symbols of concentration and relaxation.

But, what is important to remark as many times as necessary, is that I do not depend on "Papaberu" or "Clock". Thus, when I feel a muscle contraction in my shoulders because of a cold, I never ask Mr.Yamagishi for "a little bit more of Papaberu," or when I cannot solve a problem at work, I do not ask him if "Clock" is still having an effect on me.

Mr.Yamagishi in person, as you can confirm when reading our dialogue, is a completely normal individual who does not claim godhood.  Mr.Yamagishi continues with a constant effort to convert "Ultracapacity" into "Capacity."

I suppose that it would be impossible at this point to understand and demonstrate what this capacity is all about.  In addition, this would involve the risk of creating excessive expectations.  However, I have considered that it has a reliable effect, and therefore, I have decided to make it publicly known in a book.

It would be of no use if this book were read by people trying to use the ambiguity of the word "Ultracapacity" to justify lack of endeavour, or by people trying to get any kind of religious salvation. The objective of this book is to provide modest help to those people suffering from physical and/or spiritual pain and who are trying to find a pathway which leads them to perfection and liberation.


New York, March 13th, 1995 


Takashi Yamagishi