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We can observe cases in which serious diseases that didn't have treatment or cure by means of Western modern medicine have been easily cured by using TDE treatment. However, there are other cases in which TDE is not effective against simple diseases. At present, we can only say that apparently it depends on the persons, independently from the seriousness of the disease or from trust in TDE. It means that we can't know in advance if it will be effective or not and what the necessary conditions to be effective are. However, through experience, we have learnt that it is more effective in people sensitive to energy, in children suffering from atopic dermatitis, that it acts strongly towards emotions and mood, and that it frequently produces a reaction similar to Mengen's (improvement reaction), which usually manifests itself in Chinese medicine, acupuncture or moxitherapy.
Even though the existence of individual differences in the reaction towards other type of vital energies is common, in the case of TDE, since the amount of energy inserted into a product can be freely altered, the relation between the sensibility of a person and the amount of energy introduced into the product can be calculated up to a certain degree. It is thought that the difference is figured out on a logarithmic scale. For instance, although there are many people able to perceive the inserted energy when it has a value of 100, others can feel it intensely just having a value of 1. Or on the contrary, there might be highly insensitive people who don't perceive it at all even if a value of thousands, or tens of thousands, is inserted.
Regarding ordinary phenomena, basically everybody can perceive them. And although there are some individual differences, they are small. There are not phenomena that can be perceived (seen or heard) by some people and not by others. Sensitivity is not very reliable because it involves diverse subjective factors. However, when individual differences regarding reactions are so big, we can say it is very complicated to handle them scientifically. And besides, that makes it difficult to understand. The fact that among followers and detractors the discussion about TDE or about any other type of vital energies turns out to be useless is due to this reason.
The intensity of the energy's action differs according to the way it is used. At first, the order to be followed would be: listening through earphones > listening through speakers > playing the CD without sound. Since, it has been said lately that placing the earphones on the umbilical region or on the damaged area would be more effective, a more appropriate way to refer to it might be "applying energy" or "exposing it to energy," instead of "listening to energy."
In addition, the intensity of the energy's action also varies according to the kind of product. In the case of products acting upon the brain such as "Narcotic," "Endogenous Morphine" (that produces endorphin secretion), "NK Saibo Fukatsu," or "Tonic," even though the triggering of the secretion of hormones or of nervous transmission substances ( for what they were conceived) cannot be confirmed, each one has an action of its own and when listening to them through earphones they produce a pleasant sensation. This type of CD's and some others like "Nanso no Hou",which are used to treat certain emotional disorders, apparently, are not effective by just playing them close to the person. On the other hand "Central Katanden" and "TDE Kikou Series 1-4," which are the type of porducts that turn TDE into an energy that has a rudimentary Ki, act by just playing them near the person.
There are lots of people who say they feel the energy on the palm of their hands, coming from the earphones. There are others, not many, who even affirm they can see it. Although this might seem nonsense for those people who firmly believe that things which cannot be measured by a device does not exist, concerning Ki, from Kikou, (Ki in the strict sense of the word; physically rudimentary energy), there are many who can feel it by touch. In addition, one out of ten people can see Ki coming out of his finger tips (most of them are people who practice Kikou).
Even though TDE is an energy similar to "Ki," we can say it is more difficult to feel and see than the one regarding "Ki." nbsp; All those interested are invited to try to perceive it by placing the earphones close the palm of their hands, or to try to see it in the dark.
TDE is much alike to what we call "information." nbsp; For example, it can be copied, amplified, erased, made to appear, transferred immediately, stored, and mantained or programmed in order to perform certain action.
The concept enclosed in each of the products in the form of energy can be handled in the same way as in a computer's file.
TDE capacity can be efortlessly acquired by any person. Furthermore, that acquisition can be verified. TDE capacity does not depend on actions such as meditation or contemplation. Believing that a special capacity cannot be acquired if those things are not carried out first is just a preconception or an inflexible idea. For those who listen about TDE capacity for the first time, the fact that acquiring it is independent from any kind of preparation seems difficult to understand.
What distinguishes TDI capacity is not only the easy way to acquire it, but the possiblility of using it just by thinking while staying in a normal state of mind. In order to display the capacity it is not necessary to fully concentrate or to bring the mind to a special state. Unlike other kind of mental trainings, in this one you don't need to make an effort to sustain a thought. Concerning TDI capacity, thinking for a moment is enough.
TDI capacity can be easily acquired , but in order to develop practical techniques through its use, or to create test elements or products, a great deal of experience and training is required. There is no other way to find the appropriate technique except repeating the experience one time after another. The reason for this is that no knowledge or technique can be transmitted through words or logic.
I have asked Mr.Yamagishi to create different kind of products which
transmit specific concepts. Even the CD "Papaberu," considered as the top
hit of recent years was created by suggestion of a TDI member to turn energy
into a kind of popular medicine. If a suggestion is given to the
president, unless it is inconvenient, a product having high chances of
success is developed.
Diseases that can't be cured by means of
conventional medicine and which are expected
to be cured by TDE are those regarding the
skin, hypertension, and functional ones like
collagenosis. Although it depends on
the case, usually it improves neurosis and
depression, and it can also relatively easily
stop convulsive attacks. In addition,
it is very effective against diseases in
which doctors can't find their origin,
or afflictions related to dullness
and physical fatigue in which conventional
medicine can't detect any kind of malfunction
when performing a clinical examination.
Apparently, most of these states of disease
originate by an abnormality in "Ki,"
and not in the physical body. It would
be convenient to try TDE when no beneficial
results had been obtained after going
to the hospital many times.
To be cured without noticing it while using TDE products would be ideal. However, when an incurable disease or a long lasting affection disappears, Mengen's reaction (a strong and unexpected reaction) occurs. The most common reactions are headaches, vomit, dizziness, diarrhea and cough. However, we have observed cases in which people get cured after having severe fever and eliminating pus by the pores (as if suffering from atopic dermatitis). The problem here is to realize if it is a Mengen's reaction connected to the process of recovery or a deterioration in the condition of the original disease. For this reason, quitting medical care at this point would be risky.
From my position it is difficult to talk about what follows. However, since all the events experienced by TDI members, including some doctors, can't be considered mistakes or tales, I have decided to refer to them in a frank way. Among TDI members there are many who have experienced events in which miraculous or impossible to understand cures have been attained.
A disease which according to common sense cannot be cured by the application
of TDE, and then is cured by it, is called "supra-metaphysical disease."
This kind of diseases usually brings Mengen's reactions with them and since
those reactions are not closely connected to the nature of the disease
or to its gravity, we consider that it might have a cause in the energetic
body and not in the physical body (sub-metaphysic) or the mind (metaphysic),
and the reason for being effective is that they (TDE and the cause of the
disease) belong to the same dimension .
Seemingly, Mengen's reaction doesn't show up immediately after being in contact with energy (through treatment or products), but it appears several hours or even a day later. We believe that's the time it takes from the moment when the information of the energetic body (which receives the influence) is transferred to the physical body to act upon it.
Diseases have been arranged according to the way TDE produces an effect. Diseases originated in the energetic body (supra-metaphysical) > Diseases originated in the mind (metaphysical) > Diseases originated in the body (sub-metaphysical). However, these criteria are just a hypothesis since it has been temporarily classified according to the reaction towards energy and we don't know in advance to what group it belongs. During the tests, when we were striving to cure lung cancer inoculated in mice, someone suggested that it might be a "sub-physical" disease.
Although, in the TDI Research Association sporadically happens a miraculous cure of that nature, all they say is "that's fine." nbsp; Apparently, they believe that what is achieved effortlessly does not contribute to the progress of a technique. In addition, they thing that it would be annoying to boast about it, and say that the fact to be something different does not necessarily mean to be unnatural. I also believe it would be more valuable to collect experiences in order to improve the results brought about by the treatments, no matter if it is done step by step. It can be done by trying different resources in difficult-to-solve cases like the one presented in case number two, where TDE had no effect.
Seemingly, in new religions spectacular cures of diseases considered incurable frequently occur. These cures become the axis of religious faith. Also those diseases can be cured by people raising their hands and praying in the streets or by people possessing some kind of ultracapacity. Perhaps, they belong to the type of "diseases with supra-metaphysical causes."
What motivated the investigations about cancer was that, while studying many types of popular medicine in the TDI Research Association, a great deal of cases concerning the cure of cancer were present. Apparently this disease is different from others. Relief in some of its symptoms has been attained. However, it will take a long time to achieve a cure that has some degree of certainty only by using TDI products.
Sometimes we hear experiences of people who affirm that if cancer has its origins on supra-metaphysic causes, it can be easily cured. However, we don't think it is a frequent phenomenom. In cases of this kind, after the first or second treatment session (consisting in applying energy emitted from the hands) the appearance of a Mengen's reaction is natural and it could be used as a guide.
To keep on spending significant amounts of money in popular medicine forever should be avoided when no effective results are obtained.
I believe TDE treatment should be tried when there is no other treatment available.
In cases where the person feels better or relieved from pain from the very beginning, the treatment utilized does not cure cancer completely.
Some investigations about the natural cure of cancer indicate that there are patients who get cured as a result of having radically changed their way to think after acquiring the disease. This is a strange phenomenon called "existential change." nbsp; Said it in a simple way, it means "getting cured after knowing the truth." nbsp; In this case "the soul," which is not made of matter, acts intensely upon the physical body. The statement "a cure can be accomplished if the conviction comes from the bottom of the soul" is frequently said. According to this, "diseases having supra-metaphysical causes" do not necessarily have any relation with the mental aspect of the patient. There are some cases in which the patient does not get cured even if he believes in TDE capacity. On the other hand, sometimes the patient gets cured even if he disdains TDE treatment or ignores his receiving it. One of TDE's peculiarities is to act in a mechanical way.
Among TDE's characteristics is the ability to easily manipulate the energy of "Ki." nbsp; There is a Kikou proverb that goes "If knowledge is reached, Ki is reached, and if Ki is reached, blood is reached." nbsp; We could say that such characteristic favors the energy of knowledge. For instance, if TDE is concentrated on the Katanden (center of vital energy located under the abdomen), the Ki, together with blood concentrates. Consequently, the low abdomen gets warmer (by increasing the blood stream). In our case, instead of concentrating the Ki by using our own thoughts, it is performed by the TDE emitted from a CD. By programming TDE, it is also possible to stimulate a specific energetic spot, or to make the Ki circulate through a certain meridian. The "Kikou Series" were conceived in a way that they could stimulate and open important spots and that Ki could freely circulate throughout the main meridians by using the heat produced in the Katanden.
Kikou practice is not very widespread. However, it usually produces side effects (deviations).
The most serious one is that the Ki which goes up to the head does not go down then.
Most of the side effects are caused by unproper breathing. In addition, it can also produce a swelling sensation in the abdomen and symptoms of neurosis or schizophrenia. Although it is very difficult to cure side effects originated in the head, in the cases where not a long time has passed since they appeared, it can be easily solved by taking the Ki down from the head by means of TDI capacity, or setting it free by opening the spot call "Hyakkar," located at the top of the head. In order to solve this cases it would be convenient to ask for help to someone possessing TDI capacity, or to try by listening to a CD like "Combination Treatment" nbsp; or "Nanso no Hou."
One of the common phenomena occurring in Kikou is the reception of a harmful Ki. Among sensitive physicians, acupuncturists and moxitherapists there are some who feel very tired after examining patients (specially in serious diseases like cancer), or feel pain or malaise in the area where the affection is located. This phenomenon, which is empirically recognized by physicians like acupuncturists or moxitherapists, who use manual techniques, is a serious problem. Seemingly, there are many cases in which the therapists end up getting a deteriorated physical condition because their Ki is absorbed by sick people with a low energetic level. Or because of receiving a harmful Ki from them. Specially, regarding therapeutic methods in which the Ki is expelled in order to be administered to the patient, practitioners frequently get a significant damage. However, it is said that people who receive TDI capacity do not absorb the harmful Ki. Although we still are not sure if the harmful Ki is completely rejected, at least we are certain that its effect decreases remarkably.
Certainly, this situation can be confirmed by the fact that many people in the field of medicine, motivated by the desire to avoid getting the harmful Ki, had approached to the TDI Research Association.