GOD THE ULTIMATE PSYCHOPATH At one time it was thought that psychopaths were devoid of normal feelings. However on closer scrutiny of psychopaths it is found they do have feelings. They too feel guilt, shame, remorse and fear just the same as everyone. However they can do what most people cannot do and that is suppress their feelings for the thrill of the crime God of the Old Testament, omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient though he be, is no different then the worst of psychopaths—Adolph Hitler. Tortured, scourged, defiled and murdered “his” people my have been, he was unmoved by their screams. As with abused-child syndrome, they still love the abuser. The way Jews beseech this all powerful God who was mot there for his “chosen people” shows them to have a pathological need to defend this “Father- God”, converse to what it should be. This alleged God who sees all, knows all, and can do all, is not any different from the worst of the Nazis, immune to the pleas of those they murdered, just as the Hebraic God was indifferent to the screams of the mothers and the cries from their children. When Jewish children and Jewish newborn infants had their heads bashed against a brick wall as the mother stood by helplessly, God too stood by helplessly with his back turned, his eyes closed and his ears deaf to the wailing of the mothers. Can Jews ever claim that their God who is omnipotent caused any miracle that was to their benefit for the past 3000 years? “He” missed his big opportunity from 1932 until 1945 in Europe. Why do Jews around the world still pray to an indifferent God? Conditioning called habit, that becomes obsessive and compulsive that is called a neurosis. If `obsessive and compulsive is not the answer, why would Jews still believe in a God who is not only indifferent but sadistic as well. Jews are as indifferent to this awareness as was God indifferent to the Jews and that is their pathology. Newton Joseph,Ph.D.