RELIGION – A WAR OF TWO WORLDS Christians started a war a thousand years ago during the first crusade when crusaders of many countries invaded Jerusalem in the land of Palestine, with the purpose of murdering thousands of Muslim infidels. This unfinished war is being acted out this very minute and will never have a solution; the war without end (jihad) between Christendom (and Jews) and the Muslim world. Americans (westerners) will always be under constant threat of being murdered in the name of Allah; so says the Koran. Suras 47.4: “When you meet the unbelievers, strike off their heads; then when you have made wide slaughter among them, carefully tie up the remaining captives. 5.51: “Believers, do not take Jews or Christians as friends. They are but one another’s friend. 9:29-30: “Declare war upon those whom the scripture were revealed but believe neither god nor the last day, and who do not forbid that which God and His Apostle have forbidden, and who refuse to acknowledge the true religion(Islam) until they pay the poll-tax without reservation and are totally subjugated. Muslims must strive, fight, and kill in the name of God.” 9.5-6 “Kill those who join other gods with God wherever you may find them.” 8.12: “I will instill terror into the hearts of the infidel, strike off their heads then, and strike off from them every fingertip.” 2.25-6: “It is a grave sin for a Muslim to shirk the battle against the unbelievers-those who will roast in hell.” The strength of these laws comes from the JIHAD (holy war) It seems Christian fundamentalists have the same hatred towards those who are not Christian. You do not want to meet any of these people in a dark alley. There are very few Muslim liberals. The majority of Muslims are fundamentalists who believe in the literal interpretation of the Koran. Muslim apologists cannot rationalize away the clear language of the above – kill, kill, kill. Newton Joseph, Ph.D. Porter Ranch, CA