Man-Kzin Wars XI
The Kzin were the mightiest warriors in the galaxy, which they were wasting no time in conquering, one star system at a time. Then those feline lords of creation ran into those ridiculous weed-eating pacifistic apes who called themselves humans. And the catlike Kzin found they had their collective tail caught in a meat grinder. When the mighty Kzin moved in to take over the monkey-infested worlds, they got clobbered. The humans, with their underhanded monkey cunning, turned communications equipment and space drives into weapons that cut the dauntless Kzin heroes into ribbons. And then those underhanded humans gained a faster-than-light drive, and no amount of screaming and leaping could keep the Kzin from losing their first war in centuries of successful conquest. But you can’t keep a good warcat down, and the Kzin have by no means given up. New weapons, new strategies, and new leaders. Here they come again and those monkey-boys from Earth had better watch their backs. Once again, it’s howling time in Known Space!
Cover art by Stephen Hickman
This is a work of fiction. All the characters and
events portrayed in this book are fictional, and any resemblance to real
people or incidents is purely coincidental.
First printing, October 2005
Distributed by Simon & Schuster
1230 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10020
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Man-Kzin wars XI / Hal Colebatch and Matthew Harrington ; created by Larry Niven.
p. cm. Three at table / Hal Colebatch — Grossgeister Swamp / Hal Colebatch — Catspaws / Hal Colebatch — Teacher's pet / Matthew J. Harrington — War and peace / Matthew J. Harrington — The hunting park / Larry Niven. ISBN 1-4165-0906-2 (hc) 1. Science fiction, American. 2. Kzin (Imaginary place)—Fiction. 3. Science fiction, Australian. 4. Space warfare—Fiction. 5. War stories, Australian. 6. War stories, American. I. Title: Man-Kzin wars 11. II. Title: Man-Kzin wars eleven. III. Colebatch, Hal, 1945- IV. Harrington, Matthew J. V. Niven, Larry.
PS648.S3M3753 2005 813'.0876208—dc22 2005019121
ISBN-13: 978-1-4165-0906-6 ISBN-10: 1-4165-0906-2
Copyright © 2005 by Larry Niven.
Three at Table copyright © 2005 by Hal Colebatch; Grossgeister Swamp by Hal Colebatch; Catspaws copyright © 2005 by Hal Colebatch; Teacher's Pet copyright © 2005 by Matthew Harrington, War and Peace copyright © 2005 by Matthew Harrington; The Hunting Park copyright © 2005 by Larry Niven.
All rights reserved, including the right to
reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form.
A Baen Books Original
Baen Publishing Enterprises
P.O. Box 1403
Riverdale, NY 10471
Printed in the United States of America
Production by Windhaven Press Auburn, NH
Electronic version by WebWrights