The Stories
Guts by Saint Gut-Free
Foot Work by Mother Nature
Green Room by Miss America
Slumming by Lady Baglady
Swan Song by the Earl of Slander
Dog Years by Brandon Whittier
Ambition by the Duke of Vandals
Post-Production by Mrs. Clark
Exodus by Director Denial
Punch Drunk by the Reverend Godless
Ritual by the Matchmaker
The Nightmare Box by Mrs. Clark
Civil Twilight by Sister Vigilante
Product Placement by Chef Assassin
Speaking Bitterness by Comrade Snarky
Crippled by Agent Tattletale
Dissertation by the Missing Link
Poster Child by Mrs. Clark
Something’s Got to Give by the Countess Foresight
Hot Potting by the Baroness Frostbite
Cassandra by Mrs. Clark
Evil Spirits by Miss Sneezy
Obsolete by Mr. Whittier