The Harvest of Souls by Richard L. Price An AD&D Adventure for characters level 4-8 ADVENTURE OUTLINE In their travels the PCs arrive in the mid-sized town of Valen, where they will be attacked at some time shortly afterward by a gang of well-trained warriors. If the PCs manage to defeat the attackers, they are approached shortly thereafter by the local ruler, Baroness Trieste D'Avarde, by secret means. She will beg them to rescue her infant son, who has been kidnaped a day ago by the minions of a powerful and evil sorceror who intends to use the child as leverage on her to extend his political control. The minions will probably be taking the child back along the road which goes straight to the sorceror's territory. If the PCs accept the mission, they must ride fast and hard in order to catch up to the kidnapers, as they have at least a day's head start. The wizard, Gaelin Stormbringer, will send several groups of attackers to harry and slow down the PCs, and will even arrange their arrest and capture in the town of Swamp's Edge, not too far from his keep. Once the PCs have gotten past his delay tactics, they must find and infiltrate his keep, defeat the wizard and his minions, and of course, rescue the son of the Baroness. Or so they think... Unknown to the PCs, Trieste is really a Ryliak, a vile and evil creature from the Void. Her son is a monster whose birth was prophesied a thousand years ago, the Soul Harvester. He will grow up to be a creature of powerful evil who can steal the soul of a man with a touch; the wizard Stormbringer, who is not actually evil, but good, knows of the prophesy and Baroness' true identity, and has designed a ritual to purge the infant of his ties to the Dark Plane, leaving him a normal healthy human child. The PCs presumably will not discover this little mix-up until they confront Stormbringer himself, whereupon Triest and a few of her fellows from the Void will appear and attack both the PCs and Stormbringer. INTRODUCTION Read the following text aloud to the players: *Finally, after several harrowing, storm-tossed days about the Spiteful Vengeance, you have reached land and civilization, in the form of the town of Valen. Valen is a typical seaside town, walled with tall, stout wooden palisade on most sides to keep out the various monstrous invaders from the Fetid Marsh to the east. As you take your leave of the ship, you note that there is a group of several armed men, all dressed in matching blue chain mail and red cloaks, watching your party with more than a little interest. One of the men, whose armor is differentiated from the others by a crimson eagle embroidered upon a tabard, nods to himself, then turns to address his companions for a few seconds. The rest of the men listen quietly, watching you over his shoulder. He finishes speaking, the men all nod grimly, and then they all draw their steel and begin moving in your direction! By the looks upon their faces, their intent is clear...battle!* These men are under the command of Baroness Trieste, and have been ordered by her to seek out adventuring groups and attack them, testing their mettle in battle. They will attack the PCs with intent to kill, ignoring all attempts by the party to stop the fight. A soldier will attempt to flee should he be reduced to below half his Hit Points. The Baroness has a servant watching the fight from afar who will report back to her the results. If the PCs are the clear victors, she will approach them shortly afterward, once they have gotten rooms in an inn. Trieste's Lackeys (6): F2s; AL CE; AC 4 (chain mail); Mv 12; HP 18 each; Th 19 (18 with longsword); #AT 3/2; Dmg 1d8+3; SA specialization in the longsword; Size M (6' tall); Morale 14; XP 65 each. Equipment: each man has a long sword, a suit of chain mail, and a belt pouch containing 1d6 gp and 1d8 ep. THE APPROACH Run this event once the PCS have found a room at one of the few inns in Valen. If they coose not to stay in an inn, perhaps wishing to sleep about the Spiteful Vengeance, the Baroness and her minions will approach the PCs there. If this is the case, you will have to adjust the following text accordingly: *As you are sitting down for your meal, a young man of about 15 summers, dressed in the plain, simple clothing of a servant, approaches your table. He doesn't say a word, but simply hands over a silver tube, capped on one end, to (largest PC name here). He bows quickly and retreats at a fast clip out the door.* This boy is a servant of Trieste and is simply delivering a message from the Baroness to the PCs. The tube contains a letter written on a sheaf of parchment and a key. The letter beseeches the PCs to go to the Silver Sword Inn and use the key to gain entry to a suite there, where they will be offered an employment opportunity. It is signed "A Potential Benefactor". If the PCs decide to go to the Silver Sword, continue on with the next encounter. If they choose to ignore the message, Trieste herself will show up two hours later, begging for their help. If they still refuse to help her, she will become very angry and will have some of her Ryliak minions attack the PCs later that night, one for each character, as they sleep in bed. Tyliak, Least (one per PC): AL CE; AC 4; Mv 12; HD 2+1; Th 19; #AT 2 (claws); Dmg 1d6 (x2); SA Poison (upon successful claw hit, the victim is injected with a fast-acting paralytic poison. If the saving throw succeeds, the victim is unaffected. If the save fails, the victim will fall into a catatonic coma with 1d4 rounds and remain in that state for 1d3 days; SD nil; MR 15%; Size M (6' tall); Morale 12; XP 420 each. THE MEETING The following text assumes that the PCs have accepted Trieste's invitation and have gone to meet her at the Silver Sword. *The Silver Sword is a beautiful old in, a meeting-place of nobility and rich merchants stopping over in Valen before heading overland to Cyrmorl to the east. The suite that this mysterious "benefactor" has provided you is opulent, a sitting room filled with soft, velvet-lined couches, a small library, and four bedrooms with walk-in closets and huge, feather-stuffed beds. Even a manservant has been provided for you, a man by the name of Smythe, who caters to your every need. You have barely had a chance to take in your surroundings and get settled when a knock at the door is heard. Upon answering the door, you see a small, petite woman wearing a beautiful gown of blue silk and rather heavy cloak for this time of year draped over her shoulders, the hood up to mask her face. She quickly steps into the room, accompanied by two huge Heimgaarden warriors wearing silver chain mail. When she drops the hood, you can see that she is probably about 30 years old and rather attractive, although it is very obvious that she has been crying recently, as her eyes are red and swollen, still brimming with yet-to-be-shed tears. She nods to the two guards, who leave the room, and then begins to pace nervously about the sitting room, wringing her hands. Finally, she speaks. "I am the Baroness Trieste Darksilver, High Lady of Valen, and I come to you this night to beg of your help. We have little time, so I'll get straight to the point. My baby son, my boy...has been taken by a foul sorceror who calls himself Stormbringer. He has taken him for purely evil reasons, and I am begging you to return my son me, please!" At this point, she breaks into tears, and weeps softly for a few moments. After she regains some of her composure, she says, "He plans to use my son as leverage against me, allowing him to rule over Valen in my stead, with me as his power puppet. Please, brave ones, find my son and bring him back to me! I'll give you anything you ask within my power! Please!"* Presumably the PCs will have questions for Trieste. Several common questions are listed and answered below. -Why do you want us to do it? Why not your soldiers? "Stormbringer has spies everywhere...I do not know who I can trust, but I know you are newly arrived, more than likely untainted by the sorceror's touch. I have been explictly warned against sending my soldiers, or my son will...suffer." -Who is Stormbringer? "Stormbringer is a dark and evil wizard, known to experiment on the local peasantry with his new magics, steal children away in the night as he did with my son, and kill any who are foolish enough to approach his keep with spectacular explosive spells." Where is Stormbringer? "He lives in a small keeps about two days north of here, near the village of Avalar." Obviously, the players will probably come up with more questions for Trieste. Just use your best judgement and answer them as you think Trieste would, knowing her motives. CHASE FOR THE SERVANT Read the following aloud after the PCs have gotten most of the information they need from Trieste. *A commotion can be heard below in the tap room. It sounds as if a scuffle has broken out. (If the PCs ignore it, read on, otherwise, the other guard gives his speech in the tap room when the PCs arrive.) Suddenly, one of Trieste's guards staggers into the room, clutching a bleeding wound in his abdomen. He collapses to his knees, and speaks in a pained, hurried voice. "Milady! Orin has betrayed you! He watchin' the tap room, and I was watchin' the stairs, and I saw 'im writin' somethin' on a little piece o' parchment! Orin can't write a whit milady! I walked over to see what he was doin', an' before he could cover it up, I saw the symbol of Stormbringer! He was writin' him a letter or somethin'! He knew I saw it, and before I could get at my sword, he ran me through! Then he took off out the door and down the street!" Trieste looks horrified and turns a look of desperation upon you. "Please! You must catch him before he sends his message to Stormbringer! If Stormbringer finds out I am sending you, he will surely kill my son! Please, go!"* The PCs' success or failure to capture Orin depends upon when they learned of his betrayal. If they ignored the commotion in the tap room, they will have very little chance of finding the rogue warrior. If they investigated the ruckus, they should be able to spot the large warrior dashind down the street outside. If they give chase, it will be messy, as Orin keeps ahead of them. After considerable effort, they should be able to catch up to him - but he's already given the letter to a local wizard who's already sent it with his familiar to fly to Stormbringer. Orin will be openly contemptuous of the PCs and Trieste when and if captured. When Trieste learns of Orin's success, she will turn frantic, and beg the PCs to ride out immediately, even if in the middile of the night. She has already had horses and supplies prepared for the adventurers, waiting in the stables of the Silver Sword. It is assumed that the PCs will immediately head for the wizard's keep. If they do not, perhaps wishing to sleep before riding out, remind them of the life at stake, and the fact that they will have one very miffed and powerful noblewoman on their hands as well. MERCENARIES About four hours into their journey, the following event will occur: *You have been making fairly good time toward the wizard's keep, the road mostly dry and relatively empty of other travelers, until now. Approaching from the north, a group of mounted individuals are thundering in your direction. They draw their swords and whoop battle cries, spurring their horses even faster as they bear down upon you.* This is a party of mercenaries hired by Stormbringer to stop the PCs from interfering with his plans. They are under explicit orders NOT to kill the PCs, but have no intention of keeping their word. If a mercenary takes at least half his or Hit Points in damage, he or she will attempt to flee. Orn - F3; AL NE; AC 4 (chain mail, shield); HP 27; Th 18 (16 with long sword); #AT 3/2; Dmg 1d8+5 ; SA Specialized with long sword, Str 18/32; Size M (6' tall); XP 175. Equipment: Chain mail, small shield, long sword, large belt pount with 132 gp. Crispen - F2; AL NE; AC 4 (chain mail, shield); HP 17; Th 19 (18 with long sword); #AT 3/2; Dmg 1d8+2; SA specialized with long sword; Size M (6' tall); XP 120. Equipment: Chain mail, small shield, long sword, large belt pouch with 74 gp. Daemos - C3; AL CE; AC 2 (chain mail, shield, Dex 16); HP 16; Th 20; #AT 1; Dmg 1d6+1 (footman's mace); SA spells (Wis 14); Size M (6' tall); XP 120. Spells: 4-1st, 1-2nd Equipment: Footman's mace, unholy symbol, two vials unholy water, Amulet of Protection from Fire (as ring), large belt pouch with 122 gp. Filken - T4; AL NE; AC 4 (leather, Dex 18); HP 15; Th 19; #AT 1 (2); Dmg 1d6 (short sword) or 1d4+2 (thrown dagger); SA backstab (dmg x 2); Size M (6' tall); XP 175. Equipment: Leather armor, short sword, eight throwing daggers, thieves' picks and tools, large belt pouch with 184 gp. DEATH FROM ABOVE This event occures near the end of the first day's journey: *It has been a long and tiring ride, both for the horses and for yourselves, and you're looking forward to resting for the night. A slight breeze from the north seems to put the horses on edge, however, and they become quite nervous and hard to control. Suddenly, a piercing cry rents the air, and a huge, feathered, leonine form suddenly descends from the sky, speeding toward you at great speed!* Stormbringer has sent this griffon to kill as many of the PCs' horses as possible. It will do so happily, as it is quite hungry, although an PCs attacking it will be met with equal force! Griffon: AC 3; Mv 12, Fl 30(C); HD 7; HP 50; Th 13; #AT 3; Dmg 1d4/1d4/2d8; Size L (9' long); Morale 12; XP 650. THE FALCON REST The PCs should be able to reach the Falcon Rest, a small travelers' inn about midway between Valen and Avalar by the end of their first day's travel. The Falcon Rest is a standard inn, with bland, if nourishing food and drink. If the PCs choose to eat or drink something here, the serving wench (actually a spy for Stormbringer) will poison it. This poison will cause the affected person (if a saving throw versus poison is failed) to fall into a deep sleep, unable to be awakened for a full 24 hours. Any PC eating or drinking a poisoned substance has a slight chance to detect the poison before enough is ingested to affect them. When the first bite or drink is ingested, secretly roll a 1d20 for the victim against their Wisdom score. If the roll is lower than the victim's Wisdom, they note an odd, almost bitter flavoring, almost chemical-like in nature. If the roll is higher than the victim's Wisdom, they will not notice the poison, and be affected accordingly, unless they are warned by someone who does notice, of course. AVALAR The PCs should reach the village of Avalar by the middle of the second day. They will probably get a room at the village's inn, the Raving Dragon, to use as a base of operations. The following event will occur about one hour after the PCs arrive in Avalar. *As you sit down to enjoy your midday meal, you notice through a window that a large group of people, all armed with various weapons and farm implements, are approaching the inn, angry looks upon their faces. A large man in chain mail separates himself from the mob and gestures at three other similarly armored men to come with him as he enters the inn. He walks straight to your table, sword drawn, and says: "By the authority granted me by Lord Gaelin Stormbringer, I am hereby placing you under arrest for the crime of highway robbery." The other three men spread out around the table, encircling you, and the mob flows into the inn, muttering angrily and waving weapons threateningly.* If the PCs question about the nature of the charge against them, the sheriff, Owen Stoutshield, will inform them that a few moments ago, one of the farmers outside of town staggered into the gaol, beaten within an inch of his life. He claimed that people resembling the PCs (rather closely, in fact) waylaid and robbed him as he headed into town about two hours ago. Of course, these are all lies and the sheriff and farmer are both in on it, following the orders of Stormbringer. The PCs have essentially three choices at this point: 1. Fight: This is not a very good choice, as the mob numbers at least 40 well-armed farmers, soldiers, and other townfolk. 2. Flee: If the PCs attempt to flee, perhaps diving through a window into the street, allow them to do so, although the mob will certainly give chase, and several of them wield bows of various sorts. 3. Surrender: This is probably the best choice, simply because it will more than likely save the PCs' lives. If they surrender, they will be stripped of their armor and weapons, their wrists and ankles shackled, and then led to the town gaol, where they will be locked in the only cell and left to await judgement. If they still wish to save the child, they will have to escape from the gaol somehow. If they simply wait for something to happen, then two days later Baroness Trieste will appear to laugh at them, showing them her and her child's true forms, and thank them for their excellent help. She will then have her minions attack and attempt to kill the unarmed PCs. Mob (37 0-level); AC 10; HD 1d6hp each; HP 4 each; Th 20; #AT 1; Dmg varies by weapon; Morale 10; XP 5 each. Deputies (2 F1s); AC 4 (chain mail, shield); HP 9 each; Th 20; #AT 1; Dmg 1d8 (long sword); XP 35 each. Sheriff Owen Stoutshield (F3); AC 3 (chain mail, shield +1); HP 32; Th 18 (17 with long sword); #AT 3/2; Dmg 1d8+3; SA Specialized with longsword, Str 17; XP 120. THE WIZARD'S KEEP When the PCs reach the keep, they will note that it is very heavily guarded by a large encampment of soldiers outside its walls. The PCs will need to sneak into the keep somehow to find the wizard and the baby. When they do enter the keep and locate the ritual chamber, which shouldn't too difficult to do, as it is the largest building in the keep and a growing patch of thunderclouds is forming directly above it, occasionally sending lightning bolts slamming down into the lightning rods upon the roof, read the following: *As you enter this chamber, you are stopped short by a sense of foreboding and pure, unadulterated evil. There is an odd electrical crackle in the air, and the hairs on your arms stand on end. Standing atop a raised dias about 40 feet away is a man in plain brown robes. Directly in front of him is a huge granite altar. The man, presumably Stormbringer, is chanting in a low droning tone, a wicked-looking black dagger in one hand which he waves about above the altar's surface. You do not see the baby, though an occasional piercing cry comes from atop the altar, though you cannot see its surface to be sure that the baby is there.* It is assumed that the PCs will immediately attack Stormbring, or at least attempt to rescue the infant. Stormbringer is deep within the depths of spellcasting, and he will not notice the PCs until they directly attack him. When this happens, read the following: *"No! You cannot stop this, foul minions of the Dark One! I cannot let his evil plague this land! It will mean the end of all things!" Stormbringer raises the dagger desperately, chanting off a slurry of sibilant words. Suddenly, he is blow backwards off the dias by a blast of lightning, hurling him to the floor far below. He lays crumpled and unmoving. As you blink your eyes to clear away the after-image, you are amazed to see the Baroness, flanked on either side by two Heimgaarden warriors! She is smiling malevolently, her hands held out and forward, fingers pointed at the spot where Stormbringer stood. "Thank you, friends, for making certain my appearance here. Without your help, it would have been impossible." She laughs cruelly and points to (the PC carrying the silver scroll tube). "That case was ensorcelled to break the ward about this place that kept me and my kind from entering! And now my son, the Soul Harvester, shall become rightful ruler of this pitiful planet!" As you watch, Trieste and her two guards seem to melt and shift, becoming hideous monstrosities covered in spiny, chitinous black armor. Their fingers become huge, razor-sharp talons that drip a sizzling green liquid. Trieste along, however, has a pair of great bat-like wings, which she spreads ominously. "And now, your usefulness to me has ended, and so you shall die." With that, they attack!* Stormbringer's soldiers will be unable to help during this battle, as Trieste has warded the building against them, sealing the gate shut. Stormbringer still lives, though he is sorely wounded. While the battle rages about him, he will attempt to finish the ritual, which will take a total of eight rounds. If he is interupted, by attack or whatever, he must begin anew. Trieste is not stupid, and if reduced to less than 1/3 her Hit Points, she will attempt to fly away to plot her revenge against the PCs at a later date. If Stormbringer manages to finish the ritual before the battle ends, Trieste will scream in anger (if she still lives), and viciously attack Gaelin, fighting to the death. Ryliak, Lesser (2): AL CE; AC 2; MV 15; HD 5; HP 32, 35; Th 15; #AT 2; Dmg 1d8 (x2); SA Poison (Claw poison, save versus poison or take 15 points of damage in 1d3 rounds); SD nil; MR 30%; Size L (7' tall); XP 975 each. Trieste (Ryliak, Greater); AL CE; AC -1; MV 15, Fl 24 (C); HD 8; HP 57; Th 13; #AT 2; Dmg 1d12 (x2); SA Poison (save versus poison or die in 1d2 rounds), Casts spells as 6th level mage; SD nil; MR 50%; Size L (9' tall); XP 6000. Spells: Magic Missile, Shield, Wall of fog; Flaming Sphere, Stinking Cloud, Web; Lightning Bolt, Melf's Minute Meteors. Gaelin Stormbringer (Conj 8); AL NG; AC 4 (Bracers AC 4); MV 12; HP 27 (7); Th 18; #AT 1; Dmg 1d6+2 (quarterstaff +2); SA spells; SD nil; MR nil; Size M (6' tall); XP 2000. Spells: Cantrip, Grease, Mount, Charm Person; Melf's Acid Arrow, Summon Sward, Continual Light; Flame Arrow, Phantom Steed; Monster Summoning II, Evard's Black Tentacles. CONCLUSION If the battle ends with the PCs being triumphant, and Stormbringer still lives and has successfully cast the ritual of cleansing, Trieste's baby will become fully human. Stormbringer will take the child to raise as his own son. Stormbringer will be quite understanding with PCs, so long as they explain themselves truthfully to him. In return, he will tell them of the Soul Harvester, and the prophesy. He will also be grateful that they helped destroy Trieste, and will offer them each a minor magical item, tailored for each PC. They will be allowed to leave, unmolested, Stormbringer providing horses for those whose horses were killed in the griffon attack. They will have made a powerful ally this day, but also, perhaps, if Trieste escaped, a powerful enemy as well...