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Chapter Forty-Seven

Mike tossed the last bag of ill-gotten gains into the helicopter and waved Oleg and Juris by. He wrinkled his brow at the two obvious hookers helping the big team leader, but decided not to mention it.

"You gonna make it, big guy?" Mike asked the team leader, who was just about shot to shit but still limping along with the help of the sniper and the two girls, one of whom was carrying an AK.

"I will be at my wedding, Kildar," Oleg said, grinning. "And you had better be, too. And so will Catrina and Elena!"

"Glad to meet you," Mike said, making the connection.

"And you, Kildar," the one with the AK said, dropping a curtsey that slipped her dress up far enough to see pubic hair and then helping the team leader up the ramp.

"I'll be a monkey's uncle," Mike muttered as Adams ran up. "Well?"

"All accounted for," Adams said, not even pausing as he continued up the ramp of the Hip, which was hovering just off the roof of the club. "Hail and not hail. And, as you noticed, two recovered Keldara girls."

"Let's go, then," Mike said, stepping up onto the ramp. "Pilot, shag ass."

As the ramp started to close, he flipped up the safety switch of the activator and pressed the red plunger. The detonation was surprisingly muted. They couldn't blow the whole building, there were girls still on the upper floors, but the basement offices were well and truly trashed. As he looked around for a seat, though, he noticed a surprising number of unfamiliar female faces on the helicopter. Maybe they could have blown the whole building.

"Adams, we appear to have some stow-aways," Mike said, sitting down on the floor since there weren't any spare seats.

"The basement rooms were being used as torture chambers for new girls or girls that had somehow really pissed the boss off," Adams replied, shrugging in unconcern. "And, of course, the troops had to run a gauntlet of girls as they headed for the roof. I guess a few somehow stuck to them. What did you expect?"

"Nothing less," Mike admitted, looking over at one of the girls who gave him a tremulous smile of hope. "Nothing less. They're the Mountain Tigers."

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