"What is it about this place, these thresh, that puts them so far forward on the Path of Fury?" asked Athenalras of Ro'moloristen.
"That remains unclear, my lord. The records we have gleaned indicate only great, fearsome ability on the path. Well . . ." The junior hesitated.
"Yes," demanded Athenalras, crest extending unconsciously.
"Well, my lord . . . the thresh records indicate great, perhaps unparalleled ability in war . . . but almost always followed by ultimate defeat."
"Bah. Great ability. Great defeats. Make up your mind, puppy."
Carefully keeping his crest in a flaccid and submissive posture, Ro'moloristen hesitated before answering. "My lord . . . in this case I think the two may just go together. A defeat seems not to stop or deter these gray thresh. They always come back, always, from however stinging a loss, and they are always willing to try again."
The senior snorted. "Let them come back after they have passed through our digestive systems."