A Word from Alfred Hitchcock Greetings, mystery lovers! Once again I have the pleasure of introduc- ing that team of youthful sleuths known as The Three Investigators. "We Investigate Anything" is their slogan, and so they do. Usually they conduct their operations out of their official Headquarters -- an abandoned mobile home trailer in The Jones Salvage Yard in Rocky Beach, a small community not far from Hollywood. This time, however, they journey to the high slopes of the Sierra Nevadas for an adventure which begins, sim- ply, with a search for a missing key. Compli- cations are soon piled on complications as the lads learn the strange secret that threatens the woman called Anna, and discover the truth behind the dark legends of a hermit and a monster. In the event that any of our readers are meeting The Three Investigators for the first time, I shall only say that Jupiter Jones, the First Investigator and leader of the group, is a stout fellow with an extremely agile mind and a remarkable talent for scenting trouble. Pete Crenshaw is the tallest and most athletic of the trio. Though he is never a coward, he does cherish a sensible desire to keep out of danger. Bob Andrews, quiet and studious, keeps records for the group, and has a flair for research which is invaluable to The Three Investigators. Now that the introductions are completed, the reader will please turn to Chapter One. Monster Mountain awaits! ALFRED HITCHCOCK Sky Village "Wow!" said Pete Crenshaw when he first saw Sky Village. "This place looks like a stage set. Somebody should make a movie here !'* Bob Andrews was kneeling beside him in the back of the pickup truck, looking over the roof of the cab at the village street. "Well, it won't be Mr. Hitchcock," he said. "This town is too darned wholesome for a mystery movie." Jupiter Jones pulled himself to his knees beside Bob and planted his chubby arms on the top of the cab. "Mr. Hitchcock knows that mysteries can occur in all sorts of places," he reminded his friends. "But you're right. Sky Village is very new and artificial." The truck ground up the steep grade of the street and passed a ski shop that resembled a cottage in the Alps. Next to the ski shop was a motel which had a roof of imitation thatch. Now, in midsummer, the ski shop and the motel were closed. Bright blue shutters cov- ered the windows of a restaurant called The Yodelerhaus. A few pedestrians strolled along the sunny sidewalks and, in a gas station, an attendant in faded denims dozed in a chair. The truck turned into the gas station and stopped near the pumps. Hans and Konrad got out of the cab. The two Bavarian broth- ers had worked for Jupiter's Aunt Mathilda and Uncle Titus for years. They helped sort, clean, repair, and sell items which Uncle Titus acquired for The Jones Salvage Yard. The brothers were always neat and tidy when they came to work. Today they surpassed themselves. Hans wore a new sport shirt •which had not a wrinkle in it, even after the long drive from Rocky Beach through the Owens Valley and up to the ski resort high in the Sierra Nevada. Konrad's slacks still held their press, and his shoes gleamed. "They want to make a good impression on their Cousin Anna," whispered Bob to Jupe. Jupe smiled and nodded. The three boys •watched from the back of the truck as the Bavarian brothers approached the sleeping gas station attendant. "Excuse me," said Hana to the man. The man grunted and opened his eyes. "Please," said Hans, "where is the home of Anna Schmid?" "The Slalom Inn?" The man stood up and pointed toward a grove of pines which edged the street. "Go past those trees and you'll see a white house on your left. You can't miss it. It's the last place before the road turns off to the campground." Hans thanked him and began to get back into the truck. "Is Anna expecting you?" asked the man. "I saw her drive down the road toward Bishop a couple of hours ago. I don't think she's back yet." "Then we wait for her," said Konrad. "Could be a long wait," said the man. "Nearly everything in Sky -Village is closed for the summer, so Anna's probably got big shopping to do in Bishop." "It has already been a long wait," said Konrad cheerfully. "We have not seen Anna since we were children together, back home, before we come to the United States." "Well, well!" exclaimed the man. "Friends from home, eh? Anna will be real pleased." "Not friends," said Konrad. "Family. We are Anna's family -- her cousins. Now we come to surprise her." "Hope she likes surprises," said the man. Then he chuckled. "Hope you do, too. Anna's been busy these last couple of weeks." "Oh?" said Hans. "You'll find out." The man's eyes sparkled. He reminded Jupiter of several of Aunt Mathilda's friends who collected tidbits of gossip about their neighbors in Rocky Beach. Hans and Konrad got back into the truck. "I have a feeling that guy doesn't miss much," said Pete as they drove off. "He probably doesn't have much to do in the summer except keep an eye on everybody who goes up and down this road," decided Bob. "Once the snow's gone, how many cus- tomers can he have?" The truck went slowly up the village street. They passed an ice cream shop, which was open, and a drugstore, which was closed. The Sky Village General Market was dark, and so was a gift shop. "I wonder what's kept Cousin Anna so busy," said Pete. "This place is really dead." "From what Hans and Konrad have told me," said Jupe, "their cousin can always find something profitable to do. She came to the United States ten years ago and got a job as a maid in a New York hotel. Hans says that in six months she was in charge of the entire housekeeping staff, and in only six years she'd saved enough money to buy a little inn here in Sky Village. A year later she purchased a ski lift, and that must pay handsomely when the snow cornea." "She did all that on a housekeeper's sal- ary?" said Pete. "Not quite. She had a second job, part- time, and she invested in good stocks. She is a smart businesswoman, and Hans and Kon- rad are very proud of her. They read all of her letters out loud to anyone who will listen. and their rooms are full of snapshots she's sent them. When Aunt Mathilda and Uncle Titus suddenly decided to close the salvage yard for two weeks and take a holiday, they jumped at the chance to come up here." "I'm glad they did," said. Pete. "How else would we have got away for a camping trip? I've been wanting to try some rock climbing, and I hear the Sky Village Campground is great -- and never crowded." "Too far from the superhighways," said Bob. *'I just hope Cousin Anna doesn't mind surprises," said Jupe. "Hans and Konrad tried to call her before we left, but she wasn't home. Of course, they're prepared to camp out with us, so they won't be imposing on her." The truck labored on and up, through the grove of pines which the gas station attend- ant had pointed out. Once they were beyond the pines, the boys could see a ski slope. It was a barren brown cut on the east side of the mountain, as bare as if some giant had shaved the hill clear of any tree or shrub that might interfere with the downward rush of the skiers. Running up the slope was a series of steel towers connected by cables. Every twenty feet or so, a chair dangled from the cables. The truck pulled over to the left side of the road and stopped in front of a big white house that almost backed into the ski slope. A sign in front announced that this was the Slalom Inn. "I see that Cousin Anna is still a good housekeeper/' said Bob. The inn was a trim wooden building", white- painted and glowing- in the afternoon sun. The windows were so crystal-clean that they were almost invisible. Unlike many of the buildings in Sky Village, Anna Schmid's inn did not try to look Swiss or Austrian. It was simply a mountain lodge with a broad porch across the front. The door had been painted bright red, and plants in red and blue pots marched along the porch railing. There was a neat gravel drive on the left side of the house, and a small parking area which contained a dusty station wagon and a shiny red sports car. Hans and Konrad climbed out of the truck and the boys scrambled down from the back. "I think Anna has done well," decided Hans. "Anna always did well," said Konrad. "You remember when she was only ten she could bake better pastries than our mother. We always wanted to go to Anna's and have hot chocolate and pastries." Hans smiled. The sun had started to dip toward the cliffs above the ski slope and the thin mountain air was cool. "Let's go in. We •will wait for Anna to come. back from her big shopping, and perhaps she will have some pastries for us." Hans and Konrad started up the steps to the porch. Jupiter, Pete, and Bob stood where they were. "You aren't coming?" asked Hans. "Maybe we should get on to the camp- ground," said Bob. "You haven't seen your cousin for a long time, and we don't want to intrude." Hans and Konrad both laughed. "How can you intrude?" said Hans, "You are no strang- era. We have written to Anna and told her the smart things you do. She says you are clever boys. She always writes that we must come and see her, and she wants us to bring you." So the three boys followed Hans and Kon- rad up the steps. The front door was un- locked. It opened directly into a huge room which was furnished with deep leather chairs and a long, leather-covered sofa. There were shining copper lamps and, above a stone fire- place on the far wall, gleaming pewter mugs. Four places had been set at a big dining table on the right; behind it was the door to the kitchen. On the lefthand wall, a rustic stair- case led up to the second floor. The room smelled of wood fires and furniture polish, and there was a faint trace of an odor that made Jupe think Anna still baked very good pastries. "Anna ?" called Hans. "Anna» are you home?" No one answered. "So we wait," said Konrad. He began to roam about the room. touching the backs of the leather chairs. He beamed with satisfac- tion. "Everything is very good," he said. "Yes, Anna has done well." But then his wanderings brought him to a 10 door in the wall to the right. Though it had a sign which read "Private, No Admittance," the door stood open. Konrad looked in and said, "Ho!" "Ho, what?" Pete wanted to know. "I think that nobody is perfect," said Kon- rad, "not even our Cousin Anna." Hans went to stand beside his brother, and he shook his head in mock dismay. "Anna, Anna! We will tease you about this. Jupe, look at the office of the great housekeeper." "Maybe you'd better not look at the office," advised Pete. "My mother has a fit if I open her desk or look in her pocketbook." Jupiter Jones was about to settle down in one of the chairs when suddenly Hans turned to face him. "Jupe," he aaid. "Bob, Pete. I think something is wrong here!" "What is it?" Jupe went to the door and looked into a little room which was obviously the office of the inn. A large desk, covered with papers, faced the door. A file cabinet stood nearby with two drawers open. File folders and papers were dumped helter- skelter on the floor, together with the crum- pled debris from an overturned wastebasket. The drawers were out of the desk and lean- ing against the wall. The window sill behind the desk chair was a jumble of envelopes, 11 snapshots, and picture postcards. A bookcase had been pulled out from the wall, and an overturned dish spilled a stream of paper clips across the floor. "This place has been searched!" said Pete, who was right behind Jupe. "It would seem so," said Jupe, "and by someone who was either very careless or in a great hurry." "Just what do you think you're doing?" snarled a husky voice from the big room be- hind them. The boys spun around. A man stood near the stairs--holding a shotgun! 12 Cousin Annals Surprise "Okay. Speak up- What are you doing?" The man near the stairs made an impatient move- ment and the gun in his hands swerved. Pete ducked instinctively. The man advanced several steps. He was tall and broad-shouldered, with thick, dark hair. His eyes looked very hard and very cold. He trained the gun on the group huddled by the office door. "Speak up!" he demanded again menacingly. "Who . . . who are you?" said Konrad. He couldn't take his eyes off the gun. The man didn't answer. Instead, he re- peated his question. "What are you doing? Can't you see that room is private? I ought to--" "One moment!" Jupiter Jones' voice cut into the tirade. Jupe stood as tall as he pos- sibly could. "Perhaps you would care to ex- plain yourself," he said in the haughtiest tone he could manage. 13 "What?" "It appears that this place has been searched," said Jupe. "The police might be interested in knowing what you are doing here and why you are so quick with a gun." Jupiter was in no position to summon the police, and he knew it. However, his air of command bewildered the man with the gun. He frowned and lowered his weapon until it pointed toward the floor. "You want the po- lice?" he said. "It seems to me that the proper thing to do would be to summon them," said Jupe in his precise fashion. "On the other hand, it might be wiser to wait until Miss Schmid returns from Bishop and have her make the com- plaint" "Miss Schmid?" said the man. Then he laughed. "Let me fill you in on a few things/' he said. Just then a car door slammed outside. There were quick footsteps on the porch. The front door opened and a tall woman came in carrying a sack of groceries. "Cousin Anna!" said Hans. The woman stood still. Her eyes went from the man with the gun to Hans and Konrad, then to the boys, then back to the man with the gun. 14 "Cousin Anna?" said Hans again. This time it sounded like a question. "Cousin Anna?" said the man with the gun. "Good heavens! You must be Hans and Konrad from Rocky Beach! I didn't recog- nize you from the snapshots Anna showed me. Why didn't you say something? I might have shot you." "You are a friend of Anna?" asked Konrad. "You might say so. Anna, you didn't write to your cousins. You promised me you'd write to them before we went to Lake Tahoe." "Oh! Hans and Konrad!" The woman put the groceries down on a table, touched one hand to the thick blond braids which were wound around her head, then smiled a broad smile. "Hans and Konrad.!" She held out both hands to Hans, who went to her and kissed her on the cheek. "It has been so long," she said. Konrad elbowed his brother aside and kissed her, too. "And look at you!" said Anna. "Such big strangers! I cannot tell." She turned from one to the other. "No. Even though you send me pictures, I cannot tell which is Hans and which is Konrad." Her voice was warm and full of amusement. She spoke quickly, almost without accent. 15 The brothers laughed and introduced them- selves. They then presented Jupiter, Pete, and Bob. "You have written me about these clever ones," said Anna. "Very smart boys," Hans assured her. Konrad said something- in German and patted June. Instantly, Anna*s smile vanished. "We will speak English," she said. Again Konrad spoke in German. "I know," said Anna. "It is more like home if we speak German, but we will speak En- glish, if you please." She went to the man who still stood near the stairs and put her arm through his. "My husband does not speak German. We will not be rude to him." "Your husband?" said Konrad. "Anna!" exclaimed Hans. "When did you --" "Last week," said the man. "Anna and I were married in Lake Tahoe last week. My Dame's Joe Havemeyer." There was a moment of stunned silence. Then, "So that's Cousin Anna's surprise!" said Pete. Anna laughed. Hans and Konrad hugged her and wished her well, and she showed them her wedding ring--a plain band of gold that fit loosely on the third finger of her 16 left hand. Joe Havemeyer accepted the broth- ers' congratulations. Jupiter Jones hated unfinished business and unsolved mysteries. He waited until the laughter and the exclamations had run their course, then stepped into the office of Anna's little inn and beckoned Anna to follow him. "Look," he said, waving a hand at the jumble of papers scattered on the floor. "Someone must have come in while you were away and searched this room. You may want to call the police, or -- " Cousin Anna laughed. "Oh, that is funny. Hans and Konrad have written that you are a detective. That is very funny." Jupe did not enjoy being laughed at. He felt his face getting hot, and he scowled. "No, no. Do not be angry," said Anna. "I think you are a good detective. You are right. This room has been searched. My husband and I, we searched it." Jupiter waited, not speaking. "You see," said Anna, "I have lost a key. It is an important key and I must find it, so I looked everywhere." "Maybe we can help," offered Pete. "At least, maybe Jupe can help. He's very good at figuring out where people put things." "And we're awfully good at searching," added Bob. "Jupe, do you have one of our 17 cards that you can give Miss Schmi ... I mean, Mrs. Havemeyer?" Jupiter was still slightly annoyed that Anna had laughed at him, but he took out his wallet and fingered through it until he found a card, which he handed to Anna. It read: THE THREE INVESTIGATORS "We Investigate Anything" ? ? ? First Investigator ____ Jupiter Jones Second Investigator -- Records and Research Peter Crenshaw Bob Andrews Anna looked at the card. "Very nice," she said. "Thank you," said Jupiter stiffly. "We have an enviable record. We have succeeded in solving puzzles that have bewildered people far older than we. The question marks on the card symbolize the unknown, which we are always willing to pursue." Joe Havemeyer grinned at Hans. "Does he always talk that way?" he asked. "You mean like a book?" said Hans. "Jupe reads all kinds of things, and he can find out what happens, sometimes, when no one else can tell. You let Jupe look for your key and he will find it." "That's very kind," said Joe Havemeyer, 18 "but I don't think we need a firm of junior- grade detectives to find a missing key. It's here, so it's bound to turn up." Without a word, Anna handed the card back to Jupe. "Very well,'* said Jupe. "The key probably will turn up. In the meantime, we had better be moving. It gets dark early on this side of the Sierras and we want to get to the camp- ground and pitch our tent while we can still see what we're doing." "We go, too,'* said Hans. "In a little while we can come back and visit some more, huh?" "Oh, no!" said Joe Havemeyer heartily. "Anna, we didn't have a wedding celebration. Now that your cousins are here, why don't we have a party? And Hans and Konrad don't have to camp out. We've got an empty room. They can stay with us." Anna appeared startled at the idea, and Hans, who was watching her face, began to object. Konrad quickly interrupted his brother. "It will be a good idea for us to be here," he said firmly. "Anna's father is dead." "Yes, Anna told me," said Joe Havemeyer. "What about it?" "So she has no father to watch out for her," Konrad went on. "We are her only family here, and some relative should speak for Anna." 19 He turned to his cousin and said something in German. "We speak English, please," Anna snapped. "Also, if you want to speak with Joe about me, you should have done it before we got married. That is the proper time." "But Anna, you did not tell us you would be married," said Konrad reasonably. "There is no need to tell you. There is no need to worry. Joe has a good income. And he will stay here in Sky Village and help me run my inn. In the winter he will manage the ski lift. It is all decided and it is not your place to make speeches." Konrad turned red and lapsed into silence. Joe Havemeyer made soothing sounds to Anna. She went off to the kitchen with her groceries, and she did not look at either of her cousins as she left the room. "I think we should leave," said Hans sadly. "Come on, now," said Havemeyer. "Don't take it seriously. Anna's got a quick temper^ but by dinnertime she'll be her usual cheer- ful self again. I know she's glad to see you. She's told me a lot about you. It's only that she's proud of being independent. She didn't like it when you acted like a heavy male rela- tive." Konrad rubbed his hand across his face. *'I am stupid," he said. "It is that I have not 20 seen Anna since she was so young, and sud- denly I think I am her father, huh?" "That's it exactly," said Havemeyer. "It'll be all right. You'll see." Havemeyer was right. By dinnertime, Hans and Konrad had moved their luggage into the big square room on the north side of the inn. Since there were only four bedrooms in the place, and since two were already oc- cupied by paying guests, The Three Investi- gators pitched their tent under the pines on the right side of the house, to the north. Joe Havemeyer had insisted on this. The stream that ran through the campground was low, he told them, because there had been very little snow and rain during the year. The boys would be better off if they stayed close to Anna's little inn--and a reliable source of water. Havemeyer also insisted that the boys join them for dinner that night. The two pay- ing guests would have to be included in the family party, said Havemeyer, but he wouldn't let Mr. Jensen and Mr. Smathers spoil things. The boys met Mr. Jensen and Mr. Smathers just before dinner. Mr. Smathers was a skinny little man who might have been fifty and who might have been older. He wore shorts and had hiking boots that laced almost to his knobby knees. Mr. Jensen was younger and taller and heavier, with close-cropped 21 brown hair and a face that was homely but not unpleasant. When Anna carried the roast in from the kitchen, Mr. Smathers made disapproving sounds with his tong-ue, then said, "Beef !" "No lectures, please," said Mr. Jensen. "I'm very fond of roast beef and I'd appre- ciate it if you didn't make me feel like a mur- derer every time I pick up a fork." "Animals are our friends," said Mr. Smath- ers. His watery blue eyes were fixed on Mr. Jensen. "Friends do not eat one another." Anna had plainly regained her good hu- mor. She smiled at Smathers. "I did not know the cow who was kind enough to provide our dinner. Let us not worry for him, since now he is at least not unhappy." "Cows are female," Smathers pointed out. "That is of importance only to the cow. For you I have creamed spinach and raw carrots and alfalfa sprouts." "Excellent." Mr. Smathers tucked his nap- kin into his shirt front and prepared to en- joy his vegetarian dinner, while Mr. Jensen watched Joe Havemeyer carve the roast. "Ever think of serving venison in season?" Jensen wanted to know. "I got a couple of good shots of deer on the road to Bishop this afternoon." 22 "Shots?" echoed Bob. "Mr. Jenaen is a carnivorous animal," said Smathers. "He would gladly shoot deer with a gun if it weren't against the law. Fortu- nately it is against the law, so Mr. Jensen does his shooting with a camera." "I'm a professional photographer," ex- plained Jensen. "I specialize in animal pic- tures. There are plenty of magazines that pay good money for authentic wildlife shota." "Living off other creatures, just like any predator," said Mr. Smathers. "I don't hurt them," protested Jensen. "I only take their pictures." Smathers sniffed. Joe Havemeyer finished carving and handed a platter of sliced meat down the table. "Mr. Smathers came up to hike in the high coun- try," he explained to Hans and Konrad and the boys. "He's given me a real inspiration. Up above the ski run there's a meadow, and above that there are miles of real wilderness country. We're going to try to get hikers to come here in the summer. We'll advertise good food and good beds within a mile of nature's unspoiled domain." Mr. Smather's looked up from his alfalfa sprouts. "It won't stay unspoiled for long if you do that" 23 "A few hikers won't disturb the birds and the bears that much," said Havemeyer. "In fact, the bears aren't a bit shy." "Just because one got into the trash last night. . ." began Mr. Smathers. "Spilled it all over the back yard," said Havemeyer. "It isn't their fault," countered Smathers. "It's been too dry this year. There isn't enough forage for them in the high country, so they come into the village. Who's got a better right? The bears were on this mountain be- fore the villagers were." "Not this particular bear," said Have- meyer. "And he'd better not come back." "Barbarian''* exclaimed Smathers. Cousin Anna struck the table with her fist. "Enough!" she cried. "Tonight we have a party for my wedding and it will not be spoiled by a quarrel.'* An uncomfortable silence settled over the group. Jupe, casting about in his mind for some neutral subject of conversation, thought of the excavation he had noticed that after- noon behind the inn. "Are you planning to build an addition to the inn?" he asked Anna. "Someone's been digging out in back. Is it for a foundation for another building?" 24 "It will be a swimming pool," said Have- meyer. "Swimming pool?" Hans was startled. "You want a swimming pool here? It is cool for swimming." "It can get hot in the middle of the day," aaid Havemeyer. "Of course, it'll be a heated pool. When we advertise for the hikers, we can throw in not only nature's unspoiled do- main, but also a refreshing dip in the pool at the end of the day. We might even roof the pool over and use it during the winter. Imag- ine skiing and swimming on the same day!" "You think big, don't you?" said Mr. Jen- Ben. There was a bite to his words that caught Jupe's attention. "Something bothering-you?" asked Have- meyer. Before Jensen could answer, there was a metallic clattering from the back of the inn, then the crash of a garbage can being over- turned. Havemeyer pushed back his chair and strode to the little closet under the stairs. "Don't!" shouted Smathers. Havemeyer turned away from the closet. He had a sophisticated-looking gun in his hands. "No, you won't!" Mr. Smathers jumped up and raced for the kitchen. 25 "Stop that, Smathers!" Havemeyer hur- ried after the little man. Hans, Konrad, and the boys followed. They were in time to see Smathers snatch open the back door. "Go away!" cried Smathers. "Hide! Keep away!" Havemeyer seized Smathers by the arm and yanked the little man out of the way. The boys had a fleeting glimpse of a large, dark shape fleeing toward the trees that edged the ski slope. Then Havemeyer was in the door- way. He threw up his gun and aimed. The gun made a little pinging noise. "Blast!" said Havemeyer. "Missed him, didn't you?" exulted Mr. Smathers. Havemeyer stepped back into the kitchen. "I ought to belt you!" he told Smathers. Pete touched Jupe's arm and headed for tile living room. "Did you see that gun?" whispered Pete before they returned to the dinner table. Jupiter nodded. "A tranquilizer gun," he said softly. "Odd. Why go after a bear with a tranquilizer gun when there's a shotgun in the house?" 26 The Night Prowler Jupiter Jones wiggled his toes against the lining of hia sleeping bag and stared into the darkness. "The Three Investigators have a case!" he said aloud. Bob lay next to Jupe in the tent. He turned over and hoisted himself on one elbow. "Do we get to hunt for Cousin Anna's key after all?" he asked. "No. Hans and Konrad talked to me after dinner. They want us to investigate Cousin Anna's new husband. They are very uneasy about him." Next to Bob, Pete yawned loudly. "I'm a little uneasy about him myself," he said. "The guy's gun-happy. I mean, all we were doing this afternoon was looking at the office and he practically threatened to shoot us." "And he used a tranquilizer gun to scare off a bear," said Jupiter. "That makes no sense at all. Why would he even own a tran- 27 quilizer gun? But it isn't the guns that are •worrying Hans and Konrad, it's the swim- ming- pool. They are afraid that their hard- working, practical cousin has married a man who'll fritter away her money on silly proj- ects. I think we must agree that a swimming pool will not be an asset to an inn with only three guest rooms. It couldn't pay for itself. "Hans and Konrad are also disturbed by the fact that Havemeyer has no job. They feel that a man his age should be working. While he was helping them move their things into the inn, he told them that he had in- herited money from his family, and that he lived in Reno until he met Anna and decided to marry her. The red sports car in the park- ing lot is his, and it has Nevada plates, so that part of his story checks out." "What do we do?" asked Pete. "Go on to Reno and talk to his former neighbors?" "I hardly think that will be necessary," said Jupe. "Bob, does your father know any- one in Reno ?" Bob's father was a newspaperman in Los Angeles, and he knew other newsmen in many of the cities in the West. "Reno?" said Bob. "No, I don't think I've ever heard him mention anyone in Reno. But I could ask Dad to have the credit bureau in Reno report on 28 Havemeyer. If Havemeyer ever opened any kind of a charge account, the credit bureau will have a file on him. Dad says credit files give you loads of information about people -- where their bank accounts are and how much money they have and whether they pay their bills on time-- lots of stuff." "Good," said Jupiter. "We can call your father tomorrow." He sat up and lifted the tent flap. Across the yard, all the windows of the Slalom Inn were dark except one. "Joe Havemeyer is in Anna's office," reported Jupe. "I guess he doesn't have to pay attention to that No Admittance sign," said Pete. He sat up, too, and peered out of the tent. Through the uncurtained window of the office, the boys could see Cousin Anna's hus- band. He sat at the desk with his back to the window, sorting papers and putting them into file folders. "Tidying up," said Pete. "I'm surprised Cousin Anna isn't doing that. She's supposed to be so neat." "I think I am a little disappointed with Cousin Anna," said Jupe. "I'm afraid Hans and Konrad are, too. She didn't seem pleased when Havemeyer asked them to stay at the inn. She won't speak German with them. In 29 fact, she doesn't talk to them much. She lets her husband do all the talking." "Family reunions don't always turn out as advertised," Pete remarked. He had gotten into his sleeping bag wearing jeans and a warm sweatshirt. Now he fumbled in the dark for his shoes. "At least Cousin Anna's pastries lived up to their reputation," he said. "Since Havemeyer's up, I'm for going over to the inn. I could use a glass of milk and some- thing to nibble on." "You would mention food," Jupe moaned, but he too began to put on his shoes. Bob unzipped his sleeping bag. "Count me in." "Wait!" said Jupe suddenly. "Listen!" Bob and Pete froze. There was a soft sound behind the tent, half growl and half inquiring whimper. "A bear!" whispered Pete. "Don't move," cautioned Jupe. A twig snapped and there was a little scrabbling noise as if a fallen pine cone had been kicked aside. The animal came into sight and paused in front of the tent. The boys could see it silhouetted against the light from the office window. It was indeed a bear, a large, hungry bear. It sniffed in their di- rection. 30 "Go away!'* whispered Pete frantically. "Shhh!" warned Bob. "Don't frighten him!" The bear was motionless, staring at the three boys. They held themselves as still as statues and stared back. Presently the bear seemed to lose interest in the tent and its oc- cupants. It sneezed and ambled off toward the back of the inn. "Whew!" Pete let out a sigh of relief. "He only wants to raid the trash," whis- pered Bob. Seconds later they heard a crash as a gar- bage can was overturned. Through the win- dow of the office they saw Joe Havemeyer leap up and start for the door. Before he had gone three steps, however, there was a flash of blue-white light from the back of the inn. A second later the boys heard a wild yelping, and then a cry -- a human cry! The Three Investigators scrambled out of their tent and raced for the back of the inn. They skidded around the corner of the build- ing in time to see the bear, a dark shadow, lumbering up the ski slope. From the trees to the south of the inn came the sound of branches breaking, as if someone or some- thing were running blindly through the thickets. 31 The light over the back door snapped on and the door crashed open. Joe Havemeyer burst out onto the small back porch, his tran- quilizer gun ready. He glared down at the boys, then at the contents of the overturned trash can which were sprayed wildly around at the bottom of the steps. Then he gasped. Mr. Jensen, the nature photographer, was sprawled face down amid the litter. He was wearing pajamas and a bathrobe, and one slipper had come off. His camera lay beside him, smashed to bits. "What the ... ?" cried Havemeyer. "You had a prowler," said Jupe. He bent over the fallen photographer. "A bear. I'm afraid Mr. Jensen is hurt!" 32 One Bear or Two? Joe Havemeyer put down his gun and knelt beside the unconscious Jensen. "Did you see what happened?" he asked the boys. "We saw a bear go past our tent," said Bob. "He went around to the back of the house, and we heard the trash can go over. Then we saw a flash of light and we heard the bear yelp, and then Mr. Jensen yelled." Inside the inn, lights went on in every room. Cousin Anna appeared in the doorway. "Joe? What is it?" "Jensen," said Joe shortly. "Tried to take a flash photo of a bear and got belted. We'd better get him to a doctor." Mr. Smathers pushed through the door be- hind Anna. His sparse gray hair stood on end, and he had his bathrobe on inside out. "What seems to be the trouble?" he de- manded. Hans and Konrad followed Mr. Smathers 33 out and came down the porch steps. "So?" said Hans. "What is happening?" Jensen moaned, rolled over, curled his knees to his chest, and finally managed to sit up. Havemeyer sat down on the steps, looking very frightened and, at the same time, very relieved. "You okay?" he asked Jensen. The photographer made a grimace and put his right hand to his neck. "Someone . . . someone hit me," he said. "I think you're lucky you're still breathing in and out," said Havemeyer. "Some people who get whopped by bears don't survive the experience." Jensen got to his knees, then stood up and leaned against the wall of the inn. "I got whopped all right," he said. He shook his head as if to clear it. "I got whopped, but not by that bear. Somebody sneaked up behind me and belted me in the neck." "Oh, come on now," said Havemeyer. "It had to be the bear. You scared it with your flash bulb and it took a swipe at you. They can move fast, you know." "I know they can, but this one didn't. I saw it from the window in my room, so I got my camera and came down. I was aiming at the bear when I heard someone behind me. 34 Then the flash went off, and a second later -- whammo!" Jensen straightened and glared at Mr. Smathers, who stood on the porch beside Anna. "You!" he accused. "You and your nutty ideas about animals. You did it- What did you think? I was invading the bear's right to privacy, or something?" Havemeyer took Jensen by the arm. "You're upset," he said. "Look, we'll get you to a doctor." "I don't want a doctor. I want the police!" "Mr. Jensen." Jupe stepped forward. "There could have been a second bear. We were here just after you shouted. There was a bear running away up the ski slope, and there was also the noise of something crash- ing through the trees over there." "I was not hit by a bear!" insisted Jensen. He shot an angry look at Mr. Smathers. "I am not in the habit of striking my fel- low creatures," said Smathers primly. "Also, I could not possibly have struck you. I was in bed. Ask Mrs. Havemeyer. She was in the hall when I came out of my room." Anna nodded. "That is right, Mr. Jensen. I heard a noise and put on my robe. I was at the top of the stairs when Mr. Smathers opened his door." 35 "It happened too fast," said Havemeyer soothingly. "You couldn't possibly remember it exactly. Not after being hit on the head." "The neck," said Jensen stubbornly. "I got it in the neck. A rabbit punch. Since when do bears hand out rabbit punches ?" "Come in and we'll call the doctor," coaxed Havemeyer. He spoke as one would speak to an angry child. "I don't want a doctor!" shouted Jensen. "Call the police. There's a criminal roaming around here assaulting innocent people." "Innocent people should be in their beds at this hour of night," said Mr. Smathers, "not scaring the wits out of other creatures with their flash bulbs and their cameras." "My camera!" Jensen lunged at the re- mains of his camera. "Oh, great!" He picked up two separate pieces and looked angrily at the loop of film that dangled from the wreck- age. "Vandal!" accused Jensen. The remark seemed to be directed at Mr. Smathers. "If you drop a camera, it will break," said Smathers. "And if you wish to call the police, I'll be happy to talk to them when they get here. In the meantime, I am going back to bed. Don't wake me unless there's a good reason." Smathers marched into the inn, leaving Jensen to his rage. 36 "He's right," said Havemeyer reasonably. "We all ought to go back to bed." He turned to The Three Investigators. "Bring your sleeping bags inside," he told them. "You don't want to be out here with a bad bear on the loose." "It wasn't a bear!" shouted Jensen. "Then what was it?" demanded Have- meyer. "Jupe here heard something crashing through those trees, so unless someone from the village has suddenly taken to a life of crime, there had to be a second bear. Now, do you want us to call the doctor? If we call the sheriff, he'll only tell you not to wander around at night disturbing the wildlife." That was true, and Jensen knew it. "All right, all right," he grumbled. "And I don't need a doctor." He went up the porch steps and into the kitchen, rubbing his neck. Fifteen minutes later, The Three Investi- gators had moved their sleeping bags out of the tent and were comfortably installed in the living room of the inn. They waited until the noises on the second floor ceased. Then, in the darkness, Pete spoke. "Jensen's lucky," he said. "Not too many people tangle with a bear and get off as easily as he did. Unless, of course, it really wasn't a bear." Jupiter Jones frowned. "You're thinking 37 the same thing that I'm thinking. Could a bear deliver a blow that would stun a man and still not leave a scratch on him? The skin on Jensen's neck wasn't broken." "It couldn't have been anyone from the inn," said Bob. "Hans and Konrad don't hit people. Joe Havemeyer was in the office when it happened, and Cousin Anna and Mr. Smathers alibi each other. Even if he were a human fly and could walk up walls, Mr. Smathera couldn*t have gotten back into his room so quickly that Cousin Anna saw him when she started downstairs.'* "So it was either an outsider or a second bear," said Jupe. "In the morning, as soon as it's light, we'll go down to those trees south of the inn where the attacker ran after striking Mr. Jensen. It's been a dry year, but trees hold moisture and the earth there ought to be soft enough to show footprints. Who- ever or whatever hit Jensen, he must have left tracks. We should be able to tell whether the attacker was a bear or a man." 38 The Missing Key Jupiter Jones awakened to find Pete shaking his arm. "We missed the boat," said Pete. "Get out of the sack and see." Jupe sat up. The room was still dim and gray. "Joe Havemeyer beat us to it," reported Pete. Next to Jupe, Bob turned over and stretched. "Beat us to what?" he asked. "We do not get to examine the back yard for bear tracks or people tracks or any kind of tracks," Pete informed them. "Come and see. You wouldn't believe me if I told you." Bob and Jupe got up and followed Pete to the kitchen. Pete went to the window near the range and pointed out. "How interesting," said Jupe. "That's . . . that's crazy!" exclaimed Bob. He scowled at Cousin Anna's husband, who was energetically sweeping the earth in the back yard with a broom. 39 "He's already swept the ground under the trees," said Pete. "He was finishing there when I woke you." "Hmmm," mused Jupe. "Looks as if he*s deliberately erasing- any possible sign of Mr. Jensen's attacker. Very curious." He stepped to the door, opened it, and padded out onto the back porch in his stocking feet. "Good morning," he said brightly. Havemeyer jumped slightly, then smiled. "Morning," he greeted Jupe. "Sleep okay after all the excitement?" "Like a log," Jupiter assured him. "You're up early." Jupiter looked pointedly at the broom. Havemeyer picked up the trash can which had been overturned and began to sweep the debris around the porch steps into a neat pile. "Got a lot to do/' he told Jupe. "Want to get the trash all cleaned up or we'll have more bears roaming around here than you can shake a stick at. And after breakfast I'm going to work on the swimming pool. Go put your shoes on and I'll show you." He deposited the trash in the can, then covered it and started up the porch steps. Pete and Bob were standing innocently near the sink when Havemeyer and Jupe stepped into the kitchen. 40 "Morning," said Havemeyer. "Want to see my pool?" The three boys got their shoes and followed Havemeyer to the excavation fifty feet be- hind the inn. "I had a couple of men come up from Bishop with heavy equipment to do the actual digging," said Havemeyer. "Ill put up the forms and pour the concrete myself, but I figured I'd be at it all year if I tried to dig it myself." "I see what you mean," said Pete. "That must be ten feet deep!" "Twelve," said Havemeyer. "But," said Pete, "there's no shallow end." "That's right," Havemeyer said. Pete frowned. "I never., saw a pool like this. If you don't have a shallow part, what about the people who can't swim and just like to go in and bob around?" "I see you get the idea," said Havemeyer. "People who can't swim won't be able to use the pool. I once saw a man who couldn't swim lose his footing in a pool. It wasn't funny." "Oh," said Pete. Hans and Konrad hallooed cheerfully from the house. "We're out here," called Havemeyer. The brothers came hurrying down the steps 41 and across the yard. "Ho!" said Hana, when he caught sig-ht of Havemeyer's excavation. "Swimming pool, huh?" He had the air of one who is determined to be pleasant. "The swimming pool," said Havemeyer. "You are making it yourself?" asked Kon- rad. Havemeyer nodded. "It'll keep me out from under Anna's feet for a while." "Making a pool is hard work," said Hans. "We have a holiday. We will help." "Oh, no, no, no!" said Havemeyer quickly. "You're on your vacation. I wouldn't think of having you . . ." "What better thing can we do with our va- cation than help our cousin's husband ?" said Konrad. The words were friendly enough, but Konrad's voice was very firm, as if he would not stand for any argument. Havemeyer shrugged and began to explain his plans for the pool to the brothers. The Three Investigators wandered back toward the inn. "Hans and Konrad have just earned the right to stay here," murmured Jupe. "Help- ing with the pool will give them an excuse to stick around and find out more about Joe Havemeyer." "I'm not sure his head is screwed on the 42 right way," declared Pete. "I mean. I never saw a swimming pool that didn't have a shallow end." Breakfast that morning was a tense meal. Mr. Jensen spoke to no one. and he avoided even looking at Mr. Smathers. Mr. Smathers openly disapproved of eating eggs and was horrified when Couain Anna carried in a plat- ter of sausages. Cousin Anna herself ate almost nothing. She sat and twisted the wed- ding ring on her finger, urging everyone to have second helpings. Havemeyer refused, and he and Hans and Konrad went out to the back yard to start work on the pool. Mr. Smathers took a muffin, stuffed it in his shirt pocket, and went out and down the road to- ward the campground. Mr. Jensen said a rather sullen thank you to Anna and an- nounced that he had business in Bishop. Cousin Anna looked sadly at the leftover food. "I think no one was very hungry," she said to the boys. "Everything was very good," said Jupiter quickly. "In fact, you remind me of my Aunt Mathilda." "Aunt Mathilda?" Anna said. "Oh, yes. The lady who has been so kind to Hans and Konrad." "She's a great cook, too," Jupiter told her. 43 Pete chuckled, "That accounts for Jupe'a heft." "Aunt Mathilda and I are going on a diet," said Jupe, "as soon as I get back to Rocky Beach." Bob laughed. "I've heard that before. I'll believe it when I see it. Baby Fatso." "All right! All right!" Jupe was so nettled that he almost shouted. "Baby Fatso?" said Anna. "I think I have heard that name before." "If you watch the late, late, late show on television, you may catch Jupe. He was a child star--practically an American insti- tution." "Oh, yes. Hans and Konrad did not write to me about that." Anna brightened suddenly. "They write always that you are clever boys and can find out about things." "You saw our card," said Jupe stiffly. He was still smarting slightly after the rebuff of the day before. "The card? Yes, and I think I have been very foolish. I have looked everywhere and I cannot find my key. It is very important. Perhaps you will find it for me." "You wish to retain The Three Investiga- tors?" asked Jupe. "Retain? What is this retain?" 44 "Jupe only means that you authorize us to search for the missing key," Bob explained. "Sometimes there is a fee for our services, but not in this ease. We are freeloading here, and the food is delicious," "Way ahead of that canned stuff we brought when we thought we'd be staying in the campground," said Pete. "Thank you." Anna smiled. "Retain. Yes, I wish to retain you to find the key. It is so silly. You see, when I left here to go to Lake Tahoe, I did not wish to carry the key with me, so I hid it in some clever place. Now I do not remember where I put it. I was so clever that I fooled myself." "What does the key look like?" asked Jupi- ter. "It is small," said Anna. "Like this." She held up her hand with thumb and forefinger about two inches apart. "It is the key to ray safe deposit box." "I can see why that's important," said Pete, "but couldn't you go to the bank and explain that you lost the key? They'd give you a duplicate, wouldn't they?" "My father lost the key to his safe deposit box," said Bob. "He didn't have any trouble about it. Oh, he did have to see an officer at the bank, and I think they had to change the 45 lock on his box. There was a fee for that, but not very much." "I am embarrassed," said Anna. "At the bank in Bishop they have much respect for me. They know I am careful, and when I needed money to buy the ski lift, they lent it to me. I do not wish to go to the bank and say I have been so foolish that I lost such an im- portant thing." "Very well," said Jupiter. "The Three In- vestigators should be able to save you that embarrassment. It can't be an impossible task. The inn isn't large. Where did you usu- ally keep the key, by the way?" "In the drawer of my desk. But now . . ." Anna spread her hands in a gesture of de- spair. "I remember thinking that my inn would be empty, and I would hide the key in case someone breaks in. But I cannot remem- ber where." "So we search," said Pete. He pushed back his chair and got up from the table. "Shall we start with the office?" asked Jupiter. "We have already looked in the office," Anna told him. "It is not there." "We can look again." Jupe's round face as- sumed a hopeful expression. "We might think of something you missed." 46 "If you like." Anna began to clear the table. The Three Investigators went immediately to the office, which was still a jumble of pa- pers, folders, and ledgers. "I think we*re wasting our time here, Jupe," said Pete. "Cousin Anna and her hus- band have really turned this place upside down. They'd have found a pin if it had been lost here." "I agree." Jupe sat down at the desk. From the kitchen came the clatter of dishes and the rushing sound of water filling the sink. "But we may discover what Anna's husband was doing in here last night when everyone else was in bed. Hans and Konrad have asked us to find out all we can about Havemeyer. So first we'll find out what interests him so much in this office." Jupe began leafing through a stack of pa- pers on the desk. "Hm. A letter from Hans, and another from Konrad. This one's over two years old. Anna must have saved all the letters her cousins sent her." "No reason for Havemeyer to sit up all night reading them, is there?" Bob took a ledger from the stack on the bookcase and began to page through it. "Hans and Konrad are here now, in the flesh, and if he wants to 47 know anything about them he can J'ust ask." "No reason at all." Jupe leaned on his el- bows and began to pull at his lower lip. a sure sign that he was concentrating intensely. "Say, here's something," said Bob. He thrust a ledger across the desk to Jupiter. "Cousin Anna's record of her savings." "That's a pretty hefty bankbook," observed Pete. "It's not a bankbook at all. It's only a rec- ord book. There's a column for money put in, and one for money taken out, and the last column on each page is for money that's available." Jupiter nipped the pages until he was half- way through the ledger. Then he stopped. "The latest entry is for the week before last." he told Bob and Pete. "The week before last, Anna put 176 dollars wherever she puts her money- She took nothing out, and the last column indicates that she has 10,823 dollars available." "Wow!" cried Pete. "If that's in cash, Cousin Anna is way ahead of about ninety percent of the American public. I learned that in social studies this year. Most people never have cash, and they're so far in debt that a flat tire can be a real emergency." "So Cousin Anna is very well off," said 48 Jupe. "But, we'd better find her key as quickly as possible, and then get to a telephone in the village and call your father. I'd be very inter- ested to know if the credit bureau in Reno has a file on Havemeyer." "You think he could be planning to get his mitts on Cousin Anna's loot?" asked Pete. "It's possible. Certainly Hans and Konrad suspect this, and it's easy to see that Hans and Konrad make him uncomfortable. He was not pleased when they decided to spend their vacation here helping with the pool. And that doesn't make sense. The pool itself doesn't make sense. Sweeping the yard doesn't make sense. A tranquilizer gun doesn't make sense." Jupe held up a warning hand at the sound of footsteps in the living room. A few sec- onds later, Anna appeared at the door of the office. "Well?" she said. "You were right," Jupiter told her. "The key isn't here." "We'll search the rest of the inn," Bob as- sured her. "Will Mr. Jensen and Mr. Smath- era mind if we look in their rooms? Would you hide the key in a guest room?" "Perhaps," said Anna. "I had no guests when I left for my wedding. But do not touch the luggage. It is not necessary, and they 49 would be very angry if you touched their things." "Of course not." Jupe stood up. "Would you like us to straighten this room for you?" "It ia better if I do it,'* said Anna. "You •will not know where thing-a belong." "Very well." Jupe came out from behind the desk. He was almost at the door when he stopped, struck by a sudden thought. "Have you used your checkbook lately?" he asked Anna. "I didn't see a checkbook here." "I do not have a checkbook," Anna told him. "I always pay for things with cash." "Everything?" Jupe was astonished. "Isn't it dangerous to keep a lot of cash here?" "I do not keep much cash here," said Anna. **I keep my money in the bank, in the safe deposit box. You see, that is why the key is so important. Soon I must pay my bills. I will need money. Also, my husband has ordered cement for the swimming pool. I wish to pay for that when it is delivered." "In cash ?" asked Jupe. "It is safer," declared Cousin Anna. "If I have a checkbook, someone can steal my checks and sig"n my name. Someone can take all I have before I even know. If I have real money, I do not keep more than I need and no one steals it. I put it under my pillow at night. In the daytime, I have it with me." 60 "I don't think the police would approve of your system, Mrs. Havemeyer," said Jupiter. "If you pay cash for everything, people must know that you have large sums here from time to time. Suppose someone held you up?" Cousin Anna smiled. "I think my husband would shoot someone who did that," she said. "You know/' said Pete, "I think he would!" 61 Monster Mountain The Three Investigators devoted the rest of the morning to a painstaking search of the inn. They turned back rugs and peeked under bureaus and felt along the tops of window frames and doorways. Pete got up on a chair and took all the dishes down from the top shelves in the kitchen. Bob shook each jar, upended every cup, and probed the flour can- nister and the sugar bowl with a long spoon. Jupe scanned every rafter on the second floor of the inn, and then went down into the base- ment to poke in cracks and corners in the cement walls. Anna's shoes were taken out of the closet and examined. Her coat pockets were searched and her handbags were turned out. "Are you sure it's here?" asked Jupe, when he and Bob and Pete assembled for lunch. "Are you sure you didn't drop it someplace -- perhaps at the bank the last time you used it?" 52 Anna was sure. Pete slumped at the table. "Beats me," he said. "We've gone over every inch of this place. How could you hide anything that well and not remember where you hid it? That takes genius!" Anna sighed and put a platter of grilled cheese sandwiches on the table. "Perhaps you should rest and look again tomorrow," she suggested. "I will try to remember. But I try and try, and I cannot remember." "Don't try," advised Jupiter. "Don't even think about it and it may come to you." Anna did not join the boys for lunch. In- stead. she went into her office and closed the door. "Why is she that upset?" said Bob. "She can get another key, or another lock, or what- ever she needs to get into her safe deposit box." Jupe could only shrug, and the boys ate in silence. They hastily washed their dishes, then went out into the back yard. Jupe paused and stared at the clean-swept earth, which now showed the footprints of everyone who had gone back and forth from the pool site. "Ho, Jupe!" Hans was calling from the edge of Joe Havemeyer's excavation. The boys heard a 53 vigorous pounding". Someone was hammering at the bottom of the future swimming pooL Jupe, Pete, and Bob hurried over and looked down. Konrad was in the hole, pound- ing nails into planks to make the forms that would hold the poured concrete. "Did you find out anything?" asked Hana. Konrad stopped hammering and waited. "We've been looking for Cousin Anna's key," said Jupe. "I'm afraid we didn't find it. Now we can concentrate on Havemeyer. I'm sure we'll be able to get some information about him for you. Bob has to make a tele- phone call. Where is Havemeyer, by the way?" Hans pointed toward the top of the ski slope. "He has taken his gun and some things in a knapsack and has gone up there. He said he had work to do in the high meadow and he will come back later.'* The Three Investigators left the brothers and walked down the drive. They turned right on the village street, and soon came to the little gas station where Hans and Konrad had asked for directions the day before. The inquisitive attendant was nowhere to be seen, and the place appeared to be closed. There was a telephone booth on one corner of the property. Bob stepped inside, closed the door, 64 and placed a call to his father at the newspa- per office. "Well?" said Pete, when Bob emerged from the phone booth. "We're in luck." Bob reported. "I got the standard lecture about calling him when he's at work. but he does know a newspaperman who lives in Reno, and he'll get in touch with him and see what he can find out about Have- meyer. He said I should call him tomorrow night after he's home." "Good enough." said Jupiter. The boys strolled back up the village street past the Slalom Inn, then went on down the road toward the Sky Village Campground. "This vacation isn't exactly what I ex- pected," said Pete. "We were going to camp out and hike and fish. Instead we wind up sleeping on the floor in the inn and eating Cousin Anna'8 home cooking. If it were a little foggy, I'd think we were back in Rocky Beach." "We can camp out, I suppose," said Bob. **We could move our tent down here this af- ternoon. Hans and Konrad probably wouldn't come. They're too nervous about Cousin Anna's husband. But we can do it.'* Jupe grinned. "Aren't you afraid of the bears?" he asked. 65 "That bear didn't bother us last night," Bob pointed out. "He was only after food." "But something bothered Mr. Jensen," Jupe reminded him. "What could it have been? And why did Havemeyer sweep away the tracks this morning?" The three boys went around a bend in the road and the campground lay before them. It consisted of five stone firepits in the ground, and an equal number of redwood picnic ta- bles. To the right was the bed of a small stream. It was almost dry. Only a trickle of water ran down through the rocks. Beyond the campground a path twisted away through the brush. Pete looked at the creek and ran his hand through his hair. "I can see what Joe Have- meyer meant about water being a problem here," he said. "If we move our gear down, we'll have to bring water from the inn." "There doesn't seem to be much point to that," said Jupiter. "Besides, I'd like to stay close to the inn, at least until we get more in- formation about Havemeyer. There are too many odd things about him. And the attack on Mr. Jensen . . ." "That couldn't have been IIavemeyer," said Bob. "We could see Havemeyer inside the inn at the time Jensen was hit." 66 "No. It couldn't have been Havemeyer. But something fishy is going on at the inn. I'd like to know what it is.'* There was a rustling in the bushes behind Jupe. All three boys jumped. "Scare you?" asked an amused voice. "Sorry about that" Jupe spun around. The man who ran the gas station in Sky Village emerged from a clump of wild lilac. He was busily stuffing a wad of muddy, crumpled paper into a burlap sack. "You boys a little bear-shy?" he asked. His keen eyes twinkled. "Hear you had a scare at the inn last night." "How ... how did you know?'* asked Jupe. "Mr. Jensen stopped by this morning to buy some gas," explained the man. "I noticed he had a atiff neck, so I asked what was the matter. I kind of like to find out about people. He was madder 'n a hornet. Claimed some- body gave him a rabbit punch while he was trying to take a picture of a bear." "So far as we know, that*s what hap- pened," said Bob. "Mr. Havemeyer thinks it was a second bear." "Interesting way for a bear to behave," said the man. "Still, you can't tell, and we've had a lot of bears in the village this year. Al- 57 ways do in the dry years. They raid every- body's trash cans. I always let them alone. That way I don't have any grief." The man surveyed the campground. "That's better," he announced. "A couple came in here from the city last week and made an awful mess. Paper towels all over creation and orange peels in the creek. Makes you lose your faith in people." "Are you responsible for the camp- ground?" asked Bob. "Not really," said the man, "but it's about the only thing around here that brings in business in the summer, and I like to sell gas. Campers tell one another about the conditions in the different campgrounds. If this place got a bad name, I could close up my station and starve from May until the snow flies." <