FUTURES NATURE|Vol 436|25 August 2005 MAXO signals A new and unfortunate solution to the Fermi paradox. JACEY Charles Stross SIR — In the three years since the publica- tion and confirmation of the first micro- wave artefact of xenobiological origin (MAXO), and the subsequent detection of similar signals, interdisciplinary teams have invested substantial effort in object frequency analysis, parsing, symbolic encoding and signal processing. The excitement generated by the availability of such close evidence of extraterrestrial intelligence proximity. has been enormous. However, after the We have formu- initial, easily decoded symbolic represen- lated an explana- tational map was analysed, the semantics tory hypothesis that of the linguistic payload were found to cultural variables unfa- have been unable to [symbol: be refractory. miliar to the majority of process][scalar: quantity decrease] my A total of 21 confirmed MAXO signals researchers may account both for the [uninterpreted] from the exchange-medi- have been received to date. These super- semantic ambiguity of the MAXO pay- ating data repository. I have information ficially similar signals originate from loads, and the non-appearance of aliens. about the private assets of [identity signi- planetary systems within a range of 11 par- This hypothesis was tested (as described secs, median 9.9 parsecs1. It has been spec- fier 2] which are no longer required by below) and resulted in a plausible transla- them. To recover the private assets I need tion, on the basis of which we would like to ulated that the observed growth of the MAXO horizon at 0.5 c can be explained as the assistance of three [closely/dearly/ recommend a complete, permanent ban genetically] [beloved/desired/related] on further attempts to decode or respond a response to one or more of: the deploy- [empire/civilization/polity]s. I [believe] to MAXOs. ment of AN/FPS-50 and related ballistic- missile warning radars in the early 1960s1, you may be of help to me. This [symbol: Our investigation resulted in MAXO television broadcasts1, widespread 2.45- process] is 100% risk-free and will [sym- payload data being made available to the GHz microwave leakage from ovens2, and bol: causality] in your [scalar: quantity Serious Fraud Office (SFO) in Nigeria. increase] of [data]. Bayesian analysis of payload symbol optical detection of atmospheric nuclear tests3. All MAXO signals to this date share If you will help me, [please] transmit the sequences and sequence matching against [symbol: meta-signifier: MAXO header the extensive database maintained by the common logic header. The payload defining communication protocols] for the SFO has made it possible to produce data are multiply redundant, packetized your [empire/civilization/polity]. I will by a tentative transcription of Signal 1142/98 and exhibit both simple checksums and return of signal send you the [symbol: (ref. 1), the ninth MAXO hit confirmed message-level cryptographic hashing. The process][symbol: data] to install on by the IAU. Signal 1142/98 was selected ratio of header to payload content varies your [empire/civilization/polity] to because of its unusually low header- between 1:1 and 2,644:1 (the latter perhaps indicating a truncated payload1). Some participate in this scheme. You will then to-content ratio and good redundancy. construct [symbol: inferred, interstellar Further bayesian matching against other preliminary syntax analysis delivered promising results4 but seems to have transmitter?] to assist in acquiring MAXO samples indicates a high degree [ownership signifier] of [compound sym- of congruence. Far from being incompre- foundered on high-level semantics. It has bol: inferred, bank account of absent hensibly alien, the MAXO payloads seem been hypothesized that the transforma- galactic emperor]. to be dismayingly familiar. We believe tional grammars used in the MAXO pay- I [thank/love/express gratitude] you for a more exhaustive translation may be loads are variable, implying dialectization of the common core synthetic language4. your [cooperation/agreement]. ■ possible in future if further MAXOs become available, but for obvious reasons The new-found ubiquity of MAXO Caroline Haafkens*, Wasiu Mohammed† we would like to discourage such research. signals makes the Fermi paradox — now *Department of Applied Psychology, Here is our preliminary transcription of nearly 70 years old — even more pressing. University of Lagos, and †Police Detective FUTURES Signal 1142/98: Posed by Enrico Fermi, the paradox can College, Lagos, Nigeria. be paraphrased thus: if the Universe has Canter, L. & Siegel, M. Nature 511, 334–336 (2018). 1. [Closely/dearly/genetically] [beloved/ many technologically advanced civiliza- Barnes, J. J. Appl. Exobiol. 27, 820–824 (2019). 2. desired/related] tions, why have none of them directly Robinson, H. Fortean Times 536, 34–35 (2020). 3. I am [identity signifier 1], the residual visited us? The urgency with which orga- 4. Lynch, K. F. & Bradshaw, S. Proc 3rd Int. Congr. Exobiol. 3033–3122 (2021). [ownership signifier] of the exchange- nizations such as ESA and NASDA are mediating data repository [alt: central now evaluating proposals for fast interstel- bank] of the galactic [empire/civilization/ lar probes, in conjunction with the exis- Charles Stross is an Edinburgh-based polity]. tence of the MAXO signals, renders the science-fiction writer and freelance Since the [identity signifier 2] under- non-appearance of aliens incomprehensi- computer journalist. His novella The Concrete went [symbol: process] [symbol: mathe- ble, especially given the apparent presence Jungle has just won a Hugo award. His latest matical singularity] 11,249 years ago I of numerous technological civilizations in novel is Accelerando. 1206 ©2005 Nature Publishing Group © 2005 Nature Publishing Group