Basic Sequence of Actions For

Healing With MMS

Start with Protocol 1000 (Ch. 13, p. 62) if the person you plan to treat

has a simple disease such as a cold or the flu, or even HIV/AIDS, or

if there are undiagnosed pains, rheumatoid arthritis, problems with

walking, or other physical problems.

Start with a quarter, a half, or one drop for the first hour, depending

on how sick the person is. The sicker he is, the less MMS he should

have. If the first dose does not cause a reaction, go to the next larger

dose on the second or third hour. If that invokes no reaction, continue

increasing until you have reached 3 drops on the fourth of fifth hour.

Never go over 3 drops an hour on Protocol 1000. Never go to the

next Protocol if the person is improving.

If no improvement on Protocol 1000 after two weeks, then go to

Protocol 2000. (See Protocol 2000)

Start with
Protocol 2000 (Ch. 13, p. 68) if the person has cancer or

a life-threatening disease such as Hepatitis or liver failure or is on

dialysis. If dialysis is involved, start at an eighth of a drop per hour.

If starting here, begin with a quarter, half, or one drop, depending on

how sick the person is. Increase the drops per hour as fast as you

can but without causing nausea or diarrhea. If possible, spray the

cancer with 10 activated drops in each ounce of water once an hour

for a few hours, and then once every two hours. As long as you can

see improvement from spraying once an hour, do not stop.

If there is no noticeable improvement with Protocol 2000 in a few

days (5 or more), then add Protocol 3000 or add 3000 right away if

you think it will help.

Normally, do not start with Protocol 3000 (Ch. 13, p. 72) but

sometimes it might be indicated for a light treatment of MMS.

Begin by spraying an arm with MMS. Use 20 drops of activated MMS

for each ounce of water. This is twice the strength of MMS that is

sprayed on the body for all other problems. Immediately add DMSO

and mix by rubbing it in, as it is too strong if not mixed with DMSO.

Be sure to see Chapter 13 for details.

If there is still no slight improvement begin using the bag (Ch. 24, p.

194). Never spend more than 10 minutes in the bag. For maximum

safety, only spend 5 minutes in the bag.

You can also add the following:

Douche: Use 2 glasses of water or a quart with 8 drops per

glass (one drop per ounce, activated as always).

Skin spray: Use 10 drops per ounce (40 drops for half a

glass of water). Spray any skin problem hourly and also take

MMS by mouth.

Never go to the next protocol if the patient is improving.


Remember – any time the patient seems to get worse

or reacts to MMS with diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, or

extreme tiredness, reduce the dose. Or stop until the

reaction goes away, then start back at a lower dose.

Never think it is alright to continue MMS when the person

is feeling worse. Stop and wait until he is back to how he

was when you started, and then start MMS again.

Protocol 2000

For All Cancers, Stage IV Cancer, and Other Immediately Life-

Threatening Diseases

From Sodium Chlorite & Chlorine Dioxide (MMS Protocols) Quick Reference Guide! !

VoiceofMMS • email: [email protected] •

Protocol 2000

Also known as Sacrament 2000


The way you accomplish activation can be done in 4 different ways,

any one of these methods of activation is acceptable: First, add your

number of MMS drops to a clean dry glass, then activate as follows:

1. Add 1 drop of 50% citric acid for each drop of MMS that is in

your glass, swirl or shake to mix, wait 20 seconds, add 1/2 to 1

glass of water or juice and drink.

2. Add 5 drops of 10% citric acid for each drop of MMS in the

glass, and then shake or swirl to mix, wait 3 minutes, add 1/2 to

1 glass of water or juice and then drink.

3. Add 5 drops of vinegar for each drop of MMS in the glass,

shake or swirl to mix, wait 3 minutes, add 1/2 to 1 glass of water

or juice and then drink.

4. Add 5 drops of full strength lemon juice for each drop of MMS in

the glass, shake or swirl to mix, wait 3 minutes, add 1/2 to glass

of water or juice and then drink


• Do not use orange juice.

• Do not use juices with added vitamin C or ascorbic acid added.

• Do not use concentrated juices that must have water added to


• Do not use nectars, that is juices made from grinding the pulp

of fruits. Fresh juices are best.

• If you don't want to make up a single dose each hour, you can

make 10 doses in the morning, and keep the solution in a

closed container all day. Just follow the above instructions multiplying

all the figures by 10 and then put that liquid in a closed

container. Take 1/10th of it each hour. Don't worry the MMS

will last hours longer than is needed so long as you keep the lid

on tight.

• You must not make yourself sicker than you already are: Do

not cause yourself a lot of nausea, or pain, or diarrhea. When

you notice any of these symptoms coming on take less MMS.

• Try not to stop taking MMS, just take less. Go from 2 drops an

hour of activated MMS to one drop an hour. Or if you are already

take only one drop an hour, then take 1/2 drop and hour,

or even 1/4 drop an hour.

• Do not cause yourself diarrhea if you can avoid it by taking less

MMS. Pain, diarrhea, nausea and other discomforts cause loss

of energy, which in turn causes slower healing and slower recovery.

On the other hand try to increase the amount of drops

you are taking until you are taking as many drops an hour as

you can without feeling worse, but do not go over 12 drops an



It basically is taking as many drops of activated MMS each hour as a

person can take without becoming any sicker, or feeling worse, or developing

diarrhea. It must be done for 10 hours a day, for 3 weeks or

until well. It is best to start off with only one drop an hour and quickly

build up to as many drops as you can take, again let me say without

without feeling worse. Remember all drops must be activated as

given above. Please take this to heart, do not make yourself sicker

than you already are. Take as many drops as you can, but easy dose

it. Making yourself sicker uses up energy and makes the recovery go


After 3 days you must add MMS2. The way you take MMS 2 is to

take 1 capsule every other hour, or to say it different, take 1 capsule

every 2 hours. HOWEVER, start with 1/4 capsule for the first day and

go to 1/2 capsule for the second day, and then 1 full capsule

thereafter. So you will be taking 5 capsules each day. The first day

open the capsule and pour out 3/4 of the capsule each time and then

the next day pour out only 1/2 of the capsule.

MMS2 is calcium hypochlorite in powder form in size zero gel

capsules. Buy from a swimming pool store. Do not use sodium

hypochlorite. Calcium hypochlorite turns into hypochlorous acid

when dissolved in water. Contrary to belief there is no available chlorine

from this chemical regardless of what is said on the label. Use

65% powder. fill the capsules but do not pack it in. Calcium hypochlorite

becomes hypochlorous acid which is used by the body to kill


Protocol 3000: Using DMSO to Treat

Life-Threatening Diseases

The goal with life-threatening situations is to quickly get MMS

circulating in the blood while trying to stay under the nausea level.

One way to achieve this is by adding DMSO to activated MMS, so

that it can act as a carrier for sending MMS directly into the skin

and muscles and thus into the blood. Experience and testing have

proven that DMSO is carried directly to any cancer in the body and

it then penetrates the cancer cells.

This is not speculation; it has been proven through testing. The theory

is that when DMSO is carrying MMS, it will take it into the cancerous

cells, thereby killing the virus that makes the cells cancerous. Many

cancers have been healed in this way, and I hear about it since many

people have phoned me stating that their cancer is gone.

When using this treatment, always also take MMS by mouth,

as in Protocol 1000 or 2000.

Clara Beltrones in Mexico has used Protocol 3000 quite extensively

and she helped to develop it. Along with Protocol 2000, she has

used it with many cancers.

ALLERGY WARNING: A very few people are allergic to DMSO or

have very weak livers and can experience significant problems with

DMSO. To test whether or not you are allergic to it, perform this test:

Carefully wash and dry your arm;

Add one drop of DMSO to one spot on your arm and rub it in;

Give it about 15 minutes to soak in and then wait several


If there is no pain in your liver area, it is probably safe for you to use

DMSO, which will be the case for 99 out of 100 people. However,

to be safe, wait 24 hours to make sure you have no reaction to the


If you do have a bad reaction to DMSO, you need to work on

improving your liver. Begin taking a half drop of MMS1 each hour

using Protocol 1000. Continue with the half drop until you feel it is

safe to take more. This will clear up your liver and probably other

problems that you have.

The MMS/DMSO treatment described below is an accelerated skin

technique that pushes MMS into the blood plasma. In the case of

cancer it should be used in addition to a normal oral regimen of


DMSO Procedure Steps

1. Step1: Make an MMS solution by activating 10 drops of MMS

with 10 drops of 50% citric acid or 50 drops of 10% citric acid.

Wait 20 seconds for the 50% citric to activate or 3 minutes for

the 10% citric to activate. Add 20 drops of water or less and

add one tablespoon of 70% DMSO and immediately spread

the mixture over one arm or leg.

1. Step 2: Or you can spread the MMS and water mixture on the

body part first and then spray DMSO over the top of the MMS

on the same area and then gently rub and spread it. You can

put a plastic bag over your hand to rub the solution into your

body, or you can just use your bare hands.

Do not use rubber gloves or other medical gloves. You

could get rubber into your body as the DMSO melts the


If you notice a burning sensation, the best technique is

to place a teaspoon of water on the burning area and rub

it in. Keep that up until it is no longer burning. Or use a

spray bottle with just water in it for such problems.

You can rub olive oil and aloe vera juice on the skin after

the DMSO application. Use a different part of the body

each time you apply the MMS/DMSO combination. Over

8 hours, use one arm first, then the other arm, then a leg,

then the other leg, then your stomach, then back to the

first arm.

If the burning is severe, add distilled water to the DMSO

up to 50% and more, and also to the MMS, as either one

can cause the burning. Add enough distilled water so that

the burning does not occur.

1. Step 3: Repeat this process once every other hour the first

day, and once every hour the second and third days. Then quit

for 4 days and do the same thing the next week. Remember,

when you quit for 4 days, continue taking MMS by mouth

After the first week you can go for 4 days a week if there is no

problem with your skin.

1. For extra sick people who should take smaller doses, it would

be best to start out using only a small area of the body. I

suggest using an area about the size of your palm or the back

of your hand, no larger. Use a small area like this for several

days before going to a larger area such as the entire arm

or leg. Use a larger area only if there is no bad reaction in

the smaller area. Or instead, use the added distilled water

trick mentioned above. Or for daily use, add up to 10 times

the water mentioned above to the entire formula of MMS and

DMSO combination, and spray it on your body.

DMSO is a well-known carrier substance used widely by doctors

since 1955 as a way to carry medications directly into the skin. It is

available in drugstores and health food stores in most states and

also on the internet and at animal supply stores. On the internet,

search for DMSO.

Before writing to the MMS Institute or Jim Humble about specific

disease questions, please visit the knowledge base www. and click on various diseases that may be of

interest. An email contact address is provided there if you can’t find

an answer. But do not use older protocols given there – be sure to

use the protocols given in this book. (Our websites are being

updated and improved during 2011.)

Whenever drops of MMS are mentioned, they are activated drops.

You can make activated MMS in either of two ways -- using 50% citric

acid or 10% citric acid. Please see Chapter 12, General Procedural


Indian Herb

This is a very important part of Protocol 2000. Sometimes it seems,

and it might be a fact, that MMS is not causing the tumor to get any

smaller. This might be temporary but maybe not. In either case, it is

time to start taking the Indian Herb.

 Do not stop taking MMS

Include the Indian Herb as part of the protocol. Order it and follow

the instructions sent with it. You could use as much as double the

amount of Indian Herb that is given in the instructions, but don’t do

that at first as it will probably do the job without that extra strength.

Protocols for Health Maintenance

General Maintenance

It is possible to go without getting sick almost for a lifetime. Firstly,

everyone should be taking MMS on a regular basis.

Young people under 60 should take it at least twice a week;

People over 60 should take from 3 to 6 drops at least once a


It is not true that MMS creates any deficiencies in the human body.

There have been a very few people claiming that, but they offer no

more than one or two deficiencies at the maximum as examples.

Certainly there is no laboratory evidence. My examples number in

the thousands of people who have not noticed any deficiencies,

but feel better and better with less sickness as time goes by. The

evidence from people calling and emailing in over 70,000 emails and

calls is that the longer people take MMS, the fewer health problems

they have.

The evidence strongly suggests that when the body is detoxified and

the pathogens are all killed, the body will often generate necessary

nutrition if it is not available. Those people in Africa all became

healthy after overcoming their HIV without changing their daily food.

Certainly there are not many places where the food is less nutritious

than the area that I was in and yet they became healthy.

But wait, there is a lot more to the maintenance procedure than just

taking a few drops each day. It also includes brushing your teeth

and cleaning your sinuses and lungs (see next section). A friend of

mine developed this procedure and I have been using it with much

success. Even though I was taking MMS orally, I did catch the flu and

colds from time to time and I did get the swine flu. The dental and

respiratory procedure would have prevented all that. Sorry I cannot

tell you my friend’s name, because he does not want to be known.

Protocol 4000 -- MMS2

I want to tell you that this is a pretty fantastic protocol we have been using for a couple of years. Finally Mark says, “Why don’t we introduce this protocol to the public?”  That makes so much sense I wonder why we didn’t do it long ago.

This protocol is fantastic in that it seems to work almost as well as MMS1 on some diseases, identically as well on many , and better than MMS1 on at least one thing -- prostate problems, whether it be cancer or other prostate problems. (We have a few testimonies about eliminating Diabetes with only MMS2).

MMS2 has been used to help handle cancer for several years now and has been very successful. In the current cancer protocol (Protocol 2000), it is given 5 times a day. In Malawi when we ran out of MMS1, I had people take one gelatin capsule size zero with MMS2 in it 5 times a day to treat the HIV condition, and it worked. We used it successfully on about 200 people in Malawi but also on hundreds of people before I was in Malawi and recently in the Dominican Republic. 

This protocol is fantastic because it allows almost anyone in the world to get his hands on a killer MMS very quickly and cheaply. But normally, I do not recommend using it to replace MMS1. Just use it when you cannot find MMS1.  

What is MMS2?

As many of you already know, MMS2 is calcium hypochlorite. If you don’t already know this, it might surprise you a bit because calcium hypochlorite is swimming pool treatment. They call it swimming pool “shock” and it is sold all over the world to treat swimming pools. Rich people just have to have swimming pools -- they're a symbol of their being rich in most countries. So calcium hypochlorite is available everywhere. When you buy it, the package will say “65% available chlorine", or 68% or 75% or even 80% available chlorine. Well, chemically that is not the truth. 

What it does do is change into hypochlorous acid as it dissolves in water. It then kills pathogens in the swimming pool and it will kill them in your body as well. There is little doubt that if they didn’t say "available chlorine" but said "hypochlorous acid" instead, they would sell very little of this product, because everyone already knows that chlorine kills pathogens, and few people have heard of hypochlorous acid.

Calcium hypochlorite is available in supermarkets in many parts of the world since many supermarkets have a swimming pool section if the town isn’t large enough to have its own swimming pool store.

Keep in mind that:

If you look in a chemical dictionary, you will see that most chemicals listed are considered poisonous in large quantities, and that most of them are listed as being used in medicine. Each chemical must be used in the correct amount for the job that it is intended to do. That is just standard logic and that is how we use calcium hypochlorite, in just the right amounts to do the job.

Expect the Usual Critics 

Let me say right here and now that there will be the standard critics who are either paid by pharmaceutical companies or who are just jealous seeing someone helping the poor and sick get well. They will:

  1. Claim that MMS2 is chlorine, a known poisonous chemical; and
  2. Quote what chlorine does in large quantities, never mentioning what it might do in the small quantities we use. 

I tell you this in advance so you will be prepared for what they'll say. There will be no logic in their screaming, just standard jealousy -- or else they are paid by those who profit from the sick and dying.

Once you explain that calcium hypocholorite creates hypochlorous acid, they will go away, then come back and try to say that the hypochlorous acid releases chlorine. It is all a part of a mass worldwide effort to keep the public ignorant of the truth. The facts are that:

If they were correct and hypochlorous acid did release chlorine, then you would smell chlorine on every person you meet because the human body makes hypochlorous acid continuously.

The Percentage of Available Hypochlorous Acid 

When buying calcium hypochlorite, if the package says "68% available chlorine" what it really means is that 68% hypochlorous acid will be created as it dissolves in water. Now this is important.

Hypochlorous acid will kill almost all known diseases -- that’s why they use it in swimming pools. But again, it will also kill those diseases in your body. Nature chose this one chemical because it kills so many different diseases. The stores may not offer you a wide choice of percentages, but almost any percentage listed from 40% to 85% for "available chlorine" is OK.  At 40%, you might have to take two capsules to equal one capsule at 80%. Again:

Don’t you think it is funny that although it has been known for more than a hundred years that hypochlorous acid is used by the immune system to kill most diseases, and it has been known that the immune system gets deficient in this acid, that the medical people have never thought to give sick people some extra hypochlorous acid to test if it might help? Well, it helps tremendously, but medical doctors have never used it.

When you go to a swimming pool store and buy some calcium hypochlorite, do not worry about the other chemicals that are in the calcium hypochlorite granules. They cannot be poisonous because if they were, thousands of swimmers would be poisoned. Unfortunately, there is no food grade calcium hypochlorite available in the world. We are reduced to buying from pool stores, but we can still save millions of lives. 

The human skin is the biggest organ in the body and it will absorb more things than the human stomach. So what is safe for the entire body skin is safe for the stomach. Back in 2005, I personally took calcium hypochlorite for months before giving it to anyone else and since then, I have given it to hundreds of people. 

Calcium Hypochlorite (MMS2) Healing Information

If you take too much, calcium hypochlorite will cause a Herxheimer reaction. Herxheimer reaction means nausea or sickness caused by killing pathogens too fast. When a pathogen dies, it usually dumps poison into your system which can then make you sick if you killed too many of them at once.  It has been proven time and again that a well person without pathogens will never get sick from taking MMS2 in the quantities that we use -- thus if you get sick from taking our quantities, it means you are killing pathogens. 

In that sense, a Herxheimer reaction is a good sign, a sign that the MMS2 is doing its job. But you must immediately reduce your dosage because sickness and vomiting use up healing energy and slow down your recovery.  Normally, one full capsule every 2 hours will make you well without causing the Herxheimer reaction (nausea or diarrhea). You can take less by opening the capsule and removing some granules. You could remove 50% of it, or more, if needed.

Remember, it doesn’t matter if they call it pool chlorine, or pool shock, or anything else. It must be the calcium hypochlorite chemical at 40% to 85% and of course 85% is by far the best. That means the package will say 40% (or 50% or 60% or 70% or some percentage) that is "available chlorine", which, let me repeat, is not true. It is really hypochlorous acid that is available when dissolved in water. 

There is one place in the world where they manufacture calcium hypochlorite at 100%. That would be the best, but any one of the lower percentages will work. What you want and what you get from this chemical, calcium hypochlorite, is hypochlorous acid -- the same as what your body creates to kill diseases.  Nature simply does not provide enough hypochlorous acid to handle the really bad diseases. 

What if You Are Afraid? 

Well, of course, I don’t blame you. If you haven’t seen people get well from this technique, it is sensible to be afraid. You are sick and here is a guy suggesting that you take “pool shock.” First of all, remember that the Genesis II Church does not make a cent from telling you this. There is no way that pool stores around the world would pay the Church -- in fact, they would be more likely to say we are crazy.

My church just wants to see mankind get well. That’s our job.

Here is How to Start

  1. Buy some gel capsules. They can’t hurt you. Millions of people take them every year. Preferably buy them smaller than size 00. 
  2. Put one single granule in a capsule and take it. Or use the honey technique given later in this newsletter for one granule. One tiny granule can’t help you any, but it can’t hurt you either. This is the way I do things like this. I take such a small dose on the first try that it can’t possibly hurt me, no matter what. Then I increase my doses slowly. Try it. It is safe. If you have drunk city water, chances are that you have already drunk more than a granule in a glass of water. 
  3. Keep taking another capsule every two hours and increase the number of granules each time. Anytime you feel like it, stop and wait until the next day to continue. Just keep increasing until you are following the protocol given below.

Protocol 4000 -- MMS2 for Adults and Children

If you have any disease, including the pig flu or any other normal sickness or any of the "incurable" diseases, this protocol may heal it. If you do not notice a good improvement within two weeks, you should go to Protocol 2000 (See If you do notice any improvement, you should continue with this protocol.

The basics of this protocol are that adults or children take MMS2 every 2 hours all day long for 12 hours. Of course, children take less than adults. If you don’t have capsules, see the honey technique given below.

STEP 1Amounts of MMS2 to take bi-hourly

In each case below, I have given several different ways to determine the correct amount to take.  Hopefully you will get it right. Keep in mind however that there need not be any problem if you are a little off. If you begin to notice nausea, reduce your hourly dose by at least 25% and keep reducing it as long as you notice nausea or other discomforts. But always increase back to the recommended dose as soon as you feel safe in doing so. If you feel that you would benefit from a little more, increase your dose by 25% for a time or two, but not much more than that.

High Doses Not Necessarily Helpful

Always keep in mind that to cause yourself nausea or diarrhea by taking a little extra will not help you heal faster. The nausea or diarrhea uses up healing energy and slows the healing down. Always reduce your intake if you notice nausea or diarrhea, or for that matter, any other discomfort caused by MMS2

Hypochlorite always smells like chlorine, as do many chlorine chemicals, but do not worry, as it really is not chlorine.

 A 200 Pound Person ...

... would take one gram of calcium hypochlorite every other hour for 12 hours. That could be:

The best way to get an accurate half teaspoon is to fill the teaspoon by packing it and scraping the surface off with a knife to make it exactly level full.  Then put the teaspoonful in a dish and carefully make two equal piles. Now you have a half teaspoonful in each pile. Most people can judge if two piles are approximately the same size. This is how we make the correct doses of hypochlorite here in the Dominican Republic. In this case of a 200 pound man, you should use only one of those piles for the dose -- half a teaspoonful. 

A 160 pound person ...

... would take 800 mg every two hours. That would be one size zero (0) capsule every two hours. Or you can make a teaspoon level full as in the above example, put it in a dish, and carefully make two equal piles. To keep the idea clear, lets call one of those piles A and the other pile B. 

  1. Set aside pile A.  
  2. Divide pile B into two equal piles. Let’s call those two piles B1 and B2.
  3. Add pile B1 to pile A and you will have approximately 750 mg which will be a close enough dose for the 160 pound person. Use an 8 ounce glass of water to wash it down.

 A 100 pound person ...

... would need 500 mg doses and that could be one size 1 capsule every two hours. Or following the above example, one could take a level teaspoon and divide it as given above and take pile B1 which, of course, would equal one quarter of the teaspoonful and that would make 500 mg for the 100 pound person.

A 50 pound (23 kg) child ...

... will need 250 mg every two hours. Again, divide a teaspoon of hypochlorite as given above. So that means you would take one of the two equal piles B1 or B2 made from pile B above and divide one of them into two equal piles which we will call B1a and B1b. Each will be 250 mg or approximately one size 2 capsule every 2 hours.

A 25 pound (11.4 kg) child ...

... would need 125 mg each hour. Take half as much as for the 50 pound child given above -- it would be a size 3 capsule every two hours. OR you could take one of the two piles made in the example above, which would be B1a or B1b, and divide it into two parts (half of B1a). It is approximately 125 mg. 

The Honey Technique ...

... is for those who do not have capsules or who cannot take them. Try to get a jar of raw honey because if there is any added preservative, it won't work. Normally, they don't add preservatives, but who knows what they will do next and preservatives will cancel the value of the calcium hypochlorite. But if no raw honey is available, a good quality brand from a supermarket should be OK.


Be sure to check the label to see that no preservative or vitamin C has been added. Natural vitamin C already in the honey is not a problem. Honey doesn't need any preservative and it will last for years or even decades by itself, but many people who deal with honey do not understand that.


Put the honey in the refrigerator. It is absolutely necessary that the honey be at least as cold as a good refrigerator. Then measure out the correct amount of calcium hypochlorite for your bi-hourly dose and mix it into a very small amount of very cold honey about the same size as the pile of hypochlorite that you will take. Do not allow any water or moisture to mix in. Once you have mixed it, immediately put it on the front tip of a teaspoon and take it. Have a glass of water there to wash it down. 

Drink at least one glassful of water. If you do this right, there will be absolutely no problem and no taste.


Do not try to use honey at room temperature. It will not work because the honey will begin a reaction with the calcium hypochlorite immediately and the taste will keep you from getting it down your throat. If you do not have a refrigerator, buy some ice and put the honey jar in ice water. Or better still, put a small amount of honey in a plastic bag and put that in the ice water. It will get chilled much faster that way. 

The water is important. The 200 lb. person, 160 lb. person, and the 100 lb. person should drink at least 8 ounces of water with the honey and MMS2 dose. See above for the amount of water that should be taken with each dose.

 Step 2.  Procedure:  Take MMS2 bi-hourly 12 hours a day for 3 weeks

Do not begin by taking the full amount as recommended above. Take 1/4 or less than recommended for starting off and within a day or two, increase the dose up to what is recommended above. Increase a little bi-hourly.  

You may not have a lot of different sized gel capsules to choose from. But you can make size 00 gel capsules work by filling them with smaller amounts to fit the recommendations. Or you could get smaller size capsules and load them to fit the amount of MMS2 recommended. Or use the honey technique listed above.

Do Not Overdose  

Do not make yourself or anyone else sick by using too much MMS2.  You must be careful. From the very beginning, be wary about taking too much MMS2.  Don’ t worry, no one has died, but some have felt sick for a few hours after taking too much. 

If someone does feel sick, sicker than he already felt, the first thing to suspect is that he didn’t take enough water with the capsule(s). The water is important to prevent nausea and other reactions such as a stomach ache. Always drink more water if you start feeling nausea. Also suspect that he or she took too much MMS2 (calcium hypochlorite) and if the water does not immediately stop the nausea, then take less on the next bi-hourly dose. Try cutting the dose in half the next time.

If you still feel sick from taking half of the previous dose, cut the dose in half again. You may end up taking a very tiny dose, and you may have to take a tiny dose for a day or two or even a week. But keep at it without making yourself sick. If the small doses do not cause nausea or other discomfort, increase up to the full size dose in several steps as given in the doses above. 

The amount of time required to heal various diseases 

Normally it takes from 3 to 5 weeks to heal HIV, and that also applies to most of the so-called incurable diseases. Some diseases are dug in much deeper and can take longer. Diabetes can take anywhere from one week to one year, but the majority of cases are healed within 6 weeks or less. Whatever disease you have, never quit until you are healed and then do the maintenance dose. 

Step 3, Maintenance

One should always continue with a maintenance dose, as the body does not manufacture enough hypochlorous acid to kill all diseases. If you are older than 65 and are not taking 6 drops of MMS1 daily, take a half dose of MMS2 every day. This half dose should be half of the bi-hourly dose you have been taken as given above. 

So, on this 4000 MMS2 protocol, you will be taking 42 doses a week and when taking the Maintenance doses you will be taking seven half doses a week. If you prefer, you could switch to using 6 drops of MMS1 once a day if you have MMS1.

Excerpts from:

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