The abolition of Britain by The Reform Treaty in 2008
The sixth and final treaty has now been
named: its is the Reform Treaty, due to be signed by the Queen in the
Summer of 2008. This is a year before the deadline set by the
Chancellor of Germany, Angela Merkel.
Merkel and former French President Giscard
d’Estaing are among many European ministers who have confirmed the
Treaty is the EU Constitution, almost unchanged. If they are right, it
will abolish the British Constitution, and therefore the nations of
Britain and England, sweeping away our Westminster Parliament, and
giving the EU dictatorship the power to close it.
This sixth treaty is the fastest moving and
most secret the EU has drafted; opposition to and recognition of the EU
as a police state is growing, and they know speed is vital.
The Countdown to abolition
Tony Blair agreed to it on 23rd June 2007 as his final stab in
Britain’s back. On the 23rd July there was an Intergovernmental
Conference (IGC), when we should have seen a first draft of the Treaty.
Foreign ministers agreed its terms on 7-8th
September at the resort of Viana de Castelo, Portugal. There was a
summit in Lisbon on the 18th and 19th October, where they hoped to sign
the Treaty, but Gordon Brown now signs on December 13th 2007.
The Queen and Parliament to abolish Britain summer 2008
Parliament begins the ratification in
February 2008 and has allocated 29 days to discuss this treaty and its
own abolition. They could well vote in March. The Queen plans to give
her Royal Assent in June 2008. This means Westminster will pass the
treaty, and the Queen will sign it behind our backs, as they have the
other five treaties.
No referendum
German Chancellor Merkel chose this sixth
Treaty instead of pushing through it’s constitution to avoid
referendums in its member nations. She twice visited 10 Downing Street
and forced Gordon Brown to cancel both his promised referendum, and his
General Election.
Whereas the 465 page EU Constitution would
have abolished the five treaties and replaced them with a single
document conferring absolute power, the Reform Treaty adds to the
existing five treaties, bringing them up to the powers of the EU
Constitution. All six treaties with appendices will add up to something
like 100,000 complex and unreadable pages.
The EU remains illegal
Each of these six treaties are completely
illegal under the British Constitution, our 1689 Bill of Rights, our
treason laws, and under our common law. It is unforgivable that the
Queen, her Ministers and our Parliament have committed the criminal act
of treason by signing these treaties, and broken our laws to abolish
our nation.
The EU will always be illegal in Britain;
but once the EU has complete power and control here, we can no more get
rid of it than we could Germany, had their planned illegal occupation
of Britain in 1940 been successful.
You have one year left
Treason is the most serious of all
Britain’s crimes. You have just one year left to bring these vile
British traitors to justice, and get us out of the EU dictatorship.
Around 45 million British people are
against the abolition of our nation, and with the little European
voting that has been allowed, it seems clear over 200 million of its
victims don’t want the EU. But we will never be given the choice. YOU
have to decide to act yourself.
There are ways to stop the EU - see "Your
Campaigns" on the left. Then we will need a mass blockade of
Westminster to stop our criminal MP's and Queen breaking our
constitution and laws for the last time.
Copy of the EU's Timetable at the BBC.
Original 2009 article from German Parliament -.pdf for download
Then check it at the German Parliament here
Where we are now:
1. Since 1972 The Queen has illegally signed five of the six EU Treaties.
2. The five treaties define and build the EU as an unelected dictatorship.
3. The EU's laws, passed by Westminster, give it the powers of a police state.
4. The sixth EU treaty will complete the abolition of Britain as a nation
- the Queen is due to sign it next year.
A foreign power, the EU, will then rule us, and enforce the laws of a police state.
Shouldn't we repeal the 1972 European Communities Act now before we are imprisoned permanently inside? We've only got till July 2008.
Please fight the campaigns at the top of the menu on the left.
The leaderships of the Conservative,
Labour and Lib Dem parties have been controlled by the European Union
for two decades. It is the EU agenda they implement in Parliament, not
your wishes, which is why your vote doesn't count.
Our controlled press and media haven't reported it, but Britain would have been abolished in November 2006 if the French and Dutch hadn't voted down the EU Constitution.
Instead a sixth and final Treaty will now be signed; after which EU
Commissioners will have the power to impose the Constitution (and the
Euro) on us, and enforce the laws of a police state.
5. Thirty three years inside the EU - have you noticed how our democracy is being withdrawn?
The EU has already denied us that most basic of human rights - the right to vote against the EU and to keep our own nation.
A majority of us don't want to be in the EU. We are being forced in against our will.
Do you feel
you've become powerless, unable to influence events, or your vote is
worth less? The six treaties have been gradually removing our
democracy; for thirty years our laws have been "harmonised" with the
EU; 80% of the laws now passed by our Parliament are EU laws, not ours.
Isn't the real reason people have lost interest in politics precisely
because the EU has taken away our ability to change things?
Common law,
where the government was our servant, is now largely replaced by the
EU's Corpus Juris, which puts the government above the law, and we
don't participate. We have already lost most of our rights (including
habeas corpus). The power of government grows unchecked, as does that
of large corporations. Politicians continuously lie about the EU,
pretending its not significant.
6. Massive EU corruption
The EU's auditors have found the fraud is so widespread they've refused to sign off the EU's accounts for each of the last ten years.
Whistleblowers like Marta Andreason, the EU Budget Director, who in 2005 found the EU couldn't account for 95% of its £66 billion budget, are simply fired for telling the truth.
7.The bribing of our Politicians by the EU
Europe works by bribing politicians with huge salaries and expenses to
vote for Europe, against the best interests of their own voters.
As a result
all three parties are in favour of the EU - Westminster acts like a one
party state of politicians: the Lib-Lab-Con. The parties are run top
down and implement the policy of their leaderships, not that of their
members. (unfortunately UKIP is run in the same way). If you have voted
for the Labs, Cons or Lib-Dems since 1969, you have voted for the EU dictatorship.
8. EU corruption is now exploding through our Civil Service, our local government, and our 7,000 quangos.
A shadow EU government lives inside our bureaucracy, headquartered in the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (ODPM.)
It includes many parts of government including the RDA and the Regional Assemblies. Common Purpose,
an EU organisation, the UK branch also headquartered in the ODPM, has
members across many government organisations including some city and
county councils, the Land Registry, the police and the NHS, which it is
destroying from within.
Common Purpose
is the glue that enables fraud to be committed across these government
departments, most of it lining the pockets of politicians and
bureaucrats. It often involves the sale of public assets such as land
to friends of politicians or their businesses. (The RDA -The EU
Regional Development Agency, is a major player in this type of fraud.)
And the handing out of plum government non jobs with big salaries and
expenses to members of Common Purpose, all of it involving the theft of
our money as taxpayers. The Chief Executive Officer of Common Purpose
is Julia Middleton of the ODPM.
9. Businesses closing under EU regulation
The EU's 111,000 regulations, when fully enforced, will transform
Britain from a free market economy into a Soviet style command economy,
closing hundreds of thousands more businesses. They will also control
our personal lives far more closely than were those of Soviet citizens.
(In a Parliamentary answer to Lord Stoddart in January 2003, the
government admitted there were 101,811 EU regulations, growing at 3,500
The cost of
Britain's 8,500 quangoes is £124 billion a year, and they raise an
additional £40 billion from us in charges, according to the Cabinet
Office. The Public Bodies Directory 2006 describes only 882 of them.
Most exist to enforce EU regulations; nearly all should be closed.
10. The EU costs us £200 billion pa, 20% of our economy According
to the government's Better Regulation Task Force, complying with EU
regulations now costs our economy over £100 billion a year. Economists
say we lose £80 billion pa by associating with the EU's inferior
economies. The EU took our fishing industry, which costs us £5 billion
pa. EU damage to other industries (like forcing us to close the Rover
Car Co) a further £20 billion. Our EU contribution is £10 billion.
Before we joined the EU we had an even balance of trade with them.
Now EU regulations have fixed it so we lose £22 billion year trading with the EU on
our balance of payments. We'd be enormously more wealthy if we left.
The main use
of taxes is now to finance government and its greedy whirlpool of
waste; they've doubled in real terms in the 33 years we've been in the
EU. There's less money in the economy left for wages, creating a
growing underclass who can't make ends meet.
11. Our counties to be abolished The
Queen signed the 1992 Maastricht Treaty, which adopts the EU
Regionalisation Plan. This will abolish England's 48 counties and
replace them with 9 European regions, each with their own Regional
Capital, which reports directly to Brussels, not to Westminster. This
effectively obliterates the country of England. For example the County
of Cornwall is replaced by the South West Region, which stretches from
Lands End and includes Gloucestershire and Wiltshire; its regional
capital is Exeter. As this move is unpopular it is being kept low-key
and will not be implemented until the sixth treaty is signed, when we
lose our right to object.
12. The deliberate destruction of our standards and way of life,
From Sunday trading, where large stores force staff to work Sundays for
derisory pay - or they don't get a job, to the deliberate undermining
of the family and teachers, to sex education for the under 13's, to
children being given obscene homework, its all traceable via our
compliant government back to the EU over the last 34 years, as it
sucessfully implemented the subversion of the Frankfurt School. While
inside atheist Europe, British Christianity has almost died out; safety
on our streets and a great chunk of civilised life has left with it.
13. The EU has controlled our immigration since 1997
903,000 immigrants arrived last year according to the city forecaster
Capital Economics. The Amsterdam Treaty handed control of our
immigration to the EU. 30,000 a year used to arrive - the EU's
increased it by 30 times That's why house prices have been screaming up.
and huge corporations like immigration - with thousands of immigrants
available on low pay, they can impose the minimum wage on millions.
Politicians then lie that they can't get British workers to do dirty
jobs. The truth is they won't offer a decent wage, and cynically use
immigrants to drive wages down, adding to the huge underclass.
Government pretends there are a maximum of 145,000 immigants annually,
and 1.5 million new houses will be needed to house them. But then Jack
Straw admits that 2.6 million immigrants applied to stay here last
infrastructure and services can't stand such huge numbers and is
breaking down in some cities, where English people are becoming a 10%
minority. But the EU controls it, not the Foreign secretary, and he has
no power, no options but to do as EU policy dictates, and accept it.
Howard was lying on the 24th January 2005 when he said he'd fix
immigration - as Prime Minister, he'd have had no control over it
whatsoever. Immigration hurts our existing immigrants first - new
immigrants move into their areas, decreasing the wages and increasing
the pressure on housing.
If the sixth Treaty is signed,
we lose our right to withdraw and Britain ceases to be a nation. Like
the other six, it only requires two signatures: the Prime Ministers,
and the Queen's.
Examples of how our lives have degraded since we've been in the EU:
In the EU, (which means in Britain) government is above the law.
The EU's corpus juris now pervades right through our legal system. A
policeman was let off by magistrates this year (2005) for driving his
private car at 159 mph in Ludlow, Shrops. Under Corpus Juris the
government are above the law and cannot be prosecuted The judge ruled
correctly under EU law. 45,000 police officers got off speed cameras in
this way in 2004, although their speeding killed 44 innocent people.
(Daily Mail 27.12.05.)
EU "monitoring Officers" have the right to dismiss our Councillors. The
Local Government Act of 2000 empowered the head of the EU government in
England, the Office of the Deputy Prime Minster (ODPM) to appoint a
monitoring officer to spy on every council. If an elected councillor
disagrees with the EU or government line, the unelected "Standards
Board for England" can suspend him for up to five years. An example is
in Cambridgeshire, where the ODPM has threatened cllr Alex Riley with
suspension if he attends any debate discussing the ODPM's plans to
build a new town of 20,000 people called Nothstowe on his ward. The
ODPM has the conflict of interest here; but its powers are becoming
We have lost the right to freedom The
EU arrest warrant (signed by the Queen on 18th November 2003) allows us
to be arrested without charge and held indefinitely with no right to
see a solicitor, make a phone call, or even a right to a trial. You can
simply disappear.
Under the Serious Organised Crime and
Police Act (SOCPA) 2005, we can now be arrested and held in the cells
by any police officer for any petty offence, like dropping litter.
Before it had to be an offense that carried a 5 year jail term. This
also applies to all of the EU's 107,000 regulations. Do you know them
The Civil Contingences Act 2004 allows
government to confiscate anything you possess permanently; you have no
right to object. This includes your house. It also gives government the
right to forceably move its population around to different locations;
you can be left with no place to call your own and live like a refugee.
The only check and balance here is a Minister just needs to utter the
words "This is a national emergency." If a demonstration or strike
government doesn't like is being organised, they can cut off all
communications in a town - phones, mobiles, the internet, TV, and block
all access to that town including closing roads and railways. It has
all the powers and more of Hitler's Enabling Act of 1933.
We have lost the right to free speech At
the Labour Party conference the police held an 82 year old man, Walter
Woolfgang, and denied him access to the conference under the EU's "anti
terrorist" legislation because he had shouted the word "nonsense" at
Jack Straw, who was speaking about Iraq. Terrified the true nature of
the laws they have passed on behalf of the EU was escaping too early,
the Labour Party stopped the police and begged the man to return to
On October 25th
2005 Miss Maya Evans was arrested under the Serious Organised Crime and
Police Act 2005, for a lone protest at the Cenotaph by reading out the
names of the 97 British soldiers killed in the Iraq war. She was
arrested by no less than 14 police officers and found guilty at Bow
Street Magistrates Court on the 8th December 2005.
Would you hand over our nation, to be ruled by a foreign power, with oppressive laws like these, ? That's what's happening.
We have lost the right to protest These
laws make protest very difficult; if we did hold a General Strike and
blockade Westminster it would now require some bravery: the powers the
EU has demanded from our government enable it to respond in a way
similar to the Chinese government's in Tiaanamen Square should it so
It is no coincidence that since 2004, all MP's offices in Westminster are guarded by police with machine guns, inside and out.
The Governments "terrorism" deception All
these new EU laws, including massive "anti terrorism" acts (recently
2000, 2001, 2005) were passed with the pretence they were only directed
at terrorists,
or in the case of Asbos, ruffians who terrorise the streets. In each
case they are used far more often against ordinary law abiding people,
particularly to suppress dissent. (91% of those detained under
Terrorism Acts are innocent and have been improperly arrested. Most of
the remainder are charged with offences that have nothing to do with
terrorism, but cover up over zealous arrests).
We have lost the right to life Under
EU law the "Shoot to kill" policy did not need democratic
authorisation. Just two senior police officers authorised the police to
kill British people. A democratic vote by Parliament was not required,
but even that would not have legalised the killing under British common
law. A recent victim was an innocent Brazilian, Jean de Menezes, shot
dead in Stockwell underground station, even though he was being held
down by police officers at the time of the execution. The police used
dum-dum bullets, outlawed under the Geneva Convention because they blow
a man to pieces inside.
The police can no longer be convicted for
killing innocent people - Philip Prout shot at Lewannick in East
Cornwall is just one of 30 people shot dead by police since 1992 when
corpus juris crept in. At least one was shot in the back; most were no
threat to anyone. Not once since 1992 has a policeman been convicted of
any crime for these murders.
Have you noticed this growing police state?
In addition to many more laws than those above, add the 107,000
regulations, and whole bureaucracies such as VOSA building up networks
of cameras and databases to record our movements and criminalise us
when we can't comply. Persecution is no longer confined to motorists;
under EU Corpus Juris our courts have become extensions of government
power instead of independent arbiters of justice.
Westminster had passed sufficient of the
EU's oppressive laws (the "harmonisation" in the Treaties) by the end
of 2004 that we have been living in what is legally a police state
since then. But at the moment, its only one per cent enforced. After
the Queen signs the sixth Treaty, the EU has the absolute power to
enforce 100% of its regulations and laws.
On the basis of the laws and treaties already signed by our Queen and Prime Ministers,
What will life be like in the EU after the 6th Treaty is signed?
Our Westminster Parliament immediately becomes pointess as its remaining powers are transferred to Europe.
It is the formal end of Britain and England as nations.
Britain's 153 embassies around the world
will be closed as the ink from the Queen's signature dries. (As Tony
Blair refused to admit this has been agreed to, Jose Zapatero, the
Prime Minister of Spain, confirmed it in a February 2005 radio
After the EU abolishes our 48 counties
your address will change from 4 High St, Taunton, Somerset, Great
Britain, to 4 High St, Taunton, Area K, European Union. (The glorious
EU county "The South West Region" has had the postal address "Area K"
assigned for over a decade.)
The Official National Anthem of the EU,
which you should have known since 1971 is based on the melody "Ode to
Joy" by Beethoven, formally replaces God save the Queen. The EU flag
replaces the Union Jack, the red, blue and white nautical ensigns etc.
(The EU Commission has already ordered (24.11.2005) our Merchant Navy
to fly the EU flag in place of the red Ensign.)
The EU takes ownership and command of our
Police, Army, Royal Navy, RAF, nuclear weapons, currency reserves,
North Sea Oil. (See the EU Constitution below)
Serving officers in our police, army,
navy and air force already know they will have to take an oath to the
EU instead of to the Queen. If they don't many have been told they will
be dismissed. The EU will have complete military control of the UK.
The UK Independence Party will be banned
under the 1999 ruling of the European court of Justice case c274/99,
where it was held that it is illegal to criticise the EU.
The Conservative, Labour and Lib-dem
parties will be abolished (only pan EU parties like the EPP or PES are
allowed -see clause I.46.4 of the EU Constitution). It will then be
blindingly obvious to even the dumbest politician there is no reason to
keep Westmister open, and that the EU has the legal right to close it.
Many people will be excluded from the jobs they know best, as the EU's demand that you must pay to be re-taught the job,
and pay for a certificate before you can be employed, becomes universal.
Hundreds of thousands more small businesses will close on the enforcement of the remaining 100,000 EU regulations
our government has already passed. Several million will be permanently unemployed as a result.
We will all be criminalised by the
107,000 regulations. Its impossible to know or understand 107,000
regulations, and the poor can't possibly afford to comply. We will all
be subject to frequent fines and arrest as a result. Here are just 4
Under EU regulations it is now illegal
for you to repair your plumbing, electrics or your car (from 1st
January 2006). If you buy a boat over six feet long, built after the EU
Recreational Craft Directive of 1999, and don't pay the EU £4,000 to
"measure" the boat, you get 6 months imprisonment. We will live under
permanent threat of arrest and fear of the knock at the door that takes
us away.
Massive corporations will do well, but
with huge immigration allowed from the EU, they'll be able to pay
minimum wage everywhere, not just in the provinces as they do now. If
you don't accept the minimum they'll employ a Pole or a Czekoslovakian.
Big corporations will also have a near
monopoly (with the government) on employment and will be able to
dictate unfavourable terms to staff without fear of contradiction.
Plum government jobs and corruption will
ensure the wealth of politicians, bureaucrats, their businesses and
associates at all levels of government, including local government and
amongst our 7000+ quangos.
Society will divide into two: the remaining 60% of us will be either unemployed or treated abysmally on minimum wage.
Taxes will rise more steeply to pay for the even larger explosion in government growth and corruption
There will be no redress through local
democracy because there won't be any. The nine UK regional governments,
which replace our 48 counties and councillors, will be unelected (see
the European Regionisation plan). Our only vote is to the powerless EU
parliament. We will be ruled by the 25 unelected Commisssioners, and
have have no redress at any level; we will be as poor but have less
freedom than Soviet Citizens.
If we demonstrate or protest we can be be
seized and relocated to another region. The EU Arrest Warrant and Civil
Contingencies Act 2004, with 20 other oppressive Acts the Queen has
signed between 1972 and 2005, give the government absolute power over
us. They can shoot us if they wish with no legal comeback - the
shootings of innocents Philip Prout and Jean de Menezes were entirely
legal under EU law.
The tendancy to pick on Muslims, as Germany used to pick on Jews, has already begun. Europe will be a very nasty place.
How long will the EU last?
Eventually, perhaps 15 years down the track, Europe will collapse under
the weight of its own corruption, bureaucracy, and regulations. There
will be so few productive businesses that even at 100% tax rates we
will not be able to support the massive, corrupt and wasteful
government. Many of us will be starving in the lead up to the collapse.
After the collapse we may be able to leave the EU, if a dictator has
not taken advantage of the complete absence of democratic checks and
balances by seizing power. The Constitution of the EU is similar to the
Soviet Union's. That dictator is free to choose between a Soviet or
Nazi style government. Then it could take 70 years to break free.
years ago our greatest threat might have been violence or mugging. Now
the greatest threat to our economic well being, our way of life, our
freedom and the very existence of our nation, is our own government.
What do we want?
After the repeal of the EU treaties we
want a change to our British Constitution so politicians can never
hijack our nation again. Every Parliamentary Bill, after its Second
Reading, should come down to us, the people, to vote yes or no as to
whether the Queen should give it Royal Assent. This will take power
away from our destructive politicians and return it to the people,
where it belongs. (They do this in Swtizerland - they, not us, are the
most democratic nation on earth.) We can then return to being a
peaceable, just, honest, prosperous and fully democratic society where
everyone's rights, no matter how high or low are respected, and the
disadvantaged properly looked after. And where neither governments,
corporations nor individuals have obscene wealth and power.
David Noakes 07974 437 097 ; [email protected]
Campaign to repeal the 1972 European Communities Act and get clean out.
What can you do to help? 1. Find out when your local MP holds
their surgery and attend with a printout of this, and the one page
summary of the EU constitution below. Ask that MP to cross the floor to
be the leader of the first Anti EU Parliamentary Party (representing
65% of our nation). The publicity would be stunning, and might force an
in/out vote.
2. Make appointments with your local journalists, give them the same
two print outs and ask them to write about the truth about the EU.
3. Do you know anyone famous? Persuade them in the same way to join our cause and get the truth known.
4. Print little stickers: "We didn't vote for this - it has no
mandate," and stick them on everything that represents the police state
and rip off government.
5. Tell your Town, District and County councillors they are about to be abolished. See below.
6. Do anything you can to get the truth about the EU published.
Or print and hand out this flier (a .pdf), or flier (as a word document). It can be photocopied double sided on to one page.
Our Councillors abolished
Our 20,000 Councillors will be permanently abolished after the EU Regionalisation Plan has established the nine EU Regions.
Point out they were elected to serve the public, not the government, and the public has not agreed to their abolition.
Try to persuade them to stand up for the people who voted for them,
(which is only doing their duty) by holding a yes/no local ballot on
whether the public agree with the abolition of our counties,
councillors and nation.
If the public vote no, they should declare, for their Town or county,
UDI from Europe and the illegal actions of our government since 1971,
particularly the abolition of our British Constiution, common law, our
nation and counties. The press coverage this would generate would force
the truth into the open nationally, leading to a national in/out ballot
on the EU. Just one council could achieve this fabulous result alone.
Download: A summary of the loss of our 48 counties (a WP file)
Download: A map of the nine EU regions (.pdf)
The Devonport Column, exposing Common Purpose nationally, and corruption in Plymouth.
The six treaties are:
1. The European Communities Act 1972.
2. The Single European Act, 1986.
3. The Maastricht Treaty, 1992.
4. The Amsterdam Treaty, 1997.
5. The Nice Treaty 2001.
The sixth
will be called something equally innocuous, like the Treaty of Lille.
Then the loss of our nation, way of life and freedom will be complete.
The best summary of the six treaties is the Constitution
reveals the true nature of the EU. Some British politicians were
horrified when they saw the EU's absolute power revealed in its new
constitution, and falsely accused the EU of much more than a tidying up
exercise. It wasn't, it was a re-statement of the 6 treaties in almost
readable English. Our politicians simply hadn't read the six treaties
before they voted for them. The French and Dutch "No" votes are being
ignored as usual; the EU Constitution is 2/3rds implemented and still
being implemented. Dan Hannan of the Brussels EU Constitutional
Committee, confirms it will be fully implemended in two years. Brussels
can enforce it fully after the Queen signs the sixth EU treaty. Here's
a one page summary with Article numbers:
One page summary of the Constitution - pdf for download
UKIP is way understating the costs of the EU. Even the British and EU governments admit to four times the UKIP figure.
The EU is costing us 200 billion pa, 20% of our economy
Quotes from our leaders revealing they know they built the EU as a dictatorship.
EU treaties and publications abolishing our 48 counties
The Conservative Con trick
Many people have been fooled by the Conservative Party into believing the party is anti EU.
It was the Conservatives, under Ted Heath, who took us in to the EU, and then he lied that his 1972 EU Treaty
wouldn't affect our sovereignty. Three out of the four Prime Ministers who signed the 6 EU treaties were Conservatives,
every one af them legally a traitor under the British laws of their time. Do you see a pattern here?
In 2005 Party Leader Michael Howard could have won the election for the Conservatives
by making one simple statement: "We will repeal the 1972 EU Communities Act and leave Europe".
Millions of Conservative voters would have rejoined the fold. A million Lib-Dems and Labour voters would have joined him.
But he didn't.
Because the Conservative leadership would rather be in Europe than be in power.
Howard continued betraying Conservative voters, so he lost. (And to be
fair, why should Conservative leaders miss out on the EU corruption
gravy train?)
Conservative leadership is completely dedicated to joining Europe, none
more so than David Cameron, who is using the language and methods of
Common Purpose against the Conservative Party.
policy is to reform the EU from the inside (renegotiation). We've been
in it 34 years and failed to refom this dictatorship one jot. Their
policy is to continue this complete failure, and they know this
pretence is wholly dishonest. You either submit to 100% of the EU or
don't join it at all; that is the only choice open to us.
Half a cheer for the Lib-Dems
They realise we're now living in what is legally a police state, and
speak out against it. We've been forced to harmonise our laws with the
EU during the 34 years we've been inside, and the police state we're
living in is the EU's. The Lib-Dems tell us with stunning naivity its
Labour's police state, don't seem to realise the EU is behind it, and
are still madly in favour of the EU. Its no comfort that they will
suffer for their stupidity. Lately some Lib-Dem MP's have been talking
about the Tories pathetic "reform the EU" idea. Will they never learn?
the Labour and Lib-Dem parties openly for Europe, and the Conservative
leadership secretly for it, its clear the three parties will never give
us a vote to leave the EU and keep our nation. Massive civil
disobedience, a permanent General Strike, or a blockade of Westminster
until MP's resign might be effective.
The abolition of the Labour, Conservative and Lib-Dem parties. So
sloppy have our politicians been in their reading of the EU treaties,
most haven't noticed that the EU will abolish our Labour, Conservative
and Lib-Dem parties. It was clear in the Madrid 1999 party financing
document, and it was re-stated in the Constitution, clause I-46-4. Only
pan European parties like the EPP will be allowed. Some politicians,
like Heseltine and Ken Clarke, can't wait for this to happen.
A date for the abolition of Westminster has tactfully not been given Once
the 6th treaty is signed, Westminster's remaining powers are
transferred to Brussels, and Westminster is left with the powers of a
county council. Except it won't have a county, because they will be
abolished under the Regionalisation plan. The 9 EU regions report
direct to Brussels, so Westminster will be a county council without a
county. Anyone with half a brain can see Brussels will abolish
Westminster, as it's only potential use would be as a rallying point to
challenge the power of Brussels.
The Queen, Treason and the Coronation oath
with Churchill, King George VI saved our nation; he was a Monarch to be
proud of. But his daughter the Queen is the only monarch to have broken
her coronation oath, by signing these five treaties that abolish our
common law, the British Constitution, the British and English nations,
and our sovereignty. She has also committed treason, together with
co-signatories Ted Heath, Margaret Thatcher, John Major and Tony Blair.
they stood a good chance of spending the rest of their lives behind
bars, Tony Blair and the Queen signed the Crime and Disorder Act, 1998
(s36.3), which secretly abolished much of the crime of treason - they
didn't tell the MP's what they had just voted for.
million British Servicemen gave their lives for our independence. The
Queen has thrown their sacrifices away and made them worthless.
no physical risk to herself, she could have fulfilled her duty as a
constitutional check and balance, by refusing to sign the five treaties
until an in/out referendum had been held. In the unlikely event the
vote went against her she might have lost her crown (not her life or a
limb), and kept her £9 billion plus palaces. Those servicemen's lives
would still have meant something.
she's dead keen to sign; she's already said she'll sign the last
treaty. Princes Charles, William or Harry can then never be King. You
can't have a King without a Kingdom: they can only be princes of a
region (principality) within Europe.
Queen's aspirations are not ours; she clearly serves a higher and
darker master; the faith she defends cannot be the one we think it is.
King George VI must be turning over in his grave.
The new EU Hitler doesn't have to get elected Its worth
noting that Adolf Hitler first had to get elected, if on a 35% minority
vote, and then get his Enabling Act passed. An EU dictator has no such
problems. Our EU rulers do not submit themselves for election now. And
the Queen has already signed the Enabling Act (Civil Contingencies Act
EU's Hitler will have a much easier rise to power, and will have the
formerly British and French nuclear weapons from day one. Adolf Hitler
killed 54 million people. The EU's dictator could kill a billion at the
touch of a button, with no democratic checks and balances to answer to.
How could any aspiring dictator resist the EU opportunity?
Some revolutionary lyrics - We're being fooled again
A diagram of the parallel EU Government in the UK.
The wiring of the EU in Britain EU subversion of our Government.
A link to
Our other site:
Common Purpose, training 18,000 of our new EU rulers at all levels of our government now.
As a word doc.
The Legislative and Regulatory Reform Bill 2006 - government doesn't need Parliament.
had something similar in the 1680's. Is there anyone out there who
doesn't realise all the treaties and laws of a dictatorship, and more,
are now enacted? And that all it takes is for a foreign power, the EU,
to enforce them?
we want to be in Europe? Do we want to lose democratic government, the
nations of Britain and England, and all our counties? Do we want to put
ourselves in the EU, where we will be at the mercy of any dictator who
chooses to control us? Isn't the answer obviously "No" ?
We can live again outside Europe
Outside the EU we can be a free and properly democratic nation. Free
from Europe we could stop half our government spending being wasted,
could save the £200 billion a year it costs us to be in Europe, repeal
all its 107,000 regulations, and stop losing the £22 billion a year to
Europe on our balance of payments. With those vast savings we could
easily pay all our people a good living wage. According to the OECD we
are the 4th strongest economy amongst the world's 205 independent
nations, and we will make it handsomely.
We could leave the EU in 14 hours The
fastest an Act of Parliament has been drafted, passed by Parliament and
signed by the Monarch was the abdication of King Edward 8th. It was
done in 13.5 hours. We could repeal the 1972 European Communities Act
and be out of Europe in just fourteen hours, if our traiterous MP's,
Prime Minister and Queen so wished. So far they've illegally denied us
the choice. We need to change that, but we may only have two years left
before the final 6th treaty is signed.
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