I-6 The EU Constitution and law has primacy over the law of member states.
I-9-2 Accepts the EU Convention on Protection of Human Rights, but not if it affects the EU's powers.
I-10. We start with both EU and national citizenship. Yes, the EU is to be a nation in its own right.
I-12 Member states may not compete with the EU's powers ("competencies").
I-12-2 In shared powers, member nations may not exercise power unless the EU allows it.
I-12-4 The EU has power over defence.
I-13 The EU has absolute power on: customs, rules on the single market, monetary policy, fishing, commerce, and international agreements, eg treaties.
(Absolute power = exclusive competencies)
I-15 Members must make their employment, social and economic policies comply with the EU's.
I-16-1 The EU has absolute power over foreign policy, security and defence.
I-16-2 All states shall comply with 16-1. So there are no useful powers left for Westmister
I-18. If the Constitution forgot powers to achieve its ends, the Council of Ministers can add them.
The EU will have absolute power; Westminster will have no powers of
its own; not even those of a county council, because Britain’s 12 EU
regions will report directly to Brussels. The EU will clearly have the
power to close Westminster whenever it so decrees.
I-19 Institutions: The Council of Ministers ("The Council") controls all EU Parliament legislation.
I-20 Maximum 750 EU MP's, five year term. Minimum 6, maximum 96, per State.
I-21 The EU Council, consisting of Heads of State, shall direct the EU and its foreign policy.
I-23 The Council of Ministers, one per state, shall direct legislative and budgetary functions.
I-26 The EU Commission is the executive.
I-26-7 The Commission has absolute power. It's only accountability is a censure vote from Parliament.
I-27-1 The Council chooses the President of the Commission, parliament merely ratifies it.
I-27-2 The Council of Ministers appoints Commissioners. Parliament has
no say. There is no democratic process in the Commission, which is a
dictatorship. Only the Commission may propose legislation, Parliament's
function is merely to approve the Commission's legislation.
The EU Parliament, (the only vote we will have left,) is a sham. It's the Soviet system.
I-33 EU laws, decisions and regulations are binding on member states.
I-41 Confirms the EU's absolute control of our military and nuclear weapons.
I-4I-3 Each nation is to build up its armed forces. They clearly want the EU to be a military power.
I-43 The EU has the power to mobilise the military assets of all States if it declares an emergency.
I-46-4 "The principal of representative democracy" "Political parties
at the European level contribute to EU political awareness and express
the wishes of citizens." Our Lib-Lab-Con parties will be replaced by EU wide parties with names like Party of European Socialists (PES),
and European Peoples Party (EPP).
I-47-4 Petitions: One million citizens from many countries (ie with
difficulty) may merely invite the Commission to propose that the
Constitution be implemented. ie, we can only agree. Soviet style.
I-50. Only the Council sometimes, and Parliament, shall meet in public. (All others meet in secret.)
I-50-3 The right of our access to EU documents, and the right of the EU to limit our access.
I-53-7 "The EU shall counter internal fraud" It protects and fosters fraud! It breaks its own Constitution!
I-59-3 If there is just a "clear risk" of a State breaching I-2 (Human
rights), the EU can suspend that State's rights (including voting), but
its obligations to the EU remain. (Designed for abuse!)
I-60 "Any State may decide to withdraw from the EU". But terms will be decided by the Council (they keep our oil, fishing, currency reserves, armed forces and nukes?). Requires agreement by the EU Parliament. Article III-325 3 puts more steps in the way. A qualified majority is 72% of the Council. Like Hungary, Poland, or Chechnya, we cannot leave.
In summary, the EU Constitution is similar to the old Soviet Union’s and builds a dictatorship. It starts with human rights platitudes, then conceals its destruction of democracy in its massive 465 pages; while the EU's Corpus Juris legal system steals our rights. Harmonising our laws with the EU over 33 years has given us the laws of a police state, temporarily unenforced. The EU’s 111,000 regulations will control our personal lives more closely than were Soviet Citizens. This Constitution makes the EU become our nation, and as a result Britain is abolished as a nation.
We can only avoid this by repealing the 1972 EU Communities Act before we are imprisoned inside.
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