Listen to the Radio Ads 2006 -- So Hot the Radio Stations who must play them due to the Reasonable Access law -- often apologize for having to play them!
The best way to listen to the mp3 ads below, is to right click, save as to your computer, then double click them on your computer and it will play on RealPlayer or Windows Media or another player.
Then, if you wish, you can send the mp3's of the ads as an attachment in email to your contacts worldwide.
1. "Dear New Hampshire" -- this ad will not be heard on air because WGIR AM of New Hampshire is refusing to play this ad invoking that their AM signal does not reach the congressional district in which I am running (which is true). The FCC, which has always been fair to us, has sent us documentation they say backs up this position (we are reviewing this documentation, and concede out front that it is viewed as legitimate by the FCC). We want to see if we believe the precedents they are using should stand, or should be challenged in court for the sake of open political debate. The only way this radio ad will be heard is if those of you who support it will right-click on it, down load it to one's computer, and then attach it to emails to send to your contacts around the country and world.
2. "9-11 Mysteries" -- about the new DVD documentary everyone should see; the patriots who made it have selflessly put it up on Google Video so you can view it for free -- but we recommend those who can afford to do so buy it ($20 or so) and give it to opinion molders and good people in your area. No sane person can view this DVD and believe that planes and fire alone brought down the Twin Towers in NYC on 9-11-01.
3. "Arrest Chertoff" -- the radio ad that, we are told, is driving Chicago crazy over WLS AM (the WLS AM signal DOES reach my congessional district, Ohio 2nd, so they must keep running it, even though one of their officials called me on November 1, 2006 and told me candidly they were trying to get it off the air because of the trouble it was causing them with phone calls, threats, etc. defends Christopher Bollyn in light of his unjust tasering and arrest by Michael Chertoff's $40 Billion funded KGB-style secret police known by the Orwellian name, "Homeland Security."
4. "Whistleblower 2006" -- about the whistleblower, Christopher Hood, brought forth by Robert Kennedy, Jr. in the October 6, 2006 issue of Rolling Stone magazine, who fingers one of the Urosevich brothers as providing crooked software to fix the 2002 Georgia Senate election, in which, war veteran Max Cleland, outspoken critic of President W. Bush's intentions to attack Iraq soon thereafter, and who was in a wheelchair permanently due to war wounds, -- surprisingly lost to Republican candidates Saxby Chambliss.
5. "Free Rudolph: -- about the three men sitting in jail RIGHT NOW for writing and speaking against the Hollywood version of the Holocaust of WW II. The three jailed me are crusader Ernst Zundel, English historian David Irving, and scientist Germar Rudolph.