The Campaign for Radical Truth in History

Forever Haunted by Gas Chambers Ghosts: Establishment Media Today

by Michael A. Hoffman II Copyright©1997

Let us think of the world's great atrocities:

Khmer Rouge in Cambodia

The Indonesian holocaust documented by Noam Chomsky and many others

The Famine forced on the German people after World War I

The Famines of the 1920s forced by Lenin in Russia

The Great Famine in Ukraine forced by Stalin

Mengitsu's Famine in Ethiopia

Mao's famine in China in the early 1960s

The Israeli Holocaust Against the Palestinian People

The Allied Holocaust Against the German People

The Nazi Murder of Jews

Of all of these atrocities (and there are many more that could be listed, such as the internment of the Boers in the word's first "concentration camps" in South Africa) only one--the one that is more than a half century old, appears on the front pages of our daily newspapers as if it happened yesterday!

The political hay to be made out of publicizing every conceivable angle (real, imagined and unconscionably exaggerated) of the Nazi campaign against the Jews (since circa 1978 called by the Orwellian Newspeak, "Holocaust"), should be obvious.

Jewish power is extended exponentially whenever recent and on-going slaughters of Palestinians (for example, Qana, Lebanon, April 18, 1996 when about 100 Arab civilians were butchered by Israeli forces at a U.N. "safe haven" site), are eclipsed by the incessant drumbeat of the never-ending tales of what the Germans allegedly did to the Jews more than a half century ago.

So in our daily media we have starring nearly each and every day of our lives--"Holocaust" and then "Son of Holocaust," "The Holocaust Strikes Back," "Holocaust in Perspective" etc. etc. etc. It reminds this writer of the florid saint cult established in the name of the hapless Jewish teenager, Anne Frank. The movies made about her include Anne Frank (two versions), Anne Frank Remembered, World of Anne Frank and so forth.

Presumably no German teenagers kept any diaries of what it was like to watch their parents roasted alive in the firebombing of Berlin and Dresden or raped to death in the Soviet "liberation" of Prussia or starved and frozen to death in the Trail of Tears' forced expulsions from the Sudetenland and Mittleuropa. Only the travail of a Jewish teenager commands our attention--even though she died, not at the hand of any German, but from lice and the typhus they carried. (A portion of "her diary" was written by her father Otto).

How convenient for the Zionists to have the worldwide agency of the establishment media to perpetually market their World War II contretemps every day in 1997, fifty-two years later!

But just try and find one single major investigative article in the media this week about the Israeli holocaust against Beirut, Lebanon in the summer of 1982. It happened 15 years ago and was perpetrated by a racist government still in power--therefore publicizing it can prevent it from happening again, now, to new Palestinian and Arab victims.

Publicize it? Commemorate what the Israelis did to Beirut 15 years ago? No way, Jose.

The rabbinical teaching on the Arabs as expressed by orthodox rabbis and such much admired Zionists as mass murderer Baruch Goldstein, is that a million Arabs are not worth one Jewish fingernail.

Hence we have the sufferings of the Jews in World War Two--real and imagined--forever before our eyes on a daily basis. (What the Allies did to the German civilians isn't even an issue).

The deaths of the Master Race--the Jews--takes precedence over all other deaths for all time.

The president of Switzerland charged that the world Zionist leadership was blackmailing Switzerland; if the Swiss didn't pay millions of dollars in tribute to the Jews, the Jews would summon their assets in the media worldwide and launch a relentless attack on the Swiss--their honor, their heritage and their history.

This has come to pass. Switzerland balked at paying the tribute--just for a moment mind you, a mere hesitation, actually--but oh how they will be made to pay in the pages and screens of the international media. For having dared to even show a reluctance, to make the slightest little fuss, the smallest hesitation in genuflecting, the prophecy of the Swiss president is coming true in spades.

The spigot of anti-Swiss hate has "coincidentally" been turned on in media forums worldwide ever since.

Take for example the N.Y. Times of Feb. 8, 1997 in a prominent report by Alan Cowell, "Swiss Begin to Question Myth of Heroism in War."

Just like that, voila, we suddenly have a new appraisal--a revisionism, if you will--of the Swiss record in WWII. The idea that this courageous little mountain nation was heroic is castigated as a "myth."

How bold and brazen is the N.Y. Times and Mr. Alan Cowell when it comes to flinging mud on the sacred traditions of other nations of people.

When gas chamber revisionists analyze "Jewish myths" it is regarded as a human rights outrage, "crank" "pseudo-history," and "anti-Jewish hatemongering."

But for some reason the N.Y. Times has every right and privilege to cast aspersion on the heroism of an entire nation of Swiss people and woe to those who see anything hateful in that!

Our Master Jewish Race reserves to itself and its allies alone the right to revise history, establish what are a nation's myths and criticize whole nations as cowards and beasts.

Whoever resists Zionism will find themselves in the same kettle. The former president of Switzerland has been proved right. The media extortion and blackmail have begun. The Swiss will pay and pay and pay for their little indiscretion. They should fight back in their own media or, if their media lacks sufficient reach, then defy these Zionist extortionists and begin to turn the tables of them and ask, in public:

"Who are you mass murderers of Palestinians, you descendants of the slave drivers of Communist Russia to tell us we are not moral by your standards?

"How dare you Israelis, with your Palestinian Bantustans and your shootings of stone-throwing children, lecture any nation on morality?"

That is what needs to be said, without flinching.

In the same issue of the N.Y.Times (Feb. 8, 1997) we also found another recycled "Holocaust" story, also front-page (this time in the Arts section), titled, "Holocaust's Children, One by One: Reclaiming Identity from the Numbers," complete with two photographs.

Two top news stories in America's "newspaper of record," concerning alleged events occurring more than a half century ago and this cycle will repeat week in and week out, sometimes day in and day out until the cows come home or until people who tire of it put a stop to it by creating alternative media where the Jewish Communist holocaust against the people of Russia and Eastern Europe and the Jewish holocaust against the Palestinians are also discussed in just as exacting detail, (though sans the wild exaggerations), and with as monotonous a regularity from every conceivable angle.

Such publicity would not be a publicity ploy however. It would save lives: the lives of Palestinians first and foremost and the lives of those intellectual opponents of Zionism who are assassinated literally or in reputation by either the Mossad or the ADL, or repressed and silenced by the Simon Wiesenthal Center.

Also--will you believe this?--in the same issue of the N.Y. Time of Feb. 8 was a front page article advocating--through trickery-- that the monuments and landmarks of the Confederates of the south be demolished as the Soviets did to the Christian monuments of old Mother Russia.

The reporter--Mr. Kevin Sack--managed this feat by omitting all cases where whites were attacked physically for displaying the ensign of their ancestors. For example, Sack, reports on whites attacking blacks, but omits black attacks on whites, including the notorious murder of white father Michael Westermann by a gang of black youths who killed him solely because he had a Confederate flag sticker on his pickup truck.

This omission is critical to establishing a one-sided image of who the victims are in this debate (only blacks) and who the aggressors are (only whites, especially those who display the Stars 'n' Bars). By this omission, Mr. Sack begins to lay the groundwork for the removal of the sacred monuments to the blood sacrifice of Confederate soldiers who honorably fought for their soil and their flag by linking them with white violence. Black violence against those who exercize the right to display the flag of their heritage is expunged from the reporting.

This is how the N.Y. Times--and taking a cue from that old grey whore--most of the editors and reporters at other big city media outlets--propagandize for their agenda. That agenda is nothing less than the extirpation of all white Christian pride and honor. White Christians are to submerge themselves--as have the Germans--into a self-flagellating swamp of Freudian pathology where they "admit their guilt, sin and shame" and forever make reparation and obeisance to black and Jewish overlords.

We hear all this talk about "Hitler, Goebbels and the Big Lie" as a way to establish a sole proprietorship between Germans and propaganda, with the supposition being that the Jewish media doesn't propagandize, it only exposes and reports. But Stalin also had a propaganda master, the Jewish Communist Ilya Ehrenburg. And Ostrovsky, the Mossad defector, has written an account of how much the Israelis depend upon hasbara--propaganda--to gull the West into pouring more cash into the killing fields of Zionism.

In the Gulf War we saw the administration of President George Bush manufacture atrocity propaganda about the Iraqis in order to stiffen the resolve and heighten the rage of the American people.

So propaganda is hardly entirely on one side. We have the the worst, most corrupt mass media in the world right here in the U.S. They are beginning to drop even the pretext of objectivity, so great is their hubris. --Michael A. Hoffman II ©1997

Distributed by The Campaign for Radical Truth in History


World War Two Revisionism


News Bureau
