Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Internet freedom for Iran but not for the West?

U.S. Media's Self-Congratulatory Campaign for Internet Freedom in Iran Turns a Blind Eye on Australia, Canada and Britain

and to Israeli "closed military zones"

by Michael Hoffman |

It's embarrassing.

The media's orgy of self-congratulation, that is. Each night on national news shows, foreign correspondents have appeared on screen to breathlessly pledge their undying commitment to reporting the demonstrations in Iran while insisting that the Iranian government must allow for full press and Internet freedoms.

Our gorge rises in the face of this nauseating hypocrisy from these pompous gate-keepers.

Canada and Australia are sending citizen-journalists to prison for daring to use the Internet to ask tough questions about Holocaustianity, the West's sacred cow.

In Australia, PhD. philosopher Frederick Toben is facing several months in prison for defying the government and publishing his scientific and technical data about Auschwitz on the Internet.

In Canada, defense attorney Doug Christie can reel off numerous cases of fines and prosecution for skeptics and dissenters in that nation who used the Internet. In Britain a Catholic group faces prosecution for Internet throught crimes.

Canadian resident Ernst Zündel, twice tried in Canadian courts for "Holocaust denial" fled to the U.S. for safe haven against criminal charges he used the Internet to publish revisionist documents on his Zundelsite web.

The U.S. deported Mr. Zündel back to Canada where he was imprisoned for more than a year in solitary confinement. The Canadians then rendered him to Germany where he was sentenced to five years imprisonment.

In occupied Palestine the Israelis regularly declare Jenin or Gaza "closed military zones" so they can butcher the indigenous people without the inconvenience of reporters and cameras. This horror occurred as recently as last January. The U.S. media routinely complies with this "closure" and apathetically sits by while Israeli atrocities are committed secretly and then denied publicly (a form of holocaust denial which is everywhere legal).

If and when the American media report on the Zündel or Toben cases it is with a strong tenor of approval of their repression. In those cases control of the Internet is perceived as a necessary evil, in order to achieve a higher good.

After Manchurian candidate James von Brunn attacked the entrance to the U.S. Holocaust Museum in Washington D.C., the rabbis of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, which has enjoyed NGO status with the federal government -- in an end run around the First Amendment -- urged Internet Service Providers to deny service to websites that question the existence of execution gas chambers in Auschwitz; meanwhile the prestigious New York Times published a column on its web page questioning how far America should go with its traditional Internet freedom, when in Europe, people's "dignity" and "reputations" are better protected against "Holocaust deniers."

The Israeli-tilting American media despise the Islamic Republic of Iran and therefore pose as Internet freedom campaigners as part of their crusade to initiate a more Zionist-friendly nation. High-minded democratic principles have nothing to do with it.

"Our" media are pleased to see Internet outlaws like Zundel behind bars in Germany and Toben headed to prison in Australia. They abide with disgusting docility by the Israeli regime's mission to perpetrate collateral damage in private by declaring Palestinian territories "closed military zones."

Christiane Amanpour, Anderson Cooper, Bill O'Reilly, the New York Times and the other stars of the media corral are perfectly content when their political opponents and marginalized dissidents are punished for using the Internet to advance unpopular and radical ideas. They see no evil in such repression.

It's only evil when Iran does it.

Then our media mandarins mount the barricades, shaking their fists and shouting to the housetops their willingness to brave the fires of hell itself in order to help liberate the Iranian people.

How inspiring! How noble!



James said...

Interesting. (Well, not really. It is to be expected!) Main stream media in U.S. goes nuts about supposed election fraud in Iran which uses the one true safe paper ballot method, while turning a blind eye to America's electoral S.O.P.: electronic black box fraud.