The Zionist Mosque Massacre in
Copyright Joe Vialls, All Rights Reserved
Official reports from Jerusalem reveal several disturbing facts about Barukh Goldstein, the Israeli medical doctor from the Kiryat Arba settlement, who slaughtered 48 worshippers at prayer in the holy Ibrahimi Mosque on Friday 25 February 1994. Instead of firing automatic bursts from a relatively low-powered 9mm Uzi sub-machine gun, the standard weapon of Israeli settlers, Goldstein fired aimed high-speed semi-automatic shots at up to 90 rounds minute from a powerful Galil assault rifle. His ammunition clips each held 20 high-velocity fragmentation rounds: hallmarks of a planned special operations mass assassination. The world has grown accustomed to media illusions & distortions which deliberately change the perception of television viewers and newspaper readers. It is a favourite tool of the 'New World Order' (President George Bush's words, not mine), in manipulating the thoughts of the public towards its obscene objective of a one-world-government, where the only religion allowed will be the doctrines issued by megalomanic power brokers based in New York. The more obscene the images on the television the better, at least so far as the power brokers are concerned. Indeed, one of the power broker's demonstrated aims is to generate images so horrific they fall completely outside normal standards of human behaviour, to the point where the viewer believes the sequence is real because he or she could not imagine such behaviour being generated intentionally by sane human beings. But who suggested the power brokers are sane? Those behind the "New World Order" have repeatedly demonstrated they are not sane, and any suggestion that megalomaniacs such as these could conform to the norms required for 'sanity' would of itself be the biggest illusion of all time. To maximize the effect of their covert operations, the power brokers like to mix in a religion or two wherever possible, because for centuries religion has been one of the most potent tools available for generating maximum emotion. If you dare attack people at prayer, or desecrate their place of worship, they become justifiably outraged. Nor do the power brokers care which religion they meddle with. This report is about one staged atrocity which involved Jews and Muslims, creating tensions which could easily have destroyed peace in the Middle East. But it could equally easily have involved Christians, Hindus or Buddhists if the fledgling "New World Order" had desired a brush-war in another geographical location. Long before western media networks started distorting the facts behind the mass murder in the Hebron Mosque during 1994, by steadily dropping the number of actual dead from the real total of 48 to a more media-manageable total of 29, the Palestine Human Rights Information Centre, and others, compiled accurate reports based on police statements and extensive hospital clinical evidence. At dawn on Friday 25 February during Ramadan, the Muslim holy month of fasting, medical doctor Barukh Goldstein entered the Ibrahimi Mosque alone, walking in through the Ishaqiyeh entrance before taking up his position in Qour Nissa', an elevated part of the Mosque looking down on the unprotected backs of those kneeling in prayer. Police reports confirm Goldstein then calmly fitted ear defenders before aiming his powerful Galil assault rifle downwards at the backs of the worshippers. What happened next should raise the eyebrows of any decent military analyst. Goldstein was known for his work at the nearby Jewish settlement of Kiryat Arba, and for the over-zealous way he approached religious affairs, but the doctor was a relatively excitable person, under normal circumstances completely unsuitable for the work he was about to carry out. Though many members of the public assume that just about anyone can turn into an overnight assassin, they cannot do so with the ruthless calm and efficiency Goldstein reportedly displayed that day. Nor can an 'impulsive' assassin normally obtain ammunition designed from the outset to achieve maximum kill rates. There is every reason to believe Goldstein received a very high level of training, probably long before he entered the Mosque that fateful morning. When Goldstein opened fire with the Galil he used a technique virtually unknown to soldiers in conventional armies, but taught by special operations groups in the U.S. and Russia. Instead of firing normal full-automatic bursts of three to five bullets, Goldstein fired aimed, very fast shots with the Galil set to semi-automatic, restricting the weapon to one shot each time the trigger was squeezed. Goldstein reportedly fired up to 90 shots per minute. Kill rates tend to be much higher using this high-speed semi- automatic technique, but only if the shooter has received extensive training. Two years later on 28 April 1996, an unidentified expert shooter used identical techniques at Port Arthur in Australia, killing 35, wounding 22, and crippling two cars with a total of only 64 bullets. As a medical doctor from the nearby Kiryat Arba settlement, it is reasonable to ask where Doctor Goldstein gained his incredible level of expertise. The list of 48 dead shows Goldstein killed at least three complete families as they knelt in prayer. As in a Christian church, members of Muslim families tend to sit or kneel in the same rows .Once again the pattern points to direct special operations training; a known technique where a row of victims is mown down (from left to right or right to left) with very fast aimed semi-automatic shots, in order to expose the next row for slaughter, in the same way a farmer might mow hay or wheat. It is only in this way that each fragmentation round can be assured of wreaking maximum havoc in the minimum time. Perhaps the most convincing indication of special operations involvement was Goldstein's ammunition. Rather than firing conventional solid or even hollow-point bullets, staff at the local Ramallah hospital confirmed: "All those shot were injured [or killed] by devastating high-velocity ammunition which splinters into shrapnel inside the body, causing multiple injuries and massive hemorrhaging." Doctors in the occupied territories are not much given to over-statement. The daily treatment of teenagers dying from gunshot wounds leads to a predictable level of desensitization, so when Palestinian doctors use the word "devastating", they use it entirely in context. Their horrified comments were mirrored two years later by shocked Australian doctors at Port Arthur, when they were also confronted with identical "devastating" fragmentation wounds. Conventional jacketed or hollow-point bullets are relatively merciful when compared with full-house fragmentation assassination rounds. Though banned by the Geneva Convention and every army in the world including Israel's, Goldstein nonetheless managed to obtain up to 100 special fragmentation rounds normally limited to covert special operations groups. When Yasir Arafat stated clearly from Tunis: "This was not the work of one man - there is no Rambo", he might not at that stage have been advised of Goldstein's elevated firing platform, or his use of high-velocity fragmentation bullets. Because the bullets were fired downwards at an angle, each one that missed its target immediately splintered into slivers of razor-sharp shrapnel on impact with the stone floor, ricocheting upwards and outwards, injuring hundreds of other worshippers. Young children listed as injured included Farhat Jabari age 7 years, hit in both legs; Sari Awad Jabari age 8 years, hit in the chest; Shaher Abu Hadid age 9 years, hit in the mouth and admitted to intensive care. The reports from Jerusalem do not clarify whether the young children were hit by shrapnel splinters in the Mosque itself, or by full-caliber bullets later fired at the worshippers outside the Mosque by Israeli security forces. When examining which third-party may have been responsible for training Goldstein, it is important to evaluate would benefit most from the horrific mass-murder of 48 named worshippers in the Ibrahimi Mosque. Using cold analysis it will be obvious to most readers that the Israeli settlers at Kiryat Arba stood to gain very little but, paradoxically, stood to lose everything including their lives. The shock and outrage following on the heels of such an obscene act might well have led to a massed Palestinian revenge attack on the settlement. It says much about the self-discipline of the Palestinian people that those Israeli settlers are still alive and breathing today. At superpower level, where Palestinians and Israelis alike are often viewed with contempt as pawns in a greater global game, only two nations stood to gain from this sort of special operation: America and Russia. Only they had the motive, equipment, expertise, access and will to transform such an obscene act from fiction to reality. Either might derive substantial financial benefit from driving a further wedge between the Palestinians and Israelis, while at the same time deliberately generating increased activity by groups of activists including Kach and Hamas. Turning the entire Middle East into one giant blood bath, in order to grab direct control of global oil supplies, has long been a high priority for some well-known international power brokers. Asking the hypothetical question "Which one was it?" will not yield a definitive answer. However, on this occasion Russia was completely immersed in its own internal affairs and therefore seems an unlikely culprit. During the evening immediately following the massacre at least two Australian television networks ran a surprisingly detailed American biographical film clip about Barukh Goldstein. For any global viewer not familiar with Goldstein's radical background, the film clip included extensive footage of his life as a child in New York, showed the hospital where he trained, mentioned he had refused to treat wounded Palestinians, and much more. Interestingly, the footage included a brief but tantalizing glimpse of a specialised paramilitary group in "upstate New York", where Doctor Goldstein allegedly received his training. Though it is standard practice for television networks to keep biographical film clips of important people in the archives ready for use when they die, Goldstein was far too low-grade and unimportant for this procedure. The closest parallel seems to be the full biographical details of obscure American Lee Harvey Oswald, which were flashed round the world by the American news wires in 1963. The story was picked up and printed by a newspaper in Christchurch, New Zealand, many hours before Lee Harvey Oswald was even named by US authorities as a suspect in the high-profile assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Indeed, at the exact time the New Zealand newspaper hit the streets of Christchurch, Oswald was just being arrested by Dallas police officers "on suspicion" of murdering police officer Tippett, at an entirely different location. Doctor Barukh Goldstein's close associates claim his actions were unexpected, unprecedented and completely out of character. It is therefore left to each individual reader to assess whether Goldstein acted alone, or whether he was pre-conditioned and highly trained by a third party specialist paramilitary group, long before the Hebron mass murder took place. The reader could be pardoned for thinking this is the only Zionist massacre perpetrated by jews, bu they would be wrong. One of the worst earlier examples was the Dahmash Mosque Massacre on 11 July 1948, after the Israeli 89th Commando Battalion lead by Moshe Dayan occupied Lydda, the Israelis told Arabs through loudspeakers that if they went into a certain mosque they would be safe. In retaliation for a hand grenade attack after the surrender that killed several Israeli soldiers, over one hundred Palestinians were massacred in the mosque, their bodies lay decomposing for 10 days in the mid-summer heat. The mosque still stands abandoned today. This massacre spread fear and panic among the Palestinian population of Lydda and Ramle, who were then ordered to march out of these towns after they were stripped of all personal belonging by Zionist soldiers. Yitzhak Rabin, Brigade Commander then says: "There was no way of avoiding the use of force and warning shots in order to make the inhabitants march ten to fifteen miles to the point where they met up with the legion." Most of the 60,000 inhabitants of Lydda and Ramble came to refugee camps near Ramallah, around 350 lost their lives on the way through dehydration and sun strokes. Many survived by drinking their own urine. The conditions in the refugee camps were to claim more lives... Acknowledgements: The medical staff, Makassed and Ramallah hospitals. Palestinian Human Rights Information Centre, Jerusalem. Attached: Verified names of 48 dead in the Ibrahimi Mosque. Palestine
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The author Joe Vialls, is an independent investigator with
thirty years direct experience of international military and oilfield
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