First 1,000,000 Visitor Year!



Copyright Joe Vialls


As far as it is possible to measure statistics accurately across several fragmented web sites, at least one million readers have now visited Vialls Investigations during the past year.

Most favored topics include "Home Run", the electronic hijacking of the World Trade Center attack aircraft,  and the later exposure of several contrived American Government lies about mythical telephone calls from the remotely-controlled jets.

Running close behind these favorite topics has been the continual barbaric activity of the Jews in the Middle East.  At no time in recent history have the people of the world borne witness to such an obscene religious cult, its members constantly claiming "God's Authority" to plunder, rape, mutilate, murder and bulldoze their way across the sovereign nation of Palestine. 

Perennial favorites include the plight of Martin Bryant, the man falsely convicted and imprisoned for the Port Arthur Massacre. Though the truth about Martin's terrible plight was once buried deep in darkest Tasmania, all of you  have helped to spread the word about this grave injustice around the world.

There will be more to come on similar topics, such as the current "War on Terror" ,  which has absolutely nothing at all to do with the national security of any sovereign nation.

The "War on Terror" is simply the last gasp of the corrupt New World Order, its headquarters and command structures completely devastated on September 11, 2002, but whose remaining desperate members are unwilling to roll over and die just yet.

Eighteen months ago I would have regarded any suggestion of a million visitors to my web site in less than a single year as quite insane, but back then I knew nothing at all about the real power and reach of this awesome network of minds we call the World Wide Web.

Regardless of exactly what comes next, and regardless of who does what to who and where, please accept my sincere thanks for visiting the web site and reading the reports. Without you the reader, there would be no point in writing at all.


The author Joe Vialls, is an independent investigator with thirty years direct experience of international military and oilfield operations

Please Help Maintain the Flow of Intelligence

       Predictably perhaps, I remain permanently barred by American multinationals including Yahoo and PayPal, in what appears to be an ongoing attempt to obliterate my Internet presence completely. Life is never easy for a former combat veteran  but it has to be admitted that this multinational stranglehold has try to make my life even harder.

      If you appreciate these intelligence reports and would like to help their continuation by assisting financially, please click on the donate button below, which will redirect you to my donations page and an online payment provider.

      For those who do not like online donations of any kind, I can personally process Australian Dollar or Pound Sterling checks, and convert almost any banknote into usable currency. My snail mail address is "J. Vialls", 45 Merlin Drive, Carine, Western Australia 6020. If anyone out there has online Internet banking and the desire to donate, please direct the funds to my Western Australia bank account shown here.

"Arming yourself with Knowledge is the best form of defence"


Account name:     J. Vialls
Bank Name:    Bank West
Swift Code:   BKWAAU6P
BSB:                     306-074
Account #:            0574527


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