Multiple Joe Vialls Bans & Defamation Prove Who Owns Who in Cyber Space |
Doing whatever it takes to remove truth from the Internet ... |
Copyright Joe
Vialls |
Amendment - Zionist Style |
After being banned by "Rumor Mill News" and other minor American web sites, and deliberately undermined by an article on, I came under direct attack by two of the biggest IT multinationals in the world. Despite the fact that my web site at was a paid service charged to my credit card, it was abruptly disconnected by Yahoo without just cause, and without compensation of the monies already extracted from me. Legally and morally this constitutes fraud and theft by Yahoo, a company which in the past has attempted to take the moral high ground. Within two days of this I was suddenly banned by PayPal, once again without just cause and without compensation. In some ways the illegal PayPal action was worse, because although Yahoo had managed to cause severe damage by removing my "Home Page" and thus the links to every one of my hundreds of other pages across the Internet as a whole, the fraudulent Yahoo action was essentially restricted to me as a single individual. Not so with PayPal. The account contained donations from Americans intended to help with my American web sites and other associated Internet expenses, which can now no longer be used because those donations have all been confiscated [yes, I did write confiscated] by PayPal. Extraordinary coordinated Internet 'strikes' of this magnitude do not happen without a reason, which in my case appears to be a high level of accuracy in terms of forward-analysing received intelligence, especially those forward analyses which have provided precise details of Zionist intent where the rest of the world is concerned. On 30 January 2002 I wrote and published "Operation Sheckhinah", which accurately predicted the invasion of Iraq more than fourteen months before it actually happened. Then on 20 December 2003, "Whatshisname" accurately predicted that Muqtada al-Sadr's Shi'ite Mehdi Army would open a southern front in Iraq, four months before it actually happened. These two reports alone prove that Vialls Investigations' forward analysis of received intelligence, is 1000% more accurate than "leading newspapers" such as the New York Times and the Washington Post, on critical matters which directly concern ordinary American and other citizens. The first warning that I was being stalked with a view to being attacked from within the Internet community, came not from the tiny Rumor Mill News, but rather on 16 November 2003 from "", an American web site touting a monthly readership well in excess of seven million, and apparently also in possession of its own radio station or radio program. In a defamation '"classic', direct-linked a couple of my reports on its front page, and used this apparently friendly ploy as cover to write a page of its own titled "Who is Joe Vialls", which existed and still exists today to divert or subvert those using the search engines to look me up by name. The report is entirely negative, and deliberately points the way by live link to other defamatory reports, all unashamedly designed to undermine my increasing credibility on the Internet as both a researcher and expert military analyst. Two of these live links pay the search engine companies hard cash to promote their pages preferentially, which proves deliberate intent to defame me, and to otherwise cause unwarranted mischief. Does this subversive activity prove that is owned or 100% controlled by Zionists? Well, no, but it does raise serious questions about Rense web site policy, and undue influence being exercised over its owners by other more Zionist-oriented entities. Perhaps fortunately for the American public at large, seems to be far more interested in flying saucers than in American national security. Next up was the little Rumor Mill News, which had a sudden hysterical reaction to my accurate report on gross Marine abuse in the Iraqi city of Fallujah [The City of Mosques], with massive American Spectre flying battleships mowing down women and children in the streets with saturation cannon fire from above. Despite the fact that my Fallujah work was independently verified by John Pilger and the highly respected Mcins Sans Frontis, the 'owner' of Rumor Mill News immediately removed the link to that controversial report, replaced it with a frankly weird and psychotic report aimed at me personally, then blocked access to the Rumor Mill server. |
Puppet |
Despite the apparently rambling psychotic nature of her report, the Rumor Mill News owner had in fact immediately removed the link to a report on U.S. military abuse of Iraqi civilians, directly ordered by your neighborhood maniacs Wolfowitz and Rumsfeld. She acted like lightning, and in my personal view her actions were controlled by others. Does this mean that Rumor Mill News is owned or 100% controlled by Zionists? Well, no, but 95% controlled seems to be a reasonable assessment. Regardless of how one might or might not feel about U.S. Marine behavior in a foreign land, the report was of genuine national security importance to ordinary Americans, because insane illegal actions such as these will eventually impact on the entire nation from Atlantic City in the east to San Francisco in the west. The madmen in New York and Washington need to be stopped, and they need to be stopped sooner rather than later. Despite being tarnished, defamed and banned by an assortment of Marrano sites, my credibility remained intact, which in turn generated a need to bring in the really big guns: multinationals with proven ability to make entire web sites vanish in a matter of seconds. Enter Yahoo and PayPal in perfect line-ahead formation, in a perfectly executed though hopelessly illegal double-whammy. There is no doubt that those who ultimately control Yahoo, PayPal and others, know my exact financial circumstances, probably down to my very last cent as a near-destitute disability pensioner. Equally there is no doubt the coordinated Internet 'strike' was designed to prove who is the most powerful bully on the block, and to convince me that there is no longer any point trying to fight the obscene 'alternative Zionist truth', which nowadays spews unchecked from every bodily orifice of the establishment media. It would be a bald lie for me to pretend the coordinated Internet strike missed its target, for it did not. The Paypal attack in particular was especially damaging and humiliating, because the account also contained the proceeds from the sale of several small personal items, sacrificed in the far more important interests of truth. Rest assured that if I ever manage to uncover the identies of the perverted Zionists responsible for this inexcusable intrusion into my personal affairs, their collective demise will be as slow and agonizing as possible. In summary I am down but not yet out, and can only ask for your financial support one last time as I struggle to disperse the truth across the length and breadth of the Internet, where it will hopefully be safe from those currently hell-bent on suppressing human dignity and in particular the First Amendment. Those who still wish to read my intelligence analyses should be able to do so at one of the following three new "Home Pages", all of which will be synchronously updated when a new report is completed. |
author Joe Vialls, is an independent investigator with thirty years direct
experience of international military and oilfield operations Predictably
perhaps, I remain permanently barred by American multinationals including
Yahoo and PayPal, in what appears to be an ongoing attempt to obliterate
my Internet presence completely. Life is never easy for a former combat
veteran but it has to be admitted that this multinational
stranglehold has try to make my life even
harder. "Arming yourself with Knowledge is the best form of defence" |
name: J. Vialls |
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