Weapons of Mass Destruction Hidden in Indian Ocean Just once, media propagandists get it right! Copyright Joe Vialls, 20 February 2003 |
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Footage released by media 20 February 2003, showing Saddam Hussein's "Secret" ships |
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According to the media this morning, just four days before Hans Blix and
his inspection teams arrived in Iraq to start work, the wily President
Saddam Hussein ordered that all of his weapons of mass destruction
[nuclear, chemical and biological] be transferred through Syria and Turkey
to ports outside the Multinational Coalition Blockade in the Persian Gulf,
where they were to be loaded onto three giant ships, and shipped quietly
into the vast anonymity of the Indian
Ocean. American sources confirmed they had been shadowing the three large vessels at a considerable distance, but were “reluctant” to board or take direct action at this early stage, because any such approach might lead to the deliberate scuttling of the three vessels, in turn leading to an “environmental catastrophe” in the Indian Ocean. To be honest it all sounded like the same old propaganda, but we decided to take a closer look at the claims. Sadly perhaps, the media hacks are quite right this time around, and subsidiary Vialls Intelligence Nuclear Observers [“VINO” for short] has the dubious pleasure of bringing you a world exclusive on the obscene subject of Weapons of Mass Destruction in the Indian Ocean. First we hacked into the back door of a satellite earth station to locate the vessels, then grabbed and labeled the three frames shown below. Each numbered frame represents one of the three ships, and shows their exact positions in the Indian Ocean at 0405 hrs GMT today. |
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But would this be enough to satisfy a skeptical public? VINO thought it
would not, and thus went to the further trouble of zooming in on the ships
themselves, established their exact identities, and then sought to clarify
the true nature of their deadly cargoes. This was a risky business,
especially when our operators discovered all ship’s crew members were
armed to the teeth with pistols, automatic rifles, grenade launchers,
surface to air, and surface to surface missiles – all for defensive
purposes you
understand. It was below decks that the true horror started to sink in. Lurking in the gloom was a neat row of tactical nuclear laser-guided bombs ready for delivery, a special locked area for a large number of 1,000# GP chemical carrier bombs loaded with the latest VM aerosol, and a smaller number of strange looking aerial weapons, apparently designed to shatter communications over a radius of 500 nautical miles. If scuttled intentionally or accidentally, the cargoes alone would be enough to trigger a major environmental catastrophe in the Indian Ocean. But then, horror of horrors, we discovered that two of the three giant ships were nuclear powered, each running two active reactors. If any of the four individual reactors went critical and in turn chain-detonated the cargo, the staggering blast effect and tidal waves would be felt as far away as Australia and South Africa. The names of the three mystery ships currently roaming the Indian Ocean loaded to the gunwales with weapons of mass destruction are the Abraham Lincoln, Harry S. Truman and the Constellation. Unfortunately for the media, these ships are not the property of Saddam Hussein, but the property of crazed American Zionists determined to murder Iraqi women and children by the tens of thousands, using exactly those Weapons of Mass Destruction the Iraqis themselves stand accused of “hoarding”. |
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In July 1992, Los Alamos conducted a high-level briefing called "Potential
Uses for Low-Yield Nuclear Weapons in the New World Order." One theme of
the briefing was that in future showdowns with Third World states, "we
need options besides defeat or use of inappropriately large [nuclear]
weapons." It was proposed that America re-develop and deploy "micronukes" with a yield of some 10 tons of TNT, and new "mininukes" with a yield of 100 to 300 tons. Los Alamos considered that an earth-penetrator micro with a yield of just 10 tons could, "hold buried leadership and C3 at risk." And it could do that while keeping "collateral damage very localized." Unfortunately for the Iraqis, Zionists are not much exercised by the level of “collateral damage”, and even believe the mass killing of civilians helps to sap enemy morale. And so it was that the latest B61 Mod. 11 earth-penetrator was born – a lightweight deep-diving killer with a yield of 300 rather than 10 tons TNT equivalent. The picture below shows a B2 Stealth bomber dropping this exact weapon over Groom Lake [Area 51] on 20 November, 1996. |
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Despite its ability to pack a 300 ton underground nuclear punch, the B61
Mod. 11 weighs only 1,200 pounds, and is specifically designed for
delivery by carrier-borne FA-18 Hornet jets. All three American carriers
in the Indian Ocean carry Hornets, and all three carriers have an onboard
stock of B61 Mod. 11 bombs, adapted for laser guidance. When America
attacks Iraq these weapons will be used against civilian air raid
shelters, because this is the Zionist “End Game”, where no holds are
barred. Donald Rumsfeld has a special surprise for any Iraqis still living who might wish to resist enforced American democracy, in the form of the spooky chemical bombs loaded onto all three aircraft carriers. Designed to burst at low level and disperse a fine aerosol mist over the Iraqi people, these terrifying weapons are materially exactly the same as the VX chemical weapons owned by America and Israel, with the single exception of the exact aerosol payload. Instead of VX nerve gas, these, “humane” 1,000# chemical weapons are loaded with Valium aerosol, designed, in the exact words of the demented American Defense Secretary, “only to pacify” the Iraqi people. Take it from me, anyone within 20 meters of the bomb burst will choke to death instantly on the concentrated aerosol, and all small woman and children within 50 meters of the bomb burst will choke to death somewhat more slowly. There is no such thing as a “non-lethal” gas weapon, but Bush has given Rumsfeld the nod to use them anyway. The smaller number of EMP [Electro Magnetic Pulse] weapons on all three carriers are barely out of the experimental phase, but badly need to be tested in a “combat” environment. In basic terms, EMP weapons are designed to disrupt all communications frequencies in the target country by producing thousands of volts and 10 million amps in a microsecond, thereby preventing effective Command Control Communication intelligence [C3I] interaction between military command and field levels. Unfortunately, and for reasons not yet fully understood by scientists, the generated EMP effect commonly repeats itself more than once, and has the disturbing ability to “skip” hundreds of miles, thereby trashing the communications abilities and hardware of nearby countries not involved in the invasion. In this context, an EMP weapon dropped by America on Iraq, has the proven ability to disrupt communications in Greece, Turkey, Israel, Jordan and Iran. Perhaps it is time to revisit the media’s insane claim at the beginning of this report that Saddam Hussein “shipped his [alleged] weapons of mass destruction” out of the region by ship. Get real people, get real! Iraq is under constant aerial scrutiny, every port in the region is heavily policed, and American warships are known to board whatever vessel they want to in International Waters, with the arrogance of seasoned and extremely bad-mannered pirates. The only weapons of mass destruction in the Indian Ocean belong to America, and it is up to the American people to stop their deranged officials in Washington from using them. Should they fail to do so during the weeks and months to come, it is entirely possible that the job will have to be done by outsiders. The American Empire is dead, long live America. |
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